December 75 No. 115
XEROX 9200-
A Winner for the Future
Physically impressive, f l e x i b le and a
f a s t mover — w e ‘ r e talking about the
Xerox 9200 pictured above.
T h i s latest product of ours i s quite the
biggest project w e ‘ v e ever handled,
and it has upstaged everything else
in t h i s issue.
The machine c o n s i s t s of three main
modules — the processor and input
modules, made here at Mitcheldean,
and the sorter produced at Venray.
I t produces up to 7,200 prints per
hour on a straight run ( t h a t ‘ s two
per second) and w i t h i t s automatic
document handler and sorter it
enables 20 copies of a ten-page
report to be produced in under t wo
Fully automatic from s t a r t to f i n i s h , it
i s controlled by a single operator who
requires only a relatively brief amount
of training. Our ‘single’ operator
here, seen removing original documents
f r om the ADH at the end of a run, is
S y l v i a ( s h e ‘ s not actually ‘single’ —
s h e ‘ s married to E r i c Attwell of the
Compensation and Benefits Section in
Personnel Department).
S y l v i a w o r k s in Central Records w h i ch
i t s e l f h a s a high volume copying
capability, reproducing some 100,000
copies of Production Engineering
documentation in a f o u r – w e e k period.
Roger Haggett,
Director of iVIanufacturing Operations (UK)
This is the
The 9200 machine has had a
development period of 10 years,
from its original concept as a
sophisticated copier to the
machine as we know it today,
with its advanced and complex
technology comparable to that
of a small computer.
It is essential, for survival, to
be in the forefront of technology.
There is no doubt that the
9200 further consolidates our
leading position in the
reprographic business.
However, to obtain this
business is still going to be a
tremendous and challenging
task and, in the 1976 economic
climate, our most difficult yet.
Only by achieving and
maintaining the required quality
and reliability standards, and
producing the planned volume of
machines at targeted cost, can
we justify the faith in our
competence which Rank Xerox
has shown in making this huge
investment in Mitcheldean.
Success will ensure that, when
the upturn in the economy
comes, we have a proven and
reliable product capable of
capturing the share of the
market it deserves.
They /(now it inside out — Roy Powell, now Production Co-ordinator, Assembly Areas,
who was the first 9200 Assembly Manager, a post now filled by Brian Mould (centre): and
Terry Ward who, as QC foreman, plays a key role, not only on the shop floor but in
co-ordination with Engineering, PED and other areas concerned in ensuring that the very
high quality standards set for the 9200 are achieved.
Sounding a
Cheerful Note
For brightening up ‘the bleak
midwinter’ there’s nothing like a bit
of music.
On the evening of December 15 the
fifth Rank Xerox Carol Festival
organised by the RX Workers’
Christian Fellowship and featuring
the Swindon Evangelical Choir, took
place in Mitcheldean Parish Church.
The speaker was Kenneth Allen and
lessons were read by Robin Harrison
(Purchase), Mike Sherborne
(Design) and Andrew Bentley-Taylor
(Production Control); afterwards the
congregation enjoyed coffee and
mince pies.
Then on December 17 and 18, a
brass band, its 30 or so members
recruited from across the Plant,
played a lunchtime programme of
Christmas music and carols, bringing
a festive atmosphere into the
self-service and waitress canteens,
and helping the turkey and Christmas
pudding go down a treat.
Led by Derek Wade (Training
Department), the RX Christmas Band
gave a repeat performance on
December 22 in the Ballroom.
Pete Town/ey and A/an Kennaug/i, the men who train the men who bui/d the 9200,
too/< it in turns to show the 9200 off to visitors at the exhibition. That’s Pete above
doing a demonstration for some of our peop/e.
9200 ON SHOW
Several major technical innovations
have been incorporated into the
design of the 9200 to provide the
required speed and high print
quality normally associated with
non-xerographic offset systems.
The use of ‘flash’ exposure, with the
entire original document being
exposed at once, replaces the
scanning method used in many other
types of xerographic equipment.
A flexible belt consisting of selenium
alloy coated onto metal foil is used
instead of the coated drum which has
been the heart of our earlier
High image quality is obtained by a
magnetic brush developer system in
conjunction with ferrite developer.
This ensures that the toner is
efficiently applied to the photoreceptor,
giving high quality reproduction of
half-tones and solid areas.
A reclamation system recovers
unused toner and places it in
containers, avoiding waste.
It^s Changing
Our Ways
Apart from new departures in the
realm of logic, optics, xerographies,
within the system itself, the 9200 has
triggered off many changes in our
way of doing things, and brought
about the adoption of some unique
manufacturing procedures.
Outstanding is the NC machine tool
complex in Mitcheldean’s Machine
Shop — possibly the most advanced
automated manufacturing process in
Western Europe — which we have
featured on pages 10 and 11.
On the assembly line, automatic test
equipment using a central computer
has replaced more traditional methods.
At Welwyn new processes are being
implemented for the manufacture of
the photoreceptor belts, and a
considerable sum has been invested
in an automatic assembly and test
facility for printed wiring boards; this
latter, too, is believed to be the most
advanced of its kind in Europe.
Our latest product made its debut at
the Hanover Fair in April last, but it
was not until September 2 that it
was formally introduced in London.
Here at Mitcheldean we followed up
with a press launch on September 9
which resulted in considerable
coverage in local papers and on TV.
Scene of the launch was an
exhibition, set out on the top floor of
Building 44, which many of our
readers visited during the four
weeks it remained open.
Demonstrated every day from Monday
to Friday (plus Thursday evenings
and an additional Saturday morning
L e f t : Caro/ Carpenter, secretary to
M/Ae Crow, Parts /\/lanufacture /Vlanager
in PCD. gave us this ref/ective study of a
photoreceptor be/t. This ta/ Barry Thomas inserts the logic
boards — the brain of the 9200 — in w
the control console unit. p
7 bet there’s one of those thousands
of parts you’ve forgotten 1′
Tool designer Barry Box in
TED where thousands of
tools have been designed
for the 9200.
Quality engini
Richard Morg
an SCL fixture
(the inside story of the input module isor (electrical) in the shop
Gerald Fro wen uses one of the setting,
checl ensure critical dimensions are correctly set
on an assembly.
The SCL fixtures are connected, via a card reader, to a
computer, known as the Data Logger, which monitors
the assembly readings and records results for QC.
Jimmy James is sitting at the teleprinter.
L e f t : Brian Joyce sets a photoreceptor into the
processor module. Right: Mary Davis measures
the level of magnetism of certain components.
Chargehand Carl Joiner and (right) mechanical
adjuster Ken Kear assist at the ‘marriage’ of
the two separately assembled modules.
inspector Ted Hatfield in the audit area
checks on the total 9200 system include
lack and extended run tests. The modules
are separated before final packing.
Keith Murrell upgrading a machine in the
PED workshop on the assembly floor to
get advance warning of any
manufacturing problems.
Martin Exell (Facilities Planning) and (centre) Phil Kelly
(Works Engineering) sort out a space problem on the
9200 Assembly re-layout. Taking notes is apprentice
Graham Toogood.
lasil Brown, Bob Held and
‘iscuss a gauge drawing of
provide QA with inspection
special purpose gauging.
Jack Priest (second from right) heads a Work Study
group working alongside FED engineers in 9200
Planning — (from left) George Wiggins, John Evans
and Des Ellway.
In PCD Roger Smith has taken over responsibility
for 9200 as a current product from Jim Cannon; Paul
Trollope and Ken Rule (centre) are responsible for
provisioning and progress activities.
In the C5 million NC machine complex, Malcolm Norris loads a cutting tool on to
the carousel-type magazine on one of the massive Burkhardt £r Weber machining centres.
Each magazine holds 30 tools, many of them multi-heads. Above right: Malcolm adjusts a
feed switch on the console as he carefully watches a casting being drilled. While one
tool is cutting, another is brought into position. Below: Ralph Pepper (right),
joint superviser with Barry Morgan and Des Haines, watches Dennis Boughion check
a bore in a casting.
AH Set for
a Quick i
Parts for the 9200 are produced at
both Cinderford and Mitcheldean.
Cinderford is responsible for producing
pressed parts and shafts and turned
components, ie, large quantities of the
smaller components.
The Machine Shop machines a
number of components for our latest
product, varying from the largest
casting weighing 70 lb to the
smallest weighing only 2 oz.
As previously reported in VISION, a
highly sophisticated machining
complex consisting of 19 numerically
controlled machining centres has
been installed for machining the 16
major castings for the 9200.
Capable of performing a multiplicity
of milling, drilling, boring,
counterboring and spotfacing
operations, these are now fully
operational and capable of
producing the total requirements.
In order to cope with the increased
demands, the Machine Shop has
recently been re-organised into
Group Technology cells. By this
means, components for the 9200
will be able to be produced with a
considerably reduced through-put
time and hence maintain programme
requirements and tighter schedules.
Says Manager Fred Tedds: ‘It is a
never-ending battle against “time”,
and the Machine Shop and
Cinderford are now equipped and
geared-up to play their part in
producing the 9200 machine at the
high quality standards expected and
in the quantities required.’
1 Eddie Hill (centre). Manager of Finishing Planning
(PED), and Finishing engineer Barry Gates examine i
casting after it has been treated in the spray-wash plar
to remove swarf, etc. The operator is Peter Lancett.
In Component Planning (PED),
programme calculations based on
fixture drawing and tool length are
made. Right: Roger Bailey with Ted
Willett, section leader. Above: Eunice
Aylett converts programme
instructions into tapes.
Discussing a drawing query and the impact
on delivery are (from left) Tool Control
l\Aanager Dennis Evans with Tony Murrell
(TED) and TC section leader Winston Jenkins.
Far left: Des Haines (left) and Roger Bartlett study a tool drawing in the cutter-grinding
area. Above left: All tooling is preset. Our picture shows Terry Williams adjusting a tool
for length, diameter, etc., before it is loaded on to a machining centre. Above right:
Roy Hawkins (Component Planning) and storekeeper Bill
Morgan (kneeling).
In QC inspection. Mike Young checks ‘first offs
while Bill Rees notes results on the visual
display unit.
It all started when they transferred me
to the 9200 fuser roller assembly line.
Nurse /’
L e f t : Spray-painting parts prior to machining to obviate the necessity for masking and. in some
cases, to avoid distortion. The parts then go into the oven for stoving. Behind the ‘surgical mask’ is
Jack Beard. Right: Doing a visual inspection of fuser rollers are (left) Jack Turley. Asst Manager
QC (Mfg), and inspector Ernie Holmes.
For three men at the Plant the
spring can’t come soon enough. To
you or me it may mean having to
start cutting the grass; for them it
means the start of the trotting
season, and all the excitement of the
Jim Hambiett, who works in
4000/4500 Assembly, has a prizewinning
‘daisy-cutter’ — not a
mower but a pacer. Known as
Helen’s Spenser, she won first prize
in the novice class at Penybont last
August, an important event in the
trotting calendar.
‘She’s three now; when she’s a year
or two older, she’ll really go to
town,’ prophesied Jim.
Jim has a few acres at Steam Mills,
near Cinderford. A short trot away at
Harrow Hill are kindred spirits
Tommy Hammond and his son John
(both of Works Engineering). The
three of them take their horses to
trotting meetings and shows all
over — from Llandrindod Wells to
Chasewater in Staffordshire.
Tommy and John have seven
trotters and pacers (pacing, we
learned, is a style of gait in which
the horse raises two feet of the same
side at the same time); they won a
first, a second, a third and a fourth at
events last season.
Two of their most promising horses
are Forest Lady and Earster’s Boy
who, incidentally, were sired by the
same stallion as Helen’s Spenser;
a double-gaiter (he both trots and
paces), their dad holds the 1 J mile
record for North Wales.
‘We give them corn and special
titbits to get them into peak
condition before we take them to a
meeting,’ says Tommy.
‘I wash Helen’s tail in Daz and bind
it to keep it looking good,’ says Jim.
All spruced up, the animals travel in
horseboxes with the ‘sulkies’ hung
on hooks at the back.
So called because it admits only one
person, the sulky looks something
like a large tricycle with the horse
acting as a front wheel. And with a
frisky front wheel it’s tough work
keeping everything under control.
Below: While John holds the horse steady.
Tommy puts the hobbles on for pacing.
Above: It’s a family interest for the
Hambletts. Jim’s wife Eileen, seen holding
the Penybont trophy, acts as stable boy.
B e l o w : Wearing his racing colours,
John gets Forest Lady to show her paces
up on Harrow Hill.
Dean Forest Studios
Talented Typewriter
The ‘daisy wheel’ is faster than the
‘golf ball’ when it comes to tapping
out the words on a typewriter.
This type of print wheel, shaped like
a daisy, is the heart of a new
electronic typing system, or editing
typewriter, known as the Xerox 800.
Currently being marketed in the USA,
it was launched in the UK in
September and was among the
products also on display at the recent
9200 exhibition held in Building 44.
Another step along the road to the
automated office, the Xerox 800 is of
particular interest to us not only
because of its potential, but also
because certain Mitcheldean
personnel have made a contribution
to its production.
Dennis Beddis and Stewart Watliins
examine a print wheel in various stages
of manufacture.
Now completely redesigned, the
print wheel and keyboard were
originally obtained when Xerox
purchased Diablo Systems Inc. in
A small, specialised firm in
Switzerland was chosen to
manufacture the redesigned print
wheel by moulding the keyboard
characters on to the end of each
spoke, or petal, of a metal insert.
Xerox at Dallas required someone to
assume responsibility for controlling
product quality on their behalf. They
contacted Vic Parry of Manufacturing
Group and he designated Dennis
Beddis to be that someone, in view
of the latter’s experience as a jig and
tool man.
The operation turned out to be what
Mr Parry called ‘an important
exercise in multinational co-operation’
— a product engineered in the
States, and manufactured in
Switzerland with quality controlled
by UK people.
After a trip to Dallas for training in
the technology of the machine,
Dennis began commuting to
Switzerland last summer for a few
days each week, while at the same
time coping with his job as Assistant
Manager Quality Control (Tool
Inspection) at Mitcheldean. ‘It did
tend to make me feel a bit
schizophrenic,’ he admitted.
In more recent months, Stewart
Watkins on Mr Parry’s staff helped
out by going over to Switzerland on
alternate weeks.
Dennis explained to us some of the
outstanding features of the Xerox 800.
The print wheel, for example, can be
changed in seconds; it is available in
a wide range of type faces and
styles, in three character-spacing
alternatives, and in a variety of West
European languages.
The quality of print is particularly
high and the system works twice as
fast as the ‘golf ball’ method. In the
case of the Xerox 800, the print
wheel travels from left to right, then
back from right to left — that is,
typing the words of the next line
from the end to the beginning, so no
time is wasted in returning the
The typist first types the copy
(corrections are made by backspacing
and typing over the error) and gives
the necessary instructions, all of
which is recorded on magnetic tape
or card; the 800 then sets to work
retyping the job at 350 words per
minute, justifying margins, tabulating
— doing automatically all the things
one expects of an up-to-date
typewriter when it has a typist
attached to it.
It is particularly useful for doing
repetitive work — for example, it
could take over the tedious job of
typing numerous standard letters or
documents with different addresses
or inserts.
A talented typewriter, certainly. You
might also call it a typist’s typist.
The Xerox 800 editing typewriter attracts the attention of two HAitcheldean secretaries —
{left) Jane Coleman, who works for Purchasing Manager John Wilks, and Carol Wall,
who is secretary to Nelson Abraham in Personnel.
Tim Step/iens talies a lool< at the trophies won by his son Stewart on display in
the Apprentice Training School.
As from January 1, a wide range of
Rank Xerox reprographic equipment,
including the Xerox Telecopier 400
and the Xerox 800 electronic
typewriter, is being made available
for sale as well as for rental.
Hitherto we have sold equipment only
in certain specialised markets such
as Eastern Europe.
The decision to include a sales option
has been made because the Company
anticipate that certain existing and
potential customers (for example,
those in regional development areas)
will be interested in the outright
purchase of equipment.
Rentals will, however, continue to
provide the major area of market
opportunity and, as such, the target
for our main marketing thrust.
Machines not being offered for sale
include the Xerox 9200 and the
Xerox 4500; since these are very new
products, it is felt there is insufficient
market experience on which to base
a sale price.
Rank Xerox 813/422/720 machines
are also not being sold, since the
RX 660/1000 are more advanced
versions and remanufacturing all
models is not commercially viable.
Tony Rand of Group Finance
(ext. 597) is looking for people with
a yen to go sailing. He’s planning to
get a dinghy (St Albacore racing
class) and wants to meet others who
are interested, whether experienced
or not, with a view to getting a
sailing section going.
Steve Glennie-Smith, who joined
the Development Laboratory a short
time ago, wants to hear from folksy
types. A pianist and guitarist who
has played in various bands, he
would like to see a folk club formed
here at Mitcheldean; so if you play
the guitar, piano accordion, violin,
recorder or sing in that old country
and western style, reach for the
‘phone and dial ext. 708.
J im Watts, also of Dev. Lab., is
looking for contacts among the
studious-minded. Having graduated
through the Open University, he is
continuing his studies and he feels it
would be helpful to all concerned if
OU students at Mitcheldean got
together occasionally at lunchtime
and compared notes.
If you’re one of these academic
types, ring Jim on ext. 707.
Ruth Williams (Engineering) would
like to share transport between
Bishopswood and Mitcheldean Plant
(staff hours). Please call her on
ext. 516 if you travel this route and
have space to spare in your car.
Our apprentices have been gathering
in the silverware again.
For the ninth time, and the third time
running, they have won the Rank
Xerox Ltd cup awarded annually to
the firm whose apprentices produce
the best collective record in coursework
and examination.
Len Hart is justifiably proud of his
boys in the Training School.
Two other trophies were both won
by apprentice Stewart Stephens who
will be receiving his indentures next
In our picture he is seen holding the
South Wales Institute of Engineers’
shield (which was won by another of
our apprentices, David Evans, last
year); this is awarded annually to
the engineering student gaining the
best collective course and
examination results.
The third trophy, which Stewart’s
father is holding, is the Ken Winfield
cup which goes to the final year
year student of a senior engineering
If you have, then please —
let your departmental correspondent know,
or leave it at any Gate House for
collection by me,
or post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
or ring me—it’s Drybrook 542415.
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
IHOSE mOPfllES course who achieves the best record
in all aspects of the course.
Tim Stephens, who works in the
Machine Shop gauge room and has
a total of some 30 years’ service to
his credit, has helped and encouraged
Stewart on his way, not only at home
but also at work (Stewart did six
months’ training in the Tool Room
when his father was working there);
he admitted to feeling ‘rather pleased’
about his son’s success.
Twenty-year-old Stewart is now
doing his 205 Part III, and he told us
he would quite like to be a tool
designer. In his leisure-time he
‘tinkers about with cars’, which is
his way of saying that he is the
family motor mechanic.
On December 10, around 70 people
who have gained successes in their
professional studies were also
rewarded, not with trophies this
time but with more negotiable
prizes; we shall be featuring this
financial award presentation in a
later VISION.
As w e go to
p r e s s
Personnel Department report that the
voluntary redundancy/early
retirement scheme in operation is
progressing satisfactorily. At the time
of going to press it was not possible
to comment usefully on the subject;
we hope to be in a better position to
do so in the next issue of VISION.
V i c e – p r e s i d e n t ‘ s Night
Instead of the president’s night, the
Amateur Photographic Club held a
vice-presidents’ night on Wednesday,
October 29 (the former event having
been postponed to February 20, 1976,
when it is hoped to have BBC
Bristol as our guests).
Two of the club’s illustrious
vice-presidents, Cyril Jamieson and
Arthur Mason, gave us their ‘lookat-
life’ on sizzling celluloid; the
former featured some of the superb
scenery in which Scotland is so rich,
the latter depicted the custom of
well-dressing in Derbyshire, with
biblical and other scenes created in
glowing mosaics of flowers and
petals, greenery and other garden
The results of ‘Our Architectural
Heritage’ slide competition were also
announced, placings being as
follows: 1. Des Haines; 2. Bert
Hawkins; 3. Valerie Jordan; 4. Jack
Smith; 5. Bob Dixon. 6. Valerie
The evening was marred by the
disappointingly small attendance and
the officers of the club would be
interested to hear from any RX
employee of ways in which they feel
attendance could be improved in
future. Suggestions please to me in
Group Purchasing, Building 42/2.
David Payne,
Publicity Officer.
Beaten i3y t h e ‘ B o r e s’
The shoot held at Mead Farm,
Ruardean, on October 26 between
RX Shooting Club and the ’12 Bores’
from Hampshire led by Ron Payne
(whom some of you may remember)
was a great success.
It was a 25-bird sporting shoot; as
RX outnumbered the guests by four,
two of our team members were
drafted into the ’12 Bores’ team.
Being beyond corruption, they put
up a grand show and ensured a
decisive victory for the ’12 Bores’,
who won by 11 points.
After the team event, a quick visit to
the Roebuck for refreshment and a
first-class lunch revitalised us all and
we returned in good spirits for the
second event.
This was a two-man 20-bird
sporting flush, won by Dennis Jayne
and Barry Clein who scored a
fantastic maximum of 20.
The ’12 Bores’ have promised us a
return match on their home grounds;
we are all looking forward to this and,
of course, hoping for a win.
Our congratulations to Dennis and
Barry, and also to Neil Williams (he
tied with Dennis in gaining the
highest individual score of 27 in the
team event); the rest of us hope to
match their wonderful performance
one day.
Junior members Nicky Harper and
Graham Bird also put up a very good
Congratulations, too, to Mike Bird
for his recent win at the National Air
Weapons Championships held at
Cardiff. In class ‘C he won
competition 1 and came third in the
second competition, also taking
second place (silver) in the
aggregate in class C — all this at his
first ever attempt I
Frank Tonge
D e n n i s taices t h e C h a ir
Dennis Cook, who for many years
acted as its secretary, was elected
chairman of the Skittles Section at
the annual general meeting held on
September 26 in the Club House.
He succeeds Des Haines, who was
thanked for his past services in his
(unavoidable) absence.
Both teams are in the 1st Ross
League — ‘A’ team being captained
by John George and ‘B’ team by
Ralph Smith.
In addition to skittles fixtures, the
programme for 1975/76 has
included the holding of a Christmas
A S i n g i e C h a m p i on
Mike Keen (Salaries & Wages)
became our tennis singles champion
for 1975 when he beat John Sharratt
(Management Information Services)
8: 6, 6 : 1 .
We were hoping to announce this
result earlier, together with that of
the mixed doubles competition, but
owing to a succession of unexpected
events, the four players— Marilyn
Smith and Brian Hill (PCD) v. Tania
Symonds (PED) and David Payne
(Group Purchase) — never managed
to get together and the match was
finally declared null and void.
It is hoped to hold these competitions
again next season.
Contributions to the Mitcheldean &
Abenhall Earl Haig collection last
November came to the grand total of
£241 -89, of which £122-35 came
from the Plant alone. A big thank
you to all who helped.
Cue f o r C h a m p i o ns
Preparations are afoot to discover the
1976 billiards and snooker
champions of Rank Xerox
A knockout competition organised
by the Billiards/Snooker Section is
now under way; Barry Barton reports
that there were 53 snooker and 21
billiards entries.
The snooker competition consists of
one frame up to and including the
quarter-finals. The semi-finals are
of three frames, and the final five
The billiards competition is 125
points up to and including the
quarter-finals, 1 50 points for the
semi-finals and 200 points for the
B r i d g i n g t h e L u n c h t i me
There was an excellent response to
the notice about the formation of a
Bridge Club; some 26 people have
shown interest, and at a meeting on
November 18, attended by 17 of
them, the latest section to become
affiliated to the Sports & Social Club
was put on a formal footing.
The officers are: chairman : Keith
Holbrook (Resources Planning),
ext. 694; secretary: Wilf Jones
(Resources Planning), ext. 654;
treasurer: Ray Reed (PCD), ext. 695.
Subscriptions are lOp per person per
week to cover cost of equipment, etc.
Not so much a leisure-time, more a
lunchtime activity, bridge is now
being played in the refreshment area
in Building 51 ; and there has been
sufficient support to warrant the
holding of evening sessions in the
Club House.
As we went to press, dates booked
were the first Wednesdays in February,
March and April and May 12th.
Starting time is 7.30 pm.
‘We are playing Duplicate Bridge,’
said Keith (nothing to do with our
introduction of the 9200
machine I) ‘Anyone is welcome to
join us and beginners will be given
Already arrangements are in hand for
an eight-man team to play the
CEGB on January 14. And here’s an
important announcement: ‘Will Ron
Watkins, of PED, currently holidaying
in Australia, kindly get back by that
date as his presence in the team is
urgently required.’
ca m mm
Silver Wedding
Congratulations to Mary Worgan (Spares
Packing) and her husband Tom (Supply
Centre) who celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary on October 21.
Robin Gibbard (New Product Control) to
Joyce Willis (formerly Switchboard/
Reception) at the Mount of Olives Assembly
of God, Coleford, on September 6.
Kevin Kear (Elec. Sub-assembly) to
Patricia Davies at St John’s Church,
Ruardean, on September 27.
Pam Douglas (secretary. New Product
Control) to John Lewis (Quality
Engineering) at Lydbrook Parish Church on
October 4.
Jane Beddis (Engineering Records) to
Keith Parker at St James’s Church, Bream,
on October 11.
Jane Phillips (secretary to J . Robley-Dlxon,
MG Programme Manager) to John Hughes
(Management Information Services) on
November 4.
Teresa Bradley (Spares Packing) to Ron
Williams at the Forest Church on
December 6.
Cheryl, a daughter for Neil Williams
(Machine Shop) and his wife Vicki
(formerly Design Office), on October 21.
Jason, a son for Dave Roberts (Tools &
Consumable Stores) and his wife Jenny, on
October 23.
Stephen John, a son for Graham Adams
(Cost Engineering, PED) and his wife
Janet, on October 31.
Fiona Jane, a daughter for Dave Acton
(Machine Shop) and his wife Linda, on
October 31.
Roger Harold, a son for Ken Scrivens (Stock
Control) and his wife Julia (formerly
Despatch) on November 6.
Clever P u s s!
Who in Spares Packing left the cat a tin of
food, a plate and a tin opener — plus a note
inviting him to help himself?
F I R S T – A I D E R S P A S S E D A S F IT
A class of 32 Plant first-aiders — quite the
biggest number we’ve ever had — took the
St John Ambulance Association examination
recently. Of these, 11 were taking it on a
renewal basis; the rest were first-timer
first-aiders, who achieved an almost 100
per cent pass rate. Examiners were
Drs John Martin, Chris Lyden and John
Those renewing their certificates were;
Mrs D. Bullock, A. H. Cale, W. A. Constant,
F. Hendy, I. Jordan, F. C. Miller, H. S.
Phillips, Miss A. Rudge, L. A. Simmonds,
R. E. Smart, J . M. Stephens.
Successful first-timers were : R. Arkell,
T. Cole, A. W. Creed, R. L. Downing,
L. Fisher, G. E. Gardner, R. Gardiner,
N. E. Griffiths, A. F. J . Hart, D H. J .
Hemsley, R. B. Hubbard, I. Hulme,
Mrs B. King, R. Leach, D. Minton, D. Newall,
F. Prosser, K. Taylor, R. Taylor, D. Wilkes.
Kevin and Patnci^i Kear; below: Pam and
Jo tin Lewis
For Sale
Feb. ’69 Morris 1300 2-door super de luxe,
good condition, reconditioned gearbox,
£325. Graham Martin, ext. 534.
1971 Viva Automatic, low mileage, very
good condition, £650 o.n.o. Jeremy
Henwood, ext. 693.
Huntley — 3-bedroomed semi-detached
house, CH, fully fitted kitchen, garage,
mature garden with patio, £11,100, offers.
Ext. 1227.
Stereo record player and stereo radiogram,
£40 each. Ruth Williams, ext. 516 or
Bishopswood House, Bishopswood,
Ross-on-Wye, after 6 pm.
‘Be-Modern’ teak fire surround with copper
hearth, 56in. wide, as new, £35 o.n.o.
Ext. 872 or Cinderford 23225.
Blue suede full-length lady’s coat with
black fur collar and cuffs, size 14, as new,
£65. Also Servis Super 70 twin tub washing
machine, as new, £75 o.n.o. M. Reader,
Electronics Workshop, ext. 641.
Twin unit mobile home, 3 bedrooms, lounge,
kitchen/dinette, bathroom, fully furnished,
solid fuel C/H, as new, on site in the
Forest of Dean, £6,750. Roger Davies,
Training School, or Cinderford 23491.
Complete World of Sindy — doll, 12 outfits,
horse, fun buggy, apartment and furniture,
value over £50, accept £30. Symonds
Yat 336.
HOME MARKET When sending in i t e m s please give your
extension number a n d / o r department t o ensure
i n c l u s i o n .
Enclosed fibreglass trailer, lights, brakes,
lock-up doors, 6ft x 5ft x 4ft approx.,
£75 o.n.o. Drybrook 542812.
Three Dunlop ‘Westayr’ storage heaters, any
reasonable offer considered. Ian Hale,
ext. 997.
Detachable pram plus bedding and shopping
tray, excellent condition, £10. N. Swan,
ext. 534.
Pet rabbits; also occasional show and
breeding stock available. Sue Ader,
ext. 270.
Datsun 1200 Sunny Coupe, green, 19,000
miles, August ’73, ‘M’ reg., u/sealed, new
set radial tyres, £900. Genuine offers only.
Mrs L. French, ext. 731 or Cinderford 23466.
Coleford — 3 bedroom detached bungalow,
garage, gas central heating. Offers near
£12,000. Coleford 2404.
Caravan, large residential, mains water,
electricity, living-room, fitted kitchen with
cooker, 1 double, 1 single bedroom,
bathroom with WC, glass porch, garden
shed, garage. Offers. M. Martin, Sub-
Contract, ext. 335.
Scooter, suit child 7 years old, very good
condition, £4 o.n.o. Reg Fussell, 4000 QC.
Diving gear, wet suit, nylon lined, approx.
36in. chest, 5ft 8in., hood, diving gloves,
Lilywhites mask, snorkel, flippers, shoe type
7/8, knife, etc. £32-50. T. Cole, ext. 542
or Cinderford 23541.
Heathkits unopened : 1.10 18 scope 4.5
MHZ Oscilloscope. 2. IG 18 sine square
wave generator. 3. RFI radio frequency
generator 200 MHZ 5 bands. 4. Kit Amtron
marker generator (TV). 5. Eagle EHT
30 Kv probe, built-in meter. Maurice Hale,
ext. 585.
Stock trailer (Richardson) suitable for two
ponies (new galvanised canopy recently
fitted). G. Adams, ext. 655.
Bicycle for 6 to 7-year-old. N. Swan,
ext. 534.
Golfing novice wishes to purchase a
second-hand set of clubs. R. Askin,
ext. 598.
Solid guitar case to fit 12-string jumbo-style
guitar. Graham Powell, ext. 295 or
Lydbrook 630.
Do you find engaging bands for your
dinner-dances too expensive ? Then
contact Peteira’s Strict Tempo Dancing
Disco, modern — Latin — old tyme — beat
and party dances catered for. Pete ext. 1180
or Lea 212, Ira ext. 652 or Ross-on-Wye
Seasonal Greetings to all our readers
16 Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.