Return to 1960-1964

Vision 004

Over the past few years, our share of the Home
Market has steadily increased, and in 1960
more than 40 out of every 100 8 mm. cameras
sold will have been made at Mitcheldean.
In 1961, however, a further reduction in
import duties will expose us to even keener
prices from our European rivals. In addition,
we shall have to face the initial impact of
the East German, Russian and Japanese
competition mentioned by Mr. Wickstead in the
leader of our last issue.
These new developments are not cause for
panic, but there can be little doubt that they
will present a serious challenge to our
present supremacy – a challenge which must be
met and overcome if we are to continue to
prosper. A challenge, however, which the
Sales Division has anticipated and for which
we are fully prepared.
During the past two years our administration
and system of distribution have been
completely re-organised. The sales force has
been strengthened, and as you will have read
in ‘Six Men Go to Sell’, our excellent dealer
relations have been systematically
consolidated. As a result, our present sales
service is second to none. This is supported
by modern sales promotion methods and powerful
national advertising, making it easier and
consequently more profitable for the dealer to
sell Bell & Howell than any other make.
Total success will now depend upon our ability
to supply equipment of the right quality, at
the right price and at the right time. To
this end unprecedented demands are already
being made on the experience and ability of
our colleagues in the factory. It will be
essential for the highest standard of quality
to be maintained consistently, and in
addition, provision must be made for our
production programme to be as flexible as
Now, believe me, subject to the co-operation
and co-ordination called for by Mr. Wickstead
being forthcoming – and I am sure they will
be – the Asian invader will have a very tough
_ Home Sales Manager
Second prize of one guinea goes to
Mr. W. H. Nicholas (West of England
urea manager) for this gay picture.
Our cover picture earns 3 guineas
16r first prize winner Mr. C. E. Irving.
technician at the London Depot.
Here is what Judges Joan Wickes, FIBP, FRPS, FRSA,
Editor of e Good Photography,’ and Gordon Taylor,
AIBP, ARPS, have to say about the entries
Plc 1 t.RES for covers of periodicals are
not at all easy to find, as most
editors are well aware. for there are
several special points about them which
must be taken notice of. and which do
not apply to photographs as taken
normally by amateurs for their own
interest or enjoyment. The cover
picture should be:
(a) Sharp and clear with a good range of
tones from highlights to shadows, not
relying too much on subtle gradations of
tone, as these are apt to be lost in the
process of blockmaking for reproduction.
(b) Understandable at a glance. which
usually means that a bold. simple
presentation of the subject is needed.
(c) The right way up for cover design’s
requirements: usually upright, as in this
(d) On glossy paper. because from this
surface a good sharp block can be made:
ivory or cream base papers are really
unsuitable. as they tend to reproduce a
dull ‘ flat’ looking result.
The general standard of entries could
not be said to be high. probably because
this being a first attempt. most entrants
were not really sure what was required.
Among the total. though. there were
quite a number of good prints with
interesting subjects. Children, animals
and attractive girls are the most popular
subjects on covers, and we found plenty
of these, although some prints had to be
eliminated because of their shape, or
because they were lacking in one of the
other requirements mentioned earlier.
Especially with young children. faces
should be visible and, if possible. show a
suitable expression for the picture.
whether happy or sad or. perhaps.
pensive. With landscape subjects.
sunshine is best, for this helps to give
the brilliance in the print which is
required for successful reproduction.
After careful consideration and
examination of all the prints, bearing in
mind that the photographic quality as
well as the subject matter was important
according to the rules, the first prize we decided that was well deserved by
Mr. C. E. Irving for his photograph of the attractive young lady in the nautical
surroundings. You will notice that this
picture fulfils all the requirements and,
although the original print is on a semimatt
paper, it has reproduced well on this
edition’s cover. as it has a good range of tones and is of good general quality throughout.
Record Loans
A RECORD number of projectors and
cine-cameras have been issued under the
Company’s Employee Loan Scheme at
Mitcheldean-no less than 790-from January to September this year, which is at least three times the figure for last year. If this increased interest is shared by the public-and we hope it is-we
are in for a very busy time!
Finale for Drums
IN an endeavour to cater for the music- ally inclined, a drum kit was purchased by the Mitcheldean Sports and Social Club some months ago at an outlay of
some £23. The Committee are extremely
disappointed that this kit is no longer made use of and are now considering
putting it up for sale. It is in first-class
condition, having had new skins fitted.
These two child studies did not win prizes. but we thought you would appreciate them. The thistle blower picture was taken by Mr. D. Bull (Accounts
Dept., London Depot) while therepairs expert was photographed by Mr. I. Griffin (Xerox).
The second prize goes to Mr. W. Nicholas for another bold and fairly
simple composition in which there is no doubt at all about the centre of interest.
As in the case of the first prize winner,
the lighting has been well arranged to be suitable for the subject, with no hard shadows to hide any essential detail.
The angle of the hat brim is just right to allow plenty of light on the face and
hair, whereas had it been at a more
conventional angle, the shadows would have caused a much less satisfactory picture to result-and probably Mr. Nicholas would have been the poorer by a guinea!
Employees have been dying on the job,
either refusing or neglecting to fall over.
This practice must cease forthwith: any
employee being found dead on the job in
an upright position will immediately be dropped from the payroll.
In future, Foremen noticing that any
employee has made no movement for a
period of two hours or more, are asked to
investigate, as it is almost impossible to
distinguish between death and the natural
movement of some employees. Foremen
are cautioned to make a careful test, such as holding a paypacket in front of the suspected corpse. Care should he exercised
however, with the paypacket, as there have been cases where natural
instinct is so deeply ingrained that the
hand of the corpse has made spasmodic
clutching movements, even after rigor
mortis has set in.
Jack Latreille, the G.B. Film Library’s
Publicity Manager, continues
A scene from ‘ Sunshine
the first entertainment film
released by the Library.
Recognise the leading character?
Yes. you’re right. it’s a very
young Jack Hulbert.
R GOWa1ctNiv Uitieesx ipna tnhsei oimn mofe dthiaet eLibrary’s industry and of hospitals and allied pre-war establishments. period led to many moves, and not a So. by 1939, the G.B. Film Library little inconvenience. The move from the (still called, incidentally, the Gebescope original offices in Brewer Street to Film Library, and part of G.B. Equipments House was soon followed by another Ltd.) had established itself as the leading move in 1938 to offices in D’Arblay authority and source of supply for Street. But once again expansion, and 16 mm. films. And then came the war. the increasing number of films both for At I I a.m. on the Friday before the entertainment and education, soon declaration of war, the Library was necessitated a move back to Film House ordered to abandon Film House imme- where the Library’s staff, now numbering diately. By 4 o’clock that same afternoon about 50, found more opportunity to do they were to be found among the dust their work in reasonable comfort, even and scaffolding of a half-completed though they were distributed in odd extension of the British Acoustic Works corners over three floors. at Shepherds Bush. Staff was rapidly It was about this time that it became depleted as war service made its claims, evident that the Library, apart from its and the chaos resulting from the dis- commercial interests, was being regarded organisation of the country due to the by education authorities and establish- evacuation and the war effort reduced ments as a film advisory service. The the demand to a mere trickle. In fact, rapid expansion of 16 mm. projector the Library practically ceased operations. distribution had meant a phenomenal But soon the demand gradually increase in the use of films-and con- restarted. Civil Defence and Home sequently a great increase in the demand Guard units needed instructional films. from potential users who were experi- Schools, evacuated to safety in the menting with the new toy. It was there- country, found that films were in greater fore decided to set up a special depart- need than ever both for education and ment to concentrate solely on the entertainment. The Services also were requirements of schools-an advisory taking more and more films. and it soon service which continues to this day, and became apparent that the temporary has expanded to embrace special depart- premises at Shepherds Bush were ments to look after the interests of inadequate. Moreover, the postal
authorities protested that they could not
handle the Library’s postal traffic, now
assuming alarming proportions. Another
move became imperative-but where ?
Eventually Woodchester, a small
village near Stroud in Gloucester. was
selected. Adjacent to main lines going
all over the country it was the ideal
centre, and a country mansion not only
Skittle Season
AN interdepartmental skittles knock-out
competition for a shield presented by the
Tool Room in which nine departments
took part, has resulted in the shield remaining
on the Tool Room wall ! The
contest had the blessing of the Mitcheldean
Sports and Social Club who.
concerned that there should be suitable
vessels for the celebration beer, offered
ten miniatures for the winners, and a
cup for the runners-up-Assembly. who
lost by 13 pins. It is intended that the
contest shall become an annual affair.
with the Social Club as organisers.
The skittle alley in the Club-house
has been freshly painted. sanded. made
level-and whatever else you do to a
skittle alley-all ready for the winter
Talking of ‘season’, the Skittles
Section of the Club are now running
two teams in the Ross League. The top
skittle scorers for last season-D. Cook
of ‘A’ Team and W. Carpenter of ‘B’
Team-were duly presented with their
trophies at a Skittles Section meeting
held on September 16. Members of the
two teams would welcome support, both
home and away, and can guarantee an
enjoyable evening in convivial surroundings.
Mr. Joost ran Tetering, son of the President of
Animex N. V.. our sole agents in Holland. was over
here recently for two weeks during which he went
through all departments at Mitcheldean. Apprentice
John Birch acted as his guide and friend (we don’t
know about the philosopher part!) and showed him
around the countryside. Pictured with Mr. win
Tetering is Mr. Frederic Mayer ( right) who also
came to Mitcheldean for a period of training.
provided for the Library as a working
unit. but also offered living accommodation
for most of the evacuated staff. A
nucleus of staff, some 30, left London in
the middle of an air raid on the morning
of November 30. 1940, and went by
coach to Woodchester, where the
Library was to remain until April, 1947.
( To be continue./
‘CONTROLLING Product Quality – Its
Value to Industry’ was the theme of the
Fourth Annual Conference of the
European Organisation for Quality
Control, held recently at Church House,
The stated object of the organisation
is the co-ordination of quality standards
on an international basis to enable joint
appraisals of modern trends in quality
control methods to be made to the
mutual advantage of member companies.
Our Company have been members for
some time now, and our Chief Quality
Control Engineer. Mr. D. R. Elliott. was
there to represent us at the conference.
Papers were read by eleven speakers,
all of them being international authorities
on quality control matters, and
representing between them at least five
different nationalities. (Interpretation
of all the papers was simultaneous into
four languages.) Many new concepts of
quality control were represented as well
as suggestions for improving existing
methods, including statistical methods
used within this Company.
The venue for the conference was
interesting inasmuch as the conference
hall was the meeting place of the United
Nations at its inauguration. Of the 600
delegates attending. well over 100 of
them were from foreign countries,
including Czechoslovakia, Belgium.
France, Italy and the U.S.A. Many
friendly contacts were made with various
delegates but one felt that, whatever the
nationality of the person or the position
held, the one dominating topic was:
how to improve quality to retain one’s
share of the market without excess cost.
Copies of the various papers read are
being duplicated and anyone interested,
particularly members of the Quality
Control and Inspection staff, will be very
welcome to have copies on loan.
IT MAY come about that a Bell & Howell
‘Autoload’ 16 mm. cine-camera will take
the very first pictures of an ‘Abominable
Sir Edmund Hillary has taken two
‘Autoloads’ on his present research
expedition to the 27,790 ft. Himalayan
peak of Mount Makalu, in the hope of
being the first to climb this, the fourth
highest peak in the world, without the
aid of oxygen masks. A study will be
made of human body reactions to temperature,
climatic and geographical
conditions during the Himalayan winter,
and Sir Edmund has expressed the hope
that his expedition will throw some
light on the elusive ‘yeti’-he will
attempt to catch one if conditions permit
During a short stop-over at Singapore.
Sir Edmund Hillary was met at the airport
by ,11r. F. Hickley, managing director,
H. A. O’Connor & Co. ( Rank Precision agents
in that part of the world) who handed him
‘The expedition was equipped with
these cameras,’ said Sir Edmund,
‘because of my past experience of their
light weight and portability, and their
simplicity during use. I had these
cameras with me exclusively for the
New Zealand party of the Commonwealth
Transantarctic Expedition, when
they stood up to the most exhaustive
weather conditions under which any
cameras could have been required to
operate’. Sir Edmund first became
acquainted %% ith the ‘Autoload’ during
the 1953 British conquest of Everest,
when they took most of the film subsequently
enlarged to 35 mm. and
screened in commercial cinemas
throughout the world. The ‘Autoload’
later took two-thirds of the film of the
Crossing of Antarctica.
Three-Year Craft Training Scheme
WE stated in the last issue of VISION we
Would let you know a little more about
the proposed Three-year Craft Training
You will remember Mr. Wickstead’s
comments in the July August issue of
VISION, in which the emphasis was on
‘Quality’. If we are to produce ‘Quality’
then we must expect to have to train the
necessary skills into every operatorwhatever
the task-who is responsible
for producing a first-class product.
Management are aware of the difficulty
in obtaining skilled labour from outside
sources; it is, in fact, just not available.
It is. therefore, our intention not only to
play a part in helping to solve the
national problem of an increased number
of youths leaving school, but also to
take advantage of the situation by
extending our Training Scheme. The
material is there-it is up to us to do
something about it.
The Three-year Training Scheme will
speed the feed of craft labour to where
it is most needed-the Production
Departments. It is therefore intended
that a department shall be made available,
equipped with plant suitable for the
purpose of instruction and training of
boys for the engineering industry.
Mr. F. J. Edwards will be Supervisor
in charge of the Scheme and will be only
too pleased to give more detailed
information on request.
It is hoped that we may be able to get
this Scheme under way by January 1,
Derek Dutton, Divisional P.R.O., puts on
record the successes – and sufferings – of
those who represented us at the world’s
biggest photographic exhibition in Cologne
(imps. tiredness, and blistered feet.
plus the general impression that the
Photokina. 1960, at Cologne. Germany.
from September 24 to October 2, was a
non-vintage exhibition, will become the
main memories for the Cine & Photographic
Division staff who attended.
We were certainly all very busy.
Those present to look after arrangements
before the opening were often
still hard at work to the early hours of
the morning-after arriving earlier than
they would dream of at their offices in
England! Whether the Photokina as a
whole was non-vintage does not really
matter to us-the Rank Precision stand
presenting Bell & Howell products was a
success. We attracted the British
dealers; our overseas agents found it a
convenient headquarters; some of the
world-wide Press friends we have also
made it their headquarters. At the same
time the ‘closed’ (roped off) stand idea
kept the mighty German public at bay
and concentrated enquiries at one
The closed stand was decided on
because we were not ready to put into
operation new marketing plans for
Germany-these depend mainly on our
new cameras and Photokina comes at
the wrong time of the camera selling
season to need the German public on the
stand in great numbers. More than
200.000 visited the Photokina during the
eight days of public viewing (the first day
is only for trade and Press people).
Main initial impression for those of
our staff who had not visited any
previous Photokinas was the size of the
exhibition-more than one million sq. ft.
with nine main halls in use. As our feet
soon told us. it takes nearly a week to
examine thoroughly everything on
display. There is the added nuisance of
trying to push your way through the
terrific crowds.
Feminine Interest
Possibly our ladies took the majority
interest of everyone visiting the stand.
Before the opening, the Rank exhibition
designer, Miss Cherna Schatz. seemed
to be a source of constant amazement to
the German workers-they are not used
to the spectacle of their superiors or
themselves being directed by a woman,
Early one morning. just as the sun was rising’ is a good title for this picture of Rank Precision Industries
Cine and Photographic Division personnel and colleagues in Cologne. Those pictured here (presumably
watching the break of dawn) are (l. to r.) Mr. A. C. Cornwell (Export Sales). Mr. Derek Dutton (the
writer of this article). Mr. John Holloway (Group Advertising Manager). Miss Cherna Scholz (Exhibition
Designer). Mr. John Harrison (Export Sales). Miss Brenda Knight (Export Sales). Mr. Derek Hopes
(Assistant Export Manager). Mr. T. C. Virgillo (Rank’s Portuguese agent). Miss Jean Foster (Group
Personnel. Mortimer House). Mr. Wolfgang Julius (Rank’s German advertising agency) and Mr. Gerald
Perutz (Marketing Manager).
3 e 04°W.”
Three pretty lasses who know all the answers and
consequently were able to cope with general public
enquiries at the Clue and Photographic Division’s
Photokina stand. They are ii. to r.) Miss Irene
Forst ( Germany) . Miss Jean Foster ( London) and
Miss Brenda Knight ( Mitcheldean).
and at that one who certainly knows her
own mind!
For general stand enquiries we had
three young ladies who proved very
efficient: Miss Jean Foster, from
Mortimer House; Miss Brenda Knight,
from the Export Department, Mitchel –
dean; and Miss Irene Forst, Germany.
who is known to many Mitcheldcan
staff and who was excellent in dealing
with the German trade and public.
The Zoomatic and the Minister
We served Coca-Cola and bottled
orange juice to our visitors, and one
room (where a refrigerator was installed)
was soon completely strewn
with bottle tops and used straws. This
room was a storeroom for equipment
also and a number of us were tempted
to speculate on how many bottle tops
became additional parts of cameras and
projectors-but this, fortunately, did
not diminish the great interest shown in
the new Zoomatic 8 mm. camera! On
the opening day the German Minister of
the Interior visited the stand, and was
soon thoroughly enjoying himself with a
Zoomatic-later we found he spent
more time on our stand than at any
Nearly everyone caught a cold, and
efforts to drown this and other sorrows
in the excellent German beer met with
little or no success. Dr. Pedersen, a
technical medical journalist from
Sweden, had his own theory on the colds
all nationalities suffered (there were 550
exhibitors from all over the world-we
led the British contingent of more than
20). He said it was the sudden meeting
of the cold germs from so many
countries (apparently colds have national
But a theory some of us adopted as a
better solution was the fact that on
entering the exhibition halls early in the
morning the air inside was cold and dry,
but when the public entered it became
very humid and hot only two hours
later-so many of us caught really bad
colds. One of the worst hit was Derek
Hopes, assistant export manager, but he
carried valiantly on and was obviously
achieving good business results.
Social Round
We held two social events : a dinner
for our overseas agents and colleagues
from Bell & Howell Company, Chicago,
at which Mr. Wickstead gave a very
well received speech, and a reception the
following evening for the British trade
and world-wide Press. This became
generally accepted as the best social
function of the entire Photokina and
about 430 people joined us-guests were
received by the writer and his right hand
is still aching from so many firm hand
Staff who thought they would have an
easy time in Cologne, with evenings free
for a bonanza, quickly became sadly
disillusioned, and it is doubtful if any of
those who attended for a week or more
had a single evening free. Looking after
British trade representatives, overseas
agents, and conducting business late into
the evening, took its toll of everyone.
A Question of Quality
There was a very happy atmosphere
at the stand and everything went well.
but those of us who did have a little time
to go round the exhibition did so in
order to see our competitors. We have
some foreboding about the future.
particularly in relation to the quality
products which some Japanese firms are
now producing. It is reasonable to
conclude that our quality will have to be
maintained-and also improved-if we
are to maintain the reputation for
pioneering and value for money associated
with Bell & Howell products.
Sports and Social Club-This year our
Annual Dinner and Dance is to be held
on December 2 at the Greenwood
Hotel. If the past is anything to go by
the evening should be a great success and
plans to make it so are well under way.
Two theatre outings have taken place
since the last issue of VISION. One on
August 30 when a party of 70 went to
see ‘West Side Story’. The other on
October 4 when approximately 90
members went to see the comedy Watch
lt, Sailor’. On September 3, 41 brave
employees made their way to Perivale
at 7 a.m. for a trip to Yarmouth. In
spite of the early start, a good time was
had by all. At the time of going to press
two Darts Tournament results were
known. Mrs. Audrey Dean (Mr.
Maltby’s secretary) won the Ladies
Singles final with Miss Pat Flynn
(Booking Dept.) runner-up. In the
Men’s Singles Mr. Ron Newberry
(Sound Recording Dept.) won the final
match with Mr. R. Hoodless (Booking
Manager) runner-up.
Reuter Reports-According to the
French correspondent of The Times, an
aircraft landed late on the evening of
September 9 at Le Touquet in France.
The correspondent reports that a band
of people, from some film library near
Greenford, invaded the town and a Mrs.
Lowe virtually broke the bank at the
casino by putting her chips on the
roulette table. Needless to say the
party, which included Sister Howells,
Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Hill, Miss Dalby and
Mrs. Edlin, were immediately deported.
Released this Month! – Saturday.
September 17, is a day the people of
Margate will not easily forget. To the
peaceful, unsuspecting beaches came an
invasion from Perivale: the Exam Room
was at large. Dressed as the Olympic
team, and accompanied by Messrs.
Acheson, Tozer and Rymer, the girls
planned to have a day of fun and games
on the shore. And fun and games it
was-Bill Rymer has been limping ever
since! Fortified by a lunch of roast lamb
and tomato soup, Mrs. Hill and Mr.
Tozer won most of the games. Their
efforts were rewarded with gold medals.
Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Hindmarsh %%ere
runners-up with silver medals, and
bronze awards went to Mrs. Hackett.
Mrs. Aldous and Mrs. Carpenter. As
evening crept across the sea the Olympic
team trudged back to a waiting coach.
Apart from a three-hour pause at a pub
on the London Road, the trip back was
a quick one. Now, as the examiners look
at the piles of incoming films, they are
refreshed by thoughts of a day on the
beaches they will never forget. Neither
will Margate!
Departure-Mr. Joe Acheson. Assistant
to Mr. Higgins, has now left the
Company. Joe, as members will recall.
served on the committee of the Social
Club and was a keen supporter of all its
Cine Circus-As we go to press it is
obvious that this year’s new releases of
the popular 8 mm. Movie-pak films will
be keeping Messrs. Francis, Hall and
Latreille orbiting faster than any Sputnik
in October. Trade previews to show
them to photographic dealers have been
arranged in Glasgow on October 3/4.
and in London on October 6, and the
following week in Birmingham on
October 10, Bolton. October 11. and
Bristol, October 13.
Editorial Note: One vital story seems to
have been omitted from the latest
Perivale report. This concerns the visit
to Mitcheldean in August of Messrs.
S. Baker, A. Hall, A. J. Latreille, E. J.
Lee and D. Pluck. Intended primarily
as a business meeting the event was not
without its moments. For instance, we
are able to report that one of the cars in
the Perivale motorcade broke down
somewhere in the Gloucestershire
countryside. To warn the Mitcheldean
‘reception committee’ of their plight.
one of the Film Library executives
telephoned through-after reversing the
charge. It is probably only coincidental
that the business that brought them to
Mitcheldean should include discussion
of the 1961 budgets!
THE entire first floor at Mortimer
House, accommodating the London
outpost of the Cine and Photographic
Division. is being redecorated and
altered so as to enable the setting up of a
small showroom of Bell & Howell
equipment. To the staff, decorating
seems to be a matter of ‘drafts’ (in the
game sense) as they move from one
office to another while work is in progress.
Some desks are being used by
staff in a ‘relay’ system!
There are great changes being wrought
at the London Depot as well. At present
they are in the process of taking over
additional premises in the next building
to allow for the provision of a much
larger store, and also to incorporate the
London Emergency Service Department.
Structural alterations are being carried
out to permit direct communication with
the new departments through the party
wall between the two buildings, and the
Depot hope to be in operation as a
completely enlarged unit some time in
IF you should notice a nervous little
black and yellow Morris outside the
Mitcheldean premises, it’s probably
‘Jasmine’, the property of Mr. A. R.
Norman (Chief Tool Engineer). Since
her owner has successfully taken his test,
the gallant old lady (1936) has been
driving in fear of having to take her
10-plus. We understand that kindhearted
Mr. Norman is putting the
moment off; he feels the shock may be
too much for ‘Jasmine’.
Talking of cars, we hear from Planning
Department that Mr. Stanley Imm
recently purchased a brand new, secondhand
Consul; in view of the fact that he
has been working on it for some six
weeks, it should now be in the same
showroom condition as that belonging
to Des Jones!
AT least three of the London Depot staff
are very keen gardeners. to the extent
that they are actively engaged at present
in entering local horticultural shows and,
so far, they have been very successful in
winning first prizes for such blooms as
dahlias and chrysanthemums. Believing
that there must be similar enthusiasts at
Mitcheldean (what about that outsize
dahlia we saw in Assembly ?), London
wonder if a joint competition might be
arranged in about twelve months’ time.
VISION would be delighted to put
gardening experts at Mitcheldean in
touch with those in London.
‘A WAND.RING DEALER might be the
theme song of Mr. Walter M. Griffith
who, despite his name, is an Australian.
We discovered him in the Service Repair
Shop where he is temporarily anchored.
Mr. Griffith, who used to sell and
service Bell & Howell cine and Leitz still
photographic equipment, sold his business
and left Australia in December,
1958, for these shores to start a working
holiday. Having done the working part
at Mitcheldean from April to August
last year, he commenced the holiday
part, touring Scotland and Northern
England, and returning to us in November.
The following February he left for
Brussels to work with N.V. Rank
Precision Industries until the late spring,
when he went to Germany and joined
Leitz of Wetzlar, where he went through
a photographic school and did a study
course in optics and production. From
there he went to the Kodak factory in
Stuttgart; then it was back to Brussels
to tour Belgium and Luxembourg, back
That just married look belongs to the former Miss
Maureen Riley. secretary to Mr. D. Pluck (G.B.
Film Library). now Mrs. Barry Hatcher. They
were married on August 13 at the Holy Cross
Church, Greenford, and spent their honeymoon In
to Germany again, back to Belgium
(fair makes your head spin!)-then
back to Mitcheldean. Come March
next year he’s off again to see Cornwall
and North Wales, as well as Italy and
Spain for good measure, then back to
Mitcheldean for a bit before finally
leaving for Australia in January, 1962.
He intends to restart his business in
Ipswich, Queensland-that is, if he can
keep still long enough!
WE hear that Geoff Phipps (.Mechanical
Laboratory) became downhearted, not
to mention deflated, the other evening;
after two-and-a-half hours spent trying
to learn to play the saxophone he only
managed to produce a ‘bomp’. The
person who sold him the instrument had,
unfortunately, omitted to tell him about
a certain little knob on the top. Having
been initiated into the mysteries of the
said knob, he was subsequently able to
get two bomps. and a squeak as well.
ONE section of our activities not often in
the news-the Maritime Department,
who look after installations of 16-mm.
equipment in any type of ship, from a
tanker to a liner. They recently installed
Bell & Howell equipment in the Windsor
Castle, as well as two Model 609
mechanisms in the passengers’ cinema of
the Oriana and two 631s in the crew’s
cinema. The Oriana goes on her maiden
voyage during the coming months.
Formerly a pritute pilot to a businessman, Wally
Taylor has come down to earth to carry out
electrical circuitry checks on a pilot assembly.
IN our July/August issue you will have
seen a photograph of Mr. Basil Walker
(Case Shop) and his partner, Mrs.
Kathleen Matthews, with some of the
trophies they have won for ballroom
dancing. And if you looked in on B.B.C.
Television on September 19 at 10.15
p.m. you will have seen them among the
couples representing the West of
England in a B.B.C. inter-regional
dancing contest featured in the programme
‘Come Dancing’.
DESPITE the fact that they were up against
full-timers, the Mitcheldean Works Fire
Brigade managed to attain fourth and
fifth place in the two events for light
trailer pump drills at the Annual Fire
Drill Competition. Doubtless trying to
help, the rain poured down throughout
the competition and set the audience
thinking of fires in a more kindly
CONGRATULATIONS to the Export Department
for breaking through the Iron
Curtain. They have sold only one 640
projector but hope this will be the
forerunner of many hundreds.
A PARTY of about 40 members of the
Mitcheldcan Sports & Social Club went
by coach to Blackpool one weekend in
October to see the illuminations (but not
necessarily to get lit up!). As we went to
press the Club were also looking into the
possibility of arranging a trip to
London sometime in December as a
combined shopping expedition and visit
to a show.
The equipment draw has finished and
the Club is now running a weekly
football draw once again ; in addition.
a draw for wines and spirits (until after
the Christmas holidays) is being operated.
ON transferring from the Jig and Tool
Section to the Xerox Section, Mr.
Raymond Reed was instructed by his
doctor to drink 16 pints of liquid a day!
His envious colleagues were saying he
had never had it so good since he got
married. To their horror he took his
compulsory drinking in water!
Awards totalling over F100 have been made to six employees at Mitcheldean under the Financial Help for
Professional Studies Scheme. Pictured at the presentation are (I. to r.) Mr. D. A. Barnard (Tool Eng.).
Mr. F. Edwards (Training Supervisor). Mr. A. kibbk (Tool Eng.). Mr. D. F. Griffiths (Works Stud), seen
receiving his cheque from Mr. F. Wickstead. Mr. R. Hickson (Export) ana Mr. R. F. Watkins (Tool Eng.).
The sixth employee to receive an award. Mr. J. C. Henwood (Sales). is now at Mortimer House. Full
details of these gentlemen’s achievements are listed on page IS
Putting YOU in the Picture
Mr. R. Steward will be joining the
Company as Personnel Officer on
November 7 in succession to Mr. R. J.
Malsom. Mrs. S. Lightman has been
appointed Mr. Steward’s assistant. Miss
Ann Morgan. Mr. Malsom’s secretary,
left in September to take a commercial
There was more than usual activity in
Small Batch last month when we called,
the reason being that the Model 615
Microtwin section had been removed to
an area in the main castings stores and
the space thus made available was being
turned over to the 550/641 reel arm and
sound head assembly line. Miss Marjorie
Osborne has been appointed chargehand.
Also newly installed is the Xerox section
which occupies the former home of the
wood mill; Mr. Colin Bird has been put
in charge here.
It was good to see Mr. R. E. Chapman
(Xerox) recently and to know he is much
better. Mr. R. Payne (Inspection, Amp.
Line, Assembly) is out of hospital, we are
glad to hear, and progressing favourably.
Let’s hope that by publication date both
these gentlemen will be back at work. We
also send our best wishes for his recovery
to Mr. Bill Rogers (Machine Shop office)
who has been ordered to bed for three
Newcomer to Quality Control, Xerox,
is Mr. L. G. Haile.
Mr. J. Baldwin, who recently completed
a course at Cardiff University, has just
started work as a laboratory engineer in
the Electrical Laboratory.
Miss J. Potter has started work as
secretary to Mr. B. Wear (Service
Repair); she succeeds Miss M. Smith
who left to take up a position in Bristol.
Mr. D. G. Davies, a B.A.(Econ.) from
Exeter University, started as a sales
trainee on August 29.
Miss Ann Pritchard (Home Sales) left
early in October to start training to
become a nurse at Gloucester Royal
Miss Veronica Walton (daughter of
Mr. A. E. Walton, Auto/Press Shop
Supervisor) started her first job recently
in Production Control. Mr. Brian Hill
Mr. A. Thomas ( Project Engineer! married Miss
A. James at Vinery Hill Church on August 27.
left the Department in Jul. for another
Mr. Charlie Hart has returned to the
Company to take up his old job in
Small Batch.
Mrs. A. Rutland (Case Shop) has
retired after seven years w ith the
Miss Diane Matthews left Accounts for
another post on September 9.
Mr. G. Ashford has transferred from
Small Batch to Time & Motion Study.
Mr. Roy Jones. who left some 18
months ago, has returned to the
Company to work in the Tool Room.
He is the husband of Mona Jones.
Assistant. First Aid Room.
Mr. Clive Brooks (Quality Control)
became engaged to Miss Lynne Williams
on September 24.
Air. J. B. Brain ( Design Drawing Office) and his
wilC Ann at the reception held at the White Hart,
Cinderford. alter their wedding on September 24.
Miss Valerie Cowmeadow (Accounts) was married
to Mr. G. Jones at the Forest Church on
September 3.
New Arrivals
Tracey Elizabeth, second child for Mr.
E. Chadd (Tool Room), who arrived on
August 7 weighing 8 lb.
Karen, a second daughter for Mr. Colin
Smith (Service Repair). born on August
25, weighing 7 lb.
Theresa-a 7 lb. daughter for Mr. Nigel
Brookes (Paint Shop). born on August
Ian Richard, a second son for Mr. Cyril
Powell (Area Controller, Home Sales).
who arrived on September 5. He more
than tipped the scales at 10 lb.
Adrian Charles, a 6 lb. 11 oz. son and
heir for Mr. Derek Hopes. Assistant
Export Manager. born on September 17.
Jane Ann, 7 lb. 3 oz. daughter for Mrs.
Ruby Worgan (formerly Production
Control) on September 27. (This is the
birth which the Department promised
to line up for the last issue of 1960!)
Mrs. Janette Grindle left Export Shipping
Department on September 5; she
is expecting an extra special present
round about Christmas time!
21 in August
Miss Janet Arnold (Production Control)
celebrated her 2Ist birthday in August.
M1,’, %grid Chalmers-Watson has joined
the l.ducation section of the Audio-
Visual Department as an assistant to
Mr. R. L. P. Webb, in place of Miss
Irene Orr (now Mrs. C. M. Paine), who
has left to await a happy event!
Mr. Jeremy I lenwood has left Mitcheldean
to join the office of Mr. F. Jessup,
General Saks Manager, in London for
Audio Visual Department developments,
particularly in relation to the use
of film in industry.
P.R. Officer Mr. Derek V. Dutton was
named ‘Photographic Personality (of the
Month)’ by the Photographic Retailer
magazine, official journal of the Photographic
Dealers’ Association, in their
September issue.
Assistant P.R. Of ter Mr. Ian Masters
recently went on an under-water
expedition with the British Sub-Aqua
Club to Weymouth to write about their
use of an ‘Auttnee. A good swimmer,
he donned under-water garb and went
down with the Club members. Strong
waves washed him against sonic rocks
and he emerged battered and covered
with cuts and bruises but was in the
office the next morning to tell the tale!
Miss J. Housdcn, who has been at the
London Depot in a secretarial capacity
for some three years, has now left to
become secretary to Mr. G. Moss,
Office Manager at Mortimer House.
Her place has been taken by Miss P. A.
Pearse from Rank Records.
Wanted.-Second-hand electric train set.
Box No. 4.
For Sale.-Course of twelve conversation
studies (English). Cost £6 15s.; any
reasonable offer accepted. Box No. 5.
Typewriters wanted. Two second-hand
models, preferably portable, required.
Any known make. Must be in good
working condition and reasonable in
price. Box No. 6.
Replies to Box Nos. should be addressed:
c/o VISION, Fair View, Plump Hill,
Itlitcheldean. Gloucestershire.
Printed lip The Victor lames Press Limited,
Categetlen. Surrey
Miss Patricia Birch ( Export Sales) became Mrs.
Bernard Moger on September 10. Bernard (son al
Security Officer B. A. Moger) works in Xerox
Drawing Office.
%villa many of us sscrc busy trying to
collect sun tans, a number of industrious
people at Mitcheldean were busy
collecting qualifications as follows:
D. A. Barnard
Incentives &
D. F. Griffiths W,Study Standard
R. Hickton Export Assoc.Mem.
Inst. of Exp.
J. C. Hcnwood Sales
(now at
A. Kibble Tool/Eng. 0.N.C.(Elec.)
R. F. Watkins Tool/Eng. Grad.
M.I.M.E. &
Apprentices Certificate
M. M. Brain H.N.C. (Mach.)
R. W. Greenman A.I. & – 0.N.C.(Elec.)
R. W. Powell A. I . – J. C. Nagger A.I. —
R. J. Dance A.1. – L. Sterrett C. & G. Final
These lads
will be
The meanings of the impressive string of letters are:
M.I.M.E.-Member Institute Mech./Elec. Eng.;
I.M.-Institute of Management; H.N.C.-Higher
National Certificate in Mech.lElec. Eng.; .4.1-
Inter. Stage of H.N.C.: 0.N.C.-Ordinary
National Certificate in Mech.)Elec. Eng.; C. & G.
-City & Guilds Mech. Eng.
Miss Gwen Jones (secretary to the Chief Quality
Control Engineer) changed her state but not her
name when she married Philip Jones on October 1.
11F1 111
II NJ It cowl
The G.B. Film Library
at Perivale, Middlesex
Rank Precision industries Ltd.
offices at 37 41 Mortimer Street,
London, W.I
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building of
Rank Precision Industries Ltd.
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire

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