The first steps from school to industry are usually taken
under the guidance of the local Youth Employment Officer,
whose job is to act as the go-between for the employer
and the prospective employee. His aim is to fit each
person into the position for which they are best suited,
which includes persuading people to take advantage of the
increasing number of training schemes that are available
The apprenticeship is one such training scheme. Owing to
the rapid expansion of industry there is an increasing
requirement for more and more people who are skilled at
their job. I believe apprenticeship to be one of the best
ways to achieve the advanced qualifications now in
demand. The importance of apprenticeship schemes cannot
be over-emphasised, as the Government have shown in their
latest White Paper on Technical Education.
Many people (and perhaps even some of those who will, in
the future, become apprentices) still tend to think of
apprenticeships in the old light, when very little
training for the trade was given, and further studies
were never considered.
No longer is the apprentice someone who does all those
jobs that no one else wants to do, against which he dare
not complain, and for which he receives the mimimum
Today the training of apprentices is given every possible
consideration by employers. Opportunities to increase
their knowledge of that branch of industry in which they
are personally interested, and of industry as a whole,
are freely given – by supplementing normal training with
lectures, technical films and visits to other factories.
There is every inducement to increase the apprentice’s
technical knowledge, by granting day or block release to
local Technical Colleges and awards for outstanding
academic results. If an apprentice proves capable of
taking full advantage of these facilities, the way is
then open for full-time education in the form of
‘Sandwich’ Courses, Diplomas in Technology and Higher
National Diplomas. Although the individual employer has
to face up to the high cost of this training, it is now
recognised that, by increasing the individual’s capabilities,
the firm will benefit both nationally and
We have surely advanced a long way from the days when
parents were required to pay premiums for their children
to ‘learn a trade’, and the apprentice’s first
instruction was to carry the men’s cans of beer without
spilling a drop. But I wonder whether our degree of
appreciation has advanced at the same rate?
DECENIRFR %%as an important month
party -wise, and we hope to publish in
our next issue some pictorial evidence of
departmental Christmas celebrations.
Accounts Department were early with
theirs at the Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye.
on December 12. The pace really
hotted up a week later. There were
Production Control’s dinner and dance
at the White Hart. Ruspidge, on the
18th. the ‘Hilltoppers’ providing music:
the Xerox party at the Chase on the
19th with a cabaret and dancing to the
Chas. Tyme and Johnnie Brett Bands:
Bell & Howell Machine Shop’s dinner
at the Chase on the 21st. Sid Gordon
and his Band providing dance music:
and, finally, right on the eve of Christmas
Eve, the B. & H. Assembly party at
the Club House.
This latter party was a change from
Assembly’s usual style. being an informal
‘do’ with a chicken-and-chips
supper, and dancing to the Wye Valley
Stompers (among whose members arc
some of our apprentices. past and
This was how an E.F.C.O. spray
cleaning and phosphating plant, used
fin- pre -cleaning and treatment of
Xerox parts prior to painting, was
helped into its new home-the first
floor of the Project Nine Building.
The plant came into use in mid-
Nigel Brookes receives
his award from Personnel
Manager F. J. Edwards
CONGRATULATIONS to Paint Shop personnel-
they have qualified for three out of
four recent Suggestion Scheme awards.
J. W. Bruce Essex received £4 I7s. Id.
and John W. Morris £16 I5s. 7d.. while
Nigel Brookes (Xerox Paint Shop) hit
the jackpot with his award of £48 8s. 7d.
Yet another award, of £5. was made to
Colin B. Smith. who used to work at
Mitcheldean and is now a service
engineer with Rank Xerox. That makes
a total of over £75 paid out for bright
ideas in recent months.
This Man is Building Quality-or, rather, seeing
that quality has been built. Our picture shows
Maurice Coombes, Xerox Assembly Supervisor.
checking developer box baffles on a 914. Incidentally,
the sales of this office copier are continuing
to soar. C. BROOKS
Marion Cornwall
Cashier, Accounts
Kathleen Meek
Accounts Department
They say ‘fine feathers make fine birds’.
And fine exercises obviously make fine
figures, as is proved by these pictures. All
members of Drybrook Ladies’ Keep Fit
Class, these Mitcheldean ladies proved
excellent models at a recent mannequin
parade held in Drybrook. The ‘borrowed
plumage’ came from an outfitters in Rosson-
Ann Harris
B. & H. Assembly
Ruby Phillips
Ruby Bead’s
Secretary to
Mr. W. E. Blotch
FIRST prize goes to Sister II-7D.
Townroe (First Aid Department)
whose message seems to he ‘Don’t have
a motoring holiday this side of the
Channel’. She writes:
‘We hug ed our belongings into “Too
Flaming Hot 663” and set oft’ up the
M.50, determined to try a ne%% route to
Batley reported to be trouble-free. My
maps had been pinched so I decided to
buy one en route. This proved impossible,
every garage was awaiting supplies.
(How I cursed the fact that we were not
in France for our holiday this year!)
‘At the end of the M.5 we were
boiling, a lovely head of steam, despite
the fact that the car had been away for
a week, supposedly to have all its
troubles cured before we left. Second
gear had once more given up, impossible
even to get it to engage. (Onlookers
rather puzzled!)
‘Our first stop was to be at the
Birmingham Show, at Handsworth Park.
We cruised in the area for two hours,
but there were no parking places left,
the police directing us to another place
every time we tried to stop. Eventually
I said to one: “Have you any intention
of letting us get into this show at all?”
He had to admit that he had not.
. . the speakcr a ‘.spazhetti hat’ . . .”
‘1 replied in my well-known mild
fashion, murmuring about world -wide
advertising and not letting even the
natives get in. Once more I decided to
spend my last penny on a Continental
trip next year. I never had one spot of
bother on the last trip and never once
was charged to park, even in La Baule,
at the height of the holiday season.
‘Well, we managed to fill up with
water every 20 miles, all the way to
Batley. The next day the two men in
the house where we stayed were upside
down under the bonnet for a happy
hour or two. Their verdict: a leak in
the water jacket. I dragged the perisher
up (it’s always “up” in that area) to the
nearest garage where they put in a new
gasket: but as they wanted more than
the value of the car to put the gearbox
right, we left that until we got home.
`We had a night out in the Dales, at
a would-be smart hotel where the waiters
were all mid-European, the cooking was
definitely ex-Army cook-house, the bill
was a pistol shot! I have had more fun
in Gloucester on a wet day, if you know
%% hat I mean.’
After an account of being dragged off
to a Ladies’ Luncheon Club, at which the
speaker wore a ‘spaghetti hat’, and the
food was horrible, she continues:
‘It was quite a relief to turn the
bonnet South again, and start the
struggle home, with the gearbox in an
uproar. It was O.K. on the Doncaster
bypass, but crossing “Brum” was murder:
all the intersections seemed to be
on the uphill gradient, and as I had
no second gear, it was a case of shake,
shudder and roll. Every time I was
baulked I had to start all over again.
The other drivers thought I ought to
have started with something simpler –
sewing machines for instance! After
23 years’ driving, that kind of thing is
rather embarrassing!
‘It was nice to come back to my old
sporting pals in Mitcheldean and a
garage man who talks my kind of
money (and food that is food!):
Another advocate of Continental holidays
is Mr. Gene Lark (Machine Shop
Tool Re-grind) who went to Rimini on the
Italian Adriatic coast. It was all right
when he got there but, oh, the getting
there! His advice to anyone going to the
Continent for the first time is: ‘Fly there.
If you have to go by boat and train,
take plenty, but plenty, to drink.’ He
found drinking water unobtainable on
French trains, and a cup of coffee from
the refreshment coach in the morning
costs 3s. and upwards!
‘What a night’ he writes, ‘in a coach
with seven other restless and thirsty
‘One lady in the next compartment
walked the corridor all night. I asked
her why she was so energetic and she
said that four of the lads in her compartment
had taken off their shoes, so she
had to retire to the corridor.
‘Yes, 26 hours or more in a train can
bore one. But next day, lazing in the
warm water and on the sandy beach.
one forgot the discomfort.’
“I tried swimming
too. I was not
a swimmer …”
. . . she had
to retire to the
One afternoon they went by coach to
the smallest republic in the world-San
‘It stands way up on a hill 2,400 feet
above sea level. It’s about as huge as
Mitcheldean but has more shops than
you can find in Gloucester. Nearly all
sell the same sort of stuff-leather goods,
glassware, souvenirs, wines and spirits.
It has its own Parliament but employs
Italian police. I expect this is because
most of the inhabitants are related to
each other!
‘It was at San Marino that Garibaldi
declared Italy a Free State. It has certainly
altered since then. Nothing is
free, you pay top price for everything.
Italian-made sun-glasses can be bought
in England for half the price you have to
pay for them in Italy!’
Quite contented with an English holiday
is Mr. L. G. Miller (Design D.0.) who
ties with Mr. Lark for second place in
our Contest. It seems that he had the
only bit of summer that showed up last
year when he took his family to the Isle
of Wight.
‘We joined friends at a farm at Totland
Bay. The farmhouse at which we
stayed stands in beautiful flower gardens,
surrounded by grasslands and woods.
Built by Tennyson, its massive stone
walls and large windows charmed us all.
‘We soon made good friends with the
landlady and the farm bailiff-a muchtravelled
man who was a rare character.
‘We were awakened each morning to
the strange sound of the cow-milking
machinery, operated by the bailiff.
whose voice could also be heard as he
urged the cows to move: “Get up there.
Daisy-go on there r
‘Further round the coast lies Alum
Bay, where we collected an assortment
of its colourful sands. The towering
cliffs presented an awe-inspiring picture
and in some places appeared about to
fall, so we gave them a wide berth in
case of accidents!’
Fortunately there were no accidents on
the holiday-despite the following ventures:
‘Now I had often wished to ride a
horse, but had never previously ridden
any animal-not even a donkey!
‘Having expressed my wish so frequently,
a date was booked for me and
in course of time I was astonished to
find myself, in company with my family,
trotting along on a large horse named
‘Bandit’! So enjoyable was the experience
that we went out riding several
times. . . .
The Night I Cried Myself to Sleep
I played ’em slow, I played ’em fast:
Surely my rotten luck can’t last!
I played a seven and then a four-
I’ve never scored SO low before.
I wish 1 placed as well as Cook
But 1 haven.’ t got his ****** luck!
My spirits rallied, I got an eight:
Alas, the change had come too late.
It seems my luck had run its course,
The game just went from had to worse.
A ‘Beaver’ was me final shame:
I got my ‘drop’, we lost the game.
‘I tried swimming too. I was not a
swimmer-I sank. I am unfortunately
still not a swimmer, but it was good fun
to try the experience.’
He concludes: ‘Unknown to us a
grand farewell evening had been arranged
in our honour at the farm.
‘Several villagers had been rehearsing
songs and various items of entertainment
and we gathered in the lounge on
our last night to listen to the farewell
performance, the bailiff proudly giving
us a recital on his ancient gramophone
as a finale!’
Despite the rosettes, this is not an electioneering picture, though there is some connection with
politics. It shows the Rank Skittles Club team-winners of the West Gloucestershire Conservative
Association skittles tournament after an exciting battle with the other finalists from The Globe.
Cinderford. The team, who won by six pins, comprised: Messrs. J. George (Captain), who is seen
holding the challenge cup, W. Carpenter. T. Duberley. D. Haines, J. Mould, D. Parkinson.
E. Parsons and M. Stephens, with D. Cook and R. Jones acting as reserves. The same night, we
understand, `Cassius’ Cook was (unofficially) presented with a crown complete with ermine band.
made by W. Carpenter: we presume that, like his boxer namesake. ‘Cassius’ will wear this before
doing battle In future!
GREAT DENE, or Mitcheldean as it is
now known, was originally just
plain ‘Dene’: this name is derived from
an old English word meaning `a wooded
valley’ and it is almost certain that the
Forest of Dean got its name from this
It became known as Great Dene soon
after the Norman Conquest in 1066 –
‘Great’ because of the many trades and
industries that flourished there, wool
combing, spinning, weaving and tailoring,
to mention only a few of the
The men of Dene were accomplished
archers and they practised their skill
poaching the deer and wild boar. The
hides of these animals, together with
the hides from their cattle, were tanned
by the bark from the Forest Oaks and
used by the cordwainer, as the shoemaker
was then called. This leather was
also used by the tailor to make clothes,
mainly for the iron miners, since it was
the only material available that would
withstand the wear and tear of their
rough work.
Iron mining must have been one of
the earliest industries of Mitcheldean.
It was started most probably by the late
Neolithic peoples, and carried on by
the Silures, the ancient inhabitants of
the Forest at the time of the Roman
occupation of Britain.
Original Free Miners ?
The Silures were a very strong and
warlike people; they were never really
conquered by the Romans and so remained
a free people. They were most
likely the original Free Miners of the
Forest of Dean, because under a treaty
of peace they traded the iron they mined
with the Romans.
Iron mining was carried on for many
hundreds of years. About 1282 there
were eight forges in operation at
Mitcheldean, each paying a royalty to
the King of 7s. a year.
Charcoal was the fuel used in the
forges to smelt the ore and many people
were employed cutting wood and making
charcoal. It is now made in huge
iron kilns, but in the old days the pit
method was used.
The building of a charcoal pit was a
very skilled job because the wood had
to be burned to just the right degree
without its bursting into flames.
The last charcoal-burner in the Forest
to use the old pit method was a Mr.
Roberts who lived at Gunns Mills, near
Mitcheldean. Before he died, not so
many years ago, he gave lectures on the
subject to forestry students and a book
was written revealing the secrets of the
method he used. It is interesting to
note that Mr. Roberts’ daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Marlene Roberts, works in our
Paint Shop, and she kindly provided us
with the photographs used to illustrate
this article.
Getting back to iron mining, the iron
produced in this area was of a very good
The iron ore of Dene occurs in irregular
pockets, lodes and veins in the
Crease Limestone, and a pocket may
contain up to many thousands of tons
of ore. But when a pocket is worked
out, it may be a long time before another
is found. About 1899 iron mining
ended, leaving many pockets of ore still
under the hills behind Mitcheldean.
Coal mining must have started at the
same time, or soon after, iron mining
was begun, and there were several coal
mines around Mitcheldean. One in the
area of Abenhall, near Mitcheldean,
was supplying coal to the King in 1282.
Wood for making charcoal by the old method was
piled like this before being covered with earth
(see picture opposite).
quality; it was in demand all over the
country. and the smiths of Mitcheldean
were kept busy making nails, wire,
horse-shoes, plough-shares, etc.
Towards the end of the 19th century,
however, iron mining began to decline
because the miners of Dene could not
compete with cheaper foreign imports.
In some parts of the world there are
mountain ranges of iron ore and it is
obviously far easier to blast chunks off
the side of a mountain than to dig into
the depths of the earth.
Coal mining, however, suffered a similar
fate to iron mining and has now ceased
in this area.
But these were not the only minerals
that have been mined in this district.
In 1906 gold and silver were discovered
in the Sandstone Conglomerate on Wigpool
Common, but the seam that was
worked only yielded six grains of gold
per ton of ore extracted and was therefore
In spite of this, some geological students
have quite recently been prospecting
for gold on Wigpool so, who knows,
Mitcheldean may become another Klondike
It was the Free Miners of Dene who
built Abenhall Church. They were, and
still are, a sturdy people, highly skilled
in their craft. They. alone of all the
mining population of Britain, adopted a
constitution which in its exclusiveness
and rigid protectionist features is comparable
with those of the craft guilds of
the sixteenth century.
They were frequently summoned to
the Scottish wars and for service across
the Channel under the Edwards, and
for their faithful service at the sieges of
Berwick were given royal confirmation
of their privileges.
The only good road through the
Forest of Dean, made up by the Romans,
passed through Mitcheldean. It thus
became the gateway to the Forest and
placed Mitcheldean in a prominent posi-
Ted Roberts, lust charcoal burner in the Forest,
puts a lid on the completed ‘pit’. The method of
lighting such pits was kept a close secret.
tion. It became a favourite stoppingplace
for the stage coaches, and horses
were often changed at the George Hotel.
This hotel was built early in the 17th
century and was one of the most striking
pieces of architecture in the Forest. It
consisted of two square tower-like
wings three storeys high, joined by a
recessive middle portion with lovely,
deep gabled roofs. The upper storey
and gabled roofs have now been removed
and have been replaced by an
ugly flat roof. Whoever perpetrated
this deed must have been soulless!
To be continued.
WHO put the following notice on a cabinet in the Central Records Department :
`Do not open this door as it is difficult to close’?
WHO put his hair in curlers at night and couldn’t do a thing with it in the morning?
WHICH gentleman was observed training a large telescope on the gate when
everyone was leaving work at the end of the day?
WHO, finding the ash-trays in his car were full, went and bought a new Corsair?
WHO had to break into his own car before he could get the ignition key to drive it?
WHICH young lady in Assembly takes a bath with all her clothes on?
WHO swept for the first time for years when he went to Xerox?
WHICH ‘Keep Fit’ enthusiast in Accounts, after doing only one exercise over a
chair, pulled a muscle and promptly lost her enthusiasm?
WHO went to a dancing class and found his wife had packed two left shoes for
him to dance in?
WHO, when buying a coat, has to see that it fits her bike first?
WHO addresses people as ‘Hey You!’?
WHO, having been advised that the knocking he had heard was due to a faulty
‘big end’, stripped his car (a job that took him 12 hours), put it together again, still
heard that knocking-then discovered that it was the fan belt rubbing?
WHO is known in Xerox as ‘Fred Flintstone’?
WHO accused the Electronic Laboratory of causing interference with his television?
WHO needed a whole afternoon to plant some rose trees?
WHICH gentleman came to the conclusion that zip fasteners have their disadvantages?
WHICH blushing Scot thought that a certain sign said `Laddies’?
WHO parked his van when he arrived at work, then found it had magically disappeared
when he went to find it at lunchtime?
WHO caught the bannister rail going
through his coat pocket ?
WHO, when asked whether she was
getting married soon, replied that she
and her groom had already had a
WHO’s wife would not let him watch
the England v. Ireland match on the
telly? He had to listen to it on the
radio in another room!
ANOTHER Annual Dance over, another pretty head wears the crown. I feel it
might be a lot more interesting to all members if, during the next 12 months,
we had photographs of would-be contenders for the ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’
title from every department in the factory.
* These could be published in VISION, then everyone could cast their vote for the
lady of their choice. This would save a lot of time and get more entrants, because
many lassies hate the idea of the show parade in front of all the people present at
the dance.
* Judging from a few comments I heard, it would appear that not everyone was
keen on the band. Good though they undoubtedly are, perhaps a change next
time may be a good idea.
* The under-thirties had their fling on November 30 to the strains of the
Brooklands Orchestra, but I heard that quite a few did not like the band which
provided dance music. We will settle for a Rock’n’Roll group next time and trust
that it will be more to their liking.
* The Inter-departmental Skittles Contest has now been played and won. It was
nice to have another department reaching this year’s final. Those doughty
champions, the Tool Room, were beaten by one pin by Xerox Capstans. Hard
luck, lads! Then Xerox Capstans were slaughtered by the Machine Shop Sharpshooters
(Bell & Howell). The latter then had to face B. & H. Assembly who had
vanquished Xerox Machine Shop ‘B’ team in the semi-finals. Alas the Sharpshooters
were shot down, and the Assembly team won by 12 pins to become the new
champions. Mr. C. R. Steward, Personnel Officer, presented the cup and trophies.
* Owing to the rush of people eager to start a Concert Party, as suggested in my
last ‘Diary’, I have dropped of to sleep!-G ENE LARK.
Following the suggestion
made by Gene Lark in
his ‘Diary’ above, we
have great pleasure in
publishing this photograph
of one of the next
contenders for the ‘Miss
Rank, Mitcheldean’ title.
This shy and charming
girl modestly withheld
her name. but we have
heard it whispered that
she is Miss Davina Smith
of B. & H. Assemble.
Her vital statistics are
ENTITLED ‘Across the Street-Across
the World’, a colour film made by
the Rank Organisation to mark the
Centenary of the Red Cross was shown
to apprentices and First Aid personnel
at the factory on October 23. The film
was introduced by Capt. C. S. B.
Swinley, DSO, DSC, RN, the Appeals
Organiser of the Gloucestershire Branch
of the British Red Cross Society.
Lasting half an hour, it emphasised
the international character of the Red
Cross and the great variety of its
services: disaster relief and other work
overseas such as distribution of blankets,
clothing, milk, etc., and child welfare
clinics; and its many activities carried
out in this country-trolley shops, work
for the handicapped, First Aid and
nursing, reading by cadets to the blind,
visits to the elderly and outings by
ambulance, as well as clubs for the old
and disabled.
In their Centenary Year, the Red
Cross have taken, as their special project,
help to the handicapped.
Holidays for Young and Old
In Gloucestershire alone, 70 people
have been given a holiday by the Red
Cross in 1963. Adults have been to
holiday camps at Weymouth and Westward
Ho!, while two holidays for handicapped
children have been arranged in
this county-one near Stroud for
younger children, and one at Guiting
Power for young people of from 13 to
18 years of age.
On both holidays, activities included
car treasure hunts and pony rides: the
younger ones produced a play for which
they concocted their own costumes
while for the older ones there were
visits to a factory and to the Cheltenham
There are four Red Cross clubs for
the disabled in this county and in September
they all gathered in Cheltenham
for a party. Their usual activities
include games or entertainments, and an
outing by coach and/or ambulance once
a year.
Old people are not forgotten-there
are four Red Cross clubs for the elderly
and visits are made to the homes of
those who are lonely or housebound.
Sick-room equipment is loaned to those
who are ill at home: so, too, are ‘aids’
and gadgets to help the disabled.
In the South West of England, including
Gloucestershire. the Red Cross is
responsible for the arranging of blood
donating sessions, the calling-up of
donors and the provision of tea at these
sessions; this is indeed a vital service,
and we are pleased to report that 150
people from our factory donated blood
at the recent session at Mitcheldean.
The First Aid and nursing work of the
Red Cross is well known and courses in
these subjects are given by the Society’s
instructors not only to Red Cross
detachments and cadet units, but also
to industrial firms, schools and other
This is but a brief outline of the work
done by the Red Cross in Gloucestershire;
it must be borne in mind that
Red Cross work such as this is carried
out throughout the world, and that the
international character of the organisation
is unique.
Taking his last chance at the end of September
before the close of the season, Guenter Matthes
of B. & H. Assembly went salmon fishing: and
just look what a handsome couple he took from
the Wye-a hen and a 141-1b. cock
1 V
2 Y
3 4 1 5 1 6 7
. z
Y f7 / z ,, 9
10 73z/
17 A
A r’ .
r 11 12 7 13 /
14 V 7 15
‘ / 1 117
‘ / 7
18 19 7,
22 , A
20 r/. 21 7
23 ?
V .
.d, , .A
2 6
27 V f
I. Innocent miss. (I, 4. 4)
2. Who in Kent has the information?
(2, 3, 4)
4. It sounds as if you make socks for
one! (4)
5. “They also – who only stand and
wait” (Milton). (5)
6. Could a cat be this stubborn? (6)
7. Uncommon bit on toast from
Wales. (4)
9. Clearing-house for milk. (5)
1 I. They hang about in towers-and
Nellie hung on one. (5)
12. The Unicorn, the Phoenix and the
Wyvern are this. (9)
13. Leading article. (9)
17. Reset sails for him. (5)
19. See 23 Down.
22. Nine voices going up, 10 on the way
down. (5)
23 & 19. Important document for
young Foresters-it’s I Down that
hasn’t! (4, 6)
24. Found in the hen-house. (4)
3. See 8 Across.
8 & 3. These cads don’t work in our
organisation. (4, 9)
9. Ignore this clue. (9)
10. Make it hot again. (6)
I. Only an oriental nut would chew
it. (5)
14. Bread-line supervisor. (5)
15. Like a doornail. (4)
16. Shouts. (5)
18. Origin associated with a mathematical
square. (4)
20. No reaction-like 15 Across. (5)
21. The county that sags. (5)
24. A common look at the goose’s
husband. (6)
25. Ready for quick calculations. (9)
26. Superficial space. (4)
27. Hunches (prompted by animals’
behaviour?). (9)
(Solution on page 15)
12 I3
‘ 7. i ,’
– A S!Iiisz,,,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Brain, whose wedding was
reported in our last issue.
Newly Married
Mr. Jenkin Morgan (Xerox Transport)
and Miss Pauline Holford at Zion
Chapel. Longhope. on September 21.
Miss Maureen (Assembly) and
Mr. Albert Buxeda (Machine Shop) at
Newent Parish Church on October 12.
Also on October 12. Miss Irene Morgan
(Production Control) and Mr. Wesley
Cutler at St. Michael’s. Mitcheldean.
Miss Margaret Weyman (Assembly) and
Mr. Eric R. Stacey at the Forest
Church, Drybrook. on October 19.
Miss Gloria Sherwood (Xerox Inspection)
and Mr. Roy Dobson at Longhope
Church on November 16.
Miss Marjorie Harris (Xerox Electrical
Subs.) and Mr. Ronald Davis at the
Forest Church on October 12.
Newly Born
Helen, a baby girl for Mrs. Moira
Jenkins (formerly Dictorel) last October.
Keith, a second son for Mr. Terry
Buffry (Chemical Laboratory) on
October 22.
Martyn, a son for Mr. John Shields
(Xerox Assembly) and his wife Eileen,
Putting YOU
in the Picture
Newly Engaged
Miss Christine Hill (Xerox Stores) and
Mr. Graham Weaver (Xerox Main Line)
on October 19.
Miss Josephine Dobbs (Purchase) and
Mr. Bill Wheeler (Xerox Transport) on
November 9.
Miss Julia Hampston (Accounts) and
Mr. Michael Welsh on November 16.
Newly-wed Mrs. R. Dobson signs the register.
who used to work in Telex, on November
A little boy for Mrs. Glenda Stephens
(formerly Accounts) on November 15.
Tracey Jane, a daughter for Mrs.
Margaret Morgan (formerly Accounts)
on November 23.
Russell John, a son for Mr. Ralph
Taylor (Tool Room) on November 28.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cutler
21st Birthdays
Mr. Ben Davis (Xerox Stores) on
October 26.
Miss Marie French (Accounts) on
November 28.
Mr. Michael Salmon (Apprentice) on
January 26.
Where’s the Doc’
Yippee, Boys, let her go!
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!
Ho! Ho! Ho! Huck!
Panto for the Kids
ABOUT 300 co luck) children aged
from five to 12 years of age, whose
mums and/or duds work at our Plant,
will be the guests of the Sports & Social
Club on January 11 when they will be
escorted by members of the Committee
to see the pantomime ‘Beauty and the
Beast’ at the Regal Cinema, Hereford.
While their eyes feast on the spectacles
on stage, their tummies will be kept
amused with ice cream and sweets.
Quite an organisine job!
THE collection made at the factory last
Poppy Day amounted to £28 17s. 8d.,
more than £5 up on last year’s total of
£23 Ws. 6d.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stacey
For Sale-Raleigh Moped in good condition,
£10. Also Phillips bicycle, suit
girl seven to 11 years old. In good
condition, £4. Apply to Mr. J. Wedderburn,
Tool Room, or 18 Eastern
Avenue, Mitcheldean.
Gresham Flyer tricycle for sale, suitable
for child three to seven years old. In
good condition, about £5. Apply to
Mr. A. De-Balford, Tool Room.
Complete Dining-Room Suite for sale,
comprising oak dining table with four
chairs, sideboard and three-piece suite
with patterned loose covers, all in excellent
condition. Only £40 the lot.
Apply: Box No. 17.
Wanted-45 pairs of chicken’s boots,
complete with front lacings. Must be
waterproof. Apply to Mr. N. Dovey,
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Printed by the Victor James Press Limited
Coulsdon, Surrey