May 74 No. 99
AH set for a new track record
Setting a brisk pace in our picture is
long-legged Tony Haynes of Work
Study, seen w i t h his wife Cynthia of
Personnel Department.
Tony was recently elected chairman
of the Sports & Social Club of
Mitcheldean Plant, and he and the
committee are all set to establish a
new and exciting track record for
the club.
A middle-distance runner, Tony took
part in the Rank Xerox 14-mile road
race from Longhope to Ross and
back in 1969 — the year he joined
us — and since then he and Cynthia
have acted as stewards for the
annual race.
Tony is also a member of the Golf
Society and, like many others, would
like to see the annual sports day
revived once more at Mitcheldean.
The large majority of people who
have come to work at the Plant in
recent years will recognise in Cynthia
the receptionist who greeted them in
Personnel on first arriving here.
Cynthia supports Tony in his club
work, and is a familiar face among
the helpers at the children’s Christmas
parties and other club functions.
Both of them enjoy the dances
featuring top bands which are now
being organised by the club. ‘We
never miss one,’ said Tony.
A greatly expanded programme of
activities and events is envisaged by
the club, as soon as the hoped-for
facilities materialise. (See pages 2
and 3.)
By the time this issue appears. 4000
Department will have become the temporary
responsibility of Roy Powell, and Ralph
Zimmermann, its erstwhile manager, will be
engaged on Special Projects pending the
taking up of his appointment with the
projected new plant at Aachen in Germany.
Mr Zimmermann was in charge when the
department started up early in 1971 with a
team of 17 operators and a ‘sprinkling of
supervisors’. To mark the severing of his
connection with the department, a
barometer was presented to him (above) by
Works Manager Don Elliott on behalf of the
shop floor. A dinner was also given in his
honour in the Social Centre on April 20,
this was attended by supervisors of the
department together with the original
production team. Assistant Manager Kevin
Horrobin presented him with a handsome
gold pen ‘from 4000 Supervision’ while
leading hand Winnie Morgan gave
Mrs Zimmermann (below, left) a beautiful
bouquet of flowers.
J. Ingram
Peter Vince, formerly Chief
Accountant, Finance & Administration,
has been appointed Manager,
Finance & Administration, as from
April 29.
George Douglas has become
Assistant Manager, Finishing,
following John Court’s appointment
as Manager, Lydney Plant.
Annual general meetings don’t usually
pull in the crowds, but the Sports &
Social Club AGM on April 23
attracted a record 200 or so people.
And they weren’t there just for the
On arrival, each was issued w i t h a
46-page epistle which spoke
volumes for the club’s new image —
businesslike and progressive.
It was the ‘yellow pages’ which
glued them to their seats. These
revealed that a definite move has
now been made towards providing
premises at Mitcheldean for the
use of the club, and vice-chairman
Brian Hartshorne had come along
armed with slides for a presentation
on progress to date.
The one-acre site earmarked for the
proposed building is to the east of
the ‘A’ car park, overlooking the
valley leading to the quarry. This was
chosen because of the car parking
facilities (on which Planning
Authorities insist), the excellent
access from Barton Corner, and the
security aspect. It is also
conveniently divorced from the rest
of the Plant buildings.
Discussions are taking place
monthly with the Company’s
architects and the committee have
been totally involved w i t h plans for
the project.
This multi-purpose Sports and Social
Club complex, to cost in the region
of £^ million, is expected to
comprise the following : entrance
foyer including toilets, reception
office, billiards room, double skittles
alley, dark room, club room, lounge,
central bar (serving hall, club room
and lounge), bar stores and
The outstanding feature of the
rectangular building will be a multipurpose
hall, 90ft X 54ft x 25ft high,
w i t h a spectators’ gallery and its own
store and changing rooms.
The idea is that it should make
possible various activities such as
badminton, volley ball, basketball,
five-a-side football, table tennis,
gymnastics, etc. By dividing the hall
area w i t h special vertical netting, two
or more such activities could take
place simultaneously.
Social functions for up to 500
persons could be accommodated,
and a de-mountable stage would
enable the presentation of shows.
(The use of the ballroom in the
Social Centre would lapse
once this hall became available.)
A system enabling the lowering of a
suspended ceiling could possibly be
designed, reducing the room height
to provide a more intimate
atmosphere if required.
The building would also include a
number of rooms for educational
purposes on an upper floor.
Totally involved with plans.
The aim would be to achieve
effective occupation of the building
during the latter part of 1975; this
would, however, depend on receiving
planning approval, on final costing,
and material availability (especially
as regards steelwork).
Planning permission has already been
applied for and tenders invited,
reported Brian Hartshorne; provided
all goes well, early July should see
the commencement of actual site
He warned that ‘we have been
caught in a climate of 2 ^ per cent
monthly inflation of building prices.
This may mean that some of the
facilities proposed may have to be
curtailed or postponed.’
Money the club has in hand would
be used to provide moveable assets
such as carpets, furniture, bar
We was
fittings, equipment, etc. No definite
policy as to security has as yet been
The possibility of obtaining land for
cricket and other outdoor sports
could possibly be investigated later
on ; there was ground at the top
end of the site which might provide
facilities for bowls, tennis, etc., he
No firm answer could be given about
detailed requirements — these were
matters which the newly elected
committee would be handling; at
this stage it was the basic essentials
which were being considered.
The basic essentials are being considered.
As Tony Haynes pointed out, it was
advisable that a nucleus of the
retiring committee should be
retained to ensure continuity in the
crucial times ahead, and the meeting
went along w i t h this by electing the
following as members: Ann Fox,
Sadie Pritchard, Bob Davies, John
Earl, Dick Frazier, Brian Hartshorne,
John Ireland, Pat Jordan, Bill Jones
and Stewart Jones.
This new committee is of course
augmented by representatives
appointed by the various sections.
The club members present showed
their confidence in Tony’s ability to
fulfil what has become a demanding
job by appointing him chairman. A
full-time secretary (for whom a job
description has been agreed by the
club committee) will be appointed
by the Company at a later stage; the
Company will also appoint a
Prior to the elections, treasurer Jack
Woods reported a 114 per cent
increase in the surplus for the year,
reflecting the full year’s Bonanza
Draw, There was now in excess of
£26,000 in the kitty, making a very
healthy balance sheet.
Accounting had become more
complex, he pointed out, owing to
the club’s increased activities, the
levying of VAT and other factors.
The detailed breakdown of the
accounts ran to 11 pages, and
particular tribute was paid to
assistant treasurer Ann Fox who had
‘figured’ largely in their preparation.
Club activities dealt w i t h by secretary
Roy Steward’s report have already
been covered month by month in the
pages of VISION. Sections now
affiliated include football (for both
sexes), snooker, adventure (rock
climbing, caving, pony trekking,
sailing, etc.), cine and photographic,
karate, skittles, variety, table tennis,
dancing and golf.
John McCluskey reported that a
steering committee had investigated
the possibility of forming a swimming
section, following the offer of
private pool facilities, but they had
come to the conclusion the costs
were too high.
The Miss Rank Xerox, Mitcheldean,
contest had been suspended because
candidates were difficult to come by,
but it might well be revived later on.
As everyone could see, the committee
had put in a great deal of hard grind
(‘about eight hours’ work per week’
estimated Tony) over a long period,
and he paid tribute to all who had
been involved, including former
officials of the club. He also thanked
Cyril and Nancy Beard for their
services, and all other helpers who
had rallied round when the need
arose. Without their interest and
support ‘I know the club’s expansion
and future prospects would not be
what they are today.’
Also on the agenda were numerous
proposed changes to club rules, all
of which helped to make this AGM
a record in length, quite apart from
the attendance figures.
Men were heard to mutter ‘ M y wife
will never believe me I’ and those
who bravely stuck it out to the end
yawned their way home about
12.40 a m !
Two RX teams were entered in the
1974 National Management Game
sponsored by the Financial Times
and ICL. One team (no names no
pack-drill) came unstuck at an early
stage but another managed — good
word that I — to do rather better.
The path of glory, however, turned
out to be somewhat shorter than
anticipated . . . .
Cries of anguish were to be heard and
an aura of disbelief and despondency
hung low over the Financial Planning
Section of Finance and Administration
Department recently. No, it was not
that the annual Operating Plan was
going to have to be done in
quintuplicate (that was already
known I) nor did it have anything to
do on this occasion w i t h the coffee
from the trolley.
The awful truth, in fact, was that our
last remaining entry in the Financial
Times Management Game, the much
fancied ‘Rank Outsiders’, had
unaccountably, yet undeniably,
succeeded (we do not accept failure
in this Company) in not getting
through to Round 3 of this illustrious
tournament. They had, in fact, been
pipped at the post by a team of
obvious incompetents and
unworthies from either the building
or “square meal in round bun”
Team chairman, Paul llott, has
threatened to shave off his moustache
in protest, Ian Billson has threatened
to grow one, and David Kidd has
asked not to be referred to in future
as ‘Whizz’. There is rampant
speculation that the blame for the
whole disaster will be laid at the feet
of the remaining team member,
ebullient Wally Parry who was
conveniently honeymooning in
Tunisia when the results came through.
A recount has been demanded (the
winners only got just under J per cent
more profit than us) and foul play
has certainly not been ruled out. It
would seem, however, that ‘Rank
Outsiders’ have lived up only too
well to the promise of their title and
deserve to be thoroughly
. . . . congratulated I
Loyalty is precious — so it is
appropriate that jewels should
feature in the acknowledgment of
loyal service.
In common w i t h the Xerox Service
Award Programme, all full-time
employees with five or more years’
continuous service will henceforth
be ‘decorated’.
Jewelled emblems, consisting of
diamonds (real) and/or emeralds and
sapphires (synthetic) will be
presented to them informally during
normal working hours on Company
premises, and as near the service
award anniversary date of the person
concerned as possible.
The type of jewels and their position
in the cluster will indicate the number
of years’ service completed in
five-year periods, ie one emerald
(five years), t w o emeralds (10), t wo
sapphires (1 5 ) , t w o diamonds (20),
two diamonds, one sapphire (25),
three diamonds (30), t w o diamonds,
two sapphires (35), and four
diamonds (40).
And if in future you see someone
whose emblem sparkles w i t h four
diamonds that dazzle more than the
rest, then you’ll know they’ve
managed to stay the course for 45
years I
The emblems, mounted on a brooch
(for women) or a lapel pin/tie pin
(for men), w i l l be presented to all
who have completed five, ten and
15 years of service. After that, people
get a choice of accessory; women
can opt for a necklace or bracelet
instead, and men for a belt buckle or
tie bar.
Well done, Harry!
By the way, if you’re immediately
eligible for, say, a 35-year award,
you won’t be suddenly weighted
down w i t h 17 jewels — the scheme
isn’t retrospective!
On the other hand, you may collect
t w o awards during the first year of
the scheme’s operation. For
example, if you have completed, say,
34 years’ service, you could be
presented w i t h a 30-year threediamond
emblem at the launch of
the scheme, and then find yourself
acquiring the two-diamonds-twosapphires
one some months later on
your 35-year anniversary date.
Incidentally, an additional award
to be made to those attaining 30, 35,
40 and 45 years’ service will take the
form of a gift from an approved list.
Personnel Department, who have
had the computer’s help in working
out the numbers eligible, tell us that
some 2,135 awards are due to be
presented at the launch of the
scheme in a f ew weeks’ time.
Thereafter they reckon it will average
around 50 awards a month.
G o o d E g g !
Guess w h a t was h a t c h e d out of one Easter
Egg last m o n t h ?
The ball (or s h o u l d w e say egg ?) w as
s t a r t e d r o l l i n g at RX C i n d e r f o r d by Jack
Smart w h o k i n d l y presented it f o r r a f f l i n g in
a id of t h e R o s s – o n – W y e St J o h n A m b u l a n ce
Appeal Fund. The e g g raised £ 1 8 and w as
w o n by Sam R u s h w o r t h.
Sam g e n e r o u s l y returned it w i t h a v i e w to
r a i s i ng some more money at M i t c h e l d e a n :
t h i s b r o u g h t in an extra £27-70, m a k i n g a
r o u n d total of £ 4 5 – 7 0 for t h e f u n d.
A n d t h e egg ? It f o u n d a f i n a l , and
a p p r e c i a t i v e , o w n e r in Marlene Meek of
The annual general meeting and
annual dinner will be reported in the
June issue; unfortunately the April
issue had gone to press before we
heard that Fred Wickstead, Chief
Staff Officer, Rank Xerox, would not
after all be presenting the 25-year
awards, and that Hamish Orr-Ewing,
Group Director, UK Region, would
kindly officiate instead.
We were sorry to hear of the death
at Brighton on April 4 of Wally
Vaughan, aged 82. An ex-miner,
Wally worked at the Plant for 15
years in the old Bell & Howell
Machine Shop Tool Stores.
He joined us on retiring from the
Metropolitan Police w i t h whom he
had been boxing, swimming and
wrestling instructor, and he passed
on his expertise to the younger
generation at classes he ran in
He was a real character, greatly
respected by all w h o knew him, and
we convey our sympathy to his
Once again a winter holiday is being
organised for oursenior citizens — this
time in Majorca.
If you would like more information,
contact Jenkin Morgan, 57 Parks
Road, Mitcheldean, or ring Arnold
Gaylard on Drybrook 542913.
Christian Fellowship
Forthcoming meetings of the RX
Christian Fellowship at Mitcheldean
are as follows : / W a / 21: Prayer
meeting ; June 4: Sound-strip ‘Take
These Three’; June 11: Glyn Morgan,
making a return visit to the Plant.
(There will be no meeting on May 28.)
The regular Tuesday meetings take
place in lecture room no. 2, Building
6, at 1.10 pm.
Secretary Mike Sherborne tells us
that the Fellowship recently joined
forces w i t h the Christian Fellowship
section of the local branch of the
Central Electricity Generating Board
to meet G. V. Hammond, general
secretary of the Workers Christian
I Fellowship.
t i a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meei
n e e t i n g p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a ci
l i a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e rrseel
M y r t l e S a v i l l e and M a r i o n B r a in
are not t w i n sisters (there’s a year
between them) but they have plenty
in common.
They’re both leading hands in 660
Assembly, Myrtle (on left) working
on major subs and Marion on spares
and line subs, and they will shortly
transfer to the Lydney Plant.
Both are married to setters (Ken and
Arthur respectively) at RX Cinderford.
And both are ‘Happy Wanderers’,
members of one of the finalist ladies’
teams in the Interdepartmental
Skittles Tournament, Marion being
‘ I ‘m the placid one,’ says Marion, but
she’s got plenty of ‘get up and go’.
She was the only woman playing
with the 660 team several years ago
when they w o n the trophy. ‘I got a
box of chocolates out of it,’ she
Apart from a short break, she has
been w i t h us 26 years, and previously
worked in the Machine Shop on
drills, autos, mills — the lot.
Myrtle reckons she’s the tomboy;
she loves watching wrestling but
she’s crazy about rugger, and is a
devoted fan of Cinderford RFC. ‘ My
son John plays stand-off,’ she told
us, and she and her husband travel
all over to support the team; her
75-year-old dad goes too.
‘Ken always watches from the other
s i d e — he w o n ‘ t stay by me as I get
too carried away I’
She and Ken seem to have got along
all right otherwise t h o u g h ; they
celebrate their silver wedding In
When Tony Rawlings found a hive of
activity in the rafters of his home, he
thought ‘Bees’, and then he thought
Better get A n d y Gardiner’.
Andy, who also works in Maintenance,
duly arrived — and identified the
object as a wasps’ nest.
It was a perfect specimen — rare,
since such nests are usually found in
the earth and, being made of ‘wasp
paper’ (wood bark and wasp saliva),
they crumble easily.
Andy lacquered the nest, enshrined
it in a perspex case together w i t h a
mummified queen, worker and drone,
had a plaque attached engraved with
the dignified name of ‘Vespa Vulgaris’
(Common Wasp) and presented it to
Ruardean School, w h o were delighted.
We got Andy talking about bees, not
wasps, when he showed us the nest.
‘I used to keep 13 hives at Blaisdon,’
he told us. ‘ M y brother Larry — he’s
in T r a n s p o r t — bought me my first
hive for my 11 th birthday; he traded in
part of his bicycle for it. We brought
a swarm home in a wheel- barrow I
‘I used to find it fascinating watching
the bees as they returned to the
hives. You can tell what pollen
they’ve been collecting by the colour
of the bags on their legs.
‘I bred Caucasian bees for a f ew
years, but they interbred w i t h the
locals and the strain was lost.
Sting ? They don’t if you treat them
right and move in slow motion.
‘I made some mead some time ago;
it takes 401b honey to make seven
gallons ! It’s very heady stuff. My
father went to t o w n on it and n ow
I’ve just got half a gallon left. I’m
guarding that closely!’
Now Andy and his family have
moved into a cottage w i t h a half acre
of ground he’s thinking of starting up
again. ‘You get a bug for beekeeping,’
he said.
Brothers Ray and L i o n e l J o n e s live
opposite each other in Monmouth,
and work as drilling operators a f ew
yards apart in Mitcheldean’s Machine
Lionel (left) has been blind since he
was 1 1 , Ray lost his sight five years
ago — both of them suffering from
an inherited weakness known as
‘detached retina’.
But though they’ve lost their sight,
they’ve not lost their sense of humour.
Ray, who is married with three
children, came to us in 1972 from a
paper factory; in August 1973 he
was joined by his bachelor brother.
Lionel (‘He’s the good-looking one,’
says Ray) attended the School for
the Blind at Bridgend, studied Braille,
was drummer in the band, and
learned basket-making there. He
later took up wire work and was a
foreman before he joined us.
They get a lift to w o r k ; while at the
Plant they have t w o pairs of ‘eyes’ in
Bruce Nash, w h o looks after Lionel,
and Bob Ward, w h o helps Ray.
In their spare time the brothers enjoy
their ‘talking books’. Ray is a touch
typist; he’s also keen on making
wooden toys, children’s cots, etc.
Both belong to the RAOB, Ray
being a primo (2nd order) while
Lionel is on the roll of honour as a
top degree (4th order).
And they enjoy a pint at the local.
Ray gets about freely using his ‘long
cane technique’. And Lionel ? ‘He’s
worn a trench in the pavement!’
cracked Ray.
SOLAR men in I S Department — Systems Project Manager
Hugh Colby {third from left) and Senior Systems Analyst
Alan Tully (on Hugh’s right) who is user procedures and
education project leader; they are pictured with the ‘individual
specialists’, of the five SOLAR Segment Working Teams
(from the left) : Malcolm Pearce (Purchase), Keith Rhodes
(Stock Update), Fred Bach (BOM), Roger Finning (Demand
Entry) and Matt Welsh (Requirements Planning).
Introductory articles on this Material
Requirements Planning System were
published a f ew months ago giving
an insight into what was going on
behind the scenes; now we are at
the stage where things are beginning
to happen from a production point of
To get the full benefits from a system
such as SOLAR it is essential tfiat
we tiave an accurate and good
control of inventory; it may be
argued that we have kept stock
records and carried out stock checks
in the past but, w i t h the growth and
variety of current production, the
existing system is not sufficiently
accurate to enable us to build
machines at the planned rates without
‘line stoppers’ and excessive chasing
by all levels of staff.
Accurate control of inventory — and
consequent control of production
build — can only be achieved when
everyone involved recognises this
emphasis on accuracy; the SOLAR
implementation programme is geared
to bringing this about by
• ensuring that input to the
computer from Design Engineering
and Production Engineering is to
a high degree of accuracy (Bill
of Material segment);
# ensuring that our Order Book for
line and spares requirements is
accurate and can be maintained
that way (Demand Entry
• arranging physical changes on
the shop floor areas such as
secure and closed stores, cycle
counting and inlet/exit checking
(inventory disciplines linked to
Stock Update segments);
9 arranging an extensive education
and training programme to ensure
that all the personnel involved
will be fully aware of the system
and the part they have to play
in it.
T h e O r g a n i s a t i on
These activities have been and are
being directed by the SOLAR
Steering Committee which consists
o f : Norman Fisher (Chairman), Jack
Bonney, Hugh Colby, Tony Fleury,
David Davies, Don Elliott, Jack
Timms, Jack Woods, Bernard Smith
and the t w o user Project
Implementation Managers — namely,
John MacDonald for PCD and
Maurice Brain for Production — who
are responsible in their respective
areas to ensure that corrective action
is planned to cover any problem
which may be identified, and that
departmental steps are implemented
on the planned date.
Day-to-day implementation is the
responsibility of SOLAR Working
Teams who cover each of the five
segments of SOLAR ; their
responsibilities include:
(a) developing detailed plans for
implementation of their
respective segment;
(b) checking computer input and
output to the satisfaction of the
(c) detailing training requirements,
including user manuals, and
arranging the training programme
in conjunction w i t h Training
These teams are headed by
individual specialists, initially
Information Systems people who,
when the time is ripe, hand over to
user specialists (in PCD and
In the case of the BOM (John
Ireland) and Demand Entry (Ossie
Williams) teams, this handing over
has now taken place; the remaining
three teams are still headed by IS
specialists: Stock Update (Keith
Rhodes), Requirements Planning
(Matt Welsh) and Purchase
(Malcolm Pearce).
Their efforts are co-ordinated by
Hugh Colby (Systems Project
Manager) who is also a member of
the SOLAR Steering Committee. The
key to success of the SOLAR System
is the very strong link forged between
Information Systems (as system
designers) and the users (Production
Control, Purchase and Production).
The structure of the Working Teams,
Steering Committee and suchlike
demonstrates this close co-operation.
which is bound to flourish as SOLAR
becomes our daily way of life.
To ensure that the introduction of
physical changes are carefully
monitored and followed through, an
Inventory Disciplines Working Party
is also in being w i t h the main thrust
coming from Tony Fleury — the
closed stores and cycle counting
procedures being implemented by
Dave Sanderson, w i t h Maurice Brain
covering inlet/exit checking, and
developing accurate counting
procedures for Manufacture and
Assembly throughput.
P r o j e c t S t a t u s t o d a te
The first segment of SOLAR, BOM, is
now home and dry, having completed
parallel running against our existing
system; the second segment.
Demand Entry, was starting
implementation as we went to press
training having been completed to
schedule on both segments.
Stock Update training commenced
during early April, and education and
training will continue throughout the
remaining segments, culminating in
full implementation of the SOLAR
System by April 19, 1975.
(See chart on page 9.)
T h e Need f o r E d u c a t i o n and
T r a i n i ng
All systems depend upon data input
via completed forms being fed
through the Production Control and
The Working Teams user specialists (from
the left) Ossie Williams (Demand Entry),
John Ireland (BOM), Dave Sanderson (Stock
Update), Roger Smith (Requirements
Planning): Maurice Pask (Purchase) was
away when our picture was taken.
Production areas and into the
computer data base. The high-speed
computer will reject obviously
inaccurate input and print out an
error listing for correction by the
originating source.
It is therefore in the user’s interest to
be familiar with the part which the
paperwork plays in SOLAR, and with
the need for accuracy in completing
such paperwork at the outset.
Mitcheldean has developed many
training aids to ensure that Plant
personnel have every opportunity to
become familiar w i t h this paperwork,
even to the extent of mounting
permanent display boards for location
throughout the appropriate areas,
indicating how the forms should be
completed and how the forms f l ow
through the affected departments.
In the next few months the message
for paperwork accuracy will be
spread throughout the Plant, so that
we, as users, can derive the benefits
of SOLAR with minimum disruption.
We are all aware that individual parts
and assemblies represent money —
some items only 1 p, but others £5 or
Continued on next page
Continued from page 7
So when Production, and Production
Control, people are recording the
movement of parts, materials,
sub-assemblies and final products in
terms of part number and quantity,
they have to record such information
accurately and speedily to the
computer, for the data output to be
complete and meaningful on a daily
Mitcheldean currently depends on
many hundreds of outside suppliers in
the UK, Europe and the USA, and
the value of their supply exceeds
80 per cent of our production output.
With ever-increasing lead times for
materials and some world-wide
shortages of raw materials, it is
becoming increasingly important to be
In a previous issue of VISION,
Jock Yuill, who is SOLAR Assistant
Liaison Manager, Manufacturing
Group, explained our Bill of
Materials system — BOM for
short — which is, as he put it, ‘the
very foundation of the data base
around which SOLAR, our new
Material Requirements Planning
System, is designed.’
The BOM is currently operating in
parallel running mode on the new
computer — which means that it is
being proved by comparison with
the output from the previous system
So now we have the foundation for
the next step towards full SOLAR
operation—Demand Entry.
This segment has now started
parallel running under the ‘guidance’
of Roger Finning, the project leader,
and Allan Jones from Information
Systems, and Ossie Williams and his
user department working team.
Demand Entry is the small but
able to measure our requirements
quickly and precisely, in order that
we can increase the probability of
their delivery at the right time, in the
right quantity and, of course, to the
right place.
When we speak of Mitcheldean we
include both the Cinderford and
Lydney Plants; and there will be an
increasing common usage of some of
the parts w i t h other Manufacturing
Group Plants — which puts further
stress on the needs for all Plant
personnel to report daily movements
of parts and assemblies accurately,
completely and in a timely manner.
Only by ensuring that we prepare and
feed all the basic arithmetic necessary
to quantify our requirements at the
earliest possible opportunity can our
suppliers deliver our needs — and we,
in turn, ensure the highest degree of
smooth and sustainable production
f l ow that we all seek.
important part of SOLAR responsible
for accepting the demands (the
orders from our customers, if you
like) for our products as a
manufacturing concern, and placing
them on the data base ready for
explosion to piece part level and
provisioning by the Material
Requirements Planning segment.
These orders can fall into four main
First we have the major item :
machine production. The level of
production of machines and major
assemblies is decided by the
Marketing team and is under
continual review to such an extent
that the programme for production
can change quite frequently,
depending on the fluctuations in the
demand for our products, and the
supply situation both as regards raw
materials and finished components,
and the capacity we have for
Secondly, and no less important, we
have our schedules for the supply of
spares to the field via Supply
Division. Our own Supply Centre is
responsible for the placing of orders
for spares on Manufacturing Group
both for current and new parts.
All items are under continual review
to maintain the necessary amount of
stock in the Supply Centre to satisfy
the demands placed on it by the
Operating Companies. Supply Centre
have their own Spares Forecasting
system in operation on our computer
to help them do this. These orders
form at present the majority, in terms
of numbers, placed on Mitcheldean,
totalling 4,000 per month.
Thirdly, we have orders for parts and
sub-assemblies placed on us for
items required by other plants in
Manufacturing Group which they
require to make their own products —
so-called Inter Works Orders. These
are usually items which are common
to different machines made at
different plants, and we are perhaps
considered as the source of Supply.
Last of all, we have to supply parts
and sub-assemblies to remodel,
refurbish or recondition our existing
models which again is done to a
pre-defined programme, basically
depending on the rate of replacement
of machines in the field w i t h our
new models.
Demand Entry checks all these
orders and puts the relevant
information on to the ‘data base’.
But what is so different about an
integrated data base (around which
SOLAR is designed) and how is it
going to benefit us?
Well, the answer is basically a
technical one. Up till now the
information has been held on
different magnetic tape files, and in
many instances the same information
is duplicated and even triplicated,
w i t h the inevitable inaccuracies being
introduced the more times the
process is repeated.
With an integrated data base,
information need only be repeated
the absolute minimum number of
times and therefore the inaccuracies
should disappear.
A pessimist put it another way. ‘At
least we shall all get the same
information from the data base, even
if it is wrong.’
Having one file w i t h all information
on it also gives Information Systems
next SOLAR step
Loading and File Matching
19 12
5 4
Record Loading and User Implementation
implement 65 Point Goods Inwards Action Plan User
Complete Physical Moves Goods Inwards User
Creation of Revised Mechanised Stock Records User
(Olivetti Machines)
Complete Physical Moves Building 41 User
Introduce Security Changes User
Extended Perpetual Inventory User
Counting (A & B Items)
Opening Inventory User
Parallel Running
I .S
19 -1
Introduce Requirements User
Planning for Assembly Batches
Introduce Requirements Planning for Primary User
Introduce Requirements Planning for Purchase User
10.’3 19
the freedom to expand the existing
systems, and makes way for the
introduction of some of the more
sophisticated equipment to allow
users to receive more timely
It has previously been explained that
BOM basically deals in part
and the details pertinent to them.
It is possible for Demand Entry to
receive an order for a part which is
not currently on the BOM ; without
the part number already being on the
data base. Demand Entry cannot
accept the order.
Demand Entry uses a special
sub-system of SOLAR called
Parameter Update in order to achieve
this. Parameter Update services all
segments of SOLAR with various
‘static’ type of data, and through that
system the necessary part numbers
can be placed on the data base.
Demand Entry checks all incoming
orders to ensure that adequate time is
allowed to manufacture or buy, and
if enough time has not been allowed,
the order is referred to the Products
Sections for clearance.
Orders are also checked that they are
not being requested before we are
due to start making the part, or after
we are due to finish making the part.
This is done by reference to the
Engineering Order Applicability
information held on the BOM part of
the data base.
The remaining part of Demand Entry
consists of various print-outs on the
Outstanding Order Book. The regular
print-outs are as follows :
O u t s t a n d i n g R e q u i r e m e n ts
S t a t e m e n t — Q u a n t i t a t i v e : This is
a complete report of all the
outstanding customers’ orders
detailed individually. Produced
fortnightly, it is mainly used by our
N e t t e d O u t s t a n d i n g Requirem
e n t s S t a t e m e n t — Q u a n t i t a t i v e:
Similar to the above except that
deliveries that we know are in the
process of being made through our
Stock Transfer (STF) delivery system
are also taken into account when
producing outstanding balances.
Produced fortnightly, it is mainly used
by the Products Sections.
Goods a t P a c k e r s / I n t r a n s i t —
Q u a n t i t a t i v e : Details all the
outstanding deliveries in the process
of being made to customers on STFs
and states whether an item has been
despatched and whether it is still in
transit. Produced weekly, it is used
as a reference document when
discrepancies in deliveries have been
O u t s t a n d i n g V a l u a t i o n : A
valuation of the outstanding Spares
and Inter Works Orders on each
customer for each model in summary
form for Management. It shows each
period, the changes made to the
Order Book during the period by way
of new or amended orders and
Other ‘on request’ print-outs in
summary form are available which
value the Netted Outstanding
Requirements or Goods in Transit.
Stock Update is the next segment of
SOLAR following in the footsteps of
Demand Entry, and this deals w i t h all
stock movements. Until the time
when Stock Update is implemented.
Demand Entry is also responsible for
the processing of all STFs and their
evaluation for the Accounts
Currently the data base holds details
of all our customers’ orders and at
the time of going to press Demand
Entry was undergoing parallel
running w i t h the existing SPARCS
The operation of using the data base
is already highlighting inconsistencies
in the fragmented SPARCS system —
an encouraging sign that we are
moving into a more controlled sphere
of material requirements planning.
The winning 4000 ‘A’ team: (bacl< row from left) Lloyd Brown (who played in earlier
matches but became a casualty), manager Mervyn Davies, players Dave Walding,
Alan Bridges, Roy Powell, Mike Clarke, John Parsons, Paddy Donnelly, first aider
Tony Cale; (front row) Dennis Duke, Roger Griffiths, Dave Roberts (captain).
Chalky Robertshaw, Steve Foxwell. Mascot: Mervyn s son, Michael.
Maulers get Mauled
Once again Maintenance Maulers
reached the final of the Interdepartmental
Football Competition—
a match which incidentally attracted
several County League and North
L e f t : Harold Morgan of Cinderford Town
AFC presents the trophy to Dave Roberts,
captain of the 4000 ‘A’ team.
B e l o w : (back row, from left) linesman
Brian Norris, Maintenance Maulers Keith
Marfell, Colin Mansell, Rob Johnson,
Gerald Horlick, Ashley Saunders, Colin
Paddock, referee Alan Baldwin, linesman
Dennis Williams; (front row) first aider
Ken Hook, Roy Jones (sub.), players
Terry Hook, Gary Trigg, Mike Weaver
(captain), David Bowdler and Malcolm
Gloucester League players.
Certainly for the first ten minutes the
Maulers played as if they intended to
take the cup on this occasion.
However, their opening pressure was
short-lived as the 4000 ‘A’ team
began to stamp their mark on the
From then on it seemed one-way
traffic, and by half-time 4000 had hit
the back of the net three times — all
well-taken goals.
The second half kicked off with
4000 quickly settling into their stride.
Once again the pressure was on the
Maulers’ back four. Credit must be
given them for sticking so well to a
difficult task of containing the lively
featuring ROSALYN plus DISCO
June 8 at 8.30 p.m.
Tickets 50p each from A. Taylor, PED. P. Jordari, PED.
D. Webb, Reliability Lab. P. Blake, Design
4000 front runners.
By the 75th minute, 4000 had added
another three goals, making a tally
of six. After this their play slackened,
and the stranglehold they had on the
game was lost.
Maintenance Maulers took full
advantage of this and notched two
well-deserved goals.
At the final whistle, the crowd
showed their appreciation of a good
clean game. Congratulations are due
to referee Alan Baldwin and his
linesmen Brian Norris, Mike Edmunds
and stand-in Dennis Williams for
officiating so well.
The cup and trophies were presented
to the players and officials by
Harold Morgan, administration
manager of Cinderford Town AFC,
by whose kind permission the match
was played on the Causeway Ground
on Easter Sunday.
Rank Xerox Sports & Social Club
Committee take this opportunity of
thanking all who took part in this
very successful competition which
grows more popular w i t h each year.
Goal S c o r e r s : 4000 ‘A’ —
A. Bridges (2), P. Donnelly (2),
C. Robertshaw (1), D. Duke ( 1 );
Maintenance Maulers — C. Mansell
(1), M. Weaver (1). Final score: 6:2.
Karate Club Stronger
The Karate Club has been growing
stronger recently — in terms of
membership, quite apart from
muscles. ‘We’ve had a big intake of
apprentices, and our numbers now
average between 30 and 40 at our
Monday and Wednesday evening
meetings,’ said chairman John Hart
of PED.
Snooker Position
This time last year, the Snooker
Section were runners-up to the
Division I winners; now, at the end
of the 1973/74 season. Bob Smith
reports that they have just escaped,
by t w o points, relegation to Division II !
Undaunted, the Section will be
taking up their cues and endeavouring
to regain their former status in the
early autumn. They play at the
YMCA, Cinderford, on Thursday
evenings. ‘Phone Bob on ext. 0123
if you’d care to j o in them after the
summer break.
Squash Men on Show
Thirteen brave gladiators (the
fourteenth was unable to come) faced
each other in an extremely exciting
encounter at the Wye Hotel recently.
Some of the boys in the game were
at last ‘on show’.
The Wanderers of Information
Systems enlisted such notables as
Paul (the ‘King’) Barons, and Geoff
( I ‘m a stone overweight) Packwood ;
United of Accounting countered with
Chris (stop passing it) BUCKley and
Roger (I’ve not played for weeks)
Dickinson, and of course your old
friend S. Rackets.
The contests were hard fought with
much weight being lost on both sides
and although the writer wasn’t able
to watch all the matches, he did get
one or t w o commentaries from our
umpire (to whom we’re very grateful),
J im V. Griffiths.
The match which he enjoyed
featured an Accounts player, who
wishes to remain anonymous,
showing all the grace and agility of a
ballet dancer as he leapt around the
court with the occasional attempt at
knocking the wall over.
Eventually the match was won by
the Wanderers 4 — 3 as the United’s
seventh player was unavailable, and
Accounting would like to extend
apologies to his intended opponent.
The results were as f o l l o w s:
Wanderers United Result
Geoff P a c k w o od V Chris Saunders 1 — 3
Paul Barons V Bill Robinson 3 — 0
Geoff Darbyshire V Chris Buckley 3 – 0
Roger Finning V C o l i n Fursman 0 – 3
M i k e B r o wn V Roger D i c k i n s on 3 – 0
Peter Ellis V Don Evans 1 – 3
Peter Alker V Olive J o h n s on 3 — 0
( W . O . )
There has been a good response to
the notices about squash around the
Plant and a meeting will be held
shortly (probably before anybody has
read this) to which everyone
interested will be welcome.
S. R a c k e ts
Revival Meeting
After an intermission. Cine & Photo
Club activities are being resumed ;
Robin Berks is now back from his
spell of duty in the USA and as we
went to press a ‘revival meeting’ was
being planned. Member Betty King
has meantime been busy w i t h her
camera, winning cups at Newent
Camera Club. She is the first to win
the King Consistency Cup, donated
in fact by herself and husband Robin,
for best results in the past year’s
competitions. The other cup is for
second place in the black and white
For four days prior to Easter, April 8 to 11,
artists in the Plant were given an opportunity
to display examples of their work in the
Social Centre. Warren Woodward of 4000
mini line, who master-minded the whole
thing, is seen here with Myra Newman and
some of the visitors to the ‘gallery’. Focus
of attention is Myra’s painting in oils of
Soudley Ponds, for which she was made
numerous tempting offers. Myra, who
B i r t h s
Robert J o h n , a son for Peter Sperring
( I n f o r m a t i o n Systems) and his w i f e Lynne,
on February 27.
Sarah Louise, a d a u g h t e r for Neil J o n es
(PED) and his w i f e Christine, o n M a r c h 22.
S i l v e r W e d d i ng
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o W i n t A d a m s (Tool &
Cutter G r i n d i n g ) and his w i f e J o a n (Elec.
S u b – a s s e m b l y ) w h o celebrated t h e i r 2 5 th
w e d d i n g anniversary on A p r i l 9.
W e d d i n g s
Evelyn Beard ( 4 0 0 0 M i n i Line) t o George
S m i t h at St M i c h a e l ‘ s & All Angels,
M i t c h e l d e a n , on Easter Monday.
Sue Morrell (Data A s s e m b l y ) t o J o h n West
at St J o h n ‘ s Church, C o l e f o r d , on April 20.
J i m M o r g an
We regret t o have t o report t h e death on
May 1 of J i m M o r g a n ( 4 0 0 0 mini l i n e ),
aged 52. He had been w i t h us since
December 1963.
R e t i r e m e n t s
Best w i s h e s t o t h e f o l l o w i n g w h o retired
i n A p r i l:
Margaret W h i t b y ( C l e a n i n g Services),
Stanley Adams ( F i n i s h i n g D e p a r t m e n t ),
J o h n Adams ( P E D ) , Henry Preedy (Works
E n g i n e e r i n g ) , and Leonard Ward ( 4 0 00
A s s e m b l y ) .
• Who in t h e D r a w i n g Office, madly
e n t h u s i a s t i c about t h e c a p a b i l i t i e s of t he
1 8 6 0 printer, c l a i m e d : ‘ Y o u can reduce the
o r i g i n a l d o w n until it disappears t h r o u g h a
h o l e in t h e paper’ ?
• W h o in PED w a s l o c k e d o u t of his car by
his basset h o u n d and had t o cadge a lift
home t o get another key before he c o u ld
regain o w n e r s h i p f r om ‘ F r e d ‘ ?
works for Information Officer Jimmy Bake,
told us:’ When I picked myself up off the
floor (it was the first time I’d ever exhibited
any paintings), I told the would-be
purchasers that it wasn’t for sale — at least
not for a while.’ Other work on show
included items by Mollie Sleeman
(Electrical Subs.), Doug Bates (4000
Stores), Martyn Holbrook (Work Study) and
Warren himself.
George B Evelyn Smith
Dean Forest Studios
John a Sue West
If y o u have, t h e n p l e a s e—
let your d e p a r t m e n t a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t k n o w , or leave it at any Gate House f o r c o l l e c t i o n by me,
or post it t o me at Tree Tops, Plump»Hill, M i t c h e l d e a n,
or r i n g m e — i t ‘ s D r y b r o o k 5 4 2 4 1 5.
Myrtle Fowler, Editor -.,
F o r S a le
English springer spaniel puppies, liver and
w h i t e , b o t h sexes, ready in May. David
Crabbe, BIdg 40, ext. 0 1 2 6 or Lydney 2 1 8 3.
T w o s i n g l e beds ( 3 f t ) w i t h o u t mattresses,
£ 5 o.n.o. t h e pair. L. Hopkins, 2 The Steps,
L o n g h o p e . Tel. L o n g h o p e 643.
M o t o r l a w n mower, petrol d r i v e n , in g o od
c o n d i t i o n , £ 1 5 o.n.o. E. M e n h i n n i t t,
1 U p l a n d s Close, Hilldene, C i n d e r f o r d.
Steiner w i g , brunette, s h o u l d e r – l e n g t h , curly.
U n u s e d , c o s t £9, g o i n g for £5. Sandra J o n es
( C a n t e e n ) .
1 5 0 0 GT e n g i n e £35. 2000E gearbox £25.
L y d b r o o k 586.
Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, modernised
and d e c o r a t e d t h r o u g h o u t , garden, £ 6 , 9 5 0.
Terry Barrett, 28 S t r a t t o n Road, Gloucester.
Recently buiit 3 – b e d r o om s e m i – d e t a c h ed
house in Hereford, w i t h full central heating,
garage, u t i l i t y r o o m , etc., £ 1 0 , 8 5 0.
S. J . E d i n b o r o u g h , Design, ext. 861 or
H e r e f o r d 6 9 7 0 0.
Sanyo s o l i d state cassette t a p e recorder
i n c l u d i n g mike, 4 cassettes plus head
cleaner tape and carrying case. Rarely used,
1 year o l d , £9 o.n.o. ( £ 2 0 n e w ) . R. S m i t h,
1 Old Dean Road, M i t c h e l d e a n or S u p p ly
Centre, BIdg 4 1 , ext. 775.
Blue M o t h e r c a r e pram w i t h pram seat and
s h o p p i n g tray, in g o o d clean c o n d i t i o n , £ 1 0.
Ian Thomas, Purchase, ext. 265, or
W h i t e c r o f t 703.
Creda 4 – s t a r cooker, r o a s t i n g spit, clock,
timer, 4 s o l i d plates, £10. Ext. 840.
D i n i n g – r o o m t a b l e , square. C. A s t o n,
ext. 253.
H i l l m a n spares. T. Daunter, Supply Centre
Transport, ext. 236.
T o y o t a Celica 1 9 7 3 1 6 0 0 c c 4 – s p e e d c o u p e,
t u r q u o i s e , o n l y 9 , 0 0 0 miles, o n e owner,
e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , £ 1 , 1 0 0 . Can be v i e w ed
at H. M e e k ‘ s Blue Star Garage, Lea, or r i ng
J o h n M a c D o n a l d , ext. 166.
W o r k s h o p manual for T r i u m p h 1300,
£ 2 o.n.o. Mike Short, ext. 998.
D i s c o
G o l d e n Orange Disco for hire at l o w rates.
Records f o r all o c c a s i o n s w i t h modern
e q u i p m e n t . K. C. P o w e l l , Sorter Assembly,
or W h i t e c r o f t 252.
A n y o n e f o r T e n n i s?
C i n d e r f o r d Tennis Club needs n e w members.
C o n t a c t Peter James, ext. 7 2 1 , or J o hn
Coates, ext. 9 0 8.
W a n t e d
T o w – b a r t o f i t M k 3 Cortina. W. R. Delahay,
ext. 995.
G o o d q u a l i t y s e c o n d – h a n d g e n t ‘ s cycle
( s e m i – s p o r t s ) . L. Lane, ext. 9 8 3.
S o m e o n e t o make soft t o y s — special
request. Mrs W. Cox, 3 N e w t o w n , nr. Steam
M i l l s , C i n d e r f o r d.
Help I M u s i c teacher stands t o play — c an
a n y o n e p r o v i d e M i t c h e l d e a n Primary School
w i t h music s t o o l ? Will pay up t o £5. Reply
t o Chris R a w l i n g s , PED, ext. 7 5 9.
A n y old Rolls Royce badges, etc.
C. S a y w o o d , P r o d u c t i v i t y Services.
Small boat trailer, 10 t o 12 f t . Dennis
Clarke, ext. 9 7 0.
Printed in England by Taylor, Y o u n g (Printers) L t d.