Return to 1960-1964

Vision 014

One of the many problems confronting Management
in the engineering industry today is the
growing need for skilled labour. In this
supersonic age the wind of change has removed
the office worker from his high stool and
quill pen and given him a status compatible
with his fellow worker in machine shop or
assembly plant.
As more highly efficient methods and office
machines are introduced, so does the need
for specialised knowledge become necessary for
those people who use them. Clerical workers
today are going through a continuous process
of changes in their recognised duties and as
this age of automation introduces such new
methods there is little or no evidence to
support the view that redundancy follows. In
fact, it would be more true to say that automation
can be used to give greater and more
detailed information to Management of requirements
for increased efficiency. The once held
belief that office workers were simply
‘drones’ is as dead as the dodo.
The need for close and harmonious co-operation
between Management and Staff is an axiom of
sound and prosperous business. The right to
barter and negotiate through Trade Union procedure
on matters pertinent to the clerical
employee is now fully recognised as an
essential factor in good relations. In the
interests of both Management and Staff, the
Staff Unions are particularly active in
attempting to have the Office Regulations Bill
introduced. At the moment, the manual worker
is covered by the Factory Act – an Act which
ensures a reasonable standard of protection.
Accepted standards of education for clerical
workers represents another effort by the Union
to help maintain present standards or improve
the work.
While the need for close co-operation among
Staff and with Management is vital today, it
goes without saying that the prosperity of an
industry is geared to the economic stability
of the workers themselves, and no matter what
we argue about, the one common denominator in
the solution of our social and industrial
LIE Chief Staff Representative of the C. & A.W.U.
AB By dMi vFirsaunakl 1J
MNNY of you may be asking why, after
making what has been considered
unkersally the finest 16mm. sound projector
for so many years, it is now
necessary to introduce an entirely new
1 feel the answer is that there comes a
time when we must take a really good
forward look. We must anticipate the
effect of television and 8mm. developments
in the audio-visual market. From
this we realise that to maintain and
ensure our sales for years to come, new
specifications must be laid down. These
have to provide brighter and clearer
pictures with improved sound; to
simplify operation and reduce maintenance
and running costs.
The 641:642 series have been designed
for these purposes. The first appraisal
from our major users is heartening.
Provided we maintain essential features
-long service, reliability and qualitywe
shall not only maintain our market
but, for the first time, we shall have a
considerable replacement market.
The introduction of the new series.
even with their outstanding specifications,
still means an element of risk.
This is that our largest consumers are
faced with making a change. Logically
they must reconsider our new projector
as against competitive products.
However, the 641:642 have outstanding
features, and, provided quality and
reliability are in-built, we have a
machine that can earn the same reputation
as the earlier Filmosounds.
The Audio-Visual Department is
selling capital goods and, of necessity,
this means they must operate in London.
Close co-operation is maintained with
Mitcheldean; without the top quality
product, which Mitcheldean can produce,
the Division’s and A-V Department’s
task would indeed be enormous.
The emphasis must be on the finest
possible service to customers from both
manufacturing and sales departments.
This striking picture is a ‘hlow-up
from the /ovie-Pak film The
American in Orbit’ which was made
available hr Rank Film Library at
record speed after Col. Glenn’s flight
Our new Filmosound Model 642 16mm. sound pave, 1,,r was given its first Swedish showing at the British
Exhibition held in Stockholm from May 18 to June 3. This was also its first appearance at any major
exhibition and its success can be gauged from the ftict that an order for 200 was placed by our Swedish
distributors. A. B. Fotaagenturen. Stockholm K.. at the Fair. Bell & Howell 16mm. tine cameras for both
magazine and spool loading were also exhibited on our stand. Mr..4. IV. Ellement of Export Department
was present throughout the Exhibition; Mr. G. E..4. Perot:. General ,Manager-lnternational Operations.
and Air. D. V. Hopes. Export Manager, also attended. PRESS OFFICE
Mrs. W’ickstead presents a 624 El’ cine
camera to Mr. W. Brown of the Tool Roomwinner
of the first prize in the Mitcheldean Cine
.rub 1961 Open Competition. His film was a
-it. odour travelogue entitled trandering
Wye Way’.
\t spirit appears to 11.1e been
engendered in the Mitcheldean Cine
Club, and a very attractive programme
is envisaged. Great enthusiasm is being
shown over the making of two ‘comedy’
Club films-‘The Boomerang’ and ‘The
Rally’. Script reading and casting have
gone ahead and shooting will probably
have commenced by the time this issue
Bookings of 16 mm. sound films for
educational and interest purposes will
add to the attractions of forthcoming
‘Club Nights’.
Pinewood Visit
Titling and editing ‘sessions’ will be
arranged, visits to and from other cine
clubs will provide enjoyable outings and,
it is hoped, a visit to Pinewood Studios
will be organised.
The first and third Monday of each
month (with the exception of Bank
Holidays) are ‘Cine Club Nights’ when
new members will always be welcomed.
A general meeting was held in the
Club House in April, the main business
of the evening being the election of
officers, all previous committee members
having retired. The following were
elected: Chairman: A. R. Mason;
Secretary: W. Brown; Programme Secretary:
W. E. Austin; Treasurer: L.
Sterrett; Committee: Miss D. Barker, D.
Haines, J. Wedderburn.
I’M not sure whether it was because last
month’s teaser was so simple that no one
bothered to reply, or not. but answers
have not been forthcoming. However.
the answer is: two weighings; for if three
billiard balls are placed on each side of
the scale it will be obvious which three
contains the heavy ball-either side of
the scale, or the three not weighed. This
process is then repeated with one ball
each side taken from the three containing
the heavy one. Should they balance,
the remaining one is the heavy one.
For the Really Mad
For this month I have a problem for
realty mad mathematicians. It was
brought from Oxford by my son, and he
guaranteed that most solvers will be
quite mad by the time they find the
whole solution!
It is possible to write down three
similar numbers (such as three ones,
three twos, etc.) and by using some or any
of the usual arithmetical signs make
them equal 24. No more nor less than
three similar numbers must be used and
the permissible signs include plus, minus,
divide, multiply, root, recurring decimal
and the factorial sign. (For the uninitiated
the factorial sign indicates that
all the consecutive numbers from one up
to the quantity within the sign should be
multiplied together, i.e. IA, factorial
four equals 1 x 2 3 x 4= 24.
I give three examples which need not
be included in the answer because there
are alternatives:
33 – 3 – 24: 8 –8 8 = 24:
I\ 9 9 – 9 = 24.
Your problem is to find similar
equations for each number from one to
nine inclusive, and don’t forget:
= 24, and root or index figures must
count as one of the three digits.
You may find the one and the seven
difficult, but, believe ‘t or not, it can be
done!-H. Hartley (Polishing & Plating
tet.ST recrol OE- CCOT,NIC OevCE
ED ROBLE (Bell & Howell Resident
Engineer 1957 58) was a man of many
parts and whilst with us at Mitcheldean
formed a deep attachment for the British
way of life. He was a keen reader
of VISION, and an article in our last issue
prompted the following epistle from him:
“In reading your booklet magazine I
see for a change that they are taking
some nice fish out of the Wye. I’ll be a
son-of-a-gun but I never thought there
was a fish that size in the river. As you
know, I tried many times. Please give
Mr. Matches of the 641 Assembly Line
my sincere congratulations; a 171 lb.
salmon is a real fish to take on a rod
and reel.”
One cannot help but think that, had
Ed experienced such pleasure whilst he
was with us, this would have eclipsed
even Harold Peterson’s ‘achievement’
(the shark that got away)!
Suggestion Scheme
AN award of £14 18s. 5d. has been
made to Mr. B. Lewis of the Engineering
Department for a suggestion in
connection with a cheaper and more
efficient Jubilee clip as used on the
.Perna’ machine.
As we went to press the Annual Darts
and Table Tennis Knock-out Competitions
were in progress at Mitcheldean
and we hope to be able to publish the
results in our next issue.
It will be interesting to see whether
anyone can dislodge those perennial
champions Eric Knight (Assembly),
who has walked away with the Darts
Singles Championship for the past three
years, and Lawson Bonser (XeroX
Liaison) regular winner of the Men’s
Singles in the Table Tennis Competition.
Project Engineer Carl Mikkelsen front Bell & Howell. Chicago, came to Mitcheldean recently to assist
on the 641/642 projector series. Before he left, a party was held in the Club House for him and Mr.
E. Mason, General Manager, presented hint with a pewter tankard. He also received a humorous
‘operation instruction card’ relating to a Bell & Howell process, and a fascinating blueprint for a
hypothetical tankard, as shown!
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The Social and Sports Club held a very
successful Fancy Dress Dance at the
Oldfield Hotel in April. Here Ken Haim,
as a pirate. partners Sandra Davies: In
the background-Ron Edmonds with
Mrs. Edmonds
Club A.G.M. -The A.G.M. of the
Social and Sports Club was held in the
Canteen on May 9. All the officers and
committee were re-elected and the
business of the meeting was conducted in
record time.
Outings-A coachload of adventurous
members and friends are heading for
Blackpool on a Social Club outing today,
June 29. We hope to record their
experiences in the next issue-at Blackpool
they should have some!
Nearer at home, about 70 members
There was a good turn-out offancy dress enthusiasts
at the dance, and the prizewinners included Mrs.
West of Vistem. Len Cockayne and Ron Edmonds
of Technical Department. Below: A ‘Baby from
Mars’ ( Mrs. West) receives her prize from Mr.
Hodge. Right: Len Cockayne who won second
prize in the men’s fancy dress competition: he came
as a parson conducting the last rites for Chelsea’s
and friends visited the Cambridge
Theatre on May 18 to see the thriller
‘Signpost to Murder’. It duly thrilled.
The Exam Department arranged an
outing to Hastings on June 2. Highlight
was reported to be a Golf Tournament.
With memories of the Rugby
Match at Margate, and the Football
Match at Southsca, this must have been
worth seeing!
Arrivals-We welcome: Mr. G. Griffin,
who has joined Home Sales Department;
Mrs. Hunt to Booking Department; and
a new voice on the telephone, that of
Miss Norma Ricketts, now at the
Library switchboard.
Departures-Alan Gilham, ho for 14
years has looked after the requirements
of schools, left recently to take up an
appointment as Visual Aids Officer.
On behalf of his colleagues, Mr. R.
Hodge handed over a cheque to buy
books of his choice at an informal
ceremon .
Miss Webb, who joined the Library
when it was evacuated to Woodchester
during the War, was presented with a
transistor radio when she left on April
Another recent departure is Guy
Gilman, who looked after Import and
Export documentation. Quiet and selfeffacing,
there may be some Perivale
readers who haven’t yet missed him.
Mrs. Lowe, Canteen Manageress. who
has suffered indifferent health for some
months has, on doctor’s orders, retired.
As she was not well enough to accept it
personally. a cheque from her colleagues
was sent to her.
Wedding.-On April 2, Miss Wends
Patterson, secretary to Mr. J. Maki)),
to Mr. Blacker. As a wedding gift, her
many friends at the Library presented
her with an electric fire and Pyrex glassware.
Progress-As we go to press, Mr.
Doug Pluck, Film Hire Manager, is
making steady progress following an
operation. No more need be said-he’ll
be back with us by the time this issue is
Golf-Several enthusiasts have joined
the recently-formed Screen Golfing Club.
At a recent tournament, Mr. Bert Tozer,
partnering Mr. H. R. A. de Jonge, came
second. Mr. A. S. J. Baker and Mr.
Charles Robb also competed and,
although they didn’t win a prize, it is
understood that they got a lot of exercise.
Tailpiece-You could take this heading
literally, says Miss Pam Gray, secretary
to Mr. Hodge. How else can be explained
the frequent washing of her car,
made necessary because of its parking
place at the Library being near a nesting
pair of starlings!
Miss Wendy Patterson with her bridegroom after
their wedding.
How Would YOU Do It?
HAVE you got any ideas on how
to set about judging beauty queens?
If so, let’s hear about them. The
committee responsible for organising
the Division’s Grand Annual Dance
and Reunion on October 19 at
Cheltenham Town Hall feel that the
former system of electing a new ‘Miss
R.P.1.1 could be bettered and would
he grateful for suggestions, which
should be sent to Mr. C. R. Steward.
Personnel Officer.
For Sale-1937 Ford Eight, still going
strong. Two-door model, colour black.
All offers considered. Apply Sister L. D.
Townroe, First Aid, Mitcheldean.
Book Now for your holidays. Fourberth
22 ft. living caravan on good site
at Burnham-on-Sea, eight minutes from
sea front. Apply Box No. 16.
For Sale-“Swan” baby pram, black and
chrome. C/W canopy. Excellent condition.
£8 10s. for quick sale-bargain.
Apply Box No. 17.
Replies to Box. Nos. should be addressed-
The Editor, VISION, Fair View, Plump
Hill, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire.
Mr. D. R. Elliott. Manager, XeroX Projects, and
Mrs. Elliott escorted Mrs. Penn (centre) to
London for the tele-recording
MANY of the Assembly and other
personnel at Mitcheldean were
intrigued some months ago when Press
& Information Officer Derek Dutton
asked them a lot of questions about
their work and themselves. Well, now
you know why! It was to select a worthy
representative of Mitcheldean to appear
as a challenger on the B.B.C.’s popular
programme ‘What’s My Line?’
Choosing one individual from the
many interesting people suggested posed
quite a problem, but the final selection of
Mrs. Monica Penn of Camera Assembly
was a popular choice, and a highly
successful one as later events were to
On a very sunny Sunday morning recently,
my wife and I had the pleasure of
escorting the very excited contestant to
London where she was to appear in the
B.B.C.’s Shepherds Bush Theatre for a
tele-recorded programme of ‘What’s My
Line?’ due for transmission on May 20.
Prior to this visit Mrs. Penn had
visited the B.B.C. Studios at White City
for interviews and final acceptability
tests which were unnerving enough to
shake even the most placid person; but
in Mrs. Penn’s words, “everyone was
kindness itself”, and the ‘butterflies’
soon disappeared.
We were met at 2.15 p.m. on this
particular Sunday by Derek Dutton who
escorted us to the Theatre Set where we
were introduced to the Producer and Set
Manager amongst others. While Mrs.
Penn disappeared behind the set to be
introduced to the many and varied
mysteries of a television production, we
spent the next two hours at rehearsals
carried out using a stand-in panel to
allow lighting, camera positions, costume
suitability and continuity to be
checked and perfected.
Having known the old Shepherds
Bush Empire in its original setting, one
had nostalgic memories of the old-time
variety stars, and marvelled at the ingenuity
of the B.B.C. technicians in
converting the old theatre into television
presentation, complete even to a staff tea
bar %% it hin easy reach of the set.
U n techn ical-Looki ng
One conjures up visions of whitecoated
technicians manning the various
cameras and electronic gadgetry, but we
were surprised to find a nonchalant
group of the most untechnical-looking
people doing a quite noisy and seemingly
disjointed job under the control of the
long-suffering but very efficient Producer
and Floor Manager.
The friendly air amongst the crews
was infectious and the general atmosphere
was one of enjoyment despite the
many alterations in lighting, drapes,
etc.-which to the layman looked perfect
the first time anyway!
Having obtained permission to use a
634 Zoom camera during rehearsals, I
felt pretty insignificat.t crouching alongside
the four television cameras, some of
This Parchment certifies that
on the night of
Slat/ ct’t1 .’t /t4 o f . hay /962
(4;, Ie-olit
“Beat the Panel- ,”What’s my Liner
B B C .7de :rise at ,
which had Zoom lenses six times as large
as the complete camera I was using.
Our waiting was rewarded by our first
sight of Mrs. Penn for her rehearsal
with the stand-in panel, and by the time
this was over we were in no doubt about
the wisdom of the choice of contestant.
Around 5.30 p.m. all the contestants
were entertained by the B.B.C. to high
tea. By 6.30 p.m. queues were already
forming outside the theatre for the first
of the two tele-recorded shows at 7.30
The show opened promptly with a
slickness and accuracy that were unbelievable
after having seen the rehearsals.
By this time we were wondering quite
how our ‘Mitcheldean hope’ was feeling
with the anticipation of the blazing lights
and the witty, polished panel of Lady
Barnett, Barbara Kelly, David Nixon
and Alan Melville, kept in check by the
able and charming chairman, Eammon
We were treated to a very enjoyable
evening’s entertainment, which included
the appearance of the mystery celebrity,
Anne Baxter, the American film and
stage actress, who failed to beat the
The highlight of our day was, of
course, when Mitcheldean’s particular
star ‘signed in’ with a flourish, looking
beautifully groomed and self-possessed.
(It was then we knew the secret of the
new brown box on the journey up;
television is very trying as regards
dresses, but Mrs. Penn showed excellent
taste and was very photogenic.)
My wife and I were absolutely breathless
with suspense until that tenth “No”
from Mrs. Penn. and we were very elated
as she was handed her certificate by
Eammon Andrews before leaving the
stage flushed with success-a popular
challenger with both panel and audience,
While the programme was being transmitted. Chris
Maisons of the Tool Room took this shot of the
television screen.
and a worthy representative of us all at
After the show the panel and officials
entertained the contestants and guests in
the reception area until the guest star,
panel and chairman were claimed by the
many autograph hunters, aged from 10
to 65, at the Stage Door. It was then we
saw how natural and friendly these stars
really are. Mrs. Penn was very popular
amongst them and I am sure one of her
most precious memories must be of
Eammon Andrews zooming on the 634
camera she so meticulously performs
on on each of her working days, with
herself in the viewfinder.
WHICH visitor, after descending the
stairs in the New Building at Mitcheldean,
walked straight into the plate glass
window, under the impression that it was
an open door? The visitor was unhurt
but the window sustained a severe
injury. It happened, by the way, on one
Friday the 13th!
WHO, in making a farewell speech to a
lady employee on her retirement, thanked
her very much ‘for what you have done
to us’?
WHO, while watching a local football
match, was mistaken for a tree by a
little dog? And what. we wonder, is the
First Aid treatment for such an injury?
WHO set a new fashion in ‘bags’ when
he emerged from a car at the Gate
House, Mitcheldean, and walked to
Stock Control office with a large plastic
bag adhering to his rear?
WHICH gentleman from Small Batch,
while on a trip to London with the
Skittles Club, went to Hammersmith
Palais and, on being asked what his
dancing partner was like, replied that it
was too dark for him to see? Must have
been on quite a blind!
WHO is the young lady who prefers to
roll her own cigarettes?
WHO became so ‘attached’ to his chair
that he thought he would have to return
home in that state? This person was also
unfortunate enough, on returning home
from a jolly party late one night, to
receive a welcome from his wife in the
shape of a knotted towel. Well, climbing
through the window like that-no
wonder she thought he was a burglar!
WHO found. on returning home one day,
that someone had pinched seven pairs of
panties from her washing-line? Modesty
forbids us to print the slightly naughty
poem which this event inspired a colleague
in Assembly to write!
WHO wrote in the dust on a certain blue
A.40: “Please clean me”?
Skittle.s. a.n.d. .Socials
THE annual outing of the Mitcheldean
Skittles Club on May 12 took the form
of a coach trip to London. Some of the
party went to Wembley and saw the
Rugby League Final; others went their
own way, but all met at Woodger Road
for the evening, as arranged by Mr. B. A.
Moger (Hon. Secretary).
A tea was laid on for us from 6 p.m.
onwards-and what a spread that was!
Sandwiches of every sort, fancy pastries,
savoury biscuits. cheese, pickles, tea,
coffee-the lot. After tea, for a while,
a Bingo session was run by Mr. Moger
and, strangely enough, only Mitcheldean
folks won!
Woodger Road Sports Club had
engaged two young fellows who sang
and played guitars and they entertained
us for the better part of two hours. One
of the younger members of our party also
did his bit to entertain us by playing the
piano and singing.
Members of the Mitcheldean Long
Service Association, who have been
entertained by Woodger Road Sports
Club on previous occasions, were not
surprised by the latter’s efforts to feed
and entertain us, but nonetheless every
one of us was deeply appreciative. On
behalf of us all I would like to tender our
thanks to the Club for making the night
one of great pleasure: we hope we may
have the pleasure of their company at
Mitcheldean Club House in the near
future when we may be able to return
their hospitality.-Gene Lark (Machine
ANOTHER Skittles event held in May was
a social evening on the 31st in the Club
House when Company ‘skittlers’ competed
against Lydney Police and Gloucestershire
Constabulary Skittles Team.
The home team won, scoring 178 against
the visitors’ 163.
A FRIENDLY match was arranged between
XeroX Ladies and Assembly
Ladies on March 14-Assembly won.
Miss Doris Barker got a spare with her
first ball but threw the other two away.
(However did she manage to take the
kelps home with her?)
In the return match on May 9 XeroX
emerged the winners aad retrieved their
Pictured here with Mr. F. Wickstead are the four men who were presented with awards for 25 years’
service at the recent Mitcheldean Long Service Association’s 9th Annual Dinner. They are (left to right):
Mr. G. R. Skipper (Service), Mr. J. Morgan (XeroX Sheet Metal), .11r. G. Fordham (Chief Inspector,
Quality Control) and Mr. F. W. Court (Production Controller). About 130 people attended the dinner,
held at the Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye, on May S. Mr. H. R. A. de Jonge, as Vice-President, proposed
the toast of the 1..S.A. and Mr. Wickstead replied; Mr. II. C. Smith, Vice-Chairman, proposed the
toast to the guests, to which Miss V. Holder from Woodger Road responded. The film ‘Alan on the
Moon’ featuring Kenneth Afore was shown during the evening.
MR. LARS WICK AI AN from Sweden, paying
a visit to Mitcheldean recently, found
our factory much altered since his last
visit in 1955. Mr. Wickman is Managing
Director of the Publishing Department
of Nordisk Rotogravyr, who publish the
magazines Foto (famous the world over
for its high quality of production) and
Filmteknik, a Swedish counterpart of
Amateur One World. Ile was particularly
impressed with our new 642 projector
series and thought they would be
of great interest in Sweden in view of the
big educational development programme
going on there. (See caption to photograph
on page 3.)
Talking of projectors in connection
with educational programmes, we are
pleased to report that substantial contracts,
including the supply of 55 Bell &
Howell ‘Filmosound’ 16 mm. sound
projectors, have been placed by the
French Ministry of Education. The
contracts are with our subsidiary company-
Rank Precision Industries, S.A..
Paris. The projectors are for the Haut
Commissariat des Sports et Jeunesse and
will be allocated to various centres in
France as part of an educational audio
visual training programme.
In Belgium our Brussels subsidiary
company has just supplied the Belgian
Ministry of Education with 70 Filmosounds
for use in that country’s educational
visual and aural aids programme.
To Derby, via Singapore
IN JANUARY this year, Eb Worsell, an
Area Controller in the Home Sales Department
at Mitcheldean, despatched
two cameras to a firm in Derby. They
went by post and the address on the
parcel was clearly and correctly stated.
Nevertheless, the consignment disappeared
into thin air.
Being advised by the Derby firm that
the cameras had not arrived, Eb sent of
a further two cameras and, meanwhile,
informed the Post Office of the loss.
Finally, on April 5, he received a letter
from the postal authorities as follows:
have to inform you that the parcel
was received in Singapore on approximately
February 28 and is being returned
to this country by the first available
How the cameras got to Singapore
remains a mystery, but the extraordinary
thing is that, had Eb stmted to send
the parcel to Singapore. there would
have been numerous forms and formalities
to be completed first. There must
be a moral somewhere!
Lucky Dogs
IF you ask Mrs. J. R. Cook of Planning
Department what her hobby is, she will
probably say ‘Schnauzers’. Don’t think
she is being impolite! Breeding and
showing standard and miniature schnauzers
and boxers is her hobby and that
of her husband too. And they have had
quite a few successes recently. At Welks
Championship Show, held at Boddington
Manor near Cheltenham in April.
their standard schnauzer bitch-Darja
Uhu Maid Marion-won the Reserve
Challenge Certificate, and two second
prizes, while their miniature schnauzer
dog-Little John of Albright-won first,
second and third prize in three classes
which had all attracted large entries.
‘Darja’, by the way, is the prefix granted
to Mr. and Mrs. Cook by the Kennel
Mrs. Cook’s boxer bitch. Burstall
Boisterous, has just been mated to an
American import whose title is Major
Lookout of Thornhall, and whose sire
has produced 25 champions! Naturally
the puppies. expected in a few days, are
eagerly awaited.
Recently wedded ‘Polyanna from
Blik’ and ‘Outlaw Chief from Blik’-
whippets belonging to Ralph Taylor
(Tool Room)-have also had some success
recently at shows. Polyanna had
two seconds in the Cheltenham Club
Show while her ‘husband’ won a second
and third at Stroud Club Show. Painswick.
Conversation Piece
CONVERSATION between Brian Wear
(Service Repair) and his companion at
lunch in the canteen is a bit stilted. It’s
not that they lack any subject for conversation,
it’s just that Federico Porta-
Borrell, a trainee from Maquinaria
Cinematografica, our distributors in
Spain, knows very little English. and
Brian knows very little Spanish. However.
with a fork in one hand and a
phrase-book in the other, Brian reports
some progress in learning Spanish but
says it is a moot point whether Federico
is learning any English!
Conversation in the Service Repair
shop is simplified by the fact that Martin
Gilroy speaks Italian, which Federico
also speaks, and he is thus able to act as
Auto loads Up the Eiger
THE Company receives at least a dozen
requests each week for the loan of cine
equipment to expeditions but in only a
few cases is this feasible. Our cameras
have travelled across Antarctica and up
Everest – and now two ‘Auto load’
cameras are to go up the Eiger, in the
Bernese Oberland, with the Scottish
Eiger Nordward Expedition this summer.
One camera will film the other, and the
resultant film will be appearing on television
at a later date. Leader of the
expedition is Mr. Tom S. G. Carruthers,
a well-known climber from Glasgow.
To Whom It May Concern !
POEMS from anonymous poets continue
to pour into the editorial office. And
talking of pouring, we reproduce here a
short effort by five thirsty members in a
Mitcheldean office who trust it will be
received in the right quarter, and in the
right spirit:
I say. I say. I say- –
Here comes the morning tea.
But who’s thrust herself before us?
A lady I can see.
I’m sure she doesn’t mean
To let our tongues hang out,
But-well, I nocr did-
Her cup is ‘neath the spout!
So may we, through this rhyme,
Appeal to her good reason
Not to jump the queue
In the coming Summer Season.
Fishing Spree
A DAY out for members and their womenfolk
was organised on May 20 by the
Mitcheldean Angling Club. Forty-three
people went to New Quay and thoroughly
enjoyed themselves-so did the
fish, for not a single one was caught!
I WO L L D like to take the opportunity
through the wide circulation of our
magazine VISION to express my sincere
appreciation to the Management and in
many, many colleagues at Mitcheldean,
for their expression of good wishes during
my present illness. I would add that, from
as far afield as America, Holland and
Norway, and from the many shipping
agents in this country with whom I do
business for our company, I have received
‘get well soon’ letters and messages. Bless
you all for your comforting words. –
V. Baxter (Import Section).
IT’S not often that VISION receives a
letter for publication. So let’s hear
from more of you readers. And please
sign your name-we won’t print it If
you don’t want us to.-Ed.
by our Special Correspondent
IT WAS not ‘Friday the Thirteenth’ for
Ivor Limbrick (Purchase) but Thursday
the nineteenth of April! Sitting behind
the wheel of the Works Covered Wagon,
he let all of the throbbing 16.9 horsepower
loose on the A.40: the town of
Beaconsfield was the end of his round-up.
“1 got it repaired, Bill, old chap: but
the silly stupid . .. engine’s broken down
again. What shall I do?” was the gist
of the telephone appeal.
“Can’t you catch a train?” was Bill’s
“What the . . .” came the colourful
rejoinder. “I’m covered in grease and
muck. Don’t leave me here, Bill, don’t
leave me here. . . . I
Wilkes-his wife won’t mind him going
out for the night!” (The reason Bill did
not send John Wilkes will be apparent
from the latter part of this article.)
“You stay where you are, Ivor, and /
will fetch you”, said Bill.
“Mind you bring something w ith
more gee-gees under the bonnet than
your Standard, or I’ll be out all night!”
was the reply.
The sequel to this story is that Bill
Beech left for his destination at ten
minutes past eleven that night and
arrived home at five the next morning or
Knowing that Ivor Limbrick was well
and truly out of the way, John Wilkes
thought it would be a good idea to
borrow the former’s car. Well, this Ford
got as far as the main gate when it burst
a tyre. Having put the spare on, John
drove another 200 yards-and tyre
number two burst!
“Can’t leave Ivor’s car like this or he
will know I borrowed it”, he muttered.
So big John trundled the spare up to
Cottrell’s for repair.
Story Number Three concerns another
John, whose surname is George, and no
doubt his colleagues in Experimental
would like to hear the true version of his
recent escapade.
Selecting a secluded spot for his car,
he proceeded to smoke, talk skittles and
football, etc.. with his girl-friend Diane.
At some late hour, show ing his prowess
as only John ‘Fangio’ George can, he
backed into one of those things you
never dream of seeing in a wood-a
ditch! After frantic revving the car
refused to move.
“The ba-ba-back wheels are burning “,
yelled Diane.
“Don’t you dare tell the boys at work
this has happened”, moaned John.
With this, Diane was quickly placed
on public transport and John resorted
to Shank’s Pony.
Can anyone guess where John was
early next day?
ON May 16 a small party was given by
the Management in the Club House at
Mitcheldean, in appreciation of an allout
effort in producing the first thousand
64) 642 projectors. About 60 people
in all took part: there were refreshments
and drinks and a very pleasant evening
was thoroughly enjoyed. Roll on two
– 999,494 – ..00ck000 –NAT’S
Putting YOU
in the Picture
The Lord Rank proposes to retire as
Chairman of the Rank Organisation Ltd.
immediately after the next Annual General
Meeting to b e held on October I 1 1962,
and will be succeeded by Mr. John Davis,
at present Deputy Chairman and Managing
Director. Mr. Davis will continue
to act as Chief Executive of the Group.
The Lord Rank, who has agreed to accept
the title of President of the Rank Organisation
Ltd., and will maintain his connection
with the Group, is retiring from
the Chairmanship of various subsidiary
companies in the Group to facilitate this
Mr. R. Tumblety was appointed
Marketing Controller for the Bell &
Howell Equipment Division as from
May 28. In this position he is entirely
responsible for the marketing of our
products and is located in London.
has been appointed Controller of Rank-
XeroX warehouse at Mitcheldean.
Miss G. S. Collins has become secretary
to Mr. R. F. Watkins, Chief Quality
Control Engineer, in place of Mrs. K.
De La Torre.
Mrs. J. R. Cook has joined Planning
Mr. W. Wood (Warehouse driver) has
left to join Rank-XeroX and Mr. M.
Goulding has come from Rank-XeroX
to take his place.
Mrs. E. Wheatley, Accounts Department,
retired in May.
Miss Kathleen Fisher has left Personnel
We regret to record the death of Mrs.
Dorothy Smith, a packer in the Warehouse.
on May 10 after a long illness.
‘ Major’ Birthdays
Assembly had two ‘twenty-firsts’ in May
-Mrs. Jane Brooks on May 17 and Mr.
Brian James on May 29.
They’re Engaged
Mr. K. Joiner (XeroX Packing) and
Miss Sheila Dance, who used to work in
Central Progress, on March 10.
Miss J. Weaver (XeroX Electrical Subs)
and Mr. R. Hill on March 31.
Miss A. Kempster (XeroX Electrical
Subs) and Mr. G. Jones (Polishing
Shop), also on March 31.
Mr. G. A. Bird (Machine Shop) to Miss
Janet Richards in March.
Miss Betty Weaving (Assembly) to Mr.
J. Marsh, R.N., on April 14.
Miss Regina Phelps (Export Sales) to
Mr. E. Tufty (T.E.D.) on April 18.
Miss Janet Arnold (Production Control)
to Mr. K. Cook (Maintenance) at
They’re Wed
Mr. B. Morgan (Machine Shop) to Miss
Doreen Harris at Bishop’s Wood Church
on March 31.
Mr. J. Jones (Building Maintenance) to
Miss Shirley Baldwin (formerly in
Assembly) on March 31 at Lydney
Registry Office.
Miss P. Buffrey (XeroX Production Control)
to Mr. D. Powell on April 24.
Miss Yvonne Meek (Production Control)
to Mr. R. Williams on May 19 at
Ruardean Church.
Miss Lois Hyett (Clean Room) to Mr.
S. Waltham (late Home Sales) at
Mitcheldean Church on June 2. Lois
has left to live at Twigworth.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams
They’ve Arrived
Susan Louise, a baby girl weighing 6 lb.
8 oz. for Mrs. M. Jenkins (Telex); she
arrived on March 7.
Alan Mark, an 8 lb. son for Mr. N.
Jones (Assembly), and his wife Margaret
(formerly in Assembly), born on March
Linda, a daughter for Mr. K. Burris
(XeroX Chaser), who made her appearance
on April I.
Mark Antony, an 81 lb. son born on
April 4 to Mr. D. A. Barnard (T.E.D.).
Deborah Lynn, a 6 lb. 8 oz. daughterlatest
issue from VISION editorial office!
Joint authors: Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Fowler; publication date: April 18.
Teresa Heather and David Nigel both
arrived on April 25 and both their
fathers work in Machine Shop. Teresa,
a daughter for Mr. R. M. Marfell,
weighed 6 lb. 3 oz., while David, a son
for Mr. M. Brookes, tipped the scales at
7 lb. 3 oz.
Debbie, a daughter for Mrs. G. Weaving,
née Dawn East, who worked in Assembly.
Born on May 1, she weighed 7 lb.
15 oz.
Christopher, a son for Mrs. Barbara
Walding (rthe Turley) from Assembly
Office. He was born on May 15, weighing
8 lb. 8 oz.
Steven Michael, a 6 lb. 15 oz. son for
Mrs. Marilyn Selwyn from Quality
Control, who arrived on May 18.
Stephen Glynn, a baby son for Mr. R.
Reid (Maintenance) and his wife Beryl
from XeroX (late Assembly). Born on
May 24. he weighed 6 lb. 13 oz.
Mr. W. Rubel, Overseas Sales Executive,
left for a lengthy sales and fact-finding
tour of Northern Africa early in Junehe
did a similar trip some months ago.
This tour is particularly relevant to 16
mm. sales and possibilities. During the
course of it he will meet (so it is
rumoured) Emperor Haile Selassie of
Ethiopia and the King of Morocco. He
will hand them a special booklet
describing all visual aids applications,
written by Mr. A. M. Hughes, Visual
Aids Officer of the British Association
for the Advancement of Science, in cooperation
with Mr. Rubel and Mr. D. V.
Dutton, our Chief Press & Information
Miss Ann Millar, whose reign as London Dairy
Princess enaed last May. with actor Richard Todd.
Congratulations to Mr. B. J. Clifton,
Educational Adviser to the Division, on
the birth of a 7 lb. 6 oz. son, David John,
on May 14.
The London Depot has been reconstituted;
it is no longer acting as an
Emergency Supply Depot for the London
dealer trade, and business is confined to
the sale of Bell & Howell equipment
both imported from America and made
in the U.K. This has necessitated some
reorganisation with certain staff changes,
and the services of Mr. R. Verhoven
(Accounts), Mr. A. Ardrey (Packing
and Despatch). Mr. C. Nicholls (Goods
Inwards Department) and Mr. R.
Dettmer (Sales Department) have been
They now have ‘Royalty’ at Hanover
Square. Miss Ann Millar, the former
London Dairy Princess, has been engaged
as receptionist/telephonist. Hope
they’re all drinking their pintamilkaday
We are sorry to have to report that Mr.
A. Atterbury, Janitor/Messenger at
Hanover Square, passed away recently.
He had been there for over ten years,
and before that he was employed at the
then Rank Cinema, the New Gallery,
for many years.
Printed by The Victor James Press Limited. Couisdon, Surrey
ii * In E ffQ iri- 1’4 -Nn–1
at Perivale. Middlesex
Offices at 37 41 Mortimer Street.
London, W.1
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square. London
The main building
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire
“M”.1 IIK111111

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