The winds of change are now blowing more
strongly in the Cine and Photographic industry
than for many years, perhaps more strongly
than ever before. Our home market is losing
its shelter and both at home and overseas
competition from Europe, from the Orient, and
even from the United States, is becoming increasingly
Technical changes are occurring too, with ever
increasing frequency. Automatic exposure
control systems and zoom lenses for cameras,
and automatic threading for projectors have
all had their effects on equipment design. Of
these innovations, automatic exposure control
systems are perhaps the most remarkable
because they operate on less than one hundred
millionth of a horsepower.
The general introduction of sound on 8mm.,
which cannot now be far away, the adoption of
varying degrees of automation on projectors,
and the improved performance of the new colour
films, will greatly increase the potential of
8mm. in professional and semi-professional
fields, and particularly in the educational
field where much progress can be expected
during the next few years.
These broadening fields of application, the
increases in technical complexity, and the
continuing demands for improved standards of
performance, not only of 8mm. but of all
types of equipment, make it imperative that,
in design and manufacture, the greatest
possible attention is paid to every detail,
however unimportant some of these may appear
to be.
The only way to ensure that the final product
achieves that standard of performance which is
today essential in our competitive markets, is
to pay the most scrupulous attention to every
detail of every piece part and of every
operation for ‘trifles make perfection but
perfection is no trifle’.
2 2– Euusaiin.
Engineer: vaiiEmBER
You have a television set’ plans, offering us additional potential
customers numbered in millions.
Then in June you %%ill be just one of Not strictly advertising, perhaps (but
some thirty-eight million other viewers nevertheless an important part of our
(most of them potential Bell & Howell selling effort). is a photo dealer corncustomers
) w ho w ill be shown-through petition which has been organised to
a series of spot commercials-that the take place later this year. Open to all
best value in cine today is unquestion- dealer assistants, managers and proably
Bell & Howell. prietors-in fact, anyone who deals in
Yes, we’re back on television again our 8mm. equipment-the contest offers
after a break with a number of very
the medium of over Ary COVER PICTURE w, attractive prizes.
three sears (our last The Exam Room at the Rank Film From our point appearance was a Librao. has a new look Mow- of view, the importseries
of magazine ing installation of the latest auto- ant aspect of this
feature appearances
with the ‘Sundial’ matic film inspection machines. To operation is that, to
qualify, each encamera
and ‘Hi-l> te tsheee ftihlmes ep awssoersk ithnrgo iusgqhu iatte a u vnec aryn nfays-t trant must first sell 707’ projector). speed but stops automatically at any a Bell & Howell But that’s not all. imperfections. Mrs. Muriel Brown camera or projector.
On April 11 we is shown working at one or the Were hoping for a
started an intensive
press advertising new machines. large number of
campaign in what -www-v. But this is only
the advertising fra- part of the story.
ternity choose to call the ‘photo- The other activities which go to make up
consumer press’. To you and me this the combined Bell & Howell advertising
means the magazines that users and campaign in 1962 are too numerous to
intending users of cine equipment more than summarise here. These inavidly
read. Magazines such as Amateur dude the Press and’ Information Office in
Cine World, Amateur Movie Maker and London securing additional support in
Amateur Photographer. For Bell & editorial columns and elsewhere; the
Howell this means more than 160,000 Audio-Visual Department catering for
people in the British Isles will read about the specialist user of our 16mm. equipthe
features of the equipment we make ment; and the Rank Film Library at
and sell-now better value than ever at Perivale who continue to meet the needs
the new reduced prices. of film users.
Moreover, it goes w ithout saying that With this extensive promotion behind
the national press (which has stood us in us no wonder we have been acclaimed by
such good stead in the past) will con- the trade as the most powerful advertiser
tinue to be included in our advertising of cine in the business.
steep hill known as The Stenders. They
spent a happy five years or so there,
despite the fact that there were disadvantages-
for example, his wife had
to fetch water from a well 200 yards
from their home.
During the wartime years Stan was
occupied with work on gun predictors.
He worked under Mr. O’Hare in
Assembly Department when it was sited
in the old maltings section of the factory,
and when the present modern Department
was erected he was put in charge
of the 624 camera assembly.
Before they moved into one of the
Company flats a stone’s throw from the
Stan -the Cheery Chargehand
ALWAYS cheerful, always ready %% it
a smile-that’s Stan Richardson. in
charge of the Amplifier Line in Mitcheldean’s
Assembly Department.
To start at the beginning of his
association with our Company is to go
back a long time-24 years to be precise.
He joined Woodger Road in 1938 as a
fitter and came to Mitcheldean in 1942
to British Acoustic Films, as it was then
known. That makes it 20 years he has
worked in the Forest of Dean, but never
a trace of ‘Forest’ has altered his London
way of speaking (‘1’m not a Cockney’, he
says; ‘1 was born in Harringay’).
When he first moved to Mitcheldean
he and his wife shared a cottage up the
works, he and his wife and son spent
some years in Monmouth, and it was
there that he came to make the acquaintance
of Maurice and Gordon Pask. It
was virtually though his mention of our
Company that Maurice (now Supervisor
of Assembly Department) and Gordon
came to work with us. Stan also brought
his son, Jack (now in the Machine Shop),
to the Rank factory.
Incidentally, in the ‘Good Old Days’
there was a Company football team;
among his fellow members, Stan recalls
Fred Court, Frank Edwards, Ted Giles,
Tommy Knight, Sid Roberts (a special
friend of Stan’s), Bill Smithers, Charlie
Stone and Ron Wrigglesworth-most of
From our gallery of priceless Old Masters conies this memento of an Assembly Christmas Party held at
Bradley Court Hotel some 10 years ago. Left to right you may, or may not, recognise: Country Yokel
Frank Sekinger (Tool Room): Pat Davis (now left) as a sort of Ugly Sister; Chauffeur Bob Taylor
(Service): Farmer’s Boy Eric Knight (Assembly); Cowboy Arthur Mason (Service): Stan Richardson,
carrying the baby, and insisting that he is Nellie Wallace; Mexican Ellis Clark (formerly Warehouse, but
better known as landlord of ‘The George’, Mitcheldean): an unidentifiable visitor; Ugly Sister Geoff
Skeman (Purchase); George Hayward (Assembly) in mufti; and Sheik O’Hare (Service Manager).
In front is Canon Leakey who used to work in Assembly.
whom are still with the Company, either
at Mitcheldean or in London. They used
to play various Forest teams but, alas,
the petrol shortage and the resultant
transport problem finally put an end to
their activities.
Another special friend of Stan’s was
Gordon Fisher, who was also with us for
many years. One year they both
‘deserted’ their wives and went off on a
holiday together in Holland. Stan gave
up smoking to save for this brief return
to bachelor days, but when he got to
Holland and found the cigarettes 20 for
Is. he couldn’t resist the temptation and
smoked twice as many as before!
They had a wonderful time in Holland,
we gather; but one thing in particular
sticks in Stan’s mind (as it probably
stuck in his throat!). He was enjoying
some chicken soup when, to his horror,
he found a whole chicken claw in it!
However, he was so hungry and the soup
was so nice he decided to overlook it.
Stan has recently taken up fishing and
is now a member of the Angling Club.
He also belongs to the Cine Club and his
wife is one of the many who have to
resign themselves to sharing their husband
with a cine camera every summer
SUMMER holidays may not have come
round yet, but plans are already being
made for the festive season.
The Division’s Third Grand Annual
Dance and Reunion is to be held at the
Cheltenham Town Hall on October 19.
Master of Ceremonies booked for the
occasion is a well-known local entertainer-
Mr. Johnny Walker.
It is hoped this time that special
attractions will include the holding of a
‘Twist Contest’.
Assembly Department, too, are well
ahead with plans for their departmental
Christmas Party. They aim to make this
year’s a really splendid ‘do’ with a
professional band. It will be held on
December 21 at the Chase Hotel, Rosson-
Wye, and, to soften the blow of the
ticket price, approx. 35s., the strongminded
among intending attenders are
already paying Is. a week towards the
cost of their night out. A welcome wi 1
await members of any other Department
who would like to go along.
THE complications of suspending a
monkey amused many readers, but
solutions to the problem were very
quickly available. The one received
from Mr. C. M. Paine of Mortimer
House broke all records by reaching
me almost before my copy of VISION
came to hand.
He wrote: “No official ruling exists as
to the length of rope that should be
used for hanging monkeys, and cases
should be treated on their merits, taking
account of local customs and practices.
It is felt, however, that in this instance
5 ft. may be taken as a guide.”
To which your Mad Mathematician
replied: “Monkey now defunct. Drop
proved correct!”
This Monkey Business
Well, as briefly as possible, here is
how to arrive at the solution. Starting
at the point where the mother’s age
is three times the monkey’s and working
backwards, we let the ages equal 3x and
x; the difference between them is then
always 2x. When the monkey’s age is
three times the mother’s, it will be 9x
and, when she was half this age, the
mother would be 41x and the monkey
At the time of the problem the mother’s
age was twice this, namely 5x, and the
monkey was then 3x. As the two ages
together equal four years, we have:
5x+ 3x=4 and x then equals 1. The
mother’s age is 5x or 21 years, and the
monkey weighs 21 lb. or 40 oz.
We are later told that: 40 oz.÷ weight
of the rope =11 (40+40-40), from
which the weight of the rope is 60-40=
20 oz. As the rope weighs 4 oz. per foot
the length must be 5 feet.
This month’s problem is an old
teaser. You have nine billiard balls,
eight of which weigh exactly the same
but the ninth is heavier. You also have
a scale or balance, but no weights.
How few balancings are required to
discover the heavy ball ? -H. Hartley
(Polishing & Plating Shop)
Afe%srs. ll’after Rohe! and John Ash with Frau kin Leib: on the Companv’k Stand ut th, I cipzig Fair.
John Ash of Mitcheldean’s Export Department reports
ONCE again Walter Rubel, our Overseas
Sales Executive from Mortimer
House, and I represented the Cine &
Photographic Division on our Stand at
the Leipzig Fair. Having spent two days
in Frankfurt with our German Comnew,
automatic Opel Kapitan, which has a
top speed of some 120 m.p.h.
Although never having motored on
the ‘wrong side’ of the road before I
took the wheel and Leipzig was reached
with surprisingly little difficulty, in spite
of snow, ice and fog on the Autobahn.
We arrived after dark, and were trying
to reach the city centre when we were
waved down by two civilians wielding
police-type illuminated traffic batons.
“Please drive very slowly and carefully
through the next street,” they requested,
“because today is the anniversary of the
formation of the People’s Army, and a
Free German Youth demonstration is
taking place.”
Howls, Jeers and Whistles
On one side of the street were several
ranks of people, probably several
hundred in all, and on the other a small
knot of group leaders. As our car drove
very slowly between them, for all the
world as though reviewing a parade,
they spotted the West German plates and
the Union Jack, and a chorus of howls,
jeers and whistles broke out. This was
not the most encouraging reception, but
all went quite well afterwards.
Business at the Fair was brisker from
our point of view, tremendous interest
being shown particularly in the 642
projector and Power Zoom camera. In
fact, we sold practically all the equipment
that was on show, to a total value
of well over £2,000. This compared very
well indeed with the business done by
most English and West German firmsone
prominent English manufacturer
took orders to a total of £51 10s. Od.,
while most West Germans drew a complete
On the level of personal comfort, we
were much happier with our accommodation
this year. We lived in modern,
extremely well-furnished, centrally –
heated flats with two average factoryworking
families. Laundry facilities
were once again non-existent, and, in
fact, Walter Rubel took the precaution
of taking with him one shirt for each
day he was away from London! There
were certain food shortages-potatoes,
onions and, to a lesser degree, butter,
being extremely hard to come by.
Our stay was made pleasant by the
presence of Fraulein Leibt, our charming
and intelligent secretary, and by our
association with several of the friends
whose acquaintance we had made the
previous year. In fact, we met and spoke
with many more East Germans, and
people from other countries in the Communist
Bloc, than previously.
by our Special Correspondent:
WELL! Chris Mayo (XeroX) and ‘boss’
have been at it again! She was driving,
and this time it was the other wing.
‘Still,’ as Chris said, ‘it was her. I just
ducked my head and waited for it.’
Talking about waiting for it, this is
just what Ron Boakes (Design Department)
was doing a short time ago.
However, the agony is over now, and
Ron is £8 Ss. lighter in pocket as a
result of a row with a motor-cycle.
And boys-wait for it again-your
Motoring Correspondent was involved
in an accident himself, with a certain
beauty queen (phew!!). No fault of the
M.C.’s, of course. When he rushed
around to carry the unfortunate lady to
some secluded spot he was amazed to
see Miss Diane Woolley (Accounts) in
the navigator’s seat and-have you ever
been caught between two stools?
Anyway, I bet you’ve never been
caught under a load of cement. Two
cars parked near the site of the building
operations were well camouflaged in this
way the other day but their owners got
them cleaned b) the builders before it
set too hard!
Poor Lew (Jig & Tool) has bashed a
lamp post, broken a Hardy Spicer and
bought a new wing for fifteen bob in an
attempt to cover up. Anyway, if he
retires his car it will be just what Ray
Dance (Design Department) has done
with his Lanchester. (By the way, Ray
wants to know if there are any offers?)
We don’t know whether it was as a
result of going round a roundabout, or
whether he was just practising for the
Monte Carlo rally, but Henry Jackson
(XeroX Machine Shop) twisted his
steering wheel too hard and he had to
leave his vehicle until it could be repaired.
Clive Brain (Engineering) is now
qualified to drive on four wheels.
Comment by Big Brother: ‘Huh! He
can’t even drive on two yet!’
In closing, we would like to congratulate
the Company on the excellent
parking facilities at Mitcheldean-and
as M.C. I hope they continue.
Created by R. Dean, XeroXMochineShop
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shields. Eileen works in
the Mail Room, her bridegroom in Service
Just escaped from a shower of confetti-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Liddiatt. Margaret works
in Despatch Department. c. BROOKS
RIGHT: Mandy England of Home Sales,
now Mrs. R. Brownson, cuts her cake with
a bit of masculine help. R. EVANS
BELOW: Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter after the
ceremony. Ruth works in Hollerith,
Accounts. R EVANS
Mrs. Creidwyn Sticey (Small Batch ) and
her new husband cut their wedding cake.
Newly married Mr. and Mrs. R. Brain pose
outside the church. The bride, Doreen,
works in Small Batch.
Mrs. Barbara Goodchild of the Rank Film
Library after her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Williams get a happy
send-off. Doreen works in XeroX.
LEFT: Mr. K. Wakefield and his bride, Rena,
who works in Accounts. Her colleague
Miss Diane Woolley was bridesmaid.
BELOW: Mr. and Mrs. F. Pritchard.
Margaret works in Assembly, her bridegroom
in Service Repair. c. BROOKS
Change of Name-Socially, it’s pretty
quiet at the Library at the moment,
although that’s more than can be said
for those who are directly concerned
with our change of title. By the time this
issue is published we shall have integrated
with the Rank Organisation and
will henceforth be known as Rank Film
We wonder, in advance, how many
times our telephonists, Pat and Wynn,
%% ill get involved when they announce the
Library to callers. The new title will
certainly take a little getting used to
after so many years as ‘Gee-Bee’.
The same, no doubt can be said of
Mrs. Barbara Goodchild. nee Timms,
who was married on February 24. She
will still answer to ‘Miss Timms’, we
found, when collecting details of her
wedding. You’ll find a picture of her in
our ‘Gallery of Brides’ on pages 8/9.
Long Service Dinner The Perivale
Branch of the Long Service Association
recently held their third annual Dinner
and Dance at the Park Hotel, Hanwell,
where 73 sat down to dinner. Among
the guests were Mr. H. R. A. de Jonge,
Mr. Ron King with Mrs. King, Miss
Vi Holder and representatives from
Mitcheldean and Leeds. The dance which
Audrey Russell. B.B.C. radio and TV commentator.
paid a visit to Rank Film Library to put a commentary
on the film she took in West Africa during the
recent Royal tour. Here she is pictured using an
Autoload 16 mm. camera on Ealing Heights near
followed was a very jolly affair with Mr.
Reg Hoodless acting as M.C.
Ladies’ Third Leg Decides It!-The
Ladies I )arts Team-Mesdames Fleming,
Flynn. Ward and Wilson – battled
through to the finals of the Ladies Knockout
Competition of the North Acton
Darts League-but lost to Ultra Radio.
By all accounts it was a close thing and
went to one game all before the third leg
decided the winner.
A Welcome Visitor-A frequent
and always welcome visitor to the
Library is Richard Baker, B.B.C. TV
newsreader, who does a lot of commentary
work with and for us. Our
photograph shows him having a script
conference with the Entertainments
Officer of Skegness and our Sound
Engineer, Ian Duff.
“Swan” Pram for Sale. Medium size,
cream and green, with canopy. Excellent
condition. Any offers to Mr.
B. Moore, Tool Room.
For Sale -“Swan” baby pram, black and
chrome. C/W canopy. Excellent condition.
£8 10s. for quick sale-bargain.
Also gent’s B.S.A. Silverwings bicycle.
S/A three-speed. Miller dynamo lighting
set. Large saddle-bag. Good condition,
£8 10s. Enquiries for either to be
addressed to Box No. 15, c/o Editor,
VISION, Fair View, Plump Hill, Mitcheldean,
Separate Shots .
THE 624 Line, Assembly, held a part) at
the Club House, Mitcheldean, on
February 24-and enjoyed themselves so
much they held a repeat performance on
April 14.
Two important events in the life of the
Mitcheldean Long Service Association
take place at this time of the year. The
first-the Annual General Meeting-will
be held on April 30 in the Club House at
5.30 p.m. The second-the Ninth
Annual Dinner-will take place at the
Chase Hotel. Ross-on-Wye, on May 8
at 7.30 p.m.
THE Sports & Social Club at Mitcheldean
organised a trip to the Ideal Home
Exhibition on March 24, when two
coachloads of members were taken to
London for the day.
MR. G. GASK and Mr. D. Tubb (A.-V.
Department) have been making a sales
and demonstration film about the 642
projector, and in so doing have received
first-rate co-operation from Ilford Ltd.,
who have loaned them their theatre in
Oxford Street because of the special
lighting required.
For four days, demonstrations of the
new projector were recently given to
Service chiefs and technical representatives
and Merchant Navy personnel.
Mr. A. J. Pincombe was in charge,
with the assistance of Mr. L. E. Tomkins
and Mr. D. Tubb. Grog was,
naturally, supplied to the Navy-both
it and the projector being very well
WHICH pig, with a taste for that sort
of thing, had a snack off a pair of
trousers belonging to a member of the
Machine Shop, with the result that
the unfortunate owner, who had
trustingly hung them on the washing
line, was unable to keep a date in
Gloucester? What swinish behaviour!
ARE those who lunch in the Senior Staff
Canteen reassured or disturbed by the
fact that a member of the First Aid
Room staff has taken to lunching there
WHO turned somersaults in a Renault
Dauphine on returninv, from a recent
WHICH member of Small Batch
Department “lost” his van keys at
work? Is his wife a driver, we wonder?
WHICH member of the same Department
sportingly allows his workmates
to scoff his lunch sandwiches whenever
he is working a machine in the other
Small Batch Department?
WHO arranged a %%edding between
“Outlaw Chief from and “Polyanna
from Blik”? \n) nem yet of the
arrival of the hoped-for half-dozen or so
little “Bliks”?
WHO thought it necessary to make a
comprehensive tour of the factory in
order to get some Bostik Thinner?
SHALL we be seeing a newly acquired
second-hand Vauxhall in the Polishing
& Plating Shop, getting its chromium
plating touched up by its proud owner?
Mr. L. E. Tomkins, Audio-Visual Department, points out certain features of the Model 642 projector to
members of the Army Kinema Corporation during demonstrations given to the three Services and the
Merchant Navy during the first week of March. Left is Major-General N. V. Watson, Managing Director
of the A.K.C. Mr. A. J. Pincombe, seen centre, was in charge of the demonstrations.
riar .1′ IisrTruphir PlitiJo l’ID. T H C-RANK ORGANISATION
‘ The American in Orbit’
THE only complete home movie story of
Col. John Glenn’s amazing flight into
space, ‘The American in Orbit’. has been
made available by Rank Film Library as
a Movie-pak packaged film through
photographic dealers. Users of either
8 mm. or 16 mm. projectors can see the
tense preparations for the flight; the giant
Atlas missile blast off; Col. Glenn inside
the capsule during orbit; the flight track
on graphic diagrams; the recovery at sea;
and, as the finale, the welcomes that
followed. Both versions are 9 minutes
long, in black and white (8 mm., £4 5s.,
and 16 mm. with sound-track. £9 10s.).
Unsolicited Testimonials
THE firm of Firth Brown Tools Ltd.,
suppliers to our Mitcheldean factory,
recently gave a film show in co-operation
with the Gloucestershire Purchasing
Officers’ Association, the subject being
the manufacture of cutting tools, and we
loaned a 641 projector for the occasion.
A gentleman present was heard to
This photograph arrived at Mortimer House
attached to a letter addressed to ‘Mr. Frank
Precision’ by William H. Lewis, Director, Bureau
of Folklore, Republic of Liberia, The Department
of Interior, Monrovia, in which he asked the price
of some of our equipment.
;i Cultural Center.d
remark that, although he had seen the
film 17 times already, this was the first
time he had ever perceived the details in
it so clearly. A nice compliment to our
latest projector model!
THE editorial office has often received
poetical compositions which don’t
always get into print because of lack of
space and other considerations.
This month we received, from an
anonymous poet, an ‘Ode to a Knight
among Chargehands’-which goes to
prove that chargehands do not go
unloved! There are references to his
fairness and cheerful disposition, and
to the fact that he himself works
.. just as hard as any;
And when he finds the job well done
His words of praise are many.
But if a job is below par,
He’s just as quick to chide us,
And if it should be really bad
Then, whew, it’s woe betide us!
He tears us off a proper strip,
But in a Knightly way …’
No prizes are being offered as to the
identity of this paragon among chargehands,
but we hope that he recognises
himself in the foregoing and realises how
much he is appreciated by his workmates.
Angling Champ
THE Mitcheldean Angling Club Championship
match took place on the
Whitchurch side of the Club’s waters on
Sunday, March 4, when 13 members
fished a pegged-down match. First prize
went to B. Lewis (Jig and Tool) with
L. Hart (Education and Training)
second, R. Turley (Assembly) third and
R. Morse (T.E.D.) fourth.
It may have been something to do
with the unlucky number of contestants
but not all the prizes were won, so it was
decided to have the second leg on the
following Sunday. Again first prize
went to Brian with a weight of 6 lb. 1 oz.,
establishing him as the unquestioned
champion, and Bob Morse improved his
position to second place, J. Price
(Assembly) coming third.
This was the last match of the season,
but there were two previous ones which
we should report. There was a Christmas
Contest, fished in December on the
Whitchurch side, when 20 members
fished a pegged-down match in bitterly
cold weather with the river in full spate.
Hon. Secretary J. D. Williams (XeroX)
Gunter Matthes of Assembly 641 line had a real red
letter (or should we say red salmon?) day recently.
He caught an I I lb. salmon in the morning and
capped that with a 171 pounder in the afternoon.
The latter prize. which he is pictured holding,
measured 34 in. long and took 28 minutes to land.
went home with the first prize of a turkey
and L. Hart was rewarded with a goose,
while the rest of the eight winners were
warmed by the presentation of various
cheery-looking bottles.
And an inter-club match was fished on
the A.E.I. waters, Lydbrook, on February
18, between the Mitcheldean Club,
A.E.I. Lydbrook and Ross-on-Wye
Angling Club-31 fishermen all told.
Top weight for our team-8 lb. 8 oz.-
was made by Mr. Williams who came
sixth, A.E.I. walking away with the
first two places.
We hear that there is a full programme
arranged for the coming season and any
new members will be welcome.
King Rook the First
NOW we can tell you who has become the
first ‘King Rook’-winner of the
Individual Chess Club Championship at
Mitcheldean. It is Mr. H. L. Jones
(T.E.D.), who is also Hon. Secretary of
the Club. The final was held on March
16 and Mr. Jones’ opponent was Mr.
M. George (Cost Office), Mr. F. Oakey
(Electrical Laboratory) acting as adjudicator.
There is a saying that goes something
like ‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a
crown’. Certainly ‘King Rook’ is not
being allowed to enjoy a long and peaceful
reign. Before the ‘coronation’ took
place, a Challengers’ Tournament was
being arranged, to commence as from
March 23, the winner of this tourney
then playing the reigning champion for
his title within three weeks.
You may have read in the Ross Gazette
a short report on an Inter-Club Challenge
Match, when the Ross Chess Club
visited Mitcheldean for a friendly match
which resulted in a draw 5-5. Mr. D. R.
Wedley (Accounts) acted as M.C. and
the home club provided refreshments.
Mitcheldean’s Chess Club is, in fact,
going from strength to strength. There
are now some 60 members and a ladies’
section has been formed. Mrs. M. Jarvis
(Bell & Howell Office) has been co-opted
on to the Club committee as their
representative, and she would very much
like to know of any ladies interested in
joining the section. Who knows, there
may be a ‘Queen Rook’ somewhere!
A special Bell & Howell window display in the shop of a dealer in Ghent-Photo Cine Van de Winckelwhich
shows practically the complete range of British and American Bell & Howell products among gems
borrowed from the Ghent museum. This photograph was sent to us by M. Michel Cledes of our Belgian
Putting YOU
in the Picture
Mr. G. W. Crow has left us to take up
an appointment with Rank-XeroX Ltd.
as Office Manager. Home Sales Department.
George, a Long Service member.
came to Mitcheldean from the Rank
Film Library at Perivale in 1959. The
Departments for which he was responsible
continue to operate as formerly
but the following supervisory changes
have been made: General Services
(Mail Room, Duplicating Services.
Stationery, Telephones. Telex and
Cables. Dictorel) and Office Equipment
(Purchase and Maintenance of Office
Furniture and Equipment)-Mr. G. S.
Hemingway. Accounts Department;
Warehouse Stores 37 (Finished Goods
Stock, Packing and Despatch, Warehouse
Vans. Allocation of Pool Stock to
Emplo)ees) -Mr. A. S. Osborne, Product
Co-ordinator; Import Department
-Mr. A. J. Pincombe, Chief Administrator,
Sales; Records of 550 parts
of Chief Executive-Mr. D. V. Hopes,
Export Department.
The following appointments came into
effect as from March 28: Home Sales
.11anager (Amateur Product): Mr. E. W.
Cann; Brand Manager (Bell & Howell
and Angenieux) : Mr. J. Bullman (who
has moved to Mitcheldean from the
Group officesat Mortimer House); Brand
Manager (Pentax and Da-Lite) : Mr.
R. W. Fowler.
Mr. J. A. Orchard, Senior Planning
Engineer, commenced work at Mitcheldean
on February 12.
Mr. A. Kibble has been promoted to
Section Leader in T.E.D., following
upon Mr. R. F. Watkins’ appointment
as Chief Quality Control Engineer.
Mr. G. Jenkins joined Work Study
Department as Section Leader in
January: also a newcomer to the
Department is Miss Eugene Marfell.
We are pleased to see Mr. P. Carr,
Home Sales Area Controller, and Mr.
V. Baxter (Import Section) back in
harness again after several months’
absence on sick leave.
Miss Wendy Haile has taken over the
duties of secretary to Mr. R. E. Baker.
Production Manager. formerly carried
out by Miss Janet Baldwin.
Mr. W. Griffiths, the “Wandering Aussie”
we have mentioned before in VISION,
has finally left Service Repair to return
to Australia. taking with him a Belgian
Miss Diane Brain has left Hollerith.
A number of his colleagues visited
Mr. W. S. Yemm at Standish recently
and took with them a handsome eightday
clock, suitably inscribed, which was
presented to him by the Long Service
Association on his retirement. We are
glad to hear he is progressing well.
Apprentice Sam Phillips, who is attending
Herefordshire Technical College.
has achieved the Saunders Valve Co.
Ltd. Engineering Award, which goes to
the best engineering student of the year
at the Ordinary National Certificate
stage. The award, of three guineas, is
for spending on suitable equipment;
Sam has spent his on a new slide rule.
In a recent exchange of apprentices
between our Company and Wynstruments
Ltd. of Gloucester, Tony
Hartley of the Electrical Laboratory
has gone to the Gloucester firm, while
Bob Bayley has come to us for a few
They’re Engaged
Two engagement announcements that
missed our last issue-Miss Margaret
Weyman to Mr. E. Stacey (Machine
Shop) and Miss Barbara Robinson to
Mr. H. Ennis. Both ladies work in
Small Batch, and both got engaged on
Christmas Day.
Miss Iris Chappell (Vistem Operator,
Home Sales) became engaged to Mr.
D. Meek on February 11-her I 7th
Miss Valerie Evans (Assembly) and
Mr. P. Norwood celebrated their
engagement on March 4.
They’re Wed
We have a batch of weddings to reportthose
Miss Creidwyn Stubbs (Small Batch) to
Mr. G. Stacey at St. John’s, Cinderford,
on March 10;
Miss Eileen Baldwin (Mail Room) and
Mr. J. Shields (Service Repair) at Holy
Trinity Church, Drybrook, on March
Miss Rena Jordan (Accounts) and Mr.
P. Wakefield at St. Stephen’s, Cinderford,
on March 24, with Miss Diane
Woolley (secretary to Mr. J. C. C.
Woods) as bridesmaid;
Miss Doreen Stephens (Small Batch)
and Mr. R. Brain at the Forest Church
on March 24;
Miss Norma Barker (Assembly) and
Mr. R. Weaving on March 24 at
Miss Mandy England (Home Sales)
and Mr. R. Brownson at St. Stephen’s
Cinderford. on March 31;
Miss Ruth Cooper (Hollerith. Accounts)
and Mr. R. Carter at Christchurch on
March 31:
Miss Margaret Young (Despatch Department)
and Mr. A. Liddiatt at Westbury
Church on March 31;
Miss Margaret Hyett (624 line. Assemble )
and Mr. F. Pritchard (Service Repair)
at Mitcheldean Church, also on March
Miss Beryl Toye (Assembly) and Mr.
C. Jenkins on April 7 at St. Stephen’s,
See bridal pictures on our centre pages.
They’ve Arrived
Carolyn, a 7 lb. 1 oz. daughter for
Mrs. Joan Ward who used to work in
Martin Graham. a son for Mr. C.
Brown (Work Study), born on January
19 weighing 6 lb. I I oz.
Jennifer. a daughter for Mr. S. Cargill
(Machine Shop). She arrived on January
23, with the vital statistics of 7 lb.
5 oz.
Jeremy Mark, a brother for Lesley.
Gary and Kevin-children of Mr. D.
Minton (Small Batch). Jeremy was
born on January 28 weighing 71 lb.
Mark John, a second son for Mr. R.
Luff (London Suburban Sales Area
Manager), born on February 13 weighing
5 lb. 4 oz.
Tina Anne, a 7 lb. 3 oz. daughter for
Mrs. Marion Baldwin (Assembly), born
on February 22.
Brian, a son for Mr. R. Kear (Goods
Inwards); he arrived on February 26
and was weighed in at 91 lb.
Timothy, also born on February 26,
a 5 lb. 4 oz. son for Mr. A. Harris
(Small Batch).
Robert Alan and Stephen Gary-a
“spring double” on March 8 for Mr.
G. Howell (P.E.D.) and his wife
Brenda, who used to be Dictorel
Andrea, a second daughter for Mr. D.
Wedley (Cost Office, Accounts), who
arrived on March 10 weighing 8 lb.
Miss Anne Pettingell was married to
Mr. R. Drane on March 16 at Christ
Church, Southgate. Anne is secretary
to Mr. Gerry Gask, Audio-Visual
Dealer Manager. A colour film of her
wedding was taken with a Bell & Howell
camera by Mr. Keith Gray, also of
Audio-Visual Department.
Mr. L. Simmons commenced work in
February as a service mechanic at
Hanover Square.
Printed by The Victor James Press Limited. Coutsdon. Surrey
Or LIN if-A
The Rank Film Library
at Perivale, Middlesex
Offices at 37/41 Mortimer Street,
London, W.1
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire
11111i11 111111il