Don-a Human Dynamo
‘Where else will I f i nd someone who
is a combination of Patrick Moore,
Magnus Pyke and a Centurion tank?’
That was Director Ron Morfee’s
graphic way of describing Don
Elliott on his retirement at t he end
of February after 33 years’ service.
Thanking him for his ‘unswerving
support’, Mr Morfee said : ‘ D o n has
always been able to balance
dedication to the Company with
real concern for the people he was
dealing with. A leading exponent of
practical participation, he got on
with doing things rather than
theorising about them.
‘He was particularly interested in
management development, and he
was practising that before it became
so well organized and formal at
Don himself has always maintained
that one of the great pleasures of his
industrial life has been working with
people at all levels, both locally and
internationally, whether it was
concerning negotiations, problemsolving
or social matters.
Now, more than ever, he pointed out,
it was ‘essential for everyone to
accept properly discussed and
thought-out change in order to
contribute towards good business
health, without necessarily achieving
an immediate personal or parochial
Don has contributed in so many ways,
both at Mitcheldean and in the
community as a whole. And his
experience in management
professional institutions, and in
dealing with many companies and
managers around the country, he
told us, indicated that we tend to
underestimate Mitcheldean’s
A Second Career
What does a human dynamo like
Don do when he retires? The
answer, of course, is — carry on
working, and a way of enabling him
to continue his contribution to the
At a dinner given in Don’s honour,
Mr Morfee presented him with gifts of
cine equipment.
Company and involving his interest
in people has been found through
RX Pensions (see page opposite).
In this second career his wife Olga
will be giving him her full support,
as she has done throughout his time
at Mitcheldean.
Said Don at his leavetaking : ‘I hope
in this way to be able to repay
some of the kindnesses shown to me
during my 33 years here.
‘Best of luck to you all in your
future business at Mitcheldean.’
Tony Kibble’s comment in our last
issue (p.12) that he believed himself
to have been Mitcheldean’s first
apprentice has brought a counterclaim
by Martin Parsloe of RX
Martin told VISION that when he
was nearly 16, he became the first
engineering apprentice ever to be
taken on at Mitcheldean. He showed
us the agreement dated July 29, 1946
(four years before Tony joined us)
which was signed by R. A. Tomes,
Works Manager, British Acoustic
Films, as we were known at that
He started in Progress and then
went on to learn how to operate
Don Elliott j o i n e d British A c o u s t i c Films
at M i t c h e l d e a n in 1 9 4 7 as a s k i l l ed
e l e c t r o – m e c h a n i c a l repair man, b e c o m i ng
P r o d u c t i o n Supervisor on Bell & Howell
c i n e e q u i p m e n t . In 1951 he w as
a p p o i n t e d Quality Control Supervisor
and, t w o years later. Quality Control
Manager w i t h i n Rank Precision
I n d u s t r i e s . S u b s e q u e n t l y , as Manager
Xerox Qperations, he w a s involved in
m a n a g i n g t h e p r o d u c t i o n of our first
c o p i e r p r o d u c t — the 914.
W i t h t h e advent of t h e 7 2 0 model and
t h e t r a n s i t i o n t o r e m o d e l l i n g /
r e c o n d i t i o n i n g c o n c e p t s , he w as
a p p o i n t e d Manager, International
R e c o n d i t i o n i n g . In 1 9 6 9 he became
W o r k s Manager of M i t c h e l d e a n , a
p o s i t i o n he h e l d until 1 9 7 8 w h e n , in
p r e p a r a t i o n f o r r e t i r e m e n t , he w a s made
e x e c u t i v e assistant t o D i r e c t o r Ron
M o r f e e .
He was c h a i r m a n of o u r Industrial
Staff N e g o t i a t i n g Committee, of t he
J o i n t Works C o u n c i l , and of t h e Main
Safety Committee, and w a s a member
of the Pensions C o n s u l t a t i v e Committee.
Qn t h e social side, he w a s a f o u n d er
member and original c h a i r m a n of t he
Amateur P h o t o g r a p h i c Club and i ts
v i c e – c h a i r m a n in recent years, and
became the first president of t h e M o t or
C l u b w h e n it w a s f o r m e d in 1 9 7 8 .
Don’s q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , and h is
r e s p o n s i b i l i t e s b e y o n d M i t c h e i d e a n,
make impressive reading. He is a F e l l ow
of t h e I n s t i t u t i o n of I n d u s t r i a l Managers,
of the British I n s t i t u t e of M a n a g e m e n t
and of t h e I n s t i t u t e of Q u a l i t y Assurance.
Currently v i c e – c h a i r m a n of t h e W a l e s &
West regional board of t h e I I M , he
becomes its c h a i r m a n in a y e a r ‘ s t i m e.
He has been a member of t h e C B I
s o u t h w e s t e r n region c o m m i t t e e and
t h e i r delegate to t h e Federal C o u n c i l of
t h e Gloucestershire I n s t i t u t e of H i g h er
Education ; he is also a m e m b e r of t he
board of g o v e r n o r s of G l o u c e s t er
Technical College and of i ts a d v i s o ry
board o n business and management
autos and other machines. When
he finally completed his five-year
apprenticeship, he received a diploma
from the hands of Fred Wickstead.
Martin would now be in his 34th
year with us, and therefore one of
our longest serving employees, but
for the fact that he broke his service
for 65 years.
{Tony Kibble, who was surprised to
learn he had a predecessor, willingly
concedes the title of ‘IVIitcheldean’s
First Apprentice’ to Martin.)
Among the various events held to mark his retirement was this get-together at Cinderford between management and trade union members
of the Industrial Staff Negotiating Committee of which Don was chairman. Senior member of the committee Joe Burke presented him with
a pen and pencil set as a token of their esteem.
Programme for
On behalf of Small Batch, foreman John Buck presented Manager Phil Cleal with an
instant camera — a tribute to a ‘damned good manager with a genuine concern for
people’— when he retired early last March after 36 years spent within Manufacturing at
Mitcheldean. There was also a big red bucket to help him challenge the existing senior
citizen’s record for sandcastle building! Thanking them, Phil said he was proud to have
worked with such a group of highly skilled men. A painting of the Forest of Dean and
some cut-glass wine glasses were other gifts from friends and colleagues in the Plant.
Section leader Roy Jones, who took early retirement last January, first worked in the
Machine Shop when he came to Mitcheldean in 1945. He transferred to Work Study in
1953 when, as Manager Hugh Grainger put it, ‘this was regarded as a group of intellectuals
who worked with a spyglass through the office window.’ A Fellow of the Institute of
Management Services, Roy has remained in that field ever since and has seen his son
Graham, an ex-apprentice now in Industrial Engineering, follow in his footsteps. Roy
used to play football for Cinderford Town and Gloucester City and today plays skittles for
the Legionnaires Club. The parting gift of an instant camera from his colleagues and
friends will come in handy when, as ever, he holidays in Blackpool.
Another who took early retirement in January after 25^ years with us was Bill Austin; he
worked for some years in the Tool Room before joining MED to look after the money
side of Manufacturing Engineering activities. A former crack shot. Bill has also established
a reputation shooting with the camera {he has been a member of the Amateur Photographic
Club since the early days) and our picture shows him holding a photographic equipment
case which was presented by LSA chairman Jack Woods. In presenting him with a set
of cut-glass brandy glasses from friends and colleagues. Tool Engineering Manager
Tony Nightingale (left) commented that ‘if this Plant has any problems, they have never been
contributed to by Bill.’ With his retirement, we also lose his valuable services as one
of Mitcheldean’s projectionists.
If y o u have, t h e n please —
mail it t o me c / o Public Relations, Bid 0 6 / 1 ,
or leave it at any Gate House for
c o l l e c t i o n by me,
or post it t o me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
M i t c h e l d e a n ,
or r i n g me — ext. 5 6 6 or D r y b r o o k 5 4 2 4 1 5.
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
S o r r y , M i k e !
Our apologies to Mike Mayo of
Manufacturing Engineering
Electronics whose name was
inadvertently omitted from the list
of financial award winners (last
issue, page 7 ) . Mike gained a
Diploma in Management Studies.
A comprehensive programme is
being put into effect to prepare Rank
Xerox employees in the UK for the
major change in their lives that
retirement brings, and also to ensure
that they have the opportunity to
keep in regular touch after retirement.
Mitcheldean has a good record in
this respect. It has been our regular
practice for years to give each
individual the chance of a personal
interview before retirement to
discuss their pension options under
the RX scheme and any other
problems, and pre-retirement
courses, both in-house and at the
local technical college have been
We have led the field, too, in keeping
in touch w i t h our pensioners,
visiting bereaved families in the case
of death in service and so on.
On his retirement at the end of
February, Don Elliott took on the
role of retirement consultant with
RX Pensions and together with
consultant Norman Rose is working
to extend the service given to
retiring and retired Rank Xerox
employees and their dependants.
Following t w o earlier sessions in
1979, four pre-retirement seminars
are to be held during 1980, the
first being on April 24/25 at the
Wye Hotel, Ross-on-Wye.
This will be for those employees
nearing retirement and their husbands
or wives, and the programme will
cover topics such as income in
retirement, taxation, paid and unpaid
employment, health, hobbies and
At the same time, a Pensioners’
Association is being set up to bring
about a closer relationship between
pensioners in the various Company
The response to questionnaires
showed that such an association
would be welcomed; many said they
would like to be visited, and others
offered their services as visitors.
A pensioners’ register is being put
together later this year, and
activities which are being considered
include the introduction of a
newsletter, participation in discount
schemes, and an advisory service on
subjects such as insurance, taxation
and keeping fit.
J im Evans, w h o retired in 1978, has
agreed to take on the j ob of regional
secretary w i t h the assistance of Fred
Court, another pensioner well known
to many Mitcheldean people.
(Our annual pensioners’ reunion luncheon
will take place this year on June 7.)
R o g e r A c l a n d , M a n a g e m e n t S k i l ls
A d v i s e r i n t h e T r a i n i n g D e p a r t m e n t,
w a s i n v i t e d t o s p e a k o n ‘ I n f l u e n c i ng
t h e D e c i s i o n – m a k i n g o f O t h e r s ‘ at
t h e a n n u a l c o n f e r e n c e o f K e p n e r –
T r e g o e ( U K ) h e l d i n P a l m a N o v a — in
t h e m i d d l e o f w i n t e r . W e s e n s e d t h e re
w a s a s t o r y h e r e , a n d R o g e r h as
w r i t t e n i t . . .
In order to establish a reputation
sound enough to succeed in today’s
overcrowded and highly-competitive
world of independent, professional
training, the trainers’ ‘product’ {i.e.
techniques, ideas, expertise, etc)
not only has to be better than most
but also has to provide the ‘customer’
w i t h something that few, if any,
other training ‘sellers’ can offer.
Kepner-Tregoe (named after the
t w o Americans who founded it)
is an independent training
organization which has become
universally recognised and respected
for the worth of its ‘product’—namely,
techniques for systematic problemsolving
and decision-making.
These techniques now form an
integral part of several of our
internal training programmes and
for the past three years I have been
the ‘licensed’ instructor on them at
Each year Kepner-Tregoe (UK)
organize a conference for all their
licensed instructors (representing
about twenty individual companies),
the purpose of which is to share
ideas, learn about new developments,
and hear from invited speakers about
aspects of their work.
This year the conference was held
in Majorca, which (believe it or not!)
was cheaper, even w i t h the return
air fare, than holding it in London
at that time of the year.
Hence, ‘Kepner-Tregoe’, the
conference, in January, and the
‘decision-making’ element of my
presentation . . .
Another well-established and
prestigious training organization
with which we enjoy a close working
relationship is the Huthwaite
Research Group, formed by
behavioural scientist Neil Rackham.
In conjunction with one of his
senior associates, John Carlisle, I
have been involved in developing
and running a number of in-company
programmes concerned with
negotiating and persuading skills,
essentially for those whose work
involves acquiring goods and services
on behalf of the Company.
Hence, the ‘influencing’ element of
my presentation . . .
After working in both these areas
of training in parallel for some time,
it occurred to me that certain aspects
of both had implications for the
other, which in turn prompted me
As part of their training in English and their introduction to Western civilization, a
party of 16 ‘Vietnamese Boat People’, billeted at Chepstow, visited Mitcheldean in
January. Their delightful letters of thanks showed how well they have been progressing
— they greatly appreciated seeing ‘such an important firm’ and ‘so many modern
and sophisticated machines’, they said. Here they are being shown round the
Electronic B Electrical Engineering department by Jose Vega-Lozano, whose wife
Hilda is one of their instructors.
into formulating a ‘model’ to
illustrate how they might be
However, theories are one t h i n g;
making them work to improve
results is something completely
different and that, essentially, is one
of the purposes of the Training
Therefore, w i t h the active
encouragement of my colleagues,
I set about putting the integration to
the test in live training sessions.
This proved to be largely successful
f r om a ‘teaching’ point of view but,
as always, the acid test was whether
or not it worked in practice — and
only the people who attended the
sessions were ultimately able to tell
us that.
Suffice it to say that their feedback
enabled the ideas to be developed
to a stage where they, in turn, now
form an integral part of our approach
to training on both influencing and
The original invitation from Kepner-
Tregoe was for me to attend the
conference as a ‘listening’ delegate,
as in the t w o previous years, and
immediately I knew that my ideas
faced their biggest, single (and
most personal) challenge to date —
because / had to influence Manager
Peter Grainger to let me accept I
Peter’s immediate reaction was,
‘you shouldn’t be listening to them,
they should be listening to you’,
which promptly took the wind out
my sails I
His reaction was vindicated when,
my having been influenced
by hiiv to tell them about it,
Kepner-Tregoe showed immediate
interest and promptly changed the
nature of their invitation.
Hence my presence at the conference
as a speaker . . .
Perhaps it is simply a matter of
being so busy doing that we (all
of us) don’t make enough of our
achievements. Modesty forbids,
etc., etc . . .
Roger A c l a nd
( A s a result of t h e M a j o r c a c o n f e r e n c e , Roger
has been i n v i t e d t o make a similar presenta
t i o n t o t r a i n i n g managers of t h e L i t t l e w o o ds
O r g a n i z a t i o n in L i v e r p o o l t h i s A p r i l .)
New Role for Director
On March 3 1 , Lionel Lyes, Director
of Personnel for all Rank Xerox
Manufacturing and Supply Operations,
retired after a long career in the
‘people business’.
He joined us in 1968 from the
British Aircraft Corporation and,
although based at Mitcheldean,
directed Personnel activities for all
Rank Xerox manufacturing locations
in the UK, Holland and France.
A major milestone in his career
occurred in the late ’60’s when he
worked closely w i t h the late Fred
Oldfield in launching the Productivity
Campaign which did much to
encourage a new participative spirit
within the Plant.
In 1973 Lionel was appointed
Director of Personnel; this was at a
time when he was becoming
increasingly involved in the
recruitment of personnel for our new
plants on the Continent and the
building up of conditions of
employment within the different
He relinquished this position last
October but has been acting in an
advisory capacity for the past few
While continuing to serve the
Company on a number of committees
and boards and in a consultative
capacity, he plans to devote much of
his time in future to the work of the
Gloucester Operatic Society, and the
promotion of amateur theatre in
Gloucester, which his business
responsibilities and extensive travel
have prevented him from doing in
recent years.
In the 1930’s, Lionel took part in
many plays and musical productions
(‘I even did dance routines,’ he told
us). During the early war years he
was responsible for staging variety
concerts at Cheltenham for charities
and he took part in ‘Workers’
Playtime’ broadcasts for the BBC.
Both he and his w i fe have been
associated for many years w i t h the
‘GODS’ (to which quite a number of
Mitcheldean employees belong). He
is currently their vice-president
and he will be directing their next
major musical production ‘Sweet
Charity’ at the Cambridge Theatre
in March 1981.
He has another role too — as leader
of the fund-raising activities of the
society whose aim is now to acquire
a new base of their own for musical
productions, their existing Olympus
Theatre being inadequate for this
L i o n e l L y es
Service Awards
S e r v i c e A w a r ds
The f o l l o w i n g have become e l i g i b l e for
C o m p a n y service a w a r d s as f o l l o w s:
2 0 Y e a rs
February— Morved G o u l d (Electrical
S u b – a s s e m b l y ) , Trevor J o n e s ( M a c h i ne
S h o p ) , Brian Sole ( M a c h i n e Shop
I n s p e c t i o n ) , Derek W i c k s (Small B a t c h ),
N o r m a n W i l d i n g ( M a c h i n e S h o p ).
March — Diane M o r g a n ( S e c u r i t y ) , Roy
M o r g a n (RX C i n d e r f o r d ) , J e a n Overbury
( S t o c k C o n t r o l ) , J a n e t S t o c k ( T r a n s p o r t ),
Ted W e l l s (RX C i n d e r f o r d ).
2 5 Y e a rs
February— Dennis Fisher (Assembly
O p e r a t i o n s ) .
Barbara Snell who operates our
Language Services at Mitcheldean
has a specialist interest in ‘the
office of the future’.
A recent survey has shown that
some 60 per cent of a translator’s
time is spent in looking up foreign
words or technical terms in
increasingly wieldy works of
reference which offer a variety of
Barbara sees a time in the nottoo-
distant future when, w i t h the
aid of communicating word
processors (such as the Xerox 850
page display system) linked to a
computer, translators will be able
to work more effectively, freed from
purely routine operations such as
retyping and searching through
dictionaries (which will be replaced
by terminology data banks).
In a paper entitled ‘Electronic
Translation’ which appears this April
in the monthly journal of ASLIB (the
Association of Special Libraries &
Information Bureaux), Barbara
envisages the daily work of translators
following this pattern:
‘Reaching your desk in the morning,
you play out a text which has come
in overnight from abroad and
been stored in the machine. It is
urgent. You type your translation.
If there are any problem terms or
if you wish to check usage in a
particular context, you access a
computerised data bank on to your
visual display unit, on a time-sharing
basis. You revise your work on the
screen and decide on the layout:
when you are satisfied, you ‘phone
your client and transmit the text
at 120 characters per second. The
client takes your camera-ready
translation out of his machine
w i t h i n minutes after you have finished
working on it.’
In November 1978, ASLIB held a
seminar on the subject of ‘Translating
and the Computer’ which was
attended by 200 people from 12
different countries, a number of
Rank Xerox Operating Companies
being represented.
As Barbara put it, it seemed that
‘the time had come for translators to
take their heads out of their
dictionaries and look at what had
been happening in the computer
world since we dismissed the
prospect of machine translation
a decade ago.’
One of the speakers at this seminar
was John Elliston, Manager,
Customer & Service Education,
RTSDD, now based at Aylesbury.
In a paper on ‘Computer Aided
Translation’, he explained the
difficulties they faced in
communicating technical data in
different languages to a w o r l d – w i de
field service, and how they were
looking to computer-aided
translation to help them operate
more speedily and efficiently.
Barbara was chairman of the planning
committee for this seminar and the
proceedings were to be published
in hard-back form. The typed
papers, which came from people of
different nationalities and
backgrounds, posed Barbara with
a problem, for not only did she have
to edit them, she also had to produce
them in a camera-ready state for
the publishers.
Here Xerox equipment came to her
a i d ; w i t h the occasional help of
Beryl Berry of Training, she retyped
many of the pages using an 800
electronic typing system. This
enabled her to revise the text as
she went along and yet automatically
produce a perfectly laid out page
w i t h text justified on both sides
and not a trace of any amendments.
The 800 duly earned a useful ‘plug’
in the published proceedings which
have since been sold all over the
Bob Moore tells
how they leapt
into the 80’s
For 39 of us at Mitcheldean, 1980
will always be remembered as a
rather special ‘leap’ year when we
parachuted from an aircraft at 2,600ft
over Shobdon Airfield, near
Leominster in Herefordshire, to
help a worthy cause.
A f ew of us had parachuted in
previous years, but some had never
even been up in an aircraft before,
let alone fallen out of one.
The jump itself was over in a matter
of t w o minutes; it was the preliminary
training that took up the time — a
minimum of ten hours. We did our
initial ground training on t w o midweek
evenings w i t h the final two
hours’ training on the airfield prior
to the actual jump.
In view of the large number of
volunteers, it was decided to split
us into three groups — the first
t o train and jump in January, the
second in February, and the third
in March.
On the evening of January 22, the
Mark Savagar prepares to board the ‘plai
first 11 potential ‘sky gods’, as they
are known in the trade, arrived in
Mitcheldean’s ballroom to start
their training.
Under the watchful eye of record
sky-diver Dave Parchment, an
instructor from the Hereford
Parachute Club, we learned the
principles of parachuting — aircraft
exit, the stable position, canopy
handling (you steer it by means of
toggles on the straps), and, of
course, landing.
By the end of the second evening’s
training quite a f ew of us went
home nursing bruises caused by
incorrect landing without even
leaving the ground I But the
principles had been rammed home.
On Saturday, January 26, we in the
first group made our way to Shobdon
to complete our ground training
and then hopefully, weather
permitting, make the jump.
Mr McCarthy, the chief instructor,
guided us through the rigours of
A// ready for the high jump — (from left) Pete Stephens, Kim Toombs, Marilyn Dunkley
and Dave Tuff ley.
8 ^ AND
Days on the Severn
•e. Right: Ceri Gibbs ‘T-shirt says it a//.
the inevitable form f i l l i n g ; this was
followed by the ‘airfield walk’ when
we were shown the landing hazards,
w i t h special emphasis on the
i Then it was back to the club house
for a short coffee break (no alcohol
I permitted) before starting the final
; These began with revision of the
j two evening lectures, followed by
I aircraft drill (practical) using the
‘plane that would be dropping us —
a Cessna monoplane. Finally, there
was a lesson on emergency drill.
At 1 pm parachutes were drawn
from the stores, fitted, taken off
and laid out ready. The ‘sticks’ (the
number of parachutists in the
‘plane in one lift) were arranged —
in this case four people.
Ladies F i r st
Incidentally, the first to leave
the ‘plane is always a woman,
provided there is one in the group
(male parachutists are known for
their gallantry!).
Unfortunately the weather was not
favourable and we had to wait
three hours before conditions were
On the words ‘kit up’, ‘chutes and
helmets were put on, straps were
secured, and everyone was checked
to ensure all was correct before
being cleared for the drop.
The first four in our group, together
with the jump master, boarded the
aircraft and it was only a matter of
seconds before the ‘plane was
climbing to its drop altitude of
2,600 ft.
The ‘plane then moved into position
ready for the first to go, and the
engine was c u t ; number one moved
to the door and on the word ‘go’
left the ‘plane for the longest three
seconds of her life. That’s the time
it takes for the ‘chute to open
Bob IVIoore (far right) tells people about his latest charity project.
It may have been April Fool’s Day, but there was a genuine purpose behind
the appearance of a canoe just outside the club house entrance during the
lunch break!
Having done his bit for charity in the air. Bob Moore is now ready to spend
part of his summer holiday attempting to canoe the length of the River Severn
— a distance of 220 miles — to raise £2,000 for the Kidney Unit at Gloucester
Royal Hospital.
Joining him on his marathon will be Ron Loveridge of Wail’s Ice Cream Ltd.,
Gloucester, who also took part in the sponsored parachute jumps featured
on these pages.
Bob and Ron will do the six-day journey from the river’s source in mid-Wales
to the Severn Bridge in this ‘kayak’ (an Eskimo-type canoe) and the plan is to
donate it afterwards to some youth group.
The craft has been painted in blue and red — the colours of a kidney donor
card — and to help ‘launch’ the venture, our Company met the cost of
building i t ; there was also generous help from the builders, Grogan
Marine of Lydney.
We hope to feature the marathon in a later issue.
After that, it is a dropping time of
t w o minutes before one’s feet are
are back on terra firma.
With number one gone, the ‘plane
banked over and positioned itself
ready for number two. Before
number one had landed, the fourth
person had left the ‘plane and the
latter was returning for the next
four students.
By 5 pm we in the first group had
completed our jump, all having
landed safely.
Weather is the greatest enemy of
the parachutist and many hours
are wasted waiting for the right
conditions. We were lucky to jump
on the first day, but the second
group who went in February had to
make several visits before they were
able to jump.
In mid-March, the last of the
Mitcheldean ‘sky gods’ did their
ascent and descent.
‘It was fantastic !’, ‘You see the
world from an entirely different
viewpoint,’ ‘ M y mind just went
blank’ — these were some of the
comments of the first-timers in
the various groups.
A f ew so enjoyed the experience
they went back to Shobdon later
for a repeat performance.
One such was Gwen Fisher. When
she made her first jump in February,
she managed to land in an orchard
and they had to send out a search
party. This led to the instructor
commenting on her report: ‘Nice
jump, but the apple picking season
is over 1’
Bruce Hubbard, ‘group captain’ for a
February fall-out, laughs with Gwen
Fisher over the ‘apple picking’ episode.
A skeleton draws attention to types of accidents, here being discussed by (from left)
guest speaker Jimmy Green with Main Safety Committee chairman Mike Carter, and
safety reps Dennis Lloyd and Mike Ebert.
Action ” not AccMenIs Mitcheldean’s annual safety
meeting, held on January 23, was
not a self-congratulatory affair.
Despite increased effort made by
all involved w i t h safety, accidents
did, in fact, increase during 1979 to
an overall total of 170.
Although the incidence rate
(39 accidents per 1,000 employees)
was well below the national one
for our industry, this was felt to be
just not good enough. We like to
set ourselves a high standard.
Falls of persons were once again
high on the list of causes, and
although the bad weather last winter
could be blamed for a number of
these, the main cause was objects
being left in unsafe places.
Eye injuries were slightly down, and
this showed that our efforts to
encourage the use of eye protection
were having an effect.
Foot injuries increased, however,
while injuries to chest, back, arms,
hands and fingers were in the main
caused by handling of material.
Said Safety Secretary John Spratley:
‘Our efforts will be concentrated in
the future on reducing this type of
And talking of concentration,
John’s deductions backed up the
belief that lack of concentration, or
interruption, can be a real factor
in accident causes.
On average, each accident cost us
seven working days. By plotting
graphs and using various formulae,
John has set a target to reduce
accidents by 20 per cent over 1979
figures (our ‘Eyes on Safety’ symbol
has already been pinpointing this
But a drop of 100 per cent is what
Director Ron Morfee said he would
like to see. ‘ I ‘m looking for a hell of
an improvement,’ he said at the
Jimmy Green, our guest speaker on
this occasion, dealt w i t h the role
of the safety representative who,
he said, is ‘the key unit in the
success of the whole.’
Jimmy, former AEU district secretary
for 21 years who now teaches safety
at local TUC training courses,
pointed out that safety committees
can easily become dustbins —
Disaster — but only the stage variety. Demonstrating the right procedure in an emergency,
Dave Cochrane ‘phones for assistance VKihile Mike Jones comforts an ‘injured’ Jack
Smart, and Ken Hook gives ‘Resusci Ann’ the kiss of life (she never responded, alas!).
receptacles into which problems
are fed, after which the lid is put on.
‘This sort of thing can result in a
cynical attitude developing in a
factory,’ he said.
Action is vital. ‘If the organization
is not kept functioning effectively,
enthusiasm can be killed and
cynicism will be the order of the day.’
The important aim, he said, was to
get things done — to remove
hazards, improve workers’ awareness,
establish effective procedures. ‘At
the end of the day, it depends on
what decisions are taken and acted
upon, otherwise the exercise is
Questions asked during the
subsequent forum showed that our
safety representatives are very much
aware of this. Answers were given
by the panel, w i t h contributions
from members of the audience, and
action was firmly promised on
matters causing concern.
As mentioned earlier, fails were on
the list of causes of accidents, and
right before them, when the curtains
parted, the audience were able to
see the dire (and colourful) effects
of such an accident.
White Chief Fire Officer Tony Cale
gave a running commentary on the
do’s and don’ts in such an
emergency situation, three firstaiders
on stage demonstrated their
ability to cope.
F i n a l A p p e a r a n ce
Another ‘hard act to f o l l o w ‘ — Don
Elliott was making his final
appearance before retirement, having
worked untiringly as chairman of
the Main Safety Committee. Mr
Morfee thanked him for his efforts
and welcomed new chairman Mike
Carter who, he said, ‘ w i l l do his best
to step into Don’s size 10 boots.’
He also thanked Jimmy Green for
his practical talk and hard
commonsense, and left this final
thought in people’s minds:
‘Accidents don’t happen — accidents
are caused. Our key objective must
be to reduce the sum total of pain
and suffering that result.’
EYES BN SAFETY Total number of
accidents for period:
J a n / F e b ‘ 7 9 Jan/Feb ‘ 80
International Supply Chief Stan Hills looks pleased with the 1P1, presented by the
Mitcheldean Supply Centre team.
Stan is Given a 1P1
We’ve recorded the presentation of
all kinds of retirement gifts from
time to time, but never have we
come across anyone getting a 1 PI —
not, that is, until the early retirement
of Stan Hills, Manager, International
Supply, EM&SD, at the end of
Stan joined Rank Xerox in Australia
in 1964, where he became Supply
Manager; he then moved back to
the UK in 1974 to take up a new
appointment as Manager,
International Supply.
Since that time, he has made a
significant contribution to the
development of International
Supply activities, both externally
w i t h our Operating Companies and
our Xerox colleagues, and internally
through efficiency and productivity
improvements and the building of a
strong team.
And the 1 PI ? We should perhaps
explain that this was the very first
part number drawn by Xerox (then
the Haloid Company) way back in
1956, and it has since become a
standard term of reference for basic
status when talking about new
Mitcheldean Supply Centre, wishing
to give Stan a permanent reminder
of his achievements, decided he
he should have a 1 PI for keeps.
Apprentices Mark Barnard and
Martin Wilkes, working from the
original drawing, produced a scaleddown
model of the part (a lens
casting) from solid aluminium, and
‘Yes, I like your protective apron — but
is it flameproof ?’
their excellent workmanship was
much admired by all attending
Stan’s farewell dinner when the
1 PI was duly presented by Manager
Terry Quartermaine.
Not manufactured at Mitcheldean
but very topical was the gift of
an Easter egg bearing Stan’s name,
and an electric planer which he
will be able to use in his hobby of
restoring antique furniture.
There’ll be a welcome aboard for any
Rank Xerox employee working in
the UK who would like to j o in the
newly-formed RX Sailing Association.
Having held its inaugural meeting in
November last, the association
wasted no time in placing an order
w i t h a Lymington boat-builder for
a seven-berth yacht (an OOD34 —
Offshore One Design 34ft).
This was delivered before Easter
and w i l l , initally at least, be berthed
at Lymington.
The idea behind the association is to
provide offshore sailing for as many
RX people as possible, whether or
not they have had previous sailing
An approved skipper will be in
charge of the yacht each time she
sails but, when a cruising programme
has been worked out, sailing secretary
Gerry Rickards will take crew
bookings on a first-come, first-served
Gordon Campbell (Manpower
Control) is acting as Mitcheldean’s
representative on the committee, so
please get in touch with him (Bid
On behalf of Mitcheldean sailing enthusiasts, John Barratt (centre) took a look over the
Flank Xerox yacht during the building stage, along with members of the RX Sailing
Association committee.
4 4 / 4 , ext. 1335) if you are interested
in joining.
The subscription is £5 per annum
and sailing fees are £5 per day.
G e o f f Names t h e Y a c h t
As we went to press, we heard that
the competition for the naming of the
yacht had been w o n by a Mitcheldean
sailing man — Geoff Rawson of 9400
Assembly OA — with the name
‘Xepha of Lymington’. As part of his
prize, Geoff and his w i f e were
invited to the launching ceremony
on April 12, carried out by Mrs
Orr-Ewing, wife of our Company
Club House-a Business
With Saturday night entertainment,
bingo, discos, bonanza draw, t he
day-to-day running of the club,
and committee meetings which can
last up to five hours at a stretch,
the role of a Sports & Social Club
committee member is a very timeconsuming
So it’s hardly surprising that some of
those who have given long and
dedicated service to the club in
recent years decided not t o stand
for re-election at the annual general
meeting held on March 12.
People like Anne Fox, Bill Jones,
John Earl, Wilf Jones, Pat Jordan
and others w h o have served in
various capacities for many years
have earned a break, and there was
a warm vote of thanks to them,
and to the c l ub staff, for their
loyalty and hard work.
As chairman Barry emphasised,
much of the success of t h e club
has been due to the dedicated
service of steward Cyril Beard
(recently retired f r om the Company
but not f r om the club !) and his
wife Nancy; Cyril is n ow f u l ly
recovered in health and has assumed
full responsibilities of his stewardship
once more.
As can be seen from the accounts,
the club house is now a business,
and needs to be controlled on
professional lines. Said outgoing
secretary Anne: ‘This will be
important during the coming t wo
years as the membership levels
are likely to decrease, thus reducing
the income level, and the balance
between income and expenditure
must be closely controlled.’
The interest-free building loan from
the Company has n ow been
established at £127,762 and this
is due for repayment over a six-year
period. The initial payment of
£40,000 has just been made, and
there will be five further instalments
of £17,552-40.
Treasurer Wilf Jones pointed out
that the overall loss of £299 for
social activities was primarily due
to the poor attendance in early
1979 caused by severe weather
conditions. The only areas of slight
concern were the kitchen and overall
wage bill, but plans were being
laid to control them more effectively
during 1980.
The meeting was a lively one and,
after airing their views, members
left the committee a variety of
matters to consider — some of them
‘old chestnuts’, others quite new
They covered the holding of discos
on a Friday night and the admittance
of under-16’s; the possibility of
introducing a new type of
membership for people w h o have
left the Company under a voluntary
redundancy scheme; bookings for
the function room, the proposed
sports annexe, and t he showing of
membership cards at the club
The people w h o have the onerous
task of coping w i t h such matters
and generally running the club
during 1980 are : chairman — Barry
Barton; vice-chairman — Harold
Ennis; treasurer — John Hally;
secretary — Jack Wakeling ;
trustees—George Cooper, Roger
The last official duty carried out by retiring Motor Club president Don Elliott was to judge,
together with chairman John Hally (left), the entries in the recent Model Contest. Just
in front of secretary Adrian Richards you can see the splendid trophy which Don presented
to the club for an annual competition.
Kempster and Roy Steward;
committee— Brian Aitken, Mike
Brown, Harlene Denning, Terry
Gardner, Mark Parry, Ray Pickthall,
Chris Reed, Stan Seaborn, Philip
Skillern, Graham Welch, Len Young.
(Members should note that the new
secretary Jack Wakeling is located
in the Supply Centre. Bid 42/1,
ext. 1803.)
A m e r i c a n P r e s i d e nt
There were ten attractive specimens
to be seen at the Motor Club’s
Model Contest on February 20. Not
the page 3 type, but 1/16 or 1/24
scale plastic car kits assembled by
members and judged by president
Don Elliott and chairman John Hally.
First prize went to Richard Cartmel for
his Custom Chevrolet delivery van
while Keith Motterham came second
w i t h a ’69 Dodge.
This event was the last that Don
attended in his capacity as president
of the club and he very kindly
presented us w i th a splendid trophy
to be competed for annually (details
to be announced later).
As a token of our appreciation, we
gave Don a European Road Atlas,
suitably inscribed, w h i le to his w i fe
Olga we said it w i t h flowers.
Member John Wigg kindly agreed to
take over from Don as f r om March 1 ,
making him the first American to
take office w i t h i n the Sports &
Social Club at Mitcheldean.
How would you like to have the use
of a Porsche 924 f o r a week this
summer — or maybe a Range Rover
or a Saab Turbo ? This is the
unusual first prize in a raffle which
the club is organizing in aid of the
Kidney Unit Appeal Fund. Second
prize is t he use of a Cortina 1600,
and there are many other prizes.
Tickets are o n ly 10p each so t he club
is hoping for a big response enabling
them to hand over a four-figure
cheque to the Fund.
The draw takes place at a Cabaret
Night on May 16 in t he c l ub house,
and we expect a sell-out.
S p o t l i g h t
L e f t : Barry Norton, winner of the men’s league and knock-out competitions, receives his trophy from Tennis Club chairman Hubert
Evans. C e n t r e : Men’s doubles winners — David Hodges and Ken Blackwell; R i g h t : Pat Hawkins, winner of the women’s league
and knock-out competitions, pictured with prize-winners Mike Keen, Gwyn and Helen Richards and chairman Hubert.
T e n n i s T r o p h i es
Trophies for t he 1979 season were
presented to our Mitcheidean tennis
stars at a social evening plus A G M in
the club house on February 28.
Barry Norton w o n both the men’s
league and the men’s knock-out,
while Pat Hawkins did the same in
the t w o women’s competitions.
Other prize-winners were as follows :
men’s league runner-up — Laurie
Walker; men’s KO runner-up —
David Hodges; women’s league
runner-up—Helen Richards;
women’s KO runner-up — Tania
Symonds; men’s troubles winners —
Ken Blackwell and David Hodges,
runners-up — Mike Keen and Gwyn
Richards; mixed doubles winners —
Pat Hawkins and Mike Keen,
runners-up— Helen and Gwyn
Retiring chairman Hubert Evans tells
us that venue once again proved a
problem but courts for the 1980
season have now been booked at
Crossfields, Ross-on-Wye, as from
Men’s and women’s leagues are to
be organised as well as the usual
knock-out competitions (men’s
and women’s singles, men’s doubles,
mixed doubles) and new members
would be most welcome.
Ken Blackwell has taken over as
chairman, with Hubert as vicechairman
; Helen Richards is acting
secretary while Mike Keen continues
as treasurer.
F i s l i i n g Dates
The Sea Angling Club has embarked
on a lively programme this year and
all members have been given a
complete list of club and Bristol
Channel Federation of Sea Anglers
events so they can plan ahead.
A specimen fish competition for
which specimen medals will be
awarded at the club’s Christmas
buffet dance and prize-giving has
been organized, and the club member
with the best specimen of the year
will receive a perpetual trophy
donated by the Sports & Social
A local fishmonger gave members a
fish filleting demonstration in March;
other club general meetings will
include tackle displays by local
dealers, f i lm shows on both boat and
beach angling, and an evening’s
demonstration on beach casting and
its techniques.
Boat and beach angling trips have
been arranged for Dartmouth,
Brixham, Minehead, Chesil Beach,
Warbarrow Bay, Hinckley Point and
Weston-super-Mare — in fact, there
is a boat trip at least once a month
right through to October. Contact
secretary Roger Aston (ext. 1254 or
Drybrook 543520) if you’d like to
go along.
Other club officials and committee
elected at the A GM in February for
1980/81 were as f o l l o w s : chairman
— Ray Carter; treasurer— Pat
Aston; committee — Graham Adams,
OIlie Evans, John Gwilt, Terry James,
Geoff Rawson.
Coif i n 19SO
The annual general meeting of the
Golfing Society was held way back
on November 6 last year, and since
it was too important a meeting to
go unreported, this is a case of
‘better late than never’.
It was agreed that all officers and
committee members should be
re-elected, the only changes being
that Roy Powell has been succeeded
as captain by Roy Taylor, but he
remains on the committee replacing
John Miles who wished to stand
Just to remind you, officers and
committee are as f o l l o w s : chairman:
Des Gibbs; treasurer:^ohn Spratley;
secretary: Bill Gilmour; committee:
Harold Gardiner, Richard Matthews,
Don Meek, Mike Newlove, Geoff
Paton, Roy Powell, Mike Sawyer,
Roy Taylor, Mike Ward.
The f o l l o w i n g dates and venues form
the society’s programme for 1 9 8 0 :
Date Course Competition Organizer
April 16 Worcester Spring Bowl DM&RM
May 8 St Mellons America Cup WG&RT
June 13 Henbury Scratch Cup
& Powell Cup GP&MN
J u l y 16 Burford Summer Cup RP&MW
Aug. 21 Malvern Inter. Dept. DG&HG
Sept. 29 Clevedon Captain’s Day RT
The America Cup is a trophy new
to us; it has kindly been presented
by member John Wigg, Assembly
Manager, and will be played for
under Stableford scoring.
As your Mitcheldean contact for
the Inter-Plant competition, I can
reveal that the venue will again be
Frilford Heath and the date August
2 7 ; once again it w i l l be played
both rounds over the large course.
(Watch out, c h a p s — I understand
the Irish have already entered I)
Members nominated to run t he
remaining competitions are: Round
Robin — John Spratley; Rabbits
Cup — Mike Ward ; Order of
Merit— Don Meek.
To allow members to start saving
early, I should point out that it
is fairly certain that the majority
of our outings this year will cost
£9 each.
F i n a l l y — and this hurts a bit —
annual subs will now be £1 -50.
H a r o l d Gardiner
‘ B ‘ T e am
Win T r o p hy
With a score of 177, the Rank
Xerox ‘ B ‘ skittles team claimed the
Mai Thomas Challenge Trophy,
which the former chairman of our
Company kindly donated when he
officially opened the new club house
in 1978.
The trophy was played for at a
match held after the Skittles
Section’s annual general meeting
on January 1 2 ; the RX ‘Y’ Cyders
came second w i t h 171, f o l l o w ed by
the RX Misfits w i t h 166.
Trophies for t he highest scores
on the night went to Chris Gurney
(‘B’ team) 2 2 ; Glyn Williams
(Misfits) 20, and Roger Preece
(‘Y’ Cyders) 19.
Other winners of highest averages
in past seasons were as f o l l o w s :
Summer 78
Winter 78/79
Summer 79
H. Lambert
H. Lambert
P. Bonney
‘B’team ‘Y Cyders
T. Brown R. Cooke
A. Haines R. Preece
T. Brown J. George
Bill Constable has been appointed
as chairman for t he ensuing year
in succession to Dennis Cook;
having given many years’ service
not only as chairman but also as
secretary and captain, Dennis had
decided not to stand again. Secretary
Jan Sologub and treasurer Richard
Cooke were both re-elected.
B i r t h
Stuart Alexander, a son for Ross Stevenson
( C y c l e – c o u n t i n g ) and his w i f e Sue, on
February 29.
R e t i r e m e n t s
A r t h u r Barnard (Heat Treatment) 14 years;
Cyril Bevan (Finance) 15 y e a r s : A l f r ed
Cann ( l o n g – t e rm sick leave) nearly 7 y e a r s;
Elizabeth Curry (Electrical S u b – a s s e m b l y)
12 years; Bill Fennell (Finance) 11 years;
Owen H a w k i n s (Stores) 16 y e a r s ; Ralph
James (SQA) 14 years; Cyril J o n e s (Shop
C o n t r o l ) 10 years; Verdun J o n e s (Works
Engineering) 14 y e a r s ; T o m Meek (RXC
M a i n t e n a n c e ) 1 4 J y e a r s ; C l i f f o r d Miles
(OA) 14 y e a r s ; Harold Phillips (driver/
service operator) 15 y e a r s ; B e t ty Popejoy
( E n g i n e e r i n g Print Room) 8 J y e a r s ; Harold
Pritchard (Works Engineering) 7 y e a r s;
J o e Smith (Assembly) 1 5 i y e a r s ; Robert
Taylor ( l o n g – t e rm sick leave) 1 0 J y e a r s;
J a c k Venn (Electrical S u b – a s s e m b l y ) 17
y e a r s ; Norman Yates ( I n d u s t r i a l Engineering)
nearly 15 years.
O b i t u a r y – W e are sorry t o report t h e death
on March 27 of Lou S m i t h at t h e age of
7 1 . Lou w o r k e d at M i t c h e l d e a n for some
20 years before r e t i r i n g in 1 9 6 8 . Our
s y m p a t h y goes t o her f a m i l y.
Vive le Vin!
H a v i n g b e a t e n t h e U K O p c o i n an
a l l – R a n k X e r o x r u g b y m a t c h l a st
N o v e m b e r , H Q P l u s T h e R e s t ( a nd
t h a t i n c l u d e d M i t c h e l d e a n ) w o n t he
r i g h t t o p l a y R a n k X e r o x F r a n c e in
P a r i s a n d s e e t h e E n g l a n d / F r a n ce
I n t e r n a t i o n a l . D o n J e f f e r i e s g i v e s us
h e r e a f r a n k a n d e x p l i c i t a c c o u n t of
t h e t r i p . . .
It w a s 2.45 am on Saturday, February 2,
and t h e M i t c h e l d e a n party w a s w a i t i n g in
p o u r i n g rain and h o w l i n g w i n d s o u t s i de
The Swan at C i n d e r f o r d for Cotterells
coach t o take us t o H e a t h r o w for the
6.40 am f l i g h t t o Paris.
Cigarettes g l o w e d in t h e darkness and we
c o u g h e d like sick c o w s , h o p i n g Janet Stock
hadn’t f o r g o t t e n t o book t h e c o a c h . She
hadn’t ( g o o d o l d J a n ) ; it t u r n e d up on
t h e dot at 3 am and w e clambered aboard
and w e r e off.
We met up w i t h t h e rest of t h e RX party at
H e a t h r ow and boarded t h e TriStar at t he
a p p r o p r i a t e time, but t h e f l i g h t was delayed
some 30 minutes ( J i n t w a s w a l k i ng
about on the w i n g l o o k i n g for t h e outside
t o i l e t ) .
On arrival at t h e Charles de Gaulle A i r p o rt
we were met by our French rivals w h o were
s i n g i n g f i l t h y Rugby songs (at least, we
think they w e r e f i l t h y ).
We were taken by c o a c h t o t h e RX A d m i n ,
centre at A u l n a y for breakfast of croissants
and coffee ( w h y is French c o f f e e always
c o l d ?) and after v a r i o u s t h r e a t e n i ng
speeches f r om b o t h captains w e were
presented w i t h RX ties. (One of t h e lads
w a n t e d t o change his because it w a s t oo
t i g h t ) .
Then w e w e r e back on t h e c o a c h t o go
t o t h e g r o u n d t o play our g a m e ; t h e weather
h a d n ‘ t changed — gales and d r i v i n g rain.
The RX UK t e am w a s far t o o p o w e r f u l for
t h e French and spent most of t h e t i m e in
French t e r r i t o r y , but, o w i n g t o impossible
h a n d l i n g c o n d i t i o n s and t h e e f f o r t s of the
French referee, t h e score w a s just 9 – 0 t o UK.
Arthur Barnard retired recently after 14 years at t^itcheldean, all of which were spent in
the Heat Treatment area. His daughter Shirley, who works in Electrical Sub-assembly,
was among those who gathered to see him receive a pewter tankard presented by Finishing
Department Supervisor Roy Nicholls on behalf of his workmates.
Out of uniform for once, the Security people turned up in force for the farewell party
given for Chief Security Officer Bert Charnley when he took early retirement after 10^
years’ service (reported in last issue). Director Al Hagen kindly presented gifts of a
tankard and carriage clock from the department and Manager Guy Bedford paid tribute
to Bert’s professionalism. There were flowers, too, for his wife, and the Security girls
helped put on an excellent buffet.
Neil J o n e s s c o r e d a t r y , Dennis Hargreaves
c o n v e r t e d it and k i c k e d a penalty.
A f t e r t h e game w e d r o v e i n t o Paris for
l u n c h w h i c h w a s t a k e n at t h e c l u b of w h at
appeared t o be t h e Paris e q u i v a l e n t of
W i m b l e d o n .
S i r l o i n steak and c o q – a u – v i n w e r e on the
menu t o g e t h e r w i t h j u g s of t h e necessary
red w i n e . My c o q – a u – v i n was d e l i c i o u s,
and in f a c t t u r n e d out t o be t h e h i n d q u a r t e rs
of a r a b b i t!
We t h e n made our w a y on f o o t t h e short
d i s t a n c e t o t h e Pare des Princes — and we
all k n o w w h a t England d i d there. (Bad day
all r o u n d , really, for France).
Our French hosts d e c i d e d w e s h o u l d all
g o back t o t h e main RX b u i l d i n g in Paris for
a c h a m p a g n e r e c e p t i o n , and w e d i d n ‘t
The RX o f f i c e is 5 6 f l o o r s up and t h e lift
does it in 15 s e c o n d s — the v i e w of Paris
f r om t h e r e is a b s o l u t e l y b r e a t h t a k i n g.
A f t e r d e m o l i s h i n g the c h a m p a g n e , our
next port of call w a s our hotel for a s h o w er
Some of the
party on their
way to the
and c h a n g e of c l o t h e s before b e i n g taken
o u t t o dinner.
The meal, again a c c o m p a n i e d by c o p i o us
q u a n t i t i e s of Beaujolais and S a n g r i l l a , was
superb and w e n t on for approx. three hours,
d u r i n g w h i c h a p p r o p r i a t e songs w e r e sung
by b o t h sides, the h i g h spot being a duet by
our o w n ‘ J i n t & T o n i c ‘ w h i c h b r o u g h t the
house d o w n .
S u n d a y m o r n i n g was spent o n a visit t o t he
Eiffel T o w e r and c e l e b r a t i n g our w i n before
d e p a r t i n g for t h e airport and home.
Sincere t h a n k s must g o t o t h e French
Company for their g e n e r o u s h o s p i t a l i t y.
The Mitcheldean contingent consisted of:
Paul Bedney (Tool Inspection), apprentice
Wayne Davis, Graham E^cups (Machine
Shop), Dennis Hargreaves (RCP Laboratory)
Ian Jones (Works Engineering), Neil
Jones (Mfg. Eng.), Richard Morgan (Mfg.
Eng.), Pat Ward (OA), Paul Weaver
(9200 Assembly), and Don (Training) who
was instrumental in fixing up the original
12 Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd., Cheltenham