Have you ever noticed those ICI advertisements
which proclaim: “ICI exported X pounds’ worth
of goods per employee in 1960”, “ICI exports
were worth X pounds per minute”?
The ICI group is, of course, a giant by
comparison with our Division but you may be
surprised to learn that our annual export
sales run into seven figures and make a
significant contribution to the country’s
exports. Here are a few facts and figures:
Last year export sales from Mitcheldean
amounted to £870 per person employed.
Foreign currency was earned by our products
at the rate of £8 per minute of the working
Over a twelve-month period our exports of
sound projectors were greater than the
combined total of all German manufacturers’.
In five of the European Free Trade Area
countries our products command over 50 per
cent of the market, and in Commonwealth
countries the percentage is even higher.
These are facts of which any company far
larger than ours could well be proud, and our
overseas selling record will certainly bear
comparison with practically any other British
Mr. MacMillan has stated that “exporting is
fun”. In our experience it is not; it is
interesting, challenging and can be rewarding.
But it is also a tough, hard battle which
demands a combination of aggressive
salesmanship and a high quality product of
modern design sold at competitive prices,
backed up by prompt delivery.
We all play a part in ensuring that these
exacting requirements are met. Let us make
sure we go on meeting them and expand still
furthAr our share of our export markets.
ffiglgthligt….45r—–÷:791Export Manager, Mitcheldean
The Duke and Duchess of Bedford
-and a Bell and Howell ‘Autoload’
eine camera-outside the Duke’s
stately home, Woburn Abbey. Buckinghamshire.
There’s a great .torn 2
here. and you can read all about it on
pages ft and 9 of this issue.
May We Suggest
A Suggestion
THE Suggestions Committee wish to
remind employees that the Company
operate a Suggestion Scheme which
they would like to see utilised to its
full advantage. Briefly the scheme
operates as follows:
Each suggestion should be submitted
clearly on Suggestion Forms
available from the Personnel Department
and should be supported by
sketches where necessary.
Every suggestion is recorded, numbered
and acknowledged immediately
and then passed to the Head of the
Department best suited to assess its
The Suggestions Committee consider
all suggestions at monthly meetings.
If a suggestion is rejected the
reasons why are always made known to
the person who submitted it.
Where a suggestion entailing a
saving in production time or material
is adopted, an award based on 50 per
cent of the first year’s savings is given.
Other awards are made for ideas adopted
where the exact assessment of saving
cannot be made, as agreed by the
Suggestions Committee.
No employee is debarred from submitting
suggestions; the question of
whether his her idea is part of normal
job responsibility can sometimes arise
and this will be decided by the Committee.
Three awards were made to the following
employees during the month of
July: £10 14s. 3d. to Mr. S. Jones of the
XeroX Machine Shop; £10 14s. 10d.
and £5, both to Mr. B. Lewis of the Tool
Engineering Department.
A BELL & HU \\ ELL St:1A 1,X-1r…ti11i1g
Centre, the first of its kind (away from
B. & H. production plants) to provide
full training facilities, is being established
at Lagos, Nigeria, by our Division.
The Centre will train African
engineers, from the whole Continent,
in the servicing of all Bell & Howell
equipment, particularly audio-visual
products such as the ‘Filmosound’ range
of 16mm. projectors.
The emergent African nations have
shown a lively appreciation of the value
of visual aids, particularly 16mm. films,
and their application to all forms of
teaching and training. This has led to
many Africans visiting Mitcheldean for
instruction and servicing courses, and
now, becauseof their increasing numbers,
to the formation of a fully equipped
service-training centre in Africa itself.
The African centre will be controlled
by 33-year-old Mr. Geoffrey Baynham
of Ledbury. Herefordshire. He will work
in co-operation with London & Kano
Trading Company, Rank’s new distributors
for Bell & Howell products in
Mr. Baynham is an experienced
engineer who worked in the Mitcheldean
Assembly and Service departments from
1954-1957. He then went to Southern
Rhodesia to service Bell & Howell
products, and returned to England in
1960. After a further period of eight
months in Rhodesia he came back to
Mitcheldean for an intensive servicing
and management course before leaving
last June to set up the new African centre.
EVERY member of the Rank Organisation
will shortly receive a copy of the
Organisation’s Annual Report and
Accounts brochure, which will be
posted to employees’ home addresses.
As far as Mitcheldean is concerned.
this has led to some difficulty since it
appears that quite a number of people
have omitted to notify the Personnel
Department of any change in their
address since joining the Company.
🙂 Are you one of those people? If so,
? please put the matter right-it will
rave a lot of unnecessary work.
7 , V
–Pri. It: glir NIF 111, -Mil
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.’ p____, ,-*. i
c. sitooxs
Management Team (I to r), back row: Messrs. E. Alason, C. W. Bird, R. E. Baker, C. R. Steward,
J. C. C. Woods, G. S. Hemingway; front row: R. Jones. F. W. Court, F. J. Edwards (Capt.), B. J.
Ferriman, R. F. Watkins. Umpires: W. Stearn (left) and S. Newman. Apprentices Team, back row:
D. Robinson, J. Haggar, K. Horrobin, S. Phillips, C. Brown, T. Howell; front row: J. George, D. Moore,
B. W. Powell (Capt.). B. S. Hall, K. Townsend.
WHAT a match! What drama!
“We’ll play twenty overs each,”
said Bob Baker. There was no reply
from the apprentices who had agreed to
say nothing and do nothing until on the
field of play.
Out on to the pitch strolled the two
‘bought’ umpires-Bill Stearn and Sam
Newman-and the drama was on.
Placing his field carefully, Bruce Powell,
the Apprentices’ Captain, observed that
the Management openers were none
other than that dreaded local pair, Bob
Sloggem Baker and Frank Swishy
Edwards. So, knowing both their
weaknesses for leg glances, he placed
all his fielders on the leg side and got
Ken Townsend’s girl-friend, Diane, to
sit on the boundary at square leg.
But, undeterred, these two defied all
. . . by our Wicket Correspondent
and eventually scored 18 and 16
respectively. “This is an excellent start
for them,” mused Bruce, “but now
I’ve riled Ken Townsend about his girlfriend,
I’ll bring him on to bowl his
bouncers”-and with drastic effect. The
one Ken bowled at Roy Basher Jones
hit his hairy chest, clocked him on the
jaw and caused him to hit his own
wicket, and Ken finished up by not only
bowling a maiden over but also taking
a wicket.
After Roy’s 16 mils, however, there
was hardly any further resistance.
Geoff Hemingway had his wicket
broken by a ball that Ken kicked to
run him out, then came a spate of
players scoring two runs each-namely
Messrs. Watkins, Bird, Ferriman and
Eric Slasher Mason, although it would
be fair to state that the latter’s innings
was ‘not out’. Freddy Court was not out
four, but Jack C. C. Woods did not bat,
owing to the fact that the 20 overs were
up, although he did try to cook scorer
G. J. K. Birch-Birch’s score book. The
bowling analysis for the game was:
Ken Fiery Townsend-2 for 31, and
Johnny Tweaker George-5 for 33.
For the Apprentices there was not
such a bright start, although Barry
Sloshem Hall scored 19 before falling
to one of Slasher’s quicker slow ones.
Then Bruce Powell was caught, Swishy
bowled Ferriman, and Tommy Howell
went for a duck caught by Swishy again
and bowled by Slasher with one of his
slower slows.
Then to the wicket strolled Tweaker.
Umpire Sam Wobbly Newman mistook
Johnny for the bat and the bat for
Johnny, but he was soon put right.
Johnny went on to score 22 not out and
contributed a great deal towards the now
inevitable victory.
suommetmovistionsuunnor ”
FOR the third year running, Lawson
Bonser (XeroX Liaison) won the Men’s
Singles in the Mitcheldean Table Tennis
Competition, beating Gordon Pask
(Assembly). For this achievement he
has received a special prize; having a
house full of tankards already, he opted
for a clock for his mantelpiece.
In any case, he has acquired another
tankard for his success in the Men’s
Doubles when he and his partner,
“If it rains, Swishy, we’ll nip down to
the White Horse and not come back,”
Slogger was heard to say.
Then the great Steve Cutter Ferriman
nearly caused a collapse by bowling
Tony Horrobin and Dave Moore in
quick succession. But John Flasher
Haggar, with an unbeaten 19 not out,
clinched victory in the pouring rain.
Charles Crasher Brown, Dave Twiddler
Robinson and Sam Bowleg Phillips
were not required to flash the willow.
For the bowling records, Cutter took
3 for 30 and Slasher 3 for 33.
The drama over, the teams were able
to revive themselves in a suitable manner
The victors duly received their prize-a
Challenge Cup donated by Mr. F.
Wickstead (who was unable to be
present owing to a business trip to the
U.S.A.); it was kindly presented by
Mrs. Wickstead to the Captain of the
Apprentices, who will keep it until next
year’s match at Mitcheldean.
Dennis Barnard (T.E.D.), beat Gordon
Pask and John Johnson (Assembly).
There was some excellent `dartmanship’
to be seen in the finals of the Darts
Competition, rated one of the best ever.
Ken Scrivens (Warehouse) emerged
winner of the Singles, having beaten
Herbert Compton (Heat Treatment).
For the third year running, Eric Knight
and Bert Hale, representing the 641
Line, won the Doubles, their opponents
being Lawson Bonser and Roy Powell
of Design Department.
New teenage singing idol Shane Fenton and the Fentones being filmed by a member of his fan club with
a Bell & Howell camera during one of his recording sessions.
ENGINENGEINEEERR Harry Helm can call the
from a shed in his garden.
For the Lancashire lad in Mitcheldean’s
Production Engineering Department is a
‘ham’-the name given to operators of
amateur radio stations.
Harry has been a keen radio enthusiast
since childhood. One of his
earliest experiments with radio took
place when he was 13 years old. He
rigged up an unofficial extension in his
bedroom so that he could ‘listen in’
while in bed. Constant opening and
shutting of the door broke the fine
wires which this arrangement entailed
and young Harry had to re-connect
them. But he made some mistake in
doing so and when father switched on
the set downstairs every valve in it
went bust!
While still an apprentice engineer,
Harry became interested in amateur
radio; he learned the morse code and
then applied for a licence to operate his
own radio station. In those days
applicants had not only to pass a morse
test but also to write an essay giving
their reasons for wanting a licence.
Harry was duly granted one, but, as
he was under 21, his father (who
couldn’t even mend a fuse!) was made
legally responsible. He was allotted a
code sign for identification purposes –
G2COH -and began work on his radio
station. But this was in 1939, and he
had only held his licence for a few
months before the war started and the
Post Office came and removed his kit.
‘ HAM’
Harry G2C’011 at his radio
station. Pinned up on the
wall are cards he has
received from other ‘hams’
all over the world.
He didn’t get it all back until March
Incidentally, while Harry was doing
war service overseas the 40-ft. aerial
mast collapsed over the parental roof!
It was not until 11 years ago, when
Harry came to live in Gloucestershire,
that he was able to set up home and
re-establish his station. His main
interest is in building transmitters but
he enjoys contacting other ‘hams’ all
over the world, even behind the Iron
Curtain. Conversations are usually
kept to technical matters. But occasionally
there is good excuse for a nice
chat-when, for example, Harry became
‘reunited’ over the air with a chap he
had met years before while in the
‘ Calling Anyone’
When a ‘ham’ wants to make contact
with anyone available, he switches on
the receiver and listens for someone
calling ‘CQ’ which means ‘Calling
anyone’. If he wants to answer the call,
he changes to the transmitter and gives
his code sign. Then, if the first caller
so wishes, they can talk to each other.
Incidentally, the ‘G’ at the beginning
of Harry’s code sign indicates that he is
in England. Most amateurs speak
English and there is in use a ‘ham’
language-a kind of pigeon English.
A special ‘Q’ code which is transmitted
by means of morse enables all nationalities
to communicate with each other,
no matter what their respective language.
Following their conversation, the
‘hams’ usually exchange cards by post,
using a special forwarding system
operated by the Radio Society of Great
Britain, of which Harry is a member.
This saves considerable spending on
postage to far distant places.
One card Harry received was from
Tobago in the West Indies. This was
from a certain Jack Lambert. an
electrician employed on the 35 mm.
OUR last teaser really stirred the longhaired
mathematicians into feverish
activity. Cups of tea grew cold and
wives gossiped unheard, as they scratched
among greasy locks in an attempt to
activate lethargic brains. A few appealed
for release from their torture. This
your correspondent mercifully granted,
chuckling with Mephistophilic gratification.
You will recollect that I stressed that
factorial four. which is written either
14 or 4!, is equal to 24. This was the
key to almost all the answers. Here
they are then, but please note that the
exclamation mark after brackets indicates
that the quantity within the
brackets is to be treated factorially:
[1—A/(1–: I )] ! =4! : 22-1-2=24 :
[3 -(3÷-3)F -4! : [4×4+4]!=4! :
film side of the Rank Organisation.
Jack met Harry while visiting Mitcheldean
during a break in the filming of
‘Cleopatra’. When he subsequently
went to Tobago as a member of the
camera crew filming ‘The Swiss Family
Robinson’. he took with him a portable
transmitter receiver and got in touch
with other ‘hams’.
But perhaps the most prized among
his cards is that from a Frenchman
addressed to ‘Sir Harry Helm’ !
[5-(5÷5)]! =4! : 6 < 6 -6 =24 :
V(7-i–7)]!=4! : [8-V(8 -8)]!=4!:
[v 9 – (9 ÷9)]!=4!
I feel it is time your Mad Mathematician
had a rest from his activities and,
to conclude the present series, I give you
a teaser which I have endeavoured to
solve for the last twenty years. I have
not succeeded, neither have I found
anyone able to show me how to arrive
at the answer. It was given in a wellknown
daily paper and the answer
was supplied in a later issue, but not
the method of solution. I shall be very
delighted if anyone can relieve my
Here is the problem: A dog is standing
at one corner of a rectangular field
60 yds. by 25 yds. (see sketch). A rabbit
starts from a hole at the other end of
the 25-yd. side, adjacent to the dog.
The rabbit runs along the 60-yd. side
to a hole at the other end, the dog
immediately giving chase. The dog
runs 13 yds. to every 12 yds. run by the
rabbit. Where is the dog when the
rabbit disappears down the other hole?
(See bottom o f p a g e I I for answer.)
H. Hartley (Polishing & Plating Shop)
RA(3131-CS N UN
The Duke and Duchess of Bedford using a Bell & Howell 70 DR model. In the background is Woburn Abbey
At Pets Corner are Shrew: an,/ 3:eean child, me
our Mr. G. E. A. Perutz (General Manager, International
AN International Amateur Film Festival
that is expected to attract
amateur cine enthusiasts from all over
the world is to be held in this country at
the end of September. And the setting
for it is to be Woburn in Buckinghamshire,
the ancestral home of the Duke of
A cinema is being specially built for
the occasion alongside the 400-year-old
Abbey, and all projection and technical
arrangements are being looked after by
our Division.
There are some splendid prizes to be
won. A two-week holiday for two at
Nassau in the Bahamas (with flight
donated by Cunard Eagle Aviation Ltd.
at best class available on departure
date) is being offered by the Duke as
first prize in the 1962 Woburn Abbey
Amateur Film Competition.
Other prizes include a Bell & Howell
Lumina projector, donated by our
Division, and an elegant Woburn
Trophy to be personally presented by
the Duke.
Any film taken at Woburn this season
qualifies for entry; it can be a family
`snapshot’ type movie, travelogue, or
story picture using Woburn as the
`backdrop’, and it can be sound or
silent, 8 or 16 mm., black and white or
in colour.
There will also be a special youth
section for those under 18 filming at
Movies will not be allowed in the
Abbey itself, but the surrounding parkland
offers unlimited opportunities for
filming. There are herds of deer, bison
and wallabies; numerous unusual and
colourful birds; and ‘Pets Corner’-a
miniature zoo which always delights
child visitors.
In addition to the Woburn competition,
there will be a section for the
world’s best amateur films, submitted
by leading amateur movie organisations
and representing the best efforts of their
respective countries. These will be
judged by universally accepted experts.
including the Duchess of Bedford who,
before her marriage, was a leading film
Prizes being awarded in this section of
the festival include a luxury holiday tour
of Britain for two, similar to ones being
offered to American tourists at a
thousand dollars a head, and a Woburn
Trophy to be presented by the Duke.
If this first effort proves to be a
success-and it looks like being one-it
is hoped to establish the Woburn International
Amateur Film Festival as an
annual event.
Do -It- Yourself Advice
EXPERT advice on colour home movies
will form part of an advisory service
provided by our Division for visitors
to the 10th International Handicrafts
and Do-It-Yourself Exhibition at the
National Hall, Olympia, London (September
We shall be displaying our newest
8 mm. cine equipment, including the
Sportster VI and the Lumina II. In
addition, theCompany will be assisting the
exhibition in another way by providing
full projection equipment, and an operator,
for the 290-seat Exhibition Cinema
where visitors can attend film shows.
Monsieur NI. de Cerjat a leading
personality of the French photographic
industry, has been appointed the
Directeur General Adjoint of our
subsidiary, Rank Precision Industries
S.A., Paris.
He joined Rank Precision during the
early part of 1961, particularly to
control the distribution of Bell &
Howell 16mm. audio-visual equipment.
a – – :.1.114%1664b41- -2a-4k
M. Pierre G. Monte!. French magazine editor
and book and magazine publisher ( Paul Monte!
Publications S.A.. Paris). and his wife talking to
Mr. T. A. Baxter (Quality Control) during their
visit to Mitcheldean. Far left is Mr. Gerry Polling
who looked after the visitors on behalf of the Press
and Information Office.
Mr. Ashraf, the founder of the Company
who are our distributors in Kuwait-
Ashraf Brothers-together with the
present Manager of the Company, Mr.
Rahim, and his wife.
Dr. Silvio Belleni, who has recently
undertaken the responsibility for the
marketing of Bell & Howell products
with our distributors in Italy, Ferrania
Mr. 0. Flatner of the Norwegian
Merchant Seamen’s Welfare Servicevery
big users of our equipment which
they install on vessels of the Norwegian
Merchant Navy, one of the biggest in
the world.
WHO, alter breaking a false tooth from
their dental plate, stuck it back on with
glue? We hear its bite is as good as ever.
WHO sold a barrel full of ashes for
4s. 6d.?
WHICH member of Mitcheldean Cine
Club did the forbidden thing and
stopped his Hillman Minx on the M.50?
Well, he didn’t actually stop it-the
brakes seized up and he had to wait
for the police to run him in.
WHY have members of Small Batch
Department taken to wearing snorkels
and flippers when they come to work
after heavy rainfall?
WHO went to a dance and got locked
in the lavatory so securely that the
door had to be broken down?
WHICH member of the Engineering
Department fished for thirteen and a half
hours without a bite?
WHO came to work on their birthday,
so excited, that they forgot to wear an
essential item of clothing?
WHICH `Neddy’, alias ‘Fred Nurk’, is
now making a study of time and motion?
WHO not only forgot his wedding
anniversary but also failed to remember
how long he had been married?
WHICH employee from the Assembly
Department bought a second-hand car
that blew up before he could get it home?
He can truthfully say it went like a
WHO had such a convivial time inside
the White Horse that he was nearly
home before he remembered he had left
his dog outside the inn?
WHOSE goat, recently acquired and
tied to a stake in the paddock, got so
orked up during a recent storm that it
ran round and round the stake at an
ever-increasing speed and is believed to
have become airborne?
WHICH executive arrived with his
family in Belgium for a holiday and had
to ‘phone London to find out where he
was staying because he’d forgotten?
WHO wrote:
I ask a simple question;
The truth is all I wish.
Are all fishermen liars,
Or do only liars fish?
Recognise these ‘country yokels’ ‘ They are (hp)
Frank Simmons (Xerox) and ‘Chippy’ Moore
(Tool Room) acting in the Mitcheldean Cine Club’s
new comedy about a car rally. The film, directed by
Des Haines (Cutter Grinder) and Jim Wedderburn
(Tool Room), should be ready for showing soon.
Cine Club Keeps Busy
THE Cine Club at Mitcheldean recently
joined forces with the Tewkesbury Cine
Club for an enjoyable trip up the River
Avon to Strensham Lock, accompanied
by their cameras. The results of the
evening’s filming are to be shown when
the two clubs get together later on.
Tewkesbury Cine Club are also planning
to pay a visit to Mitcheldean and join
the Rank Club in a filming trip in the
Forest of Dean.
Another interesting event in the Cine
Club’s full programme was on July 16
when they welcomed Mr. Spark of the
Garrard Engineering Co. who demonstrated
the various aspects of tape
recording and the basic requirements for
a good system in the home. Mr. Spark
showed a new technique w ith tape, for
operating the changer on a slide projector,
which he is developing commercially,
and also gave a preview of the
new Garrard portable tape deck.
On leaving, Mr. Spark promised a
return visit with one of his colleagues
after the holiday period, and mentioned
that a visit to his factory by Club members
would be welcomed.
September 23 is the date fixed for a
Treasure Hunt arranged by the Club.
Non-Club members are welcome,
whether they come by car, scooter, or
just plain bike.
All for the Price of One !
AS many of you know, our XeroX 914
Copiers are hired out to users. The hire
charge is so much per number of copies
obtained from the machine, a counter
incorporated in the Copier ensuring that
the correct charge is made. That is,
until an ingenious hirer in a certain
Middle East country hit upon a method
of fixing the machine to feed a continuous
paper roll. By cutting this after it had
taken the number of copies he wanted, he
obtained innumerable copies for the price
of one! But our Electrical Laboratory
state that they have now developed a
way of getting round this one!
Black -Out’ Problem Overcome
THE Press and Information Office held a
demonstration at Goldsmiths’ College,
University of London, on August 14
when Model 641 and 642 projectors
were shown screening films on to a
Lenticular screen, in broad daylight.
This was so that technical writers and
education magazine editors could see
that we have now overcome the problem
of having to ‘black-out’ rooms before
films can be used by teachers.
During the summer the Audio-Visual
Department organised and ran a Film-
Making Course at Goldsmiths’ College
as part of the curriculum for student
teachers. The instructors were Mr.
Barry Clifton, our A-V Advisor, and
his assistant, Mr. John Lurcook.
Housing Scheme Progress
AT the time of going to press, eight of
the houses being built for employees in
Mitcheldean were completed and already
occupied. A further twelve flats are
nearing completion and will be occupied
in the near future.
The answer was given as 6i yds. from the
final rabbit hole.
Pin-Pal !
A PACK of pins brought Ann, daughter
of Mr. W. McKenzie (XeroX Machine
Shop), a husband from ‘down under’.
While working in a pin factory she
slipped a card bearing her name and
address into a pack of pins. This pack
duly became the property of a lady in
Queensland, Australia, who found the
card and gave it to her son, Barrie
McDowell. He decided to write to Ann
and ask her to become his pen-pal.
Their correspondence led to romance
and this summer Barrie travelled to
England to make Ann his bride.
C. D. Course
YOU may have noticed, some time ago,
a number of Civil Defence wagons, etc.,
arriving at Mitcheldean. The reason
was not some national emergency, but
the arrival of some 60 members sent for
a projector instruction course by the
Regional Civil Defence Headquarters
for the South-West Area.
Case Shop Burnt Out
THE one-storey building at the Litson
Joinery Works at Mitcheldean, to which
our own Case Shop had recently moved,
was completely
in July. Damage done was estimated at
about £15,000.
Fortunately the fire occurred at about
6.30 p.m. when no one was in the
building. The alarm was quickly given
but by the time the firemen arrived, the
roof of the building was ablaze and it
collapsed within seconds.
As from July 28, Litson’s have taken
over the manufacture of cases for our
Gordon Gets a Shock
WE were very pleased to see Gordon
Fisher and his wife again when they
paid a recent visit to Mitcheldean.
Gordon (formerly in Electrical Laboratory)
is now employed at Woodger Road.
We are glad to know that he is in
excellent health, despite a recent shock.
His daughter Ann (late of the Drawing
Office) went to take up a job in South
Africa. Then one day, without warning,
Gordon received a ‘phone call from
BOAC who asked him to send a cheque
for £130 as his daughter was on the way
home. Quite the most expensive case of
`reversed charges’ we’ve ever heard of!
by our Special Correspondent
To the envy of all his fellow inspectors
and friends, into the factory rolled
Chris Mayo (XeroX) and his new
Zephyr-Chris with that ‘I’ve got a
brand new car’ grin plastered all over
his face.
“I’ll park next to Don’s today-that
will make him dead jealous; Friday
next to Trey’ and Monday next to Jack
Baxter “, he muttered.
But alas, Monday was the day of the
Great Fire (not Litson’s, by the way,
but one directly behind Jack Baxter’s
and Chris’s new car). Of course, no
portable fire extinguishers were handy.
However, in rushed Ralph Taylor and
company muttering: “Fine time to
have a fire, now it’s our dinner time”,
and all was over.
Bill Jenkins (XeroX Production Control)
now has a ‘Bull Nose’ Morris
Minor after that crate from the Plessey
Company fell on it.
Do any of you chaps (or ladies)
remember the original ‘Bull Nose
Morris’? My motoring genius, Billy
Butler (Jig and Tool Dept.) recalls the
following facts: The ‘Bull Nose Morris’,
first produced in 1923, was fitted with a
four-cylinder, 11.9 horse-power side
valve Hotchkiss engine and transmission
was via a Torque Tube. It had three
forward gears and one reverse. The
suspension was elliptic all round, and
‘Artillery’ wheels were fitted, the spare
being mounted outboard on the side.
It had a starter-dynamo which was
chain-driven from behind the flywheel.
Its flat-out, top speed was 65 m.p.h. but
it was never raced.
Eventually it was discontinued and
replaced by the ‘Square Nose Morris’
which was not such a good car.
The ‘Bull Nose Morris’ was used as
the basis for the first M.G. (If anyone
has any comments to make on the above
data I should be glad to have them.)
Harry Helm (P.E.D.) tells me that
Mrs. Primrose McCormick (XeroX)
couldn’t find her car a short time ago;
but the milkman did. Trouble was, it
was upside down at the bottom of a
nearby hill. Do you know I think it
must have had enough of being driven
by a woman, don’t you, chaps?
Have You Heard ?
THEY say that the bees are going on
strike-for shorter flowers and more
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Tied Up – But Not Teed Up – Mr.
Bert Tozer has reason to remember
July 6. It was the day he got married
and the day he had his golf clubs stolen.
There is no reason not to assume that
he found out he was married on the
day it happened, but he didn’t find out
about the loss of his golf clubs until the
following Sunday when he went to
Perivale Golf Club to learn that thieves
had broken in and made a clean sweep
of members’ clubs, his own included.
Bert, an enthusiastic golfer. has
talked more about his lost clubs than
about his marriage! But this column is
able to report that the new Mrs. Tozer
is Miss Childs-that-was-until recently
an audio-typist in Dictorel.
Situation Vacant – It is difficult
to envisage the Social and Sports Club
without its Secretary, but such is now
the case. Mr. Derek Moore, who has
held this office for 5 years, left the
Company on July 22 to take up a
new appointment. Hardworking and
persevering in his work on its behalf,
Derek made no secret of the fact that
his position as Club Secretary gave him
much pleasure-an unusual comment in
these days when responsibilities outside
the minimum required by the working
day are not welcomed.
Much of the success of the social
occasions organised at the Library has
been due to his untiring efforts, and in
recognition of his work the Social Club
Committee presented him with a
cigarette case when he left. From his
many friends and colleagues at the
Library came a transistor radio and a
As we go to press the vacant office has
not been filled. Any offers?
On the Move-Following upon Derek’s
departure, Mr. Don Clarke has transferred
from Publicity Department to
Pat and Bob Strand after their wedding
Booking Department as assistant to
Mr. R. Hoodless. Mr. Max Bard has
joined Publicity Department as assistant
to Mr. A. J. Latreille.
Comings and Goings-Mrs. Wendy
Blacker, secretary to Mr. J. Maltby
(and an active Social Club Committee
member), left us on July 27. Miss Anne
Wilson who, as assistant to Derek in
Maritime, helped considerably with his
Club secretarial chores, has also left.
Another departure, prior to getting
married, is that of Miss Jenny Humphreys,
Dictorel’s pin-up girl. Latest
Miss to become Mrs. is Pat Burke,
secretary to Mr. Hurrell, Film Hire
Department. who was married to Bob
Strand on June 2. Bob, who left the
Library about a year ago. will be
remembered by many as assistant to
Mr. A. Francis.
New arrivals at the Library include
Miss Pike. Booking Department. and
Mr. Gupta, Film Stores.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
* Keep Friday, October 19, * * free. That’s when we’re *
holding our
* at Cheltenham Town Hall * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Putting YOU
in the Picture
SOME of our Sales Department colleagues
have reluctantly left us during
recent weeks-they have moved back
to London because of reorganisation
of The Rank Organisation marketing
structure and are now settled into
Mortimer Street offices.
Brand Manager Mr. R. Fowler has
left the Company to join an advertising
agency in Cheltenham.
Mrs. Muriel Hunt has been appointed
assistant to the Personnel Officer; she
formerly worked with the National
Coal Board.
Mr. A. Hatch has taken over as Supervisor
of the Paint Shop, Mr. G. Douglas
now being in charge of the XeroX
Paint Shop.
We are pleased to welcome back to
work Mr. E. Worsley (Assembly
Progress) after his absence on sick
Mr. R. Brookes has taken over the
running of the Wages Department
following the departure of Mr. F.
Mr. R. Hicton (Purchase) has left the
Company to take up a post in London.
His move means that we also lose his wife
Ann. secretary to Mr. A. J. Pincombe.
Miss Pamela Meredith has transferred
from Export Sales to become secretary
to Mr. D. R. Elliott. Manager, XeroX
Projects; she replaces Mrs. Gwen Jones
who has left, after eight years’ service,
to become a full-time housewife.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. F. Woman
New faces in the Cost Office, Accounts,
belong to Miss Marie French, who has
rejoined us. Mr. A. Allen and Mr.
N. J. Ball.
Mrs. Brenda Scott, secretary to Mr.
D. V. Hopes, Export Manager, has left
as she and her husband have moved
house to Hereford. Miss Anne Hamblin
has taken her place.
Miss Ruby Beddis has been appointed
secretary to Mr. W. E. Blaich; she
replaces Miss Joan Jackson.
Miss Pauline Jones has joined Goods
Inwards Office to take the place of Miss
Beryl Hale who left to get married in
Miss Josephine Dobbs has joined
Purchase Department.
Mrs. Margaret Loade (a Long Service
member) of the Press Shop and Mrs.
Margaret Liddiatt from Warehouse
have left to await ‘happy events’.
Mr. M. Gilroy has left Service Repair
to take up teaching in a technical
Mr. R. Skyrme has joined Central
Progress, replacing Mr. P. Patterson.
Miss Moyra Oxenham has joined
Mr. A. W. Thorpe (T.E.D.) has left.
They’re Engaged
Miss Barbara Williams (Cashier’s Office)
to Mr. J. Wright on June 23.
Mr. K. Ambury (Service Repair) to
Miss June Pardington on June 25.
Miss Ruby Boseley (Telephone Exchange)
to Mr. J. Bowkett on August 8.
They’re Wed
Miss Betty V eaN ing (Assembly) to
Leading Seaman .1. Marsh at St.
Stephen’s, Cinderford, on June 28.
Miss Sheila Sollars (Telephone Exchange)
to Mr. F. Weyman at the
Methodist Church, Lydbrook, on July
14. Brother Arthur Sollars (Mechanical
Laboratory) decorated the cake.
Miss Margaret Carpenter (Wages) on
July 28 at the Baptist Chapel, Ross-on-
Wye, to Mr. A. Morgan.
Mr. W. Jenkins (Tool Room) to Miss
Barbara Short on July 28 at Coleford
Congregational Chapel.
Miss Pearl Phillips (XeroX Electrical
Subs) to Mr. R. Grindle at Lydney on
July 28.
Mr. C. Brooks (Quality Control) to
Miss Lynne Williams at Walford Parish
Church on August 4.
‘ Major’ Birthdays
Mrs. Beryl Robins (XeroX Electrical
Subs) celebrated her 21st birthday on
July 12.
They’ve Arrived
Elaine, a daughter for Mrs. Olwen
Breeze from XeroX, who was born on
June 22 and weighed 7 lb. 8 oz.
Timothy Charles, a 7 lb. 14 oz. son for
Mr. R. Jones (Tool Room) and his wife
Mona, who arrived on June 23. Many
will recall the sterling service which
Mona used to render in the First Aid
Department before she left last Christmas.
David, a baby boy for Mrs. Marfell
(formerly Rose Taylor, 634 Camera
Line), who arrived on June 27.
Fiona Joan, an 8 lb. second daughter for
Mr. N. Tranter (Production Control),
who was born on July 5.
Linda Rosemary, a baby girl for Mr.
J. Smith (Planning Department). She
arrived on July 13, weighing 6 lb. 7 oz.
Nicola Jane, a second child for Mr. D.
V. Hopes, Export Manager, arrived on
August 6; weight 6 lb. I5oz.
Seven little puppies, a healthy litter for
Burstall Boisterous and Major Lookout
of Thornhall! Mother is a boxer
belonging to Mrs. J. R. Cook of
Planning Department.
%fr. and Mrs. .4. Morgan C. SPOOKS
is a name you will be hearing
more of in the future. What it is
and how we-as a company-come
to be involved will be the subject
of an article in our next issue.
We are sorry to learn of the death of a
Long Service member-Mr. Henry
Haben -known to many at Mitcheldean,
where he worked for a number of years
before going to Woodger Road. He was
on the retired list when he was taken ill
and died early in July
Miss Chris Mcl…nn has joined the
Press and Information Office. She is no
stranger to our business activities
because she comes to us from the
editorial staff of Industrial Screen
magazine, with which we have always
had close relations. Miss Vivienne
Hardy left the office on June 28 to get
married the very next day.
Theory about Pythagoras
DO you know the origin of the Pythagoras
theorem? Well, someone in the
Service Department explained it like
this. There was a Red Indian called
Pythagoras. He had three wives, who
slept respectively on beds of cowhide,
buffalo hide and hippopotamus hide. The
wife who slept on the cowhide bed had
one son; the wife who slept on the
buffalo hide had one son; and the wife
who slept on the hippopotamus hide had
two sons. Hence. the squaw on the
hide of the hippopotamus is equal in sons
to the squaws on the other two hides!
Printed by The Victor James Press Limited. Coulsdon. Surrey
-r9D 11:112r gr.”111-711 urierit
The Rank Film Library
at Perivale, Middlesex
Offices at 37/41 Mortimer Street,
London, W.!
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire
1111111P Mr 111111iN