When 14,000 People Came to Tea
People were stunned at the size of our Plant —
we were stunned at the size of the crowd who
turned up at our Open Day on June 10! They
started coming in at 1.15 pm and the queue of
cars stretched at one time for more than a mile
from Barton Corner. People had been working
all the morning finalising preparations and the
Plant looked a place to be proud of by the time
the first of the many arrived. Despite the
weather’s un-June-like behaviour everyone and
everything looked sunny. Well presented displays
and descriptions, guides official and unofficial,
helped visitors understand more about the work
we do. Security staff played a large part in
welcoming people — our picture shows Maurice
Knight making a family feel ‘at home’.
A New Charter for Rank Xerox
Ten years ago, almost to the day, in an article in
VISION, I wrote of the winds of change that were
blowing in the cine and photographic industry of
which Mitcheldean was then an important part.
During the intervening years, these winds have
continued to blow in Mitcheldean, sometimes
moderating but never ceasing and a fresh gust
has recently occurred with the announcement of
the changed Engineering Organisation.
Rank Xerox Engineering Group is the collective
name now applied to the organisation headed by
Mr Clyde R. Mayo, Group Director Engineering.
This organisation includes the Design Engineering
departments located at Mitcheldean, Venray and
Welwyn, now reporting to me, the R.X.
Development Laboratory at Welwyn and certain
other engineering activities which were previously
part of the Marketing Services Division.
This newly formed Engineering Group provides for
Rank Xerox, and more particularly for those of us
involved in engineering, a new strength, a new
unity, and new opportunities. The strength stems
from the recognition accorded to engineering by
virtue of it now having direct representation at
Board level; the unity arises from the direct line
command of the engineering units at the three
sites, now vested in me; and there are
opportunities for continuing growth and for
greater participation in the shaping of future Rank
Xerox products.
Throughout its history. Rank Xerox Engineering
has provided support for manufacturing and for the
field and, whilst many of us would have liked it
otherwise, it has not been our role to create
original designs nor to change Xerox designs any
more than absolutely necessary to meet the
manufacturing and marketing needs of Rank Xerox.
This designated role, however, was not without
its opportunities for initiative, and many product
improvements, some quite small, but in total very
much worthwhile, arose from the support
engineering work — and certainly growth of these
activities was a firm characteristic.
At the time I wrote, ten years ago, the grand total
of design engineering people at Mitcheldean,
working on Rank Xerox products, was 2 4 ; today
it is 380 with continuing growth planned, and the
total number of people in the Design Engineering
departments reporting to me, including Welwyn
and Venray, is now over 600.
It is against this background that we now have an
opportunity to change our role and to play a more
significant part in the development of new
products. Just now this is not more than an
opportunity. There will lae no sudden and dramatic
changes in the work we do in Engineering ; we
will have to develop our capabilities in this new
direction whilst at the same time continuing to
give our fullest support to the manufacturing and
field operations which have been, and still are, the
major reasons for our existence. Indeed, because
Engineering is no longer an integral part of
Manufacturing Group, it is now more than ever
necessary for it to give the best possible service to
support these operations.
There is continuing expansion world wide of the
Xerox family of companies, and with this a
growing need to develop technical resources
outside the United States. We in Rank Xerox will
have the opportunity to make our contribution and
to assist in the achievement of product designs
suitable for multi-national manufacture but with
less need than previously for conversion
engineering. International Designs and Multi-
National Manufacture are the aims.
It is interesting to re-read what I wrote in 1962
(reproduced on the opposite page) and to note
that the general message of the last two
paragraphs is applicable today.
The winds of change continue to blow, but
fundamentals remain.
(Reproduced from VISION May/June 1962)
The winds of change are now blowing more
strongly in the Cine and Photographic industry
than for many years, perhaps more strongly than
ever before. Our home market is losing its
shelter and both at home and overseas
competition from Europe, from the Orient, and
from the United States, is becoming increasingly
Technical changes are occurring too, with ever
increasing frequency. Automatic exposure
control systems and zoom lenses for cameras,
and automatic threading for projectors have all
had their effects on equipment design. Of these
innovations, automatic exposure control systems
are perhaps the most remarkable because they
operate on less than one hundred millionth of a
The general introduction of sound on 8mm.,
which cannot now be far away, the adoption of
varying degrees of automation on projectors.
PED move in
The official inspection of the middle floor of the
new office block, Building 44, took place on
Saturday, June 17; the very next day its first
occupants crossed the threshold and began to
settle in.
The middle and top floors are being occupied by
Production Engineering and those allocated to the
former comprise all sections of Tool Engineering,
Liaison Engineering, 3600 Assembly, Sheet Metal
Group, New Product Group, and part of Central
Records. Electronics Group follow during the
second phase of the move.
The layout of the new offices gives the flexibility
which is going to be needed in view of new
products coming along. The arrangement follows
fairly closely that which existed in PED’s former
home in Building 40, but the opportunity has been
taken to make one or two improvements.
Manufacturing Planning and Assembly Planning are
being grouped closer together. And the section of
Central Records associated with TED is being
rearranged, the Ozalid machine and Plan Files
being housed on the same floor as TED.
The remaining part of Central Records (pv;p ing
machines, process records and files) will go up on
the top floor. The move to this floor, which will
accommodate the remaining Components and
Assembly Engineering groups, is planned to take
place during August.
and the improved performance of the new colour
films, will greatly increase the potential of 8mm.
in professional and semi-professional fields, and
particularly in the educational field where much
progress can be expected during the next few
These broadening fields of application, the
increases in technical complexity, and the
continuing demands for improved standards of
performance, not only of 8mm. but of all types
of equipment, make it imperative that, in design
and manufacture, the greatest possible attention
is paid to every detail, however unimportant
some of these may appear to be.
The only way to ensure that the final product
achieves that standard of performance which is
today essential in our competitive markets, is
to pay the most scrupulous attention to every
detail of every piece part and of every operation
for ‘trifles make perfection but perfection is no
The various departments temporarily accommodated
in Building 40 have been moved to make
room for the expanding 4000 Assembly, and
they will use the vacated PED area as a kind of
‘transit camp’ until their permanent quarters are
ready in Building 44.
The building contractors, W. F. Giles B Sons, had
worked to a very tight time schedule and, to
show our appreciation, the Company provided
a barrel of beer for a little celebration. The
architects, Preece Payne Partnership were there,
so too were the various sub-contractors, and the
electricians involved in the project, Keith Jones
of Works Engineering and his team.
P. Jordan
Message (rom General Manager Peter Salmon
There can be no doubt that the recent Open Day
was an unqualified success. I think you will
agree that all the work involved in its organisation
proved worthwhile.
Our visitors very much appreciated the opportunity
to look round our ‘little city’ as one person called
it. It was also obvious that your families enjoyed
seeing where you work and how your particular
sphere of operation fits into the general scheme
of things at Mitcheldean.
Although we thought there might be a few more
than the 7,500 expected, never for one moment
My feet are killing me!’ One ido, luuim the
perfect answer to getting around and taking the
weight off her feet at the same time.
The Band of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers play
a with-it selection.
did we imagine the figure would be practically
double that amount. It seems the interest we
have generated in the area is even greater than
we had thought!
It is to the credit of all involved with the
organisation of the event that they coped with
the situation so admirably. I have written to as
many of those concerned as possible, thanking
them for their part in ensuring the success of
our Open Day. If I have omitted anyone, will they
please accept this as an expression of our sincere
Gunther Matthes gets a hand with the 4000
copier he is demonstrating.
Looking at the image of a point source produced
by a copying lens in Optics/Xerographies,
Development Laboratory.
• ‘I’m amazed at the quality of the equipment
and facilities,’ said a business consultant who
visits manufacturing establishments all over the
• They were gazing at the display of components
in the Machine Shop. Said one w i f e ; ‘All that
precision work — I think this is the most
fascinating place in the Plant.’
People played noughts and crosses with the
computer all afternoon but no one managed to
beat it.
• ‘It’s the biggest number I’ve ever catered for
in one fell swoop,’ said Jim Bennett of Sutcliffe
Catering Co. People consumed 700 lb of ham,
250 gallons of tea.
George Matthews, who used to work in Small
Batch, looks with practised eye at parts
undergoing automatic plating.
Don Peates, Model Shop Manager, shows
visitors a numerical control machine tape.
Displayed are a variety of jobs carried out by our
model makers.
Children swarmed over the fire tender and played
at being firemen.
Ices were handed out non-stop.
Three men were to have gone up in the basket
attached to the hot-air balloon: unfortunately the
blustery wind made it unsafe to get the balloon
airborne, but we nearly lost a couple of Security
men! They were helping to keep it secure while
hot air, heated by burning propane gas, filled the
50 ft diameter balloon. Buffeted by the wind, it
lurched j/. ; M , u/itil finally a panel was pulled
open to release the air and the whole thing
collapsed. The children had more success with
their gas-filled balloons — clusters of them were
seen taking off— the balloons, that is. not the
Balloons for the little ones
were handed out by
• A mother approached our Security Chief and
reported the loss of her son. Bert Charnley
found him at last, absorbed in 4000 Assembly.
‘You’ve lost your mother, haven’t you, my lad ?’
he asked. ‘Yes’, replied the little fellow, ‘and I
couldn’t care less!’
Visitors to Optics/Xerographies in
Development Laboratory look at electrostatic image
formation on the 3600 drum — Jim Solly is
explaining all about it.
Everyone’s eye is caught by the automatic testing
set for cable assemblies.
Teat/me at Stratton House Hotel. Doris Barker, Jim Parker, Ossie Carpenter, and
Jackie Smith chat before leaving Cirencester.
The teapot in the waiters hand shook visibly and
his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he
looked at the cup in front of Harold Jones’ wife.
It was foaming over like a tankard of best bitter I
It seems she had quietly popped an Alka-Seltzer
in just to pep herself up, and it had pepped up
the tea as w e l l!
Incidents like this kept people laughing on the
summer outing for LSA retired members. They
will stick in the memory long after everyone has
forgotten that June 21 was one of the coldest
‘longest days’ on record and that much of the drive
over the Cotswolds was dimmed by rain.
Two coaches, carrying around 80 people, left
Mitcheldean just after noon and the first stop
was at Bibury by a trout farm where fish were
being transferred from pond to pond. On to
Cirencester where people wandered round the
town until it was time for salad tea at Stratton
House Hotel.
The evening’s destination was kept a close secret
and around 7.30 pm the coaches pulled up at
the Bird in Hand, Broadwell. No fish here, but a
decidedly marine decor with nets, seaweed,
glass floats and other fishing paraphernalia.
The party got going with a swing and the pianist
engaged was kept busy until closing time
accompanying the singers who obliged — Mrs
Arthur Ellis, Jack Guy, the t w o Taffs and many
During the evening Gene Lark told of progress
with plans for the proposed winter holiday in
Spain for our senior citizens. Some 20 people
had expressed definite interest and arrangements
were going ahead for a month’s stay at Lloret de
Mar in February 1973.
Acting as the party’s spokesman, Jenkin Morgan
thanked the organisers and helpers (Kate
Matthews, Doris Barker, Jackie Smith, Barbara
Meek and Tony Cale) and there was a big vote
of thanks to all who, by donating so generously,
had made the trip possible. As before, the
Company had kindly provided tea and transport,
the funds raised being used to provide
refreshments plus a ‘cash’ take-home gift for each
Progress chaser Sam Newman, who received his
25-year award last May, retires this month. He has
our best wishes for the future.
While over in the States recently, Don Peates,
Model Shop Manager, took the opportunity to
look up Laurie Miller, a chargehand in the
department before he emigrated to Canada about
18 years ago. Laurie, now retired, lives in Toronto
and sends his kind regards to all his old friends at
Bob Evans, Sub-Contract Manager, left us on
May 26 to start his own venture in light
engineering. Bob had been with the Company for
nearly 30 years and was one of our first
apprentices. We wish him all the best for the
Cri de Coeur
My typist has gone on hir holiday.
My typst have g o n * on a spree.
My typpisst has gone onn hir hollladay, 0 brung
bck mi typist to mee — O dam.
In 1964 we built a canteen.
It was modern, spacious, and within convenient
reach of most people. That canteen hasn’t
changed — it is the same now as it was then —
but we have.
What was spacious when there were 1,600 of us
is now cramped with some 3,800 employees on
site. What was once modern is now dated, so
newer and better equipment must be obtained and
service and amenities improved. The location,
which was convenient to all in 1964, is now
distant to many, and as the existing building
cannot be moved to a central location, an
additional facility must be provided elsewhere.
During the last six months a lot of thought has
gone into providing an improved service. The
result is a decision to modernise completely the
present canteen on both sides of the counter; to
install a satellite unit in the northern end of
Building 40 formerly occupied by PED ; and to
experiment with shop and office floor vending
machine areas.
What this means for the existing canteen in
Building 10 is that the ground and first floors will
be completely replanned and redecorated to
provide an efficient and agreeable service to a
greater number of people. This is the immediate
The first floor will have waitress service only and
will offer accommodation to management, and to
all employees desiring this type of service.
The ground floor will be operated on a self-service
basis for all employees, incorporating a food hall
comprising counters from which a selection may
be made of hot meals, salads, snacks, cold sweets
and confectionery. Cigarettes and confectionery
will also be available from a kiosk, and several
varieties of ice cream from a counter especially
designed for the purpose.
In the dining hall vending machines will dispense
hot and cold drinks, and chilled water will be
freely available.
Naturally, the work involved in providing these
improvements cannot be completed overnight, and
consequently during the period when the building
and decorating work is being undertaken some
inconvenience will inevitably occur. However,
concerted efforts will be made to minimise this by
providing a cold buffet on the top floor during the
whole of the alteration period, and by making a
hot meal service available on one of the lower
floors whilst work is in hand on the other.
By these means we will have, by October, a
virtually new canteen, and the first stage in the
programme of improvement will be complete.
The next stage, the satellite unit in Building 40,
which is to be completed early in the New Year,
will be a self-service operation similar in nature to
the ground floor of the main canteen. With
seating for about 300 people, it will be available to
all who care to use it, and will be particularly
convenient to those of us who will be working in
the northern part of the site.
A Jumbo in Goods Inwards
“No, I’m not yet turned zoo keeper” was Fred
Court’s remark when we made enquiries about a
current rumour that something large with a good
memory had recently been installed.
What in fact is currently being commissioned in the
Goods Inwards Inspection area, is a new
Automatic Test Equipment (ATE for short).
This remarkable piece of test gear will be used to
test electronic and electrical purchased supplies
for Mitcheldean built products. Its elephant-like
properties come from the capacity to retain some
five million pieces of information in its computer
memory. For in order to deal with the increasingly
complex nature of the electronic parts for our new
models, these tests have to be controlled and
programmedjby a mini-computer.
Jim Hay tiolds one of tfie logic-control circuit
boards which master-mind the operation of
every 4000. The working part of each integrated
circuit fixed to the board is smaller than the X on
a sixpence, yet it contains five transistors as well
as other components.
For Sale
Bush cassette player, battery portable, £15 o.n.o.
Contact P. Goodwin, tel. 674 int.
Austin A.40, 1955, grey. Good running order,
body condition good, undersealed, road tested
end 1972, taxed end July, £50. Ring 227 int.
As Jim Hay of PED Electronics section, who has
been concerned with the equipment since its
inception, explains: ‘The work involved in testing
the circuits on, say, the 4000 machine, is so
great that it could take an inspector a whole day
merely to test one printed circuit board.
‘With this new equipment, however, we can test a
board in well under a minute, completely and
with no chance of human error.’
Such changes of technology can clearly affect the
working of any department. This we discussed
again with Fred Court, the Manager in charge of
Goods Inwards Inspection.
He agreed that, with its two operating positions
and the third reliability checking station, the work
output capability of the equipment was enormous.
Our next question was, would not this increased
capacity for work output affect the manning of the
electrical inspection section ?
For testing on the A TE, each circuit board is
slotted into a jig which is then plugged into the
relevant sockets. Operating the equipment here
is Brian Weyman, foreman in Goods Inwards
Inspection; he can ‘talk’ to the equipment by
means of a keyboard, and the A TE can reply via
the screen (on right, partly hidden).
Webley Senior -22 air pistol and target set,
excellent condition, £7. ‘Phone D. Terry, 748 int.
One new India cross-ply tyre 6 00 x 12, £4.
Burco 10-gallon boiler, as new, £10 o.n.o. Apply
K. Rea, tel. 387 int.
Olivetti portable typewriter, excellent condition,
£10. Milbro G.36 -22 air rifle with telescopic
sights, very powerful, as new, £14. Silver Cross
pram in excellent condition, £10. ‘Phone P. Trigg,
597 int. or Cinderford 22797.
Mr Court suggested that we talk to Dennis
Wadley, who works in the electrical inspection
section of Goods Inwards.
‘At first sight, yes, we were concerned that the
section might reduce in size’, said Dennis. ‘But
before the machine even came on site, we were
kept informed by our manager. Discussions
between us made it clear that, with the Increased
proportion and complexity of the electronic
content of our new machines, we need our ATE
to enable us to cope with the work.
‘In fact, as the equipment is brought into full
use over the next year or so, it may be necessary
to employ special operators for it.’
These operators could well be female, which, as
one inspector cheerfully remarked, could ‘add
a touch of real glamour to this technically
glamorous equipment!’
Our impression as we left the Goods Inwards area
was one of teamwork. Teamwork initially between
the Mitcheldean PED and Unit Automation Ltd,
the builders of the equipment, during the design
stage and continuing between PED, Quality
Control and Facilities Planning in getting the
machine installed and working.
Talks with the inspectors and the union
representatives also revealed the teamwork
between them and the departmental management
in ensuring that the human problems in
integrating such a large technological change into
the working environment were not overlooked.
The daily operation of the ATE has been placed
in the charge of Quality engineer Richard Coote.
His comment sums it all up nicely: ‘We have
been given some really sophisticated equipment
and we are looking forward to using it to the full
to improve our overall Quality performance.’
The reliability checking station is intended for
use in ‘endurance tests’ on electronic and
electrical parts. The print-out enables a
conversation’ between operator and equipment
as do the screens on the other checking
stations; it will also keep a printed record of every
test made. Watching the print-out is Richard
Fred Court, Manager of Goods Inwards Inspection,
discusses a point with Dennis Wadley of the
electrical section. That’s the computer/processor
unit in the background.
Piano accordion, very good condition, £1 5 o.n.o.
Contact Pearl Hobbs, tel. 801 int.
Kitchen cabinet 6ft x 3 f t ; £8. ‘Phone H. Moore,
Drybrook 542 or 613 int.
A Dimplex fire, log effect, to fit in grate, three
1 Kw bars, £14 o.n.o. Also double air bed, only
used twice, £9-50 o.n.o. Apply Mrs Motterham,
24 Hazel Road, Drybrook.
Vauxhall Victor 1964 de luxe. Good condition,
nearest offer £135. R. Byett, tel. 283 int.
Child’s garden swing. Contact D. Brown,
Production Control, tel. 435 int.
Child’s tricycle for 4—5 year old. ‘Phone G. Meek,
Machine Shop, tel. 348 int.
Urgently needed — caravan or flat to rent near
Coleford/Lydbrook area. Ring 196 int. or
Coleford 3411.
Play pen. Contact John Spratley (Accounts),
tel. 21 9 int.
Any Mermaids at Mitcheldean?
What are the attractions of skin diving — apart from
the obvious one of mermaids?
It goes without saying that anyone who indulges
in a sea sport must at all times respect the sea;
while it can be a haven of pleasure, it can also
turn nasty, very often without warning.
Diving provides a sense of adventure, and danger.
It introduces one to a totally new environment.
It demands strict control over oneself, both
physically and mentally, and promotes comradeship
between people from many walks of life. It is not
a sport for the highly excitable or nervous person.
In the previous article I mentioned the training
needed before one can pursue this sport in the
open sea.
Training consists of swimming pool and open
water instruction, sub-divided into snorkel diver
and aqua-lung diver sections. This physical
training runs parallel with the academic side of
Anyone wishing to progress in diving will attend
a series of lectures which are followed by a
written examination and an oral test. The result
of these tests will determine what class of diver
you can become.
The newcomer to the British Sub-Aqua Club will
be required to pass a basic swimming test which
any competent swimmer should be able to manage.
This is followed by an 11 -week period of snorkel
and aqua-lung training in the pool.
Life-saving and first aid are incorporated in the
training schedule. This has proved its worth
several times, club members having carried out
several rescues of other swimmers. One member
saved the life of a child who had fallen into a pond
and his quick thinking and training enabled him to
revive her, using expired air resuscitation.
The next step is further training in open water,
which is conducted in one of several lakes in the
Then into the sea proper, which is what every
trainee has been waiting for. After about two
years, and many dives, the new diver can obtain
the second class diver qualification.
This is the class of diver most common within the
BSAC and is usually as far as most people wish to
go. To obtain the first class diver qualification, you
must have been a BSAC member for three years,
and you are required to pass further exams and
open water tests.
There are only 16 active first class divers in the
club at the present time — out of a membership of
over 13,000. This award is the highest the
amateur diver can attain.
If you are interested in the Instructional side of
diving, as I am you can become a branch
instructor, and in due course apply to take a
national instruction course. If you are successful,
you can progress to advanced instructor and then
examining instructor.
Personally I get a lot of satisfaction from the
instruction side of diving, and enjoy imparting
knowledge in the many interesting subjects to
The various activities one can join in include
wreck hunting surveying, spear fishing,
archaeology, recovery, or you can simply enjoy
diving for the obvious pleasures.
I find the most enjoyable depth to dive in is 20 to
26 metres, but many people are quite happy to
dive at the 15 metres level. The maximum depth
one can obtain with safety, using compressed air,
is about the 40-metre mark. Depth greater than
this can produce a number of peculiar effects on
the diver, the most common being nitrogen
narcosis, when the diver acts in an inebriated way.
Communications under water are extremely
difficult, and are carried out by hand and arm
movements. There is a standard set of signals used
by divers, but many have added their own
This is what the well-equipped diver will be
wearing this year! l\Aermaids with an eye on the
scales may shudder to learn that this little lot
adds 801b to the weight of the diver; once in the
water, however, this is counteracted by the
buoyancy of the wet-suit.
gestures to aid communication, the V-sign being
very common.
What will it cost to take up this sport ? One can
start for about £30, and hire aqua-lungs, etc., from
the club. Ultimately you will own your own
equipment, and to date I have £250 worth of
equipment, but I should think £120 would see the
newcomer properly equipped.
Can anyone join the BSAC ? Yes, provided you
are certified fit by a doctor. Age is no deterrent.
but you must be at least 16 years old before you
can join. Many husband and wife teams are
members of the club.
There is an acute shortage of female members in
the Gloucestershire branch at the moment, and
this, combined with the scarcity of mermaids,
prompts me to ask any young ladies interested to
come along to the Barton Swimming Pool one
Thursday evening. We can assure them of a warm
reception, both in and out of the water I
mthe Dicture
Signing up
for life
Olwyn Woodward
(secretary to J. Henwood,
Controller, Facilities
Planning) and Stuart
Barnes (Work Study) at
St Peter’s Church,
Clearwell, on May 20.
Sandra Davis (Spares
& Sub-assembly) and
her bridegroom Barry
Phillips at St Michael’s
Church, Mitcheldean.
on June 3.
R. L. Evans
Dave Byett (Accounts)
and his bride. Jennifer
Wilding, at St Mary’s
Church. Lydney. on
June 3.
Below: Jean Evans
(Pre-Production Control)
and Boyd Cox at St
Stephen’s Church.
Cinderford. on May 27.
J . Ingram
21st Birthday
Marilyn Grubb (Accounts) on June 2.
Matthew, a son for Jane Cann (formerly secretary
to Mr J. Tester, Production Engineering Manager),
and her husband Tom, on May 9.
Dean, a son for Ann Morris (formerly Spares &•
Sub-assembly) and her husband Michael, on
May 30.
Kay, a daughter for Leonard Sterry (3600
Assembly) and his wife Jane, on June 8.
Kevin, a son for John Fowler (Production Control)
and his wife Pamela, on June 13.
Haley Vada, a daughter for Brian Fisher (3600
Assembly) and his wife, on June 16.
New Bourne T w i ns
Shaun and Shelley, boy and girl twins, were born
to Gordon Bourne (Machine Shop) and his wife
Gwynneth (who used to work in 3600 Assembly),
on June 21. No one could say the works
convenor is non-productive I
Bill Gilmour (Design Engineering) to Penny Blow
in April.
Julie Freeman (Accounts) to Dave Roberts
(Machine Shop) on May 20.
Apprentice David Dobbs to Angela James on
May 2 1 .
Sheila Jones (Accounts) to Ken Creed on June 3.
Silver Wedding
Congratulations to Harcourt Davies (Invoice
Clearance Supervisor, Accounts) and his wife
Marion who celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary on July 15.
continued overleaf
Come along to vote, to put forward an idea, to
make your maiden speech (preferably short) or
just to sit up and take notice. But whatever your
particular interest, come, members of the Sports &
Social Club, to the annual general meeting being
held on July 18 in the Social Centre at 7.30 pm.
In addition to the usual reports by the officers on
the year’s activities, the provision of sports and
social club facilities of the future is one of the
subjects down on the agenda and it is hoped a
lively discussion will ensue.
The next Bonanza Draw for a mini (the car
variety) will be held on July 20, perhaps just in
time for some lucky person’s holiday.
The number of members is now over the 3,000
mark and is rising all the time. Just supposing
they all turn up . . . I
Lex Motor Co of Gloucester, the British Leyland
agents who are supplying the Bonanza Draw minis,
have agreed to give any Sports & Social Club
member 1 5 per cent discount on all cash sales
through their spares department. Lex will also
negotiate substantial discounts on new and used
vehicles from their showroom.
(Is it true that applications for membership of the
Bonanza Draw from seven senior executives
appeared on John George’s desk within an hour
of the presentation of the mini last June ?)
Skittlers* Final Battle
The Skittles Interdepartmental KO marathon is
nearing its climax. Date for the final match is
July 15 in the Club House and anyone who wants
to see the best team win is welcome to come
Putting you in the picture—cont.
John Brawn (Supply Planning) retires this month
after nearly five years with us. Phyllis Gaylard
(Remodelling) retired in June, having joined the
Company some 11J years ago. To both we
extend our best wishes.
Sorry Grandpa!
In our May issue we asked whether Eric Faulkner,
Inspection supervisor in Spares & Sub-assembly,
who had just acquired a grand-daughter, was
the youngest grandad in the Plant. But the vital
bit of information — his age — somehow got left
out. He’s a youthful 45. Any applicants with a
better claim to the title ?
The finalists are the Cap Flatteners (RX Cinderford)
and the Tool Room. Highest individual score to
date is that of Robert Howells, who played for the
Bovver Boys (3600 Assembly). Trophies will be
presented by Personnel Relations Manager,
Royston Charles.
Win against Welwyn
Wednesday, May 24, saw a dozen Rank Xerox
Mitcheldean golfers up at the crack of dawn, or so
it seemed at the time, and making their way to
Burford G.C. in Oxfordshire for the long awaited
challenge golf match against the Welwyn Golfing
After several loop-the-loops on a nearby
roundabout, we found the entrance to the golf
course; inside the clubhouse coffee was available
for those who were wide awake enough to serve
As time was at a premium the players were soon
out on the course and the fight was on in earnest.
The morning round consisted of singles matchplay,
and Welwyn fielded a strong side with
players of 4 and 5 handicaps on their side.
At first the battle went badly for Mitcheldean with
the first three matches played by John Jones,
Eric Moore and myself all being lost, but our other
players saved the day with a particularly fine win
by Don Meek over John McCullough (John won
the trophy presented for the best net score on the
Welwyn side in the afternoon). The final score in
the morning’s play was Mitcheldean eight matches
to Welwyn’s four.
If a prize could have been presented for the most
outstanding shot of the morning, I feel John Jones
would have won it with a magnificent second shot
At her leave-taking. Ruby, pictured here with
some of her colleagues, was given some
beautiful pieces of gold jewellery from people
throughout the Plant, plus a splendid bouquet.
to the 18th green which missed a very large and
no doubt expensive plate glass window in the
front of the clubhouse by a matter of inches, and
rebounded into extremely deep rough. A clear
case of trying to cannon off the cush if ever I
saw i t!
After a superb buffet lunch, the afternoon round
started with as much barracking as a skittles
match. The competition itself led to a bit of
confusion, as the round seemed to consist of a
four ball better ball match-play stapleford medal
round which is as mystifying as it sounds I
However, Mitcheldean prevailed by winning three
matches to one with two halved.
The prizes were presented after tea, with Don
Meek winning one of the two bottles of wine
presented by Dr Tipple.
All in all it was a very pleasant day and everyone
involved enjoyed themselves. A return match is
being organised when Welwyn are expected to
try all out to avenge themselves.
Pat Dulsoii
Another outing, to Abergavenny Golf Club, took
place on June 5 and the results are as follows:
Morning (stapleford competition)
1st: V. Williams (32 pts) : 2nd : F. G. Sweenson
(31 pts).
Afternoon (medal competition)
Tony Hehir, net 66; Don Meek net 70.
Alterations to handicaps:
V. Williams reduced to 18
D. Meek „ „ 20
A. Hehir „ „ 21
R. Mann „ „ 23
Who is all ‘fluff and feathers’ in Spares &
Sub-assembly ?
Who in the Press Shop, Cinderford, bought a
gypsophila root and planted it upside down ?
any ballroom beginners?
Beginners in the Ballroom Dancing section enjoyed
a free trip to the Stroud Cotswold Ballroom on
June 10 — coach and entrance ticket being paid
for out of a surplus from class fees. These dancers
are in fact no longer beginners, having reached
intermediate standard. If sufficient names are
received in good time by committee members,
arrangements can be made to commence a new
beginners class in the forthcoming season.
The section is now putting its dancing feet up for
the summer; next season’s activities will start
as soon as ballroom facilities are available in the
Social Centre.
Congratulations, by the way, to Mary Meek
(Central Records) and her husband Ken who have
recently gained their silver award (commended).
Carnival Queen
Rosemary Davies, 16-year-old daughter of
Harcourt Davies (Accounts), was chosen to be
Mitcheldean’s carnival queen at the dance held
by the Sports & Social Club on June 24 in the
Social Centre. The 17 entrants were judged by
Mr & Mrs Peter Salmon, Cllr Ken Jones (Purchase)
and his wife, and Information Officer Jimmy Bake.
Rosemary will be crowned by Mike Nicholls,
captain of Gloucester Rugby Club, who won the
first National Knock-out Competition in the
1 971/72 season. Carnival day is August 12.
This year Ray Davies (Design) is chairman of the
carnival committee and Roy Whittington (Transport)
is vice-chairman. Attractions will include a
motor-cycle football match. Punch and Judy show,
and the Cheltenham Pipe & Drum Band, as well
as various competitions, bingo, pony rides, etc.
There will be the usual procession of floats and
some more entries would be welcomed, say the
Ruby says Goodbye New Appointments
Office Services supervisor Ruby Phillips, who
originally joined us in 1943, has now had to leave
for health reasons, and on June 15 said her final
During her 16 years’ total service her integrity
and sincerity have earned her the respect and
affection of all. Said her senior girls: ‘We cannot
speak too highly of Ruby and we shall miss her
A Keep Fit leader, she started a ladies’ group at
Mitcheldean in 1964 which flourished for many
years and raised hundreds of pounds for charity.
Her husband Clyde is supervisor of the Design
Punch Room; her son John has just completed his
apprenticeship with the Company.
The following changes were announced as we
went to press:
Brian D. Crosby has been appointed Manager,
Inventory Control — Manufacturing Group, as from
July 1. He reports direct to Mr W. G. Price,
Controller Finance— Manufacturing Group, and is
based at Mitcheldean.
Terry J. Quartermaine succeeds Mr Crosby as
Production Control Manager, Mitcheldean, from
that date.
Peter Broomer has been appointed Stock Control
Manager, Mitcheldean (replacing Derek Lewis
who has left the Company) with effect from
June 2 6 ; he reports to Mr Quartermaine.
1 5
Courage and determination tool< tlie place of skill
when a Rank Xerox Ladies 11 played a charity
football match on June 18 with Whitecroft Ladies
on the Causeway Football Ground, by kind
permission of the Cinderford Town FC.
However, this made the game more exciting and
an enthusiastic crowd had a really enjoyable
Sunday afternoon.
Referee Clem Chadd had his work cut out to
keep abreast of the play, the ladies moving a lot
faster than was anticipated.
Whitecroft Ladies, the more experienced side,
soon took the lead in the first half, but the Rank
Ladies, fighting back, equalised in the first few
minutes of the second half. But although they
took the play into the Whitecroft half of the pitch
for a considerable time in the second, they
lacked the finishing skill of shooting for goal,
and two goals by A. Clements for Whitecroft
clinched the latter’s victory.
At half-time entertainment was provided by the
Lydney Dominoes Jazz Band, who gave a display
of precision marching.
The committee and helpers were Margaret
Jenkins, Doreen Barnard, Rene Phelps, Gloria
Bennett, Tessie Brain, Eric Knight and Bob Davies
(trainer and manager). Refreshments for about
70 people were supplied by the committee.
Encouraged by their success (the sum of £54
was raised for the East Dean Swimming Pool
Fund), the team and committee are intending to
arrange more games in aid of local charities.
;’ou will notice that this issue runs to 16 pages
instead of the usual 12; this is because we had so
much to publish and there is no issue in August
to take the overspill. If you have an item for
publication, however, please let your editor have
it to keep cool in the editorial fridge until the
September VISION.
Photos: R. Beiks
Kick-off—Janice Andrews, our IVIiss Rank
Xerox, starts the ball rolling. Below: Rank Xerox
Ladies (back row, left to right) J. Creed, f\A. East,
J. Lewis, L. Bond, S. Bradley, D. Dickinson,
L. Hughes, J. Moore: (front row) C. Knight,
E. George, S. McLean, M. Brooks, P. Milliner.
Remember, you can
• let your departmental correspondent know,
• or leave it at any Gate House for collection by me,
• or post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
• or ring me — it’s Drybrook 415.
^ • • • ^ H IDC driver Ron Marfell receives the Stanton ^K^^^^k Harcourt trophy from the Mayor of Oxford after
^•^^^H his success on June 4 at the Oxford area
^H^^^H eliminating heats for the Lorry Driver of the Year’
^Hj^^^H competition. Ron came first in Class E
^H^^^H (articulated vehicles up to 40ft overall length), just
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H as he did last year. He also rated the lowest
^^^^^^H number of penalty points of all class winners,
Hj^^^^H^ so hopes are high for him when he goes forward
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H to the finals in September at Bramcote, near
^^H^^^H Nuneaton. The other drivers from the IDC and
^^^^^^H Mitcheldean Plant Transport who entered heats
^^^^^Hl held at Oxford, Barry and Bristol, also did well.
Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Prinwrs) Ltd.