A group of men were working on the restoration
of Gloucester Cathedral. I idly asked one of
them what he was doing. ‘Darn well working,
can’t you see?.’ My curiosity unsatisfied I
approached another man with the same enquiry.
This time the reply was ‘chipping stones’.
Nothing daunted I asked a third; he explained
to me that he was ‘helping to repair the
Cathedral’, and went on to describe in detail
some of the work involved.
So it’s all a question of viewpoint. One man
had no interest in his job; he was just
working – and obviously hating it. Another
could see no further than the task in front of
him – chipping stones. Only the third man was
able to envisage the purpose of his work, and
he was the one man who was really enjoying it.
Now at Mitcheldean we don’t build cathedrals,
but we do make a lot of things which, in their
way, are just as important and beautiful to
look at. But sometimes it is easy to forget
that our job is vital to the creation of an
end product, that without our particular contribution
the end product would be incomplete
and worthless.
As with the cathedral, it’s a matter of viewpoint
– whether we are just doers of jobs or
whether we feel ourselves to be proud partners
in the production of the wonderful things we
We all enjoy giving pleasure to others and it
is worth remembering that we are doing just
this when we help to make our cameras and
projectors; for after they have been bought
they do bring a lot of happiness and pleasure
to a lot of people, and without YOU this could
not happen.
Chief Administrator (Sales)
Long St…it,. members and guests at the Mitcheldean L.S.A. Annual Social held on January 17.
THE addition of 27 new members, our
Chief Executive among them. has
brought the total membership of the
Mitcheldean Long Service Association
up to 136. The new members are as
follows :
Mr. F. Amos. Mr. C. Baker, Miss D. Barker.
Mr. N. Barnett, Mr. W. Beech, Mr. R. Boakes,
Mr. A. Cale. Mrs. R. Cinderby, Mr. P. Davies.
Mr. H. Giles. Miss V. Griffiths. Mr. W. Gurney,
Mr. D. Hanman, Mr. H. Hartley. Mr. E. G.
Jones, Miss J. Malliband, Mrs. E. Marshall,
Mr. E. Mathews. Mr. C. Meek. Mrs. E. Rodway,
Mrs. R. Smith. Mr. A. Swordy, Mr. F. Turner.
Mr. F. Wakefield. Mr. J. Wedderburn, Mr. F.
Wickstead. \tr \V. William;.
THE London Depot has now been
enlarged with the addition of the
next-door basement: this has practically
doubled their floor area and given them
room to accommodate the London
Emergency Service Depot who moved
there from 27 Mortimer Street at the
beginning of December last.
As you saw from visioN’s cover
picture last issue, the Bell & Howell
shop in Hanover Square gets some
famous personalities among its customers-
Da. id Nixon, Kenneth Horne and
Geraldo being recent ones. These
people are all users of Bell & Howell
Despite this, the people at Hanover
Square have not got uppish( !) and they
visit. takes a close look at our new Miss
R. P. I.’ for /96/ – Miss Linda Brown of
Purchase Department r see report on pages
8 and 9i. This engaging picture of her was
taken by Clive Brooks.
have been very pleased to count a
number of Mitcheldean staff among
their recent visitors: Miss K. Fisher
(Home Sales) and Miss M. Roche
(Export) were two who called there
lately. Any other people from Mitcheldean
who care to give the Depot a call
when they are in London will be sure of
a welcome, says Mr. E. Maynard.
London Manager for Rank Precision
MOST of Fleet Street’s famous names,
plus ‘celebrity’ guests from T.V. and the
stage, joined Mr. F. Wickstead and
Divisional Public Relations Officer
Derek Dutton for a ‘Welcome 1961 with
Bell & Howell’ reception in London on
January 10.
About 140 people attended, among
them Sheila Van Damm, Kenneth
Horne, John Slater, Mrs. Donald Silk
(formerly Angela Buxton. the tennis
star), and B.B.C.’s commentator Audrey
Russell and T.V. producer John
Pictured at the reception with Mr. Wickstead and
Mr. Dutton are I left to right., John Warrington.
Sheila Van Damm. Joan Werner Laurie ,’Editor.
Silt magazine.) and Kenneth Horne.
Peter O’Connor of the
Hanover Square shop using a
Bell & Howell 70 DR with
Angenieux lenses to film Mr.
Antony Armstrong-Jones at
the Dorchester Hotel last
December. The occasion was
the annual schools photography
awards of the Photographic
Information Council
-a grouping of all manufacturers
and importers which
exists to promote the use of
photography among the public.
THE Christmas Dinner and Dance held
by the Service Department in December
proved so successful that everyone felt
they could not possibly wait until
Christmas came round again, and
arrangements have been made for
another ‘do’ on March 24 at Bradley
Court Hotel. The Department have
quite unashamedly admitted that they
have no excuse for holding it-except
the obvious one!
WELL, what a winter for the Motorists
of Rank’s! Ice, snow, mud-all three
were thrown in together. Then, to
crown it all, ominous-looking notices
were placed on all cars parked in the
staff car park informing owners that
their place of exercise, i.e. where the
Monday-to-Friday Dodg’em Show
takes place, was to be ‘closed until
further notice’. Alas-gone again was
a cherished memory.
The Saturday following was also a day
to remember. The ‘strong arm of the
law’ patrolled outside the main gates
awaiting the Rank employees who had
parked against all the traffic regulations
imaginable on the main inner circle road
of Mitcheldean. Absolute chaos had
reigned while the baker, butcher, coalman,
grocer. insurance man and everyone
who had never been to Mitcheldean
before all tried to approach and deliver
their goods to the starving millions. But
sanity prevailed-as long as R.P.I.
motorists parked in the ‘mud patch’ no
action would be taken.
Came Monday, and production must
have gone up 20 per cent. Everyone
came in at 8 a.m. in a frantic race to
obtain a parking position in the works
car park.
So much for parking. Now to
mention some of the insurance com-
Christmas at Bradley
Court Hotel on December
15. ABOVE: Managing this
particular table area are
Messrs. J. Davison ( Northern
Area Manager) and J. C.
Brown (Area Manager. Scotland)
with Miss Eileen
Leighton ( Home Sales) on
the borderline between the
territories. LEFT: Messrs.
E. Maynard ( R.P.1. London
Manager). R. J. Luff (Area
Manager. London Suburbs)
and G. S. Hunt (Controller.
Special Services) with Mrs.
This drawing is one of the many natural life studies
which Mr. J. D. Williams ( XeroX I does as a
hobby: he works with a liquid lead pencil, which is
not so easy. since mistakes cannot be completely
erased. Mr. Williams has had many of his studies
published in various sporting magazines.
panies’ black-listed policy holders for
the month of February:
One Dauphine-How can the engine be
in the front? (Ref: J.F., Prod. Design).
One Vauxhall-How did the front wing
become part of the back door? (Ref:
B.L., Jig & Tool).
One Morris-Bumpers are quite cheap.
(Ref: C.B., XeroX Prod.).
One Ford-How can R.P.I. works
drivers be so careless? (Ref: Clive of
India-or ‘Flash’ to friends).
And talking Fords, Mrs. I. Wright
accidentally pulled her handbrake
straight out of its mountings, and now
the garage say the engine will have to be
pushed back to its correct position.
Phew! Mr. Hemingway-some secretary!
%%HAT %%11.h parking troubles, and a
spanking new Anglia with non-working
windows (he has to wear a raincoat on
wet days) and other refinements, it is not
surprising that Alan Cryer (Cashier’s
Department), comes to work sometimes
on his ‘barrow’. A cycling enthusiast for
some 12 years, Alan is as much at home
on a tricycle (‘barrow’ to the initiated) as
on a bicycle, or a tandem, come to that.
He used to ride tandem with his younger
brother as ‘stoker’, and also with his wife
whom he met while on a training ride.
Alan, who is a member of the Tricycle
Association of Great Britain, came
second in the last Midland T.A. 25 miles
and got the first handicap in the same
event, which qualified him for the T.A.
National Handicap Trophy. He is
hoping to go in for the Tricycle Time
Trial, one of the events during the
International Cycling Week which is to
take place in the Isle of Man this
However, before you rush to exchange
your car for a tricycle, remembering
toddling days when you were the terror
of elderly pedestrians, consider these few
facts. Tricycles are reckoned to be 10 per
cent slower than bikes; they call for
more physical effort; and they require
considerable skill in cornering-that is,
if you are interested in staying on.
Note: Alan is shortly expecting to hear
the ‘patter of tiny feet’ and will soon be
seen pulling a trailer.
FIVE Chief Petty Officers of the Royal
Navy may have been somewhat startled
to find that one of their colleagues on a
recent service training course was a
woman-the first ever to attend such a
course at Mitcheldean. She was Miss
Tessa Shimmin, who is responsible for
mechanical servicing of our products at
the Midland Camera Company of
Leicester. Despite the heavy naval detachment,
Miss Shimmin managed to
impress by her ability, knowledge and
enthusiasm. She hopes to return for a
further course this year to concentrate
on the electronic tide of our equipment.
Another lady who brings glamour to
Alan Cryer competing in the 1960 Ealing 25 mile
Road Time Trial (a national event held every
Christmas). We suppose its one good way of
working up an appetite for Christmas dinner!
this somewhat masculine preserve is
Mrs. F. J. Old of St. Agnes, Cornwall,
whose husband is one of our service
agents. Mrs. Old thinks nothing of
taking a rowing boat out to meet the
oily tankers that come into Falmouth
and service their equipment-doubtless
to the great surprise of the crew.
Says Mr. F. Edwards, Training Supervisor:
‘Both ladies are as good as any
man at the job.’
MR. BASIL WALKER (Case Shop) must be
the most televised person in Mitcheldean.
On January 16 he appeared once
again, with his partner Mrs. K.
Matthews, in the Inter-Regional Dancing
Contest featured in B.B.C. Television’s
programme ‘Come Dancing’. The West
of England team, of which the couple
formed part, won 69 points against the
North-East’s 64. Basil and his partner
were seen dancing in the surround for
How Export
EXTRACT from letter received kr
Mr. D. V. Hopes, Evport Manager at
Mitcheldean, by a Dutch visitor to our
stand at the Photokina Exhibition in 1960:
`During my visit I was not only impressed
by the fine B & H cameras but
also by a charming young lady at the
information desk of your stand. This
attractive person is a brunette who,
undoubtedly, will belong to your
English staff. Her accent was unmistakably
British. As I should like to
enter into correspondence with her I will
be much obliged if you would be so kind
as to supply me with the name and
address of this lady in order that I may
the Fylde Waltz and in the fifth figure of
the Lancers in No. I set. They will be
appearing on T.V. again in September
when their team will compete against
the North Midlands.
Departments at Mitcheldean recently
collected, between them, a total of
£32 7s. 8d. in aid of the Congo Relief
Paint Shop are to have a bank of four
new wash booths to replace some of the
old-type dry back booths, thus making
for cleaner working conditions.
Twenty-three youth club leaders from
all over the Forest came to Mitcheldean
recently for an evening’s instruction in
projector operation. Mr. F. Edwards,
Training Supervisor, arranged the course
through the local Youth Organiser,
Mr. J. Gratton.
Lost an Order
write her whether she is inclined hereto.
In case you prefer not to submit the
above data I also agree to you passing
on the contents of this part of my letter
to the young lady.’
Extract from letter addressed to said
Dutchman by Mr. Hopes:
`Concerning your other request, I have
to advise you that the lady in question
is the writer’s secretary and as she is
married with three children she declines
with much regret your kind offer to
enter into correspondence.’
And that’s how we lost a possible export
order for Miss Brenda Knight!
PRODUCTION CONTROL-A happy group pictured at the Department’s Christmas Party, with
Mr. B. C. Smith, Commercial Manager, in the centre cf the front row. The party took place in the
Club House, Mitcheldean, on December 20.
News from the Social Club-On January
21 a Christmas Party was held in the
canteen for the younger children of
employees. After a much appreciated
tea, the children thoroughly enjoyed a
film show, party games and, of course,
the arrival of Father Christmas with
presents for everyone. It was the older
children’s turn to enjoy themselves on
February 14. They were taken by coach
to see ‘Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs’ at the Empire Pool, Wembley.
Two events for your diary. The St.
Patrick’s Night Dance is to be held this
year at the Park Hotel, Hanwell, on
March 17. Any members wishing to
obtain tickets should contact Mr. Derek
Moore, Club Secretary. A theatre outing
has been arranged for March 3.
Over 100 members and friends will be
going to the Prince of Wales Theatre to
see ‘The World of Suzie Wong’. From
what we hear about this play a good
time should be had by all.
Major Birthdays-Congratulations to
Mrs. Deirdre Cranham and Miss Janet
The Gene & Photographic Division shared part of
the stand occupied by a dealer at the Camping &
Outdoor Life Exhibition held at Olympia in
January. We showed our full range of equipment
together with a continuously rear-projected advertising
film The other half of the stand was devoted
to a photographic studio where a model posed in an
`outdoor setting’ and amateur photographers were
invited to enter their snaps in a competition offering
prizes of camping gear, etc. Area Managers
Herman, Luff, Smith and Tindale attended at
weekends with Michael Bent looking after things
during the week (that’s him pictured on our half of
the stand with the dealer). We shall again be
appearing at Olympia from March 6 – April 3-
this time on a much vaster scale at the ‘Daily
Mail’ Ideal Home Exhibition. This will be the’ first
time any tine equipment manufacturer has taken
part in this huge exhibition. Both 16 mm. rear
projection advertising films and continuously
working *Laminas’ will be used to sell the idea of
‘Ideal Home Movies . We shall also be displaying
Bell & Howell equipment at the 1961 Leipzig Fair
from March 5 – 14.
Laye of Exam Room who have just
celebrated their 21st Birthdays.
Great Scot-Christmas comes but once
a year-`and a jolly good job too’, says
Jock Ferguson who looks after the
Sports and Social Club bar. What with
Christmas parties and the bar club
share-out. he has been a very busy man.
Nevertheless, all orders were completed to
everyone’s satisfaction-well done, Jock!
Nor must we forget Miss Pat Flynn who
had the not so glamorous job of going
around and collecting our weekly contributions.
Jock Fergusonbusy
at the bar
Barry Moves On-Barry Clifton. for
long an erudite personality in Film Sales,
has moved on to fresh pastures. He has
taken over an important executive
position at Mortimer House in connection
with equipment sales. (See page 15.)
We at the Library will miss his genial
presence and pungent comment.
N.B. Next issue we hope to reveal the
identity of the mysterious ‘Perivale
A happy group at the dance-gentlemen (left to right): Mr. F. Ransome
(Assembly Supervisor. Smith’s Clocks). Mr. D. R. Elliott (our Chief
Quality Control Engineer) and Mr. C. Gosling ( Deputy Works
Manager, Smith’s C.H.2 Factory): ladies: Mrs. Ransome, Mrs. Gosling
and Mrs. Elliott.
RESPONSIBILITY weighed heavily upon
them. The thoughtful expressions
and furrowed brows of the seven wise
men and women showed how seriously
they were undertaking their awesome
duty. Which was? To decide which of
the girls spotlighted one by one in front
of them had the charm, the attractiveness,
to justify a claim to the title
‘Miss R.P.I.’ for 1961.
We doubt whether Mr. Wickstead has
ever had such a difficult decision to
make as he had when acting as one of
the judges on January 12 at Cheltenham
Town Hall! Juggling with their points
cards were his six beauty council
colleagues-Mr. A. Cale (Machine
Shop), Mrs. M. Cambridge (wife of the
canteen manager), Mr. R. Camp
(Mechanical Laboratory), Mr. G. Crow
(Manager Centralised Services), Mr.
A. Phelps (Production Control) and
Mrs. G. Phipps (Assembly).
ABOVE: Miss R. P. I.’ for 1961 receives a silver cup from Mrs. F. Wickstead.
LEFT: Miss Janet Worsen (Comps., Accounts Department) gets a prize for her
winning ticket number from Master of Cetemonies Fred Court. RIGHT: The panel
of judges awarding points during the Miss R.P.I. Contest.
M itcheldean’s
a grand success
After a hurried conference the decision
was announced by the Master of
Ceremonies, Mr. F. Court, Works’
Superintendent at Mitcheldean.
There was no doubt about her ‘points
value’-pretty eighteen-year-old Miss
Linda Brown (Purchase Department)
had been chosen as ‘Miss Rank Precision
Industries’ for this year. and Mrs.
Maureen Peates (Accounts) came a most
attractive second.
Linda, duly decorated with a bright
yellow embroidered sash, received a
beautiful silver cup and a £2 gift voucher
from Mrs. Wickstead, while Maureen
was given a 2-16. box of chocolates.
Another item on the evening’s
programme which drew a crowd of
spectators was the Rock’n’Roll Competition.
The well-sprung floor was
severely tested as the couples rocked and
rolled. The pace got too hot even for
Mr. G. Fordham (Goods Inwards
Miss Eileen Brain i Small Batch), dressed in scarlet satin with white fur
trimmings, attracted plenty of dance tickets into her collecting box.
With her are (left) Mr. P. Cleat ( Small Batch Supervisor) and Mr.
R. Byett ( Quality Control Inspection).
Inspection)-but we admired his spirit!
The judges-Miss Violet Holder
(Secretary to Mr. J. E. Hambrey, Works
Manager at Woodger Road), Mrs. J.
Orders (Secretary to Woodger Road’s
General Manager. Mr. D. F. Horne),
and Mr. Brian Weyman (Service Department,
Mitcheldean)-gradually ‘pruned’
them down to the last perspiring few.
First prize was well and truly won by
the stylish performances put up by
Miss Wendy Haile (Mr. Court’s secretary)
and her partner Mr. Bruce Mills
(they each received a 30s. record
voucher), while Mr. David Haines
(Maintenance) and Miss Pearl Roberts
were runners-up.
For the more sedate there was Olde
Tyme dancing, led by Mr. Victor Pickles
(P.E.D.) and his wife, with Mr. Basil
Walker (Case Shop) and his partner
Mrs. Kathleen Matthews, who are wellknown
amateur dancers, also taking part.
Then there was dancing to Dennis
Wheeler and his Ballroom Orchestra in
the softly lit balconied hall, there was a
large bar and a free buffet next door-in
short there was something to please
every one of the 450 people there.
We were delighted to welcome quite
a number of colleagues from Leicester,
Leeds, Perivale, Shepherds Bush, Mortimer
House and Hanover Square; we
even had an overseas visitor in the
Austrian person of Herr Adolf Willer.
manager designate of our new German
subsidiary company. He happened to
be visiting Mitcheldean at the psychological
moment and was brought along
to the dance by Export’s Mr. J. Harrison.
It was a most enjoyable evening, and
congratulations are due to Mr. Court
and his committee for the hard work
they must have put into making the
event a success. Here’s to more such
grand reunions!
Frank Sekinger keeping his eye on the borer.
FRANK J. SEKINGER of the Tool Room
was born in 1900 at Eastbourne.
We record that fact with some surprisewe
felt he should have been found inside
a Rolls-Royce engine. Nevertheless.
born he was, and after his father’s death
he was taken to Germany for a year
where he went to school. As he didn’t
speak German. however, he didn’t learn
anything. On his family’s return he was
sent to Reedham Orphanage: here he
once had the pleasure
headmaster every day for a week –
something to do with trying to run a w ay.
he thinks!
He left school at 15 and started work
in a garage workshop where he gained
experience on all sorts of cars. ‘We had
no -self-starters”. screen wipers, indicators
or spare wheels in those days,’ he
says. ‘The first car I drove regularly was
a two-cylinder De Dion Bouton. It had
the De Dion rear suspension used on
many racing cars today. The only
vehicles this car could challenge were
horse-drawn cabs!’
For the first year he was paid 2s. 6d.
per week; then his employer, with reckless
abandon, gave him a 100 per cent
rise. At the end of the second year he
got 7s. 6d. per week. ‘This was my final
year of training, but throw ing away my
chance of becoming an industrial tycoon
on this princely salary, I joined the army
-Rifle Brigade, of course.’
After service out East and eventual
demobilisation he rejoined the old firm.
and got himself married. In 1925 he
started what he calls ‘messing about with
Rolls-Royce cars and other makes.’ His
interest in guns and rifles was main-
tained-repairing ’em, collecting ’em.
shooting ’em. In fact, he became
secretary of a rifle club about this time.
From 1929 to 1936 he drove much too
fast generally-he would have got the
sack if he hadn’t! He was chauffeur to
an extremely wealthy lady whose only
use for cars was to get her from point A
to point B faster than anybody else on
the road. She owned a total of nine cars
at one time.
The following incident was typical of
her. Having embarked on a drive to the
Midlands, she changed her mind and
ordered Frank to take her to St. Pancras
Station. Here she announced that there
was a train for Derby in ten minutes,
that she was going to catch it and that
he was to meet her with the car at Derby
Station. He made it, too! This, of
course, was before the 30 m.p.h. limit
was introduced.
Frank spent some time in the South
A Rolls-Royce
and Rifles Man
of France while in her employment. He
says the most enjoyable run he ever did
was from Monte Carlo to Dieppe, alone.
stopping only for petrol and one cup
of coffee. That’s about 750 miles ! He
also worked for various other people,
including a Harley Street specialist.
Soon after the last war started he met
Ted Wells (Auto/Press) who suggested
Frank should join B.A.F. And he did.
Today he operates the streamlined
£8,000 Genevoise machine which so
intrigues visitors to the factory. ‘Surely’.
says Frank, ‘this is the Rolls-Royce of
jig borers.’
Frank started the Dean Rifle Club at
the end of the war. Of his three children,
the middle one. David, is most obviously
a chip off the old block. He started .303
shooting at the ripe old age of 10; at 13
he won a life membership to the N.R.A.
in a City of London Prize Meeting -an
event open to all under 26 years of age.
Like his father. David has shot .303 for
the county. Now 21. he works at Smiths
ACCOUNTS – Part of the entertainment at the department’s party held at Bradley Court Hotel an
December 21 was a play- A Night of C’onf’usion on ITV.’ interpolated with advertising spots. One of
these was devoted to the Oraltinies : behind the bed-time get-ups (left/ are Miss J. Worsell, Miss M.
French and Miss B. Williams. That’s Mr. R. Dymond looking on: he was so impressed with the idea of
sound sleep that he retired to one of the hotel bedrooms Jar a catnap and knew nothing more until he woke
next moiling. His nap cost him 25s. for bed and breakfast plus taxi fare! Another entertaining feature
was’ What’s My Line?’ when Miss French and Miss Williams set the panel a poser-the turned out to
be school children who had chosen to be the first human guinea-pigs to be sent to the moon’ ! Mrs. S.
Parsons I pictured on right disguised as Old Mother Riley was the ‘celebrity’. The panel had another
difficult time guessing the’ occupation’ of Mr. J. C. C. Wands-he was discovered to be a winkle-pickermaker
just Jar the occasion.
Continued from opposite page
of Cheltenham in their electronic lab.
His eldest son, no .v 33. started in the
B.A.F. Instrument Shop in 1941 under
Ray Camp and Bill Goodey: he is now
superintendent of the electronic lab. and
workshop at A.E.I. Instrumentation at
Harlow. His youngest. Rosemary. is at
East Dean Grammar School.
Frank holds a Rolls-Royce Diploma
and Badge which he wouldn’t part with.
He also has about three dozen medals
and silver spoons won for shooting-not
worth much today but valuable in
memory. Looking back over the years,
Frank concludes: ‘My life was hard at
first but, by and large, I’vc had a
tremendous amount of fun!’
Dachsunds, miniature smooth-haired,
male and female, for sale at 12-15 gns.
each. Available third week in March.
Enquiries to Mr. Brian Wear. Service
Repair Department.
Bridesmaid’s Dress.-Full length, bust
36. waist 26. Pink nylon lace over net.
Head wreath and gloves to match. £6
o.n.o. Box No. 7.
Book Now for your holidays. Fourberth
22 it. living caravan on good site
at Burnham-on-Sea, eight minutes from
sea front. Apply Box No. 8.
Hoover Junior for sale. In good working
condition. About ten years old. £3 10s.
o.n.o. Apply Box No. 10.
Replies to Box Nos. should be addressed-
The Editor. vistos. Fair View. Plump Hill.
Mitcheldean. Gloucestershire.
December Get-together
ON December 19 a *Get-together’ was
arranged in the Club House at Mitcheldean;
the programme consisted of a
general quiz, followed by a talk by
Mr. R. E. Baker (Production Manager)
on his recent visit to Bell & Howell,
Chicago. with skittles and darts to
round off the evening. The quiz panel,
formed by Messrs. F. W. Court (Chairman),
R. E. Baker, W. E. Blaich,
D. R. Elliott. P. M. Gregory, G.
Hemingway and B. C. Smith, considered
questions concerning: Tooling: Music
While you Work; Pilot Runs: Plant
Maintenance; Company Shares: 1961
Programme Content: Still Photography
Club: and the Obtaining of Labour.
1 Any resemblance to personnel in the Engineering
Department is entirely coincidental.)
– AN Now I ARE oNE….
Sam Phillips learns how
DIL-CASTING was something about
which apprentice Sam Phillips
knew virtually nothing, so when the
opportunity came for him to gain some
knowledge in this field he accepted it
gladly. His transfer to Fry’s Diecastings
Ltd., of Merton Abbey, London. was
arranged by the Gloucestershire and
South London Groups of the Engineering
Industries Group Apprenticeship,
our Training Supervisor, Mr. F.
Edwards, and the Gloucestershire Group
Engineer, Mr. Bowring, doing all the
organising, including the finding of
suitable ‘digs’.
Mr. W. Holland, Chief Inspector at Fry’s,
discusses one of our projector castings with Sam.
Sam found a ‘second home’ with a
Mr. and Mrs. Studds, and was duly
introduced to the department at Fry’s
where he was to spend his first monththe
toolroom. Here he spent most of his
time helping one of the fitters to put a
die together.
‘The chaps in the toolroom’, he writes,
‘were. I found, great leg pullers. The
targets for most of their wisecracks were
my Herefordshire accent and my
overall. It’s a familiar enough garment
at Mitcheldean, but the bright red
collars and cuffs seemed to provoke a
great deal of merriment. I lost count of
the number of times I was asked for
either “Two bottles of Tango” or “A
sixpenny wafer”.’
Time seemed to fly by and he found
himself next in the foundry. The first
thing he noticed here was that it was very
dirty. Secondly he was amazed at the
fantastic range of castings produced,
ranging from Solex carburettors to
Colibri table lighters. Wolf Cub drills to
gear cases for washing machines, camera
bodies to textile bobbins.
Every couple of weeks he was visited
b the E.I.G.A. Group Engineer for the
area. Captain Lister, who was keenly
interested in his progress.
A fortnight was allocated for the
Inspection Department, where Sam
found out ‘just a few of the many things
that can go wrong with a casting. While
I was in Inspection I made friends with
two Bell & Howell users; both Inspectors,
one had a 635 projector and the
other a 605 camera.’
Among His Souvenirs
His next move was to the Drawing
Office where at once he noticed a great
change-he started work at 9 a.m.
instead of 7.30! Here he received a great
deal of help from section leader Mr.
Writes Sam: ‘It could not have been
easy for him, for not only was I dealing
with a strange subject, but also it was
the first time I had ever worked at a
drawing board. But with a great deal of
patience (on his part), a little progress
was made and I eventually graduated
from drawing the die base to doing a
complete die. When the time eventually
came for me to leave the D.O. I did so
with regret, and also a few souvenirs.
Chief among them was a portrait of me,
done by one of the “boys” and signed
by everyone.’
A short time in the Planning Department.
where he witnessed the testing of
new dies, and then it was December and
time for him to leave, having enjoyed his
stay in London very much indeed.
Putting YOU
in the Picture
Mr. A. S. Osborne has been appointed
Product Co-ordinator–a new post
which carries the responsibilities of
co-ordinating all aspects of new product
introduction and planning between Sales
Departments. Management. Engineering
Department and Factory. In addition
Mr. Osborne retains responsibility for
Stock Control Section of the Warehouse
and the handling of Government and
Maritime orders. Mr. G. W. Crow, as
Manager Centralised Services, is now
responsible for the Finished Goods
Warehouse Despatch Department and
Goods Transport, hitherto under the
control of Mr. Osborne. In addition he
is continuing to be responsible for
Central Filing. Mail Room and Telephones,
Audio Typing Pool, Furniture
and Office Equipment, Staff and Import
Section. Mr. Baxter is running the
Import Section under the direction of
Mr. Crow, Mr. A. P. Barker in London
having taken up an appointment with
Rank-XeroX Ltd.
Mr. D. V. Hopes has been promoted to
Export Manager, directly responsible to
Mr. G. Perutz. Messrs. Harrison, Hall
and Ash are Territorial Sales Executives,
responsible to Mr. Hopes, Mr. Harrison
being the Senior Territorial Sales
Executive. Mr. Hall has taken over the
responsibility for the running of the
This snapshot, recently received by Air. Brian Wear
(Service Repair), shows his brother Terry with his
wife Marie and their pet labrador Penny in the
grounds of the house which they share with another
English couple in Nairobi. Terry, who flew out to
Kenya last spring to work for Anglo-American
Film Distributors, our export service agents, used
to be in Service Training at Mitcheldean while
Marie also worked in the Service Department. lie
reports that they have settled down well and that
they like the climate. So would we right now!
Sales Export Administration Department
and Shipping Office; this has now
become part of the Export Department.
Mr. A. W. Ellement is acting as Supervisor.
Mr. Davis is responsible for all
overseas statistics, analysis and collation
of information. Mr. Walter Rubel
remains Overseas Sales Executive situated
in London, working in liaison with
Export Sales Department and responsible
to Mr. Perutz. In addition to his direct
responsibilities in relation to the Export
Department and Overseas Companies,
Mr. Perutz is co-ordinating Home
(Amateur and Audio Visual) and Export
marketing activities including Sales
Promotion, Advertising, Press and
Public Relations.
Mr. W. E. Blaich has taken over as Plant
Engineer, continuing to be directly
SMALL BATCH & XEROX-Joined forces to celebrate Christmas on December 22 at the Chase
Hotel, Ross -on -Wye’. LEFT: Mr. W. Marshall (36 Stores) (hope he was feeling all right!), Mrs. P.
Herbert and Mrs. J. Rose (both of Small Batch) with their respective husbands keeping on the right side
of them! RIGHT: Messrs. M. Parry, N. Griffiths and D. Hobman (all of XeroX) with Mrs. Hobman.
responsible to Mr. R. E. Baker. His
duties cover plant purchase, all factory
maintenance of plant, buildings and
Mr. P. M. Gregory. now Chief Production
Engineer, has taken over the
responsibilities of Tool Engineering
Department. Planning Department and
Tool Room, in addition to that of
Project Engineering.
Mr. Geoffrey Kew, formerly at Woodger
Road for about nine years, has joined us
at Mitcheldean as assistant to Mr. A. S.
Pratt, Technical Chief of Division II.
Mr. Martin Gilroy (Service Repair),
who broke his collar bone in a motor
cycle accident, is now back at work, we
are glad to say, duly mended.
Mr. R. T. Walding joined the XeroX
Department at the beginning of this
year. His daughter, Mrs. P. Flynn,
works in Hollerith.
Mr. S. A. Cherry has transferred from
XeroX to Tool Investigation (P.E.D.).
Mr. E. Watkins has joined Quality
Control as Senior Inspector in XeroX
Welcome back to Mr. Harold Edwards
after three months illness; he is now
working part-time in Assembly.
Mr. K. Bunn joined us in December as
an estimator in Planning Department.
Mr. L. Baynham has joined Production
Control Department.
.41301’E: An almost all-male ‘assembly* at the
department’s party at the Chase Hotel. Ross. on
December 16. Mrs. A. Linley (Assembly) is the
only girl in this group of men (left to right):
Messrs. J. Parsons (guest). T. Protheroe (Assembly),
C. Gurney (Goods Inwards). F. Matthews
(guest), J. Bosley (Assembly) and Mrs. Linley’s
husband Graham ( XeroX). LEFT: Mr. B. Brown,
\list M. Gilkinson and Miss E. Beard (all from
Mr. J. T. Powell (Polishing & Plating)
has retired after 17 years with the
Company. His colleagues gave him a
wallet and some money to mark his
retirement, while the Long Service
Association presented him with a watch
and some money.
Mrs. M. Simmons has transferred to
Work Study as senior time clerk, and
Mrs. C. Hitchings has transferred from
bench section to Auto,’Press Office in
her place.
Mr. R. B. Fishburne, Mr. W. Kempster
and Mr. S. Cargill. who left the
Company some time ago, have all
returned to work in Machine Shop.
Mr. John Osborne (Warehouse) left the
Company in January to join the
Merchant Navy. His colleagues gave
him a cigarette case as a send-off present.
It is nice to report that we recently were
able to offer jobs to several workers who
were put off as a result of the serious
flooding of the Rosedale factory in
Engagements and Weddings
Nliss Pamela Munden (Machine Shop
Office) became engaged to Mr. Maxwell
Gaylard on December 16. We are
assured there is no truth in the rumour
that Messrs. H. Giles and B. Rogers are
to be pageboys at the wedding!
Another couple who became engaged on
December 16 were Miss Josie Knight
(Assembly) and Mr. Brian Thomas.
Christmas was a popular time for
engagements. Christmas Eve was the
red letter day for Miss Glenys Howell
(Production Control) and Mr. K. Smart
Printed by The Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon, Surrey
(Auto Press), and for Miss Beryl Toye
(Assembly) and Mr. Peter Vicary. while
on Christmas Day Mr. Graham Bonser
received the present of a fiancee in the
person of Miss Jill Phelps (D.0.), and
Mr. Dave Williams was promised the
hand of Miss Gillian Wilkes (Sales
Miss J. Thomas (Clean Room) married
Mr. George Morgan on December 17 at
Lydney Registry Office.
Miss D. Wall (Small Batch) became
Mrs. A. Thomas at Lydney Registry
Office on January 20.
Miss Kathleen Stallard (secretary to the
Deputy Divisional Accountant. Mr.
J. C. Woods) is to marry Mr. Robert
Brooks at Aston Ingham on March 15.
Regrettably she is not remaining with
the Company. Her position is being
taken by Miss Diana Woolley.
New Arrivals
Susan May, a new baby daughter for
Mr. L. French (Paint Shop), arrived on
November 22 weighing 5 lb. 11 oz.
Mrs. Janis Evans (D.0.), wife of Mr.
R. Evans (T.E.D.) has left to prepare
for a ‘happy event’ in the spring.
Mr. Roy Powell (T.E.D.) now has a
second son-Anthony John. born
January 15, weighing 7.1 lb.
Mr. G. Douglas (Paint Shop Supervisor)
also has a second child. Julie, born on
January 12. weighing 6i lbs.
In January and February Mr. Walter
Rubel. Overseas Sales Executive. visited
Greece, Turkey. Bahrain, India, Pakistan.
Ceylon, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Main objects of the trip were direct sales
promotion and on-the-spot investigation
of long-term potential in these markets.
Mr. Barry Clifton, formerly of the G.B.
Film Library, has joined the Audio
Visual Department at Mortimer House
where he is concerned primarily with
specialised promotion activities in the
educational and industrial markets.
Mr. Clifton studied at Queen Mary’s
College. London University, and has a
B.A. with Honours for Geography and
a B.A. for Pure Mathematics. During
his National Service with the R.A.F. he
was commissioned. From 1955 to date,
An occasion for new hatsthe
Machine and Auto/Press
shops joint party at Brockhampton
Court, Ross, on
December 16. RIGHT: Mrs.
V. Pegler (Canteen), Mr.
G. Sologub ( Machine Shop)
and his wife, Mr. A. Cale
(Machine Shop). BELOW:
The party organisers: Mr. A.
Wing (Auto/Press Shop) and
Mrs. Wing, and Mr. and Mrs.
D. Hanman (both of Machine
he has been at the Library undertaking
research into, and production of.
educational films and filmstrips, and the
preparation of scripts and teaching
notes covering geographical subjects.
Cine in TV Series
UNDER arrangements made by the P.R.
Office in London, Mr. Tony Rose.
Editor of Amateur Movie Maker magazine.
appeared on B.B.C. Television
recently in the first of a series of programmes
devoted to cine photography
as a hobby for younger people. Our
Sportster IV and Sundial 8 mm. cameras
were shown, also a large-scale model of
the exposure setting feature of the latter:
other equipment featured has included
the ‘Autoload’. The programmes have
been taking place once a fortnight
during the winter.
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(7. 1011: r’)IIPANY LTD
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Rank Precision Industries t.td.
offices at 37:41 Mortimer Street
A.ondon, W.1
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square. London
The main building of
onk Precision industries Ltd.
t Mitchedean. Gloucestershire
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