Return to 1960-1964

Vision 018

All of us know of the inauguration of a
National Productivity Year. The object of this
is to focus the attention of the British
people on the need for improving our national
position. Our national industrial growth over
the past few years does not compare favourably
with what has been achieved in other European
countries, particularly with what has been
done in Japan.
What one has to say is: “What can I do about
it in my position?”
I am asking now for you employees at
Mitcheldean to help me answer that question.
In so doing, perhaps you will also find
something that you can do.
I am sending to each employee, at his home, a
questionnaire which I hope will be filled in
honestly and fairly. Do not put your name on
your questionnaire unless you wish to, but
fold it and post it back to me.
What I want to know is clearly expressed in
the questions asked. My colleagues and I will
analyse your replies carefully and then we
can, I hope, take some positive action, based
on your suggestions, to improve our performance
at Mitcheldean, and in turn make some
contribution to the success of National
Productivity Year, and to our future.
I really believe that we are, as a nation, at
a cross-roads; we must take the path to future
prosperity and I am confident that we at
Mitcheldean can play our part.
I take this opportunity of thanking you in
advance for your continued co-operation and
past help.
Divisional Chief Executive. iroiggig
Printed by The Victor James Press Limited, Coutsdon, Surrey
Four smiles in the board room at Alitcheldean-belonging to our Chief Executive. the award winners
R. P. Amos and I. Griffin, and Suggestions Officer C. R. Steward.
ONE of the biggest awards ever to be made under the Company’s Suggestion
Scheme-an amount of f152 5s. 3d.-was presented last month to Mr. R. P.
Amos of Small Batch for a suggestion regarding one of his jobs on a copy lathe.
No wonder he looks so pleased in our picture above!
Chargehand Ira Griffin of XeroX also they are beneficial to both Management
has good cause to look pleased: he and employee.
earned an award of £35 13s. 3d for his And Suggestions Officer Roy Steward
suggestion concerning the design and is smiling at the successful conclusion of
manufacture of a certain tool. two of his assignments. Incidentally, he
Mr. Wickstead is delighted in making the would like to receive many more to
presentations because, as he remarked, work on.
THE Rank Organisation has announced
the formation of a new marketing
This Division will control the activities
of the three separate trading units: Rank
Audio Visual, Rank Photographic and
Rank Film Library.
The Sales Order, warehousing and
servicing of photographic products previously
undertaken at Mitcheldean will
be transferred to the London area.
N1r. J. P. Collis has been appointed
Managing Director of the Division. The
headquarters are at 19 21 Mortimer
Street, London, W.I, from where both
the Photographic and Audio Visual units
will operate. The Rank Film Library
will continue to operate, as before, from
1 Aintree Road, Perivale, Middlesex.
Our cover picture (taken by Clive Brooks
at Mitcheldean) shows work on the latest
extension: this, reports Mr. Wickstead,
is only the beginning of a major development
programme for Mitcheldean, which
it is hoped to complete by mid -1964.
If you know anyone who is looking
for a job, please ask him to get in touch
with Mr. F. J. Edwards, our Personnel,
Education and Training Manager.
More details will follow in the next
“Please. Mr. Ryder. ran I be excused?”
rrHE Government is proposing to
I introduce new legislation which will
ensure good working conditions for all
office workers in this country. We
sincerely trust that the experts, who
were undoubtedly consulted, did not
base their recommendations on the
following ‘Rules for Clerical Staff’,
drawn up in 1852 by a firm of merchants
and ships’ chandlers in Sydney. Australia:
1. Godliness, Cleanliness and Punctuality
are the necessities of a good business.
2. On the recommendation of the
Governor of this Colony, this firm has
reduced the hours of work, and the
clerical staff will now only have to be
present between the hours of 7 a.m. and
6 p.m. on week-days. The Sabbath is
for worship, but should any man-of-war
or other vessel require victualling, the
clerical staff will work on the Sabbath.
3. Daily prayers will be held each
morning in the main office. The clerical
staff will be present.
4. Clothing must be of a sober nature.
The clerical staff will not disport themselves
in raiment of bright colours, nor
will they wear hose, unless in good
S. Overshoes and top coats may not
be worn in the office, but neck scarves
and head-\%ear may be worn in inclement
6. A stove is provided for the benefit
of the clerical staff. Coal and wood
must be kept in the locker. It is recommended
that each member of the clerical
staff bring 4 lbs. of coal each day during
the cold weather.
7. No member of the clerical staff may
leave the room without permission from
Mr. Ryder. The calls of nature are
permitted, and the clerical staff may use
I DRAWINGS BY RAY WRIGHT I . neck scarves and head-wear may be worn
in Inclement weather.”
“It is recommended that earls member of the
clerical staff bring 4 lbs. of coal each day . .”
the garden below the second gate. This
area must be kept in good order.
8. No talking is allowed during business
9. The craving for tobacco, wines or
spirits is a human weakness, and, as
such, is forbidden to all members of
the staff.
10. Now that the hours of business
have been drastically reduced, the
partaking of food is allowed between
11.30 a.m. and noon but work will not
on any account cease.
11. Members of the clerical staff will
provide their own pens. A new
sharpener is available on application to
Mr. Ryder.
12. Mr. Ryder will nominate a senior
clerk to be responsible for the cleanliness
of the main office and the private office,
and all boys and juniors will report to
him 40 minutes before prayers, and will
remain after closing hours for similar
work. Brushes, brooms, scrubbers and
soap are provided by the owners.
13. The new increased weekly wages
are as hereunder detailed.
Junior boys (to I I years)
Boys (to 14) …
Juniors …
Junior Clerks …
Clerks …
Senior Clerks (after 15
years with the owners)
Is. 4d.
2s. Id.
4s. 8d.
8s. 6d.
10s. 9d.
21s. Od.
The owners recognise the generosity of
the new Labour Laws, but will expect a
great rise in output of work to compensate
for these near Utopian conditions.
A good time-and mealwas
had by all. The
Control Department’s
Christmas Party held at the
White Hart, Cinderford,
on December 19.
by our Special Correspondent
As you read this article, look out of
the nearest window. Most likely
the sun will be shining, the temperature
will be in the eighties and the first
swallow will be on its way back from
its yearly migration.
But sit back and reflect, chaps. Your
cars took a helluva bashing this winter,
and now’s the time to think of a spring
check-up, because, do you know, we’re
supposed to be going to have one of the
best summers this century!
Bobby Evans is taking up gymnastics.
Not only did he turn the works Anglia
over; he also had the check to wait for
another car to hit him while he was
Don Meek has at last retired his A.70.
‘1 da wanna a lowline’ is his comment.
And Vernon Williams boiled at the top
of the Plump in his new Victor.
Paul Gregory’s Hawk has bitten the
dust and he has replaced it with a Velox.
Ray Pyart, our new 813 Design
Engineer, has splashed out and bought a
Cortina-‘Good cars, these Fords’, he
says. And talking of Fords, here’s a
quote from Don Elliott’s wife: ‘He only
bought his new Classic because he was
too tired to clean his old one!’
Keith Morgan has saved enough
money to buy his first vehicle-a Ford
van-so look out for speeding fines at
Coleford later this year.
Roy Nicholls has dented his brand
new Vauxhall; and Bobby Morse
backed into a lorry and broke his rear
window. As one spectator said: ‘It
didn’t half sober him up’.
Eddie Shermer had his brakes freeze
going up Abenhall, and all the efforts of
four strong men could not move it.
‘Good cars, these Fords’ did someone
say? But not a word to Eddie.
The Twister
Arthur Thomas has slight steering
trouble v.ith his M.G.; but since he had
that serious accident when sitting on
that chair people have been calling him
‘Twister’, so he may have been twisting
his steering wheel too much.
In closing I would like to pass on
some very important information to all
you motorists. I have been speaking to
one of the Back Benchers-namely
Ossie Carpenter-and he says that
2s. 6d. is being taken off the price of
petrol . . . I must be dreaming!
Editorial Note: The author has modestly
omitted to mention how, with incredible
driving skill, he managed to crumple all
four wings of his own car!
The Tool Room lads pictured in full voice-and they had something to sing about. That surer cup they’re
got was won by them for the third year running in the recent Interdepartmental Skittles Match. In the
picture with them are Mr. R. C. Camp. and Mr. C. W. Hotchen who presented the cup.
In his official capacity of President
of the British Photographic Manufacturers’
Association, Mr. A. J.
Pincombe made a round-the-world
journey last year which took him
some 30,000 miles to East Africa,
India, Ceylon, Malaya and Australia.
Here he tells of his experiences on
the first part of this journey.
EVERY evening throughout the year a
Comet IV jet aircraft leaves London
Airport for East Africa. Ten hours
later, with one stop at Benghazi, it
arrives at Nairobi in time for breakfast.
Distance 4,500 miles, and the journey
accomplished in less time than it takes
to drive from London to Cornwall on
an August weekend.
Approaching Nairobi the ‘plane flies
low over the Nairobi Royal National
Park, a national game sanctuary famous
throughout the world.
In the early morning sunshine it presents
a spectacle of amazing colour and
beauty. Situated at the foot of the Ngong
hills, the National Park covers an area
of 44 square miles and here, from 1,000
ft. up, I was able to take my first 8 mm.
shots of East Africa.
Breakfast in the Sun
Half an hour later I was having breakfast
on the warm sunlit forecourt of the
New Stanley Hotel, where I was met by
Terry Wear, brother of Brian (Mitcheldean),
and Ron Greenwood, both
ex-Rank men.
Terry and Ron are employed by Anglo-
American Film Distributors, the former
being in charge of Bell & Howell service
and the latter G.B. Kalee 35 mm. equipment.
The Bell & Howell showrooms
are situated beside the imposing Kenya
cinema on Nairobi’s Government Road,
A monkey chooses a good look-out position for watching human beings.
and Terry is doing a fine job of work for
us in East Africa.
With Kenya’s ideal climate, sunshine
ten months of the year, magnificent
scenery and wild life, it is easy to understand
why so many of its 100,000
Europeans are cine enthusiasts. Amateur
cine clubs are numerous and their
popularity is increasing among the
We humans
chose a less
look-out for
filming the many
creatures in the
Nairobi Royal
National Park.
Through the good offices of my two
English friends I was able to meet the
Head Game Warden of the Nairobi
Royal National Park who, incidentally,
was the proud owner of a 70 DL camera.
This enabled me to make many visits to
the game reserve under his expert
guidance and see and film many things
which are not available to every visitor
to East Africa.
I well remember an evening in late September.
We arrived at the Park about
an hour before sunset; this is the time of
greatest activity among the wild animals.
Within a short space of time I was able
to secure excellent shots of zebra.
giraffe, hyena, baboon, and those graceful
and sensitive creatures which abound
throughout East Africa-the Thomson’s
and Grant’s gazelle.
Lion Hunting
These, however, were not my main preoccupation.
Somewhere there were lion,
and somehow I had to see them. We
drove for many miles. the light was beginning
to fade and I began to feel this
was not my day.
Suddenly my Game Warden friend
pointed to a clump of thorn trees and
our Kikuyu chauffeur drove the car
towards them. There, partially screened
by tall grass and bushes, was a lioness
feeding on the carcase of a young
gazelle-a perfect picture in the dusk
but, alas, not one for my Sportster IV.
I have the shot, but it is hardly one of
my best efforts. Nevertheless, the experience
was well worth while.
(Note: It is hoped that Mr. Pincombe will
give us a further account of his experiences
in a later issue of VISION.)
? ? ? ANY ANSWERS 7 7 7
WHO is the Mayor of Tusculum?
WHO, during the recent cold spell, had to put his false teeth in the oven to thaw
them out of his mug ?
WHICH foreman, when asked to move some snow, retorted: ‘What, in this weather?’
WHO thought she had got a bargain when she found a hot water bottle but discovered
that it leaked when put to the test ? This same lady, we understand, was equally
unlucky when she found a parcel of ‘groceries’ last year.
WHICH not-so-young lady from Assembly did a ‘Can-Can on Ice’ to the delight
of all in Work Study Department?
WHO uses a pudding cloth as a handkerchief ?
WHICH Scotsman was so incapacitated on New Year’s Eve that he never noticed
the New Year come in?
WHO pinched 17s. worth of Christmas decorations that the Export Department had
put up to give their office a festive touch ?
WHO dialled a piece part number on the internal telephone?
WHICH unfortunate husband, whose sandwiches are regularly left for him in the
bread bin carefully packed in a bread wrapper, found that he had, by mistake, brought
a wrapped piece of a loaf to work ?
WHO secretly practises the organ at home?
WHO from the Paint Shop bought a pair of shoes, then went into the Post Office
and absent-mindedly put them, in their wrapping, on the parcel scales, to be told that
it would cost her 2s. to post them ? The Post Office clerk was apparently unconcerned
that there was no address on the parcel ! (And why do Paint Shop staff have such a
lot of shoe trouble ?)
WHO, in a moment of bonhomie, said: ‘Come on. old butty!’ to an important
WHO suffered the embarrassment of having her uplift let her down during a game of
musical laps ? Her chivalrous escort retrieved the offending fastener with dignity,
remarking that ‘it could happen to anyone’! (What, men as well ?)
WHO has gone cross-eyed through looking at a striped glass?
WHICH Xerox chargehand bought a long-playing record only to find that 1w had
already had one exactly the same for the past four months ?
WHO covered himself with Steradent instead of talcum powder after bathing?
WHO hasn’t been seen near the Drawing Office since Spurs lost to Burnley in the
F.A. Cup ?
WHO, accompanied by his wife, likes to sing into a tape recorder while lying in bed?
WHO was the chap who got seven rabbits with one shot ? Perhaps he would come
and shoot the wood pigeons which are menacing our gardens instead of shooting
the line!
Getting on with the serious
business of enjoying
their dinner are those who
went to the Machine
Shop’s Christmas Party.
It was held at the White
Hart, Cbulerford, on
December 14.
CHRISTMAS arrangements at the Library
normally comprise three major eventsthe
Annual Dinner and Dance, reported
in the last issue, and two children’s
parties, which took place on January 5
and 26. On the first Saturday about 50
children, with an escort of Committee
members, went to a West End theatre to
see ‘Billy Bunter’s Christmas Circus’.
By all accounts, everybody enjoyed
themselves, although there were a few
absentees due to the very bad weather.
It was the turn of the younger children
A very small Peter Ro :ario receiving a very large
parcel from a very benevolent Father Christmas
( Dave Jones of Goods Inwards). Helping is Mrs.
Tyler. secretary to Mr. Colman.
on January 26. They had their party in
the Canteen at Perivale, once again with
the Committee looking after them, with
the help of some additional volunteers.
Again, one or two children couldn’t
make it, and a few surplus presents have
been sent to the Children’s Ward at
Wembley Hospital.
THt Perivale Branch of the Long Service
Association and guests visited the Victoria
Palace on February 28 to see ‘The
Black and White Minstrel Show’.
FROM Mr. J. W. Hissey, Industrial
Advisor at Perivale, comes a report that
a copy of ‘The Inner Man Steps Out’
has been sold to a prison-for training
IN the past month, report Perivale’s
Goods Inwards, they have received,
enclosed with returned films: £101
account for beer made out to a school( !);
a final note for a T.V. licence; seven
National Insurance cards; and accounts
for timber, garage fees and electricity.
All have now been returned to their
presumed owners.
Short Takes
FROM XcroX comes the story of the
Californian 914 Service engineer called
to get a Copier working again. Reaching
his hand into the interior of the
machine, he quickly withdrew it and
with pained surprise informed the
bystanders ‘Something bit me!’
He then found a mouse, tail caught
around the paper roller. Released, the
mouse disappeared rapidly, but after a
long search was recaptured and carted
off to the local R.S.P.C.A. to be ‘tested
for disease’.
Next day, a secretary in a nearby
office called and asked where she could
find her pet-she had been feeding
crumbs to the creature for two months
and had become fond of it. She apparently
recovered it for a SI fee and
released it in a field far from the hazards
of office machinery!
THE Ministry of Education has had two
Bell & Howell 609 arc projectors
installed, as replacements for machines
from another company, at its Mayfair
THE Division will be sharing a stand
with Bell & Howell Ltd. at the Photokina.
Cologne, West Germany, from
March 16-24. Major products on display
will include our Models 643 and 644
new 16 mm. projectors, as well as the
641 and 642 models.
ENLARGEMENTS up to 6 ft. square from
six 35 mm. negatives taken on Pentax
cameras will be seen in a new Southern
Television series of programmes for
amateur photographers.
THIS last Christmas, retired members of
the Mitcheldean Long Service Association
not receiving a pension from the
Company were surprised to get an
unexpected present. ‘Father Christmas’
was the L.S.A., who presented each one
with a gift of £5. That this generous
gesture was appreciated can be seen
from the following excerpts taken from
letters of thanks received:
. . It is very cheering to know that
though I am no longer employed by
R.P.I., I am not forgotten . .
*. . . It has made our Christmas really
enjoyable and we wish you and all the
members a Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New Year from
the bottom of our hearts . .
LEFT: Ira Griffin takes a
turn on the drums at the
XeroX Christmas Party.
held at the Chase Hotel.
Ross-on-Wye. on December 18.
BELOW: XeroX inspectors
John Goode and John Smith
and their partners have a
good laugh at the camera.
A Mitcheldean Move
BY the time this issue appears, several
departments at Mitcheldean will have
effected a change-round.
The Personnel Office is being moved
from the Gate House to the former
home of Central Progress in the New
Building, where it is to comprise a
room for the Personnel Officer. secretarial
offices and a waiting-room.
The Personnel, Education and Training
Manager will occupy the one-time
Production Controller’s office across
the foyer.
Also housed this side of the building
will be the new First Aid Department
consisting of Sister’s office, a waitingroom,
a treatment room with two
couches, and a separate ladies’ rest
room and doctor’s room.
Production Control general office have
moved to the Assembly floor, together
with offices for the Production Control
Manager and other members of his
department. Also. on Assembly floor.
next to Stores, is the new Print Room.
The Clean Room has now become the
responsibility of the Service Department
and is being accommodated in
Service Repair Shop.
B.S.A. Moped for sale. In good condition.
LIO o.n.o. Replies to Mr. R.
Wright. Design D.O.
Wanted.-Secondhand tape recordercheap!
Replies to Mr. B. Moore, Tool
Furnished /Unfurnished Flatlet required in
Cinderford, Ross or Gloucester areas by
single man. Apply Box No. 19.
12 13
The three couples cosily assembled at the Assembly Department’s Christmas Party are (I. to r.) Mr. and
1frs. C. Brookes, Mks M. Stephens with guest Mr. G. Gardiner and Miss G. Jones with guest Mr. C. Bent.
Putting YOU
in the Picture
The following changes in supervisory
responsibilities came into effect on
January 1:
Mr. P. R. Cleal-Superintendent, Department
70 and 550 Manufg. (Deputy
Works Superintendent, reporting to
Mr. S. J. Scott).
Mr. A. E. Walton-Night Shift Supervisor
(Bell & Howell) (reporting to Mr.
P. R. Cleal).
Mr. A. Hatch-Supervisor, Department
62 (reporting to Mr. S. J. Scott).
Mr. W. Stearn-Supervisor, Department
61 (reporting to Mr. S. J. Scott).
Another change on the manufacturing
side-Mr. A. Swordy is now in charge of
both Auto and Press Shops, Mr. R. H.
Arnold having transferred to Planning
Mrs. Dorothy Richardson has joined
Home Sales (London Section) – an
appropriate job for her since she and
her husband, Rodney, who works in
XeroX, both come from London.
Mrs. Maureen Webb has been appointed
secretary to Mr. F. J. Edwards. Personnel,
Education & Training Manager.
New faces in Accounts Department
belong to Miss June Partridge, and
Messrs. H. R. Baker, J. S. Beddis and
M. F. Keene. Mrs. Eileen Avery has
left the Department.
Mrs. Kathleen Kear, whose wedding
was reported in our last issue, has left
us and her place as secretary to Mr.
E. Mason, Chief Production Engineer,
has been taken by Mrs. Dorothy
Howells from Accounts Department.
Mrs. Beryl Clark joined the Company
to work at the switchboard just before
Four new people in Service Repair-
Messrs. G. Evans, M. Stephens, P.
Waugh and L. Williams.
Now Mine Hosts of a local inn are
Mr. R. Byett (Assembly Inspection) and
his wife Jean, who used to work in
Delegate to A.E.U. Conference
Miss Doris Barker (Assembly Shop
Steward) has been chosen to represent
No. 19 Area (covering Gloucestershire,
mid-Somerset and part of Wiltshire) at
the Amalgamated Engineering Union
Women’s Annual Conference, to be
held at Eastbourne, on March 20.
‘ Major ‘ Birthdays
Two major birthdays for girls in the
Soundhead and Reel Arm Assembly
Department-on November 24 for Mrs.
Creidwyn Stacey and on November 30
for Mrs. Doreen Brain (Inspector). Incidentally,
this Department is now
housed on the main Assembly floor.
Mr. Graham Trafford of Production
Control celebrates his 21st on March 4.
Engagements and Weddings
Mr. R. Christopher (Assembly) and
Miss Kathleen Riddell from Hildenborough,
Kent, became engaged on
December 21 and announced their
betrothal at the Assembly Christmas
Miss Sandra Twohig (Small Batch)
became engaged to Mr. M. Ennis on
Christmas Eve.
Miss June Mallaband (Machine Shop
Inspection) became engaged to Mr.
E. Lewis (Tool Stores) at Christmastime.
Miss Valerie Evans (Assembly) and Mr.
P. Horwood (XeroX Machine Shop)
were married at St. Stephen’s Church,
Cinderford, on February 23.
Two spring brides from Accounts
Department: Miss Barbara Williams is
to be wed on March 23 to Mr. J. Wright,
while Miss Julie Stallard will become
Mrs. R. Clapham on March 27 at St.
John’s, Aston Ingham. Unfortunately
Julie is not remaining with the Company.
New Arrivals
Jane Elizabeth, first child for Mr.
0. Loade (Warehouse), who arrived on
December 9.
Ian Nicholas, a son for Mrs. Elizabeth
Kelsey, late of Small Batch, on December
Beverley Ann, a daughter born on
January 21 to Mrs. Pearl Marfell
(Quality Control).
The Audio-Visual Department and the
Press & Information Office have moved
to new offices along Mortimer Street. at
Nos. 19-21.. This was formerly the
Wallpaper Manufacturers’ Association
premises, so they do have a variety of
wallpapers in their excellent scheme of
Also at 19-21 Mortimer Street is Mr.
A. J. Pincombe’s new office.
Mr. Walter Rubel, formerly Overseas
Sales Executive, and his secretary. Miss
Betty Woods, have joined the new Bell &
Howell Ltd. marketing company at
20 Peel Street, London, W.8.
Friends of Mr. L. E. ‘Tommy’ Tomkins,
who runs the Maritime Section of the
A.-V. Dept., will be pleased to know that
he is progressing well after his recent
THE Secretary, the Programme Secretary,
and a member of the Committee (and
all, incidentally, from the Tool Room)
walked away with the first, second and
third prizes in the Mitcheldean Cine
Club’s Annual Film Competition.
Before you start drawing unjust
conclusions, we hasten to point out that
judging of the entries was carried out
by a well qualified and completely
unbiased body-Hereford Cine Society.
All the films were 8 mm. and in colour.
Secretary W. Brown (he won the
Club’s 1961 Open Competition) came
first with his 165-ft. film of Bristol Zoo,
entitled `A Tour of the Zoo’.
Second prize went to `Cornwall-The
Delectable Duchy’, a 185 ft. travel film
taken by W. E. Austin, who is Programme
Committee member J. Wedderburn,
whose entry came third, submitted the
shortest film of all-only 50 ft.-and
called it ‘A Xmas Daunder’ (which,
translated from the Forest, means ‘An
Xmas Stroll’). This entry brought forth
special praise from the judges who liked
its originality and particularly praised
the snow scenes.
Pictured with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Guest (centre) at the recent presentation of ‘Symphony In Colour’
are members of the One Club Committee: (back row, left to right) Messrs. Sterrett, Haines. Mason
(Chairman), Brown: (front) Messrs. Wedderburn and (far right) Austin. N. IIVANS
115111i , EliJr
111 orMpliiii
The Rank Film Library
at Perivole, Middlesex
Offices at 37 41 Mortimer Street,
London, W.
The Bell & Howell shop
in Hanover Square, London
The main building
at Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire
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