January/February 79 No. 135
That Winning Loolc
Nineteen-year-old Trudie Moore’s lustrous brown eyes shine with excitement on being nominated Mitcheldean’s ‘Miss Beautiful Eyes ’79’ and our candidate in the British Safety Council’s national competition (see story on page 2).
Trudie works in Customer Service in our Supply Centre. Her leisure-time activities include dressmaking, playing squash, supporting Liverpool — and competing, very successfully, in beauty contests.
As well as attending the regional finals of the ‘Miss Beautiful Eyes’ competition in Bristol on February 14, she will be among the belles going to Brighton on two separate weekends in March to compete for the national titles of ‘Holiday Princess’ and ‘Miss She’, having recently got through to the finals of both contests for the first time.
Trudie is also in increasing demand as a photographic model; you may see her in Littlewood’s spring sale catalogue — but she’s one item that’s definitely not for sale!
She is the daughter of progress chaser Harold Moore who rears and races greyhounds with considerable success (Trudie helps exercise them to keep in greyhound trim herself).
Harold’s current favourite is called ‘Forest of Dean’, but he’s backing another winner in Trudie right now!
Rhid Goddard hands out flowers to each of the waiting contestants — Pat Priest, Vivienne Williams, Jane Hamblett, Bridgette Jones, Margaret Sayell, Nicola Lythaby, Anne Brain, Isobel Meredith, Joy Luther, Trudi Harper, Trudie Moore, Sue Green and Julie Judge.
Jack Woods, chairman of the judging panel, presents a bouquet to our Miss Beautiful Eyes’.
With an Eqeto Safctq With 13 pairs of lovely eyes — blue, grey, brown and other delightful shades — facing them, the panel of judges had a difficult task on January 18. They had to choose a girl to represent the Company in the British Safety Council’s ‘Miss Beautiful Eyes ’79’ contest, someone with the eyes, poise and likeability that would make her a good ambassador not only for Rank Xerox but for the serious purpose behind the contest — the industrial eye safety campaign. Compere Rhid Goddard, switching with ease from his role of co-disc jockey with Chris Reed to that of interviewer, chatted up each girl, asking her about her job and helping to ease the strain of being under scrutiny by the judges and some 200 people besides. So, a big hand to all the girls who helped to promote eye safety by having a go I
•Meed for Campaign Our Safety secretary, John Spratley, who organised the event, told the audience that there are a quarter of a million accidents a year causing injuries to eyes; 9,000 of these are serious, probably permanent. In fact, the British Safety Council estimate that accidents to eyes in industry, on the roads and in the home cause more loss of working time than all other physical injuries put together. Jack Woods (standing in for Main Safety Committee chairman Don Elliott, who was unable to be present) also took the opportunity to
The judges — Safety representatives Don Wilkes, Jean Marshall, Margaret Williams, Maurice Trigg and chairman Jack Woods — gave marks out of ten for first impression, poise, eyes and likeability. Keeping an eye on the proceedings from the rear is Safety secretary John Spratley who was responsible for the smooth running of the contest.
plug the safety message before doing the Eric Morley bit. There were no winners in reverse order though ; the sole prize of £50 went to our cover girl, Trudie Moore, who led the field by 12 points. Trudie now goes forward to the regional final at Bristol on February 14; if she is successful there, she takes part in the national final in London on Easter Monday. And then, who knows? She could find herself on the way to America to attend the National Safety Contest in Chicago next October, and to visit the parent company of AO Safety Products (joint sponsors of the contest with
the BSC) in Boston, Massachussetts. This would be a working visit, but she would also receive a 10-day touring holiday for two in Scotland, plus hair styling, clothes and other glamorous gifts. She would spearhead the industrial eye safety campaign by visiting all kinds of industries persuading those at risk to protect their eyes and, it is estimated, earn at least £1,000 from modelling and personal appearances, with expenses borne by the organisers and leave of absence from work granted by the Company. Good luck, Trudie — our eyes are on you !
The doll’s house, cot and garage seen here, as well as prints, jewellery and some novel items made from wooden tools used in the cotton and weaving industries, were among gifts on sale at the mini fair held in the club house last December. All were made by the House of Lambeth {the toy factory set up by Todd Sadler while on RX Social Service Leave) or through similar job creation schemes.
While on Social Service Leave recently, Ian Thomas discovered
With club upraised, emitting a spinechilling shriek, a sub-humanoid form called a Goth launches a powerful attack on Blake, who retaliates by stunning him with a well-aimed karate chop. All this doesn’t sound much like a normally quiet Forest glade in the Scowles (Roman iron ore workings) near Bream, even though rock formations here bear the Satanic name of Devil’s Chapel. However, the BBC having decided it would make an excellent location for all the exterior shots for the new series of the sci-fi thriller “Blake’s Seven”, that is exactly what did happen during part of four bitterly cold days’ filming in early December.
The BBC’s mini village — location catering, make-up and wardrobe caravans, portable generators for the comprehensive lighting systems, and dozens of cars belonging to the “circus” — had descended on the place, rapidly covering every available foot of ground.
I was present to add to my photographic essay on the Forest of Dean and here was a wealth of material being unpacked before my eyes with equipment being set up.
Blake and the leader of the Goths prepare to put their plan into action against their mutual enemy.
principal stars and other actors made up and costumes fitted. The only constraints put on my photographic endeavours by producer David Maloney were that I must stay out of range during takes, and that I must not take any shots during a sound take, as the click of my camera shutter release would be picked up by the sensitive sound equipment.
Bearing this in mind, I move on to the set which has been lit with yellow light to simulate a sulphurous atmosphere, and the special effects men move in with their smoke guns to add to the already misty conditions. After a couple of rehearsals with Blake, played by Gareth Thomas (no relation, by the way I), the film director decides on a take.
Silence is called for by the assistant director, the film cameraman confirms that he is satisfied with the camera angles, the sound and lighting technicians also indicate their readiness. The clapperboard sends out its staccato message to every corner of the set that we are “live”. Blake hurls himself into action in a flurry of autumn leaves, the oozing red mud spattering underfoot with the violent action. All these elements combine with the yellow light and smoke to lend a bizarre surrealistic effect to the scene. One thing that I fail to notice is that the special effects men have also laid explosive charges to simulate ray-gun fire; these are fired at the right moment to give me a bad dose of camera shake and acute whistling in my ears. A shout of ‘Cut I We’ll print that’, goes out, and the whole set is moved 50 yards to the next location. So it went on from 8.30 am until bad light or weather forced work to stop. As all the equipment was finally packed away, it rained heavily, making everyone feel rather miserable, but despite this there lingered a feeling of satisfaction at a job well done. How well done, you can judge for yourselves as you watch your screen of a Tuesday evening.
This sci-fi episode brings fan’s account of the Forest in the 1970’s bang up to date (or even later I). Now/ back at his job in Commodity Operations, he is continuing in his leisure time to complete his collection of slides and finalise the material for his book.
Fun Helps Fund
Pam Randell and Tina Bennett found a fun way of raising funds for the Cheltenham Cobalt Unit Appeal. The two girls, who work in 9200/9400 Sub-assembly, organised a disco in the club house on November 10, when some 200 people got moving to the sound of Pete’s Dance n/lachine. This, plus a draw, brought in €90 for the fund which Pam and Tina recently handed over to Dr Hanna of the Cobalt Unit, and they would like to say a big thank you to all who helped in any way.
Study in black and white — in the depths of the Forest where, as well as meeting adventurers in space, Ian has been observing terrestrial freeminers at their work. Here, with December’s snow whitewashing the coal-blackened ground, he talks to Don Davies outside the mine which Don and his partners own and work in a Whitecroft ‘gale’.
Bernajpcl Smitti A Man of Marx^ Qualities
^ ^
The end of the old year and the beginning of the new had a special significance for Bernard Smith of Group Purchase. Having completed nearly forty years with the Company, he retired on December 31, bringing to a close his long and significant contribution to our operations. Bernard joined the Rank Organisation in 1939; he worked at Shepherds Bush in London throughout the war and it wasn’t until 1947 that he came to Mitcheldean as Works Accountant to set up new costing and control procedures for production of the Bell & Howell range of products. In 1954 he became Production Controller, then in 1960 took over responsibility for commercial liaison with Rank Xerox (then a marketing company). Over the next few years he undertook special assignments for Fred WIckstead who was Chief Executive. He became head of Purchasing for Mitcheldean Plant and in 1975 transferred to Group Staff as Manager of Purchasing, an appointment highlighting the prominence given to our purchasing efficiency. In an article he contributed to VISION back in 1969, Bernard listed, as personal characteristics desirable in a purchasing man: integrity, dependability, prudence, loyalty, alertness, curiosity, forthrightness, imagination, initiative, tact, self-control, not to mention charm ! Says Jack Woods, whom he engaged
‘B. C.’ re/axes at home; in his hands is the /Recognition of Service he received from the Company. as his assistant in 1947 and who later succeeded him as Works Accountant: ‘During the seven or so years when I worked very closely with him, he demonstrated time and again these very qualities. I should also add that Bernard’s logic and commonsense are of a very high order and many people (among whom I am proud to include myself) have benefited from his wisdom over the years.’ A founder member of the Long Service Association, Bernard was one of its first chairmen, has often served on its committee, and has been its president since 1973. As a Rotarian, he also maintains a lively interest in community matters. He is a founder member of the Forest of Dean Local History Society, and the talks which he has given from time to time on subjects ranging from canals to monuments have often been illustrated by slides that he has taken himself. In answer to the classic question, he told us : ‘I believe in living in the present, so I’ve made no elaborate plans for my retirement. But when you’ve been chair-borne for a long
time, you feel you ought to do something a bit more physical. If only to get the weight down, so I intend to cultivate my garden, catch a trout or two, play a bit of golf perhaps.’ In close on 40 years, Bernard has got to know many people and made many friends, and farewell events have been numerous. One of his treasured possessions is now a framed Certificate of Recognition, presented by former colleagues from both sides of the Atlantic, for his ‘long and outstanding personal contribution to the cause of professional purchasing in Europe and for his personal support as an active member of the Xerox Purchasing Council and the Xerox Materials Management Council.’
At the LSA annual dinner next May, when he will officially relinquish the presidency, he hopes to have the opportunity of saying goodbye to former colleagues he may have been unable to see before he left. In the meantime, we are sure they would like us, on their behalf, to wish him every happiness and continued success in the future.
Model-maker Ted Retires
From Ted’s colleagues and friends there w/as a pair of binoculars — presented here by Tony Nightingale, Manager, Tool Engineering Dept— which Ted, an ex-wavy-Navy man, will put to good use in his hobby of ship-spotting. From the LSA there was a cassette recorder, presented by Frank Edwards. Ted has suffered from arthritis for many years and we are happy to say that, after successful hip operations, he has been able to throw away his stick and is taking up the game of bowls once again.
January saw the retirement of Ted Pelham of Tool Control who, like Bernard Smith, joined us in 1939. The Company was then engaged on war work and Ted worked at Lime Grove Studios making full-scale dummy aircraft to be used as decoys. On moving to Mitcheldean he took charge of the Case Shop where wooden cases for our cine projectors were made. After a short break in his service in 1957, for health reasons, he returned to take up less demanding work. For many years now Ted has done a one-off job making models of castings for prototypes or piece part models, or holding fixtures and ‘nests’. As well as preparing the prototype boards for cableforms he has provided shop support in repairs (other than wiring) to Electrical Sub-assembly. He too has our best wishes for the future.
Xerox Han to Speed Coiriixiuoicatioris
Xerox Corporation has put forward a plan for better business communications in the USA. Its proposal is for a broadband digital network — to be known as Xerox Telecommunications Network (XTEN) —which will provide customers with the capability to move information rapidly and cheaply across town or across the country. The network would use leased satellite capacity, radio links, and communications processing to provide services to customers enabling them to transmit and receive, at low cost, not only digital information but also high-quality graphic information. Each customer message, whether a document, a mass of computer data, or teleconferencing transmission, would enter the network through the customer’s own terminals which could range from small, simple interactive terminals to computer installations (see data flow diagram). The scope and timing of Xerox plans for establishing the network depend on whether the US Federal Communications Commission grant the Corporation’s request for a band of radio frequencies to be allocated for common carrier electronic message services. A portion of the requested band would be used for the creation of XTEN ; additional frequencies in the band, currently lightly used, would be available to other organisations wishing to provide the same or similar service.
HOW THE DATA WIUL FLOW IN A TYPICAL SITUATION A customer’s message will move from his terminal through Xerox-supplied equipment interfaces on his premises to transceivers linked to a roof-top antenna. From there, the message will be beamed to a sub-station or city station, and then to an earth station for transmission to a satellite. At the destination site, the message will travel a reverse path to the receiving terminal. If the customer wishes, documents, messages, and data will also be transmitted to a network control centre where they will be recorded for subsequent retrieval.
New Pensions Link A Pensions Consultative Committee has recently been set up at Mitcheldean to provide an additional forum of two-way communication on all pension scheme matters. This is a natural extension to the consultations which took place in 1977 about the decision to contract out of the earnings-related part of the State pension scheme, and about various improvements which were made in the RX pension scheme. It will provide the Company with an additional vehicle for ascertaining the views of employee members on the scheme and its administration, and on any proposed changes, and ensure that there is adequate feedback about the annual report and accounts, individual benefit statements, etc.
Chaired by Royston Charles of Personnel, the Mitcheldean
committee held its inaugural meeting on November 30 last, Roy Steward acting as secretary.
Members include the following representatives from each of the recognised trade unions on site — Sylvia Powell, Clive Brain, Dave Bunday, George Cresswell, Ken Fox, Ted Lucas and Doug Robson; other staff and management representatives are — Marion Cornwall, Don Elliott and Geoff Gray; and Pensions Manager Alan Chapman.
The committee has attended presentations on the subject, but there is a need for training to enable members to carry out their role more effectively and this is currently being organised.
Similar committees are being set up at all major Company locations in Great Britain.
Motooml Says Goodbye One person who will be greatly missed in 1979 is Motoomi Nakai, Fuji Xerox technical services 9200 resident at Mitcheldean for the past three years, who returned to Japan just before Christmas.
During his time with us he made innumerable friends throughout the Company, and a large number of them came along to a farewell disco night held for him in the club house on November 16. Highlight of the evening was Motoomi’s speech about his time at Mitcheldean and his eventual mastery of such typically English technical terms as “bloody hell” and “here comes trouble I”
Later he was presented with a set of Waterford goblets and whisky glasses to which his many wellwishers in Rank Xerox had contributed; they were handed over by Alan Bristow of Observatory House.
-Tl-lie MESSAGE 13 – IVin
With the snow falling outside, and cheques totalling over £2,000 to give away, all Director Ron Morfee felt he needed was red cloak and a white beard to be a real Father Christmas!
This festive occasion on December 20 was the annual presentation of financial awards to 121 students who, through studying in their otherwise leisure hours, had climbed another step up the ladder of their chosen careers.
There were 50 per cent more successful students than in the previous year; this increase was almost entirely in the supervisory and management field where the total had risen from 12 in 1977 to 56 in 1978. Said Mr Morfee: ‘1 am delighted to see more people going for these qualifications. There is no doubt that they are “where the rubber hits the road”; whether we are successful or not depends a great deal on whether we have trained, qualified and experienced managers’. With such a large and representative attendance at the presentation, it was an opportune moment for Mr Morfee to talk briefly about the outlook for Mitcheldean products.
How We’re Doing ‘There is a huge order book for the 9200 and some of these orders are being converted to the 9400 which is being launched officially this January in certain parts of Western Europe. ‘It is literally a world leader at this stage and initial customer reaction is very good indeed.’ Customer reaction was also very good for the 5400 and the marketing of this machine was now being extended further across Europe. Everything hinged, of course, on our being able to build to schedule. ‘There are signs that we are winning, and the message I want to spread around now is that Mitcheldean “can do” (to borrow a phrase from our American friends).’ Extending a welcome to the many management representatives present, Peter Grainger, Manager, Organisation, Training & Development, pointed out; ‘We don’t encourage further education in a vacuum.
‘Whatever it is, whatever form it takes, it won’t lead anywhere without your support’, and he thanked them for taking an interest in the progress of their staff. He also thanked the local colleges for their co-operation, in particular the West Gloucestershire College of Further Education. It was they who
Robin Fyffe of Commodity Operations has passed the Institute of Purchasing Et Supply finals.
Now a qualified private secretary, Jane Lewis (File Control) receives her award from Mr Morfee.
had pioneered the Diploma of Engineering Management course at Cinderford. As we have already reported, all ten of our students passed, four won national awards, and one of the four, Mike Read, won the topmost award of all, the Mathieson Trophy. The college had also coped with the challenge of a very big NEBSS intake; all 42 of our people who took the examination were successful. There were also notable successes in the Institution of Works Managers examinations: Keith Davies gained distinction in the IWM Certificate, while Mike Mee, who took the Diploma course, was ‘Student of the Year’ in the North Gloucester Branch of the IWM.
Congratulations, too, go to all the other successful students in the technical, and commercial fields. No matter what the scale of their achievement, each and everyone has helped to prove that Mitcheldean Can Do!
Service Cert. Jack Thomas (TED) was among those Gloucestershire members of the Territorial Army Volunteer Service who visited Badminton House on November 25 to receive Lord Lieutenant’s Certificates from the hands of Col. M. StJ. V. Gibbs, who recently succeeded the Duke of Beaufort as Lord Lieutenant of the county.
A dedicated bandsman. Jack plays the bass and acts as band/staff sergeant for the TAVR branch of the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars.
Shorthand B Typing: Anne Baggus, Sandra Baker, Elizabeth Bayliss, Barbara Beard, Carol Bluett, Julie Bowkett, Nicola Bullock, Heather Cinderey, Maureen Cinderey, Thelma Cripwell, Carolyn Fear, Susan Freeman, Sonja Hardy, Gail Hicks, Trudie Hook, Linda Howells, Carol Hyett, Cheryl Hynam, Bridget Jones, Joy Luther, Rosemary Meek, Sandra Meek, Trudie Moore, Helen Preece, Maureen Price, Julie Roberts, Jacqueline Tingle, Karen Toomer.
Institute of Private Secretaries Diploma: Jane Lewis.
‘O’ Levels: (English) Beryl Berry, Sandra Carpenter, Carol Chadd, Carol Hyett, Karen Toomer; (Economics) Carol Chadd, Martin Barrington, Gerry Robbins; (History) Martin Barrington.
Business Studies: (ONC II) Peter Hill; (HNC II) Shona Butler.
Certificate of Office Studies: Eric Edwards, John Fellows, Jeanne Herbert.
Institute of Purchasing B Supply: (II) Martin Cox, Alan Jones; (///) Robin Fyffe.
Institute of Cost B Management Accountants: (II) Ken Davies.
Electrical Craft Installations: (II) David Ireland, Armando Nardecchia; (///) Richard Ellis.
Technician’s Certificate: (Electrical) Stephen Hyett; (Mechanical) Lyndon Creswick.
Above: A record number — 42 students — took the NEBSS examination, and a///, /o <, Pictured with them (and in the group below) is Gordon Stubbings of the West Gloucestershire College of Further Education. Below: There were some outstanding successes among the ‘management’ people. As reported recently, Brian Jones, Ray Powell, Mike Read and Colin Smith won Diploma of Engineering Management national awards and Mike (third from left) won the top award of all— the Mathieson Trophy. Keith Davies (second from right) gained distinction in the Institution of Works Managers Certificate, while Mike Mee (third from right) who took the Diploma course, was ‘Student of the Year’ in the IWM North Gloucester Branch.
Left: Peter Grainger (left). Manager, Organisation, Training Et Development, discusses the list of financial awards with Brian Buckland, who is responsible for Management Training & Performance Development.
Full Tech. Certificate: (Mechanical) John Elliott, Rowland Parr, John Harding, David Hobbs, Richard Johnson, Stephen Price, John Bartlett-Smith, David Tingle.
Higher National Certificate: (II) Kevin James, Graham Cooper, Paul Head, Malcolm Howard, Michael Ramsey, Peter Swainson.
City a Guilds (QC): Terry Rawlings.
Institute of Quality Assurance: Graham Edgeworth, Colin Reeves.
Supervisory & Management
National Examination Board for Supervisory Studies: Mike Alldred, Ken Blackwell, John Buck, Ray Cartwright, Tony Catch, Mike Churchward, Gary Cooper, Vernon Dancey, Les Day, Harry Delaney, Dennis Ede, Alf Elcock, Brian Fisher, Chris Pitt, Bob Harris, Royston Harrison, Bob Helm, Derek Hemming, John Lammas, Ted Lawrence, Martin Leach, Clive Manns, Colin McHugh, Ken Meek, William Meek, Bob Mills, Neville Mullis, Ian Patterson, Martin Reader, Roger Ridler, Dave Robinson, Brian Rowley, Mike Salmon, Roger Smallman, William Smith, Ray Spencer, Jeff Tate, Rob Taylor, Bruce Wallace, Richard Watts, Ron Wilks, Graham Yeates.
Institution of Works Managers: (Cert. II) Barry Box, Keith Davies, Tony Day; (Diploma) Terry Buffry, Mike Mee.
Diploma of Engineering Management: Brian Jones, Maurice Jordan, George Meek, Terry Peates, Ray Powell, Mike Read, Monty Russell, Colin Smith, Clive Ward, Terry Ward.
Theyhe Made Their Mark
Forest humour, and dialect, are richly represented in a new book, ‘The ‘azards o’ chimuck szwippin’ and other poems, whose author, Keith Morgan, is one of our production engineers. Writing is one of Keith’s main interests; he has turned his hand to plays, poems and even a panto script (performed by Coleford Amateur Dramatic Society) but this is his first published book — though, one hopes, not his last. Aptly illustrated by Doug Eaton, the contents range from highly amusing verses in Forest dialect (the title piece is one of the funniest) to perceptive and sometimes poignant poetry in the Queen’s English — and his love of his native Forest shines throughout.
Two of its best known inhabitants get particular mention; the freeminer, still gleaning a ‘black harvest’ from the earth in age-old fashion, and the ‘woolly yudded varest ship’ (woolly headed Forest sheep to outsiders). Here’s a verse about the latter which many a motorist will appreciate:
If thee da lie down in the road An’ ‘ave theeself a kip. No one ever moves thee on ‘Cause thee bist varest ship.
They Came Sixth Forest rally star Graham Elsmore and his co-driver Stuart Harrold of Engineering came sixth overall in
the 1978 RAC Open Rally Championship. They were not too disappointed, considering that the five people who beat them were all full-time professionals and included such household names as Hannu Mikkola and Roger Clark. ‘We reckon we could have finished fourth’, said Stuart; but their hopes were dashed to the ground when, owing to mechanical failure, they failed to make the finish in the final qualifying rally last November.
They will be having another stab at the championship this year, but in rather different circumstances, Graham having now progressed to being a full-time professional. With Stuart in the co-driver’s seat, he will be driving for British Leyland in a V8-engined Triumph TR7.
The pair have an enthusiastic following — and not only in this area. A Portuguese gentleman, living in Canada, who follows the fortunes of famous motor racing drivers, wrote asking for photos, patches and stickers to add to his collection which includes mementoes from Moss, Surtees, Hill, both Clarks (Jim and Roger) and other, as he put it in his letter, ‘drivers of great skill, courage and endurance’.
Stuart was able to pass on to him, suitably autographed, one of the photographs taken when he and Graham were featured in VISION last year.
This issue Nick Swan (Engineering) talks about an important aspect of wine-making — KEBPINGIT 1 GLMN
As an amateur wine-maker, you must never neglect the cleanliness and sterilisation of your wines and equipment; if you do, wild yeasts and bacteria can have a field day in the sweet environment of wine and fruit juices — with disastrous results. To sterilise our equipment we use a chemical called sodium metabisulphite; when dissolved in water, sulphur dioxide is produced which is a powerful sterilant and suitably adequate for our needs. To make up a solution, dissolve two Campden tablets (which are a convenient form of sodium metabisulphite) in a pint of water with a salt-spoon of citric acid (the acid increases the sterilising effect, but is not absolutely necessary).
‘wild yeasts and bacteria can have a field day’.
When your equipment has been thoroughly washed and rinsed in clean water, it must then be sterilised using the solution mentioned. Use this to rinse all your equipment before and after use, and also to sterilise your fermenting vessels.
A small quantity (1 pint) can be used to do many jars and bottles by pouring it from one to another and shaking about well (the jars, that is!). Right — now we’ve dealt with the equipment, let us look at protecting our ‘wines’ and ‘musts’ from bacteria and oxidation. Unprotected wines deteriorate very quickly, mainly from oxidation. It starts right from the very minute you begin to extract the juices from the
fruits, and every time your wine is exposed to the air. One way to help is not to splash your musts and wines too much when transferring from one vessel to another — use a siphon tube and keep the end well submerged in the liquids. The second way is to introduce a chemical (sodium metabisulphite again) which will remove any oxygen as it gets dissolved. To make up a solution for protecting wines, dissolve 1 oz in J pint of water — one 5 ml spoon of this is equivalent to one Campden tablet. To protect the must and kill any bacteria or wild yeasts that may be present, add one 5 ml spoonful of solution to the bucket in which you are extracting the fruit juices. Addition of your chosen wine yeast should be withheld for 24 hours to allow action of the sulphite (as we call it for short) to subside.
To protect your finished wine when fermentation has ceased, add one 5 ml spoonful at each racking but not more than 10 ml in total; exceed this quantity and it will begin to taste in the wine. So remember, for good wine-making, keep your equipment clean and sterile at all times, and don’t splash your ‘musts’ and finished wines about too much.
Old Favourite This issue I am giving you a recipe for making one of the old favourites for home wine-makers — parsnip wine. It is an excellent wine but a lot of care must be taken when making it.
Ingredients: Parsnips 31b finished weight Lemons 1 Yeast and nutrient Water 1 gallon Sugar 2Jlb Method: Scrape the parsnips so that no earth at all remains on them and wash them well. Cut into small pieces and boil until tender but not mushy or the wine will not clear later. Now strain off the juice gently; in no way must you apply pressure to the parsnips to extract juices as this again may cause hazes in your finished wine. Then add the sugar and the lemon juice to the liquor, bring to the boil
and simmer gently for | hr, then turn this out into your white bucket and allow to cool. Next add your wine yeast and nutrient salts, cover closely and leave for five days. After this time transfer into your 1 -gallon demijohn, filling to just below the shoulder. Fit your airlock and place jar in a warm place (70°F) and allow fermentation to proceed. When fermentation quietens, top up the jar with a weak sugar solution. Now allow it to stand until fermentation ceases and wine starts to clear (could be 3-4 months), rack off the lees and leave till clear. Again rack off, adding 5 mis sulphite (one Campden tablet crushed) at each racking — and then bottle. Leave for six months at least, if you can, and then the wine should be ready for next Christmas. If when you open the bottle the finished wine is too dry for you, add a tablespoonful or two of sugar to sweeten it to your taste. If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to give me a ring — I might be able to help you. Cheers, and good wine-making I
EYES BN WET Y Total number of accidents for period: Nov/Dec ’77 Nov/Dec ’78
Keep a look-out for this face — it will show how we’re doing safety-wise on site. As you can see, the figures for the start of the Company year are slightly disappointing; there is obviously a need for increased awareness by everyone to reduce the unfavourable trend, say our Safety people.
THE £5 WINNER We’ve had some witty entries for our caption competition (remember the cartoon showing stretcher-bearers carrying an unfortunate chap bent double after lifting a load incorrectly?). After much headscratching, we’re awarding the £5 prize to Eric Tose (Training) whose caption read : ‘Where to, mate? Medical or Maintenance?’
To help ensure none of us ends up in the same position, our safety reps have recently been attending training sessions on lifting and carrying.
What better way to begin ‘The Year of the Child’ than with our own annual children’s parties I The three events, held in the Social Centre on January 13, 14 and 20, provided some 1,000 children between the ages of five and ten with a super time — films, food, entertainment, and a nice present to take home. ‘I’m four but Daddy says I must say I’m five !’, ‘Are you the government?’ (this to Barry Barton), and other cute comments from the kids provided unexpected entertainment for the numerous helpers who worked so hard to ensure everything went well. The only unplanned event was the breakdown of one of the buses taking the children home — just one of the problems that bus stewards have to cope with.
(These pictures were tal Comic cut-outs, custard pies and Father Christmas (who distributed presents with expertise worthy of Alan Phelps of Supply Centre !) were highlights of the party programme. (Photos: Ian Thomas)
With responsibility for Bid 23, Training Dept and Apprentice School, Safety Sub-committee 3 have to deal mainly with business environment problems (trailing leads, desk congestion, ‘dead’ stores, accumulation of paper and propping open of fire doors). But, points out chairman Guy Bedford, ‘there are some whose work takes them out into other environments on site and they need to be aware of the hazards there too.’ Seen here are (from left) Fred Coombes, Guy Bedford, Arthur Bibey and Yvonne Sosna. Missing from our photo is safety rep Vernon Oxiey.
Winners and runners-up in the 1978 chess tournaments tine up for a photo (from left): Nick Swan, John Robinson, Roger Manns (winner of the Portman Cup), John Taylor (capt. Design team, winners of Wickstead Shield). Geoff Baldwin, Roy Watkins, and Don Elliott who kindly made the presentations. A new committee is now organising the 1979 tournaments. It’s on the Cards
If all goes according to plan, Mitcheldean’s club house is going to be ‘invaded’ by nearly 100 bridge players this spring. Returning hospitality they have received in the past, our own Bridge Club are holding a competition night on April 10, and they are inviting 11 other clubs in the area to send two four-man teams to take part, says Wilf Jones who is organising the event. The Company has promised to donate a trophy to present to the winners. But before then, the RX club are holding their usual annual individual and pairs competitions — which should give members an opportunity to sharpen up on their strategies before the big night.
Prizes and Plans At the annual general meeting of the Golf Society, held on November 14, members looked back on a successful and enjoyable year’s golfing, and made plans for 1979. The following were elected to serve on the committee : chairman — Des Gibbs; secretary— Bill Gilmour; treasurer & Sports Et Social Club rep. — John Spratley; captain — Roy Powell; press officer — Harold Gardiner; committee— Rich Matthews, Don Meek, John Miles, Mike Newlove, Geoff Paton, Mike Sawyer, Mike Ward.
Venues for the new season were selected as follows: Burford (April), Clevedon (May), Worcester (June), Knowie (July), Henbury (August), St Mellons (September), with the Interplant Cup being competed for at Frilford Heath GC on August 23.
This year, for the first time. Rank Xerox (Eire) are sending a team, making the latter event not only
interplant but also Company-wide. Winners and runners-up in 1978 competitions were presented with their prizes; then, the business of the evening over, members and their wives enjoyed an excellent buffet and a game of knock-out skittles.
Water on the Bonnet You’ve heard about balancing a glass of water on your head to improve your deportment? But have you ever tried to drive, balancing a glass of water on the bonnet of your car without spilling it ? This was a serious suggestion made to members of the RX Motor Club during recent lectures given by David Mills (on the advanced driving test, roundabout procedure, etc.) with the aim of encouraging ever higher standards of driving.
If you can change gear, or come to a halt, without spilling a drop, you’re doing all right (you can use beer if
you prefer, but it would be a pity to waste it!). Later this spring, the club plan to hold an auto test on site with a prize for the person exhibiting the greatest skill in driving. In the more immediate future, a Valentine Disco has been fixed for February 16 in the club house (tickets available to all — contact Adrian Richards, ext. 388). There is also a coach trip to the Custom Car Show, Alexandra Palace, on February 24, and one to the Stardust Club at Usk on March 3; and the first treasure hunt of the season is planned for March 11, light permitting.
Invitation to Dance After sitting out during the summer (through lack of support) the Dancing Club has recommenced weekly meetings (Tuesdays from 8 — 10 pm) in the hope that the amenities of the club house function room will help to attract more dancers.
Dancing is basically strict tempo (quickstep, waltz, Latin American, etc.) though ‘we do have a touch of “Saturday Night Fever” !’ said secretary Pat Aston. No matter what stage they have reached, new members are most welcome to come along for a practice, preferably with a partner
Winners and runners-up in the 1978 Golf Society competitions pose with their shining silverware at the end-of-season get-together: (from left) Danny Haines, Geoff Paton, Mike Sawyer, John Miles, Mike Newlove, Des Gibbs, Ken Ellway and Frank Baker, whose individual achievements we have reported in past issues.
as there are no spares at the moment, she told us. ‘We don’t provide instruction but if there is enough interest we will try to arrange this.’
Other officers and committee members elected at the annual general meeting last November 30 were : chairman — Ira Griffin; treasurer — Bill Jones; committee — Roger Aston, Les Goode, Mary Goode, Ken Meek, Mary Meek.
At their November presentation night, winners and runners-up in the Tennis Section’s tournaments received their awards from their president Ron l\Aorfee. Seen above are (from left): front row — Pat Hawkins, Helen Richards and Valerie Berks: back row — Gordon Davis, Mike Keen, chairman Hubert Evans, Ray Spencer and Robin Berks.
Left: Mr Morfee presents the RX Tennis League cup to Ken Blackwell.
If you have, then please — mail it to me c/o Public Relations, Bid 23/1, or leave it at any Gate House for collection by me, or post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill, Mitcheldean, or ring me — ext. 566 or Drybrook 542415. Myrtle Fowler, Editor
At the Finance Dept’s Christmas Disco Nile, Keith Garner, standing in for team captain Clive Barons, holds aloft the cricket trophy (donated by the Sports Et Social Club). The presentation was made by Paul Cooper of Supply, standing in for Geoff Boycott who was detained in Australia! Top Cricketers The Cricket Spectacular we wrote about some months back did not turn out to be as spectacular as had been hoped, since two of the seven teams entered dropped out of the knock-out and it ended up being run on a league basis. Overall winners were Finance — they were the only team that completed a fixture list!
Organiser Doug Wightman is not downhearted, however, and he reckons that more teams could be drummed up this year to make it a real Spectacular.
That Superstar By the way, if you’re still waiting to hear about that IS ‘Superstar’ we promised to feature, we have to disappoint you. The contest started with 24 entries but alas the list of events was never completed and organiser Dave Morgan tells us that this bright idea gradually fizzled out — but not before generating a good deal of fun.
Service Awards
In the New Year of 1944, Les Wright started work in our sheet metal shop, and he has worked there all his 35 years with us.
Along with Reg Arnold, Taffy Morgan and Arnold Gaylard (now retired), he was located in the former bottling department of the old brewery, helping to make the casings for 35mm and 16mm projectors.
The section was subsequently re-located and later split into two sections, Les — now a leading hand — taking charge of one and Taffy the other. In 1971 the whole sheet metal operation moved to its present location at Cinderford and Les moved with it.
A widower with a married daughter and one grand-child, Les finds his out-of-work hours fully occupied with running his home.
We asked him how he manages with the cooking. As one might expect from a man who knows how to handle metal, the
Les Wright and Ted Adams at RX Cinderford.
answer came back ; ‘I’m pretty handy with the tin opener 1′
Ted Adams’ 30-year career with the Company has also been spent within the Machine Shop.
He started in autos when he joined in January 1949, becoming setter and then leading hand. He joined supervision in
1967 and, like Les, moved to Cinderford with the autos, press shop and sheet metal sections, sharing supervision with Jim Martin. Later he became Assistant Manager, then about two years ago, when Vic Buhlmann returned to Mitcheldean to take charge of the main Machine Shop, Ted took over as Manager at RXC.
Ted has three sons, all of whom work at Mitcheldean.
The following have received awards for 20 and 25 years’ service with the Company;
25 Years January — Arthur Bevan (Materials Stock Control), George Douglas (Finishing Operations &• Spotweld), Don Parkinson (Manufacturing Engineering).
20 Years December — Valerie Cleal (Engineering Draughting), Roy Whittington (Transport); January — John Hoyles (Supply Centre), Harry Pincott (Supply Centre), Brian Smith (Facilities Engineering).
Foreman driver Les Hale, retiring after 35 years with Edwards Coaches, made his last trip to Mitcheldean before Christmas in a coach festooned with balloons and decorations. Here he says goodbye to some of his appreciative passengers.
Retiring in January/February are: George Keane (Sheet Metal, RX Cinderford) who joined us in October 1973; Joe Barnard (Supply) who came nearly seven years ago; and Phyllis Jones (Work Control) who has completed eight years’ service.
Richard John, a son for Janis Evans (formerly secretary to Mev Shelley, Engineering) and her husband John on November 20.
Charlotte Louise, a daughter for John Goode (Tool Control) and his wife Jackie, on January 2.
Lyndon and Rachael, boy and girl twins for Philip Tomkins (Assembly) and his wife Rita (formerly secretary to Assembly Manager Graham Linley), on January 13.
Ruth Watkins (Production Control) to Nigel Osborne (Consumable Stores) at Ruspidge Methodist Chapel on December 28.
Nigel and Ruth Osborne
We report with regret the deaths of the following pensioners: Phil Bennett (formerly Polishing Shop) on December 9 at the age of 63 ; Horace Hook (formerly Supply Centre) on December 13, aged 68.
At the end of 1978 veteran driver Jack Gardner parked his lorry for the last time, having covered some 768,000 miles in the UK and abroad during his 15 years’ plus service with the Company. It was Jack who fetched our very first ‘artic’ from London, and who started off the regular run to Venray in the early 1970’s. His colleagues and friends in Transport and elsewhere gave him a handsome carriage clock, presented by Manager Frank Tonge, and there were flowers for his wife Doris.
There was a double presentation to two long-serving QA men at RX Cinderford who also retired just before Christmas. Eric Morgan {left), with 18 years’ service behind him, was given a cassette recorder, while Bill Collins, who has served 15 years, received a Grundig radio. The gifts, from friends and colleagues at both Mitcheldean and Cinderford sites, were presented by Manager Rafe Cherry.
John Hatton of Manufacturing Engineering retired last November, having been with us since December 1971. His friends in the department gave him a teamaker (presented by Manager Roy Taylor) enabling him to take things more easily in the mornings from now on I
Tribute to Ted WeUs Those who knew him will have been very sorry to hear of the death on November 19 of our oldest pensioner, Ted Wells, at the age of 83 years. He joined the Company in London in 1930 and eventually became chief casting inspector; when he retired in 1964 he was close on 70 years old (there being no ruling then on retirement age). We are indebted to Phil Cleal for the following tribute: ‘Ted was one of the party who came to Mitcheldean from Shepherds Bush originally to assist in transforming brewery buildings into the beginnings of the factory in which we work today. ‘The importance of Rank Xerox to this area has been stressed many times and I feel that it is a monument to people with the dedication to their job, the enthusiasm and, above all, the loyalty to the Company so evident when working with Ted. Let anyone outside of Mitcheldean criticize us as a team and Ted could be counted upon to put our point of view very ably. ‘Ted’s very keen and much appreciated sense of humour did not extend to allowing anyone to appropriate his particular seat in the canteen and, such was the regard in which he was held by everyone, no one would have dared to have sat in it in any case! ‘I know that amongst his many friends within the factory, including those now retired, he is sadly missed, and all of us wish to extend our sympathy to his wife and family.’ Phil Cleal
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