Ablaze with light, our
new Canteen Building presented
an attractive subject for photographer
Clive Brooks. As Mr.
B. C. Smith said at the dinner.
“There are canteens and canteens
and this building is something
to be proud of indeed.”
Mr. John Davis, Chairman of
the Rank Organisation,
in his address at the L.S.A.
dinner held in our new
Social Centre. talks of
HERE is a particular pleasure in
I celebrating the anniversary of a
pioneer achievement. This is certainly
the purpose which brings us together
1 am happy to be among your guests
for I remember the satisfaction I felt
11 years ago, in March 1953, when you
took the initiative in forming a Mitcheldean
Long Service Association. Your
lead was later followed by other divisions
in The Rank Organisation, but you, as
the pioneers of a worth-while enterprise.
deserve special congratulations.
Service is a simple enough word but I
sometimes wonder if it is properly
understood. Perhaps it is because
service means different things to different
To some it means nothing more than
survival. The man who has hung on to
his job by the skin of his teeth for 25
years, contributing nothing and making
himself miserable in the process, congratulates
himself on a quarter of a
century’s service. It may be a commendable
feat of tightrope walking, but it is
not service.
Those who are survivors pure and
simple in business do not form themselves
into long service associations, for
there is nothing stronger to bind them
together than dates on a calendar.
Members of the Mitcheldean Long Service
Association have. I know, a very
different approach.
You meet together with a sense of
pride in what you have already achieved
and what you know you are capable of
achieving together in the future.
Your Association would not be the
success that it is, had it come into
existence only for reasons of selfinterest
and self-congratulation. Service
is serving others, not serving yourself.
Selfish people forget this, and lose much
of the joy of life in the process.
We in The Rank Organisation have
always laid great emphasis on service.
We do not sell goods-we sell service.
I believe this is one of the most important
factors contributing to our continued
We must develop this spirit of service
still further. It is in my view the most
sure guarantee of success in the future.
In the span of years since the Mitchel –
dean Long Service Association was
formed, the pattern of leisure has altered
almost beyond recognition. It is in
accepting the challenge of changing
tastes and requirements that we have
made our greatest progress and ventured
into new, fascinating and rewarding
I am very conscious of the great
contribution that all of the members
present, not least the older ones, have
made to our development.
What a wonderful record you have!
Of your 154 members. 23 can look back
on more than a quarter of a century
each of service. Another 31 have been
with us for more than 20 years. All of
the remaining 100 have between 12 and
19 years’ service.
May I offer you all my warmest congratulations
on what you have achieved
so far. I wish you and your Association
all success in the years that lie ahead.
Much of Mr. Davis’ address was devoted
to a survey of progress in The Rank
Organisation as a whole. We report this
on pages 8, 9 and 10.
The 11th Annual Dinner of the Long Service Association, held in conjunction with the
official opening of our new Social Centre by Mr. John Davis on June 16, was certainly
a Very Important Occasion. And for five people it was particularly memorable, for
they were able to receive from the Chairman personally the Company awards for
25 years’ service. Pictured below with Mr. Davis are the five veterans-Messrs.
B. C. Smith, G. S. Hemingway, J. Currie, R. Payne and A. E. Walton. Later in the
evening they received from Mr. F. Wickstead their awards from the. Mitcheldean L.S.A.
ANY Alums
WHO had an oak tree felled in his garden and had to watch it fall, not the way
it was intended, but straight across his newly-sprung sweet peas?
AND WHO spent all day felling a tree to make room for a garage, then next day
found the Post Office had erected a telegraph pole on the very same spot?
WHO put a quarter of tea in the pot and then wondered why the tea was so strong?
WHICH young men have to get the doctor to give them an anaesthetic before getting
their hair cut?
WHICH unfortunate Alsatian (?) spent a night tied to a 100-ton press and let
everyone know what he thought of it
AND WHICH unfortunate whippet had to spend 16 hours in a railway van until her
new owner collected her?
WHICH security man is not secure without a pair of corsets?
WHO woke his wife to ask her if she wanted to buy a sponge cake?
AND WHO dreamt his garage doors were collapsing, pushed his wife out of bed
in the belief that he was saving her and jumped out on top of her?
WHO thought of cancelling her Spanish holiday to avoid having an inoculation in
a certain tender part of her anatomy?
WHICH young lady went to the doctor and was told she was suffering from
beetle fever?
WHO had kittens in the Machine Shop?
WHO calls at the garage for half a gallon of petrol?
WHO in the Canteen can’t tell margarine from lard?
WHO allows the kids to play football on top of his Jaguar?
WHICH young man has to wipe lipstick from his face and have a cup of tea before
starting work each morning?
WHO ate buttered rolls, watercress and beetles for lunch?
AND WHO ate mustard sandwiches, flavoured with ham?
WHY do men on the 642 main line keep whistling like a lot of `Dickie Birds’?
WHICH engineer fell, clutching a steam engine, and did it grave damage by getting
dirt down its funnel and tipping the fire out of its fire-box?
WHICH young lady had to go to the First Aid Room to see if her dress had been
handed in as lost property?
WHO was afraid the girls in Electrical Subs might decide to wear bikinis at work?
WHO organised a large farewell party and then failed to turn up?
WHO plays table tennis on full-size hard tennis courts?
WHICH young lady, taking driving lessons. laddered her stocking at the first
lesson, sustained a bruise on her left knee at the second one, and unaccountably
ran out of petrol in an isolated area during the third? One presumes she must
by now have passed her test!
WHO diverted the attention of the birds from his own garden by breaking up half a
loaf and throwing it into his neighbour’s v,ardelt?
c. imooKs
Well, it’s taken these Vikings a mighty long time to penetrate through to the Forest
of Dean-which accounts for the length of their beards! No, seriously, underneath
those horned bowlers are Rank Xerox salesmen from Sweden who recently paid a
visit to London, and Mitcheldean, as a reward for success in a National Sales
AN exhibition is to be held by Rank Xerox Ltd. in Moscow
from July 10-26, at the Polytechnic Museum, just off the
Red Square. Mr. Graham Dowson (a director of the Rank
Organisation and of Rank Xerox Ltd.) will lead a team
of 30 technical experts at the exhibition, which is to be
opened by the British Ambassador in Moscow.
FIVE thousand pounds has been raised for the National
Playing Fields Association as a result of a marathon tenpin
bowling contest held throughout the Organisation’s tenpin
bowling centres.
WHYTELEAFE, a small Surrey town near Croydon, is to
become an important centre of Rank activities. A new,
up-to-date building will house many departments from the
Belgrave Road, London, offices, most of them within the
Theatre Division. The new offices are being opened in
order to obtain the needed additional space following the
implementation of plans for expanding the Rank Organisation’s
activities. Everything is being done to make the
move for the staff involved as easy as possible-a special
train has even been arranged to get them home quickly.
TWELVE colour films, dealing with physical science. for use
in schools have been made available by the Rank Film
Library. Produced in the U.S.A. by Encyclopaedia
Britannica, they have been made for the younger age
groups and are designed to match the current syllabus in
British schools.
PHOTOGRAPHIC enthusiasts who want first-class results without
difficulty will be interested in the Rank Mamiya Ranger
35mm. camera, recently introduced by Rank Photographic.
For 22 gns. this model offers a coupled rangefinder, built-in
exposure meter and high quality Mamiya-Kominar 40mm.
f/2.8 lens focussing from 3 ft. to infinity.
Move to
David Roberts poses with the Abbott cup!
ABOUT 60 people attended the annual
dinner of the Skittles Club at the Royal
Hotel, Ross-on-Wye, on May 2. Apart
from the dancing and entertainment
there was the presentation of ‘highest
average’ trophies by Mr. R. Camp,
Chairman of the Sports & Social Club.
Winner of the highest average in the
‘A’ team was M. Stephens (Tool Room),
while W. Carpenter (Xerox Inspection)
carried off the trophy for the ‘B’ team.
THE lady skittlers of Xerox Assembly,
captained by Mrs. Marion Brain, recently
threw out a challenge to the men
skittlers in their department-and lived
to regret it. They lost to the men by
32 points and the trophy, a marvellous
contraption of a cup made specially for
the occasion by Frank Abbott, was duly
presented to the men’s captain, David
Roberts. It was fashioned out of a
Tilley lamp, a bit of a petrol pipe, a
Cerebos salt tin and the lid off an old
teapot, with gay ribbons to decorate it
(or hold it together!).
Provided it remains in one piece, a
return match to retrieve the trophy will
be played.
HOLIDAY time is nearly here-and when
it comes a great many of us will be
busy taking photographs, whether the
sun shines or not. Getting these developed,
enlarged and printed can be
quite an expensive business, so why not
learn hum to do it yourself ?
Expert advice and the use of the
necessary equipment can be yours for
the asking if you care to join the ‘Stills’
section of the Cine & Photographic
Club, whose season starts in September.
A dark room adjoining the Club
House, complete with the usual equipment
for developing, printing and enlarging,
is available and, provided
enough interest is shown, the ‘Stills’
section plans to hold demonstrations,
lectures, exhibitions and competitions,
alternating meetings with the ‘Cine’
All are welcome, beginners and
experts alike, and further information
will readily be supplied by Mr. P.
Jordan (T.E.D.).
A Box (cardboard, by the way) suddenly
and mysteriously arrived on the desk of
Miss Elizabeth Young, secretary to Mr.
Lawson Bonser (Design) who was on
this particular day unaccountably absent.
This box intrigued almost everyone
in the Department, and before long
efforts were being made to find out the
contents. To everyone’s surprise these
turned out to be-a pigeon!
The explanation given was that Mr.
Ira Griffin, who is a well-known fancier,
had some time ago purchased from
Elizabeth’s father a pair of pigeons and,
according to the custom, was supplying
the first offspring to the original owner
of the parents.
A rather ‘strange transaction’, everyone
thought-could it possibly be that
Ira was merely giving Design the bird?
XEROX WAREHOUSE know all about getting
a copier from Mitcheldean to its
final destination with the least delayand
they are pretty efficient, too, in
getting a football into the opponent’s
Playing a team from Rank Xerox,
Denham, Bucks., in a recent match in
Mitcheldean, they emerged victoriousjust
as they did last time. Maurice
Gibbons (Captain) and Tim Giles were
personally responsible for the ball getting
into the right place, making the
final score 2 : I.
we are not trying to sell yet
another kind of washing machine.
All we want to do is to sell you an ideaan
idea that will banish that Monday
morning feeling by making your Monday
evening something to look forward to.
Why not go along to the Club House
at 5.30 p.m. and join the ‘Keep Fit’
class that Mrs. Ruby Phillips (Comps.
Section, Accounts) started on June 1?
After doing these carefully designed
and interesting exercises, to music, you
will feel both exhilarated and relaxed
after a day at your desk or bench. And
you will be improving your figure and
health into the bargain.
The class goes on until 7.15 p.m. and
refreshments are available if wanted.
Any shorts or slacks will do-but if
you intend to buy an outfit, the suggested
one is green sailcloth shorts with
a white top (the Sports Club colours).
Ruby, by the way, has had much
experience as a ‘Keep Fit’ leader. She
is on the panel of part-time teachers to
serve the Extra-Mural Department of the
Forest of Dean Technical College and
Mrs. Ruby
has run ‘Keep Fit’ classes in a number
of areas. Her exercises are designed
to suit all ages.
A Committee has been formed to run
the ‘Keep Fit’ section as follows:
Chairman: Mrs. Ruby Phillips; Secretary:
Mrs. Ruby Beddis (Plant Engineer’s
Office); Treasurer: Mrs. Marion Cornwall
(Cashier); Committee: Miss Marjorie
Knight, Mrs. Joan Phipps (both
Xerox Assembly), Mrs. Marjorie Jarvis
(Design Office) and Miss Jeanette Short
Our Chief Accountant, Mr. G. S.
Hemingway, has agreed to be President.
If the support is forthcoming, they
will organise additional activities, such
as mannequin shows with class members
acting as models, lecture-demonstrations
by cosmetic firms, a dinner-dance, and
so on.
So get along there-next Monday!
“Hi! Care to join
us for some
6 7
DIVISION of The Rank Organisation
has a more fascinating history than
It was a brewery when we took it
over, for different purposes, in 1940.
Its war record is an honourable onefrom
manufacturing 16 mm. and 35 mm.
projectors, it switched to the production
of vital equipment for the Services. The
nation benefited then, as The Rank
Organisation has benefited since, from
the skills which have enabled Mitcheldean
to tackle new tasks and master
new techniques with speed, competence
and efficiency.
After the war there was a smooth
transition back to the manufacture of
studio and projection equipment. and
the next great step in the story of change
and progress came in 1960, when the
first Rank Xerox 914 office copier came
off the production line.
How strange it is now to recall that
only four brief years ago the output of
Xerox machines at Mitcheldean was
running at the rate of two a week. Last
week it was 310! Greater challenges
and greater production lie ahead of us.
Rank Xerox is, in terms of years. a
comparative newcomer to the family of
The Rank Organisation. I use the
word ‘family’ deliberately. not because
I wish to be sentimental but because it is
vital that we work together with a
common sense of purpose.
Our change of direction has been
rapid, following the contraction of the
film industry. Each new venture is a
logical extension of an existing activity.
Technologically, progress has brought
great benefits to mankind by removing
the drudgery and wasted effort from
people’s daily lives, at home and at
work. The copper-stick and the quill
pen have given way to the washing
machine and the typewriter.
The acceptance of change lies behind
all our present activities, all our plans
for the future. I hope you find the
prospect as exciting as I do.
Now let me be a little more specific.
We began in films and we are still the
biggest single unit in the British film
industry. We shall continue to play
our full part, so long as we are Allowed
to do so.
From films to motoring. Our Top
Rank Motor Inns and Motorway Services
Division is not only young, but
vigorous. It is fast expanding and setting
new standards in catering for the
We entered bowling four years ago
in response to the public demand for
new kinds of leisure activities. By the
end of 1965 there will be 250 active
bowls in operation in this country. Today
we in Rank operate 18 bowls.
Capital costs are high but I believe that,
with the enterprising management we
have, we can look to the future with
We are putting young. imaginative
managers into our ballrooms, dance
studios and clubs-good quality management
with a liking for, and an interest
in, the new styles of popular music.
They are men who are also able to
negotiate with executives for private
functions, for we offer first-class facilities
for conferences, banquets, etc., at
many of our establishments.
Our Top Rank Home & Leisure Service
is offering first-class service in the
high-street in both sales and rental
Our splendid Social Centre proved itself
worthy of great occasions on June 16.
And the designer of the building, Mr.
Roger Payne, was there to witness its
inauguration. A rigorous Master of
Ceremonies, he joined other artistes in
providing an entertaining cabaret.
activities. On the relay side, the superiority
of ‘piped’ radio and television has led
to rapid expansion.
Mitcheldean has always had close
links with the audio-visual field. In the
Audio Visual Division we are currently
developing some interesting new projects:
our language laboratories are
already in demand and we have commissioned
experts to produce lessons of
the most useful kind.
I do not think we have shouted
loudly enough about the great part the
Rank Film Library is playing in the
education of our people, both in schools
and on the factory floor. It is. after all.
the largest distributor of 16 mm. films
in Europe for entertainment and
It is good to see that projectors made
at Mitcheldean are now being more fully
employed in primary schools.
The names of our industrial divisions
Pictured with Mr. John Davis are our
Chief Evecutive, Mr. F. Wickstead, and
Mr. Graham Dowson, a director of the
Rank Organisation and of Rank Xerox
A great success with the ladies were the
novel fan menus which also came in
handy after dancing! Trying their hand
at ‘fan language’ here are Mrs. Edna
Haman, Miss Margaret Hale, Miss
Ruth Morgan and Mrs. Jackie Smith.
have become synonymous with the setting
of standards. Rank-Bush Murphy.
Rank Taylor Hobson. Wharfedale Wireless-
all are without equal in their fields
of activity.
Rank-Bush Murphy is playing a
major part in the development of
colourvision. In fact, a major proportion
of colourvision receiving equipment
in use or on order by the B.B.C. and
G.P.O. for Britain’s forthcoming colour
television programmes has been made
by them.
The new 100,000-ft. factory now
under construction at South Shields
will make a big contribution to production,
particularly for export.
This brief survey would be incomplete
without a reference to the work you are
doing here at Mitcheldean.
You do not need me to tell you how
great the rate of expansion has beenit
is part of your daily lives and the
Mr. Ray Camp. Chairman of the L.S.A.,
chats with Mrs. Marion Cornwall and
Mr. Des Jones and his wife. Eugenie.
Busy behind the bar is Mr. Cyril Beard.
result of your own efforts. But the
greatest tests lie ahead.
We are slightly changing the face of
Mitcheldean, just as xerography is
changing the face of the office copying
world. It is an impressive thought that
the products from the work benches
here are at the moment being used
across the globe, excluding the Americas.
Last year we bulldozed 15,000 tons
of earth. Next year we shall be bulldozing
110,000 tons on the new 23-acre
site we have acquired. The Mitcheldean
plant already covers 400,000 square feet :
over the next three years it will be
extended by 132.500 square feet.
In 1960 the number of people working
on Xerox at this factory was a mere 52.
Today the figure is approximately 1,200
and I think it will be doubled in the
not-too-distant future. Over 4,100 914
machines were placed by Rank Xerox
during the 1963 fiscal year, bringing the
total number of machines in operation
to almost 15,000. In that same period
we doubled the number of our marketing
subsidiaries abroad, and about five are
currently being created in new territories.
Later this year we shall be introducing
the 813. If you share my own faith in
this machine, which I am sure you do,
you will know that it can mark the
second phase of the Xerox revolution.
Here I would like to pay tribute to
the wonderful job Mr. Wickstead has
done in the development of the factory.
When production of Xerox machines
first started at Mitcheldean it was a
modest operation to meet an uncertain
demand. Very soon output had to
jump to a level only the most far-sighted
had dreamed of. New methods had to
be rapidly introduced. I am glad to say
that people adapted themselves quickly
to the new techniques and got on with
the job.
What I would particularly stress is
that you have maintained the strict
quality control which is so vital to our
world reputation. A machine working
well on a customer’s premises is the best
of all possible advertisements. Continuous
efforts are being made to improve
quality even further. Some of your
Continued on back cover
FIGURES can be fascinating. Or perhaps
one should say ‘numbers’. So often the
mention of figures conjures up visions of
Brigitte Bardot rather than of Einstein,
and I suppose dividends, sum totals and
even triangles constitute problems in
both cases! Still, back to nos moutons
as the French sheepishly put it.
Recently, 1 asked a mathematical
friend if he could provide some quick
system of discovering whether any number
of three or more digits (figures to
you!) was exactly divisible by eleven.
This he promptly supplied, although he
appeared somewhat worried about my
mental condition.
To demonstrate his system we will
use the following number: 98782453.
Working from left to right, add together
the numbers in the odd places of
sequence (i.e. the first, third, fifth, etc.).
This gives 9 -7 —2 -5=23. Now repeat
this with the even-placed ones:
When the whole number is exactly
divisible by eleven, the difference between
these totals will be either zero (0)
or eleven, and in this case, 98782453+
11=8980223 exactly.
This method and result leads to some
interesting facts. It follows that any
number exactly divisible by eleven can
be reversed and still remain exactly
divisible. While this is obvious with.
say, 44, 77 or even 121, it is not so %% ith
902 nor 1254.
Another point: one readily recognises
the double figures such as 33, or 77, as
divisible without remainder, but not so
readily the extended ones, such as:
5005: or 7337; and again 340043 or
And to conclude, one further remarkable
fact. Where the given number is
not exactly divisible by eleven, the
difference between the sums of the oddand
even-placed numbers gives the
remainder when the number is divided
by eleven. This is calculated in one of
two ways, depending on whether the
odd or even numbers total the greater
Take, for example, the number 2762.
Here the even numbers are the greatertotalling
nine-and the odd total eight.
The difference is one-and 2762=
(II ,251)+1.
However, where the odd numbers are
the greater, as in, say. 2760, then the
difference is one, but the remainder in
these cases is found by subtracting this
difference from eleven, i.e. I I -1 =10
and 2760 =(11 250)+10.
– H. Hartley
“Do we hare to have
this fuss every time yogi
borrow a projector
from work?”
O\ we steam, looking for sperm
whales, passing down through
the snow-covered South Sandwich
Islands, one of which is an active
Coming down off the bridge of the
catcher for a cup of coffee, we see the
cook soaking the salt out of the salt
beef and pork which is for dinner. That
may sound a little rough on the stomach
nowadays, but we also get a lot of frozen
meat, plus whale steak. This last is very
tasty and when over-cooked it tastes
and smells very much like liver.
The A.B. in the ‘barrel’, 60 feet above
the deck, suddenly shouts “Blasts!”.
He isn’t swearing-it’s the Norwegian
term for “Thar she blows!” His arm is
stuck out like a sign-post and, as the
A.B. on the wheel brings the bow
around, his arm drops down, which
means the whales are now right ahead,
about 20 miles away.
In the engine-room they are piling on
the steam and the catcher is shaking
and vibrating all over, making photography
very difficult.
About a mile from the blasts we slow
down and glide up to them. The gunner
shoots but the harpoon hits the whale at
the wrong angle and bounces off. This
is what is called a ‘boom’ and everyone
is swearing at the gunner.
The sperm-whale is very hard-skinned,
being two-thirds solid oil and tough as
a lorry tyre. After heaving in the harpoon
on the winch, the spare one has
already been loaded in the gun and we
are after the whale again.
On the gun platform the Mate,
Ralph Kibble continues
the story of his
whaling adventures
‘Asdic’, ‘Sparks’ (the radio officer) and
‘Bones’ the galley boy are still coiling
down the line from the first harpoon.
The weight of these harpoons is 160 lb.
We are gliding up to the whale again
and the gunner does not make a mistake
this time: he hits the whale just behind
the flipper which diverts the harpoon
into the head. After one short run the
whale tires and is heaved close to the
bow and the killer harpoon is fired into
its heart. Ten seconds later a muffled
boom sounds from the inside of the
whale and it rolls over dead.
‘Sparks’ runs to the bridge and radios
the factory ship and buoy boats which
tow the whales. His words over the air
are very brief: “Fast fish”, together with
our position, plus the frequency of the
radio beacon which is stuck in the whale
and helps the boat to locate it. There is
also a flag and light on a 15-foot pole
stuck in the whale.
About a month later we hear that the
transporter ship Polar Bris is not far
from the factory ship, bringing oil stores
and mail. Our catcher is 100 miles
away and won’t be going alongside the
factory ship for bunkers for another four
days and we have mail to send home.
What we do is find a whale and shoot
it, and, before casting it adrift to be
picked up by the buoy boat, we tie the
letters to the flag-pole in a waterproof
bag-that’s called the ‘whale postman’!
Christmas Eve is here and the weather
is very bad with big seas breaking over
us. Water is swishing about in the mess
deck and a right royal feast we are
The catcher is hove to, a man going
up every hour to the bridge to bring her
bow into the wind and look for ice, our
main danger. Then back down to 20
chickens between 19 men plus all the
trimmings, with nuts, fruit, rum, beer,
whiskey, and plenty of water underfoot!
As the ship rolls, all hands come out
to steady the bottles on the table.
Twelve o’clock Xmas night we are
steaming hard for Enderby Land, part
of the Antarctic coast. One of the
catchers scouting has seen fin whale,
nearly 500 miles away.
A good day’s shooting when we get
there brings in 46 fin whale. The Fangst
leader-that is, the number one gunner
and leader-decides that we will now
steam north to Bouvet Island and
slowly down south-east to the Weddell
Sea, ready for the blue whale in
That is another little journey of 4,000
miles straight, but we are also following
odd pods (or schools) of fin and sie
(Norwegian for ‘small’) whale. Now
and again we see hump-back whale,
RIGHT: Pancake ice-aptly named.
BELOW: The gunner is about to fire a
harpoon-you can just see the back fin
of the whale he’s after.
which we are only allowed to shoot for
four days in February.
Early one February morning a big
blast is seen close by-it is a big blue
whale and, judging by its back fin, is over
80 feet in length.
After four hours’ chase and five booms
we have him, and he actually turns out
to be 90 feet long! After heaving him
alongside, he is made fast to the catcher
by two chains with nine-inch links and
we take him to the factory ship ourselves
as we need supplies of stores and
We have to use the whale as a fender
between us and the factory ship, as the
catcher would soon be smashed to
pieces against the side of the factory
ship by the heavy swell. All stores
come aboard in a basket, and anyone
who wants to come aboard the catcher
or go aboard the factory ship has to use
the basket.
At last the whaling season is over.
‘Pancake’ ice is forming on the water
for hundreds of miles around us, looking
like a white desert and at the same time
– Amerosis.-
deadening all sound except for its own
soft hissing sound as it rubs together in
the swell.
We have travelled 9.831 miles from
Norway to South Georgia, plus about
50,000 miles in the Antarctic while
whaling-and the short route back to
Norway is a mere 7.831 miles!
But the trip home is worth it, for
while at the wheel in the tropics, when
you get caught in a squall, all you have
to do is drop your trousers, take off
your slippers, throw them into the
radar cabin, then stand at the wheel
with only your hat on and thus you can
enjoy a warm rain bath as you steer the
Now you have time to think of the
fair season you have had: 1.200 whales
caught, producing 76,000 barrels of oil.
plus all the by-products such as ‘Bovril’.
In doing so. you have encompassed
the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans
from October to May in the coldest
and hottest parts of this watery world.
All is peaceful now as you are heading
home on an easy swell and, with the
coming of the night-watch, one can
observe the stars and the ever-wheeling
‘Sputniks’ navigating their endless path
44011 . . .
…s.: – – -. 1 mol:ippi
King penguins in South Georgia. (Seems
they haven’t heard about stain removers
down there!)
through the heavens.
To anyone who thinks he has a great love of the sea, I would say -Go
whaling”, because for six months and
three weeks out of a seven-month trip
your feet never touch land!
Twin Pram.-Two-tone grey Pedigree
Classic with shopping bag and canopy.
Excellent condition. Offers to: G.
Howell (Project Engineer).
Blue Vespa Scooter, 150 cc. 1961 model
fitted with windscreen, foot-rest and
carrier, also dual seat. Taxed for 12
months. Price £85 or near offer.
Enquiries to: B. E. Pearce, Reliability
Test Dept. (Ext. 199).
Tape Recorder, K.B., green and grey.
nearly new. £17. Apply: Mrs. F.
James (B. & H. Assembly).
Terrier Dog-obedient, friendly, lovable.
Apply: F. Wynne (Xerox Machine
Jack Russell Puppies-three dogs. two
bitches. Enquiries to: Miss D. Allen.
Gold Watch, octagonal shape, w ith
expanding bracelet, double clasp. Lost
between Gate House and Canteen
recently. Sentimental value. Ten shillings
reward. Will finder please contact
Personnel Department.
Plant Politicians
NM that the spate of council electioneering
is over, we find ourselves with
quite a few ‘local politicians’ among us.
Congratulations to three former members
of the East Dean Rural District
Council who succeeded in regaining
their seats-T. A. Trigg (Maintenance)
and L. J. Tuffley (Tool Room), representing
Mitcheldean, and H. C. Byett
(Goods Inwards) representing Rus- pidge-and to H. S. Phillips (Tool
Inspection) who was returned uncontested
for Longhope.
Congratulations also to three of our
colleagues who gained seats on Mitcheldean
Parish Council-N. J. Little
(Carpentry) who was re-elected, and
R. J. Hale (Polishing Shop) and J. K.
Merry (Xerox Stores) who were newly
Work Study told us of this t ping Inns Icr
found in a recent letter -what sinnild
have read ‘the erection of a mono <u! in
Project 9’, became ‘the erection of
a memorial’!
Putting YOU
in the picture
Mr. B. J. I riman has been promoted
to Manager of the Export Sales Administration
and Shipping Office at Rank-
Xerox, Denham. Mr. G. Gray has been
appointed Manager of the Rank Xerox
Warehouse at Mitcheldean.
Mr. R. W. Charles has been appointed
Personnel Officer, his immediate
assignments including the implementation
of recent Government legislation.
as well as technical recruitment and
development. Mr. C. R. Steward has
been redesignated as Labour Officer and
continues to undertake the same duties
as hitherto. Both are responsible to
Mr. F. J. Edwards. Personnel. Education
and Training Manager.
Mrs. Thelma Evans (from the Dilke
Hospital) is now assisting Sister Townroe
in First Aid.
New voice on the switchboard belongs
to Mrs. Joan Rooke (wife of Mr. J.
Rooke, Xerox Warehouse).
All six apprentices who entered the
Three Counties Industrial Education
Association’s Craftsmanship Competition
were successful. Awards were as
follows: Senior Test Piece (Class 3)
1st Prize: Desmond Weyman: 3rd
Prize: Robert J. Hart: Commended:
Terence J. Kavanagh. Junior Test
Piece (Class 4) 2nd Prize: Robert Waite:
Highly. Commended: Raymond Spencer:
Commended: Peter Blake.
He’s 21
Mr. Clive Reid (Xerox Assembly)
gained his majority on April 3.
They’re Engaged
Mr. Ken Butt (Design D.0.) to Miss
Janet Mason on May 14.
Miss Lesley Davies (Xerox Inspection)
to Mr. Fred Beard on May 16: Fred’s
father, Cyril. works in Production
Also on May 16, Miss Hazel Waite
(Xerox Assembly) to Mr. George Jones.
They’re Wed
Mr. Jeff Johnson (Xerox Assembly) to
Miss Dorothy Smith on April 25 at
Lydney Registry Office.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson
Mr. Mervyn Goode (Xerox Assembly)
to Miss Betty Farley on May 16 at
Much Marcie Church.
Miss Winnic Harper (Xerox Assembly)
to Mr. Roger Childs (Xerox Machine
Shop) at the Forest Church on June 6.
Also on June 6. Miss Janet Arnold
(Production Control) to Mr. Ken Cook
(Maintenance) at Ross Catholic Church.
Miss Anne Kempster (Xerox Assembly)
to Mr. Geoffrey Jones (Plating Shop)
on September 26.
They’ve Arrived
Da% id John. a son for Mrs. Connie
Williams (formerly Wages), in March.
Patrick James, a son for Mr. Basil
Brown (P.E.D.) and his wife Molly
(nee Gilkinson) who used to work in
Assembly, on April 12.
Jacqueline Elizabeth. a daughter for
apprentice Danny Haines, on May 12.
Darren Keith, a son for Mr.
Harry Welsby (Work Study), on May 16.
Mark, a son for Mrs. Gillian Bonser,
formerly in the Print Room. Louise. a
daughter for Mr. Royston Hamblin
(Tool Room), and Katherine Jane, a
daughter for Mr. D. Peates (Mechanical
Laboratory) and his wife Maureen (formerly
Accounts)-all on May 25.
They’ve Retired
Mrs. Annie Knapgate, who had been
with us for 21 years, working mostly in
Heat Treatment Shop, retired on May I.
A Long Service member, she also gave
many years’ good service on the Sports
& Social Club Committee.
Mr. P. Scrivens (formerly Supervisor.
Raw Material Store) retired on May IS.
He. too, was a member of the L.S.A.
ANOTHER new section of the Sports & Social Club is getting under way-a Motor
Club. Now this could be a very entertaining activity with small rallies,
treasure hunts, test runs for the weekend motorist, and interesting runs in the near
vicinity that are not well known. Perhaps there could also be Sunday outings so
that members and their families could meet.
* The idea of forming this club arose in Xerox Machine Shop where the chairman,
Mr. K. Holloway, and the secretary, Mr. J. C. W. Ingram, are to be found; but
any member of the Sports & Social Club is welcome to join, and may be recruited
to strengthen the committee. By the time this note appears it is expected that
there will already be about 50 fully paid-up members. Subscription is 10s. a year
and meetings are held in the Club House on the fourth Wednesday of every month
at 7.30 p.m. (no need to take the car along to it, though!).
* With holidays looming near, members may like to know that the cinc equipment
that has always been available to us on loan has now been handed over to the
Sports Club, who are to be responsible for its servicing, etc. To offset this, it is
proposed to make a charge of 2s. 6d. per camera and Is. per projector-this money
to go towards the insurance and repair expenses.
* It will surely be worth these small sums to have the use of such equipment.
The latter will be in the charge of the Cine Club who will doubtless be publishing
all necessary information.
* By the time this appears we shall know just how successful our Opening Dance
and Social Evening, held in the new Social Centre, has proved. Certainly it has
roused more interest than anything else organised by the Sports Club in the 12
years I’ve been here.-GENE LARK.
-continued from page 10
sub-assembly methods are now unique
in the world.
Our overseas sales representatives
have been much impressed by the attention
you have given them when they
have come to Mitcheldean for technical
training-I know, because they have
told me.
Never forget that it is here, at the
Mitcheldean factory, that the reputation
of Rank Xerox is made and must be
maintained. Your craftsmanship and
your efforts are the key to success; if
you fail, no sales team in the world can
bridge the gap.
I know there is no danger of that, but
I want to make clear how great your
responsibility is. Every one of you,
whatever your role, has a vital part to
Let us always be self-critical, so that it
is we, not our customers, who make the
constant adjustments to higher levels of
achievement which are necessary on
today’s conditions.
More and more attention is being
paid today to labour relations. This is
merely a convenient term to describe
what we know to be an essential of
successful business life-confidence between
management and staff, in every
field of their relationship.
I believe a relationship of this kind
has been developed at Mitcheldean. I
am always impressed on my visits by
the obvious high morale and enthusiasm
of those who work here. Your spirit is
apparent in all that you do, and your
Long Service Association is further
evidence of the pride you take in working
together in a field where the demands
are great but the results rewarding in
the fullest sense of the word.
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited, Couisdok. Surrey