As we progress into 1962 let us just for a
mcment look back to 1961 and analyse what we
did or what we did not do in that year and
from our findings let us learn.
In the year ahead we have a tremendous task to
perform if we are to become an efficient
manufacturing unit – and this is what we must
aim to become. In the light of the intense
competition in the cine camera and projector
business it is essential to have a manufacturing
organisation second to none, and we each
have a part to play in making this a reality
and not just a wild dream.
You production people must always aim to give
of your very best, both in quality and
quantity. Don’t just sit back and accept the
inevitable: if you think you have better ideas
than the ones you are confronted with, then
use your Suggestion Scheme.
To the engineering people I would say that you
must always be on the look-out for new and upto-
date manufacturing methods. Never be satisfied
with the methods laid down but always
strive for that something that will give us
the edge on our competitors. The task that
Supervisors should set themselves is twofold:
they should aim to make the departments under
their supervision a live vital cog in the
machine. If things go wrong or are not acceptable
in their opinion, they must be prepared
to do battle to get things put right, and
above all else they must supervise.
We, as Management, must always be planning for
the future but at the same time be able to
manage the present day-to-day problems. We
must aim to inspire people under our control
to greater heights.
If we can all play our part to make 1962 a
very successful year, then I am sure that our
problems that now seem large will diminish
considerably. SE
lir)). ta..04s-0%
OUR Cover Picture this month, taken
by Clive Brooks in the Conference Room
at Mitcheldean, records an important
occasion last January. As we reported
in the previous issue, the factory succeeded
in becoming one of the 22 firms
in the country to qualify for the British
Safety Council’s ‘Industrial Safety
Award’ for 1960.
The award was presented by Mr.
A. M. White. Chairman of the East
Dean Rural Council, to Mr. C. R.
Steward, Personnel Officer, and Sister
L. D. Townroe, First Aid, who received
it on behalf of the Company. Also
at the presentation were Mr. L. D.
Hodge, National Director of the Safety
Council, Mr. E. Mason. General
Manager. and the Works Safety Committee.
The Company are the only photographic
equipment manufacturers in the
country-and the only firm in the
Forest of Dean-to qualify for the
award. It is made to companies who
have such a high safety standard that
their accident rate is lower than the
official rate compiled for each industry
by the Ministry of Labour. The Accident
Frequency Rate is worked out by
multiplying the number of accidents by
100,000, divided by the number of manhours
worked by the firm during the
year concerned. Mitcheldean factory had
a rate of 0.96, compared with the official
Ministry figure for the industry of 1-07.
The certificate, signed by the Duke of
Bedford and by Mr. L. D. Hodge. now
hangs in the Main Canteen. Mitcheldean.
From the
Hanover Squares’
AMONG recent visitors welcomed at the
Bell & Howell Shop were the wellknown
film actors Dirk Bogarde and
Guy Rolfe.
Paul Raymond’s exclusive restaurant, the
41. Bal Tabarin, has opened next door and is
situated immediately above the Stores and
Service Department. Diana Dors is the
star appearing in cabaret there, but, at
the time this was written, the staff had
still not managed to get a glimpse of her.
Never mind, five members of our staff
ABOVF.: :11rs. Shirley Parsons C ontrul) and
Miss Eileen Adams (Comps.) do a number from the
French skit which fi,rnied part of the entertainment
at the Accounts Christmas party. BELOW: ‘Jr.
Vincent Pasturczak (13c11 & Howell, Chicago) on
the receiving end 0-a milk bottle! Mothering him
is Mrs. .%largaret Holloway (Bought Ledger).
have been lucky. having had a nice
win on the pools which gave them well
over £100 each towards their summer
We were reading in a recent issue of
visioN how security is handled at
Mitcheldean, and should like it known
that we are also very security-minded,
having installed a comprehensive burglar
alarm with bells and buzzers which operate
most unexpectedly. Some of the staff
now refer to Hanover Square as Fort
ABOVE: Mrs. Jackie Smith (Quality Control)
*inspecting’ the boys front Assembly at the Department’s
party. RIGHT: Mr. ‘Eamonn’ Mason
presents Airs. Yvonne Jones (Assembly) with
The Story of Your Life’ and a box of chocolates for
being a good sport. This skit on a popular television
programme was a surprise Item at the party. C. BROOKS
The Landlady was
DURING the visit of our Japanese friends
from Fuji-XeroX, I had the pleasure of
transporting them between Mitcheldean
and Cheltenham, where they were staying
at the Queens Hotel.
Naturally, when I first delivered them
to their hotel. I took them straight to the
cocktail bar where I began the long process
of thawing them out, both from the
effects of the English winter and from
their natural impassive formal demeanour.
This was successfully achieved in two
operations-(a) by steering them along
the top shelves of the bar until we found
a concoction which broke down their
resistance; and (b) by taking them out
of the rather austere atmosphere of the
Queens Hotel to my ‘local’, which is
fast becoming an international playground
for visiting XeroX personnel
(shades of Horace Becker and Bob
I considered my efforts well rewarded
when we finally got down to christian
names and nicknames-a thing unheard
of in polite society in Japan. Mr.
lki, whose first name is Noboru, was a
‘natural’ for Nobby, but Mr. Yashio
Katayama for some unknown reason
became Mike.
The real highlight of the visit was
during the last evening in Cheltenham
when we held a party in the local. This
was provided by Mike Katayama, who
is a Judo Black Belt, trying to throw our
very large landlady over his shoulder in
the approved manner and nearly breaking
his own back without even moving
her. Our visitors also entertained us by
sitting cross-legged on the floor and
singing ‘pop’ tunes in Japanese, complete
with quarter-tones!
But seriously, this was my first personal
contact with Japanese people and
I was very pleased to find, as I have
found so many times in the past, that in
spite of different ideologies and formidable
language barriers, people are all the
same and it is possible in a very short
time to work and relax with them in an
unrestrained atmosphere of pleasantness.
Paul Gregory
An award of £20 has been made to
Mr. J. Morgan of XeroX Machine
Shop for a suggestion concerning a
belt tracking problem on the XeroX
pli(ao-copier which has now been put
into practice.
BUSY as the Film Library is all the
year round, in December and January
activity reaches its peak, when
everything must be subordinated to the
task of handling films at maximum
speed to ensure that they are despatched
to arrive on time. But superimpose upon
the normal Christmas post and rail
transport delays a period of fogs and
bad weather, and follow it up with postal
delays, and life really becomes hectic.
What went on at Perivale to meet
these difficulties provides proof that
‘The show must go on’ is, in the 16 mm.
field as well as in other branches of
entertainment, much more than a catchphrase.
The Library’s first problem came when
two days of fog blanketed England during
the week before Christmas. With
Post Office vans unable to collect the
thousands of films ready for despatch a
back-log, impossible to clear within the
available time, seemed likely. To ease
the pressure and accelerate transit times,
films which were on direct passenger
train routes were switched, with vans
making the rounds of the main London
termini often up to midnight.
This brought with it an additional
complication, for hundreds of telegrams
and phone calls had to be made to
advise customers that their films were
being sent ‘collect’ -so many, in fact,
that at one stage the Post Office refused
to accept any more because of overloading.
In London, executives used their cars
to deliver films in their locality in the
evenings. A constant watch was kept at
the stations to avoid adding films to a
pile-up of passenger train despatches.
The result: by the week-end before
Christmas everything was on its way,
and the threatened hold-up was averted.
Then, after Christmas, came the
postal controversy-and the snow.
Films which, in the normal course,
would have been back in time for checking
and re-despatch were not being
received. Film despatch dates had to
be brought forward to meet the additional
time for transit. Again, passenger
train deliveries had to be utilised, but
this time with the added complication
that the railways were already overloaded
and their special measures
introduced for the pre-Christmas period
were no longer in operation.
So yet a further means of despatch
was brought into operation-the film
transport services used to move films
between cinemas. Many a customer was
no doubt surprised to receive a telegram
asking him to collect his consignment of
films from the local ‘Odeon’. In the
London area, hampered by a slowing
down of post facilities and with no
British Railways stations to deliver to,
once again the Library’s car owners
became delivery men.
All that had to be done would have
been impossible without the wholehearted
co-operation of all who were
directly involved-and many who were
not. Goods Inwards, Film Stores, Exam.
Dept., Booking and Despatch worked
long hours and throughout the weekends.
Departmental Managers rolled up
their sleeves and packed and unpacked
films. The Canteen supplied overtime
suppers as a standard practice rather
than an occasional need. In fact, it was
a case of hard work all the way round.
Inevitably, there was the occasional
let-down, for although films could be
sent off, their safe arrival could not be
guaranteed. But at a time when so many
frustrations and difficulties were added to
what is always a testing period, the
measures, which extended far beyond
even the abnormal, have met crisis after
crisis and made certain that ‘The show
will go on’.
FOR its 1962 major reception the P.R.
Office forsook Mortimer House and
took over a Soho restaurant for an evening.
The list of guests from the national
Press, magazines of all types, B.B.C. and
I.T.V., and others who aid our editorial
work has become too large to enable
them all to be fitted into Mortimer
Street’s basement cinema and showroom.
Guests of honour on this
occasion included Covent Garden prima
donna Amy Shuard, film star Leslie
Phillips. TV and radio commentator
Audrey Russell and film and television
actress Patricia Laffan-all with interests
in our equipment.
Hard Worked
The guests were welcomed by the P.R.
Officer, and Mr. F. Wickstead, our Chief
Executive. gave a short address during
the reception. There was a full complement
of divisional staff, including the
film library, to help entertain the
company, but the hardest worked were
the two hostesses-Miss Vivienne Hardy,
P.R. Office secretary, and Miss Philippa
Higgs, secretary to General Sales
Manager Mr. F. Jessup-and young
Keith Gray, Audio-Visual Department
and P.R. Office, who had ‘difficulties’
finding accommodation for all the
cloaks and coats!
Amy Simard always has car trouble
when she does anything for us! After her
publicity visit to our stand at the 1961
Ideal Home Exhibition the car hired for
her broke down in Kensington High Street;
later in the year, with us for another
official function, she and husband Dr.
Peter Asher returned to their own car to
find it had a flat tyre; after the 1962 P.R.
reception they found the police had towed
it away from outside the restaurant! We
can’t help wondering what will happen if
she comes to Mitcheldean!
Caught by the camera at the P.R.
Reception, held at the Boulogne
Restaurant. Soho. in January are
( left to right): ‘Host’ Derek
Dutton (P.R. Officer). Leslie
Phillips, Barry Clifton
( Educational Adviser, C. & P.
Division) and Leonard Chase
B.B.C. Television ( Producer of
P. R. OffICE
Chess Club Moves 41
DO you want to know the meaning of
Evans Gambit, Caro-Kann, French,
Sicilian or Hungarian Defence? Do you
want to develop your mental powers?
If so, go along to the Chess Club
Beginners’ Nights, every Wednesday and
Friday in the Club House, Mitcheldean.
Some of the mysteries of chess playing
were revealed by Mr. J. Clare (Export)
when he gave an informal talk for
beginners last January, comparing the
game with the strategy of warfare.
The Individual Club Championship
battle for the title of ‘King Rook’ was
raging fast and furious at the time
of going to press. First and Second
Divisions are being established and it is
hoped to arrange matches within the
Gloucestershire County League, and
with the Ross Chess Club.
The Committee is now as follows:
Messrs. H. Jones (Hon. Sec.). R. Wright
(Organiser), J. Clare (Hon. Treas.).
S. C. Wheeler, F. Oakey. I. Evans and
J. Wedderburn.
A FILM with the above title, shot by a
group of children from the Odeon Boys’
and Girls’ Saturday Morning Film Club.
Wimbledon, on a Model 627 camera
loaned by the P.R. and A-V Departments
at Mortimer House, has been
successfully ‘blown up’ to 35 mm. and
given a sound-track and commentary.
It had its premiere in Wimbledon just
before Christmas. The audience included
the children from Tristan da
Cunha-invited because the 20-minute
film has a child refugee theme.
It % % ill be circulated to all Saturday
morning theatre clubs in the U.K. under
arrangements made by the Children’s
Film Foundation. (B.B.C. Television
featured it on January 24 with the young
cameraman, Ken Stanton. being interviewed
by David Jacobs.)
LEFT: Watching the birdie while
others get on with the serious
business of dinner at the
Machine Shop and AutoPress
Christmas party is
Mr. R. Luffman (Machine Shop
Chargehand)-he won the talent
competition with his singing.
Another face we recognise in
the picture below (third from left
at the top table) is that of
Mr. T. Knight-chairman of the
Party organising committee.
WHILE other departments at M itcheldean
were making merry at their respective
Christmas parties, that arranged jointly
by the Tool Room, Drawing Office and
Mechanical Laboratory on December 21
was given over to more serious matters.
The Club House on this occasion
became a ‘court’ with Winston Jenkins
(Tool Room) in the dock. His crime?
Failing to get married-a charge. we
suspect. brought by colleagues jealous
of his freedom!
A judge’s wig lent majesty to Jim
Wedderburn (Tool Room); Dennis
Cook (Tool Room) acted as Prosecuting
Counsel while Arthur Norman (Chief
Tool Engineer) defended the prisoner.
Other dignitaries of the ‘court’ included
Eric Parsons (Usher) and Bill Austin
(Clerk of the Court). The evidence included
a highly faked tape recording of
interviews between George Fricker (Tool
Room Supervisor) and Winston which
was claimed to reveal the latter’s bad
temper and show how much trouble he
caused as compared with all the docile
married workers in the Tool Room!
Winston’s colleagues, who formed the
jury, having reached a unanimous verdict
of ‘guilty’, the Judge decided that a
‘suspended sentence’ was appropriate.
All present (excluding, we are sure,
Winston’s fiancée) deliberately misunderstood
his meaning and it was with
great difficulty that they were restrained
from hanging the prisoner.
The unlucky man (who, we must
report, took it all in good part) was
eventually freed, having been sentenced
to get married as soon as possible so that
everyone would have an excuse to hold
another party!
More L.S.A. Members
THE Mitcheldean Long Service Association
has recently added quite a few
names to its list of members, as follows:
Mr. E. Adams (Autos), Mr. A. Barnett
(Machine Shop), Mr. G. W. Crow
(Manager, Centralised Services), Mr. H.
Evans (Heat Treatment), Mr. R. Haile
(Polishing & Plating), Miss A. Hewlett
(Goods Inwards Inspection), Miss C.
Jones (Sheet Metal), Mr. A. Little
(Machine Shop), Mrs. M. Loade (Sheet
Metal), Mr. C. Maynard (Machine
Shop), Mr. D. Timms (Assembly Inspection),
Sister L. D. Townroe (First Aid).
The name of Mr. W. Yemm (Stores)
should have been added to this list but
he has unfortunately had to retire because
of illness. Latest news from the
T.B. Sanatorium at Standish was that he
is progressing well.
On January 27 the Association held its
Annual Social in the Club House. By all
accounts it was a great success. Mr. F.
Goodyear (Warehouse Inspection) acted
as M.C., while Mr. G. Douglas (Paint
Shop) organised the music operations.
Build-Up for XeroX
Pictured in the inspection bay
in the XeroX Department are
Miss Gloria Sherwood, who
is feeding specimen copies for
test, and Mr. J. Goode
(in foreground), who is watching
to see if the puffer is blowing
the paper off the selenium
drum. Working in the
background are (left)
Mr. B. John and Mr. E. Martin.
THE building of the XeroX extension at
Mitcheldean has been receiving considerable
publicity, not only in the local
Press but also in national newspapers.
It is hoped that, by the end of the
summer, a further 22,000 sq. ft. area will
have been added to the 25,000 sq. ft.
building opened about six months ago.
It will enable an increase of more than
30 per cent. in the manufacturing
capacity of the Cine & Photographic
Division, and be devoted entirely to
production of the XeroX 914 Office
What it Can Do
For newcomers to the factory, we
would explain briefly that this equipment
is an automatic machine for xerography
-dry electrical photography-forming a
picture by electrostatic charges on a
selenium drum. The 914 will copy
anything written, typed, printed or
drawn, from originals in any colourthe
finished result akas being blackand-
white. The original can be anything
from a letter to a bound book. Ordinary
paper is used and the copier requires no
adjustments of exposure: it is therefore
impossible for an operator to make an
error of judgment. With this completely
dry process
of six a minute, ready for use.
Xerography has a tremendous potential,
and has uses associated with
medicine and industrial X-rays (xeroradiography),
the printing of detailed
output information from the most
speedy and complicated computers, and
every other industrial and commercial
The Copier is marketed by Rank-
XeroX Ltd.-a Company jointly owned
by the Rank Organisation and the
XeroX Corporation of America, and
is sold in all world markets outside the
United States and Canada.
Staff Housing Scheme
Another very important development
is also taking place at the same time as
the construction of the new assembly
area. Twenty dwellings-eight houses
and 12 flats-intended for skilled staff
and their families are being erected in
the orchard of `Tusculum’, Mitcheldean,
which is near to the Church and about
500 yards from the factory. It is expected
that these will be available for
occupation from July onwards.
A Sound
IS advanced appearance may be the
first thing you notice about our
recently introduced Filmosound model
642 16mm. projector, but it is far from
being its only new feature.
Produced with the needs of industry
and education very much in mind, this
equipment embodies a complete sound
unit in one case- needing neither
separate transformer nor speaker.
More remarkable still is the exceptionally
powerful light output. Even with
a greater throN% in larger halls it still gives
a brilliant picture-in fact, compared
with most existing systems the Filmosound
642 achieves an increase in light
output of over 80 per cent.
‘Wow and flutter’ may sound exciting
to some, but in a sound projector they
are definitely not desirable! Major
advances in design enable us to claim
‘superb sound reproduction’ as one of
the outstanding advantages of the new
There are many other notable features,
too. For example:
By adjusting a control knob at the
side, one gets smooth and instant focus
without having to touch the lens itself.
The film, once it has been shown,
can be rewound at high speed without
having to interchange the reels.
The removal of an old lamp is
made easier by the provision of a special
lamp ejection lever.
The swing-open gate simplifies
threading of film and permits easy access
to the aperture plate for cleaning.
An automatic loop restorer saves
ha% ing to stop the projector to adjust the
The story behind the production of
this new Bell & Howell 16mm. projector
with its revolutionary changes in design,
and the impact that the new range is
likely to make in the cine field, form an
article in themselves, and we shall be
publishing something about this in our
next issue.
Coming Out
First ‘outsiders’ to see a 642 were some
40 members of the Technical Press at the
Financial Times cinema on January 9
when the model was fully demonstrated
by Audio-Visual Department personnel.
At Mortimer House, on January 10,
the Export Department showed the 642
to a number of its leading customers
representing the major oil companies,
High Commissions, etc. Mr. G. E. A.
Perutz (General Manager, International
Operations) and Mr. Derck Hopes
(Export Manager) were in charge of this
demonstration, the lunch reception
arrangements being handled by the P.R.
The 642 was enthusiastically received,
and its quality, general workmanship
and appearance were complimented
upon by guests at both functions.
The A-V Department showed the new
projector to U.K. dealers on three days
in January. Mr. F. Jessup, General
Sales Manager, was in charge with
everyone from the A-V Department in
support. Demonstrations were held in
the basement cinema, the first-floor
offices resembling ‘ghost’ rooms for the
three days in question!
Mr. J. Boseley (642
Assembly Department)
assembling the bottom
sprocket gear on the
642 mechanism.
by our Special Correspondent
TROUBLES by the score this time. After
the bad weather. Lawson Bonser (Rank-
XeroX Liaison) had Pa’s number plate
fall off in Cinderford High Street. Quite
embarrassing to run over your own
number plate!
And poor Brian Lewis (Jig & Tool) –
he’s got a Vauxhall-finally had to buy
a new starter; only trouble was he
wanted a new starter ring as well. Never
mind, motorists should be taxed on the
number of hours they spend on the road.
At this rate Brian would be paid by the
Taxation Department.
And talking of Mrs. Fangio (which
we weren’t), she’s been walking in the
middle of the road lately!
Boiling points seem to be quite common
among R.P.I. cars lately, and some
people even boiled over when they had to
walk home during our short Arctic
winter not long ago. With another Car
Park scourge about to start because of
new extensions to the XeroX Building,
R.P.I. motorists are not expected to
simmer down. No doubt in about three
months we shall get ‘Problems of
Security-Episode 2′ in our magazine.
But I’ve never met those chaps who sign
themselves `Gate/Security’ yet; how they
can have names like that and deal with
parking is beyond my comprehension.
P.S. Bob Greenman (Electrical Laboratory)
has had a bash. Oh, and P.C.
Hawkins wants to know who the lady
was who bashed him in his rear. Any
We are pleased to record that our
Belgian Company have secured, against
tremendous competition, a Government
contract for the supply of 75 16 mm.
sound projectors.
We are also pleased to record that Mr.
de Reyssac, Assistant to the Sales
Manager of our French Company, has
secured a wife. We have no idea what
competition he was up against! *
Now that our German Company have
taken over sole distribution of 16 mm.
sqund projectors in West Germany, they
have expanded their staff by the addition
of two service engineers-Messrs. Noske
and Bendel.
This drawing
is the fault of
Ray Wright!
In Party Mood-With 1962 stretching
ahead, to look back at Christmas
festivities seems a little out of place.
However, as this is being written there
are only 342 days to Christmas, so
perhaps there is an excuse!
On December 19 the Exam Room
held their annual dinner and party in the
Canteen. As always, Mrs. Lowe and her
helpers provided an excellent dinner and
the subsequent party went with a swing.
Booking Department followed up with
their party on December 21, although to
call it a Booking Department party is
perhaps a misnomer as a goodly crosssection
of the Library had been paying
their weekly ‘bob a nob’ to the indefatigable
Miss Wilson-and they all
turned up. What with dances and games
organised by Mr. Reg Hoodless, a buffet
and bar, the fun was fast and furious and
a good time was obviously had by all.
After Christmas came the turn of the
children. On February 3 the two- to
eight-year-olds had a party in the Canteen.
The older children, some 40 of
them, were taken to see the Palladium
pantomime ‘Little Old King Cole’ on
March 24.
Theatre Visit-Eighty Club members
and guests visited the Whitehall Theatre
Mrs. E. Black
We record with deep regret the death
of Mrs. E. Black, Booking Department,
on December 29 after a short
Illness. Betty, as everybody knew her,
was a wonderful character, whose
ready laughter and happy disposition
concealed the fact that often she
suffered considerable pain from an
incurable complaint. We all miss her
on February 22 to see Brian Rix in ‘One
for the Pot’-a report will appear in the
next issue.
Fancy Dress Dance-Forthcoming
event is a Fancy Dress Dance which has
been arranged for April 27 at the Oldfield
Hotel-a chance for the extroverts
to have a go. The imagination boggles
at what the Exam Room will dream up
for this occasion!
Married-Miss Joan Farrall, secretary
to Mr. Jack Latreille, is now Mrs.
Edwards, having taken the plunge on
January 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards sign on for life.
Departures-A move to Windsor has
taken Mrs. Maureen Hatcher, secretary
to Mr. Pluck, from our midst. At a small
presentation ceremony, Mr. Hodge gave
her, on behalf of her colleagues, an
electric blanket.
Film Hire Department have also lost
Miss Pat Shorman, who is moving to
Jersey. Canada has reclaimed Mr. Roy
Adamson who left recently after a brief
sojourn in Accounts Dept. (Sales).
Mr. Walter Rubel. Overseas Sales
Executive (Mortimer House), and Mr.
John Ash, Territorial Executive in
Mitcheldean’s Export Department, will
once again be going to the Leipzig
Trade Fair (March 4-13) where the Cine
& Photographic Division will have a
WHO pinched the mellifluous %oice of
a notable member of the Accounts
Department at Mitcheldean, causing
him to conduct his business in intimate
WHO inadvertently left a blanket over
the engine, but under the bonnet, of his
car while driving in the January freezeup
and as a consequence got a blaze-up?
A case of he wasn’t all right. Jack: his
car was not made of asbestos! Believe
it or not, first passer-by to help was the
driver of a van belonging to a firm who
make fire extinguishers.
WHICH two girls from Production
Control, venturing into the foreign
atmosphere of the XeroX Department.
were misled by the notice ‘Staff’ on a
certain door and found themselves in a
gentlemen’s preserve? And which
gentleman was as embarrassed as they
were when he found them there?
WHO noticed that the gentleman (mentioned
in the last edition of ‘ANY
trouble with his
boot repairer over two left shoes) is in
trouble again: this time he has been
caught wearing two different makes of
shoe at the same time.
WHICH young lady, on arriving at the
hairdresser’s in her car, changed her
flat-heeled driving shoes in the darkness
and on entering the salon, found. to the
amusement of staff and customers, that
she was wearing one red and one black
shoe. Another case of the right foot not
knowing what the left is doing!
WHICH motherly member of the
Accounts Department was photographed
feeding an unlucky accountant from
Hanover Square with a baby’s bottle?
That she was blindfolded might account
for the fact that they were both down on
the floor and the unfortunate ‘baby’ was
literally drenched with his food.
WHOEVER arranged for the taking of
the photograph on the cover of last
month’s VISION ought to be told how
many pretty girls there are in Assembly
INFORMATION has filtered through to me
that last month’s teaser gave little trouble
in some quarters and yet in others
mystification is still profound. There is
more than one answer because some of
the surfaces could be curved instead of
plane. but the standard answer is given
Mr. A. J. Preest (Design Drawing
Office) has brought me a problem which
I find intriguing because it extends,
almost ad nauseam. an old puzzle idea.
Here it is:
There was a rope hanging over a
pulley %% ith a weight on one end and a
monkey of equal weight on the other.
The rope weighed four ounces per foot:
the age of the monkey and the age of its
mother were together equal to four
years: the weight of the monkey was as
many pounds as its mother was years
old: the mother was twice as old as the
monkey was when the mother was half
as old as the monkey will be when the
monkey is three times as old as the mother
was when the mother was three times
as old as the monkey.
The weight of the weight and the
weight of the rope was half as much
again as the difference between the
weight of the weight and the weight of
the weight and the weight of the monkey.
What was the length of the rope? –
H. Hartley (Polishing and Plating).
Smooth Fox Terrier Dog Puppy. By
Brooklands Happy Fella and Naughty
Arabella. Born 6.11.61; ready now.
Enquires: First Aid Room, Mitcheldean.
Caravan to Let. Burnham-on-Sea. 22 ft.
four berth. Apply B. A. Moger, Security
Officer, Mitcheldean.
AIr. A. Baldwin, surrounded by
his colleagues in the Maintenance
Department, receives a watch,
a cheque and a cash gift on
his retirement after 21 years’
service with the Company.
Mr. F. Edwards, Chairman of
the Mitcheldean Long Service
Association, makes the
presentation on behalf of the
L.S.A. Mr. Baldwin Is believed
to have been one of the very
first local employees taken
on by the Company in she
days when it was known as
British Acoustic Films.
C. sRoOKs
Putting YOU in the Picture
A number of changes took effect in the
factory as from January I. Mr. D. R.
Elliott was appointed Manager. XeroX
Projects, responsible for the co-ordination.
administration and production of
the XeroX Programme. Mr. R. F.
Watkins was appointed to succeed him
as Chief Quality Control Engineer. Both
are responsible to the General Manager.
Mr. R. T. Walding has been appointed
Production Manager. XeroX Projectsdeputy
to Manager, XeroX Projects, and
responsible for the control and coordination
as well as the general production
of XeroX. Mr. P. NI. Gregory is
now Cost Reduction Engineer, taking
charge of cost reduction exercise on all
Bell & Howell and XeroX projects; in
this capacity he is responsible to Mr.
A. S. Pratt.
Consequent upon Mr. R. F. Watkins’
appointment, the following have been
listed as Supervisory Staff within
Quality Control Department : Mr. W. G.
Fordham, Chief Inspector; Mr. E.
Watkins, XeroX Qualit Control Superintendent;
Mr. F. Millet, Senior Quality
Control Engineer.
Mrs. K. De La Torre is secretary to Mr.
R. S. Watkins; Mrs. Gwen Jones is continuing
to work for Mr. D. R. Elliott.
Mr. M. Hartley has been appointed
Deputy Plant Engineer.
Mr. E. V. Carter joined the Company
as Organisation and Methods Officer at
the end of November: also a new member
of the 0. and M. team is Mr. L. J.
Harris. Mr. J. Andrews left in January.
Mr. D. M. Taylor has joined the Tool
Engineering Department as a jig and
tool draughtsman.
A happy group taking refreshment
while the cameraman was taking
pictures at the Small Batch
Christmas party.
Mrs. Dorothy Hyett has rejoined the
Company in the capacity of secretary to
Mr. J. Duffell, General Marketing
Changes in Wages Department: Mr.
J. Fisher is a newcomer; Mrs. Janet
Ea les has left.
Mr. M. Dunn came to the Work Study
Department as a trainee work study
engineer in January.
Mr. J. Harrison left Export Department
at the end of February.
Miss Dora Brannan has replaced Miss
Daphne Mills in Purchase Department.
Mr. T. D. Howells has joined our
Learnership Scheme; he is at present
working in the Chemical and Metallurgical
Laboratory .
Miss Angela Nicholls has joined the
Hollerith section in Accounts.
‘ Key ‘ Personnel
Three ladies have recently attained their
majority-Miss Margaret Collins (Assembly
624 Line) on January 4; Miss
Kathleen Fisher (Personnel) on February
5; and Miss Wendy Haile (secretary
to Mr. S. J. Scott) on February 10.
They’re Engaged
The recent festive season was a popular
time for ‘popping the question’. We are
delighted to report the engagement of:
Mr. T. Davis (Assembly) to Miss
Gladys Sharky on December 8.
Miss Ann Welch (Purchase Department)
to Mr. S. Gunn on December 9.
Mr. F. Wynn (Machine Shop) to Miss
Diane Head just before Christmas.
Miss Ruth Cooper (Accounts) to Mr.
R. Carter-he popped the question on
the way to the Department’s Christmas
Party on December 19th!
Miss Molly Gilkinson (Assembly) to
Mr. B. Brown (Quality Control) on
December 23.
Miss Edna Robbins (Assembly, Clean
Room) to Mr. R. Williams on Christmas
Miss Marlene Pensom (Assembly) to
Mr. J. Smith (Quality Control) on
Christmas Day.
Miss Cissie Hyde (Assembly Inspection)
to Mr. M. Akehurst on New Year’s Day.
C. 13.0JKS
Just engaged! .Wiss Ruth Cooper and Mr.
R. Curter at the Accounts Department party
Miss Glenys Price (secretary to Mr.
B. Wear. Service Repair) to Mr. J.
Rosser on January 13.
December 23 was the day and Lydney
the place for the wedding of two Mitchel –
dean couples-Miss Dorothy Weyman
(Case Shop) and Mr. R. Burford, and
Miss Rose Taylor (Assembly) and Mr.
J. Marfell.
Miss Doreen Bevan (Production Control,
XeroX) was married to Mr. J. K.
Williams at Cinderford on February 24.
New Arrivals
Tracy Elaine, 7 lb. daughter for Mr. M.
Bullock (Assembly), born December 9.
Neil, 9 lb. son for Mr. W. Reed (Small
Batch). born December 22.
Alan Paul, a son for Mrs. Elizabeth
Marshall (formerly Heat Treatment).
who arrived on December 30 weighing
10 lb.
Julie Anne, a daughter for Mr. D.
Peates (Mechanical Laboratory) and his
wife Maureen. who used to work in
Accounts. Julie, weighing 5 lb. 12 oz.,
was born on January 4.
Robert, born January 7, weighing 8 lb.
4 oz.-a son for Mr. D. Herman (Home
Sales Area Manager for the Southern
Philip David, a 7 lb. son for Mr. R.
Malsom (Accounts) and his wife
Rosemary, who used to work on the
telephone exchange. Philip arrived on
January 14.
David George, another arrival on
January 14-a son for Mr. G. Meek
(Quality Control, XeroX).
wo new people have joined the staff at
I lanover Square-Miss Shirley Field as
a shorthand/typist and Mr. R. Verhoven
for the General Office. They replace
Miss B. Mullan and Miss P. Young.
Wedding bells at Hanover Square: Mr.
M. Vesey was married to Miss Janet
Housden last December. Miss Housden
was for some time secretary to Mr. E.
Maynard, after which she worked as
secretary to Mr. G. H. Moss at Mortimer
House. Soon after the move of the
Sales Department from Mortimer House
to Mitcheldean Miss Housden spent a
few days there to help with the accumulation
of sales correspondence, and she
may well be remembered by some of
the U.K. Sales staff. Also married
recently was Miss Gloria Tostdevine,
Hanover Square’s telephonist, to Mr.
B. Budd.
Mr. Derek V. Dutton, P.R. Officer. has
gained his M.I.P.R. by being admitted
a Member of the Institute of Public
RIGHT: Curly-haired sisters
Miss Gillian and ,Mss Daphne
Wearer, who both work in
Electrical Subs, at the
Xerox Christmas party.
BELOW: Left to right:
Miss Doreen Bevan (Production
Control) and her fiancé (now
her husband), and Mr. W. Jenkins
(Productbn Control) and his wife.
Bring Back the Sports Day ?
ONE of the items on the agenda at the
Annual General Meeting of the Mitcheldean
Sports and Social Club was the
question of whether the Annual Sports
Day should be reintroduced. The Long
Service Association have approached
the Committee about this, and the latter
are anxious to know whether there
would be sufficient support forthcoming
from Club members. Such an event, of
course, involves a lot of work and
expense, and it would be a great pity if
the event had once more to be stopped
because of lack of support.
A full year of activities was reported
by Secretary Mr. C. R. Steward; in his
report, Chairman Mr. R. Camp stated
that the number of social evenings had
been increased from four to six per
annum and he mentioned that the
question of the enlargement of the Club
House was being reopened.
Mr. Camp thanked retiring members
of the Committee, among them Mrs.
A. Knapgate (Heat Treatment) who has
given many years of valuable service,
and welcomed the new members, who
are as follows:
Group I: Messrs. E. Lark (Machine Shop) and
G. Cooper (Paint Shop); Group 2: Mr. A.
Gaylard (Polishing & Plating); Group 3: Mrs.
I. Carpenter (Service); Group 4: Mr. D. Cook
(Tool Room); Group 5: Messrs. D. Fisher
(Assembly) and F. Goodyear (Warehouse Inspection)
Group 6: Messrs. D. Barnard (T.E.D.) and
J. Clare (Export) and Mrs. S. Buckman
(Accounts); Group 7: Mr. G. Bayliss (XeroX).
Printed by The Victor James Press
Limited, Coulsdon. Surrey
II -“ID 11112r
The film library
at Perivale, Middlesex
Offices at 37 41 Mortimer Street,
London, W.1
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building
of Mitcheldeon, Gloucestershire