Return to 1975-1979

Vision 121

September/October 76 No. 121
A Whole New Ball Game The bicentenary of the American
Revolution is not going unnoticed at
Mitcheldean. Resurrecting t he spirit
of 1776, the S O L A R S k i t t l e s Team
challenged the representatives of the
‘colony of America’, w h o recently
infiltrated our ranks, to a resumption
of hostilities in the form of the ancient
game of s k i t t l e s.
The rebels were massacred l a s t May
at the Bird in Hand, Minsterworth.
T h i s led to a further engagement on
the banks of the Wye on August 11
when the Americans introduced a
barbaric method of combat known
as baseball. It w a s not until after the
f i r s t t w o s k i r m i s h e s t h a t the UK force
got the feel of the weapons — and
the shot ( D i c k Skyrme i s much better
now, thank you).
United Nations observer J a c k Bonney,
while being unfamiliar w i t h the
rules, did his best to ensure both
s i d e s fought clean. But even some of
the participants found it difficult to
make out who w a s winning.
especially since several UK
mercenaries had defected to the
other side.
After t w o hours the American
colonials emerged victorious, having
completed 33 revolutions to our 18,
and an a r m i s t i c e w a s signed by both
s i d e s , a s our other picture on page 2
s h o w s .
As we went to p r e s s , the forces
were seeking a suitably multinational
method of combat for the final
decisive battle.
No, these are not awards made by
Cadbury’s or bestowed in Sir Harold
Wilson’s retirement Honours List.
They are abbreviations for two new
systems which Xerox Corporation has
selected to be the first multinational
step towards the development of
common systems across the Xerox
The letters MLS (Material Logistic
System) and DMCS (Design Material
Classification System) will become
as familiar at Mitcheldean, Venray
and Welwyn Garden City Plants as
SOLAR has. MLS could perhaps be
described as an upgrading of SOLAR.
Work is already well under way in
Xerox in the development of MLS,
and teams of both user representatives
and Information Services people have
been formed at the RX Plants to
help put the new system into
operation between mid-’78 and
late ’79.
DMCS, which is part of the overall
MLS project, is a computerised
system which will group production
parts and commodities into families
and identify them through a
numbered code.
The coding of all RX unique drawings
by Design Engineering is currently
taking place at Mitcheldean, and
coding of new parts or changes to
existing ones may be carried out by
the individual Plants from the latter
part of ’76 onwards.
It is believed that DMCS will prove
to be one of the most useful tools to
be made available to the Manufacturing
Division since the introduction of
computer systems to Rank Xerox.
To be put into effect at RX Plants in
the near future, it will enable
Materials Management to plan, order
and track commodities which have
been grouped together, with all
details available on a one-page
report. This is a significant
advantage over the existing methods
and should allow our Company to
make substantial savings, thereby
increasing job security for us all.
DMCS will prove to be a valuable
administrative aid for in-house
manufacturing, helping them in the
planning of plant layout and the
processing of families of parts.
In addition. Design Engineering will
have access to DMCS, allowing them
to obtain maximum benefits through
the standardisation of components.
Many of the Plant end users have
already had a chance to assess the
planned benefits of this system at
presentations and have so far
expressed a great deal of enthusiasm
for it.
Whereas DMCS is aimed at the
specific aspect of grouping like
parts together, MLS has far wider
implications for Materials
Bob Ford of Purchase tries out the
keyboard of a visual display unit, similar
to those which will eventually be located
in end user departments to give a direct
link-up with computer records. As
Purchase systems administrator. Bob is
closely involved in the implementation of
It will provide a capability for the
planning, execution and control of
all purchased materials, primarily the
production parts but subsequently
most of the non-production also.
This means that Production Control
can plan better by having current
information about what is needed
and when it is needed; Purchase can
assess whether or not the information
on their records is up-to-date; and
purchase orders will be automatically
generated as already planned in
The business functions covered by
MLS will include material planning
and requisitioning, purchase,
receiving and receiving inspection,
and the necessary link-ups to
existing systems will be in place to
support those areas.
For many users the most dramatic
new technique in MLS is the use of
video display units. In simple terms,
this unit is like a small television
screen in front of which is a
keyboard, similar to that of a
typewriter. The operator ‘talks’ to
the computer via the keyboard and
the answer appears on the screen.
By this means, information can be
fed in, or obtained out of, the
computer records within seconds —
very much more efficient than having
to fill in forms and then await a
printed report on paper.
A great deal of work has yet to be
done by XC and RX Information
Services and the users to meet the
planned target dates.
To ensure the successful
co-ordination of this complex
system, full-time representatives from
Mitcheldean, Venray and Welwyn
have been appointed to work under
a Group Materials Programme
Manager, Maurice Pask, with the
support (at Mitcheldean) of a Xerox
Materials Management resident.
Bob Bowman.
The end result will be a tighter
control over purchased materials, with
corresponding savings to Rank Xerox.
O n t h e B a l l
Signing a new treaty — of interdependence, perhaps 7 No, just a way of
commemorating the UK v. USA baseball match (see our front cover story).
Jack Bonney having made the presentation. Bill Dalberth, captain of the winning
American side, promptly signed one of the two balls brought specially from the
States to make up the trophy, and every player followed suit. An equally appropriate
trophy went to the UK team who won the earlier skittles match, and both
trophies are on display in the reception area of Management Information Services,
-A COMMON APPROACH The new Component Engineering
Function, announced in the last issue
of ‘Vision Extra’, is being set up to
implement locally the component
standardisation policy developed by
ITG —the Information Technology
Group of which Engineering is now
a part.
There is an increasing need for such
standardisation: multinational
programmes require designs based
on components that can be procured
in different countries, and systems require
compatibility between machines
produced in different locations.
The benefits expected from putting
this policy into effect are many. The
number of components that
Manufacturing must procure, and
that field organisations must service,
will be kept to a minimum.
Improved product reliability and
maintainability; shortened
development cycle and earlier
product maturity; improved supplier
participation and performance; and
easier world-wide selection and
sourcing of components are further
advantages that could result.
John Malster, appointed CEF
John Malster, Manager, CEF
Manager, says: ‘Component
engineering is by no means new to
Engineering at Mitcheldean. The
preparation of component plans and
the sourcing and testing of
components already takes place, but
in a fragmented way. Bringing these
activities together will enable a
common approach to be applied to
all product programmes, so that we
have better tracking and control.
‘Staff will be transferred into the CEF
from areas within Engineering here,
and I am now finalising proposals
for changes to take effect before
November 1.’
XEROX SYSTEMS IN ORBIT Xerox Electro-Optical Systems in
Pasadena, California, designed and
built the power equipment for the
Viking spacecraft now orbiting Mars,
whose landing vehicle is now
sampling the martian crust in the
search for evidence of life.
The Xerox system includes the
spacecraft’s solar panels, batteries and
power conditioning system. Attached
to the orbiter are eight 20-square-foot
solar panels which develop 800 watts
of power in the Mars environment.
Solar power is stored in two 30
amp/hour batteries. The power
conditioning system consists of
electronic equipment to control
power supplies to various elements
of the orbiter.
One example of the use of the power
system : the camera on the landing
craft sends signals to the orbiter,
where they are stored, then amplified
and transmitted back to earth. The
power conditioning system provides
fixed, regulated voltages to allow all
that to happen.
From launch to separation, the Xerox
orbiter power system also supplied
all power requirements to the landing
Versatec, a Xerox company based in
Santa Clara, California, designs and
manufactures electrostatic printers
and plotters, and three Versatec
plotters are being used in the Mars
exploration programme.
As critical data concerning the status
of the spacecraft are relayed back to
the jet propulsion laboratory in
Pasadena they are displayed on a
cathode ray tube system.
Like a television picture, such data
can disappear in a flash. To preserve
significant information for future
study, an operator simply presses a
‘hard copy request’ switch.
This activates one of the Versatec
electrostatic plotters, which produces
on paper exactly what is on the
display screen.
In a letter to Rank Xerox Directors
and General Managers, Chairman
Mai Thomas and Managing Director
Bill Glavin have drawn attention to
the Company’s policy on Business
This policy has been instituted by
Xerox Corporation President Peter
McColough, and defines the
Company’s policy regarding payments
to customers and government
officials, and political contributions.
Mr McColough comments: ‘We took
into consideration that Xerox is an
organisation that operates on a
worldwide basis. We are exposed to
different laws, cultures and customs,
and we conduct business with
people of different races, religions
and languages. Our policy gives
consideration to these differences.’
Basically, the policy states that no
payments, gifts, favours or
entertainment may be made to
government officials, customers or
prospective customers for the
purpose of securing preferential
action, except where this may be
given as a courtesy, is of limited
value and public disclosure of such
would not embarrass the Company.
Company funds, equipment or
services may not be contributed to
any political party, committee or
candidate, but where political
contributions are lawful, the
appropriate board of directors must
authorise these and the decision
must be reflected in the minutes of the
Furthermore, no employee shall be
directed in any manner by a superior
to make contributions. However, all
employees are free, and indeed
encouraged, to engage in lawful
political activities on their own
Copies of the complete policy are
being circulated to first and second
line management at the Plant, and
copies are also available for any
employees from Manufacturing
Group Public Relations, Bid 2 3 / 1 .
Mr Thomas and Mr Glavin state:
‘With the behaviour of multinational
corporations under increasing
surveillance by governments and
international agencies, this guidance,
on a particularly sensitive issue, is
both timely and welcome.’
The Company is now launching its
third Social Service Leave scheme
and some of you may have already
sent in applications. If you haven’t
but are thinking about it, you might
find the following comments from
previous successful candidates of
Production engineer Jack Brooks
tells us that, despite the discomforts,
he found his experiences in Sierra
Leone rewarding and he hopes to
capitalise on them — on LEPRA’S
With the aid of various slides he has
taken (‘and they won’t be the
harrowing kind’) he is offering an
illustrated talk of, say, an hour or so
to any interested organisation during
the coming months, his ulterior
motive being to collect a donation to
the British Leprosy Relief Association.
You can contact him on ext. 651.
Incidentally, Rank Xerox headquarters
people donated a total of £36-40 to
LEPRA’S recent Greater London flag
day — sufficient to provide one year’s
treatment for seven leprosy sufferers
in India, reports IHQ News.
Eric Tose, who returned from his
spell of Social Service Leave at the
Salesian School at Blaisdon during
the summer, had this to say:
‘I have enjoyed working at Blaisdon
even though at times the going was
hard . . . I haven’t made a complete
break as I still have my judo
commitment, weekend camps,
evening visits, etc.
‘Was the project a success ?
Basically, yes — the aims of factory
visits and the indicating of the
numerous opportunities available to
all levels of ability were achieved.
The directing of the boys into more
realistic channels of thought about
their futures was more difficult.
‘With the help of the Sutcliffe
Catering Group here at the Plant, and
Walbrook Photography at Ross-on-
Wye, I was able to place three boys
in part-time work during their last
term at school. Some of you will
have seen Phil and Stewart in the
canteen at lunchtime. You couldn’t
really miss their worried West Indian
faces as the “hungry hordes”
descended on them.
‘The school camera-buff, Andy, was
able to pick up some useful
knowledge of the trade at Walbrook
‘I would like to take this opportunity
of publicly thanking those concerned
for helping these boys towards a
better future than was possibly
expected for them.
‘Would I recommend Social Service
to anyone in the Company?
‘You may note I omitted the word
‘Leave’ which may imply time off
from work. That is the last thing you
can expect if you involve yourself on
a project working with people. If
you have a family, you may see little
of them for the period of your
project, and for some considerable
time afterwards you could still find
yourself involved.
‘Social Service does not materialise;
it results from the recognition of a
need within any organisation devoted
to the needs of people. If you have
to ask yourself “What can I do for
Social Service?”, forget it — get
yourself involved first and the rest
will follow.
‘Then take advantage of the
Company’s offer; I can recommend
Diane English, who did several
months’ work with Shelter, goes
along with that advice.
New Appointment
David Willday w a s appointed
Manager— Facilities Resources
and Programme Planning as
from August 2 ; he reports to
Roger Haggett, Director of
Manufacturing Operations ( U K ) .
Now reporting to him at
Mitcheldean is J o h n Huckett,
Manager, Industrial Engineering.
Mr Willday, w h o joined Rank
Xerox in 1970, has held various
management positions w i t h in
Mitcheldean Plant and Group
functions, latterly a s a
Manufacturing Programme
Manager; for the last four
months he has been w o r k i n g on
special projects for senior
Record Collection
Area staff officer Tony Cale would
like us to pass on a big thank you
to all those who helped to make the
recent St John Ambulance flag day
such a success — as a result of their
efforts there was a record collection
of £72-60.
It was destination Dodington Hall for tfie two coachloads of retired Long Service
Association members and their partners on July 7. A walk round the gardens, a tour of
the Hall, a visit to the interesting carriage museum, etc. — people took their choice, or
Just sat, chatted and tried to keep cool. Committee members Ernie Hughes and Roy
Steward hosted the party along with first-aiders Daisy Bullock and Tony Cale, but cold
drinks and cups of tea were virtually the only treatment needed. Having travelled down on
the Cotswold side of the Severn, the returning coaches crossed the bridge and came back
via Woolaston where the party stopped for salad tea and drinks.
takes the strain
9200 Triggers off
Paper Revolution
‘Paper is a part of our business that is
dramatically increasing in importance,’
says Tony Gethin, Planning &
Marketing Manager of the Rank
Xerox Supplies Business Area.
Quoted in a recent issue of /HQ
News, he predicts that ‘this sector is
going to go on growing faster than
ever before, as a result of expansion
into the CRD (central reprographic
department) with the 9200.”
The picture reproduced here shows
one month’s supply of paper for the
9200 — approximately one tonne of
paper, enough for about 200,000
copies, which compares with the
3,000 copies per month turned out
on the Xerox 3100 or with the one
tonne a year used by the RX 3600
The CRD opens up a totally new
environment for our paper marketing—
the target will be not only the 9200
but also the offset and stencil
machines. If all goes well, it is
expected that revenue and profits
from supplies will treble by 1980.
With the possibility of another paper
shortage in mind, new mills and
papers have been developed for the
9200 and the CRD to ensure that
RX customers have security of supply.
The Xerox 80 paper has hitherto
satisfied clients’ copying and
duplicating requirements. ‘Now we
have had to increase our product
range to include Xerox 70 and
Xerox 90 papers and 160 card, so
that we can satisfy 90 per cent of the
CRD needs’, reports Jeff Hitchman,
Product Marketing Manager, ‘and we
are currently promoting our new
range and packaging.’
The Xerox 70 paper has been
specially designed for the 9200 and
the CRD; the 90, which can be used
on all machines, offers high quality
with greater opacity; the 160 card,
made for the 9200, is recommended
for factory production systems and
library cards.
Supporting the supplies promotion
effort are comprehensive brochures,
9200 input handouts, and a film
about paper entitled ‘Too Good to
Throw Away.’
When plans materialise on schedule,
we can breathe a sigh of relief.
When this happens ahead of
schedule, we reckon it’s worth
shouting about.
You may remember our story this
time last year about INTERPICS,
the computer-based system
introduced by the Supply Centre
initially to support the 9200 launch.
Supply Centre are proud to report
that the system now processes and
controls all orders for all spare parts —
not just those for the RX 9200.
Having received universal approval —
yes, we mean by Operating
Companies worldwide — of the
system’s ability to control a major
new product launch, development
was accelerated to provide the same
high level of Supply Group service
for all the 30,000 different part
numbers handled by the Supply
The summer closedown period was
used to transfer stock and order
data from the old familiar card system
into the computer and, a few days
ahead of schedule, the Supply
Centre environment changed
dramatically into a totally
computerised operation.
Only by a magnificent team effort
by all concerned has this been made
possible. Even while the effect of all
this is sinking in, the design and
development team is working on
another major phase which will
include the most modern techniques
of inventory forecasting.
Rank Xerox is not alone in the
realisation that the supply function
is a high technology area, but our
Company is certainly showing the
way with the INTERPICS system.
Warehouse Operations are supporting
INTERPICS with the aid of new techniques
in storage, etc. — see story on page 7.
Playing £or Profit
The three-man Rank Xerox team
swept home to a comfortable victory
in the final of the national
management game last July.
John Chappell (28), Paul A. Webb
(27) and Paul R. Webb (26) scored
a ‘profit’ of £9-4 million in the
gruelling day-long final, pushing
Gulf Oil into second place with
£8-6 million.
Conoco came third with £7-7
million and IMI’s ammunition
division came fourth with £7-3
The four teams that slogged it out in
the final were the survivors of 946
which began the long series of heats
last January.
The game, now in its seventh year,
is sponsored by the Financial Times,
International Computers Limited, and
the Institute of Chartered Accountants,
in association with the Institute of
Directors and the Confederation of
British Industry.
The Financial Times editor handed
the Rank Xerox team a championship
cup and a cheque for £500,
observing as he did so that in next
year’s management game the first
prize would be doubled to £1,000.
John Chappell and the two Paul
Webbs — who are unrelated — now
go forward to a European contest.
The National Savings Movement
celebrates i ts 60th anniversary t h is
year and i s k i c k i n g off in October
w i t h a special savings drive. Says
Alan Cryer, Manager, Payments
Operations, who is a member of the
County Industrial Savings Committee:
‘Rank Xerox are regarded a s trend
s e t t e r s , and I would like to see our
Company contributing to the s u c c e ss
of the drive. We will shortly be
distributing leaflets w i t h pay advices
reminding you of the savings f a c i l i t i es
that exist on s i te in the hope that
increased s a v i n g s , and the recruitment
of n ew s a v e r s , will result.’
Left: Production engineers call at the counter to requisition process documents or a print of a part drawing. In the foreground is the
rotary file where drawing aperture cards are kept. Right: Mary Trigg retrieves a batch of master process documents from the carousel —
the filing cabinet which brings your file to you at the pull of a handle.
• ilHlMII
Left: Supervisor Ralph Jones and Hazel Fisher look at a jacketed film from the fire-proof cabinet Six trays of film in this safe represent
one complete tier of files in the carousel. Right: Sally Smith examines a microfilmed document in a viewer — it was filmed, developed
and jacketed by the equipment on her right.
In the process of engineering
the manufacture of our products,
we inevitably ‘manufacture’ a
great deal of paperwork.
Instructions giving a breakdown
of how things are to be made,
inspected, etc., have to be
recorded — and frequently
In Central Records, part of Office
Services in Manufacturing
Engineering, an all-girl team type
out the master documents from
information supplied, update them
when necessary (amendments come
in at an average rate of 150 a day),
then file them for reference by their
‘customers’ in the adjacent
Production Engineering areas.
They also distribute copies to the
shop floors. File Control, Cost Office
and other interested departments, as
well as to other locations such as
Venray, Welwyn and Fuji Xerox.
To cope with the build-up of
paperwork over the years, a large
four-tier revolving file or carousel
holding some quarter of a million
documents (that represents around
30,000 part numbers) was installed
when Central Records moved from
Building 44 to 51 just over a year ago.
But the paperwork continued to
mount up, some of our earlier
machines refusing to become
redundant as anticipated, and the
contents overflowed on to a side
The problem facing Office Services
was not only one of space. The
information had to be protected
from excessive wear and tear; it
needed to be readily accessible; and
there was the question of fire hazard.
As in the dyeline print area (another
function within Office Services,
which we featured last issue),
microfilming has provided the
A flexible system, based on Bell &
Howell equipment — cameras,
processors and reader /printers— has
been adopted, and for some
months now Central Records have
been steadily microfilming their
‘hard copy’.
Already all 9200 documentation,
occupying one whole tier of the
carousel, has been dealt with and
by early next year they hope to have
processed the total contents. Old
material can then be jettisoned,
making room for new issues.
The novel aspect of the system is
the use of jacketed film. First the
master documents are filmed and
the little squares of microfilm are
inserted in transparent jackets; as
each amendment is issued, it can
be processed and slid into the
relevant ‘channel’, nudging earlier
ones along. The most recent issue
is therefore always found in the
same place, and the whole series
of issues can be seen in their
correct sequence.
‘Diazo’ duplicates are then made by
filming the complete jacket (the
original being filed in a fireproof
cabinet); engineers are thus able to
study the entire set of documents in
diazo form by means of viewers
placed out in the main office, without
needing to refer to the hard copy.
When they have located the precise
document they want, they can
obtain a Xerox copy of it over the
‘We hope this will cut down the
volume of transactions considerably,’
says Brian Prosser, Office Services
Savings in postal charges, which
Continued on page’8.
L e f t : Going up — it’s a bit lil in the Spares Warehouse. Above: Fast pickings — in the low level 9200 spares
area specially created to meet the demands of a launch product. Below left: Gravity
is the only force used in this live-storage system. Brake rollers control the speed and
there are buffers to stop the machines rolling right off.
Narrow aisle racking systems are
not new to Building 41, but this
latest installation has gone up to a
record level, with order picking
cranes, guided by a ‘mono-rail’,
lifting pickers to new heights.
Peter Baily, Warehouse, Transport &
Packaging Manager, told us: ‘The
staff involved were taken to see and
try the new equipment before it
arrived on the Mitcheldean scene
and we’ve had their full cooperation.’
For 9200 spares, where speed is
vital, a separate fast picking area has
been created, backed up by bulk
stores from which replenishments
can be made overnight. Independent
of mechanised equipment, the
system has the flexibility essential
in the case of a launch product.
The most recent project is to be
seen in the Machine Warehouse
where they’ve taken the static out
of storage with the introduction of
Dynamic machine racking.
Here machines are stacked in a
four-tier system of tracks working
on the gravity roll principle. Their
speed controlled by brake rollers,
the machines move down the
incline to be picked off the face in
correct sequence by fork-lift truck.
This system reduces the handling of
machines while achieving nearly
40 per cent saving in space.
Warehouse systems, types of
storage, work methods and
equipment are continually under
review, and further developments
planned will be featured in later
Says Operations Manager Alan
Phelps: ‘With the completion of the
supporting projects. Warehouse
Operations will be fully equipped to
achieve its ambitious objectives.’
Storage in the Supply Centre is
rising to the challenge. Racks
of spares that nearly hit the
roof, tiers of machines that
roller-skate into position for
take-off — these are some of
the improvements which are
helping Warehouse Operations
keep pace with INTERPICS
(see page 5).
Their aims are to achieve seven days’
turnround on regular orders, and
four-hour and 24-hour turnround on
emergencies for new products and
current products respectively.
They also have to maintain an
efficient distribution flow of
machines throughout our part of the
Xerox world, providing immediate
response to fluctuations in demand
for machines and spares.
On the principle that if you can’t
build along, you build upwards, a
new high-density storage system
has been erected in the Spares
Operations Manager Alan Phelps (right)
and Peter Baily, Warehouse, Transport Ft
Packaging Manager, in the Machine
B u z z w c ^ p d M a n i a
A short treatise by Rhidian Goddard on how to cope with functional multinational linguistics.
The Americans started it with their
space jargon. Suddenly a meeting
point became an interface, a job
became a mission and the ways and
means became logistics.
Naturally the rest of the world, keen
to improve its vocabulary and eager
to explore this new and exciting
grammatical horizon, rapidly jumped
onto the proverbial bandwaggon, and,
almost overnight, Webster’s
Dictionary was out of date. A torrent
of new word link-ups appeared in
newspapers, technical journals and,
unfortunately, office memos.
Tasks that we performed
unconsciously day after day were
elevated to ‘ongoing commitments’.
The card indexing systems and office
files became the new and mysterious
‘data base’. Decisions were no
longer agreed, actioned and
monitored — they were ‘consolidated,
concurred and milestoned.’
Even the piece parts on the shop
floor joined the party. Formerly
salvaged, they were now either
‘refurbished’, ‘remanufactured’ or,
would you believe, ‘cosmetiscised’.
The part number rejoiced in the title
of ‘Aphanumeric Identification’ and
all dimensions only applied at the
‘Maximum Material Condition’.
Inspection, too, rose to the challenge;
they promptly became ‘Quality
Control’ backed by ‘Quality
Engineering’ and allocated ‘demerits’
instead of terse, well-chosen
Our plans to produce became
‘Production Phase Proposals’ that
were translated into ‘PERT networks’
and ‘kitting schedules’, subjected to
‘Critical Path Analysis’ and precipitated
as ‘Funded Production Programmes’.
The engineer who happily accepted
‘secondment’ exhibited a bewildered
expression when informed that he
was about to become a key member
of a ‘Dedicated Multinational
Taskforce’. Furthermore, what was a
comparatively friendly liaison job
now became an exercise in
‘Integrated Interdivisional Operations.’
The original concept of keeping an
eye on Xerox Corp mushroomed into
monitoring a ‘Phased Manufacturing
Operation’ with special emphasis on
‘Maximising Multinational Flexibility’
in ‘Functional Operational Systems’.
No wonder his bottom lip trembled.
You try explaining that lot to an
inquisitive wife with an interest in
what her husband does at work.
The combinations are endless —
buzzwords have a compelling
ego-building image for the initiated,
and serve to impress the lesser
mortal with lengthy word
combinations that blur the vision and
breed suspicion.
Their advocates maintain that,
properly employed, they can better
explain our purpose and, properly
translated, they bolster our
If nothing else, they can improve the
secretary’s spelling !
So, for the beginner, a short
selection of buzzwords is included
for incorporation in the next office
memo. Choose one word from each
column and string the three words
together to form your first buzzword
Serious students should very quickly
get the hang of this method and, as
new buzzwords emerge, they can be
added to the appropriate column
ready for future use.
One more thing, keep your own list
secret. There’s no point in letting
everyone know what your buzzwords
Continued from page 6.
can be considerable when process
instructions are required the other
side of the world, are an added bonus.
Central Records are not only
concerned with process
documentation; there are also the
accompanying engineering drawings
(parts and assembly) of which they
receive something like 6,000 copies
a month. These come in the form
of aperture cards (film mounted on
card) and are filed in a rotary card
file. When one is required for
reference, a print can be obtained
on an 1824.
3600, 7000 and 4000 machines are
further items of Xerox equipment
which help Central Records to
provide a prompt service.
Special Businesses
Bernard Horn has been appointed
Director, Special Businesses Division,
reporting directly to T. Maksimovic,
Director, Operational Support Group.
As such he will pull together all RX
non-copier/duplicator components
(Document Creation, Communications
(Facsimile), Engineering Products,
etc.) under a single organisation.
Hardly parking prettily! We hope t h i s sort of thing won’t be necessary
once the n ew vehicle parking and t r a f f i c f l ow scheme comes into
operation — i t ‘ s n ow planned for early October (barring emergencies).
t i a c e m e e t i n c ; “:’-::;.e m e e t i r i Q place m e e t i n g place m e e t i n s place tnee< n e e t i n s p l a c e r«g p l a c e meeting place m e e t i n g p l a c e m e e t i n g placi i i a c e mee meeting p l a c e m e e t i n s p l a c e m e e t i n g p l a c e mee’: No one could pretend that Northern Colliery, our raw materials depot looks remotely like a wild life conservation area. But that’s what it seems to have become. The stacks of stillages are preferred to trees by birds looking for nesting places; bluetits hole-in-one down old pipes; and swallows favour the crevices and eaves of the former colliery buildings that house the stores of steel, wire, etc. During the recent hot spell a grass snake even wormed its way in to find sanctuary in the toilet I Keen observer of the wild life is Mike Bennett, who’s worked at Northern for several years. Our picture shows him holding a baby blackbird which had got into difficulties on its first venture abroad. ‘Rabbits built a warren in that pile of sand over there,’ Mike pointed out; ‘and we used to see the baby ones playing about.’ Badgers, squirrels and foxes are visitors, not to mention an almost wild dog which he adopted until a good home could be found for him. Mike’s biggest find, in the surrounding plantation, was a pheasant sitting on 15 eggs. When he returned a few days later the lot had safely hatched out and left home. ‘We’ve learned a lot watching the different species. And if we want to check up on our facts, we ask inspector Barry Osborne to look them up in his reference books.’ Before you next throw away a matchbox, have a look and see whether it has an interesting ‘face’. If it has, iVIargaret Evans in International Communications (Engineering) would be glad to have it. She has a fascinating collection of some 500 matchbox covers from all over the world and she’s keen to acquire more. ‘My three sons started collecting them years ago for the Cubs, and now I’m carrying on where they left off.’ The ones she has mounted in her albums are certainly ‘striking’. There are domino ones from South Africa, tartan ones from Scotland, whole sets of Spanish ones with different themes such as dancers, bullfighters, military uniforms, etc. There are American bookmatches advertising tomato sauce with recipes printed inside — there’s even one advertising the Opera Toilet Club, whatever that was! Another collector in the department is Lynn Powell who joined us last July. She has several albums of picture postcards ranging from the more usual holiday resort type to vintage varieties, like the one of the Crystal Palace. An illustrated poem about ‘The Glosters’ and a delicate embroidered card which her great grandfather sent to Lynn’s grandmother are among her ‘specials’. One card which caught our eye commemorates man’s first landing on the moon in 1969; it’s reputed to be printed with the same ink as that used aboard the spacecraft. Lynn, too, would be grateful for any additions to her collection — as long as they’re not the you-know-what kind! Whether as a result of prayers, spells or other invocations we can’t tell, but the rains have come at last, and no one is more pleased about it than Chris Phelps. Head gardener for the last two of his eight years with us, Chris, together with his assistants, has been hard put to it in recent weeks to keep the thirsty plants and shrubs on site from shrivelling up. The heavens opened too late to save a number of shrubs — chiefly the weigelias, berberis and hydrangeas — and many plants just gave up the struggle. ‘Our nursery beds are a disappointment this year,’ he told us. But it has still been possible to save seed and take some cuttings of things like geraniums, as you can see from our picture. Born ‘at the foot of May Hill’, Chris is married with two daughters, one of whom worked in 813 assembly before her marriage. He has had only one other job in his life and that was with the local nurseries of Forest Products. Says his supervisor Brian Lampshire, who confers with Chris about the stock for our gardens and indoor displays: ‘I value his judgment — it is due to his skill in cycling the plants that we are able to keep up a good show of colour in the flowerbeds.’ What if we have a run of summers like this last one? we asked Chris. Had he any advice to offer amateur gardeners? The best course is to plant the things which have proved their staying power during the drought. ‘Those petunias by Building 32 haven’t had any special treatment yet they’ve been blooming a treat.’ 9 SP®RTS & S&CIAL CLUB It was a double eight that did it (and Dave Button who threw it). That was how Ardri ‘Impossibles’ won the Interdepartmental Darts Tournament final held on August 21, beating the Professionals (Transport) by seven games to five. First the Impossibles and then the Professionals took the lead. But with the arrival of Roy Powell who came along to present the trophies, the Impossibles got ahead and stayed there. (That’s them at the top with their captain Gwyn Winney holding the all-important trophy). As Dennis Williams, the runners-up captain, wisecracked: ‘We had to let ’em win — they might have lost their bonuses otherwise 1′ Our picture above of Dennis and his team with Roy Powell in the centre proves there were no hard feelings! Altogether 29 teams entered the tournament and a warm vote of thanks went to Barrie l\Aills who engineered it all. Golfing Summer The interdepartmental golf tournament took place at Knowie on Monday, July 12, the surprise winners (well, as far as the local bookmaker was concerned) being Group Manufacturing Plus, represented by Johnny Cash, Rich Matthews and Trev Jones. Runnersup were Design ‘A’ (Geoff Paton, Al Caldwell and Billy Gilmour). Individual winners were (morning) 1st Eric Sologub, nett 67, 2nd Johnny Cash, nett 68; (afternoon) joint winners Johnny Cash and John Spratley, nett 66; 2nd Spot Meek, nett 67. On the morning round Graham Gardner achieved every golfer’s ambition by holing in one at the 8th hole, a 160-yard par 3, and promptly rushed into the bar to buy the customary drinks; those who missed out can collect at Lydney Golf Club any Sunday morning. The day’s golf was rounded off very satisfactorily with an 18-hole consolation putting competition. August 6 saw the RXGS off on another day out to Abergavenny; weather conditions being perfect, everybody began thinking of how they were going to burn the course up. Consequently, by mid-afternoon, the fire engine had to be called. Rumour has it that one of our members tried to put out the blaze by hitting sand out of a greenside bunker on the 4th, but was unsuccessful at that as well. Joint overall winners at this event were: Billy Gilmour and Terry Osborne, Terry being the morning winner with Billy second. Afternoon winner was Frank Baker while John Spratley, Dave Robinson and Rich Matthews made up a trio for second place. Beer in Belgium They’re not going just for the beer; sausages, song, dance and all the fun of the fair are promised as well for the 52 people who have signed on for the weekend coach trip to the Wieze Beer Festival in Belgium. Leaving Mitcheldean on Friday, September 24, they travel to Dover for the night crossing, then via Bruges and Ghent to Antwerp. There’s shopping and sightseeing with an optional excursion to Brussels before going off to Wieze itself. A short tour of Bruges is included on the Sunday before the journey home. Lively Programme The Amateur Photographic Club’s programme for the coming season promises plenty of competitive activity. The annual competitions are divided into four sections, three slide and one for prints. Subjects for slides are : ‘Sport’ (the competitive organised kind), ‘English Sunday’ (anything typifying Sunday in England), and ‘Set of Six’ with a common theme. As regards prints (colour or monochrome), competitors are free to make their own choice. Biggest news from the club is that they are going to make a documentary film; their first event of the season — a canal trip on September 19 along the beautiful Brecon and Abergavenny Canal by water bus towed by a paddle wheel steam tug — is providing them with the material. Equipment Night on September 22 gives an opportunity to talk technicalities; judging of the ‘English Sunday’ slide competition takes place on October 6 while the entry for a slide battle with Ross-on-Wye Photographic Society on November 3 will be selected on October 20. There’ll be more to say about 1977 events later. If this preview has aroused your interest, and you’d like to enquire about membership, ring Chris Fitt on ext. 812. Billiards/Snooker Championships The 1977 Billiards and Snooker championship competitions are due to start again and would-be champions are being asked to give in their names for either, or both. If you haven’t been able to add your name to the lists on the noticeboards, you can ring Barry Barton on ext. 220 or 471. 10 Champagne celebration for Phyllis and Brian Freeman! They’d just won themselves a fabulous holiday for two on the Greek island of Corfu, together with nearly £400 spending money, by playing bingo at The Top Rank Club in Barton Street, Gloucester (that’s the club general manager Den Peaty pictured holding the bottle of bubbly). Phyllis, who works in Electrical Sub-assembly, is a regular player, but it was Brian (Work Study) who actually did the winning on this occasion. Having won a line prize of £87, he qualified for a special free game and went on to win the ‘house’ and the holiday, plus £300, in a record 37 numbers. The couple go in October, together with 48 other Top Rank members, flying direct from Gatwick to Corfu for a seven-day stay. ‘Aren’t they lucky ?’ says daughter Susan, who has just started work in Production Control. Skittles Start-up Just a reminder tliat the 1 S l Q / l l interdepartmental skittles tournament is about to recommence; the closing date for entries is October 22. Full details are given on the noticeboards; if you need any further information contact Cyril Beard on ext. 371 or 288. Saying it with Silver Before she retired at the end of July, Sadie Pritchard, having received a presentation from the Sports & Social Club, returned the compliment by presenting a handsome silver cup to be awarded to the runners-up in the annual ladies’ interdepartmental skittles tournament. It is a nice coincidence that the first holders are the team from her own department. Spares Packing, who came second in the recent tournament finals. Sadie herself was presented with a silver candelabra by her colleagues a couple of weeks later when she finished work after 1 5 years with the Company. Folk and Rock? The chances of forming a Folk and Rock Music Club are being explored by Nigel Ward. The idea is to stage folk evenings, rock evenings and discos, using the ballroom and the club house facilities. There’s a list on the noticeboards for names of interested people, or you can ring Nigel on ext. 231. Musical Assembly The Music Society report that, with funds kindly provided by the Sports & Social Club Committee, they have been able to purchase a kit enabling them to assemble their own stereo amplifier (they already have a turntable with stereo cartridge). Ian Haynes, who is master-minding the assembly operation, will be using the new equipment for his forthcoming programme when he introduces ‘The Synthesizer’ (a device which simulates instruments electronically), using illustrations from ‘Switched on Bach’, and other records by Walter Carlos. Other members who have presented programmes recently include Alan Paton, Angela Miller, John Johnson, Sarah Hall, Peter Gerrard and Brian Nelmes. Arts and Crafts Entries for the Arts & Crafts Exhibition and Competition should be taken to the ballroom between 8.30 am and 12 noon on Monday, September 27. Judging day is September 28, and viewing will continue thru’ September 29, as they say. Each exhibit will receive a number (keep any personal identification symbols out of sight I ) ; pictures must be mounted or framed; if the exhibit is offered for sale, the required price must be indicated at time of entry; and a maximum of three exhibits per person in each section is allowed. There will be first and second prizes in each of the classes. Dance Dates Saturday, October 23rd B E N J I supported by R O B I NS Saturday, November 27th NEW V A U D E V I L L E BAND supported by H I – L I F E SHOWBAND Friday, December 31st N I C K S T U A R T SOUND & KEN LINTON BAND Disabled Persons Are you a registered disabled person ? If so, please check with Medical Department to ensure that they have a note of your registration number. Do you believe that you qualify for registration as a disabled person ? If so, then contact Sister Collins who will advise you of the procedure and benefits obtainable. These men are willing to face criticism, abuse and possibly worse. Not at work, of course, but while they’re involved in their favourite sport — soccer. All experienced players, they were recruited by production engineer Dave !\Aarkey (now in his sixth season as a referee and still in one piece); he put them through a three-week lunchtime course, as a result of which they are now qualified to referee any games in the North Gloucester League. Our picture shows Gordon Davis, Richard Cooke, Roger Winman John George, Terry Peates, Roger Trigg, Dave Hemsley and Gordon Baker studying, ‘offside’permutations with Dave (the eighth man, Mike Jones, was away at the time). Some of them have already refereed ‘for real’ (Roger Winman has even had his car tyres let down!) But don’t let that deter you — Dave is willing to hold another course this winter, and he’ll be pleased to hear from volunteers on ext. 664. 11 Weddings Rosemary Minns (secretary to Peter Vince, Manager, Accounting Services) to Stanley Hale at Lydney Register Office on June 7. Joyce Turner (Supply Centre) to Colin Smith at St Stephen’s Church, Cinderford, on June 26. Yvonne Timms to Mike Keen (Finance & Admin.) at Lydney Register Office on July 3. Diana Douglas (secretary. Design Engineering) to Malcolm Sanford at Lydbrook Church on July 31. Susan Wyatt (Electrical Sub-assembly) to Gordon Jeffrey at the Forest Church on August 14. Engagement Diana Bowden (Accounts) to Fane Manning (RXC) on August 7. Births Lynne Emma, a daughter for Ken Williams (Design Engineering) and his vi/lfe Anne, on June 17. David James, a son for Robert Colwell (Engineering) and his wife Jacqueline, on June 29. Obituary We regret to report that Sidney lies (warehouseman) died on July 25 at the age of 60. He had been with us since June 1968. We would like to convey our sympathy to his family. Co/in and Joyce Smith IVIalcolm and Diana Sanford -J-‘”S””> Gordon and Susan Jeffrey J-i”9ram
For Sale
Binder to suit Which magazine (1975 or
earlier), takes 2 years or 1 year with
supplements, brand new, £1 25 o.n.o. (cost
£1 -75 new). S. J . Edinborough, ext. 836.
Caravan — Sprite Musketeer 1973, £700.
Colin Butler, Machine Shop, or Ross 3988.
Modernised freehold terraced house with
lounge, kitchen/diner, 2 bedrooms, bathroom
with WC, fuel store, workshop, outside
WC, cultivated garden, £6,650. M. Cook,
Maintenance elec, Bid 18, ext. 496, or
8 Steam Mills, Cinderford.
Saab 96 V4 1967, ‘accident victim’,
undamaged parts in good condition, will
sell as it Is or consider breaking (again I).
H.J. Butterworth, ext. 477.
Two unused modern tubular unit chairs
(bottle green cord), £20 each o.n.o.; Minor
electric cooker on stand, 2 rings, grill and
oven, as new, £25 o.n.o. Mrs. M. Dooley,
Import Dept, ext. 913.
Model aircraft built to order from kits or
plans. All sizes. J . Holbrook, ext. 847
Three-piece suite, wing style, dark brown,
3-seater couch, excellent condition; only
reason for sale: too big for new house,
£120 o.n.o. S. Snell, ext.539.
Belle Vue Rd, Cinderford — 11 -roomed
detached house, small garden to front and
rear, all services, car parking space and shed,
£9,500 — offers. Rob Taylor, ext. 1 244 or
Cinderford 22799 after 6 pm.
Sunbeam salon hairdrier with adjustable
stand and wall bracket, 10 heat settings,
never used, £12-50. Valerie Bullock,
ext. 331 or Drybrook 542211 after 6 pm.
When sending in items please give your
extension number and/or department to ensure
Central heating boiler, 35,000 BTU, brand
new and unused, absolute bargain at £80.
Cinderford 23477.
Electric guitar, semi-acoustic, tone and
volume controls, £30. J . Malster, ext. 1304.
Dimplex oil-filled radiator, 750W, wallmounted,
thermostatic control, as new, £10.
F. Howarth, Production Engineering, ext. 761.
English springer spaniels, liver/white, field
trial pedigree, all dogs, ready October 1.
Parents can be seen. D. Crabbe, ext. 690.
Main Caribbean 3 gas fire and Maxol
domestic hot water boiler, both recently
service and running efficiently; any
reasonable offer considered. Mrs. B.
Ingmire, ext. 584.
New 10ft x 2ft fibreglass beginners’ canoe
with buoyancy and paddle, £50. Philip
Morgan, Machine Shop, ext. 450.
MGB accessories; complete tow-bar and
full tonneau. T. A. Knight, ext. 814.
1975 (N reg.) Allegro SDL, 2-door,
flame-red, 9 months’ tax, radio, reverse
lights, twin mirrors, 14,000-1-, £1,400 o.n.o.
J . Gardner, ext. 412 or Cinderford 22560.
Old caravan or caravan chassis around 12 to
16 ft length, suitable for conversion to car
transport. Anything considered.
Peter Rutsch, ext. 385.
12 to 14 cu. ft deep freeze chest: also
large dining table, preferably with chairs,
traditional style. Mrs Meek, ext. 409.
Digs within easy reach of Mitcheldean Plant
for apprentice. T. Morgan, ext. 465.
A farewell photo of
Vic Dawson, Buyer II
Mechanical in
Purchase, when he
retired on June 30
after 11 years with
us. Purchasing
Manager John Wilks
presented him with a
handsome set of cutglass
bowls, a token
of respect and affection
from his many
friends at Mitcheldean,
and wished
him every happiness
Mitcheldean — 12 WIntle’s Close, detached on their behalf.
3-bedroomed house, large garden.
Drybrook 543040 or ext. 925.
12 Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.