I am delighted to be able to report that there
was an excellent response to our first issue
of ‘VISION’. My thanks to all those who
participated. I sincerely hope that your
enthusiasm in it will continue. This is
‘our magazine’.
I am sure you will be pleased to hear that our
intake of orders this year is most encouraging,
particularly on the Home Market. It is a
little unfortunate that the factory are unable
to produce the product in line with the intake
of orders, especially as we are facing
additional competition this year with the
relaxation of the import restrictions, both
from the Continent and America.
Now is the time for us all to realise the
necessity of providing a product at the right
time and of the highest possible quality.
You will, I am sure, have seen the new
approach in our advertisements, BELL & HOWELL,
satisfied that you are playing your part in
living up to our slogan? I believe that this
can contribute so much towards our future
Since this is our holiday number, may I take
this opportunity of saying that I hope you
will have a very happy time.
Divisional Chief Executive.
COR the benefit of those who have
IL newly joined the Division, Mr. E.
Maynard, the Manager, has provided
VISION ‘ with a few biographical notes
about that establishment known alternately
as the London Depot, the Bell &
Howell shop, or, rather possessively,
‘ Hanover Square.’
Here they take care of emergency
sales of equipment on a wholesale basis,
and also act as a retail shop, selling both
British and American Bell & Howell
The staff, totalling 20, are kept very
busy, dealing with sales problems,
accountancy, stores, stock control and
packing. and a very considerable amount
of equipment is processed through
London each day.
They have the advantage of being
situated in the centre of the West End
with a very nice outlook over Hanover
Square, and quite often receive visits
from well-known personalities who have
recently included Peter Sellers, Kenneth
Horne, Geraldo and Tommy Kinsman.
While less fortunate people travelled
from all over the country, and in many
cases stayed overnight on the Royal
Wedding route, a few of the staff
actually saw the whole procession
within the period of their lunch hour,
and this was quite a thrill.
Although they have such a small
number of personnel, five members
belong to the Long Service Association
-Mr. E. Maynard having qualified for
the 25 Club, and Mr. Les Carter, Bell
& Howell manager, becoming eligible
next year.
It is hoped that a visit to Mitcheldean
The newly modernised interior of the shop
may be arranged later in the year as very
few of the London Depot people have
had the opportunity of seeing and
appreciating ‘ the wonderful part of the
country in which the great majority of
our colleagues are working; ‘ at the
same time they extend a welcome to any
member of the Mitcheldean staff to call
on them at any time they should be
visiting London. In connection with
such reciprocal visits, they regret that
there is no longer any form of Sports
Day held at Mitcheldean as this would
provide an opportunity for a gettogether.
One or two of their members are certainly
entering for the Cover Picture
0 UR lovely cover girl is actress Yoko Tani, pictured while on location for an eight-minute
commercial TV promotional film for the new Rank Organisation feature film ‘ Savage Innocents ‘,
in which she stars with Anthony Quinn. While here, Yoko Tani used a Bell & Howell Autoset
electric eye 8 mm. tine camera to make a film of London highlights for herself. Simultaneously with
the June premiere of the film in London was announced a new contest, with Bell & Howell 8 mm.
equipment as prizes. Entrants have talist, in order of preference, the features of the film they would
consider most important if they had to prepare an advertisement for it, and also state why they would
like to own a Bell & Howell Autoset Turret camera. Prizes are ten complete sets of equipment, each
consisting of an Autoset Turret camera, a Moviemaster projector, Miralyte screen and film.
Obviously employees of the Rank Organisation must be excluded from the competition-but tell
your friends about it! Entry forms are obtainable from photographic dealers and Rank Organisation
cinemas throughout the country.
… ….
The men who have clocked up a total of one hundred years-Mr. F. H. O’Hare, Mr. G. 0. Fisher, Mr. A.
J. Pincombe and Mr. A. S. Osborne-pictured with Mr. F. Wickstead at the Long Service Association
Annual Dinner.
AWARDS to mark the giving of a total
of 100 years of service were
presented at the 7th Annual Dinner of
the Long Service Association held at the
Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye on May 10.
The presentations, for 25 years’ service
each, were made by Mr. F. Wickstead
to Mr. G. 0. Fisher (Electrical
Laboratory), Mr. F. H. O’Hare (Service
Manager), Mr. A. S. Osborne (Finished
Goods and Warehouse Manager) and
Mr. A. J. Pincombe (Chief Administrator-
Proposing the toast of ‘ The Long
Service Association,’ Mr. J. E. T. Haile,
Assistant Managing Director, Rank
Precision Industries Ltd., said that of the
3,000 people employed by the Group,
800 had given 12 years’ service and over,
and 200 had given 25 years’ or more. In
his speech he also detailed current and
new products of the Group.
The Chairman, Mr. B. C. Smith
(Product Manager), in his reply, assured
the Management that the members of
the L.S.A. were devoted to the Company
and were wishful to do all in their
power to increase mutual security. In
addition, there was a feeling that the day
should come when some opportunity
should be given to them to share the
prosperity, which they must ever seek
to ensure, by some form of profit
sharing or stockholding scheme. He
mentioned the good work which
members had done in the past year in
visiting sick colleagues and in providing
presents in kind from the L.S.A. funds.
Mr. H. S. Phillips (Tool Inspection),
Secretary of the Association, proposed
While in Mitcheldean for the Annual Dinner, Long Service Association members took the opportunity to
see round the factory. Here Mr. E. Giles and Mr. F. N. Crew from London (left, at rear), together with
Mr. J. N. Wray and Mr. A. Cleland from Leeds (lefi, in foreground), talk with Mr. H. S. Phillips. the
Mitcheldean L.S.A. Secretary (Tool Inspection), and Mr. S. Scott (Assembly Supervisor).
the toast of The Guests ‘ to which the
Secretary of the Group L.S.A., Miss V.
Holder, responded. There was a further
response from another guest, Mr. J. N.
Wray, who, with Mr. A. Cleland,
represented the Leeds factory. Mr.
Wray said that they were hoping that a
Long Service Association would be
started at Leeds in the near future. He
emphasised some of the problems to be
faced but nevertheless seemed to be
reasonably optimistic that these would
be overcome.
Also among the guests were Mr. J.
Hambrey, Works Manager, Woodger
Road, and representatives from the
Long Service Associations of London
(Messrs. E. Giles and F. N. Crew) and
Perivale (Mrs. B. Hackett and Mr. R.
Miss K. Matthews (Quality Control), who is on the
Mitcheldean L.S.A. committee, shows a 631
amplifier to Mrs. B. Hackett-a Long Service
Association member from the G.B. Film Library,
At the annual general meeting of
Mitcheldean L.S.A. held previously the
change of name to ‘ The Rank Precision
Industries Long Service Association ‘
was agreed; the Perivale L.S.A. have
made a similar change and the Leeds
association will also follow suit. It was
also decided that the entitlement of £1
should be increased to £1 10s. There
have been 24 new members during the
year, stated the Secretary’s report, and
one member-Mr. W. Vaughan-has
retired. The future programme includes
a social to be held early in December
and an outing to be arranged if sufficient
members are interested.
The new committee is as follows : F.
Edwards (Chairman), B. C. Smith (Vice-
Chairman), H. S. Phillips (Secretary), A.
E. Walton, C. Malsom, A. S. Osborne, T.
Waite. L. Tuffley and Miss K. Matthews.
Employee Loan Scheme
wax holidays just- around the corner,
this is an appropriate time to mention
the Loan Scheme for cameras, projectors,
etc., which the Company has
operated for some years. This pool of
equipment, loaned without charge, is
always in great demand, so to avoid
disappointment advance booking is
advised. The scheme, which does not
include the sale of camera film or loan
of films for projection, comes under the
control of Mr. D. R. Elliott, Chief
Quality Control Engineer. Applications
to book equipment should be made to
Miss G. Jones in Quality Control Office,
which is located at the right-hand side
of the Assembly Floor, adjacent to
Stores 33.
For the benefit of new borrowers we
would point out that all equipment
loaned through this scheme is solely
for the personal use of the employee,
and projectors must not be used for
any public showing.
Cheap at £10- Boozey & Co. ‘ C ‘
Soprano Sax I/P. Silver plated complete
with case and tutor. Apply H. J.
Andrews, Dept. Autos 71.
For Sale-Table wringer, all purpose
fixing; Burco Electric wash boiler (cream).
Both items have been little used.
Enquiries to D. R. Elliott, Chief
Quality Control Engineer.
Wanted-Small coupe car, age of no
importance. Willing to pay £20 or near.
Box. No. 2.
Raleigh ‘Monte Carlo’ lady’s sports
cycle for sale. In good condition, red
and black. £10 or near offer. Box No. 3.
.22 Target Rifle for sale. Perfect
condition, £12. Apply to B. A. Moger,
Security Officer.
‘ Champion ‘ electric heater. Cost £8
when new, used once only. Price now
asked-£4. Also large expanding suitcase,
brand new. Price £1 10s. Apply
for either article to Mr. H. Cowmeadow,
6 Council House, Townsend, Mitcheldean.
Replies to Box Nos. should be addresseddo
VISION, Fair View, Plump Hill,
Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire.
Sports and
Social News
FIRST winner in the weekly draw for
Company equipment, started in
May, was Mr. S. Mobey (Paint Shop),
who won a 624 camera, while Mr. Brian
Wear (Service Repair Shop) and Mr.
Tom Waite (Maintenance) both won
cameras in the second draw.
Projectors will, it is hoped, also be
available as prizes in the raffle, and, with
holidays in mind, smaller but more
numerous prizes of 50 ft. of 8 mm.
colour film.
The fortnightly Tombola continues
and is becoming more and more
popular, we hear.
A group of members of the Woodger
Road Sports and Social Club were invited
to Mitcheldean for the day on June 25.
They were given lunch, then taken on a
coach trip. After tea at the factory they
enjoyed a social evening, dancing to
Harry Tooze and his music.
Cine Club
A MEETING of the Cine Club General
Committee was held on Wednesday,
May 25, in the Sports & Social
Club, to discuss the future programme
and the possibility of extending the Club
activities to cover still ‘ photography
aspects as well as cinematography.
The meeting was attended by Chairman
D. R. Elliott (Chief Quality
Control Engineer), Secretary W. Brown
(Tool Room), and Committee Members
J. Wedderburn (Tool Room), A. Mason
(Service Department) and S. Richardson
(Assembly). In addition, Mr. C.
Malsom (Tool Room) and Mr. A. C.
Cornwell (Export Sales) were co-opted
in view of their interest in the proposed
‘ still ‘ photography activity. Mr.
Cornwell, being the past Chairman of
the Mortimer Photographic Society
(now disbanded with the move to
Mitcheldean), was able to give the
meeting details of the arrangements
made consequent on the disbanding of
the London Club, and its effect finan-
cially and materially on the Mitcheldean
Club-details of which will be published
after the next Annual General Meeting.
It was generally agreed that a change
of name was necessary for the two
sections to be recognised. The Committee
unanimously agreed that ‘ Deanside
Cine and Photographic Club ‘
should be suggested as the new name,
and this will be put before the members
at the next General Meeting.
It was generally agreed that it was
desirable to re-organise the present
Club with two distinct sections covering
cine and still ‘ activities and that a
General Committee with Sectional
Secretaries should be voted for at the
next Annual Meeting.
In order to estimate the potential
interest within the Division in both
activities, it was decided that the next
Cine Club meeting should take the form
of an Open Night ‘ which any member
of the Sports & Social Club would be
welcome to attend.
It is intended to put on exhibitions
and film shows, generally covering the
field intended to be covered by the
re-formed club, with refreshments and a
social evening to follow. Separate
details of this event will be published as
soon as arrangements are finalised;
meanwhile any enquiries should be
made to members of the Committee.
With the increased coverage and
apparent renewed interest, it is hoped
that a fully equipped dark room. etc.,
will become available and a full programme
of lectures and practice sessions
can be planned to cover fortnightly
meetings-alternately cine and still.’
MATHEMATICIANS have been totting up
the figures for the Skittles Section, Ross
League 59/60, and it transpires that D.
Cook (Tool Room) of ‘A’ Team has run
up the highest individual average at
27.5. Highest individual average of the
‘ B ‘ Team has been achieved by W.
Carpenter (Machine Shop Inspection)
with 27. Highest individual score in
the ‘A’ Team was chalked up by R.
Johnson (Stores 33) at 36, while W.
Carpenter was again top in B ‘ Team
with 38. Highest leg scores were: ‘A’
Team 85; B’ Team 75. Out of 30
matches played, the ‘A’ and B ‘ Teams
scored 33 and 26 points respectively.
The ‘A’ Team has, however, suffered a
loss with the ‘ emigration ‘ of their
captain, Mr. E. ‘ Ted ‘ Hill, to Somerset.
To mark the occasion he was presented
with a pint tankard by the Skittles
Section and it is doubtless being put to
good use!
The Rank Precision Industries Trophy
was won by the Territorial Club,
Cinderford (Second Division); Mr. J. W.
Disney (Plant Engineer), who is on the
Ross League Management Committee,
made the presentation.
But although the Section has finished
its winter season, its members are too
keen to sit back and take things easy.
They have joined the Mitcheldean Front
Pin Skittles League (players have to
knock down the front pin before
scoring anything), and two teams have
been entered for the Ross Six-a-Side
Knockout Competition.
An outing for the Section to Birmingham
has been fixed for July 9; choice of
amusement offered includes shopping in
the city, a cricket match, or the races at
Worcester; but all will meet at a
Malvern rendezvous to round off the
day with refreshments and a sing-song.
THE following is an extract from a
letter received by Mr. A. C. Cornwell
(Export Sales) from customer Mrs. E. A.
Moore in Southern Rhodesia. Mrs.
Moore, who is the owner of an Autoset,
‘ It is a glorious country to film with
perpetual sunshine every day; so
different from the dull skies in Britain.
During the last two weeks I have
been touring Kruger National Park, and
taking film shots of the game.
‘ I had some luck one morning this
week; a cheetah had killed an impala
and was devouring it a few yards away
and quite near about twenty vultures
were standing motionless waiting their
chance to pounce upon the prey. And
then as if by a stroke of luck, the
cheetah carried its carcass to the road
and walked up the centre of the road
with a hungry crowd of vultures following
behind. It really was ideal for
filming, and a chance not to be missed.’
DURING the last two weeks in July and
first two in August, the Sales Department
is going ‘ on the road ‘ in a body
to launch the new 8 mm. camera and
projector. Involved in this large-scale
undertaking will be Sales Manager Mr.
Jack Duffell, and Messrs. Edward Cann,
Roy Fowler, Ron Pryor and Michael
Bent, together with the Area Managers
of the territories involved.
The scheme (nicknamed the Bell &
Howell Circus ‘) is to introduce the new
product to dealers and their assistants
through a series of exhibitions held in
hotels all over the country.
MRS. PHIPPS (Assembly) was surprised to
find she had two Siamese Tulips ‘ in her
garden this spring-two of her bulbs
each produced a stalk bearing two
blooms. Influenced perhaps by talk of
the triple-lens Autoset Turret, one of the
tulips in Sales Manager Jack Duffell’s
garden had three blooms on one stalk!
Anyone seen a tulip complete with
electric eye ?
IT is a well-known fact in the Accounts
Department that individuals often
arrive in the office and find that their
working positions have been altered in
their absence. An opportunity for
revenge presented itself recently when
the perpetrator of these outrages was
foolish enough to vacate his premises
for a few days’ holiday. Mysteriously
overnight the tables were turned (literally
and metaphorically) and a complete
reorganisation was effected, transforming
what was once a shambles into the
most perfect functional layout.
(vistoN trusts the novel layout received
the approval of the Deputy Divisional
VISION is pleased to announce that Gordon
Taylor, A IBP. A RPS, who took the front cover
picture for our first issue, and Joan Wickes,
FIB!), FRPS. FRSA. Editor of ‘ Good Photography’.
have agreed to act as judges for this
contest. Mrs. J. Cox. Publicity Department,
Perivale, will receive entries at the G.B. Film
Library and forward them for judging ; Mr.
Derek Dutton, Divisional P.R.O.. will do the
same for Mortimer House entrants, and Mr.
E. Maynard for Bell & Howell shop entrants.
Don’t forget-entries must be with the Editor
by September 9.
This display of equipment in the (tt cAtminAtcr Phut,.
graphic Ltd.. in the Strand is typical of those we are now installing in
the windows of leading dealers throughout London. The photograph
behind the model is a blow-up of one of our current national press
advertisments. A whole window in Selfridges was devoted to our cine
equipment in June when they held a ‘Bell & Howell Week’. In addition.
customers were encouraged (by placards placed strategically about the
store) to visit the Photographic Department where we staged a special
display of 8 mm. cameras and projectors.
Pictured on :h.. Company’s stand at the Industrial. Educational & Careers Exhibition, held In Cinderford
in April. are Mr. F. Edwards (Trainng Supervisor), Mr. W. G. (Bill) Crisp (Audio Visual Sales Promotion
Officer) and, far right, a B.B.C. newsreel freelance cameraman, who. incidentally, was using a Bell &
Howell 70 DR camera. During the Exhibition apprentice Ray Dance operated and demonstrated a
Schaublin capstan lathe and a dynani: balancer. A quiz, held in conjunction with the exhibition, proved
most successful in prompting questons about the Company’s equipment and film making in general, and
at the same time helped to divert my hands from accumulating more than their fair share of literature!
The Children’s Saturday Club
of Wimbledon Odeon are
making a film with a
Model 627 around a
Refugee Year ‘ theme.
This action shot shows
a 14-year-old boy . using the
camera for an
exciting scene in which
two children run away from
a burglar after stealing
his loot. Why the broom?
The girl is about to
turn and knock the burglar
down with it!
Miss V. White demonstrates
the operation of a 16 mm.
projector to Photographic
Dealers’ Association Cine
Society members escorted
by Mr. A. J. Pincombe
during their visit to
Mitcheldean in April. Other
recent visitors have included
students of the Forest of
Dean Technical College,
Fifth Formers from Kings
School. Gloucester, members
of the Royal Military
College of Science Cine
Society and R.A.F. N.C.O.s
and instructors from
Swedish film actress Ma_ /merlin
and au:hor-husband Da$ id Hughes,
with their dog, being filmed by
Divisional P. R. Officer Derek Dutton
with Mai’s Model 627 camera. Mai
and David are making television
documentaries around Europe with this
camera. PHOTO: P. R. OFFICE
This Man is Building Quality. In other words,
Mr. H. Helen. whilst on amplifier inspection.
checks the undistorted power output on a 640
amplifier. Mr. Helm is now chargehand of the
amplifier section. PHOTO: C. BROOKS
At the Milan Fair
FERKAMA, our agents in Italy, had the
biggest display in the photographic
section of the Milan Fair, held from
April 11 to 22. Their stand was of novel
design, it being devoted to a model
factory showing all the stages in the
manufacture of film, and a model shop
in which half the goods displayed were
Ferrania and half Bell & Howell
Mr. J. Harrison (European Sales
Executive) represented the Division on
the stand; Mr. G. E. A. Perutz from
Mortimer House was also there for a
short time.
Good Footwork
AS a World Refugee Year effort, a football
team was raised at Mitcheldean to
play Weston-under-Penyard. Rank
Precision Industries beat Weston by
three goals to one and the proceeds of
£2 10s. went to help swell the Fund.
While on the subject of football, it is
interesting to learn that playing for
Harrow Hill recently brought Mr. J.
Bose ly (Assembly) two miniature cups
and one plaque; this brings his total
number of football trophies to six cups
and three plaques.
Their Pigeons
IN THEIR spare time, the thoughts of two
Machine Shop personnel fly to higher
things, Mr. W. Rogers is a member of
Drybrook & District Pigeon Flying
Club, while Mr. J. Mould is assistant
secretary of the Cinderford club. In a
recent race from Guernsey one of Mr.
Rogers’ five pigeons came fifth in the
club’s entry-it did the 174 miles in four
hours 48 minutes. One of Mr. Mould’s
pigeons came first in this same race
when it was held last year.
Not all pigeons make such good time.
While still a youngster one of Mr.
Rogers’ birds was sent from Weymouth
on a race; it took several years to fly
back-and no one knows to this day
what kept it.
The co-operation of these fast birds
(we refer to the pigeons!) may soon be
sought by Mr. I. Griffin, who joined
Small Batch recently. Formerly a
professional photographer. Mr. Griffin
has had no experience of cine work but
he wants to make a 16 mm. film about
pigeon racing. This is a subject he
knows something about since he used to
race pigeons himself with considerable
Taking Our Own Medicine
it RING the week commencing May 16
a series of Office Management Training
films from the G. B. Film Library at
Periva le were shown to supervisors and
office personnel at Mitcheldean. Particularly
appreciated was the one entitled
‘ Grapevine ‘ which came very near to
Service in Paris
OUR Service Manager, Mr. F. O’Hare,
paid a sudden flying visit to Paris on
May 17. It is reported that the purpose
of his trip was to see Pierre Couffin &
Cie, our agents in France; we suspect,
however, that it was in a last valiant but
vain attempt to save the Summit
Shooting for a Shield
A SMALL BORE rifle match for the Experimental
Shield was held on June 2 at the
Dean Rifle and Revolver Club’s range
between the Tool Room (holders) and
Small Batch Department.
After a warm session of shooting, the
Tool Room retained the shield with a
clear win of 116 points, scores being :
Small Batch 413 x 600. Tool Room 529
x 600.
Both teams express their gratitude to
Mr. F. Sekinger, Secretary of the Dean
Rifle Club, for his kind co-operation and
for the club’s facilities. Here’s hoping for
more such interdepartmental matches.
Musical Notes
THOSE members of the Company who
watched the programme Between Two
Rivers’ on B.B.C. Television on Friday,
June 3, at 9.25 p.m., will recall the
sequence featuring the Berry Hill Silver
Band. They may not, however, have
realised that its conductor was none other
than Mr. Harold Hartley, responsible
for all Finishing Departments at Mitchel –
dean, that the cornet player was Mr.
Ivor Jordan (Polishing & Plating Shop),
and the trombonist Miss Desna Cooper
(Small Batch).
For those who did not see it, the halfhour
programme dealt with the changes
that are taking place in village life in the
Forest of Dean, as seen through the eyes
of Dennis Potter, who was born at
Berry Hill. The band came into the
story because it plays such an important
part in village life.
Mr. R. H. Smith (Tool Room) and his wile
(Quality Control) have found themselves the proud
parents of a ‘ queen.’ At Rlakeney on Whit
Saturday their IS-year-old daughter. Jacqueline.
was crowned Queen of the Forest of Dean Youth
Clubs. Jacqueline, who is a member of the
Mitcheldean Youth Club. was chosen from among
12 finalists. The coronation, performed by doctor’s
Wifr Mrs. Bunk is pictured on the right
HERE are some suggested activities which
& Social Club membersparticularly
those who have never yet
managed to attend any club meetingsmight
like to consider:
1 A coach tour abroad, using our own
members as interpreters and guidesthere
are German, French and Italian
speaking members who would know the
interesting places to visit. A local bus
firm would provide bus and driver, and I
feel sure it would be cheaper to organise
than the ordinary travel bureau tour.
2 What about a trip to the Dutch bulb
fields next spring ? Could we combine
that with the Easter weekend ?
3 Could we not buy either a chalet or
a caravan at one of the nearer seaside
places which we could rent for weekends
? We could limit the length of each
booking and have a rota system so that
there would be no unfairness during the
holiday periods.
4 Why no drama group ? These are
good fun and useful for money-raising
S Why not an annual show combined
with cricket match, skittles, darts, and a
dance; sports for children: handicrafts
for all ages; dog show, etc. The families
can then all join in.
6 Keep Fit classes for those with bulges
to be held during dinner break.
7 Badminton, indoors, one night a
8 Any hope of having our own swimming
pool ? If we borrowed the money
it could be repaid by making a charge
for the use of the pool.
9 A Christmas ` musical ‘ show of our
own with script written by one of our
members. Prizes for the best topical
songs composed for the show. With the
talent at our disposal I feel sure it would
be a great success.
10 A treasure hunt on wheels-any sort
of wheels!-with skill required in solving
the clues.
II Juke box and coffee bar for the
younger members.
12 Handicraft classes during the winter
-dressmaking, lampshade making,
painting for pleasure, cake icing, jewelcraft,
cane work, etc.
13 ‘ Jam ‘ sessions for jazz enthusiasts
to which well-known exponents could be
14 Bridge tournaments, whist drives,
chess matches during the winter.
IS Choral singing, musical appreciation
Sister L. D. Townroe.
Putting YOU
in the Picture
Mr. H. Hartley, Supervisor of Plating
Shop, now has the added responsibility
of all Finishing Departments, which
includes Paint Shop and the extension
not yet occupied at the end of the
Machine Shop which will be used for the
fettling and finishing of magnesium
Mr. T. D. Sherry has transferred
to Planning Department. Mr. A. R.
Norman, formerly of Tool Tryout &
Tool Investigation, also Deputy Chief
Tool Engineer, has now been promoted
to be Chief of this Department. Mr. D.
C. Ashall, previously Section Leader
responsible to Mr. P. M. Gregory, is
now promoted to Chief Planning
Engineer. Both Mr. Norman and Mr.
Ashall are responsible to Mr. W. E.
Blaich, Production Engineer. Mr. J. W.
Disney, Plant Engineer, has taken over
Tool Sub-Contracts; assisting him in
this work is Mr. J. Perry, formerly
personal assistant to Mr. J. Knox.
Mr. P. M. Gregory, Chief Project
Engineer, flew to the United States in
May. Most of his eight-week stay will
be spent at the Bell & Howell Co. in
Chicago, but he will also be paying a
Mr. Basil Walker (Case Shop) and his partner.
Kathleen Matthews, pose beside the 35 cups and
some of the medals and awards they have won for
dancing. They have also appeared on television in
the’ Come Dancing ‘ series jor the West ojEngland.
short visit to the Haloid Company at
Rochester. Recently returned from a
visit to Chicago is Mr. E. Smith of the
Electrical Laboratory; he went to the
States just before Christmas.
Mr. J. Ash recently joined the Export
Sales Staff.
Mrs. Valerie Aston took up her appointment
as secretary to the Sales Manager,
Mr. J. Duffell, on May 9. Mrs. Rosemary
Ball whom she replaces, has become the
mother of a baby girl, Caroline Ann.
Mrs. M. Brain has returned to the
Camera Section, Assembly, after a
break of three months, while Mrs. V.
Christopher (nee Phyllis Shields) has
come back to the factory after two
years, during which time she became the
mother of a baby boy. Formerly in
the Machine Shop, Mrs. Christopher has
now started work in the Sub Section of
the Assembly Shop.
Also recently returned to the Company
are: Messrs. B. Osbourne (Small Batch),
S. Jones (Machine Shop). D. J. Cole
(Press Shop). and B. R. James
Miss Mary Dawson, formerly secretary
to Mr. Roy Fowler (Sales Promotion
Officer), is acting as holiday relief in the
Sales Department until the time when
she marries and moves to Birmingham.
Her place has been taken by Miss Anne
Hamblin. After her appointment Miss
Hamblin discovered that her co-worker
in Sales Promotion, typist Miss Gillian
Wilkes, who recently returned to the
Department after several months’ illness,
was also her cousin!
Mrs. J. Thomas (Quality Control) left
the Company on April 14 after 11 years’
service. Her place has been taken by
Mrs. J. Ingram who has transferred
from Assembly.
Miss Josie Jayne (Kitting Area) left at
the end of April to become a nurse at
Dilke Memorial Hospital, Cinderford.
Mr. J. Stafford and Mr. G. Bayliss have
left the Gate Staff; Mr. F. C. Bell and
Mr. C. A. J. Williams (who has transfered
from Press Shop ) have joined
Security in their place.
Our Congratulations to …
Miss Jane Stubbs (Assembly) who was
married to Mr. Leonard Teague on
May 7 at the Forest Church, Drybrook.
Miss Maureen Roberts, who became the
wife of Mr. Roger Hart at Ruspidge
Church on May 21; both work in the
Amplifier Section, Assembly.
Miss Margaret Parker (Punch Operator,
Hollerith Department) who became
engaged and was married in the month
of May at Christ Church, Coleford, to
art student Mr. Alan Edwards.
Miss Valerie Cowmeadow (organising
genius of the Accounts Department!)
who is to be married at the Forest
Church on September 9 this year to Mr.
Geoffrey Jones.
Miss Margaret Sterry (Sales Order) who
is to marry Mr. Bryan Head at the
Forest Church on October 8. She will
have Company ‘ support ‘ in the form
of two Home Sales bridesmaids-Miss
Sheila Slade and Miss Jackie Creed.
Company’s Engagements
Combining two important events in one,
Miss Pat Birch (Export Sales) became
engaged to Mr. Bernard Moger (son of
Security Officer B. A. Moger) on March
28, her 21st birthday. Bernard works in
Xerox Drawing Office.
Miss Kathleen Stallard, secretary to Mr.
J. C. C. Woods (Accounts Department),
is all set to become a farmer’s wife. She
announced her engagement to farmer
Robert J. Brooks of Staunton, nr.
Gloucester, on April 27.
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The new Mrs. A. Edwards
Taking their job of assembly work
seriously, Miss June Pritchard (Amplifier
Line) and Mr. Clive Brookes (16
mm. Line) became engaged on May 17,
June’s 19th birthday.
Miss Hazel Roberts (Purchase Department)
became engaged to Mr. J.
Matthews on March 26.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Teague
Major Birthdays
Mrs. S. Dubberley (Comptometer
Operator, Accounts Department), who
has worked at Mitcheldean for the past
six years, became 21 years of age on May
Apprentice Basil Brown reached his 21st
birthday a week later, on May 21 (Basil
completes his term of apprenticeship
this August) while apprentice Bob
Greenman became 21 on June 2.
New Arrivals
Veronica, daughter for Mr. T. Godsell
(Amplifier Line, Assembly) and his wife,
who arrived on April 12 weighing 6 lb.
4 oz.
Janet, surviving twin daughter of 4 lb.
9 oz., born to Mr. E. Knight (Sub
Section Chargehand, Assembly) and his
wife Ruth (née Roberts) who formerly
worked in Production Control. Janet
arrived on Good Friday and was
christened on Whit Sunday.
Gary Andrew, son for Mr. H. Carpenter,
Building Maintenance Foreman, who
arrived on April 20 and weighed 7 lb.
5 oz.
A daughter, Wendy Jane, for Mr. J.
Mr. G. E. A. Perutz on charge of policy
for the Export Sales Department at
Mortimer House) and his wife, with
their two small children. Sandra (one of
this country’s leading child models),
aged 4f and Simon, aged nearly two
years, have become Mitcheldean inhabitants
for the summer months. They
have rented a bungalow nearby.
Mr. Gerry Gask (Audio-Visual Field
Manager ) recently organised at
Mortimer House the first 16 mm. course
for assistants in our audio-visual
dealers’ shops. Held on three fine May
days, it was a great success. Another
person well-known to Mitcheldean, Mr.
Bill Crisp, with Mr. George Bain,
assisted him.
Tennis fans will be interested to know
that Divisional P.R.O. Derek Dutton
will be keeping his eye on the ball this
summer as a Wimbledon Tennis Championships
and Wightman Cup umpire.
New Bell & Howell products, including
the Sportster IV camera, proved to
be the highlight of the 2nd International
Photo-Cine Exhibition in Brussels in
Powell (Production Control) and his
wife. With the vital statistic of 6i lb.,
Wendy made her appearance on April
Susan Alice, who arrived on May Daythe
sort of good timing you’d expect
from a girl whose mother, Mrs. Jean
Powles, was formerly a time clerk in the
Case Shop.
A brother for Kevin and Leslie-Gary
Dennis, weighed in at 8A lb. on May 10.
His father, Mr. D. Minton, works in
Small Batch, Shuttle Section.
Mrs. Eileen Bird (secretary to Mr. C.
Collins, Purchase Department) left on
June 3 after being with the Company
111 years. She and husband Colin Bird
(Xerox Design) are expecting a ‘ happy
event ‘ in the autumn. Miss Gloria
Rogers has taken Mrs. Bird’s place and
Mrs. Sylvia Cie% erley has joined the
Purchase Department.
P. R. ::FICE
Sandra Perutz. daughter of Mr. G. E. A. Perot:.
is the child girl model in this picture of a Model 635
Moviemaster still ‘ for P. R. Office use which
comes under the heading You don’t need a
technicall-minded father around to set up for
home movies.’ Sandra is one of England’s leading
child models and she has appeared in a number of
press pictures for Division II.
May, attended by Mr. Dutton. King
Baudoin of Belgium is a keen 640
projector user, and his brother, Prince
Albert, was given one for his wedding
last year.
Wedding in Springtime A roundthe-
clock operation .%as required when
Wedding in Springtime, the film of
Princess Margaret’s wedding, was being
edited for the 8 mm. and 16 mm.
versions which the Library distributed.
By working through the week-end
following the wedding. first copies were
despatched the following Wednesday,
six days after the wedding itself. (We
hear that the film proved a fantastic
success ‘ and a Mortimer House window
display of stills blown-up to giant size
attracted much attention from passersby.
Sports & Social Club-The annual
general meeting was held on May 4 and
Mr. L. Francis was again voted Chairman
with Mr. Rutley as Treasurer, Mr.
Moore Secretary, and the Committee
as follows: Mr. Cockayne, Miss
Dymock, Miss George, Mr. Newberry,
Miss Flynn, Miss Patterson, Mrs.
Everett. The annual accounts showed
that the trading accounts from the bar
were maintaining a satisfactory level,
which it was hoped would enable the
present concessions and amenities to be
continued. Club members spent a really
enjoyable day out on May 28 at Southsea.
The journey was made by coach and
the Exam Room girls kept the party
alive with their football antics! ‘ A
Grand Flannel Dance ‘ has been
arranged to take place on July 1 at the
Greenwood Hotel. Tickets can be
obtained from Mr. Derek Moore, the
Club Secretary.
Three Very Special Birthdays-Congratulations
to Wendy Patterson and
Pauline Masters of Dictorcl Department,
also Bob Strand of Accounts
Department, who celebrated their 21st
birthdays in May.
Latest Arrivals-We are pleased to
announce that Mrs. Eric Simpson gave
birth to a daughter Caroline Anne on
April 27. weighing 7 lb. 5 oz., and Mrs.
Sheila O’Connell gave birth to a son,
Martin Stewart, on April 20, weighing
6 lb. 3 oz.
Darts-The first rounds of dart matches
for the Dartnell Trophy, Filmatic Cup
and the Poliwax Cup, if not already
started by the time this issue is published,
will be played off very soon afterwards.
A Gay Weekend-The Air Charter
Club recently organised a flight to
Hamburg. and Mrs. Lowe and a friend,
Ron Burge and Bill Rymer went with
the party. By all accounts a good time
was had by all. Ron says the night clubs
were numerous, expensive and, to say
the least, sensational. He’s had a gleam
in his eye since his return. Bill Rymer
isn’t talking about his experiences!
Incidentally Ron Burge has now left the
Library to take up an appointment as
Despatch Manager elsewhere. The
gleam in his eye went with him.
Truly Rural-Although not so rural as
Mitcheldean-Perivale has its moments
of country life, as witness the many
nesting birds in the gutters and eaves.
The rescue by Mr. Charles Robb of a
young sparrow who found its way into
the staff canteen and the starling who
strayed into Mr. Leslie Francis’s car
were recent incidents. Walking near the
walls and sometimes even in the
corridors can be hazardous until the
fledgelings are house trained!
Expansion-Structural alterations at
Perivale always create a problem-what
one gains another must lose. Booking
Department are currently giving up
space to accommodate a new telephone
exchange with 14 lines in place of the
present nine. It looks like being a busy
Spring Engagement – Congratulations
to Miss Barbara Timms of Accounts
Department on her engagement to Mr.
Roy Goodchild, a salesman with T.
Wall & Sons.
May Wedding-On May 21 Miss
Eileen Lucas of Accounts Department
married Mr. Thomas Ridley at St.
Anselms Church, Hayes. The bride and
groom spent their honeymoon in the
Isle of Wight.
P-irell Sy Di, Vitt.) 1’7-.111 P .ss Lim,te/. C,u’s111. Sure
The G.B. Film Library
at Perivale. Middlesex
Rank Precision Industries Ltd.
offices at 37/41 Mortimer Street,
London, W.1
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building of
Rank Precision Industries Ltd.
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire
1141.’ 1111111Inn