Return to 1960-1964

Vision 010

In the management world it is lonely at the
summit. Few realise how burdensome are the
responsibilities of thinking and planning for
the future as well as managing in the day-today
turmoil of affairs. For men of action to
turn from the bustle of current activity to
initiate and evaluate future plans demands a
complete change in mental outlook.
To manage, a man must have knowledge,
experience, decision and authority. Equally he
must know how to discipline himself before he
can rightly impose his will.
To lead, management must seek to inspire by
intense personal conviction. In an ever more
complex world, few propositions are either
black or white: there are always so many
shades of grey. But the men at the top must
acquire a conviction of the essential rightness
of a certain course, to the exclusion of
all others.
Having reached a conclusion, the problem
arises as to how to ensure good communication.
This is not only to see that orders are passed
on accurately but that decisions are fully
The duty to reward or punish is probably the
most burdensome of all. To pass judgement on
the conduct, capacity and performance of
others is a task from which every sincere
human being shrinks. To perform ic, wisdom
must be employed logically, calmly and
Lastly, the duty of seeing that business
continues to have efficient management in the
future means that plans must be made for
replacement when retirement looms ahead.
All these qualities may be wasted unless a
spirit of co-operation and loyalty is shown
by those who are in the team. In our Division,
let us hope that VISION will always assist in
helping to make us an enlightened, wellinformed
body of people.
Commercial Manager
PRUSIDEN FS Of companies, film stars–all
kinds of people have come to visit the
factory at Mitcheldean from all parts of
the world. But we cannot recall ever
having been able to see a real live
Wagnerian singer. However, that is to
be remedied. for this month Marianne
Schech (pictured right). principal dramatic
soprano of the world-famous Munich
Opera. is visiting us. She is one of a
panel of six experts who arc judging a
contest arranged in the August and
September issues of the magazine Opera
to find Europe’s most beautiful opera
house. The only prize is a Sportster V.
Lumina, and screen as a complete cine
outfit. Marianne Schech possesses a
good deal of technical knowledge about
photography she processes her own
black-and-white film and also processes
and prints her own still photographs.
-FM Long Service Associations of
London, Leeds. Leicester, Perivale and
Mitcheldean enjoyed a most successful
‘get -together’ in London on September
23. About 140 people in all gathered at
Woodger Road for lunch. Then the
to amuse themselves in a
variety of ways-a river trip, a tour of
London. etc.
Everyone met again for tea at Woodger
Road, after which they saw the film
‘Carry On, Nurse’. This was followed by
a social evening and coaches took their
happy loads home at 11.30 p.m.
Congratulations and thanks are due to
Miss V. Holder (who is not only Group
L.S.A. Secretary but also Secretary of
11r. C. L. 11’oodward. a Long Service member who
has been with the Company for 23 years. retired in
September. He came to us originally from
Woodger Road and was Chief Electrician before
becoming Deputy Plant Engineer. He was
presented on leaving with a wristlet watch and a
cheque by the Long Service Association. Our
picture shows Plant Engineer Mr. W. E. Mulch
making the presentation. C. BROOKS
Woodger Road L.S.A.) for her wonderful
effort in organising the ‘get-together’,
and also to those who helped her make it
such a success.
ME following are to be congratulated on
having succeeded in passing the examinations
they took during 1961 and thus
becoming eligible under the Financial
Help for Professional Studies scheme:
Mechanical Engineering
Higher National Certificate
B. Brown. C. Brown. R. Dance.
J. Haggar, R. Powell. A. J. Preest,
E. Tuflley.
Ordinary National Certificate
B. Williamson
Associate Member, Institute of Export
K. Harvey
Machine Shop Engineering
Final City ct.’ Guilds
B. Lewis, R. Reed, J. Smith.
Inter City & Guilds
R. Bailey. J. Birch, C. Brain, J. Harris,
B. Powell.
We are also pleased to report that
Messrs. M. Brain. J. Everall, I. Griffin
and J. Roberts have passed Part I of the
British Institute of Management Foremanship
and Supervision Course.
The man with the giant moustache and the
giant Anon). Autoset is .11r. M. Lewis of
Harlow Photographic, one of our dealers. He
had a stand at a Dr. Barnardo’s Fete held in
Harlow. Essex, this summer and he wandered
around with the model camera attracting
attention -to the threefold benefit of his
company. our company, and a deserving
B.B.C. commentator Miss Audrey Russell. who has
become a keen amateur film-maker, using a
Sportster V during her visit to India and Pakistan
earlier this year. She is hoping to film again while
on the Royal Tour of Ghana and Sierra Leone in
November and December. and at the Tanganyika
Independence Celebrations. also in December.
THE new I -formed Angling Club at
Mitcheldean has got away to a successful
start. After their initial contest on the
last Saturday in August (won by
Apprentice Peter Thomas with Mr.
W. Brown (Tool Room) coming second),
a meeting was held and the following
officers appointed: Chairman: Mr. H.
Holmes (XeroX); Hon. Secretary: Mr.
J. D. Williams (XeroX); Committee:
Messrs. W. Brown (Tool Room),
B. John (XeroX Inspection), B. Lewis
(Engineering), J. Price (Assembly) and
R. Thomas (Auto Shop).
The Hon. Secretary distinguished himself
by winning the Club’s first monthly
fishing contest, held on September 17.
with Mr. Brown again coming second.
and Mr. T. Weaving (Assembly) third.
Mr. Brown has also distinguished himself
by winning first prize in the recent
Ross-on-Wye Angling Club annual contest.
The Mitcheldean anglers are receiving
considerable help from the Sports &
Social Club in the form of scales for
weighing the catch in the contests; the
Club are also paying half the cost of the
I 7s. 6d. yearly fishing permit required
for each member.
Mr. Williams has been busy trying to
arrange inter-club contests with local
companies such as Carters of Coleford
and Ediswan (now A.E.I.) of Lydbrook.
Of course, we can’t all be good at
fishing. For example, there were the
four young men from Assembly who
made a fishing expedition to Barry
recently. The fish must have had prior
notice, for all they caught between them
were two crabs and three fish, total
weight 44 ounces!
IMRE is another sporting story going
the rounds about the prize-winning
whippet belonging to Mr. Ralph Taylor
(Tool Room). Apparently the whippet
was being exercised in the fields recently
when it surprised a rabbit (in several
ways). The whippet gave chase and was
reported to have been seen shortly afterwards
some 20 yards in front of the
rabbit. No one seems sure who was
chasing whom.
KEITH GK \1 junior attached to the
Audio-Visual Department and P.R.
Office in London, has become a keen
weightlifter, and also a wrestling fan.
His first 16 mm. filming venture produced
some fine black-and-white shots
of a wrestling match taken from a most
difficult angle on a balcony above the
Personally we’ve always felt that a
knowledge of weightlifting and wrestling
would be helpful to any cine enthusiast
who has graduated to the use of tripods
and the many accessories that arc
AFIER having rendered yeoman service
to the Skittles Section of the Mitcheldean
Sports & Social Club for over six
years, Mr. Frank Edwards (Hon. Secretary)
and Mr. Bill Beech (Hon. Treasurer)
have resigned. This was learned with
regret at the pre-season general meeting
of the Section held on September 9.
In their place were elected Mr.
B. Moger (Hon. Secretary), and Mrs.
P. Moore (Hon. Treasurer) who, with
Mrs. W. Carpenter, has been mainly
responsible, during the past season, for
conducting the raffles, etc., that have
done so much towards keeping the fund,
of the Section up to standard. To those
ladies, many thanks!
One important item on the agenda was
the presentation of trophies for the past
season. Mr. E. Parsons (‘A’ Team) won
the Challenge Cup for the highest average
for both ‘A’ and ‘B’ Teams. Mr.
J. Morgan (‘B’ Team) was the runner-up
and so won the miniature cup; he also
won the cup for the highest average for
the Summer League. Front Pin Skittle.
A motion was passed that the annual
outing should be held at the end of the
coming season and that it should take
the form of a supper.
The meeting ended with a game played
between members of the ‘A’ and ‘B’
Teams, ‘B’ Team winning with 276
against the ‘A’s 261.
Any skittler who would like to join
either of the Teams, which play in the
Ross & District League, will be very
welcome; just get in touch with the
captain of the Team concerned.
By the way, the alley is being sanded
and the chute refixed for the new season;
so, if you use the Club House in the
lunch break, you are asked to be careful
not to damage any of the equipment
and, please, don’t use the chute as a seat.
WE hear from a reliable source that
certain male members of the staff
concerned with work study, control and
planning have been studying their own
work and have, as a result, decided to
add typographical qualifications to
those they already possess. The reason
for their decision intrigues us: are they
wanting to branch out into a secretarial
career, or is it just because they can’t
read their own writing?
IN our issue No. 6 we mentioned Mrs.
F. J. Old, wife of our service agent in
St. Agnes, Cornwall, who assists her
husband in his work-and brings
glamour to the job as well. Those who
know them will be delighted to learn of
the arrival of a 7 lb. 7 oz. baby daughter,
Caroline Juliette, on August 10.
We don’t know if Caroline will
eventually be joining the servicing staff;
but we are sure that, like our customers,
she is getting the best possible service
herself at the moment!
AMONG well-known personalities who
have called at 17 Hanover Square,
London, recently are David Jacobs the
‘Disc Jockey’, Anthony Newley, Ben
Lyon and Edmundo Ros. All of them
are customers of the Hanover Square
MITCHI (.DEAN Sports & Social Club were
pleased to be able to donate £10 recently
to the newly formed Mitcheldean
Hospital Welfare Committee.
WHILE holidaying abroad this summer. P.R. Officer
Derek Dutton found himself stranded at night on a
railway station outside a small town on the
Anatolian plateau of Central Turkey. Having
passed the dark hours in the railway workers’ canteen,
he was approached at 5.30 a.m. by two burly
men, who Indicated that they wanted him to join
them in a climb of a huge granite mountain beyond
the town! (That’s it in the picture, with the dramatic
sculpture in the foreground.) They were rewarded
with a superb view of the surrounding plain from
the plateau-like top, more than 1.400 ft. above the
town, with its ruined mediaeval fortress. After the
descent they breakfasted off melon, followed by a
sweet consisting of thick cream, whipped with
sugar, and smothered in a thin marmalade made
from rose petals! Later, when in Antalya, a
southern Turkish resort by the Mediterranean,
Derek presented the official greetings from the
Mayor of Southport. his home town, it being the
first day of the Southport Flower Show and
Antalya being the ‘ancestral home’ of many of our
most popular flowers. (His hotel there kept offering
Derek ‘Sir Lion’ steak!)
On the Move-There have been some
staff changes at Perivale. Mr. R. Hoodless
is nowAssistant Manager to Mr. D. Pluck,
Film Hire Manager. Mr. B. Higgins from
Central Records succeeding him as Booking
Manager. Mr. E. Collins. previously
controlling Stock and Progress, is taking
charge of Central Records. Mr. H.
Osgood, Educational Advisor, has left to
become Production Officer for the Educational
Foundation for Visual Aids.
Seventy Years Young–Get through to
the Library and be delightfully vague
about booking a film, and the chances
are that you will be put through to
Booking Department, where a courteous
male voice will enquire your business
and patiently deal with it. Looking no
more than half his age, the owner of the
voice, Mr. Hardwick, celebrated his 70th
birthday on September 20. His departmental
colleagues presented him with a
pipe and accessories in honour of the
Transfers-Miss Wendy Patterson,
from Dictorel Department to Export
Department, as secretary to Mr. John
Maltby. Mr. Ron Edmonds from Home
Sales Department to Technical Services.
Additions Anticipated-Mrs. June
Hazel’, secretary to Mr. Jim Hissey,
Industrial Adviser, and Mrs. Beryl
Radcliffe, Assistant Cashier, left recently
to await happy events.
Engagement-Miss Margaret Harris,
Film Exam Department, became engaged
on August 21.
From Films to Television-A Ronson
electric razor was presented to Mr. Ron
Newbury, Technical Department’s sound
recordist, when he left on August 28 to
join A.T.V. in a similar capacity. Ron,
who first joined the Library in 1947, has
been an active and enthusiastic member
of the Social & Sports Club for many
years, and was Captain of the men’s
darts team.
Members of the Darts Section
arranged an informal darts evening and
buffet supper to bid him farewell, and
gave him a set of darts in appreciation of
his services, although the note which
accompanied it may have indicated to
the contrary. It read:
These darts have’ been specially designed
to compensate for inaccurate throwing,
St. Vitus’s dance, nervous twitch, drunken
driving and senile decay.
The points are lethal, and whilst the
flights are durable, it is not suggested that
they be aced far cleaning nut arholes, etc.
From Television to Films-We welcome
Mr. Ian Duff, who has joined
Technical Department as a sound
recordist in Ron’s place. As if to maintain
the balance, he comes from
Television, having previously been a
Film . Unit recordist with Scottish
Pleased to Meet You-Mr. Roger
Albon has joined Home Sales Department
where he has taken over the desk
vacated by Mr. Ron Edmonds. Mrs.
Dean is counting the petty cash in
Cashier’s Department in place of Mrs.
Beryl Radcliffe. Mr. Ken Pearce has
joined the Technical Department. Miss
Gillian Ashdowne and Miss Doreen
Kimble are adding their quota to the
already considerable glamour in Direct
Film Exam Visit Southend-Following
the staff outing to Clacton on August
26, the Exam Department arranged one
for themselves on the following Saturday
to Southend. It is still a matter for
conjecture exactly what Mrs. Amy
Oxford finally did with that black
Maureen Hatcher. secretary
to Mr. D. Pluck, won the
prize for the best costumed
lady. We’ve a vague idea
she’s the one under three-
A variety of tramps of
shapes and sizes. for whom
the Exam Room must be
held responsible.
Airs. Hodge. with Mr. R.
Hodge, General Manager.
presents the prize for the best
dressed (or should it be the
worst dressed?) male tramp.
WITH over a third of the members and
friends who attended the ‘Tramps Dance’
at the Oldfield Hotel, Greenford, on
September 22. dressed up (or should it he
dressed down’) to suit the occasion, its
success was already assured. Add a full
attendance, an excellent band, and an
obvious desire by everybody to enjoy
themselves and there could be only one
result-a jolly good time and a hit of a
giggle! And so it was.
Prizes for the best costumes (and selection
from so many must have been very
difficult) were presented by the General
Manager of the Library, Mr. A. R.
Hodge, and his wife. There were plenty of
spot prizes and an electric clock was
Prominent among the revellers were the
Exam Department, who always enter into
the spirit of the party. Their corner was
adorned with a line of washing. Johnny
Everett hadn’t shaved for three days to get
the right growth, and a fish shop opposite
the Oldfield refused to serve him during
the dance with sixpennyworth of chips,
required for more local colour, until he
produced his money!
THIS month the Illeme Biennale Internationale
Photo-Cinema-Optique is being
held in Paris and our newly-formed
French Company will be taking a stand
at this big photographic exhibition. Mr.
John Ash (Territorial Executive in the
Mitcheldean Export Department), who
speaks French, will be there to help with
enquiries on the stand.
Crazy, Man, Crazy! -The
Generol Works Ivianager, Mr. E.
Mason, obviously finds rock’n’
rolling with Miss Irene Morgan
(Sales Office) a shattering
Getting Hep!-Miss Eileen
Smith Service Repair) takes
time off from collecting for the
Lucky Ticket Draws to take the
floor with her brother.
Winning Smiles-Mr. Brian
Mould (Assembly) and his
partner. Miss Doreen Cornwall.
have something to smile aboutthey’ve
just wan the Rock’n’Roll
Chocolates for the Bride
Newly-wed Mrs. Brenda Scott,
Export Department, who was a
close runner-up in the Miss
‘ R.P.I.’ Contest. receives her
prize from Mrs. F. Wicksteod.
Our Miss R.P.I. ‘ 1961 62-
16 -year -old Mss Margery
Brooks from the Mail Room.
There were plenty of both at our Second Grand Annual
Dance and Reunion, held at Cheltenham Town Hall on
October 20. Among the ‘ watched’ there were the contestants
for the title of Miss R.P.I.’, the Olde Tyme
Dancing experts Mr. Basil Walker and his partner, and
the Rock’n’Rollers (not forgetting our Chief Executive
and the General Works Manager who put up a good
show with their borrowed partners !). As for the
‘ watchers’ well there were over 600 of those!
(Photographs by R. Evans )
LEFT: Ted at Factory
No. 10 with two of the
BELOW: %%lac’ and hi,
lather (centre) with
the family at their village
AFTER hearing so many stories from
`R.P.I. Desert Rats’, it was with
mixed feelings that I waited for the
Comet 4C to descend on Cairo on July
27, after a journey taking approximately
ten hours. with the usual stops at Zurich
and Rome.
As I stepped from the ‘plane, a smile
and a handshake awaited me from
Captain Abdel Aziz Awad, who was
Security Officer I/C at Military Factory
No. 10, Abou-Kir. With his expert help
I was soon through Customs and
settled in my hotel.
The following morning (Capt. Aziz
arrived at 8.45 a.m.), we visited (like all
tourists) the Pyramids and Sphinx, and
I had the proverbial camel ride. Afterwards
we visited the Cairo Tower, which
is a huge 15- storey cylindrical building
used for broadcasting to the Diplomatic
Service in the United Arab Republic.
At the top of the tower one gets the most
wonderful panoramic view of Cairo and
the Nile.
The journey to Alexandria was made
by road and I was amazed to see the
various crops looking so healthy-rice,
bananas, figs, etc., were all irrigated by
the old water wheels, still being drawn
around and around b the family camel.
donkey or oxen.
Alexandria k a typical holiday seaside
resort with all the usual attractions:
wonderful beaches and numerous ‘Social
Clubs’ situated on the sea front. I visited
one of these clubs with Capt. Aziz, but
the attendant at first refused to let me in,
thinking 1 was Russian! However, I
managed to prove my nationality, but
have since wondered if they do breed
them as tall in Russia! (Ted Haggar
extends to 6 ft. 4 in.-Ed.)
On arriving at Factory No. 10 1 renewed
my friendship with engineers
Hamada and El Shahali (Tony and
Mac). The highlight of my visit was a
trip to Mac’s home where 1 made the
acquaintance of his charming wife and
delightful children, his father. brothers
and sisters, and all their children. This
gave me my first true glimpse of village life.
After enjoying the best meal of my
stay, I was introduced to all the family.
comprising 25 to 30 people-mainly
children, of course.
Social life in Alex. was for me somewhat
curtailed; Factory No. 10 was so
very busy that Mac and Tony had very
little free time.
1 did manage to visit one of ex-King
Farouk’s palaces called ‘Ras-At-Tim’.
This was wonderfully built, one of its
most beautiful features being a glass
chandelier weighing two and a half tons!
Another outstanding feature was the
ex-King’s marvellous collection of dolls
of all nationalities; there were literally
hundreds of these-surely any little girl’s
idea of heaven.
From the work point of view everything
went smoothly, the general standard
being higher than anticipated.
Ted took an 8 mm. colour film of his visit which he
is willing to lend to anyone interested. You can
contact him in Assembly.-Ed.
BRAINS have been buzzing over the
mathematical problem posed in our last
issue but, at the time of going to press,
no brilliant solutions had been received.
Just in case anyone has been suffering
from sleepless nights (one agonised
apprentice wrote to say he was getting
‘tied up in knots’), we hasten to let you
know that XeroX copies of the suggested
solution, put forward by our Mad
Mathematician, Mr. H. Hartley, are
available from either him (they keep him
in the Polishing & Plating Shop) or from
VISION. C/o Sales Promotion Office.
If you have an odd moment, you
might like to try the following teaser-
Problem: A businessman normally
travelled home by train at a certain time
each day, and was met at the station by
his chauffeur. But one day, not feeling
too well, he caught an earlier train and
reached his home station one hour
earlier than usual. Naturally, the
chauffeur, knowing nothing of this, left
the gentleman’s house to drive to the
station at the normal time. Meanwhile,
the businessman had commenced to
walk home and duly met the car coming
to fetch him. Eventually the car with the
gentleman aboard reached his house 30
minutes earlier than usual. How long
was the man walking?
Send your solutions to Mr. Hartley or
to the Editor, VISION; we’ll publish the
correct one in our next issue.
THE first autumn Audio-Visual Department
Dealer Assistant Training Course
was held at Mortimer House from
October 10-12. These courses, under the
supervision of Mr. G. F. Gask, are very
popular with the photographic trade and
cover a wide variety of subjects. Lecturers
include: Messrs. Gask, Dave Tubb,
L. E. Tomkins, L. Wilson, Les Carter,
Billy Ball, Bill Crisp, Jim Hissey, Barry
Clifton and Peter O’Connor. General
Sales Manager Mr. F. Jessup sums up at
the end of the courses.
HIS 275-ft. colour travelogue ‘Wandering
Wye Way’ has won for Mr. W. Brown
(Tool Room) a 624 EV cine camerafirst
prize in the Mitcheldean Cine Club
1961 Open Competition. Mr. W. Austin
(also Tool Room) came second with his
‘Farnborough Air Show’, a 100-ft.
camera’s eye view of the jet age, while
a colourful 100-ft. ‘Cornish Holiday’ film
by Mr. D. Hanman (Main Machine
Shop) was third; both win prizes of cine
equipment. Runner-up was Mr A. R.
Mason (Service) with a 300-ft. film showing
a visit to his grandchildren in
Germany. Judging was carried out by
six members of the Herefordshire Cine
Society with the kind co-operation of Mr.
G. Davies, M.B.K.S., of Wyeval Ltd
EVE-CATCHINC; notices about the formation
of a Chess Club section of the Sports
& Social Club have been appearing at
Mitcheldean. Anyone interested in
chess, whether they know a pawn from
a bishop or not, is invited to join. There
will be lessons for beginners while tournaments
for the experts are in progress.
Joint organisers are Messrs. J. G. Clare
(Sales Department), H. Jones (P.E.D.),
and R. Wright (Design Drawing Office).
In the meantime, chess players, time
yourselves to spot this ‘move and mate’.
If it takes you more than 15 minutes. you
need more practice! Solution in the next
issue. BLACK
Six Pieces
fr /
r ?:M x % .’i
4 ‘/ – .7 .
,-…,i,,.-. , ,-.
‘ /
. ,
Seven Pieces
White to play and mate in one move,
no need for anyone to wait outside the
main gate until ‘C’ Park is full up, and
then pop into the Chief Executive’s
place! Remember also, if you are
allocated to a set area and you park in
another, you are doing a fellow worker
out of his parking space.
DURING the past few months many At the end of the day, it is with
alterations have taken place within trepidation that our Controls take over
the boundary of the wire fence at the traffic problem, for in the mad rush
Mitcheldean. We have watched the new to the main gate we have to contend with
XeroX Building rise out of a ploughed the driver who wishes to wave to the
field and, now that it is finished, the young lady in the Progress Office, the
long-looked-for car parking space is at chap whose wireless mast dwarfs the
last in use. flagpole. the lady who fills her tank with
No doubt many car owners, during kangeroo juice and whose next jump can
the waiting period, began to believe that never be forecast and, last but not least.
it was the aim of the Gate Sccurit. Staff the staid old gent with pipe in mouth
to make things as awkward as possible who is completely oblivious of anyone
for all who entered the factory area in until the bonnet of his car nudges you in
cars. But, in spite of numerous argu- the rear. (Danger money should be paid
ments and suggestions (clean and other- for this job!)
wise), it was not an easy matter to please Nevertheless, we do appreciate the
everyone, and we think that even the fact that, since the allocation of areas.
*Git Organised’ fraternity could not have most drivers are doing their best to
done better in the circumstances. assist us, even to using the one-way
At the present moment we get the system when leaving at night, although
feeling that our Personnel Officer is to some it may seem an unnecessary
only taking on staff who own cars (!) and manoeuvre.
in consequence the spaces available But if all can keep the maxim ‘Let the
grow smaller and smaller. A survey into other chap travel in safety as I would
the numbers gave us quite a shock, for wish to do’ uppermost in their mind,
instead of the humble 120 catered for, better and more careful driving will
we now find that there are in the region inevitably result-and there will be more
of 200-and still they come. consideration for the poor devil who has
So, instead of being able to allocate to catch a bus.-Gate/Security.
space for a Morris Minor that would
take a double-decker bus, we still have to
insist on a normal space being taken up;
and if such is the practice, there will be . . . AND INSECURITY
We understand that our Special (I Correspondent, having had trouble with neighbours
putting nails on their grass verges, is hoping to market the device shown below. The
Editor will be pleased to put anyone 1, ill: similar needs in touch with the maker.
Sox TO C. Al-CH
THE E.B.R.TC)Nufz..11 Ao.1-r1 – PUNCTURE DEVICE .
Putting YOU
in the Picture
\ I r. A. I). I’. I a ‘lents has been appointed
Deputy chief I xecutive as from October
10. Born in Herefordshire, he was educated
at Lancing College and Cambridge
University where he studied Mechanical
Sciences. He served his engineering apprenticeship
in Leeds and, after war
service, took employment at Impregnated
Diamond Products Ltd. as Production
Manager. subsequently becoming Works
Manager, General Manager and Managing
Director. A member of the Institute
of Production Engineers and the Directors’
Institute, Mr. Tallents lives at
Painswick. He has a daughter and two
sons. Tennis, golf. music, the theatre and
photography (still photography, so far!)
are among his main interests.
On September 4 Mr. E. Bryan was
appointed Industrial Engineer to head
all Production Engineering, Work Study
and Cost Reduction activities. Mr.
P. M. Gregory remains in charge of
Production Engineering as Chief Production
Engineer, and Mr. D. F.
Griffiths remains in charge of Work
Study as Chief Work Study Engineer,
but they now report direct to Mr. Bryan
who is responsible to the General
Mr. F. W. Court has been appointed
Production Controller in which position
he is responsible for the running of the
Production Control and Sub-Contract
Departments. Mr. R. L. Evans is now me
sponsible direct to Mr. Court who in turn
is responsible to the General Manager.
Subsequent on Mr. Court’s appointment,
Mr. P. Sarkar assumed responsibility
for Planning and Control Research.
We regret to report that Mr. If . 6.
Smith (Carpenter’s Shop) died as the
result of a road accident on September
26. He was travelling to the
South Coast to convalesce after a very
severe illness. Mr. Smith had only
recently received his 25-year award
as a Long Service member.
Mr. A. railcars.
Deputy Chief
.th. E. Bryan.
newly appointed
Photos: C. !KOOKS
The Craft Training Scheme detailed in
VISION a year ago was inaugurated in
September. The trainees come under
the instruction of Mr. L. Hart who has
been transferred from the Mechanical
Laboratory to the Education and Training
Department for this purpose. Mr.
Hart will also be responsible for the
mechanical aspects of Rank-XeroX
training courses. Mr. D. Peates has
taken Mr. Hart’s place in the Mechanical
Mr. L. Bonser (formerly in Sales Department)
has been made responsible for
liaison between Rank-XeroX, their
Japanese associate company and the
Mitcheldean factory. His office is
situate in Design Engineering. Mrs.
M. H. Jarvis. in charge of the Bell &
Howell office, has also moved office to
the Design Engineering Department.
Mr. G. Jones (Accounts Department)
has left the Company.
Mr. P. le Feuvre, who has joined the
Export Sales Department, is quite a
seasoned traveller. While gaining
academic knowledge at Bristol University,
he spent his vacations gaining
unacademic knowledge travelling to the
United States and Canada, taking different
jobs to help pay his way. His
‘wanderlust’ this year took him to
Iceland for a holiday.
Mr. M. Brain has joined the Company
to work in the Electrical Laboratory.
Mrs. Mona Jones (First Aid) is ‘retiring’
at an early age! She leaves at Christmas,
after having spent seven years with us
tending our wounds, headaches, etc. She
will fortunately be leaving her husband,
Roy. still at work in the Tool Room.
Mrs. Joan Jackson is now secretary to
the Plant Engineer, Mr. W. E. Blaich;
she replaces Miss Ruth Morgan who left
in September.
Miss Maureen Morgan has joined Miss
Sheila Sollars at the Telephone Exchange.
Mrs. Florence Price has joined Home
Sales as secretary to Mr. P. Carr,
London Area Controller.
Miss Carolynne Hunt. daughter of Mr.
G. S. Hunt (Home Sales). has joined
Work Study Department.
Mrs. Joan Ward (Assembl . Mrs.
Marina Kibble (Assembly Inspection)
and Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall (Heat
Treatment) have all left to prepare for
happy events.
Mr. W. Pearce has rejoined the Company
and is working in Production
Miss Phyllis Bourne has returned to
work in Goods Inwards Inspection after
being on the sick list for five months.
Miss Sandra Twohig has joined Small
Batch; she replaces Miss J. Phelps as
Time Clerk.
The ‘Assembly’ wedding, of Miss J. Pritchard and
Mr. Clive Brookes, was reported in our last issue.
Photographer was the ‘other’ Clive Brooks, of
Quality Control.
Two new recruits to the Bought Ledger
Department. Accounts-Miss Stephanie
Jayne and Miss Jennifer Bebb.
Just Made It !
Mr. Fred Pritchard of Service Repair
reached his 21st birthday (but only just,
it seems!) on September 11. The fact that
he was wearing slippers when he came
into work that day was not just so that
he could take things easy; he strained a
ligament while playing football during
the weekend and had to he assisted into
the workshop.
Announcing the Engagement of …
Miss Margaret Carpenter (Wages) to
Mr. G. Winney on July 15.
Mr. R. Walker (Purchase) to Miss Pat
Bennett on July 22.
Miss Beryl Hale (Goods Inwards Inspection)
to Mr. B. Hart on August 5.
Miss Julie Stallard (Accounts) to Mr.
J. R. Clapham on August 26. (A week
later Julie also celebrated her 21st birthday,
on September 3.).
Apprentice Clive Brain to Miss Linda
Davis on September 16.
Miss Cynthia Barnett (Purchase) to Mr.
T. Beizsley, which will take place on
November 24.
They’re Wedded
Miss Glenda James (Accounts) became
the wife of Mr. R. Stephens (he used to
work at Mitcheldean) on September 2 at
St. Mary’s Church, Ross-on-Wye.
Miss May Eckley (Small Batch) became
Mrs. K. Townsend on September 9 at
St. Michael’s, Mitcheldean.
There were two Company weddings at
St. John’s, Cinderford, on September 30
-that of Miss Lilian Simmonds (Small
Batch) and Mr. B. lzatt (Assembly), and
that of Miss Brenda Davis who left
Mr. and %Irs. R. Stephens
Quality Control Inspection to become
Mrs. S. Creed.
Miss E. Fisher left Home Sales in September
to get married to Mr. W. Smith;
she now lives in Middlesex.
Mr. J. Henwood (Marketing (Forward
Planning) ) married Miss Wendy Roberts
at St. Michael’s, Mitcheldean, on
October 5.
Miss Jean Jones (Goods Inwards Inspection)
married Mr. R. Grindle on
October 14 at Littledean Church.
Miss Hazel Roberts (Purchase) was
married on October 21 to Mr. K. J.
Matthews at the Forest Church.
New Arrivals
Graham, a son for Mr. D. Timms (Quality
Control) and his wife, June, who used
to work in Inspection; he was born on
August I, weighing 7 lb. 3 oz.
Michael, an 8 lb. 6 oz. boy for Mr. A.
East (XeroX), who arrived on August 31.
Catherine Mary, 6i lb. daughter, born
on September 7 to Mr. E. Parsons (Tool
Room), who now has two girls and two
Adrian Stewart, a son for Mr. B.
Williams (Sales Order), who arrived on
September I I, weighing 7 lb. 8 oz.
\tr. \\ alter Rubel, our Overseas Sales
Executive (Mortimer House) has departed
on a giant-size tour of the entire
African continent. He will be visiting
19 different countries in Africa, calling
at places with such fascinating names as
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Monrovia
Mrs. Loretta Marsh (Assembly) and her husband,
whose wedding was reported in our last issue.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Townsend
(Liberia), Bathurst (Gambia), Dakar
(Senegal), Tangier and Khartoum
Two new salesmen have joined the
London Depot-Mr. D. Shepherd and
Mr. R. Smith; they are hoping to pay a
visit to Mitcheldean sometime. Also
new at Hanover Square are the Misses
Pat Young, Wendy Blatt and Gloria
Tostdevine, bringing the number of
staff up to strength again after the
departure of Miss Betty Mullan, Miss
Anne Pearse. and Miss Shirley Gittus,
the latter leaving to take an appointment
in Germany.
Mr. I. Masters, Assistant Divisional
Public Relations Officer, was married to
Miss Pamela Burrell in September. Mr.
W. S. Watson,
Southern Consultant, toasted
the couple at the wedding.
Miss Lyn Hodges, Assistant to the
Audio-Visual Department Advisor, with
duties mainly in the educational field,
left Mortimer House recently to go to
Oxford for two years’ training as a
Church of England missionary.
Mr. G. W. Pelting, from the Group P.R.
Office, has become Overseas Travel and
Personnel Officer at Mortimer House.
Mr. Pelting was once a member of the
Export Department’s staff at Mitcheldean.
He replaces Miss Jean Foster
(Mrs. B. Osborne). known to many at
Mitcheldean, who has left.
Printed by The Victor fames Press Limited.
Coulsdon. Surrey
The G.B. Film Library
at Perivale, Middlesex
Rank Precision Industries Ltd.
offices at 37 41 Mortimer Street,
London, W.I
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building of
I Rank Precision Industries Ltd.
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire
“ass lit
111111 111111011

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