Return to 1975-1979

Vision 106

January 75 No. 1 06
The Cup that Cheets!
And cheers are certainly due to our
apprentices for bringing back, for the
eighth time, the Rank Xerox Ltd Cup
awarded annually to the firm whose
apprentices produce the best
collective record in course-work and
Apprentice Kevin James (right), who
received a course prize on his own
account, accepted the cup on the
Company’s behalf at the recent
prize-giving at the West
Gloucestershire College of Further
Here he is celebrating its return to
us, along w i t h fellow-apprentice
David Evans, who won the South
Wales Institute of Engineers Shield,
awarded^annualiy to the engineering
student gaining the best collective
^^ourse and exaj^nation results.
Apart from the cup and shield,
apprentices Christopher Dean,.
Richard Johnson, Mark Savagar,
Terry Hook and ex-apprentLce Cjive
Manns won six out of the 12 bourse
prizes awarded in the Departctient of
Engineering & Building, andAwo
secretarial students — Caroli^n Ackary
and Jane Williams — also received
course prizes in the Businass ^tudies
section. (More successes^arel ,y
featured on pages 2 and p.) | ^/
General Manager’s
New Year Message
I t i s t r a d i t i o n a l f o r t he
M i t c h e l d e a n General M a n a g e r to
e x t e n d seasonal g o o d w i s h e s to
a l l r e a d e r s o f V I S I O N a t t h is
t i m e o f t h e year, a n d I a m v e ry
g l a d t o t a k e t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y.
A l t h o u g h t h e N e w Year s h o u ld
be a t i m e o f o p t i m i s m a n d hope
r e n e w e d , w e d o u n f o r t u n a t e ly
have m a n y p r o b l e m s c a s t i ng
t h e i r s h a d o w o v e r us t h i s year.
T h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d n a t i o n al
e c o n o m i c s i t u a t i o n has n o t l e ft
us u n t o u c h e d i n t e r m s of
r e d u c t i o n i n d e m a n d f o r our
m a c h i n e s , a n d s e v e r e c o st
p r e s s u r e s , m a d e w o r s e by h i gh
i n f l a t i o n .
M a n y p e o p l e a t M i t c h e l d e an
have a l r e a d y been a f f e c t e d by
b e i n g s w i t c h e d f r o m one p r o d u ct
or j o b t o a n o t h e r , a n d t h e need
f o r t h i s k i n d o f f l e x i b i l i t y is
l i k e l y t o c o n t i n u e.
We m u s t all r e c o g n i s e t h a t we
have a s t a k e i n c u t t i n g o u t all
i n e f f i c i e n c y a n d w a s t e , s o a s to
k e e p c o s t s o f o u r p r o d u c ts
d o w n , a n d d e m a n d f o r t h e m up.
T h i s i s t h e w a y t o p r e s e r v e a nd
i m p r o v e e m p l o y m e nt
o p p o r t u n i t i e s i n 1975.
I t r u s t t h a t t h e r e a l i sm a nd
s i n c e r i t y o f t h i s m e s s a g e w i ll
be a c c e p t e d by all w h o w o r k at
M i t c h e l d e a n . If w e can w o rk
t o g e t h e r i n 1975 e v e n m o re
e f f e c t i v e l y , b u i l d i n g o n t he
s o u n d f o u n d a t i o n s f o r m u t u al
u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d c o – o p e r a t i on
l a i d i n 1974, t h e n w e s h a l l g et
t h r o u g h o u r d i f f i c u l t i e s a n d it
w i l l be ‘ A Happy N e w Y e a r !’
December 9 was one of winter’s
golden days. And the golden
atmosphere permeated the
restaurant in the Social Centre where
a small crowd had gathered for ‘a
sunny occasion’, as Training
Manager Jack Timms put it.
‘There has been an increase in the
number of people who have gained
financial awards,’ he announced.
‘These are for certificates gained in a
course of professional studies so you
might say they’ve reached the gold
standard I’
The awards, totalling over £800,
were handed out by General
Manager Ron Morfee who said : ‘I am
in the company of some of the
people w i t h the best judgment and
talent in the place. They’ve had the
good judgment to come and work
here and pursue these studies, and
obviously have the talent to succeed.
‘I take my hat off to those who are
dedicated enough to spend their
own time this way and I congratulate
them.’ (One chap was so dedicated
he went to the tech. instead of
coming to receive his award I)
The winners were introduced by
Training staff — the technical types
first by Frank Edwards, the
management and supervisory by
Wally Hammond, the secretarial by
Kathleen Allen and the commercial by
Lynne Coote, standing in for
Roger Acland.
Prize N o te
One of the award winners, David
Jones, w h o recently took the
Materials Handling & Plant Layout
section of the Institute of Materials
Handling graduate certificate
examination, also w o n the John
Morris Memorial Award for being the
best student. That makes t w o of
Guy Bedford’s staff who have won
this award — the other being Ted
Bennett w h o won it in 1970.
(Trainee secretaries and apprentices
will be receiving their awards at
their own Students’ Dinner &
Presentation in a f ew weeks’ time.)
A/l lined up after the presentation are
{from the top down) the management and
supervisory, technical, secretarial and
commercial award winners.
Management a n d S u p e r v i s o ry
Certificate in Industrial Management —
David Barrett ( M a c h i n e S h o p ) , Bob
H a w k i n g ( R e l i a b i l i t y ).
National Examination Board for Supervisory
Studies—C\We Brookes ( 4 0 0 0 A s s e m b l y ),
Ken Butt, Roger Preece and T o n y Yelland
( E n g i n e e r i n g D.O.), Rafe Cherry (Goods
I n w a r d s I n s p e c t i o n ) , Geraint G r i f f i t hs
( E l e c t r i c a l S u b – a s s e m b l y ) , Frank T o n g e and
Dennis W i l l i a m s ( I n t e r n a l T r a n s p o r t ) , T o ny
W o o d ( M a c h i n e S h o p ).
Telecommunications — Part II :
Michael Short ( D e s i g n E n g i n e e r i n g );
Part III: Robert Leach ( R e l i a b i l i t y ).
Technician’s Certificate —
Electrical: Roger B a l d w i n and Stephen
Davis (RED E l e c t r o n i c s ) , J o h n Davis
( G o o d s I n w a r d s ).
Electrical Installations Final: Robert
Kempster ( W o r k s E n g i n e e r i n g ).
Full Technological Certificate — David
Phelps ( R e l i a b i l i t y ) , Clive M a n n s and Roger
M i l e s ( E n g i n e e r i n g D.O.), David T u f f l ey
( T E D ) .
Ordinary National Certificate — Electrical:
Keith Davis and Robert H o w e l l ( b o th
Design Engineering and b o t h already have
HNC M e c h a n i c a l ) ; Science: Ton’^ l l i f fe
( R e l i a b i l i t y ) .
Higher National Certificate — Electrical:
T o n y Day, Ian H o d k i n s o n and Derek Russan
(PED E l e c t r o n i c s ) ; Mechanical: Richard
W a l f o r d ( D e s i g n E n g i n e e r i n g ) , Tony
W a l k l e t t (TED) ; Endorsement: Michael
M a r t i n d a l e (PED E l e c t r o n i c s ).
Institute of Work Study Practitioners —
Part I: Terry P h i l l i p s ; Part II: A r t h u r Kelly,
Bill Kerr and David Powell (all W o r k S t u d y ).
Licentiate of the Royal Institute of
Chemistry: Mike English ( W o r k s L a b o r a t o r y ).
Certificate of Office Studies — Part II:
G r a h am A r n o l d ( M o d e l S h o p ) , D a v i d J o n es
( M a t e r i a l s H a n d l i n g ).
Institute of Cost 8- Management
Accountants — Part I: Paul Tucker and
M i c h a e l W r i g h t (Financial A c c o u n t i n g );
Parts I B II: T o n y B u t t e r w o r t h (Financial
A c c o u n t i n g ) ; Parts II 8- III: Keith H e w i tt
( G r o u p F i n a n c e ) ; Part III: Steve K n i g h t on
( S u p p l y Centre).
Institute of Purchase & Supply —Final:
Robert L i d d i n g t o n (Purchase).
Association of Certified Accountants —
Parts I B / / . T o n y Rand ( G r o u p Finance).
S e c r e t a r i a l
Typing — RSA I: Susan Cooper
( R e c o n d i t i o n i n g ) , G w y n n e t h Lewis
( T e c h n i c a l L i b r a r y ) , J o y Scrivens (Financial
A c c o u n t i n g ) , Carol Wall ( P e r s o n n e l ).
Shorthand: Anne Bedney ( M a c h i n e S h o p ),
Pamela D o u g l a s ( P E D ) , Sheila T i n g le
(Elec. S u b – a s s e m b l y ) , A n n e W a t t s (Group
I n v e n t o r y C o n t r o l ) , J a n e W i l l i a ms
( F i n i s h i n g ) .
‘O’ Level English: Sheila Tingle.
Saving through the Payroll
Save? With the cost of living being
what it is and inflation reducing the
purchasing power of anything
already saved ? What’s the point ?
That’s virtually what we said to
Alan Cryer when he told us that a
savings drive is being started within
industry this month to draw attention
to the payroll savings facilities
The drive is being organised in
conjunction with the National
Savings Movement and Alan is
hon. group secretary for this area.
He is also our Payments Operations
Manager at Mitcheldean, so he
knows a thing or t w o about cash
flow, and we thought you’d like to
hear his argument.
‘We appreciate long-term savings
may not be attractive today,’ he told
us, ‘but short-term purpose savings
are a different matter. Inflation or not,
we all need to save for a purpose at
some time, whether it’s for getting
married, or buying a house, or
holidays. And there’s nothing more
comforting than knowing you’ve a
bit put aside to meet any unexpected
‘The payroll savings facilities make it
possible for you to build up a
savings account in a painless way.
What happens is that you elect to
save a sum of money, no matter how
much, and arrange for it to be
deducted at source every week.
‘This is paid monthly into the
Trustee Savings Bank — it’s a
Government-backed concern offering
full banking facilities, and you get an
individual interest-bearing savings
account and a pass book. It’s all
confidential and you may find it helps
you to budget more efficiently.
‘If you wish, you can opt for
longer-term saving (for retirement,
say) by investing the money in a
Save As You Earn contract, savings
certificates, etc. That is up to you.
‘From a Company point of view, we’re
proud of having a long savings
record. Way back in the mid-1950’s
Dennis Barnard, Len Hart and
Henry Phillips used to run a Thrift
Club w i t h the help of some 12
collectors in the Plant. They used to
collect the money and bank it and
usually all of it was paid out at
Christmastime or for holidays. In
fact, in 1963, the Savings Group was
awarded a certificate of merit by the
National Savings Movement for the
steady increase in both membership
and subscriptions.
‘Then in the early 1960’s the payroll
became computerised and we were
able to operate a new type savings
scheme called Direct Transfer
Scheme — in other words, painless
extraction at source!
Today we have 778 people at
Mitcheldean Plant participating in the
We asked Alan if he was one of
them. ‘I certainly am,’ he said. ‘I like
to practise what I preach I’
The appropriate forms for saving
through the payroll are being
distributed. All you need do is fill
one in as directed and the painless
extraction can begin.
January is the time for making good
resolutions — and your resolution to
save is less likely to get broken by
February if you let the computer
carry it out for you.
As a National Savings Movement
official, Alan Cryer wants to see more
of us saving ttie painless way.
Conserving our Energy
Although at the time of going to
press we had not received any official
request, it was known that the
Government was looking for
something like a 15 per cent cut in
our energy consumption, and that a
mandatory ceiling on office
temperatures of 68°F was being
considered (compared w i t h the 63°F
required during the last energy crisis).
Tony Newman, Maintenance Manager,
told us: ‘We are in a better position
to cope this time in the light of our
previous experience.
‘We have been preparing a plan of
action w i t h Works Manager
Don Elliott acting as co-ordinator for
all energy saving exercises, and
various steps have already been
taken — such as making sure all
equipment is working efficiently, and
putting places like the computer
block on 100 per cent standby cover.
‘Come the crunch, we could put our
emergency plan into operation almost
at the flick of a switch !’
In the meantime, everyone can help
conserve energy by
• switching off lights when not
needed, especially when going
home at night and during the
lunch breaks;
• keeping doors and windows shut
to keep the heat in.
-A possible energy-saving exercise I
The name Bugatti is holy — among
motoring enthusiasts, that is. It
represents a great deal of noise, wide
spoked aluminium wheels and a
horseshoe-shaped radiator on a blue
vintage racing car which, in Hitler’s
early days, could win any motor race
in Europe.
The war caused the production of
Bugattis to cease permanently, but
the legend is preserved at the
beautifully situated Cotswold estate
known among enthusiasts as
Prescott Hill Climb.
It is operated by the Bugatti Owners’
Club and provides competitive
meetings five or six times a year.
These contests consist of climbing
the twisting tarmac road and being
electronically timed to one hundredth
part of a second. Climbs are made
one car at a time, but following in
fast sequence, provided the track is
quite clear of other competitors’ cars.
Lying a f ew miles north of
Cheltenham, it has seen many w o r l d –
famous drivers but is largely
supported by racing Minis and
numerous other types of racing and
sports car.
Des Weyman of Design Engineering
sports a fast race-tuned Austin Mini
of 1293cc in w h i c h he has made
some particularly good climbs at
Prescott. He has not only been class
winner there but, amongst other
recent racing achievements, he also
holds the class record at Penrice and
Pontypool Hill Climbs.
Des Weyman (second from rig fit) with
his Austin l\/lini Cooper S at Prescott.
He once exclaimed modestly ‘I go in
to w i n ‘ , and you have only to see
him cornering at ‘Ettori’s’ to
appreciate his remark. This U-shaped
corner at Prescott is historically
named after Ettori Bugatti whose
beautifully designed cars were
constructed at Molsheim in France.
A superb and particularly fast racing
Lotus 22/31 is j o i n t ly owned by
Terry Kavanagh of Design PWB
section, Keith Beddis and Ian
Walding. This immaculate 1598cc
single-seater regularly competes at
Prescott, and it’s great to see Terry
screaming through the ‘esses’ as he
attempts to make his fastest time
ever. Here the track is S-shaped and
is enveloped by trees which
accentuate exhaust roar as you dice
towards the finish.
That’s Terry Kavanagh at the controls of
the Lotus 22/31.
The lucky mascot of this Lotus team
is Terry’s wife Sally of Engineering
Drawing Office who often threatens
to take the wheel on practice days —
but she admits it’s mainly a man’s
You may well see Terry competing at
Shelsley Walsh or Pontypool Hill
Climbs or certain Silverstone events.
He recently took second place at
Wroughton Sprint Meeting, and also
at Penrice Hill Climb, but he’s very
modest about it all.
Incidentally, when you next win the
pools and obtain your Ferrari, try
joining the elite in the Ferrari
Owners’ Club. They’re joint
organisers at Prescott and you may
well make ‘fastest time of the day’.
WIS g • P R
—but ‘we want to help
them feel at home*
Before Derek Wintle went on holiday
at Christmas he had to make sure
that nine of our secondees, or
‘residents’ (four in Engineering and
five in Manufacturing) and their
families were being safely
All on secondment in the USA, they
were using their holiday entitlement
to spend Christmas w i t h their
relatives back home. The deal is that
they get one holiday trip for the
whole family per year of service
abroad, and the Company pays for
their air fare — it’s all part of the policy.
As Co-ordinator, International
Assignment and Policy for
Manufacturing Group Personnel,
Derek spent six weeks in the States
last year assisting with the framing of
the newly revised policy and its
distribution, and explaining all about
it to residents over there.
Terms and conditions vary according
to the country concerned because of
differing internal legislation, tax, etc.
For example, in Japan our
Manufacturing Group representative,
Ernie Watkins, has to pay not only
income tax but also a ‘resident’s’
tax — nothing to do with being from
Rank Xerox, simply a tax for being
‘The EEC is a particularly difficult
area because of the varying
interpretation of documents between
countries,’ Derek told us.
How many secondees do we have?
‘From RXMP we have 30 in the USA,
two in Venray, t w o in Lille, one in
Japan and one in Brazil. We also
have one person on national
assignment at Welwyn and there will
probably be some later at Milton
Keynes,’ he said.
As well as looking after administration
matters for all on secondment from
this Plant, he has a co-ordination role
for all secondee administration at
other Mfg Group locations. ‘We have
a reciprocal arrangement for helping
each other’s people.’
Quite a lot of work has to be got
through before a man is seconded.
First the need has to be established
by a manager and agreed both here
and in the host country; only after
the job clarification has been settled
does the selection process commence.
It isn’t just a case of choosing a man
for his technical aptitude; his health
and personal circumstances have to
be taken into account, and
everything hinges on the results of a
rigorous medical test. Commented
Billy Gilmour, a hardy Scot just back
from the USA: ‘Stamina is a vital
qualification 1’
Says Derek: ‘When a chap has passed
his medical, I brief him on his terms
and conditions. We have to get all
the necessary documentation
together — passport, visa, work
permit, international driving licence
form (he is expected to possess a
suitable driving licence), customs
clearance form for when he returns,
even voting arrangements, and we
set up the administration side — tax,
social security, payment system and
so on.
‘Normally we fly people but
sometimes this isn’t feasible. One
man had a son w i t h a pierced
ear-drum so sea travel was advised.
‘When we have a whole gang going
we arrange sessions w i t h former
residents and managers and we show
films about the places where they’re
going to live and work.
‘I think the wives have the hardest
task in getting integrated. They
aren’t allowed to work on a visa and
I admire them for the way they cope.
We haven’t lost a w i fe yet!
‘Our aim is to give our secondees as
good a welfare and social service as
possible. We want to settle them in.
help them to feel at home — not
provide a permanent crutch.’
Absence makes the heart grow
fonder; it also tends to magnify
little matters into monumental ones,
and telex plays a vital part not only
in business matters but also as a
lifeline connecting the secondee
w i t h home base.
‘Our Mitcheldean telex team give us
a fantastic service,’ said Derek,
holding up a message 2ft. 6in. long
relating to salary reviews.
It is important that our people
abroad should not feel out of touch,
and they are sent regular copies of
Vision, Management Review, works
notices and any other relevant
material. It goes officially by
courier to the USA, by post to most
other places; unofficially, those who
commute between plants often act
as postmen.
Secondees in non-English speaking
countries are sent some newspapers
and comics for the kids. Inevitably
things arrive late sometimes, or don’t
always get to the right people.
Stuart Harrold said that while with
Fuji Xerox he never felt really
homesick enough to appreciate our
canteen menus I
As the assignment goes on. Group
Personnel become concerned with
placing our secondees back in the
Plant. They try to ensure no one
loses by having been away.
Sometimes we lose the secondee.
Mike Rowlett of Group Finance, for
instance, transferred to Venray Plant
on January 1 ; for some nine months
last year he worked in Lille, along
w i t h Mike Stone, helping SIRX to set
up an accounting system there.
Our first man to be sent to France,
Mike is not so much English as
European. He speaks German,
Dutch and French, and is quite at
home on the Continent.
Mike obviously enjoyed his stay in
Lille — he’ll certainly never forget his
arrival at the bungalow allotted to
‘There’d been a burglary and I found
the French police examining the
bedroom for footprints. There was a
great hole in the w i n d ow and we
had to sleep w i t h it like t h a t!
Oddly enough, the only thing that
had been taken was a sheet I’
Dere/< Wintle (centre) with Billy Gilmour, a
design engineer recently returned from an
assignment at Rochester, USA, and
{far right) Mike Rowlett of Group Finance
{now with Venray) who was our first man
to be sent to France.
Back from Japan—
with a bride
Stuart Harrold went further than
most of our secondees. He was in
Japan for t w o and a half years as
Engineering representative w i t h Fuji
Xerox, and towards the end of his
stay was working for both Xerox and
Rank Xerox.
He so enjoyed being out there he
brought a bit of Japan back with
him — a charming Japanese bride
called Mitsuko, who speaks English.
Before he went out, Stuart underwent
a gruelling intensive course in the
language, so our first question was :
Did you find your f<now/edge of
Japanese useful ?
I didn’t use it much within the
company — only outside. I made
friends among both the Japanese and
other foreign nationals.
l-low different did you find it worthing
at Fuji Xerox ?
They hold far more meetings than we
do and everyone gets involved in
everything. So they work longer
hours than we do. They also have a
great many national holidays and
often don’t take all their personal
holiday entitlement.
l-low do their facilities compare
with ours ?
By British standards they are
exceptionally good. A new welfare
building was recently put up at the
Ebina factory, which is the newest
Fuji Xerox plant. This has a wide
variety of amenities : a canteen used
by people of all levels; a kind of
supermarket; surgeries for the
full-time doctor and dentist; a
gymnasium; sauna baths; lecture
hall; library, part technical, part
general; a refreshment area w i t h bar
facilities used in the evenings; and
traditional Japanese rooms for tea
ceremony and Ikibana (flower
arranging) activities. The site also
has tennis courts, and baseball and
football pitches.
Are there unions as in this country ?
Not at Fuji Xerox; the nearest thing
to a union, as in most manufacturing
companies, is the employees’
association which represents all t he
workers in the company — even
managers belong.
\Nhat products are made there ?
The Ebina plant and the one at
Iwatsuki manufacture the FX 4000,
1000, 2200 (an FX design which is a
little smaller than the 660 and has
book copying capabilities), and
various other systems like the 1860
and 1824, CFPs and accessories such
as the sorter and the ADF. There is
also a consumables plant at
How did you get on with the
weather ?
The summer is totally unbearable —
95°F and 90% relative humidity
almost round the clock. Airconditioning
is a must, even in the
car. The other three seasons are very
pleasant. The winters are d r y ; in
fact, last winter we went 90 days
without any measurable rainfall in
Tokyo and there was a lot of static
electricity because of this.
Stuart Harrold back from Fuji Xerox with
his Japanese bride, Mitsuko Watanabe.
Stuart now works for Colin Bird,
Manager, Planning, in Engineering.
Where did you live ?
In an apartment in Tokyo in an area
rather like Belgravia — lots of
consulates, embassies, etc. I did my
own cooking and found plenty of
Western food available.
What about leisure-time ?
I went sightseeing, wining and
dining, to the cinema (mostly foreign
films) and to watch the odd motor
race and rally. I also got interested in
playing darts and became secretary
of the Tokyo Darts League. This was
started by the foreign element but the
Japanese are getting good at it.
I ran the first-ever darts league in
Japan, sponsored by Berni Inns and
Cathay Pacific Airways.
Berni’s are opening a chain of inns
in Japan w i t h furnishings of English
manufacture — just like the New Inn
in Gloucester, the only difference
being that there are Japanese staff.
How did you get on with the driving ?
I had a Mazda RX 4 (by coincidence I)
and commuted 36 miles each way
every day to Ebina; I used to visit
the other factories as well. In Tokyo
itself the congestion is appalling and
I found the best way of getting
around was by motorbike.
Tell us about your wedding in Tokyo.
I was introduced to Mitsuko by a
mutual friend; she worked in a
shipping company and her parents
are internationally minded so there
was no opposition to our marriage.
The ceremony was a purely civil
one — not unlike getting a driving
licence I I had to have ‘the banns’
put up by the British Consul General
The Japanese have a family
registration, a kind of family tree, and
you have to obtain a sort of EO for
transfer from one registration to
another. Our marriage certificate was
a beautifully illuminated affair,
written with a brush, but I’ve only
got a copy as the original and the
translation are w i t h our o wn
Registrar General. A traditional
Shinto wedding is very expensive,
but still very popular. The couple
give presents to the guests and the
bride wears about 2cwt of pure silk!
Do women get much chance of a
business career ?
I would say not. The girls are all
general office girls and their status
and salary are the same, no matter
whom they work for. Most girls
leave work when they marry and
many companies won’t employ a
woman over 30. In fact, women are
still second-class citizens over there
— a n d are apparently quite happy to
stay that way.
Our last, and unspoken question,
was: Will Mitsuko feel the same way
after mixing with more progressivelyminded
English girls 7
John Roberts, w h o was
seconded to Xerox Corporation
a f ew months ago as Senior
Resident Manager, Manufacturing
Group, tells us that he
has had a word with John
Dennis, Senior Resident
Manager, Engineering, and that
they are endeavouring to set up
a regular f l ow of ‘resident
information’ to VISION so you
should be getting some
up-to-date news of ‘our men in
M a n u f a c t u r i n g G r o up
Now that M i k e H i l l , formerly
Manager, Material Control, has left
Manufacturing Group to take up the
appointment of Director, Supplies
Business Area, Central Strategy
Group, the f o l l o w i ng changes in the
Manufacturing Planning Division,
under the directorship of D o n
Shryane, have taken effect:
J e r e m y H e n w o o d , currently
Manager, Facilities & Resources
Planning, has assumed the title
Manager, Manufacturing Resources,
with responsibility for Production
Planning & Control and Manufacturing
Planning Administration in
addition to his current responsibilities.
He continues to report to Mr Shryane.
This restructuring will achieve the
important objective of bringing
together the planning of our longer
term requirements as identified in the
Long Range Plan and our shorter
term plant loading. Through
Production Planning & Control
Jeremy Henwood will assume
responsibility for the Supply/Demand
interface with I HQ.
C o l i n P e t e r s , Manager, Production
Planning & Control, and D r G e o f f
Parry, Manager, Manufacturing
Planning Administration, retain their
current roles but report to
Mr Henwood.
Neil F o r r e s t , Manager, Resources
Planning, E r i c M o o r e , Senior
Project Manager, and B r i an
H a r t s h o r n e , Industrial Architect,
continue to report to Mr Henwood.
B e r n a r d S m i t h , formerly Purchasing
Controller, Mitcheldean, has joined
Mfg Group staff as Manager,
Purchasing, and reports to
Mr Shryane. This important
appointment highlights the
prominence which will be given to
our purchasing efficiency, especially
during the present period of high
material cost inflation, w i t h tough
tasks included in our 1975/6
Operating Plan.
G r a h am B I y t h e , formerly Manager,
Purchasing, has been appointed
Manager, USSR Contracts ( M fg
Group), and is to be seconded on a
full-time basis to work with M e r r i tt
Chandler, Vice-President,
Information Technology Group, in
the purchasing and contracts field for
the USSR Project.
Ron M a s o n , V i c P a r r y , Peter
W a l t o n and J a c k W i g g l e s w o r th
continue to report to Mr Shryane;
their responsibilities are unchanged.
J i m M i t c h e l l , formerly
Manufacturing Programme Manager
for certain new products, has been
appointed Assistant Manager —
Manufacturing Programmes.
M i k e S m i t h , formerly Engineering
Programme Manager, Engineering
Group, has joined Mfg Group as
Manufacturing Programme Manager
to assume Mr Mitchell’s former
J o h n H a n k i n , formerly Assistant
Manufacturing Programme Manager,
has been appointed Manufacturing
Programme Manager covering
Consumables and Photoreceptors
for all new products.
P u r c h a s e
J o h n W i l k s , formerly Section
Manager in Purchase Department,
has been appointed Purchasing
Manager, reporting to N o r m an
F i s h e r , Assistant General Manager.
Mr Wilks has been in the Purchase
Department since he joined Rank
Xerox in 1957.
M a n u f a c t u r i ng
E n g i n e e r i ng
Ken S t a n b r i d g e is n ow Manager,
Planning and Control, reporting to
J a c k T e s t e r , Manager,
Manufacturing Engineering. His
responsibilities include the c o ordinated
planning and control of
multi-department activities within
Mfg Engineering, w i t h emphasis on
advance planning of n ew
developments; allocation, balance
and effectiveness of resources;
budgets; and development of practices.
His current position in PED as
Manager of t w o new products is
filled by S i d Palmer.
J o h n W o o d , in his present role as
Our last feature on the implementation
of SOLAR, in the July/August issue,
dealt w i t h Stock Update, third of t he
five segments of the system.
Since that time, a great deal of work
has been carried out in all user areas
and many previously recognised
problems have been resolved.
It has always been important for our
Company, w i t h its w i de range of
component parts, to have an accurate
system to control the level of parts
stocks and their f l ow throughout the
The need for this system has, of
course, become even more critical in
the light of the current international
economic situation, and it is
essential for our future at Mitcheldean
to ensure that it is f u l ly implemented
as rapidly as possible.
To help achieve this, a full-time
team has been set up under the
leadership of Production Manager
Frank Whinyates, reporting directly
Deputy Manager, Production
Engineering, w i l l , in addition to his
existing responsibility for Quality
Engineering, Finishing Engineering
and Office Services, be undertaking
responsibility for Assembly Planning
and Product related activities within
the department.
Production Engineering Managers
(Products) reporting to Mr Wood as
a result of this move are: H a r o ld
H a y l i n g (Accessories/660/720);
G e o f f H o w e l l (7000 Sub-
Assemblies) ; B r i a n L e w i s (4000
Family Processors); S i d Palmer
(two new products).
M e t r i c a t i o n Officer
J a c k T i m m s has been appointed
Metrication Officer for the
Mitcheldean Plant, in which capacity
he will be responsible to Mr Tester for
the planning and implementation of
metric change in all areas.
During this important development,
Mr Timms will be in close
consultation with all departmental
heads and managers in the
development of a total strategy which
will include personnel training, plant
conversion and standards revisions
in all their aspects.
P e r s o n n e l
D e r e k Lee, formerly Compensation
& Benefits Manager, has been
appointed Manager, Training.
B e r n a r d M o r r i s , formerly Personnel
Officer (Admin. Compensation &
Benefits), is n ow Manager —
Compensation & Benefits.
to General Manager Ron Morfee.
The team members are: Production
Department— Brian Barnes, Manager,
NC Complex; and J o h n Court,
Manager, Finishing & Low Volume
Assemblies; Quality Assurance —
Norman Copeland, Quality Engineer;
Production Control— David Davies,
Manager, Planning & Support, John
MacDonald, Manager, Special
Projects, and Paul Trollope, Senior
Supervisor; Finance &
Administration — Terry McNamara,
Manager, Special Projects;
Information Systems — John Powell,
Design Analyst, Alan Tully, Senior
Systems Analyst, and Graham
Riddiford, Project Analyst, Systems
Planning Department (Group).
The team are investigating
implementation problems in
association w i t h the appropriate
Management and Supervision and
j o i n t ly establishing the most
practical courses of action to resolve
these problems.
lace meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e mee
l e e t i n g p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting plac<
a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meel
Eugenie J o n e s has never been
known to get in a flap, as far as w e
can ascertain.
And she’s had plenty of o p p o r t u n i t y—
she’s been w i t h us since 1951, and
recently received her long service
award in the f o rm of a necklace.
Now secretary to Roger Haggett,
Director of Manufacturing Operations
(UK), she started work at Mitcheldean
printing j ob tickets in Production
Control when Arthur Mason was
You could say that was when she
created the ‘blue print’ for her
career; as Eugenie told us: ‘I used to
get covered in blue from the carbons
every day (they didn’t issue overalls
in those days). I think we can be
grateful to RX copiers for release
from that alone I’
Her secretarial career progressed via
Purchasing and Production Control
to Mitcheldean Management before
she took up her present appointment.
She met her husband, Des Jones,
now Manager, Named Vendor
Liaison Engineering (PED), at the
Plant and they were married in
1959 — just a year t oo soon to have
their wedding reported in VISION.
Their total service amounts to
almost half a century.
Eugenie’s favourite hobby is an
unusual one — tapestry work. She
also likes making wine — and
drinking it, she added, w i t h a twinkle
in her otherwise calm blue eyes.
Another recipient of a long service
award — of a different variety — is
J o h n B a d h a m , a design engineer
working for Accessories Manager
Ken Boyd.
John hails from near London; he
joined the Air Training Corps when
he was 14 and at the age of 20
received a commission in the Royal
Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
When he came to work at Mitcheldean
he changed his squadron (85
Southgate) along with his house.
Now living at Sling, near Coleford,
he belongs to 614 Lydney Squadron.
John’s award — a medal for 1 2
years’ adult service (dating from the
age of 18) — was presented to h im
by the Duke of Beaufort, Lord
Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, at
Badminton House on November 3.
Flying Officer John holds a gliding
licence, but his duties involve
groundwork on training and
administration ; he is also a qualified
range officer and can take range
practice on -22 and -303 rifles.
Those who used to work on the
Bell & Howell assembly line years ago
will recognise J e a n M i l e s ; and
those w h o live locally will also
recognise in her the w i fe of the local
bobby in both Mitcheldean and
Longhope a year or so ago.
Jean originally joined us in 1954
(‘Stan Richardson was my
chargehand,’ she recalls). She left
after four years to move around
Gloucestershire w i t h her policeman
husband ; n ow he is stationed at
Newnham-on-Severn and Jean was
able to rejoin us t w o years ago. She
works on the electrode assembly
which goes into the developer box of
the 4000 machine.
‘My mother, Dorothy Rawlings,
worked in Plating for ten years — she
finished about 1964. And today I’ve
got various in-laws and nephews
working here.’
Jean’s 15-year-old daughter attends
Abenhall School and is also doing a
secretarial course at t he West
Gloucestershire College of Further
Like most working women w i t h a
home to run, Jean has little time to
spare, but what there is she devotes
to reading and gardening. ‘We’ve
got the smallest garden we’ve ever
had now — which is just as well.’
Having lost the chance of getting to
Majorca last November, she and her
family are hoping to have a
springtime holiday there. ‘A
policeman’s wife’s lot is not an
unhappy one,’ judging from our chat I
ace meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e meeting p l a c e mee
Three long-serving members retired
at the end of November — Jackie
Smith, Kath Munden and Frank
James, and t w o retired just before
Christmas— Doris Barker and Jack
Doris and Jack we’ll be featuring in
our next issue; this month we have
the 54 or so years’ total service of the
first three to acknowledge.
It would be difficult to write about
Jackie without mentioning Doris.
The ‘Dowagers of Design’ worked
together as secretary and assistant
secretary of the association for some
years, and most people thought of
them as partners in Engineering
Records — a kind of Gert and Daisy
relationship, as one person put i t!
Their retirement within a few
weeks of one another broke up the
partnership and they were feted by the
LSA, in recognition of their efforts;
the ‘rave up’ took place at the White
Hart on December 2 when Frank
Edwards presented them w i t h a
travelling clock each and Henry
Phillips weighed them down with
beautiful bouquets.
But although they left at about the
same time, they didn’t join us that
way. Jackie came to Mitcheldean
from London with her husband Bob;
and it was 21 years ago that she
started work in Bell & Howell
Assembly, Doris having joined the
department some six years earlier.
Later Jackie moved to inspection
work, then Goods Inwards, finally
transferring to Engineering Records
about five years ago where she met
up with Doris again.
Always a lively, active personality,
Jackie served on the Sports & Social
Club Committee, on the Canteen
Committee and on the Grading
Committee (she was an APEX staff
representative), in addition to her
LSA work.
She and Bob have t w o daughters and
a son, John Smith, w h o works in the
Tool Room as his father did before
him. One son-in-law, John Goode,
is in PED, and Jackie has a brother,
Vic Mockford, working in Electrical
If y o u have, t h e n please —
let y o u r departmental c o r r e s p o n d e n t k n o w,
or leave it at any Gate House for
c o l l e c t i o n by me,
or post It t o me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
M i t c h e l d e a n ,
or r i n g me — it’s D r y b r o o k 5 4 2 4 1 5.
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
Kath Munden started w i t h us about
15^ years ago and worked on the
bench in the Machine Shop, later
transferring to Auto Plating. Many
will remember her husband Alf and
her daughter Pam (now married to
Max Gaylard) who also worked at
the Plant. Her other daughter is
married too, and Kath has five
grandchildren — all boys. ‘There’s
not much else to say about me,’ she
We asked her what plans she had for
her retirement. ‘I shall get some kind
of job, I expect,’ she said. ‘I think
working keeps you young.’ It’s
certainly worked for Kath !
A skilled sheet metal worker, Frank
James came to us in 1956 and
worked in the Sheet Metal Shop all
his time w i t h us, first at Mitcheldean
and then at Cinderford.
He used to work on prototype, and
recalls helping to produce the first 914
machine. He must have been skilled
at skittling too, for he used to play
for the Plant team in the local
Frank has a son, Brian James, who is
Chief Draughtsman in Engineering;
his son-in-law, Christopher Lyes,
works in Tool Stores.
Before he joined us, Frank used to
run a smallholding at Gorsley; but
he has no desire to return to the
outdoor life in a big way — just
gardening enough to provide produce
for his immediate circle.
When we asked him how he felt
about retiring, he replied solemnly:
‘I reckon the first 30 years will
probably be the most trying I’
950 Y e a r s o f S e r v i ce
In recent weeks, 28 people w i t h 30 or
more years’ service, totalling nearly
950 years, have received gifts in
recognition of that service. We plan
to feature them next time.
More flowers for Jackie, presented by
Office Manager John Brain. The money
she received from the LSA she put
towards an electric sewing machine, and
her colleagues in Engineering gave her
a sewing table, some gold charms and
For Frank James there was a battery
wall clock from his mates and a cheque
from the LSA ; Vic Buhlmann, Manager
at Cinderford, presented both.
Flowers too for Kath Munden, presented by Eileen Tyler, plus a bouquet from
the night shift in Auto Plating, presented by Ted Rudge, while Marion Ward
handed her a retirement scroll. A jewel box and ear-rings were given
by her fellow workers in Finishing and friends in the Machine Shop,
and there was also a cheque from the LSA.
Dean Forest Studios
Raymond /VIorgan and fiis bride, Susan
Hendy {Group Finance), wtio were married
at All Saints’ Church, Longhope, on
December 14.
W h i t e Blood Donor
H a v i n g seen a f e a t u r e o n a P o i n t s West TV
programme about ‘ w l i i t e cell d o n i n g ‘ — a
d e v e l o p m e n t t o a id s u f f e r e r s f r om
l e u k a e m i a — J o h n W i n t l e d e c i d e d t o v o l u n t e e r.
Last November, he became o n l y t h e t h i rd
person in t h e S o u t h West t o use a n e w
machine at t h e S o u t h m e a d Hospital B l o od
T r a n s f u s i o n Centre in B r i s t o l.
A regular b l o o d donor, J o h n w a s f a m i l i a r
w i t h t h e normal procedure and, as a d e s i gn
engineer, he t o o k a p r o f e s s i o n a l interest in
t h e m e c h a n i c s of t h e n e w c e n t r i f u ge
m a c h i n e used t o separate b l o o d i n t o i ts
c o n s t i t u e n t parts.
A pint of b l o o d w a s t a k e n f r om his left a rm
and p u m p e d i n t o t h e m a c h i n e , w h i ch
c o n s i s t e d of t w o b e l l – s h a p e d transparent
p l a s t i c m o u l d i n g s , o n e i n s i d e t h e other,
p r o d u c i n g a b e l l – s h a p e d c a v i t y u p w h i ch
t h e b l o o d c l i m b s under c e n t r i f u g a l force.
For reasons of w e i g h t , t h e p l a s m a rose first
and w a s d r a w n o f f i n t o o n e p l a s t i c b a g ; t he
w h i t e cells rose next a n d w e r e d r a w n o ff
i n t o a s e c o n d bag t o g e t h e r w i t h a f e w red
cells. The plasma w a s t h e n r e t u r n e d t o t h e
c e n t r i f u g e c a v i t y w h e r e it r e m i x e d w i t h t he
r e m a i n i n g red cells.
This r e c o n s t i t u t e d b l o o d w a s t h e n p u m p ed
i n t o a t h i r d bag s u s p e n d e d h i g h a b o v e t he
machine and r e t u r n e d v ia a d r i p – f e e d i n to
his other arm.
This process w a s c a r r i ed out several t i m es
u n t i l t h e r i g h t q u a n t i t y of w h i t e cells w a s
o b t a i n e d (it t o o k hours). ‘It w a s n ‘ t t o o
arduous,’ said J o h n , ‘as I r e c e i v e d t h e normal
t r e a t m e n t of c o f f e e and b i s c u i t s a f t e r w a r d s .’
The w h i t e cell d o n i n g enables a s e c o n d a ry
i n f e c t i o n in leukaemia sufferers t o be
c o u n t e r a c t e d so t h a t t r e a t m e n t f o r t he
leukaemia itself c a n be c a r r i e d o u t .
O b i t u a ry
We regret t o report t h e d e a t h o n December
16 of George Childs at t h e a g e o f 4 8 . A
l e a d i n g hand in Internal Transport, he h a d
been w i t h us a b o u t eight years.
We also report t h e d e a t h of S t e p h e n Pockett
(RX L y d n e y ) , aged 2 3 , w h o h a d b e e n w i th
us since 1968.
Our s y m p a t h y goes t o t h e f a m i l i e s of b o th
21st B i r t h d ay
Helen Daunter ( D e s p a t c h O f f i c e ) on
J a n u a r y 2 2 .
G. Howells
Winner of the sunflower competition
Dick Taylor at ground level while Spencer
Hodgetts up above officially declares the
12ft lin sunflower the winner.
S u n f l o w e r Club
Last a u t u m n some members of Small Batch
held a c o m p e t i t i o n for t h e g r o w i n g of t h e
tallest s u n f l o w e r . Organisers w e r e G o r d on
H o w e l l s and Spencer H o d g e t t s w h o
s u p p l i e d each member of t h e ‘ S u n f l o w e r
Club’ w i t h one p l a n t each.
M a n y plants w e r e d e s t r o y e d by s t r o ng
w i n d s , insects and i n d i v i d u a l a t t e m p t s at
f o r c i n g t h em t o d i z z y h e i g h t s ! Nevertheless,
some managed t o s t a y t h e c o u r s e f o r f i n a l
measuring day.
Winner of t h e c o m p e t i t i o n w a s D i c k Taylor
w h o s e plant reached a h e i g h t of 1 2 f t l i n .
His prize w a s a silver c u p a n d t h e p r o c e e ds
of t h e w i n n e r – t a k e – a l l on a 2 5 p e n t r a n ce
f e e per member.
Tony Newman, Manager, Maintenance,
presents retiring boilerman George Pitt
with a photograph of himself in boilerhouse
no. 1. It was published on the front cover
of our April 1974 issue in which we
reported the story of how we coped with
the last energy crisis. George, who left us at
the end of November, was delighted to
have a memento of the boilers he had
worked among for the past 11 years. He also
received a clock from his colleagues, some
cash and a ‘dose of Scotch medicine’.
R e t i r e m e n t
The o n l y retirement in December, apart f r om
t h e L S A m e m b e r s m e n t i o n e d o n t h e o p p o s i te
page, w a s t h a t of Robert Lee ( Q u a l i ty
A s s u r a n c e ) w h o w o r k e d in t h e M a c h i n e Shop
and had b e e n w i t h us f o r j u s t over f o u r years.
He has o u r best w i s h e s f o r t h e f u t u r e .
Details of w o u l d – b e car p o o l e r s t h i s m o n th
are as f o l l o w s :
John Robinson, ext. 481, Stonehouse area
with access to Stroud Road and Bristol
Road for Gloucester.
G. W. Austin, ext. 191, Greytree,
Ross-on-Wye, close to Three Crosses Estate,
Brampton Road. Have 3 seats available,
would share with 2 others, change cars
about, not cash paying passengers, permanent
day shift, no nights, 8 am to 4.45 pm.
M a l e s of t h e Month
For manliness, good taste, charm, humour and plain good looks drop in to
Resources Planning. More than 50 per cent of the department are
sporting beards these days. Is this a record?
{PS. Big ‘E’ International XV lost again to Design, 24:10 pts {remember
the report in our April 1974 issue ?). Ban ‘The Elver’!)
Bonanza Night
December 5 was Bonanza Night —
when about 100 draw prizes were
handed out to lucky people.
Totalling around £1,000 in value,
they included colour Polaroid
cameras, cassette radio/tape
recorders, sets of luggage, Christmas
hampers and bottles of cheer.
Don’t forget the St Valentine’s Dance
in the Social Centre. Tickets, £1.25
each, can be obtained by a call to
ext. 1169.
The Rank Photographic Club’s
January meeting, a portrait session
with our last Miss Rank Xerox,
Mitcheldean — Estelle Cash (Group
Facilities & Resources Planning) — is
being followed on February 12 by a talk
given by Eddie Shermer, illustrated by
slides taken in Japan. It’s at the usual
time, 7.45 pm in t he Social Centre.
Joan Sologub (Production Control) gives
the Bonanza tombola a whirl, watched
by committee member Andrew Davies.
Cups in hand, award winners in the Golf Society line . < golfing picture of the
year: (I to r, standing) Des Gibbs (Round Ro^in Cup), Mike Cooper (Inter-Departmental
Cup team), Mike Mee (Inter-Plant Cup, team captain). Bill Meek (Inter-Departmental
Cup team captain) ; (seated) Dave ‘Bandito’ Robinson (Summer Cup) and Roger Thomas
(Inter-Departmental Cup team) holding also the Rabbit’s Cup won by Keith Bedford
who was not present.
Comes t h e d a y in t h e l i fe of a golfer.
W h e n there’s nothing that seems t o g o r i g h t.
When he f e e ls t h a t his f u t u r e is hopeless,
W h i l e he’s s e a r c h i n g , in v a i n , f o r t h e l i g h t.
W h e n his s w i n g seems d i s t o r t e d and a w k w a r d .
A n d he’s m i s s i n g his p u t ‘ s by t h e y a r d .
W h e n he c a t c h e s t h e l ip o f e a c h bunker.
A n d f i n a l l y tears u p h is c o ‘ d ‘
Then t h e s u n ‘t’.’.s t o s h i n e in his heax’en.
Lady Luck has d e s e r t e d his star.
W h i l e his c o n i J d a r . c e r j r a d u a l l y a w i n d l e s.
A n d he f e e ls he c o u l d kick as far ! \
It is t h e n that g o l f ‘ s Guardian Angels,
Ever w a t c h f u l f o r ‘ T o r m e n t e d Souls’,
Decide that t h e y d o n ‘ t w i s h t o l o se him.
To tenni< or l u d o , or b o w l s .
So t h e y grant h im o n e s h o t — n e a r p e r f e c t i o n.
To t h e heart of t h e v e r y last green.
The most b e a u t i f u l shot of his l i f e t i m e,
Or t h e rest of his f o u r b a l l have seen.
A n d t h u s he r e t u r n s t o t h e c l u b h o u s e .
W i t h a s h o t about w h i c h he c a n boast.
W h i l e g l o o m y t h o u g h t s f l y o u t t h e w i n d o w .
Over t e a a n d s o m e hot b u t t e r e d toast.
T h e n t h e v e r y next Saturday m o r n i n g.
F o r g e t t i n g his b a d s h o t s galore.
You w i l l f i n d h im r i g h t there, w i t h a c o n f i d e n t
3 0 M E MORE ! I
With f. knowledgment to Austin Young of
Stann jre Golf Club.
When sending in i t e m s please give your
extension number a n d / o r department t o ensure
i n c l u s i o n .
For Sale
Black & w h i t e T V 1 9 i n . UHF, in g o od
w o r k i n g o r d e r ; also M i d l a n d s ITV aerial,
£ 1 2 – 5 0 altogether, or w o u l d sell separately.
B. Butler, ext. 2 0 2 o r D r y b r o o k 542736.
M i t c h e l d e a n — d e t a c h e d house w i t h garage,
3 b e d r o o m s (one w i t h f i t t e d w a r d r o b e ),
b a t h r o o m , l o u n g e w i t h s t o n e fireplace,
Sep. d i n i n g – r o o m , f i t t e d k i t c h e n , f i t t ed
carpets in b e d r o o m s , b a t h r o o m , l a n d i n g,
stairs, hall. Full cent, h e a t i n g , e l e c t r i c i t y to
garage. £10,500. Drybrook 5 4 2 8 1 3.
1 9 6 4 Riley Elf ( M i n i ) t w o – t o n e grey, leather
seats, b o d y very g o o d , mechanics excellent,
MOT, 4 0 m p g , £ 1 6 5 o.n.o. Elliott,
29 W o o d s i d e Street, C i n d e r f o r d ; A. S m i t h ,
Elec. Sub-assembly, BIdg. 2 9 .
B u n g a l o w caravan, 3 bedrooms, k i t c h e n,
b a t h r o o m , l o u n g e , sited, £ 1 , 0 0 0 . 8 W o o d v i ew
Orchard Caravan site, Cinderford.
M i t c h e l d e a n — superior modern semid
e t a c h e d house in e l e v a t e d p o s i t i on
c o m m a n d i n g pleasant v i e w . L o u n g e – d i n er
w i t h C o t s w o l d stone fireplace, 3 bedrooms,
b a t h r o o m , f i t t e d k i t c h e n , gas c e n t , heating
and t e l e p h o n e . Large garage w i t h g o o d size
garden o p e n i n g o n t o w o o d e d countryside.
£ 9 , 9 5 0 o.n.o. i n c l u s i v e of s o m e f i t t ed
carpets. Drybrook 5 4 2 8 1 7 after 5.30 pm or
at weekends.
Playpen, w o o d e n , w i t h floor, £ 3 .
R. Bennett, ext. 5 3 4 .
Renault 1 6 T L ( r e d ) , M a r c h 1974, 12,000
miles. Electric s u n s h i n e roof, c l o t h seats, as
n e w c o n d i t i o n , j u s t serviced. Price n e w :
£ 1 , 7 2 5 ; p r i ce n o w : £ 1 , 3 5 0 o.n.o.
R. Murray, ext. 9 9 2 or R o s s – o n – W y e 2268.
L y d n e y — 3 b e d r o om detached house,
l o u n g e , k i t c h e n / d i n i n g – r o o m , d o w n s t a i rs
c l o a k r o o m , b a t h r o om w i t h sep. W C , e n c l o s ed
e n t r a n c e hall, inner hall, garage, gardens
f r o n t and rear. S i t u a t e d in q u i e t l o c a t i o n,
easily accessible t o all l o c a l amenities, v i e ws
t o w a r d s Severn Estuary, £ 1 0 , 5 0 0 o.n.o.
Mrs Y. M . J o n e s , ext. 5 8 7 or L y d n e y 3 2 2 1 .
S o l i d oak r e f e c t o r y table, 6 4 i n . x 3 0 i n . , brand
new, £ 1 2 0 . D. Isles, W o r k Study, RXC,
ext. 19 – 16.
S e m i – d e t a c h e d dormer b u n g a l o w w i t h large
garage, night storage heaters, f i t t ed
w a r d r o b e s and c a r p e t s i n c l u d e d . Offers
a r o u n d £ 8 , 7 5 0 . 3 3 C h u r c h i l l Way,
M i t c h e l d e a n , or M r s C. S c o t t , ext. 4 8 3 .
1 9 6 6 H i l l m a n M i n x , t a x e d a n d t e s t e d ,
radial tyres. A s o u n d reliable car,
£ 9 5 o.n o . J . S t o n e s , ext. 5 8 4 .
Playpen, used o n l y once, £ 5 . 1 9 6 6 M o r r is
M i n i 8 4 8 c c , m a r o o n , in e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n,
t a x e d and t e s t e d , £ 2 3 0 or o . n . o . 1 9 6 0
H i l l m a n Husky Estate 1 3 9 0 cc, g r e e n / w h i t e ,
in g o o d c o n d i t i o n f o r year, r e c o n d i t i o n ed
engine. Offers. T. D a u n t e r , ext. 2 3 6 .
1 9 6 4 Morris M i n i s a l o o n , r e d / b l a c k , M O T
Oct. 1 9 7 5 , t a x e d , c l e a n e c o n o m i c a l car,
£ 7 0 . D. E n t w i s t l e , M i t c h e l d e a n Components
P l a n n i n g s e c t i o n , ext. 4 8 1 .
W a n t ed
Metal b u t t o n s , b u c k l e s or b a d g e s for t he
B l u e Peter g u i d e d o g s f o r t h e b l i n d t r a i n i ng
c e n t r e appeal, also metal snap caps f r om
b o t t l e s and o l d C h r i s t m a s cards. Please
hand in t o Nurse H i l d a B a l d w i n at t he
M e d i c a l Centre.
Play pen. M. Kear, ext. 3 9 4 .
12 Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.