Return to 1975-1979

Vision 120

VISI-N July/August 76 No. 120
Girls blossom in sun tops — men
discard their jackets to reveal racy
holiday shirts — excessive heat
triggers off some fire alarms and
Cinderford brigade rush to the rescue
— tropical plants shrivel in the
greenhouses (where it’s pushing
120T.) and gardeners administer
thirst aid — greenfly invade Building
24 and tins of flyspray are issued like
Coke — gallons of drinks on “freevend”
flow down parched throats —
‘If people drank hot instead of cold
beverages they might feel cooler’,
says catering manager Bill Broome, he
lived in Africa for 18 years so he
ought to know — Jack Brooks, just
back from Social Service there, says
the heat stops him feeling homesick
for Sierra Leone — dripping drivers
cover seats before leaving their cars
to broil — lunchtime loungers make
for the nearest shady tree, or sprawl
in the sun to build up their Mitcheldean
tan . . .
As we write this by the (literal)
sweat of our brow, the heat is still
on. By the time VISION reaches
you, things may have cooled down.
But we felt we should record Britain’s
longest and hottest heatwave ever
while it was still topical — and
Peter Hayes and Gerald Kidd o/ the
GCC examine prints produced by the
9200, newly installed in its own
special room.
SHIRE Illlll
WITH 9200
‘Basically, what we wanted was a
machine that was cheap, fast, and
could be operated by relatively
unskilled labour — and out of the
blue came the 9200 !’
80 said Peter Hayes of Management
Services when we called in at Shire
Hall to take a look at their newly
installed 9200 system.
Gloucestershire County Council were
the first in the county to place a
firm order for a 9200. As far as they
are concerned, the machine couldn’t
have happened at a more opportune
They were planning to centralise
their copying facilities in one
reprographic centre, in the interests
of economy and efficiency, and were
considering purchasing an offset
system when they heard of our
latest product.
So they deferred making a decision
on the competition and took some
senior officers along to see the
machine in a work situation.
The demonstration convinced them
that, from the operational and
financial point of view, it was the
most suitable machine for them, and
so, at the end of May, a zoom lens
machine was duly delivered to Shire
Hall in Gloucester.
We asked Mr Hayes what were the
factors that influenced their decision.
‘We liked the Rank Xerox rental
scheme — we didn’t want a purchase
commitment, which was all the
competition could offer,’ he told us.
The other big ‘plus’ was the
machine’s ease of operation, the fact
that it could, in an emergency, be
operated by virtually anybody after
short instruction. With offset
machines, on the other hand, two
skilled operators would have been
required, with all the bother of
re-training if one left.
In terms of price per copy against a
given volume, the 9200 also proved
to be the cheapest method; in any
case the Council enjoy membership
2,91. €-
of the local government contract with
Rank Xerox as regards tariffs.
Technical excellence, performance,
speed of operation, flexibility -—
everything they wanted in one
unit — was yet another factor.
Added Mr Hayes: ‘We were also
alive to the fact that Rank Xerox at
Mitcheldean are big ratepayers and
big employers of local labour. We
were glad that the machine we chose
was made |ocally.’
All but two of the 12 departments at
Shire Hall are now users of the new
centralised reprographic unit, which
includes a 7000 machine. The
Council have some half-dozen of our
machines and the 9200 has displaced
one 3600.
Indications are that the customer
departments will generate about two
million impressions per annum with
an average run length of 80 for
each original.
The work handled is multi-original
short-run (minutes of meetings,
working party reports, etc.) and the
productivity of the 9200 will obviate
the need to place much of this sort
of work outside.
Long-run printing and colour work
are handled by the Council’s own
commercial printing department,
whose manager, incidentally, supports
the choice of the 9200 system.
To ensure the typing of the originals
is of a standard of quality, new
automatic typewriters of the
golf-ball type have been acquired.
With six blocks plus the Quayside
Wing to be served, distribution could
be a hang-up.
‘When we have evaluated the
workload, we hope to introduce a
special messenger service with two
collections/deliveries a day, giving
a half-day turn—round,’ Mr Hayes
told us.
A Soviet delegation visited Mitcheldean
on June 28, accompanied by Gordon
Planner, General Manager of our
Eastern European Operations. The party,
whose visit was arranged in connection
with the recent Technical Exchange
Agreement between our two countries,
included Mr. G. /. Sakulin, head of the
Main Department for the Export of
Industrial Equipment at the USSR
Ministry of Foreign Trade, Mr G. A.
Zarubkin, president, V/O Energomashexport,
and Mr V. P. Pavlov, Deputy
Commercial Counsellor at the Soviet
Trade Delegation. Our picture shows
them looking at the motors, obtained
from Russia, which form part 0/ the main
drive assembly for the 7000 machine,
With them are (third lrom right) Gordon
Planner and (far right) Jim Mitchell,
Manager, Current Products.
fl Tony East
When you reach the twenty-third of
any annual event, your memories of
the previous twenty-two get a bit
hazy. But the 1976 LSA dinner on
May 7 is likely to be remembered
particularly for being so warm and
friendly — and we mean warm.
The view of the Chase formed a
splendid backdrop to the top table
(we’ve always had the curtains
pulled before to keep out the dark,
cold night) ; people stood in the
garden with their pie-dinner drinks,
and thirsts were genuine.
As Managing Director Mal Thomas
was unable to join us for health
reasons, Derek Portman, Manufacturing
Group Director, made the presentations
of 25-year awards in his place.
Commenting on how we stand as a
company, he said that although we
had had a less successful year in
1975 than we had been used to,
there were now signs of improvement.
Unfortunately, being a rental company,
this was not ‘washing through to the
manufacturing side immediately.’
One of the great advantages of
These are the faces 0/ those who recently
completed 25 years’ service. Below:
Derek Portman, who presented the awards,
adjusts the TV set which was given to
Eugenie Jones.
‘George Hayward
working for a prosperous concern
such as ours was that, even in times
of recession, we could continue to
invest in the future; this was
particularly true as regards the 9200,
and it was encouraging to note that
at the end of April we were 10 per
cent up on planned sales of the
Mr Portman’s toast to the LSA was
coupled with the names of Fred
Wickstead and Stan Pratt, both of
whom were present at the dinner.
Vice-president Frank Edwards
proposed a vote of thanks to visitors,
guests and friends, including retired
LSA members.
The guests represented Rank Optics,
Leeds; Rank Taylor Hobson,
Leicester; Rank Audio Visual,
Brentford; Rank Radio International,
Chiswick and Plymouth; and Rank
Xerox, Welwyn Garden City.
Vi Holder, Rank Audio Visual LSA
secretary, effervescent as ever, replied
on their behalf, and paid tribute to
the work carried out by the present,
and past, committee members.
Harold Hale John Brain
Dancing followed the dinner and
the Sundown Showband, led by
Richard Holland (Engineering), kept
people on their toes long after the
sun went down.
The 25—year awards went to:
Les Bent (PED), John Brain
(Engineering), Herbie Compton
(Finishing), Tony East (9200
Assembly), Harold Hale (Production
Stores), George Hayward (4500 Dept).
Eugenie Jones (secretary to Roger
Haggett, Director, UK Manufacturing
Operations), Jeff Sleeman (Supply
Centre), Eric Smith (Optical 8
Electrical Laboratory), John Stephens
(Engineering), Arthur Thomas
(Teardown Er Parts Reclamation),
Bob Wright (Engineering).
Two further names to add to those
who have opted for early retirement:
Harry Pearce, production engineer,
who joined the Company in 1960,
and Bill Carpenter (RX Cinderford)
who has 19 years’ service to his
credit. Harry left last April, and Bill
on July 3. Both have our good
wishes for the future.
Harry Kirsch, Manager of Tool Engineering
Department, discusses a detailed drawing
with Roger Smith of the Machine Shop
section. Right: A problem has arisen
concerning a holding fixture on a milling
machine; TED’s Doug Broughton (far left)
and Graham West (far right) carry out
an on-the-spot investigation. ‘Helping them
with their enquiries‘ are operative
Cyril Knight and foreman John Williams.
It’s been said sometimes that
engineers at Mitcheldean have little
chance to do really original work.
This certainly doesn’t apply to the
tool designer.
In the production of Xerox machines,
literally thousands of tools are
required, ranging from step-drills to
special purpose machines. Some of
these tools are standard ‘off the
shelf’ items which are readily bought
in. Where this is not possible the
tool has to be specially designed.
This is TED’s responsibility.
The department is divided into three
sections: Doug Broughton heads the
section concerned with Machine
Shop tooling; Colin Lees’ and All
Parker’s sections deal with Assembly
tools, including optical and
electrical work.
When the part drawing from
Engineering Design lands on the
production engineer’s desk, he decides
how the part should be made and,
after informal liaison with his
counterpart in Tool Design, tool orders
are raised and sent to TED.
The part drawing, along with a
production method and tool orders,
has now arrived on the drawing
board. Ensuring he has all relevant
information, the designer makes
preliminary scale sketches of the new
All sorts of considerations influence
his design. How much money can I
spend? Should it be a hydraulic,
pneumatic or manual fixture? Can
I design the fixture using standard
pieces of equipment? If I do, can
these items be supplied in time? Is
the tool too heavy? Have I complied
with safety regulations? And so on.
In the course of preparing a tool drawing,
TED AT wank ”
numerous informal talks take place around
e r’
the drawing-board; seen here are (from left) Pete Evans (Tool Control), Pete Hughes (TED)
and Graham Williams (Component Planning).
When appropriate, it must be
considered how prior Xerox Corp.
tooling experience may be applied.
The scheme is finished and a lot of
informal discussion goes on between
the designer, his section leader, and
production or quality control
Finally, after his once neat scheme
looks as if a herd of elephants have
trampled over it, he starts his design
proper, creating a fully dimensioned
and detailed drawing. Prints are
taken and passed to Tool Control for
decision about their manufacture.
Because of the large number of tools
required, some are designed
‘outside’ and many are manufactured
not just in our own Tool Room, but by
sub-contract tool rooms all over the
Consequently the designer, with the
aid of his Tool Control colleague,
will follow through the manufacture
of the tool, sorting out queries on
manufacturing problems by ‘phone
or by visiting the company concerned.
The tool is now complete and,
having passed through the
meticulous hands of our Tool
Inspection department, is passed to
the shop floor Tool Stores.
Now the final lap — tool try—out.
The fixture is introduced to the part
it has been designed for, the
machine it is to be set up on, and the
setter who provides the human
element. The designer and production
engineer also assist with any
modifications required to ensure the
tool’s success.
It should be said that although the
bulk of our work is concerned with
‘in-plant’ tooling, we also design all
Field Service tools, including
National Workshop tools.
Various projects have been
undertaken for both Welwyn and
Milton Keynes, including the design
of special purpose equipment, and
detailed tool costing exercises for
new products.
At present two of our designers are
in Venray, helping in their latest
tooling programme — at least, that’s
where they said they were going!
Some of our more spectacular
designs you may recognise in your
area. The SCL fixtures on the 9200
line. The optical setting fixtures.
The 9200 palletiser as featured in
VISION recently. The 4000 belt
stitching machine.
Finally, it should be said that, of the
huge variety of tool designs that pass
through our hands, some are
extremely successful, some adequate
and others may require further
One thing is certain – we do our
best to improve all the time. D.B.
’phone to the sub-contractors to sort out
a tooling query; working with him is
Ewart Lougher (Tool Control).
Tool Control
Tool Control section are responsible
for procuring the special tooling
required for production and
inspection of our products —
together with tools and test
equipment used by service engineers
and Refurbishing Operations.
Following completion of the design,
Tool Control engineers apply their
Left: ‘Seated one day at the organ’ — or rather the rotary card file — is section leader
Mary Davies. The file contains the aperture cards on which microfilmed drawings are
mounted. Waiting for information are Don Wallace (left) and Colin Lees from TED.
Right: Office Services supervisor Jack Osborne places a drawing on the platen of the camera
processor; within half a minute this unit will make a microfilm of a drawing, or part of a
drawing, and issue it ready mounted on an aperture card. Using the viewer is Jean McLester.
A frontier of plan chests separates the
dyeline print area (generally known
as the Ozalid section) from its major
user, Tool Engineering Department.
Section leader Mary Davies told us
that these chests contain over 25,000
tool drawings on the 9200 machine
Since the tooling records for all our
products, from the early 914 to the
very latest model, are held in the
section’s files, and are constantly
being added to, space problems arise.
The answer to this situation is being
provided by microfilming, so that
originals can be disposed of
wherever possible. Reference
drawings can then be produced,
using the 1824 Xerox machine to
enlarge from aperture cards.
The girls in the print area do their best
to provide a quick on-demand service,
with priority being given in cases of
tooling problems on the shop floor.
Part of the Office Services function
within Manufacturing Engineering,
the section serves not only TED but
also other areas such as the Tool Room,
Tool Inspection and the Standards
Room, and supplies drawings to
sub-contractors when required.
This Oza/id machine produces same size
copies of drawings — even when they run
to some 6ft in length like this cab/eform
drawing which Jill Trigg is handling.

expertise, gained from practical
tool-making, to compiling an estimate
of tool cost; this is compared with
competitive quotations from
sub-contract tool-making firms before
a manufacturer is selected.
The decision to sub-contract toolmaking,
by the way, is only made
following the regular loading of
Mitcheldean Tool Room — this
applies to tool maintenance and
modification, as well as new tools.
Finally, the section has to ensure that
tool deliveries are made by the
required dates. Says Dennis Evans,
Tool Control Manager: ‘The basic
control factor in our day-to-day
activities is observance of the
requirement for optimum quality at
the right price at the right time.’
In the face of considerable scepticism, the Railway Society has set about creating a ‘steam centre‘ on the site of
u. e – ..:,,.-, .. .3 \Ithe
former Norchard Colliery. Laying track amid beautiful woodland scenery are Mervyn Thomas (left) and Ken Phillips,
The success being experienced by
the Forest of Dean Railway Society
almost makes one wonder whether
British Rail were entirely right to
withdraw steam in favour of diesel
and electric power.
The Society‘s current operating track
at Parkend is only 250ft long (the
shortest railway in the world .7), yet
people have been queuing up to
ride on it at 20p a time (children
half price).
The sight of that billowing smoke
issuing from the funnel of a
beautifully restored ex-GWR loco
never fails to thrill the young, to
whom it is a novelty, or the older
people, who remember nostalgically
the days of the steam locomotives.
A series of about ten ‘steam open
days’ held each year from April to
October form the main source of
income for the Railway Society,
which receives no grants or financial
aid of any kind.
It was formed in 1970 with a view to
purchasing the last stretch of railway
line still in use in the Forest of
Dean — the branch from Lydney to
Parkend — and 1976 looks like being
its most important year yet.
Several times during the past six
years rumours of impending closure
of the branch have led to a flurry of
activity by the members. But
throughout, the one train a day has
wended its way slowly down the
valley from Parkend sidings to
Lydney, carrying about 600 tons of
stone and 50 tons of coal.
However, last Christmas it was
suddenly announced that the Forest
stone was no longer required and so
the last train left Parkend on May 7.
The Society is now negotiating with
British Rail to purchase the branch,
with a view to operating it as an
attraction for visitors to the Forest.
In addition, vacant land on the site
of the old Norchard colliery and the
Lydney power station has been
purchased to enable a new
headquarters to be built.
This will encompass a public car
part for about 2,000 cars, a
two-platform station, locomotive
shed and workshops, together with
ancillary buildings like signal boxes,
booking offices, toilets, etc. —
everything necessary to the running
of a railway.
Ken Hirst gets to grips with a ‘pannier’ loco,
typical of the type that worked in the Forest.
Fund-raising provides cash to rescue,
restore and maintain individual locomotives.
Three more locomotives have been
purchased (in addition to the one we
featured in VISION September 1972)
and two of these are currently being
restored to full working order.
This all amounts to a massive
undertaking — probably the largest
development project yet carried out
by a purely voluntary organisation of
this kind.
You only have to call in at Norchard,
as we did one weekend, to appreciate
the amount of physical effort that is
being expended to keep costs to a
level which the Society can afford.
Mike Benbow (Works Admin.) is
perhaps the most frequent visitor to
Transplanted from Chippenham, a station
platform is reassembled at Norchard
with the help of a crane — that’s
Mike Benbow at the controls.
Norchard. He heads the Saturday
working party which meets every
week and is responsible for much of
the 400 yards of track which have
been laid without using any
mechanical aids. (One yard of track
weighs about 400lb, so you can
imagine what a mammoth task this
has been.)
Mervyn Thomas (Engineering) takes
responsibility for the fortnightly
Sunday working parties, and deals
mainly with civil engineering items
such as buildings, drainage, services
and fencing, etc.
He has been a member of the
committee since the formation of the
Society, serving as the head of the
locomotive department, membership
secretary, treasurer and chairman
before his present job of operating
This latest post involves ensuring all
jobs are properly manned by
competent people, that all public
safety requirements are met and that
all rolling stock is in proper
mechanical order.
Ken Hirst (Reliability) is an
extremely hard worker in the sales
department, and is seen regularly at
public events manning a stand
selling books, ties, etc., to swell the
Society funds.
Until recently, Bob Turner (Small
Batch) has been responsible for
publicity. Other Mitcheldean
employees seen regularly on site in
old clothes getting their hands dirty
are Ken Phillips (the Society’s chief
draughtsman) and Peter Summers
(both of Engineering), Peter Ryland
(production engineer) and Derek
Bluett (Goods Inwards QC).
These, and others like them, are
dedicated to keeping steam railway
alive, and puffing, in the Forest of
(Mervyn Thomas would be glad to hear from
others who ‘love a loco’ and would like to
join the Railway Society.)
Brian Sellick puts the last touches of paint to his do-it—yoursell yacht before launching dale.
For 14 months Brian Sellick spent
every spare moment working in the
garden — on a boat.
Wanting a yacht of his own, and
realising that the only way to get one
was to build it himself, he bought a
fibreglass hull, anchored it in the
garden and proceeded to fit it out.
He did all the joinery work and
bought what he couldn’t make
himself —- such as the mast. His wife
helped too — by making cups of tea.
Said Brian, who is a production
engineer (Sheet Metal Section) :
‘l’d picked up a bit of know-how by
watching others, and Bob Wilson of
Design Engineering helped me
immensely — he’s got a similar craft.
An experienced yachtsman, Bob told
us he has built racing dinghies but
‘I would never have tackled anything
as ambitious as this myself, and I
think Brian has made a very
seaworthy job of the Melissa |.’
Last May the 25ft twin-build sailing
yacht received its last lick of paint,
and was removed to Poole Harbour
where it is now moored. It has five
berths and has effectively settled
the family holiday problem for some
Brian has since been busy on
another job in the garden — cleaning
out the weeds that have flourished
during the boat building programme.
AI/oat a! last — the Melissa l in Poole
Harbour with Bob Wilson (left) and Brian on
Would you choose to spend your
holiday in an ambulance?
That’s what Training Department
Manager Derek Lee and his wife did.
They spent three and a half weeks
in one, touring Western France from
Brittany down to Bordeaux.
Viewed from the inside, however, the
ambulance was hardly recognisable
as the one that was formerly used by
Medical Department.
Having completed years of faithful
service on site, the time came last
autumn for the vehicle to be
replaced by a more modern
ambulance and it was sold to the
highest bidder, who happened to be
He and his father-in-law, an
ex-aircraft fitter, converted it into a
mobile holiday home, putting in
two double and two single beds, a
toilet, sink unit and cooker (with a
fridge and shower to be added soon).
‘lt cost us some £500 and a lot of
hard grind,’ said Derek, who
reckons he’s now fully apprenticed
in the skills of conversion.
The operation was completed with
the removal of the ambulance sign
up front (they had to leave the one
engraved on the rear window,
which rather confused French
drivers), and the putting up of a new
plastic one bearing the splendid
name ‘Henrietta’.
Derek says his most memorable
experience was using the toilet
when Henrietta was parked in the
middle of a town — seeing all the
people going by outside and
knowing they couldn’t see in!
lace meeting, .
“reeling place
ace meetino ‘2’
Kathy Webb is one of our best known
assembly workers. She’s been with
us for the past ten years; but her
total service adds up to more than
that, because she was at Mitcheldean
in Bell 8 Howell days when she
worked along with Stan Richardson
on the 624 line.
Like her workmate Betty Davies, Kathy
has worked on every one of our
machines, from the 813 onwards, and
they’re both now engaged on minor
sub-assemblies in 9200 Department.
They’ve known each other for some
20 years, having worked together at
Lydbrook before coming to
Says Betty: ‘There’s never a dull
moment with Kathy around. She’s
famous for her laugh.’
Out of working hours Kathy’s main
interest is bingo —— she spends three
nights a week playing, but says ‘I
haven’t won anything much yet.’
Kathy is a native of Ross-on-Wye,
and you may have seen her escorting
blind worker Jim Blake from the
4000 floor to and from the Ross
works bus.
Though she’s lived near the Wye all
her life, she’s no lover of the
riverside, and says, ‘The river is too
treacherous and claims too many
lives for my liking.’
Rather a different view from the
popular tourist one.
“TIC; tetin ;
[fleeting place
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meeting place
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The placing of the multi-coloured
wiring on the cable boards, or looms,
in Electrical Sub-assembly has to be
worked out in an orderly pattern
beforehand, otherwise the girls
might find themselves with a nasty
tangle of ‘knitting’.
The man who creates the cable
designs is Jack Thomas of TED;
he also designs electrical and
mechanical tools for Goods Inwards
Inspection, in conjunction with
Production Engineering.
In out-of—office hours, Jack is a
dedicated bandsman. He started
playing a baby baritone at the age of
five; today he not only plays bass
but is also band sergeant for the
TAVR branch of the Royal
Gloucestershire Hussars. It’s a job
which entails organising all their
activities— and with an engagement
list like theirs, it must take some
They recently played at the Queen’s
Birthday celebrations at Cardiff
Castle, and performed at the
Cheltenham Tattoo on July 16/17,
following that with a concert in Bath
the next day.
Just back from camp in Scotland
when we spoke to him, Jack was
making preparations for a visit on
June 26 to Bromsgrove,
Worcestershire, for the traditional
Court and Leat ceremony, and we’ve
asked him to write a piece about this
He often contributes to Fanfare, the
journal of Kneller Hall where military
bandsmen are trained, and where he
himself studied the double B flat bass
and string bass before becoming
band sergeant for the training band.
a, .. place
meeting place
rneeling p.ace thee
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Tom Morgan, electrician in
Maintenance, knows the Plant like
the back of his hand, but he’s never
looked at it this way before —
through binoculars.
They were a gift to him on receiving
his 30 years’ service award. ‘I live
at the top end of Cinderford,’ he
told us, ‘and with these 10 x 50’s I
can get a wonderful view over the
Forest of Dean and across to the
Welsh mountains.’
Tom has worked in Maintenance
ever since he joined us from the
Army, and he has worked on each
new building as it has gone up,
wiring it up and getting the mains in.
if there is anything anyone ever
wants to know about the wiring on
site, it’s a case of ‘call for Tom’.
‘He’s one of the hardest working
fellows I know,’ says his supervisor
Ray Powell, ‘and he’s done a heck
of a lot over the years to help people
in his quiet, unassuming way.‘
A willing member of the LSA
committee, Tom was this year
re-elected for a further two years’
Tom’s son Adrian is an ex-apprentice
now working in TED; and many
people in Accounts will remember
his daughter Angela who used to
work there, and who is now married
with two children.
L? J . NV seen
Cliff Bent puts members through some
basic training. Right: Fred Barton flies
through the air with the greatest of ease.
Far right: Albert Drury near/y got the
cameraman with this ‘advancing kick’.
Having heard from secretary Brian
John that they’ve been regraded
recently (in other words, they’ve got
a bit closer to that coveted black
belt), we went along to a practice
session to see what those strong,
silent men of the Karate Club have
been up to.
Some, as our picture shows, have
been up to 3ft or so off the ground!
Silent they still were, apart from the
occasional ‘ha’, and the squeaking of
some 44 feet as instructor Cliff Bent
(he’s a brown belt, one grade before
the black) gave them some basic
Said Cliff, one of the original
members of the club: ‘There are 19
forms of karate. We practise
Shotokai, which is a “soft style” —
that means we don’t make contact.’
Just as well, perhaps, or the
membership might drop.
Last March 12 members were
regraded and now the majority sport
blue belts, which is not so far from
black belt status. This August they
plan to attend summer school at
Warwick University.
Several years ago there were two
female members among the men;
there are none today, but if any girl
wants to learn the art of
‘non-resistance’, she’s welcome to
go along to the Social Centre on
Monday and Wednesday evenings,
7.30 to 9 pm. It’s 20p per session;
club membership is £1 per annum,
and a white suit costs around £10.
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With his recipe for this beverage, Eric
Weeks of Engineering wins the first [2
prize to be awarded for an entry in our
Beat inflation Tip competition. (We
reckon his drawing alone is worth a
prize l)
Here’s what you do to make the brew:
dig up roots, preferably in autumn when
they are at their fattest and most mellow,
scrub well. dry thoroughly, then bake in
a slow oven until they are brittle.
Grind them fairly coarse/y, then use in
the same way as ordinary ground coffee
(measure into earthenware jug, pour on
boiling water, then leave to stand for a
few minutes).
As a bonus, the young tender leaves of
the dandelions can be chopped and
made into a salad by dressing with olive
oil, lemon /uice and a trace of garlic.
Believe it or not. people are catching on
so fast to the usefulness of this ‘weed’
we, 1’11}.- ;:‘$—cL.: 4.14.-“,4; .11).»; ,_..‘ .).—_r_-_-.-.A—-rv_;
that at least one firm of seed merchants
has been overwhelmed with orders for
dandelion seed I
How about some more entries for this
running competition .7 They should be
sent to: The Editor, VISION, c/o
Reception. Building 23. Remember,
every little BIT helps.
Cap’n Alec Kinnear and his Spares Galore team (Supply Centre) splice the mainbrace
after beating Tool Room ‘A’ team by 77 pins in the men’s skittles final on June 72.
The runners-up (be/ow) gracefully accepted defeat; as their captain Keith Sainsbury ,out it,
they have been ‘invo/ved in the final many times over the years’.
Bernie Bennett (Materials Handling)
demonstrates the style that made him the
highest individual scorer in the men’s
Move to Bring Back Movies
The cine film side of the Amateur
Photographic Club’s activities has
been fading recently, and one of the
aims of the new committee appointed
at the May AGM is to get the movies
moving again by including new cine
projects in the forthcoming
Also planned is an interclub
photographic battle which, it is
hoped, will help improve the club’s
own standards.
New officers and committee are as
. J ‘r
Photos: J. Ingram
The finals night of any skittles tournament Arts 8 Crafts Competition
3 3.”;‘Wznag”: b? ”gavel—y”) Fo.’ The arts and crafts exhibition and follows: chairman — Robin Berks;
a ’9 ”’c a’ ‘ ‘de 7:,” ’ e ’”j‘ “”5, competition takes place in the secretary— Chris Fitt; treasurer—
yelar “.5 ”Mi”: ‘7″ s/ome sa Iness, 0’ ballroom on September 27, 28 and Bob Dixon; publicity officer—
5 e “it”es’” ” ya ’9’ “’59 0” 5’7”” 29. Full details can be seen on the Vance Hopkins; Bill Hobbs, Dave
at Mitcheldean. To mark her prel/m/nary noticeboards. Payne Chris Saywood Mike
‘retirement’ as organiser of the tournaments, WilkinSOn ‘
Suitable exhibits Group PR Manager Jimmy Bake presented may, be purchased
by the Sports 8 SOCIal Club for her with a teaset and a piece of Wedgwood
Mme” 0,, [he club’s behalf, as a ‘thank permanent display in the projected The Golf Pilgrimage
you’ for all her efforts, and for her new CIUb premises. The annual golf pilgrimage started on
work on the committee over the years. _ May 10, when 45 members of the
There were extra special refreshments on The Tenn’s Set RXGS VlSlted Hereford GO” ClUb, a”
June 72 and the club provideda Tennis Section members are once full of optimism about the forthcoming
splendid cake for Sadie to out, again being offered the use of the season.
Cinderford Tennis C’Ub courts. Some had had major surgery carried
Rank Xerox club evenings are out during the close season (words
Mondays and Wednesdays (the like ‘bionics’ were being bandied
Cinderford Club play Tuesdays and about), and were very anxious to see
Thursdays) and other evenings/ if the new swing actually worked.
weekends are shared. But, by midday, most of us had
You can get an application form for realised that it would be back to the
membership from: Hubert Evans, drawing-board fora complete
Bld 41/1 (ext. 831 ), Mike Keen re-think before the next outing.
B’d 23/2 (”L 971), 0′ OIWY” Others—those who had mastered
Barnes, Bld 44/4 (9“ 574)- the course and conditions — were all
Membership subscriptions are £2, smiles and brimming with confidence
payable to treasurer Mike Keen, and for the afternoon round; but by the
charges for the use of the courts for end of the day, even though
the 1976 season amounting to £60 leg-weary and saddle—sore, everybody
will be paid from this source. agreed it had been a great success.
@Fflflflm E3 PE©N§Z . -. .ae ‘ ,, .«w’ .v — t . .
Jack Woods, club treasurer, presents the Runners-up last year, and winners the year before of the ladies’ skittles tournament,
trophy for the highest individual scorer the Swingers from Lydney once again swung their way to victory on May 22 under the
in the ladies’ tournament to one of his captaincy of Myrtle Savile. Bits Er Pieces (Spares Packing), whom they beat by 78 pins,
own Sta/f— Julie Freeman. ‘She’s are pictured below with their captain, Bernice Harris e all looking anything but downhearted.
pretty good at figures,’ he commented.
Winner of the morning round was
Bill Meek (nett 67) ; John ‘Bandito’
Young came second (nett 68) and
Sam Williams third (nett 69).
The afternoon round winner was
Ken Ellway (38 points), Brian Harris
was second (37) while Bill Meek and
Vere Christopher made a joint third
with 36 points each. Overall winner
was Bill Meek, with John Young
With many of the golfing bandits
not wishing to risk their handicaps
until the main competitions start, the
turn-out for St Pierre on June 17
was lower than originally anticipated. Lunchlime Listeners of Building 50, and a gratifying number
Nevertheless, those who did attend U _ . t ‘_ d b th of people have turned up at 1.10 pm.
thorou hl en’o ed themselves, Slng eqmpmen supple y e . 9 y _J y Sports 8 Social Club, the Music New members are welcome, all they
The overall Winner was Frank Baker, . need do ,5 apply to secretary Richard
with Sam Williams runner»up Socrety has got off to a good start .
, ‘ with well—attended Thursday lunchtime Jones (Dev, Lab), .pay the” 50p fee
Morning round results were: 1st listening sessions. and come along, minus lunch please~
Eric Sologub; joint 2nd Frank Baker the crunching of crisps, etc, does
and John Spratley; afternoon round: Members have been allowed the use nothing to enhance the sound of a
lst Sam Williams, 2nd Richard of Conference Room no. 1 on floor 2 ‘cello concerto.
Matthews. Spot Meek
Bob Howe/ls of Reliability became our first individual Snooker/Billiards Champion last May
and our picture below, which just missed the last issue, shows him receiving his snooker
shield from Roger Haggett who is President of the club. Far left is Dave Barnard,
runner-up in the final. Billiards runner-up was John Wilks, Purchasing Manager, pictured
below left ‘potting a white’. The tournaments, the first ever to be held at Mitcheldean,
attracted some 75 entries all told, Said organiser Barry Barton: “I’ve seen a
noticeable improvement in the performance of the section’s players since we acquired the
new tables. As runners-up in the last season in the second division of the Forest of Dean
Snooker League, we have now been promoted and next season we’ll be facing much tougher
competition. In the meantime we have a team in the summer Billiards League.’
Jane Murray (secretary to Neville Widd,
MG Purchase) to Colin Davies at Lydbrook
on June 5.
Cheryl Gwilliam to Pete James (both Supply
Centre) at St Stephen’s Church, Cinderford,
on June 12,
Lisa Joanne, a daughter for Brenda and
Dave Morris (Accounts) on March 19.
Renata Elaine, a daughter for Lewis Colwell
(Production Control) and his wife Jeanette
(formerly secretary to Manager Tony
Fleury), on April 14.
Rebecca Louise, a daughter for Alan
Bridges (Admin.) and his wife Ann, on
May 21.
Natasha Louise, a daughter for Derek Hunt
(Production Control) and his wife Claire
(formerly Mechanical Stock Records). on
May 27.
Best wishes to: Clifford Reed (Works
Engineering) who left in May, having joined
the Company in 1973; to Vic Dawson,
Buyer ll Mechanical in Purchase, who
retired on June 30 after 11 years with us,
and to Ronald Jones (Design Engineering)
who retired in June, having been with us
for nearly 11 years.
IMH Appointments
Eric Real, Manager, Packaging Development,
has been appointed Divisional chairman of
the Three Counties Division of the Institute
of Materials Handling.
Guy Bedford, Manager, Materials Handling,
is new National Chairman for Education
for the Institute.
Dennis Coates
We report with regret the death on July 6
of Dennis Coates (4000 Dept) at the age
of 51. Our sympathy goes to his family.
Colin and Jane Davies J ”79mm
Silver Wedding
Congratulations to Rudi Engel (RX
Cinderford) and his wife who celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary on August 4.
As Jack Merry (far left) said when he proposed a vote of
thanks at the fifth annual Pensioners’ Luncheon and Reunion:
’I believe that because of these happy occasions the
friendships made during our working days with Bank Xerox
will last a long time.’ There was a great deal of difference, he
pointed out, between officia/dom doing their job for retired
people and ‘the consideration shown by our past employers.’
About 725 people came along to the Social Centre on
May 75 for the get-together; they enjoyed an excellent meal,
renewed old acquaintances, danced or discussed pension
problems with the RX Pensions people present.
For Sale
1971 Austin 1300, Jamaican blue with matt
black interior, white rim tyres, taxed and
tested, E150 o.n.o. Joe Smith, ext. 320.
New St, Mitcheldean — end position large
detached 3 bedroom house with detached
garage, full C/H, fully fitted kitchen with
pantry. lounge/diner 23ft 6in by 12ft,
downstairs cloakroom, gardens to front and
rear plus side garden useful for second
garage or caravan hardstanding, £10,500.
J. Herbert, ext. 808 or Drybrook 543033
after 5 pm.
Sailing dinghy, Merlin Rocket, no. 1367.
[150. Also 12g O/U BSA(SKB) model
700, DTL 30in. S/T, F/F ejector, Monte
Carlo stock. G. Butler, Goods Inwards
lnspection, ext. 967,
1963 Hillman Minx. immaculate condition,
MOT till Feb. 1977, two spare wheels/tyres,
£60 o.n.o. J. A, Wiltshire, Production
Control, Bldg 44, ext. 334.
Honda 90, 1970, immaculate condition,
12-month MOT, £70. Ted Bennett, ext. 685.
Baby’s dropside cot with mattress, good
condition, £12 and P. Morgan, Machine
Shop, or 21 Parkend Road, Bream.
1972 Austin 1300 Mk 3, teal blue, £770.
V. Wintle, ext. 218.
Mobile home. 30ft Donnington, 2% years
old. excellent condition, lounge, bathroom,
kitchen, 2 bedrooms, sited Forest View
Park, Cinderford, £2,900 o.n.o. P. Gargan,
ext. 283 or Drybrook 542655.
When sending in items please give your
extension number and/or department to ensure
Austin 1100 for spares; 3 brand new tyres.
engine and gearbox excellent; also good
body, seats, seat belts, lights, electrics, etc.
€55 one. B. Cotton, Supply Centre,
ext. 803.
’J’ Austin Maxi 1500 cc, white, 53,000
miles, MOT and taxed, £650 o.n,o.
R. Hesk, ext. 1316 or Longhope 830728.
Child’s Britax car seat, as new, £7 and
Mrs Holder, 33 St White’s Rd, Cinderford,
or M. Holder, Spares Packing, ext. 1137.
Ford Escort Sport, 1972 ‘L’ reg, good
condition, low mileage (27,000). €900,
HP arranged; Breda double barrel 12»bore
shotgun, well looked after, £75 one.
Roger Sterry, RXC, ext. 19-27, or
45 Highfield Rd, Ruardean.
Cinderford, Woodside Avenue — quiet
position near shops, etc, 3-bedroom
detached house, full gas C/H, nice size
kitchen, lounge 19ft x 11ft, bathroom with
WC, fitted carpet and blinds, good
decorative condition; garage with space
for second car or caravan, garden with
lawn, rockery. Also 4-berth Sprite 400 with
awning and other extras, excellent condition.
Cinderford 22940.
Singer Vogue Estate, Nov. ’66, taxed, tested
and tidy, £85. D. Aston, ext. 1152 or
Coleford 2467.
Mile End, Coleford — Spacious 2-bedroom
bungalow, large lounge, kitchen and hall,
oil-fired C/H, 2 garages, orchard, vegetable
garden at rear, lawns and shrub garden at
front, extensive views. G. Beard, ext. 278.
Soligor 135mm f3,5 T.4 automatic
diaphragm, long focus lens, 49mm filter
thread, new condition, T.4 adaptors are
obtainable to suit most interchangeable
lens cameras, £30 negotiable. C. A.
Nightingale, ext, 621.
Good home for Sam, one—year-old mongrel
(retriever cross), very intelligent, lovable
disposition (wouldn’t part with him unless
we had to). Sue Smyth, ext. 1248.
Towing bracket for Ford Escort 1970.
R. Gardner, Design, ext. 861.
Three-wheeler car for learner driver.
Mrs M. R. Thomas, TED, ext. 852.
Small refrigerator. A. Osley, ext. 534.
Opportunity Knocks!
Prospectuses for 1976/77 detailing
furthur education opportunities at
local colleges are now available in the
reception area of Training Department.
Bid 6. Training officers will
willingly give guidance to potential
students on request.
Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.