Young Champions Emerge When donations are made from our Charities Fund, it is to deserving causes chosen entirely on the grounds of their worthiness; and if our own people subsequently derive benefit, this is purely a happy coincidence.
One such coincidence occurred recently when, through the fund, Ross
Swimming Club acquired two trophies to be presented to their ten-year-old champions — the boy and girl who achieved the best aggregate times in the free-style, back, breast and butterfly stroke races. Personnel Manager Ron Barnett attended the ‘Splash Night’ on December 11 to present the trophies
and was delighted to find that both winners were children of Rank Xerox people — Simon, son of Derek Wintle of Personnel Department, and Helen, daughter of Mike Bird of Manufacturing Engineering.
You can read about other, rather different, coincidences on page 5.
Looking in the window of an antique dealer’s recently, we saw a copy of the old war-time poster bearing the slogan: ‘Careless talk costs lives.’ There’s another kind of battle going on today in our own highly competitive business for which that .IIIIIII ‘lll slogan could be appropriately amended to ‘Careless talk costs jobs.’ Instead of the war-time spy we have his, or her, industrial counterpart, and big money changes hands for corporate secrets. He doesn’t necessarily come loaded with electronic equipment. She isn’t necessarily a seductive Mata Hari.
If you have an office with a door, don’t forget to lock it when you leave. Another little reminder from the security posters , which were inspired by winning entries in the RX international competition held last year.
from our security posters.
Spying is more subtle than that, as a Xerox of Canada film we saw recently demonstrates. Called ’Memo from a Grateful Spy’, it showed how items of valuable information about a company’s plans and operations can be gained in numerous ways — from documents
Be careful when you talk about business and watch where you talk about it — one bit of pictorial advice you’ll be getting
is a natural for the attentions of corporate spying. In order to ensure that things stay where they belong — whether it be information (such as plans, technical data or know-how) or physical property (yours and the Company’s) — we are tightening up on our 5 IIIIII’I’IEIITIII13!left on desks, or on the platen of a copier, from letters sent to wrong addresses, from conversations in public places and in private homes (‘where the food is good and so is the info’, chuckles the spy). Industrial espionage is no joke to those on the receiving end; and as a newsworthy company, Rank Xerox security measures. And that means a spin-off in terms of safety too. A specific programme has been launched, the lynchpin of which is the wearing by everyone on site of an identification badge. In 1977 we issued some 1800 of these to employees; a revised format which will be common throughout
Alma Lawrence, secretary to Guy Bedford, photographs Colin Bird of Engineering for his ID card.
the RX/XC world is now required to conform with corporate policy, so the earlier cards are being replaced. Mini studios are being set up on site to cope with the photography side and before long everyone working at Rank Xerox Mitcheldean (and that goes for Lydney, Cinderford, and other off-site locations, too) will have an ID card to wear.
Different coloured backgrounds will denote different categories — all RX/XC employees, temporary RX employees, visitors, contract personnel, etc. An ID card with a red background, for example, will ensure the wearer is recognised as a Company employee and is allowed access to Welwyn, Webster or any other RX/XC location anywhere in the world.
‘By the time this issue appears, disciplines on the control of visitors to our own site will have been tightened up, and as the months go by, further security measures will become evident’, says Guy Bedford, Manager of Security Operations. ‘We aim to complete the whole project by next autumn.’ To make sure the programme is, and continues to be, carried out effectively, a network of around 30 BE” Safety and security are closely connected — so let’s see what has been happening on the safety front. It is good to know that, after a formal inspection of Mitcheldean site lasting three days, HM Inspector of Factories confirmed that he was satisfied with our premises; a few items which did require attention are being dealt with. There has also been welcome news as regards industrial accidents on site. John Spratley, secretary of our Main Safety Committee, reported recently that injuries in 1977 were fractionally below those for 1976, and the downward trend is encouraging. To ensure that this trend is continued, a study of current accident statistics has been made to ascertain in which areas particular accidents occur most frequently, and what type of injury is sustained — whether to the limbs, the back, etc. Details such as these are enabling programmes of training and education on specific safety problems to be arranged. ’For example, we shall be carrying
information security co-ordinators has been set up. Every co-ordinator will have a check-list of what must be done about the wearing of ID cards, ‘clean desks’, classification of information, safe disposal of classified waste, visitor control, etc. Says Colin Bird, who with the assistance of Roy Barton, Dave Weyman, Ken Roberts and Bob Hawking, is responsible for security co-ordination in the Engineering area: ’lt’s not a question of policing but protection. ‘We aim to build up security awareness in every individual so that complying with security requirements becomes a habit.’ And with everyone security-minded, right across the site, there should be no memos from any grateful spies addressed to us at Mitcheldean.
out a programme on the protection of eyes and, by doing so, we hope to reduce eye injuries substantially’, said John.
On training requirements for safety representatives, Safety Manager Jack Timms is currently involved with our Training Department and Gloucester City College of Technology in setting up the training programme agreed at the Main Committee meeting. Aspects to be dealt with will include accident prevention, hygiene and first aid facilities, industrial fire prevention, material handling and storage, as well as the Company safety policy and current legislation on safety matters.
On October 1 this year, the regulations relating to Safety Representatives and Safety Committees come into operation, bringing that part of the Health Er Safety at Work Act fully into force.
‘As far as we are concerned, our Safety Organisation is already complying with these regulations’, said Jack Timms.
As newly appointed Manager, Security Operations, Guy Bed/0rd is responsible for physical security and fire prevention; policies, procedures and security audit are the responsibility of Administration Manager Jack Woods in Personnel. N6 Ill [IN THE MIT The structure of this organisation, believed to be one of the first to be set up in this area, was announced in VISION a few months back. To recap briefly, it consists of the Main Safety Committee chaired by Works Manager Don Elliott, with 14 group sub—committees representing particular areas, each sub-committee consisting of a chairman and safety representatives of management, supervisory, technical, clerical and industrial workers.
These sub-committees have started to hold regular meetings and it is hoped that all will eventually obtain the same level of efficiency.
Parking Hazard There is one matter about which the Main Committee is very concerned — the indiscriminate parking of cars which is causing safety hazards on site, and snaps are being taken to ensure that such practices are discontinued.
3 a
Left: Gill Jones at the screen of the new terminal in MIS which links up with the IDC computer at Bushey; in the background
» m .m.
are Dave Evans and Tony Wilson. Right: Watched by Tim Co/drick and (far right) lain Gray, Manager Rees Bryant prepares
For some time, work on SOLAR eclipsed other tasks in the design and development of computer systems at Mitcheldean — the lead plant for all financial systems development within Manufacturing 8 Supply Operations. However, with the basic SOLAR system signed off as fully operational, the resources of Management Information Services have been freed to develop a number of other systems. This has been so in the field of finance for some time, but now also applies in the field of material control. Rees Bryant, Manager, Systems Design 8 Development, recently gave us a rundown on these systems, some of which are already in operation while others are in the pipeline for 1978. New systems don’t always rate highly in the popularity stakes; they bring changes in our way of doing things, in the forms we have to fill in. But there’s one new system which has been designed with the benefit of employees expressly in mind — a new Payroll system. Our existing one had reached the ripe old age of ten years, required frequent transplants and gave rise to numerous queries. So MIS have bought in and adapted for use a new Payroll system which, though developed initially for Mitcheldean and Welwyn, may well be extended to cover all UK Operations. The package, or software as Information Systems people call it, will be run on the computer at the RX International Data Centre at Bushey, Herts., of which increasing use is being made, particularly as regards financial systems. Part of the data, however, will go on our own computer here at Mitcheldean and results will be fed into the IDC computer via a special terminal. The suppliers of the system will
to sign the payroll system contract.
maintain and update it when necessary to comply with statutory requirements. Planned to ‘go live’ in time for the new tax year, it will introduce new, more detailed payslips for everyone showing the various pay and deduction items and so, it is hoped, reduce the number of enquiries. As project leader, Iain Gray is working in close collaboration with Alan Cryer of Payment 8 Cash Operations on this one. Iain has also been a member of John Evans’ team which has put a new General Ledger system into operation across all Manufacturing sites during HEW PHVHULL SYSTEM I|}l SPRING the past year. The Payroll system will lock into this General Ledger system which has now been extended to cover the whole of Manufacturing Group. Similarly, MIS are in the process of introducing the Mitcheldean Bought Ledger system, which is already in operation at Welwyn, to Lille and Venray; this will take place progressively during 1978, Paul Barons being leader of the project. The first phase of a Material Cost Tracking system, a project led by Glyn Jenkins, has been implemented in the past 12 months, again across all sites. Another Group development of particular interest is an order and lead time system christened CALTIP for which Peter Sperring is the analyst responsible. For the first time, this provides for our customers the Supply Centres, all Manufacturing sites, Middlesex House and Xerox at Webster a useful Group-wide catalogue, in microfiche form, of all the parts Rank Xerox
make and supply as spares, showing where they can be obtained, and how long delivery takes. Part of this system is run on the Mitcheldean computer, which consolidates the manufacturing data, and part on the IDC computer. Yet another ’first’ in 1977 was the implementation of a Tool Management system for Manufacturing Engineering to give better control of the ordering of tools, of the money being spent, etc. This was actually designed by, and put into operation first at, Venray; we have ‘picked it up’ with the kind co-operation of our sister plant in the Netherlands, the MIS project leader being Peter Bonney. The news that the computer had ‘gone live’ with a new Part Number Suffix and Method of Manufacture Code system to aid us in identifying parts was publicised in VISION EXTRA last November. Project leader here was Dave Shoubridge who has also carried out an overhaul of the Shop Loading system. These are two recent major improvements to our SOLAR system (for which Dave Mahar now has overall responsibility). A further one is Positive Intervention for Manufactured Parts which is due in February this year. The first on-Iine system we have had at Mitcheldean, and which is due to be implemented this year, is SUE (Stores Update 8 Enquiry); the fact that the MIS project leader is design systems analyst Sue Walker is not entirely a coincidence! This system will control the parts stores and users will be able to communicate direct with the computer, feeding in data and retrieving it by means of terminals located in their own departments — a major step forward.
We shall be giving fuller details about the new payroll system in a forthcoming issue of VISION EXTRA.
:Chairman Wi/f Morris shows the new chain to Les Tuff/ey after the presentation by Mr Morfee. With them are (from left) councillors Frank Beard, Harold Gardiner (vice—chairman), Tim Holder, Clive Brain and Arthur Cooper.
The chairman of the Forest of Dean District Council now has a chain of office in keeping with the dignity of his appointment. This insignia, a gold chain with an enamel pendant bearing the new coat of arms of the council, was presented to the chairman, Wilf Morris, JP, at Mitcheldean on December 19 — the occasion also of the 21 st anniversary of the formation of the Company. Making the presentation, Director of Manufacturing Operations Ron Morfee recalled that councillor (and RX employee) Les Tuffley had
We recently donated a sum towards providing a community hall for the village of Goodrich, and among those who benefited was the Goodrich Arts Society which had long needed a proper setting for its shows.
The first winter production to be performed in the new Godric Hall last December was Oscar Wilde’s ‘The lmportance of Being Earnest’ in which several Mitcheldean people appeared in unfamiliar guise. Peter Grainger played the role of Ernest Worthing, Chris Pyke was his friend
suggested the Company might be interested in providing a suitable chain of office; the fact that we were delighted to take up this idea summed up our satisfactory relationship over the years with local government, particularly during the time of Rank Xerox expansion, enabling the Mitcheldean location to become the Company’s springboard into Europe and the rest of the world.
He was, he said, glad to know that currently both the chairman, the vice-chairman and several councillors were Rank Xerox
Algernon Moncrieff, while Julian Hazell’s wife Jen was Gwendoline, daughter of Lady Fairfax.
Another RX representative, chairman of the hall committee and lighting technician, was Len Morgan who is attached to the UK Company’s training centre at Newport Pagnell.
On the last night, the society presented a clock for the hall in memory of two previous members (and RX employees) — the late John and Tilly Wall.
employees. ‘This is typical of the involvement in the community that our Company is pleased to foster and our employees prepared to undertake.’
Among those present was Dr Ken Turner of Engelhard Industries Ltd and Mr Morfee thanked him for his help in arranging the manufacture of the insignia. Mr Morris commented on the Company’s great contribution to the employment situation in the district in thanking Rank Xerox for ‘this magnificent and generous gesture.’
Jim and Joan Baird and Tony Brewer taking a look at the appeal results before Christmas.
From toy cupboards have come queues of mini cars, lorries and buses (even vintage tin ones) ; from pockets and drawers, kitchens and workshops, have come a stream of shiny little car keys, bunches of rusty old keys — keys to turn every kind of lock imaginable. Instead of lying unused at home or at work, they are going to be put to good use, thanks to the thoughtfulness of Joan (File Control) and Jim Baird (Manuf. Eng.) and Tony Brewer (Design Draughting). Responding to the Key-Note Appeal made by ’Blue Peter’, the children’s BBC TV programme, they asked people to send in unwanted toy cars and keys to help provide money for electronically equipped motor vans. These are needed to help deaf children speak and ‘bring into their world of silence — sound !’ As we went to press, a load was being prepared for Roadline to take to the ’Blue Peter’ depot, so helping to add to the four Key-Note Vans already acquired.
According to one doom prophet quoted at the recent financial awards presentation, by the early part of the 21 st century there will be few jobs available for society. A job, so says this University professor, will then be something of a status symbol; only those trained to process information will have one and they will work for approximately 17 hours a week. Few of us would stick our necks out that far, but most people would agree it is difficult to keep pace with developments in our fastmoving industrial environment. Technological change happens at an ever increasing rate and we seem to be swimming for dear life in a rising flood of information. Before we have time to surmount one wave of data, of instructions, a fresh wave washes over us. The answer to our SOS seems to be that, to keep afloat, we must train our minds to adapt to change. A recent issue of Xerox Digest takes a bold look at the manufacturing trends and technologies of tomorrow with its automated offices and factories, and indicates the way in which Manufacturing Division is helping to ensure that Xerox maintains its ‘historic competitive edge’. Because of the rate of change, one visionary sees the emphasis being laid on multi—occupational careers, and it is stressed that those who
specialise in a particular field will find themselves on the path to obsolescence unless they pursue some formal or informal continuing education and learning programme. Here at Mitcheldean the level of training activity continues to climb. Education 8 Training Manager Derek Lee tells us that more and more people are realising the importance of gaining academic qualifications so they can develop along with the organisation, and the department has a key role to play in helping people to adapt to more complex manufacturing disciplines. Growing competition and the need for cost consciousness oblige us to make better use of our management resources. People and time are expensive; we need to change our attitude, to be quicker and more disciplined in the way we use information, make decisions, analyse problems, and so on. To stimulate management training and development, Frank Pipp, Director of Manufacturing 8 Supply Operations Group, has set up a central management development committee, each plant having its own sub-committee. Chaired by Ron Morfee, the Mitcheldean sub-committee of top managers aims to ensure a co-ordinated approach to career planning, development, succession planning, etc., so that, instead of individual managers taking a functional view, they share ideas and encourage cross-functional movement. Headed by Peter Grainger, the Organisation Er Performance Development function for UK Manufacturing Operations has recently made a survey of our requirements. General standards of performance expected from managers and supervisors have been circulated, the key activities including the need to clarify the role of the individual in relation to the organisation and develop his potential. Through the appraisal scheme ‘we do an annual inventory of potential
management to get the right man in the right job and meet our own short- and long-term managerial needs’, says Peter. To ensure managers have the tools for their demanding job, a level-bylevel management training ‘building block’ strategy for Great Britain has been created so that resources and expertise can be shared across a broader field. Cost consciousness, plus the need for more preparation and follow-up sessions afterwards, has led us to train our own trainers who can assist managers in applying new techniques, rather than call in outside consultants. A voluntary co-operative programme known as ‘Managing Tasks Through People’ has been adopted for middle management from Manufacturing, Engineering, lHQ and TSSG, as well as the UK Company. This programme pulls together the varied skills of management, reminding managers of the increasingly advanced techniques of interacting, planning and decision-making. ‘lt’s not playing games, it’s for real’, Peter emphasises. ‘Managers bring actual work problems to the programme and practise the new techniques they have learned in solving them.’ This complements our performance development strategy to take management training out of the classroom and into the department. Human beings have always shown increasing ability to learn new things— our brains are still the best computers around. Rather than limiting us or turning us into robots, new technology could in fact create greater demand for goods and services, giving us greater personal choice and wider experience. To end on a more cheerful note than we started with (and we quote from the Digest) : ‘The fear of run-away technology is grossly exaggerated. We’re still a long way from becoming six million dollar men and bionic women.’
Left: Derek Lee and Peter Grainger build up a display on the management training 8’ development theme. Right: Roger Ac/and and (far right) Keith Laken, now qualified to train others in Kepner- Tregoe management techniques, receive their certificates from the director, client service and training for Kepner- Tregoe in the UK. DEVELOPMENT ” ” .l {A
The highest ever total — £7,267 — in financial awards was shared by 84 successful students last December; two years ago the sum was [800 shared among 60. Pictured after receiving their cheques from Director Ron Morfee are top the secretarial contingent (note that the ratio of women to men taking further education has increased from 18:42 to 38:46 in two years). The professional men are seen centre, the technical students bottom right, and bottom left the management/supervisory group (there are currently 99 men taking NEBSS or /WM courses). No prizes for guestimating that the successes and the hand-out will be even greater next time round.
Professional & Administration
Shorthand and Typing: Sandra Baker, Barbara Beard, Nicola Bullock, Heather Cinderey, Maureen Cinderey, Carolyn Fear, Susan Freeman. Wendy Fox, Linda Goddard, Sonja Hardy, Trudie Harper, Gail Hicks, Ruth Hoare, Jane Holloway, Trudie Hook, Carol Hyett, Brigitte Jones, Carol Jones, Pamela Jones, Susan Lawrence. Kim Lewis, Joy Luther, Clara Marangon, Jean Meek, Trudie Moore, Lynne Powell, Helen Preece, Maureen Price, Janet Priest, Joy Rhoades, Pamela Sladen, Creidwyn Stacey, Tina Stanley, Cornelia Teague. Karen Toomer, Vanda Williams. English ‘0’ Level: Pamela Jones (0A).
Further Education Teachers’ Certificate: Lynne Coote.
HNC Business Studies: Brian Moore.
Certificate of Office Studies: Barry Cotton, Steven Punter. Institute of Purchasing 8 Supply — Part I: Roger Bagnall, Robin Fyffe, Alan Jones; Parts / 8 ll: Graham Hughes; Part III: James Burke, Tony Cudok. Gary Fishburne, Simon Foy, Robert Scotland. Institute of Cost 8 Management Accountants — Part /: Christopher Saunders, Michael Wright; Part II: Tony Butterworth.
Telecommunications Certificate: Stuart Hurley. Craft Studies Final: Christopher Orris. Intermediate Tech. Certificate — Mechanical: Stewart Stephens; Electrical: Stephen Newman. Technician’s Certificate — Mechanical: John Scrivens.
Full Tech. Certificate — Electrical: Malcolm Bevan, Keith Marfell, John Sluman; Mechanical: Richard Baker, Rodney Dix, Clive Goodwin, Dennis Hart, Peter Knight, Glyn Rudge, Gary Sladen. Higher National Certificate (II): Roger Carless, Malcolm Orchard. City 8 Guilds (0C): Graham Edgeworth, George James, Trevor Pensom, Michael Tippins. BSc (Elec. Eng): Graham Smith.
Management Er Supervisory National Examination Board for Supervisory Studies: Robert Ford, Des Gibbs, Maurice Jordan, Michael Read, Monty Russell, Colin Smith, Terry Ward. Institution of Works Managers: Alan Carney, David Lloyd, Michael Mee, Raymond Turner, John Williams.
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As an ex-Londoner, Anne Beddis keenly appreciates the benefits of living in the country. Wishing to share such advantages with children who would otherwise have no holiday, she and husband Dennis devoted some of their annual leave last summer to giving a holiday to two little girls from London aged nine and eleven. In place of an apartment several storeys high in 3 Westminster housing block, the sisters stayed at a family house next to the old pumping station near Littledean; instead of an asphalt area for their playground, they had the freedom of a big garden and acres of Forest woodland beyond.
‘The first thing they wanted to know on arrival was whether we kept horses. We had to disappoint them there, but they saw plenty of sheep instead’, said Anne, who is secretary to Jim Evans of Group Personnel. In giving these children a taste of country life, and getting some roses back into their cheeks, Anne and Dennis (Manager, Tool Inspection) incidentally had ’one of the best holidays we’ve ever had’. Anne is now area representative for the Children’s Country Holidays Fund, through which all arrangements were made, and she and Dennis plan to invite the same two sisters for another fortnight this coming summer. She is hoping more people will feel able to do the same for children who have no other chance of a holiday and whose home circumstances are frequently very sad for a variety of reasons. If you’d like to learn more about the scheme, please write to Anne at Pumping Station House, Green Bottom, Littledean, Glos.
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Peter Sperring of Management Information Services is probably the only man at Mitcheldean to have been publicly flogged with a cat 0′ nine tails. This was his punishment for ’stealing’ the captain’s sextant at the highly successful Captain Cook’s Evening held recently by the Jubilee Committee. He subsequently won the ‘cat’ (soft toy type) and took it home where it doubtless mystifies the neighbourhood moggies.
Peter’s name has cropped up regularly, but less notoriously, in local publications in connection with the Jubilee Celebrations (’I was general dogsbody’), with the local Welsh Society (of which he is chairman and his wife Lynne secretary), and most notably with the Scout movement. Peter left his native Wales and joined us ten years ago as a programmer; Lynne too used to work here as secretary to Terry Quartermaine. Now in full-time occupation as mother of Jacquelyn aged six and Robert aged three, she is also involved in community life as secretary of Mitcheldean Pre-school Playgroup. A former assistant scout leader in Swansea, Peter was drawn back into the movement when Eric Tose (Training) started the troop at Mitcheldean. Peter offered assistance and ended up as group scout leader (Kim). ‘In 15 months we have recruited 32 scouts, and we have 36 cubs plus an extensive waiting list’, says Peter. They currently have their sights on an HO building of their own and to help swell funds for this are working towards putting on a Gang Show next spring.
For the first time ever we have a girl apprentice in our Training School. Included in last September’s intake was 17-year—old Debbie Lowen who came to us from the Royal Forest of Dean Grammar School with a string of ‘0’ levels and a yen to do something in the field of computer operations.
After doing ’electrical exercises’ in the Training School, she went off to college in Cinderford to study with the boys taking the newly devised TEC (Technical Education Council) course — the first group in the West Country to take this. Debbie tells us she has always had an interest in finding out how things work and is fascinated by the insides of cars, radios, etc. There’s no discrimination in apprentice training and Debbie will work on lathes, drills and mills — doing all machining operations, in fact. Now back at Mitcheldean, she is continuing to specialise in electrical subjects and will embark on departmental training next autumn.
Her hobbies include badminton and squash (‘I can’t play very well though’), going to motor rallies, ‘rock’ music and pigeons. Her father Dennis Lowen, section leader in Design Draughting, is a keen pigeon fancier and Debbie has her own bird which she races. Says Debbie: ‘She’s quite a fast mover — she got a second and a third last season. Her ring number is 007 so I call her “Miss Bond” !’
Martyn Holbrook introduces Aeromodelling
In perfect formation the ‘planes fly off into the setting sun as the heartstirring music rises to a crescendo, bringing to a close yet another air-oriented film or TV series. As you dabbed your eyes, did you stop to think that many such shots would have been impossible without the efforts of model aircraft makers — some of them professionals, some dedicated enthusiasts working in their spare time? Augmenting full size aircraft shots, radio-controlled models made to
Some Rank Xerox Aeromadel/ers — and their model aircraft — meet at Mitche/dean.
scale have featured in such film successes as ‘The Battle of Britain’ and ’633 Squadron’, as well as the recent TV series ‘Wings’, to mention a few. The development of multi-channel radio-control systems has in fact revolutionised aeromodelling. It has now reached the stage where the most sophisticated configurations used in full-size aviation (yes, even the Concorde) can be miniaturised and built into model aircraft which look and fly like the real thing. Interest in R/C aeromodelling is growing fast with a plentiful supply of commercial R/C outfits, engines, kits, accessories, plans and materials now marketed in profusion. Space age materials like carbon fibre, fibre-glass and plastics all contribute in changing this world of models formerly dominated by balsa wood and tissue. There is increased interest in scale models, such as ‘Spitfire’, ’Hurricane’ and ‘Piper Cub’ which are as popular as ever in kit form or ‘plan-pac’.
Semi-scale or free-lance models are for sport flying or for specialised competition work such as aerobatics or pylon racing (slalom style), and of course for training purposes. The helicopter has its following but is difficult to fly. Most of the models seen on flying fields today are power-driven. They have miniature two-stroke glow-plug engines running on methanol-castor oil based fuels, which have largely superseded diesel and petrol engines.
The tiny engines range in size from 049 cu. in. to around -61 cu. in. and high power to weight ratios give adequate speed and manoeuvrability. Power models must now have effective silencers as otherwise noise can be quite an environmental problem, although interest is growing in electric power which has possibilities for quieter flight. Partly because of this noise problem, gliders with the advantages and appeal of silent flight are gaining in popularity. Radio-control gliders come in an amazing variety of designs for specific activities. The simple hill—slope sport machine suits the beginner and sport flier. Those who enjoy reaching for the ultimate flight performance may fly a highly aerobatic design or endeavour to achieve the highest possible duration performance with a thermal-soaring sailplane. Gliders can be launched by catapult, winched, or aero—towed or merely hand-launched off the side of a hill.
The pilot can even take part in cross-country and task flying akin to the full-size sailplane events. As you’ll gather from the foregoing, aeromodelling has developed from a hobby to a sport catering for a variety of aspects. Aerobatics, scale, pylon racing, glider thermal duration, slope soaring and cross-country events are becoming increasingly popular. There is still a following for freeflight power, rubber duration and gliding, not forgetting control-line
and indoor flying with ultra-light microfilm-covered models weighing less than one ounce and capable of durations in excess of 30 minutes. Enthusiasm, skill and patience plus good all-round knowledge of the subject are vital attributes for the good aeromodeller to have, and success in competitions usually stems from an abundance of all these — plus a certain amount of luck. If you’re interested in any of the aspects of aeromodelling mentioned in this article, there’s room for you aboard the newly formed Rank Xerox Aeromode/lers Club — see page 17 for details.
The author about to launch his Gemini sailplane; the wingspan is 702 ins.
At a small, but very successful, get-together last November, the tournament winners in the Tennis Section received their trophies from Works Manager Don Elliott. Ken Blackwell (second from left) won the men’s singles with Ray Spencer (centre) runner—up. Val Jordan and (far left) Robin Berks won the mixed doubles. Those who came along played skittles and table tennis — the section haven’t got around to playing lawn tennis by torch/ight, despite that chap at the back with the racquet!
Annual 19th Hole The Golf Society concluded a very successful year by holding its annual general meeting and social at the White Hart Hotel, Cinderford, on November 9.
Outgoing chairman John Cash stated that the society had a hard core of 100 members, of which an average of 50 attended the six outings to golf courses at Broadway, Hereford, Newport, Knowle, Burford and Cirencester.
Treasurer John Spratley reported a very healthy financial position, allowing subscriptions for the 1978 season to remain at the 1977 level of £1.
Officers were elected as follows: Chairman — Des Gibbs; treasurer— John Spratley; secretary— Billy Gilmour; press officer— Roy Powell; committee — Geoff Paton, John Miles, Alistair Caldwell, Richard Matthews, Harold Gardiner, Don Parkinson.
Captain — Don Meek; vice-captain — John Cash; handicap committee — Don Meek, Harold Gardiner, John Miles; Order of Merit committee — Don Meek, Don Parkinson. The secretary was asked to approach some new golf courses for society outings this year and a new competition for ’The Spring Bowl’, which has kindly been donated by the Sports 8 Social Club, has been introduced.
A beer and skittles social followed the AGM but, as usual, the topics of conversation were golf handicaps and the hard luck stories!
Prize-winners during 1977 were: Rabbits: 1st Terry Jones; 2nd Pete Pritchard. Summer Cup: 1st Tony Haynes; 2nd Harold Gardiner. Scratch Cup: 1st Geoff Paton; 2nd Bill Meek.
Order of Merit: 1st Tony Haynes; 2nd Dave Robinson.
A line—up of winners, and a glittering display of silverware, at the annual 79th hole — another happy November happening.
Round Robin: 1st Don Meek; 2nd Roy Powell. lnter-departmental: 1 st P E D Electronics (Danny Haines, Tony Knight, John Miles); 2nd Group Management (Richard Matthews, John Cash, Eric Moore). Inter-Plant: Welwyn ‘A’. As can be seen from the above, Tony Haynes had a very successful season, walking away with the two largest trophies — the Summer Cup and the Order of Merit.
Bridge Successes The Bridge Club got away to a good start in the Gloucestershire Winter League competition. The ‘A’ team, comprising Ray Reed, Keith Holbrook, Brian Bowen and Ron Carter, beat a team from Dowty’s by the large margin of 6-0 (victory points). Not to be outdone, the ‘8’ team, consisting of Mike Churchward, John Johnson, Don Meek and Don Tomlinson, took on a team from Eagle Star and, despite lagging behind at the half-way stage, beat them 4-2 (victory points). On December 22 The Rank Xerox Pairs Championship was not the success we hoped it would be, because there were so many players out of the country on behalf of Rank Xerox.
The eventual winners were Wilf Jones and Keith Holbrook; as a Liverpudlian, Keith insisted he perform a lap of honour around the Ballroom with the Cup held aloft as he sang ’We are the Champions!’ The Singles Championship proved a most successful evening and players who had never tried Duplicate Bridge before thoroughly enjoyed themselves. By half-time break, six players were locked together with only a few points separating them. It was only at the last table and the last hand that the championship was decided. Richard Walker, defending a small slam, had it down by one trick and so ensured that he became the first Rank Xerox Bridge Club Individual Champion. Note: I’ve played that slam half a dozen times since, and I still can’t make it ! l Ron Carter
If you have, then please— mail it to me c/o Public Relations, Bld 23/1, or leave it at any Gate House for collection by me, or post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill, Mitcheldean, or ring me—ext. 566 or Drybrook 542415. Myrtle Fowler, Editor
Aeromodelllng gets off the ground
Some keen aeromodellers on the 4500 electrical run, suspecting there were many like—minded people on site, suggested the formation of ’Rank Xerox Aeromodellers’, catering for all aspects of the hobby (see feature on page 9). Some 30 people have already shown interest, enabling the proposed club to ‘get off the ground’.
A committee has been formed with Mike Meredith as chairman, Clive Page secretary and Fred Weyman treasurer. Sam Phillips is power flight representative while Martyn Holbrook represents the non-power section and is editor of the club’s monthly newsletter.
Further committee members are Dave Meek and Chris Osborne.
The Painting Scene There seemed to be a good selection of paintings from which to choose for the decoration of the new club house; but, in fact, out of the 31 entries in last November’s Painting Competition, less than 50 per cent were for sale. This meant that while William Bennett, ROI, RMS, judging the entries with this purpose in mind, did not have too difficult a task, the Sports 8 Social Club committee, as potential purchasers, found it a tougher problem. They eventually chose a woodland scene painted by Fred Brickel, chargehand in Spot Welding, to decorate the lounge bar of the club house where the theme will be ‘the Forest of Dean’. Mr Bennett, who brought along his own exquisite water-colour miniatures painted on ivory for us to see, was very encouraging; he was surprised to find so many people working in oils and commented on their ‘extremely good handling’ of the medium and the generally high standard of the work on display. He awarded first prize to Myra Newman (Public Relations Department) for her admirable oil painting of Soudley Ponds, and described as a ‘remarkable piece of craftsmanship’ another picture of hers of a Cotswold cottage. Having ‘dabbled in water colours’ for some years, Myra says: ‘I was persuaded by my son Stewart to
The club, who have applied for affiliation, hope to offer members the opportunity to buy equipment and kits at a discount; they aim to purchase fuel in bulk for members’ use, and as we went to press were looking for suitable sites for their activities.
‘Y’ Cyders In League The ‘Y’ Cyders had a reasonably successful summer season in Div. I of the Forest of Dean Skittle League, finishing with the same number of points as the eventual runner-up, the placing having been decided after a play-off in which the ’Y’ Cyders lost by five pins. Rank Xerox ‘Y’ Cyders (formerly the Rank Xerox ’A’ team) have entered the F.O.D. front pin league (winter 1977/78), the first time this team have played in any other league than
Ross Div. I for longer than anyone can remember— in other words, 20 years plus. Rank Xerox ’B’ are in the same league and division so interesting confrontations are hoped for. At the annual general meeting held in October last, all officers were re-elected en bloc, the only changes being that Terry Brown is now captain of the ‘3’ team and Keith Bradley captain of RX ‘Y’ Cyders.
Colourful Evening Colour was the keynote of the ‘Press Evening’ when the Amateur Photographic Club welcomed guest speaker Willoughby Gullachsen, freelance photographer whose clients include ATV (Birmingham), Birmingham Repertory Theatre, and — on certain occasions like the
(Continued on page 12)
Top: The prize-winning paintings and painters pose for a picture! Myra Newman came first with her landscape, Eric Weeks second with his seascape; looking very happy about her daughter’s life study, which came third, is Ange/a Young. Bottom: Fred Brickel shows his wood/and scene to colleagues in Spot Welding; you’ll be seeing it eventually in the lounge bar of the new club house.
try my hand at oils and he provided me with a beginner’s set of equipment.’ (Stewart, who works in Programme Management at Rank Xerox House, is a pretty good painter in oils himself, we hear). An artistic all-rounder, Myra won a prize in last year’s Arts Er Crafts Show for her crochet work, while as a singer she has appeared in past shows with well-known personalities like Frankie Howerd and Sam Costa. Second prize went to Mary Rose Young, art student daughter of
Angela Young, who is secretary to John Hankin (MG/MSOS), for a ‘very painterly study’ of a nude; third prize was awarded to Eric Weeks (Design Draughting) for his ‘Boats at Sunset’.
Eric, a prize-winner last year too in the painting section, showed his versatility in submitting two vast canvases, one with a religious theme and the other in surrealist style. ’I like to get a reaction’, he told us — and he certainly succeeded!
Left: The retirement of Ted Cocks, Supply Centre spares analyst, last November coincided with the starting up of the lnterpics Inventory Control System; so his colleagues in lnventory Planning 8 Control arranged a surprise party for Ted, under cover of //CS event, at which a Black 8 Decker workbench was given to him on their behalf by Operations Manager Alan Phelps. Right: lris Stanton, the our only female machine operator, says goodbye to her colleagues in the Machine Shop after 35 years with us. Works Manager Don Elliott went along to make a presentation and join in the department’s good wishes to her on her retirement last December. P®TTUM© W©WJ [llIl] Tl‘lllllE PMTI‘UDREEngagement Peter Ryland (Manuf. Eng.) to Janice Perry on December 20.
Emma, a daughter for John Wellington (Administration Manager, MIS) and his wife Sally, on October 19. Lucy Clare, a daughter for Dave Shoubridge (MIS) and his wife Irene, on November 16. Paul Richard, 3 son for Richard Walker (MSG/Materials) and his wife Frieda, on December 13.
Anna Jayne, a daughter for Jane Price (Accounts) and her husband Brian, on December 16.
Obituary We are sorry to have to report the deaths of the following:
Service operator Herbert Harris at the age of 62 on December 3; he had been with us for only six months. Wilf Jordan, a skilled paint sprayer in Finishing, last December; aged 59, he joined the Company eight years ago.
Retirements Best wishes to the following who retired in December: Jim Probert, service operator in Small Batch, who had been with us eight years; and Wilfred Skinner (Machine Shop) who started work here seven and a half years ago. Also to those who are due to retire this January/February: Nancy Worsell (Supply Centre), after five and a half years’ service; Jim Baker (New Products Production Control), after nearly six years with us; and George Austin (Tool Room) who joined us over 12 years ago.
Jim Probert says goodbye to his colleagues in Small Batch — among them his own son Charlie — on retiring in December. Here Manager Phil Cleal presents him with a line mantelpiece clock as a token of everyone’s regard.
(Continued from page 77)
recent visit of Denis Healey — Rank Xerox Mitcheldean. ‘Gus’, as he prefers to be called, showed about 50 slides exemplifying his work, including some personal slides which showed very imaginative use of lighting, and the application of colour in photography as a subject in itself. All of which made him an ideal choice as judge of the club’s colour slide competition “Against the Light’, in which he placed Tony Nightingale
first, and Mike Humphries second. Bill Austin came third with his first stab at still photography for some years, and that consistent performer Bill Hobbs was fourth — his second placing in slide competitions this year. The results in this competition were felt to be of a remarkably high standard, nourishing high hopes of the club’s chances in the next RX/Xerox annual slide competition. Also judged on December 16 were the rather sparse entries for the black 8 white/colour prints; both first and second place were awarded to Chris Saywood with Bob Dixon coming third. Three of the 707 prize-winners in the Christmas Bonanza Draw looking all set for the good life —— Mike Preece (Industrial Engineering), Chris Hale (Payroll Office) and Larry Davies (Small Batch 0C).
Skittles & Darts
With well over 100 teams taking part (92 men’s and 13 ladies’), the interdepartmental skittles tournament is well under way.
The first round has already been completed and a start has been made on the second round.
As usual, the team names vary from the straightforward (Tools United) to the mystifying (Miasma !) and the wildly enthusiastic (Humdingers and Yippees l).
Organiser Cyril Beard reports that the interdepartmental darts KO, which is unisex, is also getting going, having attracted 25 teams.
Service Awards
Rank Xerox emblems for 20 or more years’ service have been awarded to the following:
30 Years January— Ron Boakes (Design Engineering).
20 Years December— Rex Turley (Machine Shop); January— Dennis Clarke (4500 Assembly) ; Mike Weaver (Elec. Sub-assembly).
Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.