July/August 75 No. 112
If Collates as it Copies
Latest in a line of RX machines designed
to automate business documentation,
the 4500 made i ts f i r s t public
appearance at the 1974 Hanover Fair.
Known to us for many months
previously a s A r i e s , the 4500 s y s t em
was launched initially in Holland and
its population has been increasing
since then throughout Europe — in
Belgium, France, A u s t r i a , Switzerland,
the UK, Germany and Spain.
it w a s demonstrated to the press in
London on April 22 at the Carlton
Tower Hotel, Knightsbridge, on the
f i r s t morning of a one-week exhibition
to launch the 4500 to the London
branches of Rank Xerox ( U K ) Ltd.
The operation has been backed up by
a vigorous advertising campaign.
Offering fully automatic on-line
sorting of both one and t w o – s i d ed
copies, the 4500, used properly, ‘will
copy and collate at a rate that four
s e c r e t a r i e s would have a job matching,’
goes the ad copy.
The machine i s designed to bring
sorting capability to the decentralised
copying area, and to give a complete
reprographic s y s t em to the user
whose copying volume does not
j u s t i f y one of our larger machines. It
i s particularly suitable for u s e r s whose
requirements are for 5,000 to 25,000
copies a month.
The 4500 features largely in t h i s i s s u e,
it a l s o f e a t u r e s largely in the working
lives of the t w o people pictured
above — (left) Richard Davies,
A s s i s t a n t Manager, 4000/4500
Assembly, and George Hayward,
supervisor responsible for mechanical
run and packing. In the background,
temporarily separated f r om their
sorter units, some 4500 p r o c e s s o rs
await despatch.
Message from W. F. Glavin
Managing Director & Ctiief Operations Executive
Chief Staff Officer — Rank Xerox
Fred Wickstead, Group Director and
Chief Staff Officer, completes his two
years’ assignment this coming
October and he has told me that he
still intends to retire at that date;
these two years were preceded by a
two-year assignment to Xerox
Corporation where Fred served as
Vice-President, Manufacturing and
So that there will be continuity and a
smooth transfer of what Fred has
been doing for us, I have decided to
name his successor at once in
anticipation of Fred’s leaving in
For the remainder of his time with us
Fred will be working directly for me,
and will be concentrating on the
whole of our supply/demand
systems and material management in
operating companies. Technical
Service and Supply Group, and
IHQ. The specific terms of reference
of these assignments will be issued
Paul Allaire is today (June 24)
appointed as Group Director and
Chief Staff Officer, and to the Board
of Rank Xerox Limited. He will
report to me and will assume all
duties previously carried out by
Fred Wickstead; with the exception
of the Systems and Performance
Assurance Division which will
continue to report to Fred.
Paul Allaire will be known to many
people in Rank Xerox. He joined us
on assignment from Xerox in 1970
and served as Director, Financial
Planning and Control, until his return
to Xerox in 1973. Since then he has
been Director, International
Operations Financial Planning and
Analysis, and for the past year
Director, International Staff
Paul, who is 37, holds a degree in
electrical engineering and a master’s
degree in Industrial Administration.
He joined Xerox Corporation in 1966.
The assignment previously carried
out in Xerox by Paul Allaire will now
be undertaken by Jack Thomas who
is currently on assignment from
Rank Xerox.
Jack moved to the United States in
August 1973, and has served as
Deputy Director, International
Marketing. He now becomes
Director, International Staff Activities.
Jack joined Rank Xerox ten years ago
where he served in both IHQ and,
prior to his move to Stamford, as
Director of Marketing in the UK
These new appointments are of
particular importance, and in my
view demonstrate the reality of the
‘cross-fertilization’ policy which
exists throughout our operations.
Electronic Production Section
When we saw the racks with their
bright yellow trays set up in
Electrical Sub-assembly, and were
told ‘They’re for the PWB’s’, we
thought the bird lovers (see our inset
story) had taken over and were
providing nesting boxes for Pretty
Wild Birds.
Not so, however. The racks are for
the kit marshalling area in the new
Electronic Production Section
recently set up to produce printed
wiring boards (printed circuit
boards complete with components)
for the 4000 and 4500.
The section has already started
re-working boards for upgraded
4000 machines and is expected to
commence production of completely
new boards in the autumn on a
small scale.
Said Ted Sage, 9100 Department
Manager: ‘We shall be building all
the 4000 PWB spares programme and
about 50 per cent of the 4500
Hitherto all our PWB’s have been
bought out or supplied by Welwyn
Plant who are currently concentrating
on the Xerox 9200.
Ted Sage has experience in PWB
technology, having come to us from
Welwyn, but for the rest of Electrical
Subs it is a completely new
departure, and the valuable assistance
received from Welwyn in connection
with the training programme has
been much appreciated.
Their training officers have come to
Mitcheldean to help train our
electrical adjusters, who have been
recruited to work on the testing and
fault-finding of the PWB assemblies.
Our PWB test section will involve
the use of automatic (Membrain)
and bench test equipment and also
a ‘shake and bake’ operation using
curing ovens which are being
accommodated on the floor below.
Some re-organisation of the floor
layout was needed to provide the
3,800 sq. ft. required. Said Geoff
Harrison of Plant Facilities ‘We had
marvellous co-operation from the
workforce there; all they asked was
that we didn’t disturb the robin
family in residence!’
Manufacturing Group
Richard (Dick) A. Holmes joined
Rank Xerox as Divisional Director,
Manufacturing Group, responsible for
Finance and Information Systems on
July 1, 1975, reporting directly to
Derek Portman, Group Director,
Manufacturing Group.
Mr Holmes comes to us from Gould
(Europe) where he was until recently
chairman of that organisation ; prior
to that he was with Ford in
Europe — holding a number of senior
appointments including Vice-
President Business Development,
Ford of Europe, General
Manufacturing Operations Manager
Ford of Britain, and Controller, Ford
of Europe and Controller, Ford of
In his new appointment he will be
applying his great knowledge and
experience to an area of activity
which is key to the continuing
success of Manufacturing Group and
Rank Xerox.
Mr Holmes has reporting to him
John Field (on Finance), and
Ron Swenson (on Information
We’ve become used to birds, and
particularly robins, making themselves
at home in the works, where their
chirping provides some sweet
Robins are noted for their cheekiness,
and one female cheekier than the
rest recently built a nest in a
compartment of a wiring rack in
Electrical Sub-assembly. The
kind-hearted women working nearby
guarded the growing family which
was conveniently screened from view
by an overhanging curtain of gaily
coloured wire.
When we last enquired about the
robins, we learned that the first
fledglings had flown the nest and a
‘second sitting’ was in progress I
Some overflow of electrical
sub-assemblies has resulted and
these are being accommodated on
7000 Sub-assembly floor in Building
Further changes are taking place on
the lower floor of that building.
RX 1000 Assembly is being moved
to Building 11 (replacing 4500
Sorter Assembly), the space thus
vacated enabling Spares Packing
from Building 40 to be integrated
into Spares Packing functions already
in Building 24.
The space cleared in Building 40
will allow sub-contract subassemblies
returning from Plessey
to be integrated within the Xerox
9200 layout.
September should see the
dismantling of the Terrapin Building—
the remaining personnel having been
relocated: the area will then be
reinstated as a car park.
Above: Technical specialist Terry Jones of
RED (left) and Ray Dance, section leader
in Design, test a 4500’s performance in the
RED workshop. Right: Secretary Ruth
Williams reloads the main paper tray; with
her is Ron Boakes, Design Manager
responsible for 4000/4500 products.
Above: Support team in Sorter Assembly—
(from the left) Keith Wilkinson (Work Study)
with Ken Ellway who has taken over the
RED responsibility for sorter from Colin
Seddon, following the latter’s acceptance
of a post at Milton Keynes.
The Story Behind the System
Aries, as it was then known, first
began to make an impact on us at
Mitcheldean way back in June 1973,
at the start of drawing issue. From
then on throughout the following
13 months or so. Manufacturing
Engineering spent many man hours
engineering and planning ready for
production start-up in July 1974.
Fifty machines which underwent
field trials in Holland and Belgium
‘met our criteria — they came up to
expectation,’ Design Manager
Ron Boakes of Engineering told us.
Now the 4500 has been well and
truly launched by the marketing men,
and we can ‘launch’ into a
description of our latest machine for
the benefit of those who have not
yet made its acquaintance.
The 4500 is not just a 4000 with a
sorter tacked on. The processor (the
main body of the machine) is a
derivative of the 4000 family which,
through continuing Engineering
changes, has had its ‘mod status’
geared up to a high standard of
reliability and copy quality.
But although it is built on a dual
assembly line along with the 4000
(now undergoing a retrofit
programme), it is not an identical
twin. Different piece parts and
sub-assemblies go into the machines
on the trolley dollies marked ‘4500’.
To the casual observer the 4500
processor looks much the same,
however, until it acquires two new
and unique features: the sorter which
transforms it into a copyingduplicating-
sorting system, offering
fully automatic on-line sorting of
both one and two-sided copies; and
the document-assist device (DAD).
The Sidekick
Let’s deal with DAD first. This is a
built-in aid for the operator which
helps to increase the productivity of
the 4500 when a few copies of many
originals are being made.
The device, aptly nicknamed ‘the
sidekick’, consists of two major
parts: a platen cover, which
incorporates the mechanics, and a
two-tier tray fixed to the left-hand
side of the processor.
The originals for copying are placed
on the top tray. The platen cover is
raised and the first original is placed
on the platen, the cover is then
lowered and the start-print bar on
the top is pressed.
The machine makes the number of
copies dialled and then automatically
lifts the platen cover, ejecting the
original by means of rollers into the
lower of the side trays.
All the operator has to do is register
the next original for copying ; and
when there are quite a number of
originals, this saving in time and
effort can be very useful.
If large documents or books are to
be copied, the top tray of the DAD
lifts out of the way.
The Sorter
This is of an entirely new design. It
has 20 bins or trays, each with a
capacity of 50 copies, and operates
on a vertical plane, instead of the
horizontal plane of existing sorters.
This keeps the system compact in
size and suitable for locating in the
ordinary office environment.
The 4500 sorter comes to the paper —
the paper doesn’t go to the sorter,
another major difference. In use, the
sorter bins move downwards,
opening as they pass the delivery
aperture of the processor to receive
the copies. (Even hardened
engineers have admitted to being
fascinated by its poetry of
movement I)
When the appropriate number of bins
have received a copy, they all move
up to their original position at the
top of the sorter, ready for the next
copy cycle.
If sorting isn’t required, the sorter can
be cut out by pressing a button on
the console; all copies are then
delivered into the bottom bin which
remains open for the purpose and
has an increased capacity of 150
The 4500 will copy from originals
up to 85 in. X 14 in. Copies can be
either single-sided or duplexed (like
the 4000, the 4500 processor has a
paper-saving (and postage-saving)
virtue of being able to turn round the
first copy made while it’s still inside
the machine, and allow another copy
to be made on the back).
Because the paper path is shortened
and single-s4decl copies made cannot
be turned over, as in the 3600, to
THE SYSTEM continued
land the right way up, an invertor
transport, or vertical transport, which
holds the paper by vacuum, has
been adopted to do the job. This
turns the paper so that it is delivered
to the bins face-downwards for
The first print (when doing singlesided
copying) is delivered to the
bin in under eight seconds;
subsequent prints arrive at a rate of
45 copies per minute.
More Attractive Features
If a paper jam occurs in the sorter,
no complicated calculations are
required to work out the number of
copies lost.
The jam is simply cleared, and the
machine automatically resets itself to
make the appropriate number of
copies to bring those already in the
sorter up to the number originally
dialled. A touch on the print button
then produces the balance.
Each step to be taken is clearly
indicated to the operator by means
of the illuminated signs on the
Without sorting, up to 99 copies can
be dialled, but with the sorter in use,
obviously no more than 20 copies
can be made from each original. If
the previous operator has left the
machine set for more than 20, the
counter will automatically reset to 20
when the sorter is switched on.
The 4500’s vital statistics show how
compact it is for what it offers : it
measures overall 57 in. wide and
27^ in. deep, with the processor
43 in. high and the sorter 54 in. high.
Packed compactly away within its
pressed steel frame are some 3,000
individual components and over a
quarter of a mile of wiring. Like the
4000, there are two paper trays
which not only enable the two-sided
or duplex copying referred to, but
also allow the push-button selection
of two colours, sizes or weights of
Further improvements continue to
come along, as with all our products.
Roger Smith, who is now relinquishing
his Production Control responsibility
for 4000/4500 to Ernie Wood in
order to take on the even newer
Xerox 9200, pointed out: ‘We have
to watch the inventory position
carefully, and cut these changes in
at a time that will keep stock to the
required minimum.’
The Mating Game
One of the big problems has been
the matching of production of
sorters with processors, but this
should now become a great deal
easier. As we went to press, the
facility for sorter build in Building 11
was about to be re-located on the
4000/4500 assembly floor in
Building 40.
This means that certain services (such
as shop control, support facilities,
packing, etc.) for both processor and
sorter can now be integrated;
communications will be improved
too, quite apart from the saving of
supervisors’ time — and legs.
To ensure quality of the system, the
4500 processor and sorter are
married up and run together before
temporary separation for despatch.
The two units are then allocated to the
same customer by the Supply Centre.
‘The marriage of processor and
sorter has given us confidence that
the system is 100 per cent right,’
said Richard Davies, Assistant
Manager, 4000/4500 Assembly.
‘Soon it should be possible for any
processor to be teamed up with any
To begin with, we had to lean
heavily on Xerox for parts. But we
are rapidly becoming self-supporting.
The DAD units are still coming from
the States but ‘it is the intention of
Rank Xerox to manufacture their own,
and production should commence at
Mitcheldean Plant in early April 1976,’
said Stan Scott, the New Products
Control Manager concerned.
And, as we have explained on
page 2, printed wiring boards for
both 4000 and 4500 production are
now beginning to be made here.
It’s Very Logical
The 4500 is a very ‘logical’ system.
The processor contains nine major
PWB’s, including the programmer,
which is two more than the 4000.
And the sorter has one board, plus a
relay chassis which puts the motor
for the invertor transport into forward
or reverse gear.
This ‘solid state circuitry’ greatly
simplifies the electrical aspects of
the system from an assembly point
of view, and has the advantage that
it takes up very little space. The
PWB’s can be replaced easily and
quickly if required.
Sensors detect when the paper comes
into the sorter area and start the
sorter cycle. A pulse generator has
its own little clock built in which
tells it exactly when it should be
doing what. Switches ensure the
bins are in the correct position.
It all goes like clockwork.
Incidentally, Harold Hayling, PED
Manager responsible for the 4500,
told us that his team’s contribution
has included a little invention of
their own — a device for greasing
the linear cams (the three lead
screws at the corners of the sorter on
which the bins rise and fall).
Xerox Corporation have shown
interest and asked for drawings. So
the 4500 has not been a one-way
flovv of information.
(Production of 4500 pictured on pages 6 and 7.)
The Brothers
Laid end to end, tiie l-ierefordsfiire brottiers Clive, Nigel and Roger Brookes would measure
18ft 5iin; put another way, they represent nearly 57 years of service. Clive (far left), the
eldest and the longest serving, is supervisor responsible mainly for major and minor
sub-assemblies in 4000/4500 Assembly; he’s been here 21 years and his wife worked here
for ten years too. A former Rugby player for Drybrook, Clive reckons he ‘broke the mould’
which accounts for the fact that he is unlike his brothers. Next to him is Nigel, the tallest
at 6ft Sin with 19 years’ service; he was Paint Shop foreman until he transferred five years
ago to PED Finishing where he is now section leader. An all-round sportsman, he once
captained Ross Rowing Club and was a member of the first crew to row 50 miles from
Monmouth to Hereford non-stop (5j hours). Roger is half an inch shorter than Clive,
works on the same shop floor as chargehand, mechanical run, and plays skittles for the
department. He’s now in his 17th year with us.
Had we taken this picture a few months ago, there would have been four brothers —
Myles, twin of Roger, used to work in our Machine Shop but left to join the transport firm
of Edwards at Lydbrook (his wife Sheila is supervisor in Goods Inwards). With Myles’ extra
footage, the Brookes Brothers’ line-up would then have totalled over 24ift I
Seated at his drawing-board, IVlax shares
a jolfe with fellow cartoonist and
draughtsman Eric Weeks.
Despite the fact that he always
preferred to merge into the
background, most people at
Mitcheldean know or have heard of
Laurence (Max) Miller of Engineering.
Jeff Kew, who worked with him at
the British Acoustic Films premises in
Woodger Road, London, describes
him as ‘a designer draughtsman of the
highest quality. He could tackle the
most complex of technical layouts
and accompany these by any
calculations and formulae. Yet he had
no formal training.’
His time at Mitcheldean, which
ended with his retirement on May 30,
was merely a quarter of his total 47
years’ service, a Company record.
Max started as an apprentice with
The Gaumont Company in 1928,
being keenly interested in the
engineering side of cinematography
(he set up a small cinema at home
where he showed many films
including his own).
After three months as stock-keeper,
he was sent to project a film at the
Motor Show, Oiympia (‘It was a
nightmare, the film came off the reel!
Another time he had to show election
results on slides, suspended above
diners at the Trocadero, ‘If you drop
anything, you’ll kill someone,’ he
was told.
He didn’t, but dismantling other
equipment later in the Ritz, he
cleared a table of glassware in one
go with a folded screen !
In Gaumont’s engineering department
he learned about film camera work,
visited the old Lime Grove Studios
and ‘got a good idea how films were
Then in 1934 he moved to BAF.
Recalls Max: ‘A young man walked
in and said: “Don’t bother to stand
up — I’m nobody.” That was my
first meeting with Stan Pratt.’
The company were involved in the
design and assembly of film
projection and magnetic sound
recording equipment; then, with the
onset of war, they took on
Government contract work.
One of Max’s contributions to the
war effort was designing and
preparing drawings for a full-size
dummy Fairy Battle aircraft. This and
others like it were displayed on
airfields to mislead the enemy about
the strength of our Air Force.
While 16mm projectors, searchlights
and other equipment for the Services
were being manufactured at the
converted brewery premises at
Mitcheldean, Max was kept at his
drawing-board in London; for many
months during the blitz he even
slept under it.
The war over, J. Arthur Rank put
the British film industry on the map
and the company (now part of the
Rank Precision Industries Group)
started to design and make its own
standard projection and sound
equipment, with Stan Pratt as
chief designer.
They were adventuring in those days,
Featured on the cover of the Nov/Dec 1965
issue of VISION, this was Max’s impression
of a copier suggested for use in non-electrified
areas of the world. It was one of several
prepared for conference use by
Fred Wickstead.
and a lot of original work was done
in the realm of TV, telerecording, etc.
Max made a valuable contribution to
the development of a portable
magnetic recorder, and a fast pulldown
16mm storage camera for TV
which was made at Mitcheldean
for Marconi. He and Jeff Kew worked
together on these and on the first
3D projectors — the audience
peered through green and red
spectacles to get a three-dimensional
A transatlantic telefilm camera to
transmit film by telephone cable to
Alexandra Palace during the Queen’s
visit to Canada in 1959 was jointly
designed by Stan Pratt and Max,
who was sole draughtsman.
Sadly 1962 brought a slump and
redundancy, but a place was found
for Max at Mitcheldean. He joined
the Drawing Office (refusing greater
responsibility) and worked on the
first and subsequent Xerographic
Ever inventive, he made original
contributions to Engineering ‘concept
studies’ and his name appears on
several patents taken out by the
We came to know Max through his
cartoons, an activity he plans to
carry on in retirement; and he’s
got ‘one or two ideas to develop on
the drawing-board.’
An amateur radio enthusiast since
boyhood, he also likes to cycle or
walk the countryside, observing
wild life. The microscope from the
LSA, presented to him together with
a cassette recorder from Engineering,
will enable him and his daughter
Jane to share a closer study of
We have always found Max an
interesting person to listen t o ; he
would have told this story far better
himself — but he would never have
done himself justice.
(give it a “sidel^iclf”)
The difference between the 4000 and
4500 processors becomes noticeable
with the addition of the platen cover
which incorporates the mechanics of the
‘sidekick’ — the document assist device
(DAD). Fitting it is John Pacey, watched
by main line chargehand Alan Whiles.
Right: Eric Burford adds the console which shows
the operator each step to be taken. Below: Electrical
run — David Meek (foreground) plugs the processor
into the sorter simulator; behind him, Fred Meek watches
the figures on the console print, indicating the copies
being made.
Below: After the mechanical nin .mil li:sl foi ropy
quality, the processor is married up to the sorter. Here
QA inspector Harold French tests for synchronisation
After a final flash test. Wilt Probert empties
and cleans the developer box; the mixed
toner/developer is drawn off into a
_ n
Above: Supervisor John Shields (now on assignment in
‘^enray) examines a linear cam which has been greased
on a special machine by Frank Merry. Three cams are
fitted into each sorter frame to hold the bins in position.
Above: Frank Kelly fits the relay chassis,
the brain of the sorter, which receives
instructions from the console and puts
them into operation. At this stage too the
paper transport mechanism is fitted.
Left: Assembling the paper transport —
Pearl Reed (left) fits belts on the horizontal
transport while Josie Wheatstone screws
the vertical transport into place.
Brian Jaclcson fits a series of QA inspector Reg Cfiampion Keith Caldicutts job is to route
switches which signal to the relay checks the settings. Any the wiring harnesses supplied by
chassis the position of the trays. snags are put right by Electrical Sub-assembly and make
repairs man Keith Knight the connections.
seen in background.
Chargehand Brian Woolf {left) with electrical Terry Robinson operates one of six
adjuster Ken Fox who is testing the electrical function simulators on the mechanical run which
of the sorter. He checks and repairs faults and stand in for 4500 processors. The sorters
generally ensures that the safety regulations are are tested against these and rectified on the
complied with. spot where necessary.
Once the sorter has been tested and Finally the sorter goes into the flash test area
accepted by QA, it gets its outer skin of panels where Reg Fussell of QA makes sure the machine
from Bill Maxfield. Two ‘periscope’ handles is earthed, checks the strength of insulation, the
enable it to be manoeuvred on its proximity of wires, etc., and ensures it conforms
trolley. with British Standards requirements.
i l a c e
n e e t i n g plac<
m e e t i
ng p l a ce
m e e t i n
meeting place
Christine iVIeeit sits and types
under ‘the eye of the god’ (the
Mexican o/os de dios).
The god must be a benevolent one,
for her work as secretary to Bill
Beech, Manager of Purchase Office,
doesn’t seem to be affected.
The ‘eye’ is a sort of spider’s web of
wool worked round spokes, and
Christine keeps it hanging up beside
her. She’s made lots more of
different kinds and sizes — some as
mobiles, some on cocktail sticks.
It’s just one of the things she has
picked up from an encyclopaedia of
crafts that she’s collecting. She’s
also tried her hand at origami (paper
folding) and macrame (knotwork).
‘It’s better than doing nothing,’ says
this girl with the ‘golden hands’.
Her biggest effort to date is in
crochet work — a full-size blanket,
which is steadily growing.
Christine, who lives on Ruardean
Hill, joined us eight years ago, and
worked for Bob Monteith before
becoming Mr Beech’s secretary.
Her married sister Pat Ireland also
works at Mitcheldean, in Engineering
Records. Her boy friend works at
the Plant too, but she wouldn’t be
drawn on that subject I
If you ever see two fellers standing
anxiously outside a ‘ladies” in the
Plant, it’s most likely Brian
Downing and Ken (Kiddy)
Cauison, assistant electricians in
Maintenance, waiting for a chaperon
before getting in there.
Brian and Ken signed on and drew
their overalls the same day seven
years ago. Ever since then they have
worked together, concentrating on
keeping us lit up, both inside and
outside, at Mitcheldean and
subsidiary plants.
Attending to wiring and all kinds of
lighting means they have to get into
places even more difficult than the
one we’ve mentioned. There’s the
‘void’ — a between-floor space in
the polishing/plating building where
they crawl among the pipes to check
the fire alarm batteries. There’s the
underground hot water duct between
Building 40 and Boilerhouse No. 3.
The different types of lights, from
the road lamps to the spotlights in
the ballroom, run into many
thousands. Quite a few areas, such
as the computer room, have no
natural lighting at all. ‘We have to
give them priority,’ says Ken, an
ex-policeman from Dymock.
Brian, from Ross-on-Wye, has three
brothers working here (Ralph in
Electrical Subs, Robert a chargehand
in the Paint Shop, and Barrie in
4000 Assembly). The youngest of
the four, Brian says that at the end
of the day Ken and he are seeing
stars after all those bright lights.
‘Personally, I like to spend my
evenings in a dark pub I’
If Judy Wright had remained
5ft 6 inches tall, she might have
followed a ballet career. She reached
intermediate grade by the age of 18,
but as she continued to shoot over
the maximum height for a dancer,
she reluctantly put away her tutu
and blocked shoes, not being
inclined to take up teaching.
Instead, she turned to amateur
acting — with considerable success.
As a member of the Phoenix Players
in Gloucester, she recently played
the title role in Strindberg’s
‘Miss Julie’.
It’s a demanding role and ‘I felt like
a wrung-out dishcloth at the end of
rehearsals’, she told us. There were
only two others in the cast, one of
them her husband Colin, who played
her lover.
‘As you can imagine I had to put up
with jokes about going over my
lines in bed,’ laughed Judy, who
enjoys playing comedy parts as well
as the heavy stuff.
She must have been a very convincing
Miss Julie, for the production won
the Phoenix Players a brand new
silver cup at the first drama festival
to be held at Gloucester’s Leisure
Centre last April.
It was through the Phoenix Players
that Judy met her architect husband ;
he is a founder member of the group,
which concentrates on off-beat
plays rather than box office successes,
and generally performs at the
Olympus Theatre in Gloucester.
During the working day, Judy is
secretary to Bernard Smith, Manager,
Purchasing, in the Group offices —
a ‘supporting role’ which she finds
keeps her on her toes.
m e e t i n g p l a c e! m e e t i n g p l a c e; m e e t r n g p l a c e! m e e t i n g p l a c es
As promised, w e ‘ r e featuring more of
tliose long-serving people w h o opted
for the early retirement/voluntary
redundancy scheme
Les Davies, who retired as Manager of the
Worlds Laboratory at the end of May, came
to Mitcheldean in 1946 to set up a
metallurgical section. The impending Bell &
Howell products demanded a more
scientific approach and the section
developed into the metal finishing sphere
covering painting, plating and allied
processes. With the changeover to Xerox
‘we stayed pianists but we Just played
different music /’ commented Les.
Techniques had to be developed to deal
with a bigger and faster flow of effluent
which resulted from our expansion and this
activity has been one of the chief operations
of the department. 7 leave a very happy
and contented baby in the pram,’ Les said,
referring to our automatic control plant for
effluent treatment processes. He took over
as chairman of the Plant Finishing
Committee in 1971, and was also closely
involved in safety procedures, having
succeeded Bob Baker as chairman of the
Main Safety Committee five years ago.
Les has two sons, Clifford, who runs the
‘Citizen’ office in Cinderford, and Robert, a
former apprentice who now works in
Design Engineering Department. A bowling
man, for the last two years Les has been
captain of Ross Bowling Club; in the winter
he transfers his affections to Drybrook RFC
of which he is one of the trustees. What
with this and his consultancy work he
reckons he will keep himself well occupied
in the years ahead.
Apart from a few month’s break Bill l i es
(on the left of the picture with Horace
Giles) has been with us for 30 years. One of
our main stalwarts on the management side,
he has acted in a senior staff officer
capacity to the Works Manager for several
years. In addition to being in charge of
International Reconditioning Operations,
says Don Elliott: ‘He has willingly taken on
all kinds of projects — such as the Lydney
move, and the recent setting up of the
Spares Packing Department (now part of
Mac Powell’s responsibilities) — and he
has been a source of inspiration to less
experienced men.’
Horace G i l e s joined us in 1947 on the same
day as Fred Wickstead and Bill Beech.
Until he came to work for Bob Baker, then
in charge of the Machine Shop, there were
literally no controls on production, and
many of the methods and procedures for
controlling shop loading were introduced
by Horace. His memory has always been
regarded with something like awe. Said
Stan Scott who succeeded Bob: ‘His ability
to remember component part numbers, and
sequence of operations, was fantastic. We
used to call him “Memory Man”.’ Phil
Cleal, another ex-Machine Shop manager,
says: 7 was very grateful for the knowledge
and support he gave me.’ Horace later
became PA to Jim Evans and succeeding
PCD Managers, attending to budgetary and
staff control, and co-ordinating the
numerous functions of an ever-growing
department. A member of the Workers
Christian Fellowship, Horace has always
applied his religious principles to his
day-to-day activities.
A development engineer in the Optical B
Electrical Laboratory, Charlie Pragneii was
another ‘character’ who said goodbye
at the end of May. Some 29 years ago,
Charlie came to work in the coil winding
area sited in the old Mailings; that was in
the days when we used to make our own
transformers. He moved into the
Development Laboratory in 1957, the third
person to join the staff there. At the age of
45, Charlie took a momentous decision —
to qualify as an engineer. It took him six
years of study at evening classes, but he
made it. ‘He’s gained the respect and
appreciation of everyone,’ said Manager
Stan Wheeler Asked how he planned to
spend his retirement, Charlie replied that he
would be doing ‘whatever job the wife has
for me I’ He’s seen here on his last day,
working in the lab. on flash illumination
power supplies.
Bill Williams was another who joined the
Machine Shop when it was under Bob
Baker’s management. He started as a shop
boy after being demobbed in 1948. We had
a good deal of special purpose machines
then in which he took an interest and he
subsequently became a setter. Bill recalls
that the night shift then was from 7.30 pm
round to 7.30 am and he often had to
hitchhike home afterwards. Reshuffling was
as common then as now, and BUI took over
from Bob Walton as chargehand, only to
have to hand the job back to Bob again
after more changes I He became foreman
four and a half years ago. Home
commitments decided Bill to leave but he
plans to get a job later on. One hobby he
enjoys is model-making; he’s made a model
village out of cardboard, and Ross
marketplace from balsa wood and
matchsticks. 7 like using up waste to make
things,’ he says.
In addition to those pictured here, we also
said goodbye recently to:
Dorothy Mansell who has been working
on cableforms in Electrical Sub-assembly.
During her 28 years with us, Dorothy has
worked on sub-assemblies, along with her
friend Lilian Criddle, another long-server
with 32 years to her credit. Recently Dorothy
underwent hospital treatment and we wish
her a steady improvement in health.
Ron Williams with 33 years’ service
behind him. Once a grocer in Penzance,
Ron came to work in the Machine Shop
on capstans but after about 14 years his
health obliged him to take a sedentary job
and he worked on sub-assemblies.
Ron says he’ll have plenty to keep him
busy at home — and he makes a point of
returning to Cornwall every year
On Spring Bank Holiday Monday, three of
us club shooters travelled to Cheddar to
complete in a 75 Bird Sporting Shoot.
And as we jogged merrily down the
motorway towards Cheddar, we speculated
as to whether the big boys in the shooting
world would be there to set the pace.
We reached the shooting ground overlooking
the Cheddar Valley at 11 am and reckoned
it time for liquid refreshment, my two
companions Barry Clein (‘It wasn’t me it
was the gun’) and Dennis Jaynes (‘If I can
see ‘um I can hit ‘um’) being of the opinion
that the only time I can shoot straight is
when I’ve had a few pints anyway.
It was a beautiful day but the wind was
rather blustery, and the clay targets were
travelling at two different speeds (fast and
b ridiculous) as the wind caught them.
Anyway the big boys did eventually turn
up, and we considered our average scores
were no good at all. However, we cheered
up when we knew the international shots
did only slightly better because of the windy
conditions. We thoroughly enjoyed
ourselves picking up tips from international
shots like I. Coley and B. Hebditch. Then,
having enjoyed a picnic lunch swilled down
with coffee and whisky mixed (highly
recommended) we jogged back towards
home, thoroughly contented with a pleasant
Not disillusioned in any way with our shoot
at Cheddar, we three decided to shoot at
the Gloucestershire Sporting Championships
at Cirencester on June 1.
We knew some of the best shots in the
country would be there, and, thinking that
they might have an ‘off day’, we decided to
have a bang. Believe me, that’s all we did !
After having sandwiches and the usual
coffee-and-whisky mix, we put plan ‘B’
into operation. We had heard through the
grapevine some weeks before that there
was to be a Terrier Show and Clay Shoot
at Cirencester Park, so swiftly and silently
we sneaked away without arousing the
curiosity of other shooters.
Nobody was around the shooting area
when we arrived, so we appraised the
position of the traps and shooting positions.
Just before the shoot started, we removed
our shooting jackets, hid the lovingly
cared for professional clay shooting guns
in the boot of Barry’s car, then walked in a
zig-zag fashion towards the shooting area,
not wishing to give the impression that we
had come just for the shooting.
We were approached by a rather
distinguished looking gentleman who said
‘Good show, chaps, like to have a go,
what!’ We were among the upper classes.
We pleaded ignorance as to what clay
shooting was, and he then went into a
detailed explanation as to how to shoot
clay pigeons and where the traps would
throw clays.
After watching a few people shoot he
talked us into parting with our hard-earned
cash (80p to shoot 1 5 clays).
We then walked to the car, put on our
shooting jackets and collected the guns.
The expression on his face when we
returned was one of dismay. ‘I thought you
had not shot before,’ he said and I
admitted Well, we’ve done just a bit.’
Dennis Jaynes shot first, hitting 15 out of
15; there was a big round of applause and
lots of ‘Good shooting, old chap.’ I am still
not sure whether Dennis bowed to the
crowd or just stumbled, as he said he did.
The Golf Society’s second outing of the
season took it to St Pierre Golf and
Country Club, Chepstow, on June 2.
As we stood (or should I say cowered ?) on
on the first tee at the unholy hour of
8.30 am, leaning at 45 degrees into a
howling rain-lashed gale, the writer’s
thoughts, and those of his fellow sufferers,
were already on the warmth and fellowship
to be found at the 19th hole. It was not
until three and a half hours later that we
reached our Mecca — the bar!
Fortunately, the rain came only in spasms
(and wet ones at that) but the strong winds
persisted, breaking reputations and hearts
with equal aplomb.
Fortified by generous helpings of steak and
kidney pie, we trekked on to the new
course for the afternoon’s session. We
were like lost souls in the wilderness as the
course had only been opened the previous
day (many wanted it closed again the
next day!).
Fortunately, a head count at the end of the
day showed a full complement of players
(surprising, considering some of the wilder
spots visited by some) although a massive
amount of self-confidence and self-respect
had been irretrievably lost.
The results of the day’s endeavours were of
minor importance — all survived to play
But, just for the record, here they are:
Morning Points
(1st) Paul (Snake) Knight 33
(2nd) Vernon Williams 32
John Cash
(3rd) Derek Parker 30
Bob Ford
(4th) John Jones 29
Dave Haines
(1st) Tony Hehir 71
(2nd) John Cash 74
(3rd) Mike Cooper 75
(4th) Tony Haynes 77
Henry Longhurst M ( JC to you).
Since tfiis was written, tfie survivors have
tackled Filton with great sucess. Details in
next issue.
The terrible three from the Machine
Shop — {from left) Barry Clein,
Dennis Jaynes and Neil Williams
Barry Clein shot next — 1 5 out of 15 again.
The applause was overwhelming, the only
person not clapping being the distinguished
gentleman who must have been thinking :
‘This bunch conned me and they’re taking
all my lovely prizes away.’
Then it was my turn. I only hit 1 3 out of
15; my gun had jammed and I used
Barry’s, so I felt I had the right to quote his
favourite saying (‘It wasn’t me, it was the
gun’). Anyway, that’s my excuse and I’m
sticking to it.
Pending reprisals or barring by the CPSA,
we terrible three hope to descend on
another shoot in the next issue.
Neil Williams (‘I didn’t see that one —
can I have it again ?’).
{We’re keeping well out of range.—Ed.)
The finals of the Portman Trophy have been
fixed for Friday, August 15, to commence at
7 pm. Mr Portman has kindly agreed to
present the trophies and the prizes for both
this competition (individual) and the
Wickstead Shield (teams) competition
which has already been played.
Says John Johnson : ‘We shall have prizes
up to the third place in each competition
and we are hoping the team members will
turn up to receive their prizes personally.
Two of them will be there anyway, because
they are also finalists for the Portman
The contestants are as follows:
1 & 2 places: C. Cunningham v. D. Bourne.
3 & 4 places: N. Swan v. W. Logan.
The Wickstead Shield placings are:
1. Group Inventory Control. 2. Design.
3. Information Systems.
It is hoped to lay on refreshments — and to
see a few more players than on previous
occasions, thus ensuring a successful
Lou’s Lot (Production Control) won the
Ladies’ Interdepartmental Skittles
Tournament, beating last year’s winners,
660 Castaways, 259 :257. It was a close
finish; Ellen Cruickshank was last to play
for PCD who needed six to win. Her first
ball ‘bolted’, the second felled one pin, and
the third downed seven, making them
winners by two pins. (Pictures in
September issue.)
One way to help keep the cost of living
down is to take advantage of our discount
purchase scheme when buying items such
as those listed below.
On production of your Sports & Social Club
membership card, you can obtain goods at
discount prices from the following shops
or companies:
Cavendish Carpets, 5 Cavendish Buildings—
10—12i% off most purchases.
Ken Cole. 61 Northgate Street— 10% off
cookers, radios and television sets; 15% off
other goods.
Lex Motors, 10 London Road— discount on
motor spares and new cars (contact
Mr Lionel Daniels).
Malcolm Davies Motor Cycles, 206/208
Barton Street— 7 i% off spares and
accessories, 5% off new and second-hand
motor cycles.
St Aldate Music Ltd, 11 St Aldate Street—
at least 5%; larger discounts negotiable on
large orders.
Walwins, 45 Southgate Street (Chemist and
Photographers)— discounts on photographic
Terry Warner Sports Ltd, St Aldate Street
(and branches)—selected items only.
Strand Do-it-yourself, 33 High Street—
at least 1 2 i% off DIY goods, tools, etc.;
15% off central heating appliances.
Regency Carpets Co. Ltd., 18 High Street—
up to 20% off.
Wireless Electric Ltd, Wirelect House,
St Thomas Street, BS1 6JW— full trade
All Sports & Social Club members can also
gain the following discounts from Eagle
Star Insurance:
15% Car insurance.
15% All-in bonus policy for house-owners
and householders.
5% Life assurance (5% limited to £0-25%
of sum assured).
15% Personal accident and illness.
15% Horses; yachts and small craft; and
other insurances for special activities.
20% Holidaymakers’—insurances against
loss of luggage, etc.
15% All-risks insurance — on jewellery,
furs and other valuables. Special
policies for stamp collections.
For full details and advice, contact the local
Eagle Star branch at Renslade House,
5/7 Whitfield Street, Gloucester
(tel. Gloucester 36655).
mmm mi
Advance Booking
Keep September 20 f r ee for
the visit to Mitcheldean of the
Caldicot & District Male
Voice Choir. Watch the
noticeboards for further
Graham and Linda Kibble J. Ingram
Michael Ebert (Goods Inwards Inspection)
to Susan Davis at Ross Parish Church on
May 17.
Barbara Lewis (Finance & Admin.) to
Paul Ingmire (Paint Shop) at Lydbrook
Church on May 17.
Ian Hale (Design Engineering) to Bridget
Breakwell at St Cenedlons, Gwent, on
June 6.
Graham Kibble (RX Lydney) to Linda
Saunders at St Mary’s Church, Ross-on-
Wye, on June 14.
Dave Tuffley (TED) to Tricia Milliner
(Elec. Sub-assembly) at St John’s Church,
Cinderford, on June 21.
We are sorry to have to report the death on
June 15 of Tom Brammer from Auto
Plating at the age of 65. He retired last
April after 10J years with us. We also have
to record the death of Percy Prawl on
June 27 after a long illness. Percy, who
was 43, worked as a Stock Control clerk
and had been with us since January 1968.
Our sympathy goes to their families.
Dave and Tricia Tuffley
Best wishes to Don Meek (Cleaning
Services) who retired in June after nearly
nine years with us; and to three people
who retired in J u l y— Bill Jenkins (Security)
who came to us in 1966, Phil Lever
(electrical inspector) with eight and a half
years’ service, and Percy Snook (storekeeper)
who had been with us eight years,
eight months.
Silver Wedding
Congratulations to Bill Hall (4000/4500
Assembly) and his wife Rosemary who
celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary
on August 12.
Golden Wedding
Congratulations to Emily Marshall (formerly
Polishing & Plating Shop) and her husband
Oliver who celebrated their golden wedding
on August 4.
Don Meek (Cleaning) pictured with some
of the lady cleaning staff at his retirement
presentation in June; he had been with us
nearly nine years. ‘I’ve much appreciated
his consistently regular attendance,’
commented supervisor Duff Bennett.
If you have, then please —
let your departmental correspondent know.
or leave it at any Gate House for
collection by me.
or post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
or ring me— it’s Drybrook 542415.
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
if you’re thinking of applying for Social
Service Leave but haven’t done anything
about it yet, we’d like to remind you that
applications will be considered up to
August 29.
There is, however, a limit to the amount of
leave available, so it would be advisable to
fill in and return the entry form without
further delay.
The selection committee, which includes
Bob Baker and Frank Edwards from
Mitcheldean, has already started considering
Full details about the scheme were given in
the literature already distributed ; for further
information, please contact Personnel
Department, or Philip Currah, Manager
Social Policy, at Rank Xerox House.
Who? What? Where?
Training for Olympics in Purchase Office?
Tossing of typewriter Mark I — one small
push for Joyce, one hell of a thump for the
people downstairs.
1^ i!V
This chap in the Machine Office asked his
wife to get him some carrot seed, and
sowed it in the garden. When he came
across a couple of peanuts in the packet he
realised — shed got him parrot seed by
For Sale
Tricity Marquis cooker (electric) with
five-hour timer, automatic time switch and
oven spit, £20. Two armchairs, brown
vinyl covered, £10 pair. Assorted tools for
handyman. W. Gosnell, Drybrook 542333.
Caravan, 22ft, excellent condition, 4-berth,
separate kitchen, fireplace, wired for mains
electricity. Taffy Smith, ext. 330.
Modern detached house in Mitcheldean,
3 bedrooms, bathroom, hall, dining-room,
lounge, fitted kitchen, garden and garage,
£9,850. Cinderford 23586.
Silver Cross high pram and canopy;
Carrycot; baby bath and stand. Offers
invited. Ext. 1266.
Studio couch complete with stretch covers,
offers. Will deliver. Mrs. K. Meek, ext. 1256.
Child’s two-wheeled bike with stabilizers,
suitable for 5-7-year-old to learn, £5.
Complete Brownie outfit to fit 6-8-year-old,
as new, £2. Wooden doll’s cot. size
24in. X I4in., £2. Lydbrook 548.
Car roof rack. H. Cecil, ext. 638.
Semi-detached chalet bungalow, about
6 years old, newly decorated, 4 bedrooms,
lounge, kitchen, bathroom. Gardens. A few
minutes’ walk from shops, schools, river
and countryside. About £10,500.
Mrs J . Skevington, ext. 898 or Monmouth
3831 evgs.
Sombrero awning for Volkswagen
Caravanette, as new, £40. M. Welwyn,
ext. 579.
Navy blue Swallow pram with canopy and
cover, shopping tray and mattress, hardly
used, £10 o.n.o. Cinderford 22721.
Electra 5 cu. ft. fridge, very good condition,
£35. Gill Phipps, Production Control,
ext. 908.
Sling, Coleford — £9,850, modern semidetached
house and garage, 3 bedrooms,
bathroom, hall, lounge, dining-room, fitted
kitchen. Gas-fired central heating. Average
size garden with tarmac drive to garage.
Good decorative order. Offers considered.
Ext. 574 or Coleford 3210.
When sending in i t e m s please give your
extension number a n d / o r department t o ensure
i n c l u s i o n .
Three-piece suite, modern design, black
vinyl, green seats plus stretch nylon covers,
patterned. Very good condition, £30 o.n.o.
Longhope 643.
Hoover vacuum cleaner in good working
order. G. E. Harrison, ext. 646.
Two Electra night storage heaters with
glass shelves, as new, £35. Drybrook
Awning for 400 Sprite. Small repair needed.
Coleford 3461 or ext. 247.
Immaculate Mini 1000, only 19,000 miles,
L’ registered, in Bronze-Yellow. One
careful lady owner. £875 o.n.o. HP terms
available, D. Rimell, Terrapin BIdg, ext. 996.
Huntley, £11,000, semi-detached house.
Hygena kitchen/dining area, lounge with
stone fireplace, 3 good size bedrooms,
bathroom, electric Warmair heating, car
port and large shed. Mature rear garden/
patio. Fitted carpets/blinds included.
N. Taylor, ext. 1258 or Longhope 621.
Very pretty Wellsummer Cross Bantam
cockerels, four months old. Sue Ader,
ext. 270 or call evgs only, 98 Valley Road,
1964 Cortina 1200 saloon, taxed end
August, MOT end December, £85 o.n.o.
D. G. Williams, ext. 481 or Carey 624.
1972 Mini 1000 van. Mallard green,
30,000 miles, wife’s vehicle, excellent
condition, new exhaust, 5 new radials.
Tax and MOT both until Jan. 1976.
£500 secures. Ext. 598 or Coleford 3349.
New Singer electric sewing machine, cost
£86, going for £50. Does all types of
sewing. Ext. 647.
Lady’s Raleigh ‘New Yorker’ cycle in
perfect condition, £22. E. A. Sherwin,
ext. 834.
Newnham— Modern semi-detached house
in quiet cul-de-sac with views of River
Severn, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge,
large fitted kitchen/diner, garage. Price to
include fitted carpets Venetian blinds, etc.,
£10,250. Ext. 928 or Newnham 435.
Save 17% VAT ! Touring caravan ‘Sovereign
106’, August 1974, 4-berth, including
additional accessories. Length 10J ft.
excluding tow-bar. £760 o.n.o. T. Knight,
Finance &• Admin., ext. 814.
Reduced for quick sale — 2-year-old
detached house in quiet cul-de-sac.
Lounge, dining-room, Hygena fitted kitchen,
3 bedrooms, central heating, garage. Price
to include fitted carpets — £8,900.
Ext. 1111 or 26 Deansway Road,
Ideal 35mm camera, £6. R. Leach, ext. 245.
Superior detached country cottage at
The Pludds, nr. Ruardean, in 3 acre lovely
gardens; 3 bedrooms, bathroom with WC,
lounge with stone fireplace, dining-room,
kitchen, well fitted, hall, outside WC and
two sheds. Many extras including fitted
carpets, £17,500. Cecil Hopkins, Internal
Transport, or Lydbrook 400 after 5 pm, or
view Clairmont Cottage, The Pludds.
Littledean — 9A Dean Crescent 4-year-old
semi-detached 4 bedroomed house,
lounge-dining area. Full gas central heating,
partial double glazing, integral garage.
Open views, landscaped garden. Realistic
price. M. Watklns, ext. 1187 or Cinderford
Small night storage heaters, 1 to 1^ Kw.
John Wale, ext. 711.
Girl’s or lady’s pushbike, J . M. Holbrook,
ext. 666.
Play-pen, wooden type with floor. Annette
Tracey, ext. 1293.
12 Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.