Return to 1960-1964

Vision 011

Time, it is said, is the enemy of man, but
looking back over a period of twenty years one lk
144 realises it can also be a friend. I am sure lk
those of us who were with the Company in the
early days did not foresee that the expansion lk
144 to come would bring employment to over a tl
thousand people in the district. The rapid
growth of recent years has also brought forward lk
1 problems, which, unless they are overcome, 1\
could slow down the progress of the Company.
Today, we are faced with difficulties that can lk
lk only be resolved by those who wish to see a lk
progressive future, that is of paramount
importance to us all. As the expansion of the lk
lk XeroX project develops, it is hoped that the lk
new field opened to us will help to overcome
the seasonal fluctuation in the labour force lk
Vt that has been our lot in recent years. The lk
immediate necessity for various types of
skilled labour, I am sure, can be met if the lk
1 rewards for their labour offered by the lk
Company are of a nature that will induce
people to work in the factory. 144
lk With the recent introduction of the training tk
lk school, lies the future means of ensuring a
steady flow of young men into the departments
lk where they are most needed. The technical lk
t4 facilities that are available in the district,
together with the Company scheme, can be the lk
lk foundation of further prosperity. The results
have yet to be seen but it is anticipated that
if the investment is large enough, so will be 1:
lk the returns. 1tt
14 The Trade Unions also have a vital part to 144
play in modern industry. Managements have long
since recognised the importance of having an lk
lk organisation whereby the opinions of the
employees can be made known to them. No
obstacle is insurmountable if the spirit of 1
144 co-operation prevails amongst us, the proof lk
being that during the life of the Company at
Mitcheldean all differences of opinion have tt
been resolved at works level. lk
If we are to meet the challenge of the future,
it must be approached with courage and deter- lk
lk mination. Thus the fruits of our labour must lk
be to the benefit of us all.
I should like to take this opportunity of
1 extending New Year’s greetings to everyone. tl
lk lk
6* 11
i. 1
) A.E.U. Convenor Steward 0.0.0
This photograph. taken by Clive Brooks. was
commissioned by the magazine ‘Amateur Cinc
? World’ who featured it on the front cover of
their November 23 issue. It shows the new 8 mm.
Bell c Howell Marksman zoom camera coming
of the production lines at Mitcheldean. The
girl model, as you probably know, is Brenda
Scott. secretary to the Export Manager: she
was lent’ to the Assembly Shop just for the
Visit from Vince
Howell, Chicago, came to Mitcheldean
on November 15 to assist with production
problems on the 641 Series projectors.
He has been working with project
engineer Dave King, and has no doubt
been able to render considerable help
since he spent two and a half years as a
project engineer on the equivalent projector
produced in the States.
One of his first comments on arrival
was ‘Well. I suppose 1 might just as well
correct my watch to whatever time you
have in England; it gets a little complicated
with these conversions!’
‘Vince’, as he is familiarly known to
some of us, is married and has two little
daughters. In his absence from home
his wife Ruth has risen to the occasion
and filled what would otherwise have
been a vacant position in his bowling
team: whether the scores have gone up
or down he is not prepared to say.
We hear she has also decorated a
complete bedroom-so the next time
they need a room decorated, perhaps
Vincent Pasturc:ak poses with Dave’ King beside
a 642 projector. We tnay be seeing ‘Vince’ again
at Mitcheldean-after he has recovered from
Christmas festivities back home in the States!
Vince will request another trip to
Industrial Safety Award
NOTING the good safety record at
Mitcheldean factory, our General
Manager, Mr. E. Mason, decided that it
should be brought to the attention of the
British Safety Council. who run a competition
each year.
As a result, the Company has succeeded
in becoming one of the 22 firms
in the country to receive the Council’s
‘Industrial Safety Award for 1960′. The
award will be presented early in the New
Year by the local Civic Authority.
We are proud to be’ able to report that the Company stand at the recent Paris Exhibition-the Third
Biennale Internationale Photo-CWma-Optique-attractea great attention. It was the only stand completed
in time for opening day and displayed the only really new products at the whole Exhibition-the
American Bell et Howell 434 reflex camera and the’ Model 465 Lumina II projector. Main feature of the
stand was a giant model of the Sportster V camera which slowly rotated in its position above the stand.
Among those present on opening day, and pictured here. were: Mr. Bourdillat R.P.L. France), Mr.
Butler ( R.P.I.. France). Mr. Sweetman ( R.P.I. London). Mr. Schimmel ( Bell et Howell). Mr. Perutz.
Mr. Wickstead, Mr. Cledes ( R.P.I.. Brussels,. Mr. de Cerjat (R.P.I.. France). Mlle. Genie rR.P I..
France’, Mr. H. R. A. de Jonge. Mr. Muller ( R.P.I.. Germany), Mr. Hopes Mr. de Rayssac R.P.L.
France). C. BROOKS
MRS. E. MARSHALL. Who has worked in
the Wiring Department of the Polishing
& Plating Shop for the past 13 years,
recently travelled thousands of miles to
attend a wedding in Nairobi.
One of her daughters who lives in
Nairobi was getting married and she
arranged for Mrs. Marshall and her
husband to make the trip out by air so
that they could be present at the
ceremony. The Company granted her
six weeks’ leave of absence-and she has
asked us to record her appreciation of
It was certainly a wonderful experience
for Mrs. Marshall, who had never
been abroad before. During their stay
there, she and her husband travelled
several thousand miles, visiting the
National Park and other places of
interest, and they brought back about
500 feet of colour film. The daughter
owns a Bell & Howell 8 mm. camera.
and she and her mother shared the
filming between them.
Incidentally, while in Nairobi, the
Marshalls met Terry Wear and his wife;
Terry used to work in Service Training
and asked to be remembered to the folks
at Mitcheldean.
Mrs. Marshall has another daughter
living in Hong Kong-but she doesn’t
anticipate making a visit there for some
Mrs. Marshall and her husband pose with the bride
and the bridegroom after the wedding.
has been accomplished by Mrs. Margaret
Head (Home Sales) and her builder
husband. The couple, who were married
only a year ago, started to build their
own two-bedroomed bungalow home at
Harrow Hill about the end of last June
-and they were able to move in at the
beginning of November!
Margaret acted as builder’s mate.
helping to work the cement mixer and
generally getting down to some pretty
hard labour. They worked in the evenings
and during their fortnight’s summer
holiday, doing everything themselves,
with the exception of the plumbing,
When we first began to build Bell and Howell projectors in England,
we sub-contracted out to o firm of toolmakers named Butro Engineering.
At first we had to press so often for changes and modifications
that it gave rise to some jocularity, and one of the company’s back
room boys produced a cartoon entitled The First Twenty-five’. Our
relations with America became closer as years went by and someone
sent the cartoon over for the Bell & Howell boys to see. They found it
as amusing as we did-and it was duly returned to us with their own
effort-‘The Manufacture of Bell and Howell Cameras in the Stone Age’.
carried out by Margaret’s brother-inlaw,
and the electrical wiring, which was
done by a friend.
‘Jolly tiring, but well worth it’, is
Margaret’s verdict.
If anyone is thinking of trying to
follow their example, they might find it
helpful to take a look at the cine film
which Margaret took of the building
operations with one of the Company’s
cameras-whenever she was able to take
time off from the cement mixing!
THE judges of the Miss R.P.1.’ Contest
at the Annual Dance in October certainly
picked a winner in Miss Margery
Brooks (Mail Room). We hear that she
has since walked away with another
‘first’-this time in a Teenage Modelling
Competition arranged by a local shop
selling ladies’ wear.
Girls were invited to pick an outfit
from the trader’s stock and to have a
photograph taken of themselves modelling
it. The resultant set of photographs
were duly judged and Margery was
chosen as the best out of 35 entries. For
this she received £5 worth of goods from
the shop, plus the outfit she modelled
and an enlargement of her winning
The picture of Margery which won her first place
in a Teenage Modelling Competition.
Lucky Dips in Pools
SMALL BAICH Department at Mitcheldean
have been responsible for the
manufacture of various types of microfilming
equipment since 1950. Knowing
that several of these machines have been
supplied to Littlewoods Pools, for the
purpose of micro-filming a percentage
of their incoming coupons each week as
a security measure, Small Batch have
naturally %ondered whether, one day, a
coupon from the Department might find
its way through one of these machines.
Well, this has happened at last! A
syndicate of eleven people in the Department
recently shared prize money
totalling £429 3s.
Another syndicate of seven, this time
on the 16 mm. line Assembly, have won
£62 on the treble chance. Nothing from
Assembly Department was used by the
pools firm in this case, however, unless
one counts the chargehand who filled in
the coupon. Nice bit of precision work !
Lancashire Lecture
w fig Mr. D. R. I Mott (Chief Quality
Control Engineer) went to Leigh
Technical College in Lancashire on
November 13 to give a talk on ‘Quality
Control in the Cine Industry’, he discovered
that the College possessed our
equipment and, in fact, had set up a
16 mm. projector and a Daylight Mark II
slide projector ready for his use.
The lecture was organised by the
Leigh Engineering Society. After it was
over Mr. Elliott answered questions put
to him by the audience, among whom
were quite a number of users of our
of the Mitcheldean Sports &
Social Club to be held in 1961
will take place on Saturday,
December 30, in the Club
House at 7.15 p.m. Don’t miss
that the Club will have in the
Old Year will follow the
business meeting. Don’t miss
that either!
by our Special Correspondent
WELL! They have been an II again!
The chap’s name is Slade. Now the
Cheltenham Road is straight and, when
empty (Sunday morning at 4 o’clock),
you can see for miles. But, alas, the
inevitable happened and one more R.P.I.
driver became ‘accident prone’. Never
mind, he had a smile from ear to ear, so
it may have been the other driver’s fault.
Serious aside (rather unusual for the
M.C.)-there seems to be a general
tightening up on motorists lately in the
Mitcheldean and Cinderford districts.
So observe the Highway Code, and
don’t forget to make sure about the
parking regulations; address every P.C.
as ‘Officer’ and you may get away with it.
Another funny. Clive Brain thinks
These Men Are
Building Quality
Bruce Essex
(Paint Shop chargehand)
and Sid Mohey
paint spraying
camera cases.
R.P.1. should increase apprentices’ wages
as he had to push his motor-cycle from
the top of the Stenders to Lydbrook
because he had no money to buy petrol.
Nearly half way there (still pushing), a
car pulled up and the driver asked him
what was wrong; on hearing the answer
this not-so-good Samaritan said: ‘Oh,
hard luck! Sorry I can’t help. I thought
ou were another chap 1 know quite
I t was hard luck too for Clive’s
brother John (Design). He was going
out on Company business (his first trip
for months) and he was really looking
forward to it. Then, a ‘phone call, and
poor John learned that someone had
backed into the works wagon! So, no
lights-no trip.
Our favourite woman driver has been
at it again. ‘Mrs. Fangio’ has backed
into that new wing that ‘County’ Mayo
(XeroX) has recently had fitted. If, by
any chance, you hear a horn sound at
the gate and no one is obstructing the
car, you will know at once that the
driver is going to exceed the five miles
an hour speed limit in an effort to park
in some secluded corner, having observed
Mrs. Fangio on his tail!
Closing on a more serious note-may
we warn you to be extra careful over the
festive season. If you should feel one
degree under, take Alka-line, not
Alcohol (with apologies to the now
famous ‘Speedy’ of T.V. fame).
All tied up! A party from the Exam Room find plenty
to laugh at.
Mr. Reg Hoodless and Mr. Bill Rymer enjoy a hilarious dance
with Mrs. Pluck and Miss Maslin.
ON THE tickets it said, simply, G.B. Film Library Social & Sports Club.
Annual Dinner and Dance, Greenwood Hotel, Friday, December 1. But
these few words do less than justice to what was, in fact, one of the best
turnouts the club have had for this annual event in their social calendar.
Owing to a sudden attack of ‘flu’, Mr. F. Wickstead, with Mrs. Wickstead,
was unable to attend, and Mr. Ron King deputised to propose the toast
of the Club, to which Mr. Reg Hodge. as President, replied. Proposing the
toast of the Guests, Mr. Jack Latreille, this year’s Chairman, introduced
some of them, and Mr. Ray Barrett. in a witty speech, responded. Bouquets
were presented by Mrs. Holton, Miss Patterson, Miss Davis and Mrs.
Edmonds to the principal lady guests.
Dancing was almost continuous until 1.00 a.m.. but during a break. a
rock’n’roll competition, energetically danced by about 20 couples. finally
produced a winner in Mr. George Poulter and partner.
Mrs. Hodge drew the lucky number for the raffle and presented the
prizes. The first prize, a transistor radio, was won by Miss Barbara Looke.
a guest of Mrs. Norah Small, of Publicity Department. The cups for the
darts competitions were also presented to the winners by their donors.
At the Top Table. Mr. Ray Barrett with
Mrs. Barrett and Mr. Ron King.
IF THIS question had been asked
the reply could well have been
‘Yes’! Guest of honour at the
Dinner and Dance was Ray
Barrett, the Australian actor,
possibly better known as Doctor
Nolan of ‘Emergency Ward 10′.
who came with his charming wife,
Audrey. What with making a
speech, signing autographs, presenting
prizes, singing a solo,
talking golf (handicap 6) and
yachts (he’s built three). dancing
and dining, Ray spent a busy and
successful evening.
Johnny Ever,m enjoys his pint; Mrs. Everett watches.
It looks as if Eddie Fleming has already enjoyed his-Joan
Fleming Isn’t holding him upright!
Booking Department are well represented in
this group taken during a dance break.
The Donnell Inter-Departmental Cup Winners
-Bill Rymer, Penny Gerard, Maureen Plcthall,
Sandra Davis-celebrate their victory.
Winners of the Cups and Prizes
Ladies’ singles. Filmatic Cup-Winner:
Mrs. Flynn: Runner-up: Mrs. Baker.
Men’s singles. Poliwax Cup-Winner:
Mr. Hoodless: Runner-up: Mr. Rymer.
Mixed Doubles, Gevaert Cup-Winners:
Mr. Edmonds, Mrs. Fleming: Runners-up:
Mr. Rymer, Mrs. Holton.
Inter-departmental, Dartnell Cup-Winners:
Print Order Dept.: Runners-up:
WHO made such an excellent emergency
stop during his driving test that the
engine of the Vauxhall Victor concerned
went straight through the radiator?
WHO found the twanger in his hanger
when having his canteen lunch? (N.B.
Twanger: rubber band. Banger: sausage,
of course!) And who wrote an epic poem
to commemorate the event?
POACHED or unpoached? Who has been
seen coming into the factory accompanied
by white rabbits (dead)? No, it
wasn’t Alice in Wonderland. (If you’re
interested, the rabbits are bred specially
for the table and cost Is. 10d. per lb.)
WHO lost the projector screen found,
packed ready for despatch, in the drive
near the fish pond after it had been run
over by a lorry?
WHO took his shoes to the cobbler to be
mended and later discovered that he had
taken not a pair, but two right shoes?
The clever cobbler made no comment on
the apparent fact that his customer had
two right feet-with the result that he
subsequently got two left shoes to repair
as well!
WHO pinched the strap from a certain
Irishman’s shillelagh (kept for use on
difficult customers)? At present the
weapon is no good for sloshing anyone,
but if you happen to have a spare black
bootlace, Service Repair could probably
mend the thing.
WHICH two fathers had particularly
nerve – racking experiences on Guy
Fawkes Night-one setting fire to a
whole box of fireworks, the other getting
burned in the back by a boomerang
Roman Candle?
WHO came limping into work after a
game of soccer, having been kicked by
one of his imn side?
WHO was hit by a telegraph pole on
his way home from the recent skittles
match? His wife was with him in the car,
by the way, so it must be true!
WHO suggested this column anyway ?
Forest Rooks
THE Chess Club has really got going since
our last issue and chess enthusiasts have
been appearing from all over the place.
Mr. F. Wickstead has kindly donated
the shield which is pictured above; this
magnificent piece of work was the combined
effort of Stan Cherry (Tool
Engineering) and Ray Wright (Design
Drawing Office). Stan was responsible
for the carving; Ray carried out the
veneer work of the ‘chessboard’. The
motto: Dulcior est victor multa pericula
ductus (‘Sweetest the victory after difficulties
overcome’) was written by
Jimmy Clare (Export Sales), but this
does not appear in the picture as the
shield was not finally completed when
VISION asked for a photograph.
The shield was first played for on
November 29 at the Club House when
the finalists, Export Sales and Tool
Room, fought a hard battle-Export
emerging triumphant.
In addition to this tournament, there
is a ‘Ladder’ Competition, which was
still in progress at the time of going to
press; there is to be a Club Handicap
Tournament; and an Individual Knockout
Competition for the Chess Club
Championship has been planned-the
winner to be crowned ‘King Rook’.
For those who haven’t already found
it out for themselves, the answer to the
‘Mate in one Move’ chess problem posed
in our last issue is as follows: White
Bishop to King’s 8 (self-block move).
Designs for the Future
THE Mitcheldean Angling Club is also
indebted to Stan Cherry for his work on
a plaque for presentation to fishing
contest winners. Stan tells us that the
finished plaque will be oval in shape and
depict a pike, so carved that it will
appear to be swimming out from the
plaque. The names of winners will be
inscribed on the surround. He has had
a bit of difficulty in getting the right
sort of wood to work on and would like
to hear if anyone knows of a supply of
seasoned cherry wood (and we’re not
playing upon names either!).
We hear from Mr. J. D. Williams
(XeroX), the Club’s Hon. Secretary,
that future plans are to include fishing
trips to the seaside in the spring and
summer. Don’t sigh, sweethearts and
wives-you are to be invited along with
your partners, not as angling auxiliaries,
but to enjoy the seaside amenities while
the fishermen try their luck from the
pier or from the boatside.
Incidentally, the Club, having noted
the report of their successes on page 4
of our last issue, has called for a 4-oz.
handicap on the Assembly fishermen!
Tool Room Victory
ABOUT 200 people turned up to see the
final of the Interdepartmental Skittles
Competition, held on Saturday, December
2, at the Club House, Mitcheldean.
The Competition was organised by the
Tool Room in conjunction with the Sports
& Social Club; altogether 19 teams took
part compared with only nine last year.
The Club provided a trophy in the
form of a cup, and this was duly presented
by Mr. E. Mason, General Manager,
to the winners-the Tool Room, who
beat the Warehouse by 15 points.
WE would like to bring to the notice of
all R.P.1. personnel that there is in
existence within the factory at Mitcheldean
a Paint Shop employing approximately
30 people. The diagram set out
here is for the benefit of people conducting
visitors around the factory. Unfortunately,
we do not possess a tea-making
machine, but visitors would be welcomed
! -Paint Shop
0 0
0 0
Brian Phelps, Britain’s bronze diving medallist at
the 1960 Olympics, with the Sportster V presented
to him.
Slow Motion Filming
Helps British Divers
THE Company recently presented one of
our new Sportster V cameras to Highgate
Diving Club. Brian Phelps, the
club’s foremost diver and Britain’s 1960
Olympic diving bronze medallist. received
the camera from Mai Zetterling,
who made the presentation on our
Tests, which took the form of filming
many hundreds of Brian’s practice dives,
had previously been made with another
of our cameras. His body movements
while in the air, and on entry into the
water, were studied, and for this the slow
motion filming speed, which as you know
is available on these cameras direct from
normal film running speed, is essential.
Already the results of the tests have
been applied to Brian’s dives by his
trainers, and it is claimed that his diving
has improved in a much shorter time
than would have been possible by other
methods. Brian has really benefited by
being able to study his own movements,
instead of merely being told time and
time again where he was making faults.
LAST month’s teaser, about the gentleman
who arrived at his home railway
station one hour earlier than usual, was
a fairly easy one and has brought in a
crop of correct answers. It is encouraging
to find so many interested readers
who like having their wits challenged.
The problem is one of the odd ones.
for neither pencil nor paper are needed
to find the answer, let alone algebra or
any other types of magic. You may remember
that the gentleman walked from
the station and eventually met his car
which picked him up and got him home
30 minutes earlier than usual. This 30
minutes is obviously the time the
chauffeur saved by not completing his
journey to the station and back againi.
e. 15 minutes each way.
From this we get the time schedule:
the boss started walking at zero hour
minus 60 and was picked up at zero hour
minus 15; therefore he walked for 45
We have an old drawing office chestnut
for you this month. (Will those who
know it please let the others sweat it
out!) The drawing given is both the
front view and the view from above
(front elevation and plan) of an object.
Both views are identical. You have to
draw the side elevation (or view). The
drawing complies with drawing office
conventions which require that any
hidden holes or lines must be shown in
dotted lines. No dotted lines are
necessary in these drawings.
The answer will be given next issue.
-H. Hartley (Polishing & Plating Shop)
There’s no escape!-Mr. Bob Strand,
who left the Library some months ago,
has not lost touch with it. On November
9 he became engaged to Miss Pat Burke,
secretary to Mr. Hurrell, who celebrated
her 21st birthday on the same day. The
same goes for Mr. Joe Atcheson. who
became engaged to Miss Miriam Baker
of Vistem Dept. at Christmas.
Also engaged-Miss Jennie Humphrey
of Dictorel Dept. on October 31. She
celebrated a happy event a few days
later-her pet Yorkshire terrier gave
birth to three puppies!
From America-Miss Lorna Fyfe is
spending six months in England and
working in Booking Dept. Lorna is the
daughter of our good friend Mr.Gordon
Fyfe of Dartnell Films of Chicago.
From Canada-Mr. Adamson, who
recently returned to this country after
five years in Canada, has joined the
Library as assistant to Mr. A. Francis,
Credit Control.
From Margate-Miss Jean Good, who
left Booking Dept. to live in Margate,
has moved back to London and rejoined
Booking Department.
Welcome to Perivale-Recent arrivals
at the Library include Mrs. McGrath,
Cashier’s Dept.; Mr. Honey, Film Hire
Dept.; Miss Pat Shoreman, secretary to
Mr. Hoodless; Miss Barbara Ballard,
secretary to Mr. A. Francis; Miss Childs,
Mrs. Tyrell, Mrs. Peach, Miss Hall, Mrs.
Hughes, Dictorel Dept.; Mrs. Hopkinson,
Direct Mail; Mr. Lawler, Despatch; Mrs.
Davey, Miss Hunt, Booking Dept.; Mr.
Billet, Film Racks; Miss Cutter, Vistem;
Mrs. Hanchard, Miss Colman, Mrs.
Mingard, Exam; Mr. Burke, New Stock
On the Move-Mr. Len Cokayne
(Film Racks) has joined Sound Recording
in place of Mr. Ken Wells who has
left to join A.T.V.
Miss Marguerite Dymock left Bought
Ledger in October. Miss Dymock’s
place on the Social Club Committee has
been taken by Miss Sandra Davis.
Mr. Wells has transferred from Exam
Dept. to Film Racks; Mrs. De Frece has
moved from Booking Dept. to Vistem,
and Mrs. Hannah from Booking to
Long Service Association-The G.B.
Film Library branch of the L.S.A. held
its annual luncheon on October 18 at the
Greenwood Hotel.
All the present officers were re-elected
for the coming year at the Annual
General Meeting of the Branch held on
November 16. Amongst the business
discussed was the Annual Dinner which
will this year be a Dinner and Dance to
take place on March 30, 1962.
No one at Mitcheldean will forget the visit that
opera singer Marianne Scheel: made to the works
In November-least of all the Assembly Department,
where she is pictured talking to Miss Valerie
Evans. Ar the request of the B.B.C.’s West Region
Industrial Correspondent. Madame Schech sang
an operatic aria in the middle of the Shop, to the
accompaniment of machinery and working noises.
She confided afterwards that she had never been so
nervous in all her years of singing/ On the previous
day she had acted as one of the judges of a contest
to find ‘Europe’s Most Beautiful Old Opera
House’, held at Mortimer House, and organised by
the magazine Opera in conjunction with our
Company. The title was won by La Fenice, Venice,
and the award-a complete Bell & Howell home
movie equipment-went to a Croydon, Surrey,
accounts clerk,, C. BROOKS
In our last isvie we listed those who had become eligible under the Company’s Financial Help for
Professional Studies scheme. Here they are pictured with Mr. F. Wickstead after the presentation of the
Putting YOU in the Picture
Messrs. B. C. Smith and E. Wells represented
the Mitcheldean Long Service
Association at the recent Leeds L.S.A.
We are sorry to report that Messrs. A.
Payne and A. Wing, both Long Service
members, are still under doctor’s orders
as we go to press; here’s hoping they
will be back in harness in the New Year.
Mrs. Joan Ellis has replaced Mrs. Mona
Jones as assistant to Sister Townroe.
Miss Ruby Bose ley, formerly in Dictorel,
has taken Miss Maureen Morgan’s
place on the telephone exchange.
Mr. J. R. Clifford has started work as a
trainee in Design.
Mrs. S. Coopey from the Clean Room
has replaced Mrs. E. Marshall in Heat
Miss Mary Parsons has joined Planning
Department as a typist.
Mrs. Madge Jenkins (Mail Room) left
in November to await a happy event.
Announcing the Engagement of …
Miss Wendy Smith (Goods Inwards) to
Mr. M. Brain (Machine Shop Progress)
on October 14.
Miss Eileen Leighton (secretary to Mr.
G. Gray, Home Sales) to Mr. R. Jones,
also on October 14.
Miss Jackie Hawker (secretary to Mr. C.
Powell, Home Sales) to Mr. T. Howells
on October 21.
Miss Ann Taylor (Cost Office, Accounts)
to Mr. A. Saunders (Maintenance) on
November 4.
Miss Maude Pritchard (XeroX Electrical
Subs) to Mr. L. Little on November
11. Wedding day is fixed for January
`Cliff’ Collins
We regret to record the death on
November 25, at his home, of our
former Chief Buyer. He had suffered
a long illness. The Company was
represented at his funeral by our Chief
Executive and a number of other of
his former colleagues, who also acted
as bearers.
Mr. Collins joined us in 1951 and
became widely known both within the
works and in the Cinderford district.
In earlier years, he was an enthusiastic
worker for the Labour Party in
South Wales and knew personally
many of the leaders of that movement
who subsequently became top-rank
politicians-men such as Hugh
Gaitskell and the late Aneurin Bevan.
Mrs. C. Leighton (Paint Shop Office) with her
bridegroom. Their wedding was reported in our
SeptemberrOctober issue.
Miss Carol Green (Small Batch) left to
get married in November.
Miss Maureen Hart (Assembly) married
Mr. D. Jaynes (Machine Shop) at
Westbury-on-Severn Church on November
Miss Betty Howells (secretary to Mr. E.
Worsell, Home Sales) was married to
Mr. D. Lee on November 25 at Longhope
December 2 was the wedding day for
Mrs. V. Grant (Assembly) and Mr. L.
Hopkins at Lydney, and for Mr. E.
Childs (XeroX) and Miss Edith Cecil at
All Saints. Blakeney.
New Arrivals
Stephen Martin-an 8 lb. 2 oz. son for
Mrs. Josie Probert (formerly in Assembly),
born on October 24.
Paul-a 71b. son born on November 24
to Marina (who used to work in
Assembly) and Tony Kibble (P.E.D.).
He’s 21 Now
Mr. E. Brain (Assembly) reached the
ripe old age of 21 on December 13.
Miss Celia Black has joined the Audio-
Visual Department as secretary and
shorthand-typist. Her hobby is painting,
and she is manager of the local Jewish
Youth Club at her home in Springfield,
Clapton, and is on the editorial staff
of the club’s weekly news -paper.
Printed by The Victor James Press Limited,
Coulsdon. Surrey
200 to See ‘Cinderella’
CERTAIN courageous members of the
Sports & Social Club Committee at
Mitcheldean are escorting some 200 boys
and girls of from five to 12 years old to
see the pantomime ‘Cinderella’ at the
Regal, Gloucester, on January 6. These
lucky youngsters, children of employees,
are each provided with a free seat at the
show and are sustained by ice-cream and
sweets. We don’t know what sustains
their chaperons- unless it’s the thought
that the kids at least are having a
marvellous time!
43 to See Acker Bilk
A PARTY of 43 from the Mitcheldean
works went by coach to Malvern Winter
Gardens on December 16 to see Mr.
Acker Bilk and his Paramount Jazz
Band. Miss Kathleen Fisher (Personnel
Office) made all the arrangements for
the outing.
We’re watching out for signs of striped
jerseys and bowler hats and all that jazz.
For Sale-Grey Pedigree pram, as new,
modern design, lift-off body, £10.
Apply: Mr. B. Wear, Service Repair.
Ekco Television Set, 14-inch, 13-channel.
for sale. In perfect working order. £10.
Apply: Mr. W. Brown, Tool Room.
Smooth Fox Terrier Puppies. By Brooklands
Happy Fella and Naughty Arabella.
Born 6.1 1 .6 1 ; ready now.
Enquiries: First Aid Room.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ler K. EVANS
111111111111111 11111

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