Return to 1960-1964

Vision 017

At this t:me of the year I suppose most of ourproposed changes in habits and life in the
form of New Year resolutions have ‘gone by the
Is it not an odd thing that changes about
which we personally can do something
immediately, seem to melt like snow in the
sun, or – as in the foregoing theme – like New
Year resolutions in February; whilst
fundamental changes affecting our whole lives
are endured and accepted without question.
It is difficult to imagine life without motor
cars, radios, washing machines, television,
pop records, frozen foods and cine cameras and
projectors, yet only forty years ago most, if
not all, of these accepted aids to modern
living did not exist.
Let us take as our example cine cameras and
projectors. If certain developments had not
taken place in this field, and change been
readily accepted by a large group of people,
our own Cine & Photographic Division would not
have been established.
Are we ready to accept change in these days of
rapid development?
Our children are better educated, and will
become more so with the advent of new teaching
methods. Our jobs require more specialised
knowledge and will demand more in the future.
Competition will become even more fierce if we
do, or do not, join the European Market.
Established products will become out-moded and
new ones requiring new techniques and qualifications
will take their place.
What are we going to do as individuals to meet
this challenge? May I suggest a determination,
firstly to accept changes readily and, secondly,
not to be left behind in educational and
technological advances.
Facilities exist in the part-time educational
establishments for each and every one of us to
improve our individual ‘lot’. Why not enquire
at the Personnel Office where information is
readily available, together with details of
the Company’s scheme for financial awards on
the successful completion of studies?
___=arq, Personnel, Education & Training Manager. ma
After the presentation, the award winners posed for this photograph. With them in the picture are
Mr. F. Wickstead. Chief Executive. Mr. C. W. Hotchen. Chief Production Executive, Mr. F. J. Edwards.
Personnel. Education and Training Manager, and Mr. C. R. Steward. Personnel Officer.
Winners o f Awards
A WIDE cross-section of employees
assembled in the board room at M itcheldean
recently to receive from the
Chief Executive, Mr. F. Wickstead.
financial awards either for the successful
completion of a course of studies, or for
ideas accepted under the Company’s
suggestion scheme.
Those receiving awards for prostudies
were: M. Dunn-Grad.
I.Mech.E.; R. Baldwin-Grad. 1.E.E.;
G. H. Meek-A.M. B.1.E.T.; A. E.
Hartley-O.N.C. (Elec.); J. G. K. Birch,
C. NI. Brain and R. Bailey-O.N.C.
(Mech.); M. R. Salmon-Inter. City &
Guilds; A. Harris, R. K. Price, W. G.
Read and R. S. Childs-S.1 and S.2
Operatives Course.
Awards under the suggestion scheme
were made as follows: A. S. Moore
(Plating Shop): £31 Is. 10d.; C. G.
Weaver (Machine Shop): £25 19s.;
L. Hart (Training School): £20: and
A. W. Thorpe (formerly T.E.D.):
£15 6s. 3d.
New Marketing Company
In order to rationalise export distribution
of Bell & Howell products, a new
Bell & Howell company has been set up
in London under the management of
Mr. G. E. A. Perutz. formerly our
General Manager, International Operations,
to handle the marketing of Bell &
Howell products from M itcheldean. in the
majority of our overseas territories The
entire range of 16 mm. sound projectors
will continue to be supplied from Mitcheldean
and we shall still be selling direct
to our associate companies in Australia
and New Zealand. Mr. J. Ash and Mr.
P. Le Feuvre have left us to join the new
company: the rest of the Export Department
will remain substantially as
hitherto at Mitcheldean under the
management of Mr. D. V. Hopes.
Export Manager.
Christmas Spirit
THE Christmas spirit has been helped
along by the usual round of departmental
parties at Mitcheldean. Machine
Shop were first with theirs at the White
Heart, Cinderford on December 14. Production
Control had theirs on the 19th at
the White Hart also, while Accounts
held theirs the following day
at the Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye.
Assembly felt it advisable to have a
‘warming-up’ party on the 11th at the
White Hart to get everybody in trim for
their bigger event on December 21 at
the Chase. Service Department have
theirs yet to come-on January 11 at
firockhampton Court Hotel.
Accidentally dropped in a London swimming
pool while being used to take hand-held shots
of English swimming hope, 17-year-old Judy
Gegan, this ‘Sundial’ 8 mm. camera came
back to Mitcheldean’s Service Department.
But, despite its ducking, it was found to be in
good working order! Judy’s coach, seen
reaching for the camera, is well-known
vIvimming trainer Reg Laxton. Centre is
Alan Gill of ‘Amateur Cine World’ maga-
:ine. who is helping to take study films of
Judy’s swimming actions. PRESS OfEICE
In this second article, General Marketing
Manager Jack Duffel’ explains what
is so special about
ttE Pentax is more than just a
1 camera, it’s a complete system of
photography-a system which would
cost the enthusiastic ‘still’ photographer
who wants one of everything over
£1,435! The ‘everything’ ranges from a
1,000 mm. lens which measures 46 inches
from end to end and weighs 30 lb. to a
small adaptor which allows the camera
to be fitted to a microscope.
Indeed, it doesn’t matter how far
away or how close the object you want
to photograph-the Asahi Pentax has a
lens or accessory for the job.
The basic unit of the system is the
camera itself, known technically as a
single-lens reflex. This means that the
image observed in the viewfinder is
exactly that ‘seen’ by the lens. This is
important in many ways.
No Executions!
For instance, you may notice that in
pictures taken by your friends with box
or other snapshot-type cameras, part of
the subject (such as the top part of a head
in a portrait) is sometimes ‘cut off’.
They didn’t realise this would happen
when they took the picture because the
image they saw in their viewfinder was
probably perfectly centred.
However, what they did not realise
was that the viewfinder on their camera
is situated in a different position to the
lens, and therefore, particularly in
close-up, ‘sees’ a different image.
Accuracy and Versatility
There is no such irritating drawback
with the Pentax. As the viewfinder
image is exactly what the lens ‘sees’, you
know at the outset exactly what picture
you are going to get. Consequently,
pictures taken on a Pentax can be composed
to a fine degree of accuracy.
But more important than the snapshotting
aspect of this fine camera is the
versatility afforded the serious photographer
who demands the ultimate in
technical perfection. For the l’entax, as
a system, offers both ambitious amateur
and skilled professional the most comprehensive
range of accessories in the
35 mm. field today.
We have already touched on the
microscope adaptor-used for laboratory
work in photographing clinical
slides-and the 1,000 mm. lens. In
between these two extremes the Pentax
owner can photograph practically anything
An inviting landscape? There’s a
The Pentax System offers a lens for every photographic purpose jrum 35min to 1.000mm.
superb wide-angle lens that’ll bring the
whole panoramic sweep within the
photographer’s orbit. Interested in
insects? Special lens attachments permit
larger-than-life close-ups of the smallest
of them. Want to take candid-camera
shots? Believe it or not, there’s an
attachment for this too! It fits on the
viewfinder and allows the photographer
to look one way while his camera looks
the other!
There’s also an intriguing accessory
for spectacle-wearers. It’s a lensless
eyepiece which clips on to the viewfinder.
The idea is that the owner takes it along
to his optician who mounts an optic in it
to match his spectacle lenses. The
camera can then be used without the
operator being inconvenienced by wearing
This simple idea is typical of the
ingenuity and forethought built into the
Pentax system, a system which has
already commended itself to photographers
over the whole country.
Perhaps a fitting ending to this article
would be to quote one enthusiastic
Pentax shown here in position with right angle
finder, bellows unit and copying stand.
dealer who recently told us that he has
‘never before had the pleasure of
handling such finely-made miniature
From the sales achieved so far, it is
evident that the photographic public
echoes his sentiments!
a short treatise on how to be with it. If you don’t dig,
there’s just no hope of graduating as a neat beat, Dad!
LIKE man, this breeze is to blow to you how to be with it. All you gotta do is
dig two things. Like it’s natch, the first thing you gotta be with is the beat.
Second, you gotta be with the glitch speech.
It’s basic, Dad. If you don’t dig those two, you’re not never going to get your
diploma. You just ain’t going to be a neat beat.
What’s more, man, if you don’t dig those two, you’d best brush up your infittit.l.
cause you’re a long time gone. Like man, you’re a Blue-Moon.
If you warn:a be with the beat, you gotta be hep. Slick click, man? You gotta
get with it and then move like you’re mobile. You do this, man, and you’ll find
it cool, real cool.
Like this ginch talk jazz. You squares dig it as crazy. Well drag, it’s just that
and, man, it’s real crazy. It’s the ginchiest, the coolest, the utmost. Like, man,
it’s the living end.
It’s real simple, you ain’t nothing but a square if ya don’t dig it. I’ll slip you a
basic burst: “We killed the pad and jumped the skate, burned the shorts and
longs at the cross and mooched the ribbon a few and a bit metres to dig how
the circle churned down at the next Antsville.”
Like man, I told you it was easy to dig. It’s basic. You get with the talk and
the beat and slam-bam, man, you’re in. That’s it, squares. I’ll stash the trash
and fade out. WOWSVILLE!’
the family record .
A happy picture of Dick and his wife Violet at home
IF THERE were 25-year Long Service
awards for families, as distinct from
individuals, then such an award would
be due four times over to the Payne
Talking to Richard (‘Dick’) Payne in
XeroX department, VISION learned of
the outstanding record of service which
he, his wife, son. daughter-in-law and
brother have all given and-with the
exception of the womenfolk-are still
continuing to give to the Organisation.
Let’s take the head of the family first.
Dick was one of those pioneers who
arrived at Mitcheldean from Woodger
Road, Shepherds Bush, in November
1940 to start the factory going. That
makes his contribution 22 years.
years’ service
Then there’s his wife Violet, affectionately
known as Vicky or Auntie Vi. She
started the first 33 Stores and was with
the Company 14 years, not to mention
two years doing part-time work.
His son Ron came into the Machine
Shop when he was only 14 years old.
Now working in Service Repair, Ron
has totted up a total of 18 years’ service.
Ron duly found himself a wife, Glynis;
she worked for 14 years in the Job Issue
and Progress Office.
And, finally, there is Dick’s elder
brother, George-an outside engineer
for Rank Cinemas in Scotland-who
has given 33 years’ service.
All that makes a total of 101 years
clear-a pretty impressive record.
Trained as Tenor
Dick is an electrician-but had the
necessary wherewithal been forthcoming,
he might have had a very different career.
When he was 17 years old he started
training in operatic singing under Mr.
Thomas Ray, Director of the Durham
Operatic Company, as a tenor.
But, though he was unable to make
singing his profession, his musical training
came in very useful in the early days
at Mitcheldean when, if entertainment
was wanted, one had to make one’s own.
A band was formed with Laurie Miller
as pianist and singer (he worked in
Experimental), Stan Holland (electrician)
as guitarist, Sid Roberts (Experimental
again) on the drums and Dick on the
Their regular engagement was at the
Mitcheldean Youth Hostel every Saturday,
when their wives and families
enjoyed a jolly evening, with plenty of
refreshments, all for the modest price of
2s. per head. Laurie and Dick also used
to travel round the area entertaining at
parties and suchlike.
During his years with the Company,
Dick has learned a lot. He found out,
for example, where all the Gloucestershire
flies go in the wintertime! The
present Club House used to be the ‘chaff
house’ for the old brewery and Dick had
to go there to install w firing ready for the
arrival of Mr. T. A. Law, our Managing
Director. As Dick opened the door a
horrifying sight met his eyes. The floor,
walls and ceiling were black with fliesmillions
of them, some alive, some dead.
And Dick had to scrunch his way into
the building!
However, despite this experience, he
managed to keep cheerful. And his
cheerfulness today is something to admire,
for in the last five years or so he
has been dogged by ill-health. His wife,
too, has been unwell, and both have
spent some time at ‘Glebelands’, the
Cinematograph Trades Benevolent Fund
Convalescent Home at Wokingham,
Berkshire. Dick greatly appreciated his
stay there and has since done his best to
arouse support for this excellent cause.
Stop Press: A very happy announcement
to end our story! A little girl, Nicola, was
born to Glynis Payne on November 26.
Perhaps she will, in due course, help
to make this record of family service
even more of a record!
French with Tears
you might think that ‘Wow’ and ‘Flutter’
would be pretty important words in the
French language and easy to find in the
average French/English dictionary.
Not so. When M. J. Pigeon, Service
Manager from R.P.I., Paris, came to
Mitcheldean for discussions with Mr.
S. C. Wheeler (Electrical Laboratory),
these very words led to a lot of misunderstanding
despite the frenzied efforts
of an interpreter. At last a phrase
acceptable to all was found-it was faux
de pleurage which, translated literally,
means ‘rate of crying’!
The word fixite, used by our French
friend, was also a stumbling block, the
term for this generally being ‘picture
steadiness’. However, we understand
that in the end all concerned got ‘a clear
picture’ of the position.
Of course, proceedings did start off
rather on the wrong foot. On being
asked how many children he had, our
visitor replied: “Six and a half!” He
thought, of course, he was being asked
the age of his child. No reflection on the
questioner or the questioned. by the way!
HIGHLIGHT of the social calender for
1 1 the Rank Film Library’s Social and
Sports Club is always the Annual Dinner
and Dance. And this year was no exception.
Indeed, if anything, it was an
even more sprightly and gay affair than
This year we returned, by popular demand,
to the Oldfield Hotel, and at
7.15 p.m. 198 members and friends sat
down to dinner. It was a traditionally
Christmas one with turkey and, as a
special novelty, Christmas pudding
brought alight into the darkened hall.
There were wine and crackers and lucky
number menus and speeches. Mr. Wick-
It looks as though
Jean Good
is getting the message …
.. while Jack Curtin
(Goods Inwards) and his
partner. Della Heslin.
not only got the message
but the prize for the
Twist Competition as
This group of people
were right ‘with it too.
but in a more relaxed
kind of way.
stead, in proposing the toast of ‘The
Club’, referred to the way in which it
continued to flourish, and Mr. Hodge,
in replying, paid tribute to the Committee
who had worked very hard to
promote what looked like being a very
enjoyable evening.
Mr. Latreille, Chairman of the Club,
also added his quota of thanks and, as
a personal gesture, presented two small
bouquets to Mrs. Pat Holton and Miss
Julie Williams, the Club Secretary, in
appreciation of all the hard work they
had put in. Mr. Dowling replied for
‘The Guests’.
Immediately prior to the speeches,
bouquets were presented from the Club
by Miss Julie Williams, Mrs. Pat Holton,
Mrs. Maureen Picthall and Mrs. Betty
Hill to Mrs. De Jonge, Mrs. Wickstead,
Some of the Exam
Department with their
‘Piggy Bank’ which
collected a substantial
sum for the Spastics
Mrs. Hodge and Mrs. Latreille. Then on
to dancing, which continued with only a
brief interval, until Auld Lang Syne at
1 a.m.
Soon after the interval, Mr. and Mrs.
Hodge presented the darts trophies which
had been won by the following:
Men’s Singles-Winner: Mr, E. Simpson;
Runner-up: Mr. C. Williams.
Women’s Singles- Winner: Mrs. R.
Flynn; Runner-up: Mrs. P. Holton.
Mixed Doubles-Winners: Mr. R.
Hoodless and Mrs. L. Waddleton;
Runners-up: Mr. R. Edmonds and
Mrs. P. Ward.
Team event-Winners: Film Sales Dept.
(Mr. E. Simpson, Miss A. Livsay,
Mrs. J. Fleming, Mr. J. Tuddenham);
Runners-up: Technical Itches (Messrs.
R. Edmonds, R. Liddiard, L. Cokayne,
K. Haim).
The raffle is always very much a part
of every Annual Dinner and Dance, and
this year handsome travelling cases were
the three chief prizes, with a large box
of chocolates for the fourth.
Mr. Roy Liddiard of Technical Dept.
won the second prize and Mr. Jack Woods
from Mitcheldean secured the box of
chocolates. The total collected was over
£23, and the proceeds are being divided
between the Library’s own charity, the
Queen Mary’s Hospital for Sick Children.
Carshalton, and the Oxford
Committee for Famine Relief.
‘Cynthia’, the Exam Department’s
Piggy Bank, also circulated and collected
£5 8s. which is being sent to the Spastics
A Twist Competition proved a high
spot in the proceedings, the winners
being Mr. J. Curtin from Goods Inwards
and his partner, Miss D. Heslin. Both
received gramophone record vouchers.
There will always be a few dissentiates,
it is difficult to cater for every taste. But
the general vote seems to be that this
year’s Dinner and Dance was every bit
as good as previous ones, and better
than most. The writer of this report is in
favour, anyhow!- A.J.L.
Happy winner of the fourth prize in the raffle was
Jack Woods. seen here collecting his prize from
Mr. and Mrs. Hodge.
7 7 7 ANY ANSWERS 7 7 7
WHO listened to the rev-counter to see if it was ticking?
WHICH member of Production Control Department is now walking web-footed after
scoring a duck in the Interdepartmental Skittles Match?
WHO went to sleep in a wardrobe in Weston-super-Mare?
WHO is the ginger-headed boy who kept his engagement to a nurse last Easter such
a closely-guarded secret? That’s not fair on the girls, chum!
WHICH Area Controller lost most %%eight during a recent ‘Cold War’?
WHO is the proud (miter of the new Mini-Super that ran out of petrol on his first
WHO, having moved to a new home, had her husband running round in the night
in his pyjamas, looking for the fire that never was?
WHICH member of the Small Batch Skittles team had taken too many samples of
his wares before the game against Machine Shop, with the result that he bowled three
balls neatly into the Club sideboard?
WHICH )oting lads claim. to have killed Cock Robin’.’
WHO was the chargehand who had the signature-tune of ‘Steptoc & Son’ played
for him during ‘Children’s Favourites’ on the radio one Saturday morning? We
wonder if this casts any reflection on XeroX Machine Shop?
WHO is still sitting on the Book Club books they borrowed?
WHICH sprayer, knowing that his colleague had been to visit his (the colleague’s)
newly-born child, asked him if the child recognised his dad?
WHO tried to make tea with water only when serving refreshments to the local
football club?
IS there an) truth in the rumour that a certain \\ ork Study engineer has won the
treble chance? Suspicions arose after it was found that he was running two cars.
WHO is the so-called Rugby player in Small Batch, professing to know the finer
points of football and all about penalty kicks, who, when asked to demonstrate.
scored only one goal in 12 kicks? He is probably still feeling the loss of his sandwiches,
reported in this column previously!
WHO sold the foreman’s plants?
WHO likes to relax in front of the telly with his trousers off?
WHO saved himself at the last minute from a fate worse than death (he approached
the entrance to a ‘Ladies’ but realised his mistake just in time)?
WHO enveloped a XeroX Copier with an effective smoke-screen achieved by using
solid CO2 in hot water? Fancy trying to make us believe it was an air flow test!
WHO has been trying to collect bus door handles?
NA. AIN 14. tN..LA c).
This beautiful carving of a pike about to attack was the handiwork of Stan Cherry (T.E.D.). He carved it
out of a solid piece of walnut-and it took him about 125 hours to do it! He has kindly presented It to
the Angling Club at Mitcheldean for presentation to fishing contest winners. It will be displayed in the
Club Room, with a small medallion inscribed with the winner’s name.
xt t t R. match with the Lydney Police
was arranged by Mitcheldean Skittles
Club on November 14 and a very enjoyable
evening was had by the few who
attended from Rank’s. Our team won
the match by five pins, the score being:
Lydney Police-260; Rank’s-265. The
game was played at the Railway Inn and
afterwards a social was held in the police
Miss G. Vincent (Assembly) won a
basket of vegetables and we now wish
to know who carried them home for her.
We could be ‘miles’ out if we tried to
For the third year in succession Tool
Room have won the Interdepartmental
Skittles Match, beating XeroX 95 Dept.
by eight points. Mr. C. W. Hotchen
kindly presented the cup to the winners,
and a shield to the runners-up.
WE are sorry to report that ‘King Rook’
H. L. Jones, Hon. Secretary of Mitcheldean
Chess Club, has lost his crown.
However, it has fallen into most capable
hands, used to caring for valuablesthose
of Hon. Treasurer Jimmy Clare.
who won the crown and title after keen
competition in the Challengers’ Tourney.
The Club have a busy winter ahead of
them. ‘Forest Rooks’ fixture list for
Division II, North Gloucestershire Chess
League, up to the end of February ineludes
matches to be played against
Dowty’s, Gloucester; Gloucester II
Chess Club; and Cheltenham II Chess
Club. Their recent game with St. Pauls
College, Cheltenham, resulted in a draw.
By the way, it is interesting to note
that interest in chess has been revived
locally. Cinderford Chess Club has been
now reorganised and three of our own
Chess Club members-Messrs. J. Clare,
R. Wright and P. Trollope-have been
elected to the committee.
The final round of the ‘Wickstead
Shield’ contest, with Assembly v. either
Export or Tool Room is expected to take
place in March.
We were wondering the other day
whether there are any other Chess Clubs
within the Organisation. If there are,
and this note should come to their
notice, would they please contact
Mitcheldean’s Club who would be delighted
to arrange matches by correspondence.
THE Cine Club at Mitcheldean are
certainly not lacking in ambition and
the scope of activities is widening.
On November 19 Messrs. Mortimer
and Poulton of Garrard’s visited the
Club House Headquarters and gave
what can only be described as a fantastic
demonstration of stereophonic sound.
The attendance was disappointingly
small; maybe this was the fault of Jack
Frost, but it is true to say that the non-
441 .4.?
Or1110111r. RU1’7
1050 –
attenders missed a treat. Hard luck
on Dr. Pauli, lecturing below-especially
when the ‘Express Train’ passed
over his `pupils’!
The ‘Really Big Night’ was on
November 26 when in the magnificent
hall at Abenhall School, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie A. Guest presented his ‘Symphony
in Colour’ by permission of Gevaert Ltd.
before a large and very appreciative
audience of around 250.
`Symphony in Colour’ is the first part
of the series ‘High Fidelity in Sound and
Colour’ and was truly a feast of music
and beauty.
Among the audience were representatives
of photographic societies and clubs
from Tewkesbury, Hereford, Cinderford,
the Forest of Dean and Ross. It was
especially pleasing to see so many
enthusiasts from our own midst, and it is
intended to go ahead with arrangements
for the subsequent programme fairly
early in the New Year.
Part of the Novemberl December
window display of a leading dealer
in Munich, Germany, with an
enlargement of a magazine’s
advertising page. The promotional
display was arranged by Rank
Precision Industries, Frankfurt.
In contrast to the joking reference to Civil Defence in our
last issue, we publish here a short note by D. H. King, Chief
Project Engineer at Mitcheldean, underlining the vital importance
of Civil Defence work in the grim eventuality of war.
LAST October I was one of three people
from the combined counties of
Gloucestershire, Somerset, Devon and
Cornwall who attended a course at
Nottingham University to qualify for
Scientific Intelligence Officers’ certificates
issued by the Home Office.
S.I.O.’s are taught both theory and
practice enabling them to interpret
information on gamma-radiation levels
which would be relayed to C.D. Headquarters
from wardens’ posts, Royal
Observer Corps posts and similar
sources, and advise the Regional
Controller of safe or dangerous areas.
Apart from nuclear warfare, there is
the possibility that the enemy might use
some form of biological attack. When
we consider the micro-organisms that
could be used-bacteria, fungi, or virus
(many of which are pathogenic (harmful))
-it will be realised that it is essential
that people should be trained in the
recognition of any abnormality which
could be indicative of some form of
biological warfare.
Just how powerful some bacterial
warfare agents are can be gauged from
the estimate that, for example, one
pound of botulinus distributed evenly
throughout the world would be sufficient
to wipe out mankind completely!
The Si. Officer must be highly trained
in physical and chemical testing of
chemical warfare agents, many of which
are not easily recognisable by subjective
tests, having no smell or colour. Among
the many gases to be dealt with in this
group are nerve gases with the ominoussounding
names of ‘Tabun’ and ‘Sarin’.
Putting YOU
in the Picture
Mr. R. T. Walding will be the Production
Manager of the XeroX 813 Production
Department when it comes into
being some time mid 1963. It is the
intention that for the time being Mr.
Walding should continue his duties
under Mr. D. R. Elliott on the production
of the XeroX 914 model while
making himself familiar with the preliminary
and planning arrangements
between now and when XeroX 813 production
line commences to be set out.
As from November 5, Mr. J. C. Henwood
was appointed deputy to Mr.
Walding in charge of XeroX 813 production.
He is located with the team
undertaking the preliminary planning
of this project in Production Engineering
The Planning Department has been reorganised
and now comprises three
sections, with the following in charge:
Mr. C. O’Sullivan (XeroX 813); Mr.
S. Imm (XeroX 914); Mr. D. C. Ashall
(Bell & Howell). Mr. E. F. Price is
responsible for the Central Records
Office of the Planning Department.
Mr. D. H. King, Senior Project
Engineer, has taken over the responsibilities
of Chief Project Engineer; he
will co-ordinate all aspects of preproduction
or pilot assembly, and is
directly responsible to Mr. E. Mason,
Chief Production Engineer.
Mr. T. E. Worsley has been appointed
Chief Store-keeper, Production Control
Mr. R. E. Haggar has been appointed
Progress Controller in Production Control
Department as from November 19,
his initial work being on a probationary
basis for the first six months.
Miss Ruth Morgan, a former secretary
to Mr. W. E. Blaich, has returned to the
Company as secretary to Mr. C. W.
Hotchen, Chief Production Executive.
She replaces Miss Jacqueline Farley who
has emigrated to Australia.
Another emigrant to Australia is Mr.
G. Hurren from Service Department.
Mr. J. Evans. whose appointment as Production
Control Manager was announced in our last issue.
Miss Penny Addis has joined the Company
as secretary to Mr. D. R. Elliott
(Manager, XeroX Projects), replacing
Miss Pamela Meredith %% ho has been
made secretary to Mr. J. Evans, Production
Control Manager.
Mr. J. Day has joined T.E.D., Messrs.
R. E. Jennings, R. Smith and J. A.
McCoy have joined the Design Engineering
team, while Mr. G. W. Smith has
joined Project Engineering Department.
Feminine additions to the Engineering
Department are Miss Jane Powell and
Mrs. G. L. Brown.
Two new faces in Machine Shop Officebelonging
to Miss Joan Bennett and
Miss Mary Flennelling.
Mrs. L. M. Little’ has joined Heat Treatment;
Mrs. S. Coopey has left.
Miss Esme Annis started work in Sales
Order office last November.
Mrs. Isobel McGeachy has joined Sales
Ledger in Accounts Department.
‘ Major’ Birthdays
There’s a batch of 21st birthdays in
Production Control Department. Miss
Glenys Howell became 21 on December
13, Mrs. Doreen Williams celebrates her
21st on January 18 and Mrs. Yvonne
Williams hers on February 11.
They’re Engaged
Mr. B. Mould (Assembly) to Miss Diane
Turner on October 11.
Miss Christine Lewis (Warehouse) to
Mr. B. Lewis (T.E.D.). They fixed it up
during the Annual Dance last October- –
whether it was during the Twist or not
we don’t know!
Miss Judy Roff (Production Control) to
Mr. Emlyn Evans on October 27.
Miss Maureen Pye (Kitting) to N1r.
G. Howells at Christmas.
They’re Wed
Miss Valerie Griffiths (Assembly) to Mr.
J. Brain on September 29 at Upton
Miss Eileen Adams (Comps) on October
27 at Coleford to Mr. J. Avery.
Miss Kathleen Hiatt (secretary to Mr.
E. Mason, Chief Production Engineer)
on November 17 at Holy Trinity Church,
Drybrook, to Mr. B. Kear.
They’ve Arrived
Glyn David, a son for Mr. D. Davies of
Export Department. The arrival of
Glyn on August 31 was not reported
earlier, no doubt because of delay owing
to import formalities!
Lesley Carol, a daughter for Mr. C.
Bose ley (Warehouse) and his wife Janet,
formerly in the Drawing Office. Lesley
arrived on September 29.
Susan, a daughter for Mrs. Jean Jackson
(formerly Dictorel) in September.
Mrs. Marion Maloney, secretary to Mr. D. R
Pluck, with her bridegroom. Her wedding was
reported in our last issue’s * Periva le Piece’.
A daughter for Mrs. Angela Cook (née
Connor), formerly of the Press Shop.
Birthday was November 10.
Twins-a boy and a girl-born to Mrs.
Betty Brown (formerly in Home Sales)
last November.
We are glad to report that Mr. A. J.
Huxtable has managed to stay the
course! He has completed 25 years’
service with the Company (this includes
war service with the R.A.F.), and hopes
to be going forward for his award at the
next Perivale Long Service Association
function. Mr. Huxtable first joined the
Company with G.B. Instructional, working
with Miss Mary Field on film
production costs. Quite a number of the
Mrs. Janet Leighton (Service Repair) (pictured left) and Mrs. Ann John (Clean Room), with their respective
bridegrooms. Both weddings were reported in our last issue. R. [VANS MEWS
original staff at Mitcheldean will remember
when he worked under Mr. R. E.
Baker in the Machine Shop in 1940.
while Mr. Baker himself will remember
him as being the ‘mainstay’ of the
Mitcheldean Home Guard, and a pillar
of support at the White Horse Inn!
After his war service, Mr. Huxtable was
transferred to Bell & Howell Co. Ltd. –
and he’s still there!
By contrast, newest member of the staff
is Miss Heather Curnick, telephonist;
she replaces their ‘Dairy Maid’, Miss
Ann Millar, who has left for ‘pastures
new’. Another new arrival is Miss June
Darling, who has joined Hanover Square
as a junior shorthand typist.
Miss Elizabeth Everett of the Maritime
Contracts Dept., A.-V. Dept., won first
prize (silver medal) in the mezzosoprano
class of the Edmonton Music
Festival, Middlesex, last November.
Famed soprano Isobel Bail lie was the
adjudicator. Miss Everett, who lives at
Palmers Green, is a soloist with Enfield
Grand Opera Society. She has previously
won many prizes as a pianist. A longserving
member of our staff, with 21
years’ work behind her, Miss Everett
was Mr. A. J. Pincombe’s personal
assistant in London before he moved to
Wanted. – Second-hand ‘Aladdinique’
convector heater. Replies to: Mrs. J.
Smith, Assembly Inspection.
Pram for Sale.`Marmet’ green and
off-white coach-built model, little used.
Lift-off type with canopy and shopping
bag. Enquiries to: Mr. D. Cook, Tool
Twelve Laying Geese for sale. Ten
shillings each or £7 the lot. If anyone
wants a ‘gander’ at them, apply to:
Mr. S. Phillips, P.E.D.
Lambretta Li 150 cc July 1959 for sale.
Bought last April. Extras include:
helmet, rubber mat, bag, carrier with
spare wheel. £78 o.n.o. Write Miss
Livesey, Rank Film Library, or telephone
Byron 2114.
Newly -weds Mr. and Airs. B. Kear
Short Takes
A TOTAL of £23 10s. 6d. was raised as a
result of a Poppy Day collection at
Mitcheldean, reports Mr. E. W. Wells
(Quality Control). This was much more
than last year’s collection-let’s make it
even more next year.
A ST. JOHN Ambulance Division has
been started within the Mitcheldean
factory, with Mr. P. Kingzett (Maintenance)
as Acting Superintendent. At the
time of writing, a class of 12 were taking
a first aid course and lectures were being
given by Dr. K. Pauli. Very interesting
were two demonstrations of the ‘Kiss of
Life’ method of resuscitation, using the
famous inflatable model ‘Resusci-
ARE you trying to make money? Would
you like to invest in a modest way but
don’t know quite how to go about it?
If so, the Editor can put you in touch
with some ‘financiers’ who have started
an Investment Club within the factory
at Mitcheldean and who are willing to
help others thinking of starting a similar
club in their own department. As far as
we know, there is no fee for advice!
Bingo is, of course, one easy way open
to those who like to speculate but want
a bit of fun in the process. But it’s
thirsty work. So work has been proceeding
on the enlargement and improvement
of the Club House bar, enabling
it to cope with bigger and better
thirsts after the fortnightly bingo session.
Printed by The Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon, Surrey
IS IlliiltirlAIIIi
The Rank Film Library
at Perivale. Middlesex
Offices at 37,41 Mortimer Street,
London. W.1
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire

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