“Every singer in a village quartet can give you three
good reasons why the organisation isn’t absolutely
perfect.” ARTHUR M. BINSTEAD 1861-1914
Management has been practised since the dawn
of human history, for men have always collaborated
with one another and acted in groups to
do work beyond the capacity of one individual.
And, throughout the ages, in industry and
commerce, organisation has always been
concerned with the relationships between
individuals and the work they perform.
Many management experts have attempted to
define organisation; perhaps the best
definition was given by an American political
scientist – ‘a network of congenial and
creative interpersonal relations’.
Organisation requires the use of charts,
systems, procedure handbooks, computers even;
but (the experts all agree on this) the
effectiveness of organisation depends not so
much on system as on the spirit with which it
is exercised . . . ‘Organisational charts are
two dimensional at the most and use only
straight lines. Real life relationships are
multi-dimensional and often follow the most
tortuous paths’.
H.41 = Sound organisation needs a strong social
aspect, a communal spirit; it must provide a
A vital form of satisfaction for those organised.
In this age of computers, it still depends on
human relations – the ability of men to co- g operate with one another, with the will to win
in a common enterprise.
It is perhaps an art involving us all, rather
than a science belonging to the management
expert; for every time we cast a decision to
draft a specification, compile a process,
enter a stock record balance or bonus card or
operate any procedure we contribute to the
success (or failure) of our organisation.
Organisation concerns people and events;
therefore it needs inherent flexibility for
reasons of human relations, and so that it
will readily adapt itself to suit the needs of
changing factory activities.
The purpose of the Advanced Planning Department
is to provide (in conjunction with all levels
of employees) flexible organisation, by
reviewing and developing our factory systems,
by simplifying work and material flow lines,
and by introducing through research new
techniques of co-ordination and control.
Our works conferences, welfare committees,
social club, training schemes, suggestion
scheme – all are further means provided by
Management to get us all involved in the
responsibility of organising our affairs.
To organise we have to make decisions, and
there is no perfect solution to any problem,
only compromise. Sound organisation depends
on our ability to find the best compromise in
any situation.
This follows from wide discussion of the
problem, a deep understanding of our common
aims – above all, a great tolerance for the
other chap’s point of view.
Manager: Advanced Planning Dept.
COVER PICTURE : Mr. H. S. Blake carrying out inspection at Mitcheldean by
means of a Braille micrometer. The story of how he, and many other blind people,
are enabled to take up employment in industry is told on page 8.
RIGHT: Dr. Fritz Bock, Austrian Minister of Trade and Reconstruction (centre),
looks intently at a document copy made on a Rank Xerox 914 copier at the British
Industrial Fair. Zurich. Showing him the copy is Mr. Graham R. Dowson, Director of
Marketing of the Rank Organisation.
With them are (centre, rear) H. E. Sir
Malcolm Henderson, British Ambassador
to Austria, and (left) Sir William
McFadzean, Chairman of the Export
Council for Europe. The Zurich Fair
coincided with the opening of a new
Rank Xerox subsidiary-Rank XeroA
A.G.-to market xerographic machines
in Switzerland.
Bell-ringing at Ross-on-Wye-Mr. Paton and one of his trainees. The figures on the right have quite a
lot to do with our two figures on the left, by the way. They are, in fact, the bell-ringers’ form of musical
notation, as you will see when you read this article.
4 513
45 31
543 1
5 3 4 1
3 5 1 4
3 5 4
I3 5 4
3 4 5
YouYou have heard of people who like
hunting, stag hunting, even
treasure hunting. But have you ever
heard of people who enjoy treble bob
This, you may be surprised to learn,
has nothing to do with sport as such.
It is just part of the strange vocabulary
of the bell-ringer. The man who introduced
us to some of the mysteries of
this art, about which the general public
know very little, was Mr. Allan A.
Paton, one of our project engineers.
He became a bell-ringer through
curiosity-the way, he says, that most
people become interested. Once he had
started to learn, he found the art an
absorbing one and he became fascinated,
like so many others. Some enthusiasts,
in fact, spend their holidays ringing
bells! And, since there are 5,438
churches in the British Isles with rings
of bells, and no two bells feel or sound
exactly the same, they have plenty of
Mr. Paton recently moved to Mitcheldean
from Bishop’s Cleeve, near Cheltenham,
and hardly had he set foot in
his new flat than the Rector of Mitcheldean
appeared, delighted at having an
experienced bell-ringer on the Church’s
doorstep, so to speak.
As a result, Mr. Paton is now engaged
in training a band of bell-ringers ready
for when St. Michael’s gets its own bells
next year. Among his trainees are not
only the Rector but Mrs. Paton who, to
quote her own words, has got fed up
with being a bell-ringing widow! Both
his daughters are keen to learn and his
eldest girl, Susan, will be starting next
year when she is nine.
Mitcheldean’s bells are at present
with Messrs. John Taylor of Loughborough,
one of the only two bell
founders in the country. They are being
mounted in a new steel frame with new
ropes, wheels, etc., and are being retuned.
Early in the New Year we
should be hearing them again, for the
first time since the war.
St. Michael’s bells are referred to by
the initiated as a 121 cwt. eight; this
means that there are eight bells and the
heaviest, or tenor, bell weighs 124 cwt.
Their worth is about £5,000.
Four is the minimum number required
for change ringing and 12 is the maximum.
Changes on a given number of
bells are referred to by a particular
name: four are Minimus; five, Doubles,
six. Minor; seven, Triples: eight,
Major; nine Caters; ten, Royal: eleven,
Cinques; and twelve Maximus.
At this point it might be advisable to
explain how a bell is rung in the English
manner. The ringer starts with the bell
at rest. mouth dowmAards. The rope is
attached to a wheel alongside the bell
and a pull on the rope causes the bell
to swing. This swing is increased by
the ringer until the bell turns in a complete
circle. i.e. from mouth upward
round to mouth upward. Devices known
as a ‘stay’ and ‘slider’ enable the bell to
be left in the upward position.
Bell handling is the simple (?) technique
of making a bell. 40 or 50 feet
above. move and strike precisely as the
ringer requires.
Muscle Men not Essential
It is generally believed that ringers
are mightily muscled men, but this is
far from true. A nine-stone girl
possessing the necessary skill can handle
a bell weighing a ton or more. A sense
of rhythm is vital, and the accurate
striking of the bell is the most important
part of a bell-ringer’s technique.
Mr. Paton told us that it takes about
six months before a person can handle a
bell competently. With constant practice
one develops ‘rope-sight’-the ability
to notice the ropes and find out or
follow the right one.
Out of consideration for everyone,
Mr. Paton ties the clapper of the bell
when teaching a beginner-though, of
course, the beginner must later learn to
recognise the sound of his own bell.
When his pupil has mastered rope
handling, he can learn to ring in rounds
with other bells. Rounds are the ringing
of the bells in their natural order, beginning
with the smallest, or treble, and
ending with the largest, or tenor.
From this, he progresses to change
ringing. And this is where the ‘hunting’
comes in.
The basic principle in ringing changes
is called the ‘plain hunt’. Each bell
follows a regular path among the others,
going from the front, or lead, up to the
hack, or behind, and down to the lead
again. Instead of musical notation, this
is written down as a list of the numbered
bells. and the path of any particular
bell can be traced among the others, as
in our illustration.
Every variation on the plain hunt is
called a ‘method’ and given a special
name, such as Plain Bob, or Grandsire.
You have only to learn the one path for
each method, as every bell follows an
identical path, though it starts every
time in a different position (with the
exception of the treble, which in most
cases plays the part of a guiding bell).
Now you will see why it is that bellringing,
particularly the more advanced
kind, appeals greatly to the mathematically
minded. It is all a question of
permutation of numbers to give the
maximum number of different changes
on the bells. (Nothing to do with football
pools, by the way!)
The maximum number of changes you
can get on four bells is 24 and takes one
minute to ring. At the other end of the
scale, with 12 bells, the number of possible
changes is 479,001,600 and would
take 37 years and 355 days to ring at
average speed!
The standard peal rung by ringers is
5,040 changes, taking three hours, and
this is what the skilled bell-ringer
How the bell is held in “mouth upward” position is explained by Mr. Paton with the aid of a model bell.
Among his listeners is the Rector of Mitcheldean, c. BROOKS
attempts. Mr. Paton has done this ten
times so far-in other words, he has
rung ten peals.
As we have already noted, ringers
have a language of their own. Take,
for example, this simple (?) sentence
from the instructions for ringing Superlative
Surprise Major, a method for
eight bells: “The work with the treble
in front (slow work) is made by a
double dodge, lead, dodge with treble,
2nd’s place, dodge with treble. lead and
double dodge. . . . Little explanation is
needed to describe a bell running
through- !! (The exclamation marks are
mine. -Ed.)
The art of bell-ringing is a difficult
one to describe, but there are at least
four people in the factory, apart from
Mr. Paton, far better qualified to write
about the subject-we refer to bellringers
Clive Berry (Lydney), Clive
Brooks (Ross-on-Wye), Howard Meek
(Ruardean). Ken Tyler (Newent) and
Alan Burlingham (Westbury-on-Severn).
But we hope we have at least helped
you to appreciate the ringing of church
bells and if your interest has been
aroused-well, get in touch with Mr.
THE NEW wall seating in the Club House has made the surroundings more
comfortable and certainly allows more room-a long standing (or I should say,
sitting) need well satisfied. The provision of new furniture is another improvement.
* A Dance for the Over-Thirties was held on August 31 and was very well
attended. The Brookland Dance Orchestra made their first appearance at the
club on this occasion and it was agreed by all that we should see a lot more of such
a very good band. Some of the over-fifties were seen twisting like teenagers-and
one lady’s slip got so enthusiastic it managed to twist back to front and she had
to retire for repairs!
* On September 14 some 50 members of the British Piston Ring Co. of Lydney
visited us. A skittle match was played and our team got a free pint, Des Haines
being top scorer for Rank’s. The Skittles Club also held a meeting on this
occasion and trophies were presented (‘Cassius’ Cook gives more gen on this
elsewhere in this issue). Congratulations, by the way, to the ‘B’ Team on their
promotion to the Second Division Ross & District League.
* Music for dancing was provided by Mr. H. Tooze, his not-too-loud electric
organ being ideal for our small dancing space. Opposition was started downstairs
by the record player. (Sorry it was switched off, Beryl, but it got too noisy. Someone
asked me to have a drink and I actually didn’t hear them!)
* Catering had been left as usual to Mrs. Jackie Smith and her lady helpers.
Many thanks, Jackie. Every item of food went, with the understandable exception
of a few pickled onions and everyone had all they needed.
* The visitors from Lydney were full of praise for our club rooms. They have
none as yet but they hope to invite some of our members to Lydney soon.
* I have contacted a few local firms in Gloucester with a view to exchanging
visits. T. Wall & Sons (Ice Cream) and British Nylon Spinners were both very
interested, but as they are both having new club rooms erected, no settled date can
be fixed yet-more about that later.
* Now that we have such a large number of members, what about forming a
small Concert Party? We must have the talent here. Come on, you choristers,
let’s be hearing from you! All bright ideas entertained!
-that’s what came to Jeanette Short on October 18,
the day of our Fourth Annual Dance and Reunion,
and her 21st birthday. Our new ‘Miss Rank,
Mitcheldean’, who is secretary to the Chief Buyer,
Mr. W. Beech, is pictured on the right, after
her coronation by Mrs. F. Wickstead.
BELOW: (I) Men with a number of important matters on their minds-seven to be precise: t2) Lost year’s
‘Miss Ronk’, Wendy Haile. and her partner whirl their way to first prize in the Twist Competition. Wendy,
who is secretary to Mr. R. E. Baker, Manager. Component Manufacture, won the Rock’n’Roll Competition in
1961. (3) Dancing at Cheltenham Town Hall. (4) The ‘seven matters’ on the minds of the judges-all
contestants for the crown of ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’.
There is one thing we will NOT see,
if we can help it, and that is
the gloomy siae of our lives
‘THESE cheerful words were spoken 13..
1 a blind man, the late Sir Arthur
Pearson. Bt., G.B.E.. Founder and first
Chairman of St. Dunstan’s. And they
are epitomised by a newcomer to the
staff at Mitcheldean.
A regular in the R.A.F., Horace Blake
was serving at Fontainebleau when an
accident deprived him of his sight. He
was advised to go to St. Dunstan’s and
spent three years training at the institution’s
centre at Ovingdean, near
Brighton. St. Dunstan’s not only prepared
him for a new kind of life: they
also, in a way, provided him %% ith a
wife, for it was there that he met his
good lady while she was visiting a
Hearing Mr. Blake’s story made us
keen to know more about the excellent
work done by St. Dunstan’s and how
the institution came into being. It all
arose out of the interest taken by Sir
Arthur Pearson in some blinded soldiers
who, early in 1915, had been sent back
from the battlefields of France for
hospital treatment in this country.
Others soon came to him for help and
advice and on March 26 of that year the
organisation began its work at the house
‘St. Dunstan’s’ in Regent’s Park, London.
The building, incidentally, derived
its name from a big clock bought during
the demolition of St. Dunstan’s Church
in Fleet Street in 1830, and removed to
the house in Regent’s Park.
From the very beginning, St. Dunstan’s
(which is supported entirely by
voluntary contributions) was recognised
as the centre for the training and after
care of all war-blinded men, and the
policy of Sir Arthur, that men should
‘learn to be blind’, has been followed
ever since.
Today the organisation, which has
expanded throughout the years, has a
number of buildings, the most outstanding
of which is that at Ovingdean, used
Although he is deaf and
blind this former artillery man
is an expert maker of ship
models. He calls this model
of a famous Thames paddle
steamer ‘Pandora’, because
Pandora was the Goddess
of Hope.
The inventor stands by as
Olympic Gold Medallist Don
Thompson tests an indoor
training machine devised by the
5t. Dunstan’s road-walker.
as a holiday home as well as a training
Men and women who have come to
St. Dunstan’s include not only those
blinded in the two World Wars but
those blinded in action in subsequent
campaigns in Malaya and Korea, others
who have had to delay admission on
account of long hospital treatment, and
even some who have gone blind many
years later from the effects of delayed
mustard gas poisoning in the First World
War. And there are a few who, like
Mr. Blake, have lost their sight as a
result of accidents occurring during
peace-time service with the Armed
The St. Dunstaner requires, and gets,
education in the widest sense, helping
him to build up self-confidence and
develop the art of ‘seeing’ through the
senses of touch and hearing. Such
training takes from one to four years
and is very costly.
First, he learns how to walk about
alone, how to shave himself, to care for
his clothes and appearance. This is
followed by professional, business or
occupational training.
Training can be divided into two parts
-preliminary and occupational. During
the preliminary period (up to six
months), every trainee learns to typewrite
on specially adapted machines
with Braille markings, and to read
Braille. Each trainee passing the typewriting
test is loaned a machine for life
for use in his own home (Mr. Blake
has one).
The curriculum also includes Braille
writing on a special machine, and lessons
in English, French and history, singing
classes, and carpentry to help him
undertake small household repairs. Dur-
Mr. Boris Zimin. leader of a delegation representing
Russian blind. tries his hand and hearing at
the sound rifle range at Ovingdean. Mr. Zimin
was blinded in the lighting on the Eastern front
in the Second World War.
ing all this time, the staff study the
individual’s ability, character and ambition,
thus enabling them to decide what
occupation will suit him best.
The majority of St. Dunstaners from
the First World War were trained to
work in their own homes in handicrafts:
making mats, wool rugs and baskets,
netting, joinery and boot repairing. But
although the organisation assists in
supplying the raw materials and disposing
of finished goods, this has proved
costly and uneconomic, and there is the
competition of machine-made products.
Between the wars, therefore, the
possibility of extending the field of
employment of blind people to open
industry was considered, and in 1935
St. Dunstan’s first set up its own
machinery department.
The Second World War brought a
new generation of young war-blinded
men, but also a period of full employment,
and in 1940 St. Dunstan’s instituted
an extensive investigation in many
factories to ascertain the various processes
which might be efficiently undertaken
by blind people.
In 1941, jobs as capstan lathe operators,
inspectors and assemblers were
found for many of the younger men
blinded in the First World War. They
received their training ‘on the job’.
Shortly afterwards a new and bigger
machine shop was established at the
training centre and today hundreds of
war-blinded men are engaged in industrial
It is interesting to note that the
This blind farmer of 100 acres can tell by feeling
his crops whether they are ready for reaping.
He manages machine milking and weighs the yield
on a specially made balance marked in Braille
provided by St. Dunstan’s.
British Motor Corporation have a
special department where all the workers
are blind and where they have made, by
hand, the complete dashboard for the
Austin Princess.
All of which brings us back to Mr.
Blake. He was keen to take up industrial
employment and it was felt he was
eminently suitable, so he took the normal
comprehensive course at the industrial
training department at Ovingdean.
The objective here is to make the
trainee as fully competent and versatile
as possible, since he may be called upon
to undertake machine work, or work at
the bench. This could be almost
anything-the operating of capstan
lathes, a wide variety of presses. drilling,
milling, single purpose or other machines
at the bench: general or sub-assembly;
or inspection or viewing in various
aspects. and working to very fine
For this latter purpose adaptations
have been made to a range of instruments-
the micrometer, height/depth
gauge, vernier, etc.-so that the blind
inspector can be equally as competent
as his sighted counterpart. Mr. Blake
uses a Braille micrometer for his inspection
work at Mitcheldean.
St. Dunstan’s like their trainees to be
employed on precisely the same terms
and conditions as normal workers-in
short. merit and ability. not charity,
form the basis of the arrangement.
St. Dunstaners have made a success
in many other fields besides industry.
Today there are blind doctors, parsons,
solicitors, actors, welfare officers. secretaries.
journalists, salesmen, schoolmasters,
missionaries, travel agents,
guest house proprietors, shopkeepers.
farmers-the list is incredibly comprehensive.
A recent St. Dunstan’s booklet
mentions a stoker. a handless guide at
Warwick Castle, a one-armed lift operator
and even a grave digger!
A special study has been made of the
needs of those men and women doubly
handicapped by loss of limb as well as
of sight. and a research and experimental
workshop has been set up to
bring them every possible mechanical
and scientific aid.
Successful devices designed and made
in their workshops include adaptations
to radio sets to enable a blind-handless
man to switch on and tune in by himself,
a cigarette machine which produces
the cigarette already lighted, a machine
to enable shopkeepers to tell what coin
has been given them by a series of buzzer
alarms, musical instruments, and so on.
Although the main object of St.
Dunstan’s the war-blinded
person to hold his own in a world of
sighted people, help does not come to
an end once he has been settled in a
job. There is help in finding a home,
advice from the Country Life Department
to those working on the land, or
from the Welfare Department in domestic
crises or on legal or pensions matters,
while technical visitors from the industrial
staff ensure that all continues to go
well with men at work in factories and
other business.
But the blind worker needs something
more besides. He needs the friendship
and collaboration of his workmatesand
those Mr. Blake has been happy to
find at Mitcheldean. For example, a
friend collects him from his home in
Ross and takes him to the bus, and from
the bus to the work-bench. Another
takes him to the canteen at lunchtime
and for a short walk afterwards.
These acts of friendship cannot be
laid on by any institution; they have to
be spontaneous, and Mr. Blake welcomes
this opportunity to say a sincere
‘Thank you’ through the medium of
THERE has been considerable expansion
of the training scheme at the Plant
recently. The total number of apprentices
in the works has almost doubled
and now amounts to about 50, including
17 new intakes on September 9.
There are a number of reasons for
this. Because of the national shortage
of skilled workers, the Company policy
has been to increase the number of craft
trainees; and the expansion of the
Training School to almost three times
its original size, with facilities for operative
training, has made it possible for
the larger number of technician apprentices
to receive training in basic engineering
practices before they go off on their
tour of the works. The School is now
housed in the former Service Department
in the Old Maltings and is in the
charge of Mr. L. Hart.
THE apprentices paid two visits to
outside firms in August-one to Messrs.
T. H. & J. Daniels Ltd., of Stroud, and
another to Metal Castings Doehler Ltd.,
WE congratulate apprentice Terence
HCITIMS on his recent achievements. In
our July/August issue we mentioned
that he had won the shield awarded
annually at the Forest of Dean Technical
College to the engineering student with
the best individual sessional and examination
record. Now we learn that he is
undertaking a Diploma in Technology
Course at the Bristol College of Advanced
Technology: this is in recognition
of his exceptional examination resultshe
achieved distinctions in obtaining his
Ordinary National Certificate in both
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. *
THERE was an overwhelming response
from employees when members of the
staff of the Forest of Dean Technical
College attended the works on September
11 to assist existing and prospective
students in choosing an appropriate
course of studies, and to accept enrolments
for further education. In fact,
the Commerce Department representatives
had to return the next day in order
to deal with all the applications.
Some day when you’re feeling important,
Some day when your ego’s on top,
Some day when you have that feeling
You’re the most important man in the
Take a bucket and fill it with water;
Stick your hand in up to the wrist;
Pull it out, and the hole that remains
Is a measure of how much you’ll be missed!
You may splash all you wish when you
Stir the water around galore,
But you’ll find when you finally leave it,
It’s exactly the same as before.
So, as you follow your daily agenda,
Always do the best that you can.
Be proud of yourself-but remember,
There is no Indispensable Man!
-by the ancient Greek poet Xerox
OVER twenty executives from the Xerox
Corporation of America took the
opportunity of visiting Mitcheldean,
prior to attending a Planning Conference
in London with Rank Xerox and Fuji
Xerox. They were met at Gloucester,
were taken to see Gloucester Cathedral,
and then brought here for luncheon prior
to a tour of the Plant.
The special displays arranged for their
benefit in various departments were
very much appreciated and our guests
were impressed with what they saw,
this being the first visit for the majority
of the party.
ON January 3 and 4. the Cine and
Photographic Club will hold the first,
and most outstanding, event in their
1964 programme-a showing of the
Amateur Cine World’s ‘Ten Best Amateur
Films of 1962.’ The venue is
Abenhall School; the time, 7.30 p.m.
Seats are all unreserved at 2s. 6d., so if
you want tickets, apply without delay
to Programme Secretary W. Austin
(Tool Room) or Chairman A. R. Mason
(Xerox Warehouse).
Members are also looking forward to
November 27 when they will hear a talk
by Mr. Reg. Pearce, technical representative
of Hanimax Co., on ‘Possibilities
of Colour’.
777 ANY ANSWERS ? ? ?
WHO woke up to find a cow on her lawn?
WHO got into bed, thought she had sat on a needle, then found that a wasp had got
into bed first?
WHO tried to boil a china egg?
WHICH honest lady found a wage packet. sent to hand it in at the office, then
discovered it was her own?
WHO grew a 26-1b. brussels srrout? The same remarkable gardener has. we hear.
been selling his runner beans by the yard.
WHO managed to get locked in a lavatory which had no lock?
HAS Mitcheldean its own Loch Ness monster? A strange creature, clothed onl
in under-pants. was seen threshing about in the fish-pond one recent Saturday
WHO grows mushrooms all over his house-even under his bed (presumably so he
can pick them for breakfast without getting up)?
WHO had to wake her husband up to tell him that he had given her a black eye
in his sleep?
WHO started looking for 50 thou. at 5 p.m.? (Nothint; to do isith the train robbery.
by the way.)
WHICH Morris stopped the traffic in Newquay?
WHO was unaffected by the sight of a Xerox machine on fire, but fainted clean
away into the arms of a young man who fortunately happened to be passing when
she heard the fire extinguisher turned on?
WHO went to sleep in the barber’s chair, then woke up and complained that the
barber had taken too much off ?
WHO chief quarry basher in Xerox?
WHO is the polite lady whose favourite driving signal is the V-sign?
WHO treated his an to a new pair of windscreen washers after it had passed its
five-year test?
WHO had to stop the bus to retrieve her spectacles which had fallen off her lap,
and managed to find them all in one piece? The funny thing is, it was her shoes
which should have fallen off instead!
WHICH Xerox Machine Shop driller. Nshen tapping base frames, makes them do
the twist?
WHO drank a bottle of warm ‘orange squash’. complained it was too weak. then
learned when she got home that it had in fact been just plain hot water?
WHO came to work minus a vital item of clothing? And who remembered to put
on a vital piece of clothing but got the wrong sort-in short (very short) her bah)
doll pyjama panties?
WHO was the young redhead sitting on her boy friend’s lap at a recent Club dance
with her nose in the region of his shirt collar? Is that what is meant by the term
WHICH radial arm driller asked his son to clean his new A.35 van, and was horrified
to find him going over the paint-work with emery paper?
WHO volunteered to go on the Monmouth Town Football Club Selection
Committee. just to make sure he was picked every week?
WHO. while on his driving test, turned left after putting his indicator out to the
right, but amazingly enough passed his test?
WHO can clear a five-bar gate with a foot to spare when encouraged by a farm dog?
WHO reversed his car into a brick wall, then went forward and tried to hit another
car off the road?
Plant v. Architects
AS the result of a challenge from Messrs.
Gordon Payne & Preece Ltd.-the
architects in charge of our new building
projects-a cricket match took place
between the latter’s office team and a
Rank Mitcheldean Plant team on
August 28 at Mitcheldean Playing Fields
by kind permission of the trustees.
There were 22 overs each side, and
the challengers were all out for 93 while
Rank’s scored 114 for seven. Captained
by F. J. Edwards, our victorious team
comprised the following: R. E. Baker.
J. W. Evans, B. J. Ferriman. D. F.
Griffiths. B. Hall. G. S. Hemingway,
C. W. Hotchen, R. W. Powell, J. Tester
and J. J. Wilson.
After the players had refreshed themselves
at the Club House. the losing team
managed to retrieve their honour in a
skittles match and we finished all square!
Angling Activities
THE first to points Contests of the
1963-64 season held by the Angling
Club took place during September on
the Club’s waters at Lydbrook-and on
both occasions Secretary J. D. Williams
had top weight. There arc five points
contests, two pike and one fur-andfeather
(the Christmas contest). Also
on the programme is a contest against
A.E.1., Lydbrook, on their waters on
Sunday, November 24.
To the angler achieving the highest
number in the points contests will go
the Stan Cherry Championship Trophy,
to be held for one year.
Club members wish to acknowledge
the generosity of Mr. E. Meadows
(Xerox Machine Shop) who has kindly
presented the Club with two cups. In
addition, the Sports and Social Club
are to provide three more cups-and to
them also the Club convey their
Skittle Scorers
THOSE who achieved the highest erage
score for the 1962-63 season received
their trophies at a Skittles Section meeting
held in September. Cups went to
Mr. D. Cook (‘A’ Team) and Mr.
E. Lark (‘B’ Team), and also to Mr. W.
Carpenter who gained highest average
in the Summer Front Pin League.
* * * * * * * * * * *
* !lure p,11 II o out HULI DA)
MEMORY CONTEST story, we mean.
* Remember, entries have to be in by November
4. The first prize of three guineas.
* or the runner-up’s of one guinea, could go
towards your next holiday. Send the article
* to the Editor at ‘Fair View’. Plump Mil.
* 141tcheldean. or leave it at the Gate House addressed to: The Editor. VISION. * * * * * * * * * * *
Club House Improvements
APART from the better seating arrangements
that have been installed at the
Club House, as mentioned elsewhere in
this issue, some major building alterations
are being carried out to improve
the Club’s facilities.
A small storehouse and stock room
and the remains of a boiler house are
being removed. In their place there will
be a darkroom, long promised to the
Cine & Photographic Club, complete
with sink, water supply and drainage,
etc., and certain other equipment: a
completely new and much bigger stock
room, well insulated for keeping bottles
at the temperature to which they are
accustomed; and a general store room
for sports goods.
WHILE on a fishing expedition, a member
of the Angling Club walked through
a herd of Jersey cows. He was heard to
say what lovely creatures they were, and
what beautiful long eyelashes they had
. . . and how he wished he were a bull!
” A-ZE Yot) $uiZE Y 01; YE 740r4E
KIND or wovoc BErorzt.”).
Putting YOU
in the Picture
21st Birthdays
Miss Barbara Harris (Production Control)
on August 20.
Sharing their most important birthday
on September 2-twins Mrs. Kathleen
Evans (B. & H. Assembly) and Miss
Winifred Harper (Xerox).
Mrs. Christine Leighton on September
20. Formerly in Machine Shop Office,
Christine has left for the happiest of
Miss Patricia Marshall (Dictorel) on
October 10.
Newly Married
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Berry C. BROOKS
Miss Edna Robbins (B. & H. Assembly)
to Mr. Roy Williams (Transport) at
Weston-under-Penyard Church on July
Mr. Anthony Burgham (Jig Maker) to
Miss Mavis Jones at Ruardean Hill on
August 10.
Mr. Clive Berry (T.E.D.) to Miss Betty
Sage at Lydney Parish Church on
August 31.
Also on August 31, Mr. Donald Manby
(Mechanical Laboratory) to Miss Ann
Elsom at St. Barnabas Church, Talley,
Miss Diana Peates (Accounts) to Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ackers
Ray King at the Forest Church on
September 7.
Also on September 7, Mr. Roger
Dymond (Wages) to Miss Juliet Brown
at St. Stephen’s Church, Cinderford.
Miss Cissie Hyde (B. & H. Assembly
Inspection) to Mr. Malcolm Ackers at
St. John’s. Cinderford, on September 14.
On September 14 too, Miss Daphne
Weaver (Xerox Electrical Subs.) to Mr.
Michael Cooper at Ruardean Church.
Miss Margaret Stephens (B. & H.
Assembly) to Mr. Clifford Bent at the
Forest Church on September 21.
Also on September 21 at the Forest
Church, Miss Wendy Smith (Goods
Inwards) to Mr. Maurice Brain (Production
Mr. Clive Brain (Planning) to Miss
Linda Davis at St. Stephen’s, Cinderford,
on October 19.
Miss Margaret Collins (B. & H.
Assembly) to Mr. Tony Baker at the
Baptist Chapel, Coleford, on October 26,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brain
%tr. and Mrs. Donald Manby R EVANS
Newly Engaged
Miss Valerie White (B. & H. Assembly)
to Mr. David Moore (Tool Inspection)
on September 7.
Miss Wendy Worsfold (Purchase Office)
to Mr. Graham Trafford (Production
Control) on August 2.
Newly Born
Elizabeth, a daughter for Mr. Michael
Dowding (Xerox Machine Shop) on
July 30.
Julie Margaret, a daughter for Mrs.
Jean Roberts (formerly Comps. section,
Accounts) on September 9.
MR. SPI D. ROBERIS wishes to thank the
many potato diggers who turned up at
his potato farm for this recent harvest,
and who helped to make it a rousing
success. But, he adds, would the people
who borrowed his fowls’ cot (complete
with fowls) please return it?
Sir, and Mrs. Clifford Bent
For Sale-Wickerwork dog basket,
approximately 22 in. diameter. Enquiries
to Mr. A. Brain, Wood View,
M itcheldean.
Three-piece Suite for sale. Modernstyle
settee and two easy chairs in fawn
design moquette with polished wood
arms and Dunlop upholstery. £15.
Apply Mr. J. Cruickshank, Production
Wanted-A van or small lorry for
approximately one hour every week to
deliver fruit and vegetables to workmates.
Good hourly rate. Apply to:
Mr. T. Roberts, Spot Welding Section,
Xerox Machine Shop.
A Spare Seat has unexpectedly become
vacant on a coach trip to Blackpool
Illuminations. Anyone interested should
apply to Mr. D. Young. Xerox Machine
Mr. Ray Camp. Chairman of the Long Service
Association, presents Jim Parker with his retire- C. BROOKS mem gift, a combination micrometer.
Mrs. Dorcas Phelps, office cleaner’
retired on August 22. She had been
with us since 1958.
Mr. Jim Parker, 23 years with the
Company, retired recently. As a retirement
gift from the Long Service Association
he chose a 2-6-in. micrometer, so
he evidently intends to keep his hand in!
Another L.S.A. member, Miss Barbara
Hale (formerly Work Study), has left
us after 13 years’ service.
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited.
Coulsdon. Surrey