Return to 1970-1974

Vision 075

March 72 No 75 House Magazine of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant
Mr A. R. McCardell. President and Chief
Operating Officer of Xerox Corporation, visited
Mitcheldean Plant on February 9, to have
discussions with Mr Derek Portman and senior
Divisional management on the current and future
activities of the Division. It was his first visit here
and he took the opportunity to tour the Plant As
he progressed through 3600 Assembly his
attention was caught by the luxuriant beard
owned by Ray Pickthall, mechanical adjuster on
the main line. Mr McCardell knows a good growth
project when he sees one and he stopped for a
moment to chat about problems of consolidation
and control
We have all suffered in both our private and
worl difficulties that the country has had to face as a
result of the power cuts.
Although in Mitcheldean we have experienced only
a little time totally without power, we were
requested by the Secretary of State to cut our
electricity consumption by half. Cinderford Plant
and Gloucester IDC have been totally without
power on a number of days.
Although in comparison with many industrial
firms we are not large users of electricity, most of
what we do use is consumed in the assembly and
parts manufacturing areas, and this is why we have
had to reduce activity in these areas so much.
We have done all we can to keep as many people
as possible working normally, while never at any
time overstepping our electricity allowance.
We were fortunate in being able to boost our
available power with the aid of two diesel
generators lent to us by Venray. These arrived on
February 19 and were installed over the weekend.
One took care of the underfloor heating, lighting,
etc., in Building 23 and the other went to our
main boilerhouse to ensure the boilers kept going.
They were reinforced by a third generator which
has provided power for the Machine Shop during
I think you will see from all this that we have had
considerable problems in keeping production
going, but with a bit of luck we expect things to
be pretty well back to normal by the time this
issue appears.
I would like to thank you all for your co-operation
over this trying period. Particular thanks are due
to Pat McAllister and his team in Works
Engineering who worked long hours in difficult
circumstances to ensure that our output of work
was affected as little as possible by our reduced
input of power.
General Manager. Mitcheldean Plant
Spares from Gloucester were scheduled to be the
first section of the IDC to move into the new
warehouse building. But in fact the first occupants
were not IDC at all, but 4000 parts stores from
Building 40 whose removal released floor space
needed for expanding assembly work.
Some 63,000 square feet of storage space has
been reserved in the new warehouse for
centralised parts stores and during the next few
months they will be successively moved from their
present locations — 4000 stores will be followed
by Sorter stores from Gloucester, 660/720 from
Building 24 and 3600 from Building 32.
The move has presented an ideal opportunity to
try a new system of storage. Stock Control
Manager Derek Lewis told us. Until now the
problem has been one of space, and the adoption
of a ‘random storage’ method has made the
maximum possible use of areas available. But
with the move into a new home custom-built for
our purposes, parts can now be located in the same
sequence as that in which they are used on the
assembly line — thus saving not only time but a
great deal of storekeeper and mechanical handling
truck movement.
The newly centralised parts stores — housed in the
Barton Corner end of the warehouse — are of two
types, and both are ‘going up in the world’.
Thanks to the 25ft clearance now available,
existing tote tin modules, which hold the smaller
piece parts, can be placed on new bases which
give an additional 16 tote tin storage locations.
Racking for pallets holding the larger piece parts
or bigger quantities can now rise up to 24 ft.
The new heights call for new picking techniques.
Electrically-operated ‘Translift’ order pickers are
being provided for the tote tin module section. A
narrow (5ft 6in wide) aisle racking system will
later be introduced for the palleted stores, and fork
trucks designed to operate in such confined areas
will come into use there for order picking.
Items released by Goods Inwards will arrive by
artic truck, while tug-and-trailer transport will
bring goods from manufacturing areas and take
away stores to production areas on a round trip.
Progress chasers with stores queries will be able
to get the answers they require at a counter close to
the administration offices grouped on the south
side of the building.
Changes have been taking place in another section
of Stock Control too. The stock record section,
where they deal with something like 17,000 piece
part record cards, switched to mechanised
accounting on February 14. The section is now
equipped with five Olivetti 1953 accounting
machines which produce a visible stock record on
the stock location card and simultaneously
provide an input paper tape for computer processing.
Dennis Williams, Internal Transport Supervisor,
demonstrates how the ‘Translift’ order picker gives
easy access to all locations in the tote tin storage
area. Running between track lines, it can be
driven forward or put into reverse by the operator
while he is still ‘airborne’. Watching are Bill Pearce,
Senior Supervisor, Parts Stores, and (far right)
Geoff Harrison of Facilities Planning.
Dick O’Connor, Xerox Corporation’s IVIanufacturing
Programme Manager for the 4000, has spent some
time at Mitcheldean recently to see what further
help Xerox can offer us in connection with
our 4000 programme. Dick last visited us eight
years ago — so he hardly recognised the place!
Here he is discussing quality control aspects of
4000 assembly with Ernie Watkins, Chief
Inspector, Assembly.
Meet the Men from PSD
What provision must w e maice f o r f u t u r e products? What improvements
can w e mai of our resources? These are t h e s o r t o f problems w h i c h my department is
engaged in s o l v i n g , explains Productivity Services Manager Tony Bryson.
You don’t need me to tell you that the growth and
demand for Rank Xerox products has been quite
exceptional over the past few years. As we all
know, the product from the Mitcheldean Plant is
very sophisticated, requiring equally sophisticated
techniques to ensure that all our resources are
fully utilised.
There are four principal resources associated with
any production unit — Space, Materials,
Equipment and Manpower. The management of
these resources becomes increasingly complex
with product sophistication and factory growth.
How much space shall we require when our next
major product comes along ? Where will it best fit
into the Mitcheldean complex? Shall we require
additional or new materials handling equipment?
How many more people will be required ? What
will this mean to our canteen requirements, car
parking arrangements, our office accommodation ?
These and many other questions concern the
Productivity Services Department. So far as our
existing products are concerned, there is a need
continually to review the ways in which we
perform work, our methods of operation and our
organisation of people, to determine whether we
can make improvements.
The reorganisation of Productivity Services
Department has brought together four teams of
specialists under my control, all of whom are able
to employ up-to-date techniques which will be
aimed at making more effective use of all resources
at the Mitcheldean Plant. Two of the teams are
concerned with Work Study, a term which many
people continue, unfortunately, to associate only
with incentive schemes and bonus systems. The
real value of Work Study for RXMP lies with
challenging our existing methods of manufacture
and assembly and with finding more efficient ways
of working.
It is also vitally important that when our methods
have been determined, we have accurate records
of them. We can then measure the work content
involved in each operation through the manufacture
and assembly stages, as a basis for accurate cost
standards, and for production planning purposes.
Syd Longmore is Work Study Manager, Component
Manufacture and Assembly. His prime task is to
Syd Longmore and Graham Smith (right) pictured
on 4000 Assembly floor.
carry out these tasks and to bring our work
measurement information up to date.
Graham Smith, as Work Study Manager, Plant
Services, has rather a different challenge. Graham
and his team are concerned with investigations
into those areas of the Plant which are not
directly concerned with production, but which
provide the vital services necessary to maintain
output. Goods Inwards and Receiving and
Internal Transport are examples of departments
which have recently been studied in depth.
The objectives have been to find ways and means
of improving the methods of operation. Such
investigations involve the collection of a lot of
information concerning each department. How
does it operate at the moment ? Why does it
operate in that way? Is it possible to improve the
existing procedures? Where do bottlenecks
occur ?
These and many other questions need to be
answered by Graham Smith’s team before
improvements to our existing methods of operation
can be made.
An interesting and recent example concerns an
investigation which was carried out in the
receiving area of Goods Inwards. The investigation
highlighted the extent to which it has been
necessary to ‘double-handle’ incoming goods, due
to certain suppliers using non-conformable toting.
Obviously, double-handling of goods is inefficient
and attempts are being made to eliminate this as
far as possible.
The other two teams within Productivity Services
Department deal with the provision of facilities on
the site.
Maurice Harrison, as Plant Facilities Manager, is
concerned with identifying our needs for the
future, in terms of allocation of space, movements
of departments and offices, and providing for
furniture, toting, materials handling equipment, etc.
Such matters as adequate car parking facilities.
Dick Harris and Maurice Harrison (right) return
from an inspection of the IDC building during
the earlier days of its construction.
routeing traffic round the site and planning our
requirements for future products all come within
his scope. Technical and financial appraisals of
alternatives have to be carried out and briefs
prepared which will allow schemes and new
projects to be detailed in conjunction with all the
other departments concerned. Here again, the
objective is to make the best possible use of the
resources we have available.
Dick Harris’s job, as Facilities Project Manager, is
to carry out the detailed work necessary on those
schemes being developed. Detailed drawing
layouts are required, and plans made to procure
the necessary equipment. Close liaison with other
departments such as Works Engineering is of
course vital, in order to ensure that all the required
facilities are installed on time.
Barry Halsey (centre) of Work Study Department
recently qualified as a practitioner in MTM I, a
detailed Predetermined Motion Time System.
He achieved excellent examination results — a
97 per cent grade ‘A pass. Here he receives his
certificate from General Manager Peter Salmon,
watched by his departmental t ‘ ‘ ” ny Bryson.
Industrial architect Brian
Hartshorne prepared this
impression of how the
completed office block will
blend with adjacent buildings
on the site.
The walkway will link the
ground floor of Building 23
(left) with the second floor of
Building 44.
Building 44, the new office block just across the
way from Administration Building 23, may be
square, but it’s not all that conventional.
Three floors of the four-storey construction will
each offer some 15,500 square feet of office area,
while on the lower ground floor, at Brook Street
level, there is car parking space for some 50 cars.
The main entrance will be at first floor level,
opposite Building 23, and reached up a flight of
steps. A second pedestrian entrance will be
provided from the car park level, and a third
entrance will be available on the red car park side
in the form of an escape stairway which could be
used for normal access if required.
The new block’s most distinctive external feature
will be the 100 ft long overhead footbridge by
which it will be linked to Building 23. Allowing
sufficient clearance for the highest vehicle load we
anticipate on the site, the enclosed walkway joins
the top floor of the new block with the reception
floor of Building 23.
Internally, the new block differs from all other
buildings on the site in three respects.
Firstly, it will be the only one equipped with a
pedestrian lift, capable of taking 20 passengers.
Secondly, services including telephone and
electrical supply will be distributed beneath the
Thirdly, since the block is more exposed to the
elements than any of our other buildings, great
attention has been paid to the heating and
ventilation system, which is being geared to suit
the requirements of the main zones within the
building. The central ‘core’ where the lift and
stairs are located, for example, will get different
treatment from the perimeter of the building which
is obviously more affected by climatic conditions.
The heating and ventilation system is closely
related to the amount of external glazing and this
has been kept to a basic minimum to reduce solar
heat gain and winter heat loss.
Those working in offices on the north-west side of
Building 23 have had a ringside view of the
erection of the steelwork and, more recently, the
placing in position of the pre-cast concrete floor
Much depends on weather conditions, but it is
hoped that, by the end of the summer, their new
neighbours in the open-plan offices of Building
44 — RED, TED, Print Room and Central Records,
Productivity Services and Production Control —
will all be settled in.
It all started in the Staff Canteen and ended in the
skittle alley of The King’s Head at Littledean.
Wild Bill Davidson of PED Electronics Dept. threw
down the gauntlet, after casting some rather
naughty aspersions on the sporting abilities of
John Pinniger’s Pride — the cream of PED.
The challenge being readily accepted, seconds
were appointed and the stage was set for the
sporting event of the season. A glittering array of
talent was hand-picked for the occasion and the
main protagonists were represented as follows :
Pinniger’s Pride
J. (King Pin) Pinniger
H. (Hailstorm) Hayling
P. (Debonair) Deller
J. (Gorgeous) George
K. (Tweeker) Townsend
(Reverend) R. Goddard
M. Paine (In the neck)
D. (Bashful) Budrey
(Tricky Dicky) Canning
D. (Demon Drinker)
B. (Tiddler) Taylor
(Jolly Jack) Parker
J. (Welwyn Wonder)
Davidson’s Devils
(Haggis Bashing Bill)
(Judo Jim) Hay
(Hopeful Harry) Helm
D. (Jake The) Clegg
B. (Bodger) Bradley
J. (Curds and) Weyman
M. (Hoss) Head
R. (Hanging Judge)
D. (Flossie) Phelps
W. (S.O.D.) Hall
M. (Any Old) Hirons
R. (Monty Python)
A. (Shove Ha’) Penny
After the usual pleasantries had been exchanged
in the lounge bar, the parties repaired to the field
of battle where it was agreed that Wild Bill should
cast the first blow while he could still stand up.
The Pinniger boys were visibly shaken when it was
realised that the opposition had been practising in
secret, but sportsmanship prevailed and a brilliant
exhibition of bowling by his boys, under threat of
no overtime for the rest of the year, soon showed
that they were a force to be reckoned with.
Not to be outdone. Wild Bill took extreme
measures and removed his jacket, a gesture which
so inspired his team that Harry Helm managed a
spare, which must earn him an entry in the
Guinness Bool( of Records. Let it be said that no
such extreme measure was taken by John P. who
continued to bowl left-handed in order to keep
the odds even (rumours that he is left-handed are
totally without foundation).
Mention must be made of Johnny Overbury who,
at the peak of his form, scored the most pins;
also John George who, as team professional,
bowled consistently as well as contributing a
constant f l ow of demoralising banter at the
As a result of the match Jim Hay is up for transfer
and there could be some redundancies on the
3600 Planning Section.
All in all a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had
by everybody, including our glamorous contingent
of cheer leaders — Sheila, Vilma and Jill — from
Central Records. As we went to press a return
match was about to be held at Oakle Street to
‘Scotch’ the vicious rumour that Bill Davidson’s
team won by 425 pins to 411.
R. Goddari
Before tfie return matcfi on Marcti 7, the Pinniger
boys played a better-looking team from Central
Records: thinking they couldn’t lose they gallantly
gave the girls a good start— only to be beaten
once again. The girls themselves, however, look
fair to be beaten, by ‘Hook’ or by crook, when
they meet a PED 4000 team at Oakle Street on
March 8.
Kaye Starkie, Mary Davies, June Pritchan f Kin<
Margaret Cale and Yvonne Sosna at the dinneri on January 14. The 210 guests had a most
dance with cabaret which they organised for enjoyable evening, thanks to these ladies and
Building 24 at the Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye. MC Bob Davies {that’s him on the left).
First Prize — Colour TV
There has been a terrific response to the new
Bonanza Prize Draw announcement. Some 2,500
people have joined to date, and they should now
have received their new membership cards.
The first draw was due to take place as we went
to press. The first ‘Bonanza’ prize will be drawn
on March 30, so by the time our April issue
appears someone will be the lucky possessor of a
colour television.
Holidays on Course
Our golfers can stop wondering when to take
holidays – the dates have been arranged for them I
Day outings have been fixed as follows :
Ross Golf Club — May 9
Abergavenny G.C. —June 5
Stinchcombe G.C. —July 5
Two further outings are being arranged for later
dates, and a match with Welwyn is also being
A round-robin competition is to be run during
the summer, and those interested are requested
to contact John Jones on 573 int as soon as
Spring Dance
Here it is — the promised application form for
tickets for our Spring Dance on March 24 in the
Social Centre, when Sid Phillips and his Band and
supporting group Guinevere will be there to help
put spring in your step.
All you have to do to apply for tickets, which are
£1 each, is to fill in the form and return it to any
one of the following committee members:
Henry Phillips (Tool Inspection); Roy Steward
(Personnel) ; Stuart Jones (PED) ; Tony Haines
(Work Study); Des Gibbs (3600 Assembly);
Pat Jordan (TED); Des Haines (Machine Shop,
Mitcheldean) : Bob Davies (Spares & Subassembly)
; Sadie Pritchard (Remodelling) ;
G. Burndred (Accounts).
Name (block capitals)
Skittles Round
It was hoped that the end of the second round
would have been reached by March 15 but, like
many other things, the Skittles Tournament has
been held up. All games postponed due to the
power situation will be redrawn, the organisers
tell us, and new dates will be advised after
March 15.
Big Cine Night
The Dowty Cine Club are guests of our Cine 8-
Photographic Club on March 8 — their first visit
here — and they will be showing us some of their
own films.
On March 22 our club have their big night of the
year — the Prize Night, when the year’s
competition winners are to be presented with their
awards by Mr Derek Portman, the club’s president.
The evening traditionally ends with a film show
and this year it will be a 50-minute funny,
‘The Plank’, starring Eric Sykes. Coming ?
Group goes National
The Christian Fellowship group at Mitcheldean
has now registered membership with the
National Christian Fellowship Movement.
Mr Hammond, general secretary of the Movement,
visited Mitcheldean Plant on Wednesday,
February 9. He had an informal discussion with
Mr R. Charles (Personnel Relations Manager)
during the morning and then gave a very
interesting talk to about 20 members of the
The group, who have now changed their weekly
meetings from Wednesdays to Tuesdays, plan to
increase their steadily growing membership by
showing films and having special speakers of
interest to everyone.
The programme for this month is as follows :
March 7 — guest speaker; March 14 — prayer
meeting; March 21 —special meeting (watch
noticeboards for details); March 28 — Bible study.
Check no Department
I would like to apply for t w o tickets for the Spring Dance. I understand that only t w o tickets
per employee can be allocated.
At some time or another you may have witnessed
a fire and wondered ‘What caused that?’ The
chances are that it was carelessness — for seven
out of ten fires are caused just through that.
You will probably have convinced yourself that a
fire could not possibly happen because of you.
Yet how many times have you discarded a lighted
match or cigarette end without first making sure
that it has been extinguished ; or smoked in
prohibited areas; or used inflammable materials
without suitable precautions; or filled oil or
paraffin heaters whilst they are still alight?
The list of dangerous habits is, of course, endless.
You may wonder what you can do to prevent fires
in your home or place of work. There are no
defined rules for you to follow, for fires can be
caused by means of everyday items. For example,
polishing dusters impregnated with different kinds
of household polish and stored together can react
chemically to ignite spontaneously.
However, a look at some of the following ‘do’s’
and ‘don’ts’ may help to prevent a fire :
make sure that match and cigarette ends are out
before you discard them;
inspect your electrical appliances (loose wires
can kill as well as start fires);
guard your fire and settle coals last thing at
make suitable precautions when using
inflammable materials or cutting and burning
smoke in prohibited areas;
smoke whilst using inflammable adhesives or
allow waste paper to accumulate in your home
or around your workbench ;
smoke in bed.
R E M E M B E R , however good our fire precautions
may be in themselves, they are useless if you are
careless. So please, use your commonsense, both
in the home and place of work.
J . Spratle
Mdos^YOUinthe picture
Irene Bevan (Comps., Accounts) to Richard Meek
on New Year’s Eve.
Stewart Jones (PED) to Yvonne Littleton on
January 5.
Ruth Sleeman (Production Control) to Adrian
Gargan on February 26.
Vicky Westgate (Wages) to Trevor Griffiths at
St Stephen’s Church, Cinderford, on December 18.
Heather Lewis (Remodelling) to Geoffrey Powell
at Lydbrook Church on January 1.
New Arrivals
Kelly Louise, a daughter for Malcolm Burson
(Electrical Maintenance) and his wife Jenny (who
used to work in TED), on December 3.
Fiona Helen, a daughter for Ian Van Ryne (PED),
on January 22.
Rachel and Samantha, t w in daughters for Bob
Parsons (Purchase) and his wife Katherine, on
January 27.
Samantha Dawn, a daughter for Jim Andrews
(Data Processing) and his wife Pam (formerly
Telex operator), on January 29.
Best wishes to the following who retire in March:
Gertie Browning (Remodelling); Kathleen Edwards
(Spares & Sub-assembly); Dot Reed (Paint
Shop); George Stubbings (Finishing Planning,
PED); Tom Trigg (Spares Packing).
We record with regret the deaths of the following :
Marion Martin (Stock Control) on January 27 at
the age of 45 after a long illness. Marion, whose
husband Ewan works in 4000 Assembly, had been
with us since 1 959.
Norman Burton, known to his colleagues in Tool
Control as Monty, on February 1, at the age of 60.
Roy Weaver (capstan operator. Machine Shop)
on February 4 at the age of 60. He had been with
the Company for 10 years and his two sons
Graham and John both work at Mitcheldean in
3600 Assembly.
For Sale
Pair of curtains, new, beautifully made, kingfisher
blue with cog-wheel pattern in sage green. Each
curtain 72 in. wide, 44 in. drop to fit window
8 ft. 3 ft. to 3 ft. 2 in. Contact M. Chambers,
tel. 629 int.
Enjoy luxurious soft water, save on soap,
detergents, tea, etc., with Permutit water softener,
model DR 4. Softens 650 galls, of water per
1 5 lb. salt per regeneration. Perfect working
order, £40. ‘Phone Longhope 350.
1 966 Singer Gazelle 1 725 cc, excellent condition,
£350 or very near offer. Enquiries to G. Wood,
Machine Shop, tel. 327 int.
Reed organ, as new, £25 o.n.o. Contact Mrs E.
Thomas, Design Print Room.
Sink unit top, white vitreous enamel, 42 in. x
21 in., brand new, including downpipe fittings.
Also oil sump heater. ‘Phone 255 int.
The annual dance has been fixed for May 5 at the
Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye, so make a note of it
right away.
Drilling operator Ernie Jones, who has worked in
the Machine Shop ever since he started with us in
1951, retires this month. He has been on sick
leave for the last few months so he’s planning to
take things quietly on retirement. Ernie, whose
son Sidney also works in the Machine Shop,
chatted to us about the early days. ‘I never
dreamt it would get so big,’ he said, looking
round the lines of mills, drills, lathes and other
machining equipment.
1965 Ford Corsair, good condition, recon. engine
in ‘ 7 1 , MOT until February ’73. £250 — will
haggle. Ring I. M. Reed, 694 or 654 int.
Guinea pigs, all colours, from five weeks old.
25p each. Contact C. Brain, tel. 510 int.
Must sell — 1967 Triumph 2000, overdrive,
excellent order, green with black leather interior.
Any trial, HP arranged, part exchange considered.
£700 o.n.o. Contact Ann Watts, Production
Control, tel. 167 int.
For Hire
Self-tow caravan for hire, most dates available.
‘Phone Gorsley 452.
Four 4JJ wheels for Mini, with or without tyres.
Also brake servo for Mini. Replies to J. R. Dutton,
Inspection, RX Cinderford.
Wood turning lathe for home use. Particulars to
L. J. Lane, Spot Welding, or ring Longhope 350.
We were very sorry to learn of the sudden death of
Vic Pickles at his home on January 31. Senior
chargehand in 3600 Stores, Vic was 60 years of
age, and had worked at Mitcheldean for some 20
We also regret to have to record the death of
Bill Stearn on February 11 at Gloucester Hospital.
Aged 68, Bill retired in 1968 after 31 years with
the Company. In latter years he had worked as
a Training School instructor and he was regarded
with both respect and affection by his students.
Taking leave of his workmates at the l\/lachine £t
Press Shop, Cinderford, retiring foreman Taffy
Morgan (centre) was presented with an electric
blanket and a stand for the power drill he was
given earlier by manufacturing supervision.
He also recei/ed a cheque from the LSA, handed
over by Bob Baker.
March is memorable this year for two reasons —
an early Easter and an early Budget. Our own
budget thoughts came to the fore earlier still, in
February, when two three-day training courses
were held at the Wye Hotel, Ross-on-Wye, for
executives from Mitcheldean, Welwyn and Venray.
Funds flow, management by exception, defensive
budgeting are the kind of expressions that may
slip easily across the tongue of the seasoned
business strategist. But to ensure that all
participants had a common understanding of this
specialist language before being introduced to
the course theme — Planning and Budgetary
Control — a simplified glossary of around 100
terms was issued for them to digest.
The three daily sessions started at 8.30 am and
continued until 6.30 pm and timing was tight
throughout. Using a technique new to us
(automated group learning), the course was
arranged with the object of helping managers
responsible for planning and budgetary control to
appreciate the wider issues, to cope with the
human and technical problems involved, and to
become better informed about the total Rank
Xerox planning and control system and its
relationships with local systems.
Each of the aspects — basics of budgeting, budget
preparation, reporting and action, and planning
and control — was treated in four ways.
Programme learning (question and answer style)
was succeeded by a tape/slide lecture; then the
participants, divided into smaller groups, discussed
the lecture and set to work on case studies. After
studying the basics of budgeting, for example, each
group prepared an operating plan and a
budgeted balance sheet, and developed a plan
If you have, then please —
• let your departmental correspondent
• or leave it at either Gate House for
collection by me,
• or post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
• or ring me — it’s Drybrook 415.
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
. . each group prepared an operating plan and a
budgeted balance sheet. . .’
of action. Their efforts were afterwards checked
against tested solutions.
A quiz, carried out right at the start of the course
and repeated at the end of the second day,
showed that it had been successful in achieving
its main objectives, said Peter Grainger, Training
and Development Manager, who acted as
leader of the course.
On the third day, Graham Price, Controller,
Accounts, explained the tie-up between the
principles outlined and Rank Xerox and
Manufacturing Group systems, and those present
were able to discuss with him their individual
problem areas.
Industrial Relations
Another programme of courses on a topical
subject—the implications of the Industrial
Relations Act — for management and supervisory
staff was also launched in February and this will
continue until Easter with sessions several times a
week. We hope to sit in at one of these and give
you a f ew on-the-spot reactions.
Royal Occasion
Our ‘Miss Rank Xerox’, Janice Andrews of Goods
Inwards, Stock Control, and her husband Niall of
3600 Assembly, are to attend the premiere of the
film ‘Mary, Queen of Scots’ at the Odeon,
Leicester Square, on March 27. Their two-day
trip to London is the Company’s prize to the
Plant’s ‘queen’, elected last November. The Queen
Mother is expected to attend, so it will be a really
royal occasion.
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