ONE thing that really annoys me is to hear people say that accountancy
is dull. Admittedly we lack the glamour of certain other vocations, as
0 nothing is produced by us but paper, the contents of which are often
O depressing to the well laid plans of our otherwise cheerful technical
colleagues. But we usually have the gratification of seeing the end results
of our labour, even if only on paper-a satisfaction that is given to
O comparatively few other sections of industry. We even have machinery
O to replace the quill pen, as complicated as any auto that has bedevilled
0O a setter in a machine shop.
Paper is essential in modern business, particularly in a large organisation
0 such as ours. It provides the means of communication between department, di% ision, customer, supplier and management, not to mention the demands
IL required by Government statutes. It would surprise most employees to
see the number of returns that are made to the Tax and Local National
Insurance offices on their behalf!
0 It is probably true that the majority of practical people regard paperwork
i as a nuisance, but very few will not at some time he glad that records ‘ have been kept. The joke of “I can’t be bothered with paperwork” wears very thin in times of stress when one’s answer is forced to end with a lame
D “I think”. Paper must be the servant and not the master of an organisation
and never be used without consideration of its cost or utility in the practical
scheme of events.
WWW UN 11111 :111 UMW IL WW W OW
“To my chamber, and there sat looking over my papers …
and tore so many of these that were worth nothing as filled
my closet as high as my knees.”
Samuel Pepp 1662
Having accepted essential paperwork as a must, it becomes useless
unless its substance is correct in every detail and incapable of misinterpretation.
In this age of data processing this is essential. The myth of an
electronic brain has long been exploded; the mechanical accounting and
processing machines are only as efficient as the information fed to them,
and their operators cannot be expected to interpret the technical data they
are handling.
Few of you will not at some time fill in an official form-even if only
O the humble petty cash voucher. Please see that it is correct in every way
o and if in doubt ask a responsible person for guidance. Management
decisions are made on the results of paper analysis and errors can be very
0l disastrous.
Correct and complete paperwork issued in strict moderation will at least
prevent your accountant from following the habits of Samuel Pepys!
/ 0O
ti USW, W
Chief Accountant
r. N m ajEj-;
THE announcement of the following
appointments just missed our last issue
-we print them here for the record:
Mr. R. W. Mason as Chief Production
Engineer-responsible for all Production
Engineering functions, including
Product Planning, Central Records,
Tool Engineering, Control of Machine
Tool Purchase (subject to Management
approval) and Manufacturing Standards:
Mr. J. Tester to be directly responsible
to Mr. Mason for Tool Design and Tool
Engineering, Tool Room, and Production
Engineering aspects of the Press
Shop Plant and Equipment:
Mr. R. Harris as Advanced Plant
Planning and Layout Engineer in
succession to Mr. D. F. Griffiths (in
Mr. Harris’ absence, Mr. H. Cecil will
act as his deputy):
Mr. P. Sarkar to be in control of the
Organisation and Mechanised Methods
Department which has been established
as a separate entity.
OUT of the eighteen employees who
recently took the St. John Ambulance
course of instruction-eighteen passed!
The course was arranged by Tony Cale
(Xerox Machine Shop), with lectures
given by Drs. Pauli and Purwar.
When you come to think of it, onthe-
spot treatment by one of these St.
John Ambulance-trained people, who
are scattered throughout the Plant,
might one day be the means of saving a
life, should an unforeseen accident happen
to any one of us at work. So we
should offer not only our congratulations
but our thanks to the successful
Their certificates will probably be
presented at a special social evening to
be arranged. It is hoped eventually to
form a St. John Ambulance division
within the Plant.
The flag day held on July 4 realised
over £14. Those who contributed may
like to know that the money goes into
the organisation’s general fund and is
redistributed to pay for equipment, etc.
Air. R. W. Mason C. BROOKS
CHRISTMAS seems to get earlier every year,
and plans for the party season are going
ahead before some of us have returned
from our summer holidays.
The biggest event will be the Plant’s
Fifth Annual Dance and Reunion which
will be held in our new Social Centre on
Friday, November 27. The MC will once
again be Johnnie Walker, and tickets
will be 7s. 6d. including refreshments.
The election of a ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’
will take place during the evening.
Photographs of candidates will be published
in the next issue of VISION and the
three girls gaining most votes will
compete for the title at the dance.
On December 22 the Manufacturing
Divisions will hold their Christmas
Dinner and Party at the Chase
Hotel, Ross-on-Wye, from 7 p.m.
to 1 a.m. There will be a special
celebration menu, and music by the
Chase Hotel Orchestra. Transport available
if required, tickets 26s. per head.
But the Xerox Department couldn’t
wait until the minter party season got
going-they held a highly successful
summer social on July 17 in the Social
Centre. Highlight was the entertainment
provided on bagpipes by Jock Harrison
(Golly No. 1 of the Ettoe Clan, we are
informed is his correct title!) Apparently
it is possible to do the congo to the
skirl of the pipes’
Though it may appear so, the 914
in this picture’t brought be 2
rickshaw.’ It was in the process of 1
being moved into the Hilton Hotel.
Hong Kong, for a private exhibition.
The Rank Xerox office
it: Hong Kong is to be a branch of
the U.K. Company and has already e
started operations.
ONE hears much talk of computers these
days, but our old friend ‘the man in the
street’ seldom knows that multiplication,
division, addition and subtraction are
performed in these machines by using
only two figures-one and nought.
The great advantage of this is that
the two figures can be represented by a
simple changeover such as from positive
to negative, or w ith a simple switch so
that ‘one’ is represented by ‘on’ and
‘nought’ by ‘off 1 find this binary
system, as it is called, very fascinating.
In our ordinary arithmetic we use the
precedes it and, again reckoning from
right to left, the column values are as
given in the top row of figures (Fig. 1).
In the bottom row I have written a
binary quantity (or number). Ignoring
the columns with nought in them. just
as we did with the ‘poor hundreds’, the
given number represents 1024 128+
64+32+8 4-1. which equals 1.257 in
the decimal system. In other words,
the number 10011101001 (binary) equals
1.257 (decimal). What we have just
done is to convert a binary number back
into the decimal system.
The reverse process is just as simple.
One method is as in Fig. 2.
The decimal number to be converted
(317 in this case) is placed above the
nearest column value which is less than
itself (256 in this case). The 256 is
subtracted and the remainder (61) placed
in the next column. A one is placed in
the binary number block below the 256,
for the system requires that a one is
1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 4
0 1 1 0 1
decimal system which requires nine
different figures and, of course, the
indispensable nought. This is because
each column of figures as we reckon
from right to left indicates a ten times
greater value than the column which
precedes it.
In other words, ignoring fractions,
we have from right to left the units (or
ones) column, then the tens, then
hundreds, thousands and so on. Thus
placed in the binary number blocks
when subtraction takes place and a
nought when it is impossible.
Dealing with the next column. 128
cannot be subtracted from 61, therefore
a nought is placed in the binary number
block, and the 61 transferred to the next
column. The same happens in the next
column: a nought is written and the 61
transferred again.
Subtraction can take place in the 32
DECIMAL.N2 – 317 61 61 61 2 5 13 5 1 1
BINARY.Co.s 512 256 28 64 32 1 16 8 4 2 1
BINARY. N2 – 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
if we write 1023, we mean three ones -‘–
two tens+no hundred+one thousand.
Human nature being what it is, we
usually read it the other way round and
say one thousand and twenty-three,
ignoring the poor hundreds column just
because there is nought there.
In the binary system, each column is
twice the value of the column which
7iq. 2.
column, and the remainder, 29, is passed
on. This process is continued to the
end. As shown, the binary number
100111101 = 317 in the decimal system.
This explanation has been a little
laborious of necessity, but in our next
issue I hope to show how interesting it
can be to use the binary numbers for
ordinary arithmetic.-H. Hartley.
MOST of us hat: ondered at some
time in our li c about the origin
of our on planet. the Earth. How did
it all happen?
When attempting to answer this question,
one must go back another stage to
the origin of the Universe.
An early theory was that at the
beginning of time the Universe was one
large mass of gas. In due course this
mass exploded and created the Universe
with its stars, galaxies and nebulae.
This theory accounts for the everexpanding
movement of the Universe
and was substantiated to a degree-but
not proved-recently by experiments
carried out by Jodrell Bank Radio
A later theory was that of continuous
creation, put forward by Mach. an
Austrian philosopher. He thought that
heavenly matter is produced in the same
way as when a neutron changes to a
proton by a Beta-process and an electron
is produced. Einstein and some The Theophilus Crater on the moon.
eminent astronomers later expanded
this theory.
From one star-the Sun-the Solar
System was created. There are also
many theories to account for this.
One of these is that an inter-stellar
object, perhaps a comet or a meteor,
came too near the Sun and exerted its
magnetic forces upon it. These caused
some of the Sun’s gases to part from
their parent, forming the planets.
Another theory is that when the Sun
was created, it was spinning round at a
great speed, and this caused it to bulge
at its equator. After a time, the bulge
separated from the Sun and formed
rings or discs like those of Saturn.
Later, the discs solidified, forming embryo
Hoyle, a brilliant astronomer of our
own era, had a similar idea. In outline.
his idea was that at one time the Sun
was a member of a double-star system,
that is, two stars that revolve round
each other. It was supposed that the
Sun’s companion exploded with enormous
violence, the catastrophic disintegration
causing the remains to be
flung away into space.
A small wisp of material remained,
revolving round the Sun. This wisp
then spread out, around the Sun as a
disc and in this disc condensation
occurred that eventually grew into the
The latter two theories are the most
widely acknowledged as they explain
certain astronomical facts-for example.
how all the planets in the Solar System
are on approximately the same plane.
This is because the planets evolved from
The origin of our own planet and.
indeed, of the Universe has aroused the
interest of many great men throughout
the ages. They all have their theories
but, as yet, none are conclusive.
However, we, at the beginning of an
era of inter-planetary travel, may be
about to make some great discovery
about the past which has eluded us for
so long.
If this article has interested you, even
only remotely, do write to the author at
98 Estcourt Road, Gloucester, and ask
for details of the Gloucestershire Astronomical
This society was formed for people in
all stages of knowledge of the science of
astronomy, whether beginners or those
more experienced, who want to increase
their knowledge in the genial atmosphere
of a society meeting. All enquiries will
be welcome.
ABour a year ago we mentioned in these
columns that Ira Griffin (Planning
Department) had eight youngsters
(pigeons, not children) whom he was
going to train ready for racing as
We are pleased to report that one of
these has already brought fame and a
small fortune to its owner by winning
the annual race organised by the
Hereford City and County Flying Club
(pigeons, not aeroplanes). Ira’s bird
took 8 hours, 25 minutes, battling
against a north-east wind, to win by
approximately 10 minutes over the
second bird. Velocity was as low as
927 yards per minute.
In order to get the racing birds to the
starting place in Rennes, France. they
had to be registered in the race at the
club’s headquarters, stamped and
rubber-ringed, put in sealed panniers,
despatched by passenger train to a
rendezvous, collected by the ‘Federation’
train, taken to the seaport, conveyed
across the Channel by boat and
taken on the Federation train at the
other side attended by two convoyers
whose duties included the making of
weather reports, the feeding and watering
of the pigeons and, finally, their
One can’t help wondering why the
birds, having obtained assisted passage
so far, didn’t fly straight on to holiday
in the South of France. Fortunately for
their owners, they had no thought in
their heads but to get home again with
the greatest possible speed!
WHICH boss had to wear his landlady’s glasses?
WHERE is the paper shortage so severe that people have to write on overalls?
WHICH young executive’s car wears braces?
WHO is interested in the demolition of small cottages?
WHICH enthusiastic angler carries a 12-bore in the boot’.’
WHO was sent to Stores for gear grease and came back with lapping paste?
WHICH time clerk was given an unexpected cold tea rinse?
WHO signs his correspondence “Not me my Webb”?
WHICH engineer from Cheltenham was given a `thrashing’?
WHERE have all the (Quality Control) badges gone?
WHO thought he had enough tea in a packet to make a gallon of beer?
WHICH draughtsman gets the biscuit on pay day?
WHO couldn’t go to his friend’s stag party because it was washing night at home?
WHICH lopsided drinker is a buyer of bulk Perspex?
HOW did two lamb chops come to have a swim in a cloak-room wash-basin?
WHO escorted the chargehand’s daughter home at 2 a.m. and left the garden gate
open, allowing the sheep to make an excellent early breakfast of cabbage plants?
WHICH Xerox Department thought Guy Fawkes Day was in July this year?
WHO went on holiday with live white collars and no shirt ?
THE Rank Mitcheldean Motor Club,
mentioned by Gene Lark in our last
issue, is now firmly established. The
number of members has exceeded all
estimates, but there’s a welcome for you
if you are thinking of joining.
A competition was held for the design
of a club badge and the winning entry,
illustrated here, was submitted by J. B.
Brain of (appropriately enough) the
Design Drawing Office. Altogether 15
designs were submitted, “all very good”,
said secretary J. W. Ingram. This is
being manufactured in metal or plastic
and can be ‘worn’ by members’ cars.
A much smaller badge for members
themselves to wear in their lapels may
be produced as well.
Already the club have held a treasure
hunt (on June 28) and an evening run
(on August 12). Of the 20 entries for
the treasure hunt, 17 started, and
although about six cars played at ‘follow
my leader’ right from the start, and
landed up a little off route, a very
enjoyable Sunday afternoon it proved
to be.
The winner was J. R. Court, with R’
Preece and W. Smith coming second
and third. Some sympathy must be
expressed for J. Dennis and his party
who, after finding a mass of ‘treasure’,
were disqualified on time factor.
The future programme sounds most
interesting. On Sunday, September 20,
there are to be ‘driving tests’ in the
works car park. We must hasten to
reassure the Ministry of Transport that
there will be no issuing of driving
licences to anybody as a result! The
`tests’ are to be similar to those seen on
television. Then, early in the autumn.
a coach trip to Beaulieu to visit Lord
Montague’s Car Museum is being
arranged (watch for posters!).
The arrival of winter will not necessitate
a ‘close season’ for the club. On
The club badge, approximately 4 ins.
across, designed by John Brain. The outside
‘tyre’ area is to be black and the inner
tyre area white, with the script in gold.
The ‘wheel’ will be green and the centre
disc chrome with ‘gong mad in gold.
the contrary, a programme including
the showing of films of rallies, races,
etc., talks of interest to motorists, and
even ‘table top rallies’, is being planned
for members.
WINNER of the Angling Club’s first contest
of the season was Charlie Bamfield
with a catch of 5 lb. 8 oz. Second was
Alan Bird (4 lb. 14 oz.) and third, Jack
Williams (2 lb. 8 oz.). The contest,
which was held on the Courtfield Arms
waters at Lydbrook, on July 5, was
followed by the annual meeting.
Officers and committee elected for
this season are as follows: Chairman:
H. Holmes: Secretary: J. R. W. Price:
Treasurer: J. R. W. Price assisted by
J. D. Williams; Committee: C. Bamfield,
R. Brain, R. Reid, J. D. Williams,
J. Wooding.
THE sun beamed down as Ray Spencer
and Ron Caldicutt walked to the
wicket to commence battle in the annual
Apprentices v. Management cricket
match for the ‘Wickstead Cup’ on
July 16.
Runs came thick and fast until a
mighty clout from Caldicutt was caught
by Roy Barton. standing on the boundary.
Things were running smoothly
for the Apprentices when Roy took
four lucky wickets to change the
situation somewhat.
A doubtful stumping decision by
Frank Edwards (Management Captain)
which, however, left no doubt in the
mind of umpire Bob Baker. cost the
apprentices yet another wicket. that of
Apprentices’ Captain Dave Robinson.
” retired maimed”
who went for ten. The tail end of the
Apprentices, however, hit fours in a
merry fashion to notch up a total of
84 all out.
The Management opening pair, Colin
Bird and Roy Jones. received hearty
applause on arrival at the wicket, and
then proceeded to receive some of the
most hostile bowling seen at Mitcheldean
for some years. The opening pair
survived this onslaught to send the
score to 43 before Captain Robinson
claimed their wickets.
The arrival of B. C. Smith proved to
be the highlight of the Management’s
innings: he stayed undefeated for 15
minutes before being run out for the
total of nought. However, another
crisis arose: the loss of Stan Scott and
Maurice Pask for ducks made the
ICKET ‘6 Management’s position look dodgy.
But the arrival of Roy Powell dampened
the Apprentices’ hopes. Roy hit 24
and was joined at the wicket by the
‘Grand Old Man of Cricket’. Frank
Edwards, and between them took the
score to 88 fcr eight.
After the match, G. S. Hemingway
presented the Cup to the ‘G.O.M.C.’,
and a cricket ball to the Mitcheldean
Cricket Club. A social evening was
enjoyed in the White Horse afterwards,
during which the Cup became somewhat
tarnished !-Keith Morgan.
One of our sports reporters. Keith
Morgan, leaves the field
c. PINconst
Six days later another, much newer,
‘annual’ took place-the match
against Gordon Payne and Preece. our
architects, at Plock Court, Gloucester.
And for the second year running we won.
Frank Edwards and Roy Jones opened
for our team and between them scored
nine runs before the latter was bowled.
Roy Pov.ell then joined Frank and the
pace quickened, until Frank succumbed
when the score stood at 27. Barry Hall
then joined forces with Roy and between
them they added 64 to the Mitcheldean
score. With the aid of an excellent
duck from ‘Skip’ Carpenter, a handsome
ten from Bruce Powell and a useful
three from Dick Harris. the Mitcheldean
score ended at 97 for five.
Roger Payne and P. Willis opened
the batting for Gordon Payne and
Preece. The former’s innings ended
after three strokes and he was succeeded
by Rendall (one run) and then C.
Daven-Thomas. The latter, together
with Willis, added 61 to the score before
they both succumbed to the bowling of
Roy Jones.
The remaining six wickets fell for only
19 runs, which, with 11 byes, brought the
total score to 93.-John Birch.
THE cricket marathon which has been
waged between the Malthouse Select
and Drawing Office teams for some
weeks was still in progress as we went to
press, the score being: Malthouse Select
-149 all out: Drawing Office-45 for
In fact, if the present rate of play continues.
the game will probably not finish
till late September.
The first innings of the Malthouse
Select was dominated by a sparkling
performance by ‘Shovelhands’ Harper,
during which he was ably assisted by
‘Freddie’ Duberley and `Chucker’
The tail of the Malthouse team
collapsed when attacking the bowling,
but not before some beautifully aggressive
1 say 1 was ready?
batting by ‘Hooker’ Oakey and ‘Offlicence’
Bendall. The outstanding feature
of the innings was the usual ‘quacker’ off
‘Barrington’ Gurney.
The bowling of the Drawing Office
was in general very loose; only ‘Data’
Reed and ‘Charlie’ Brown were able to
keep the scoring rate down. This they
did by pitching the ball ten yards behind
the stumps! ‘Lightning’ Smith was
playing well behind the stumps but
skipper ‘Johnny’ Barnard replaced him
with ‘Charlie’, much to the disgust of
‘Pigeon’ Griffin.
Other notable fielders for the D.O.
were ‘Mod’ Lougher and ‘Boxer’ Dunn.
An outstanding fielder for Malthouse at
this stage was ‘Spuds’, or perhaps
should say ‘Butterfingers’. Bonser.
Continued on page 10
THE ‘Keep Fit’ classes started by Mrs.
Ruby Phillips have met with success
so much so that the Sports & Social
Club (in conjunction with the Management
and the Extra-Mural Department
of the Forest of Dean Technical College)
has been encouraged to prepare a programme
of after-shift or evening activities
which will cater for other interests.
While the ladies will continue to have
Monday evenings for keeping fit, the
men will have it all to themselves on
Thursdays in a male voice group led
by Mr. H. R. Dorrington, well known
throughout the county as a leading
On Wednesdays, Joan and John
Carton, professional teachers of modern
ballroom and Latin-American dancing.
are to begin a course of instruction for
both novices and those who wish to
improve their present standards. This
is an activity which should prove
immensely popular with employees of
all ages, and it is hoped the class will
lead to the formation of a works
dancing club.
The classes commence in the week
beginning Monday, September 28. and
will be held in the new Social Centre.
Times can be fixed by arrangement with
the Sports & Social Committee. So. if
you are interested in any of these classes,
and we’re sure you will be, get in touch
with either the Personnel Department
or your own Sports & Social Club
representative as soon as possible.
-continued from page 9
The innings of the Drawing Office
started luckily with ‘Mod’ being dropped
by ‘Shovelhands’. Skipper ‘Wesley’
Brain replaced Harper behind the stumps
with ‘Godfrey’ Sollars, only to see other
chances go down.
Some lucky runs by ‘Spuds’ and
‘Lightning’ gave the D.O. a reasonable
start until Smith was removed by
‘Wesley.”Mod’, coming in first wicket
down, was immediately dropped by
‘Shovelhands’ and ‘Chucker’ off consecutive
Summing up the play so far, it is fair
to say that the Malthouse Select are the
generally better side, the Drawing Office
having more luck than judgment.
-Michael J. Brain
DORIS BARKER describes
a place where
VFW of you will have heard of The
Camphill Village Trust, so I anticipate
the question “What is that?”
The Trust is a registered charity,
supported by voluntary contributions,
which provides working communities
for the mentally handicapped.
As a member of the Ministry of
Labour Women’s Employment Committee,
I had the pleasure of visiting one
of these communities recently, and was
much impressed by what I saw.
Situated at The Grange, Newnhamon-
Severn, it comprises an estate of
35 acres of farm and parklands. and
was bought by the Trust in 1959. Here
handicapped young men and women
are given the opportunity to live useful
and happy lives in social surroundings
which they themselves help to create.
In small households, they enjoy a
full family life: through apprenticeships
and regular employment in the workshops
or on the land they make their
contribution towards the support of the
community in which they live.
At The Grange there are five households
where a number of young people
are employed in kitchen, housework and
laundry work.
There are also five workshops in production.
The Weaving Shop turns out
a variety of woven articles, including
fleece rugs: the Machine-Knitting Shop
produces knitted slippers with leather
soles: the Basket Shop makes sewing
baskets and flower baskets: the Pottery
sells tea and coffee sets and many other
items. The Woodwork Shop produces
napkin rings and dolls’ furniture. I saw
for myself the high quality of the
articles produced which find a ready
market among private customers and
are distributed to shops over a wide
Young people who arc inentall
handicapped-and in some cases physically
handicapped as well-are accepted
into these communities after they have
reached the age of 18 years. Unfortunately,
there are at present very long
waiting lists.
It is a fundamental principle that no
fees are accepted.
The centres of the Trust are recognised
by the Ministry of Labour as
places offering Sheltered Employment.
and the Trust, therefore, benefits under
the Scheme of Grants for Deficiency.
The majority of the handicapped are
registered with the Ministry for employment
as Disabled Persons.
Sales from the workshops also contribute
more and more towards the income
of each centre as production gradually
increases. Farm and garden produce is
either used in the upkeep of the households
or sold outside.
Nevertheless, a great deal of help is
still needed if communities such as this
are to be expanded.
One could say a great deal more
about the work of the Trust if space
permitted, but before I conclude 1 would
like to pay tribute to those good people
who devote themselves to the welfare
of the handicapped.
Their’s is a full-time job, 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. And when I
met them at the Grange. 1 realised just
how worth while they consider their
Mr. Freddy Grisestwod at The Grange
1 2 3 y
, 4 5
6 II 7 r F.,
v r
9 10
V / A
/. / ,/i.
\ 12
/. 13 r -7 1
14 15 V
16 V
17 y
is ,
20 Y / 21 22
V r 7
A r re 23 r
24 r 25
‘ r
26 r 27
1. Do it to the bottom of a barrel-or 1. Natural stiffener.
to an acquaintance. (6) 2. Mature. (5)
4. Influence or result. (6) 3. Short engineer gets a poke. (4)
9. It could be a very quiet ramble-do 5. How many such limbs have you
you agree? (7)
10. Staggers with the film containers. (5)
11. Such hypocrisy is impossible. (4)
12. Jean’s ape comes from the Far
East and 23 down. (8)
14. Feel rosy all over. (5)
16. Black, white or copper-this craftsman
is A.D. or B.C. (5)
20. Flower of the 914 line. (8)
21. The sound half of a cine outfitbut
not the sound of a howl! (4)
24. Airborne auriculate pachyderm. (5)
25. It looks as if the bird is behind
time-try to equal it. (7)
26. Movable hide. (6)
27. Some men never make a hit with
them. (6)
got? (8)
6. Fundamental substance-you are
full of joy when you are in it. (7)
7. The Tool Engineer trier. (6)
8. She manages to hide the old screen
hero. (2. 3)
13. Miniful of elephants. (8)
15. A little light-about the same as
14 across. (7)
17. Dig this black suit. (6)
18. Stare into a flower. (5)
19. Rests. (6)
22. Even if no overtaking is the rule
you must try to pass them. (5)
23. Home of oriental Xerox. (4)
(Solution on page 14)
Putting YOU
in the picture
21st Birthday
Miss Pat Smith (Chemical and Metallurgical
Laboratory) on July 28.
They’ve Arrived
Judith Pearl, whose birth we omitted to
announce in our last issue, arrived on
May 1. Father is Mr. Royston Grindle
(Xerox Machine Shop), mother is Pearl
(née Phillips) who used to work in
Xerox Assembly.
Nina Ruth, a daughter for Mr. John
Gurney (Reliability Engineering), arrived
on May 27.
Record production figures are reported
in Xerox Machine Shop-no less than
three births having been achieved
within a fortnight (all different parents,
of course!). The babies concerned arc:
Paul Anthony. a son for Mr. John
Wood, on June 26;
Mandy, a daughter for Mr. Barry
Morgan, on July 2;
Susan Margaret, a daughter for Mr.
Ken Tyler, on July 8.
Philip James, a son for Mr. Roger
Dymond (Accounts), arrived on July 16.
They’re Engaged
Miss Pat Williams (Xerox Assembly) to
Mr. Graham Eddy (Xerox Machine
Shop) on June 27.
Miss Josie Dobbs (Purchase) to Mr.
David Hart (formerly Production Control)
on July 18.
They’re Wed
Miss Katie Pugh (Hollerith) to Mr. Ian
Walker on July 4 at Ross Church.
Miss Janet Lee (secretary to Mr. G.
Gray, Xerox Warehouse) to Mr. Vernon
Stock at the Forest Church on July 11.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Stock
Mr. Robert Greenman (Electrical Laboratory)
to Miss Linda Brown (formerly
Purchase Department) on July 18 at
St. Stephen’s, Cinderford. Many will
recall that Linda was our very first
‘Miss R.P.I.’ in 1961.
Also on July 18, Mrs. Edna Wynne
(33 Stores) to Mr. Ernest Meadows
(B. & H. Machine Shop) at Ruardean
Hill Baptist Chapel.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenman
C. 11110013
Mr. and Mrs. K. Cook.
whose wedding WM
reported in our
last issue
Mr. L. John Matthews (B. & H.
Machine Shop) to Miss Barbel Fuhrmann
at Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook,
on July 25.
Miss Wendy Haile (secretary to Mr.
R. E. Baker) to Mr. Dennis McKernon
on August 15 at St. Stephen’s Church,
Miss Sylvia Pearce (B. & H. Assembly)
to Mr. Bernard Wright on September 19
at Mitcheldean Parish Church.
Silver Wedding
Mr. Eric Higgins (Xerox Spares Supervisor)
and his wife Ruth (100 Per Cent
Inspection) celebrate their silver wedding
anniversary on September 16.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Walker
Miss Phyllis Bourne retired on July 24
after 23 years in the Inspection Department.
In a letter to VISION. Miss
Bourne. who suffered greatly from
arthritis, expressed her sincere appreciation
to the Management, Long Service
Association and “my many friends and
colleagues, especially those in Goods
Inwards Inspection.” She mentioned
in particular Mr. Frank Edwards.
Sister Townroe and Mr. Colin Bird, and
Fordham who
“proved himself an honest and just
man, always ready to help anyone.”
ANOTHER Interdepartmental Knock-out
Skittles Competition will be starting
again shortly-watch the notice boards
for an announcement.
Leeway High Pram, modern style, with
canopy and shopping bag. In good
condition. £8 10s. Apply: Box No. 18.
Boy’s Jodhpurs, suit child aged 8 to 10
years, also riding crop. Offers to: Mrs.
F. James (B. & H. Assembly).
.-(_ ROSS: I – Scrape. 4-Effect. 9-
Approve. 10-Reels. 11-Cant. 12-
Japanese. 14-Aglow. 16-Smith.
20-Primrose. 21-Bell. 24-Dumbo.
25-Emulate. 26-Screen. 27-Misses.
DOWN: 1-Starch. 2-Ripen. 3-
Prod. 5-Forearms. 6-Element. 7-
Tester. 8-He-man. 13-Foursome.
15-Glimmer. 17-Spades. 18-Aster.
19-Sleeps. 22-Exams. 23-Fuji.
SPONSORED by Rank Photographic, a competition called
`Choice of Pentax’ (closing date: October 31) offers holders
of an Asahi Pentax camera a double chance of winning
valuable prizes. Entries go automatically to Japan for the
Asahi International Photo Contest. Top prizes in the
British competition are 20 Bulova Accutron electronic
watches, with a bonus prize of an E-type Jaguar Coupe (or
cash equivalent) for any contestant resident in Britain who
wins a prize in the International Contest. Five grand prizes
in the latter are free trips to Japan for a 10-day picture
taking tour, and there are 384 Asahi Pentax equipment
prizes for runners-up.
`Choice of
Two new Rank Xerox showrooms were opened this
summer-at Luton, Bedfordshire, and at Bristol. The
former is to serve ten counties, North Middlesex and parts
of three London postal districts.
MORE than L12,700 worth of orders to supply projection
equipment for cinemas in Australia and Malaysia have
been received by the Rank Audio Visual Division.
THE RANK ORGANISATION has made a grant of £6,000 for
Japanese studies at Oxford University which is to be used
to found a Junior Research Fellowship. A language course
in Japanese, using language laboratory techniques, is
TOP Rank have opened a second ‘Carry Home’ shop for Second
ready-cooked meals, this time in Manchester. ‘Carry Home’
Rank at
Orders from
Down Under
`Lobster Pot’
It’s O.K.-
we’ ve found
shop boy!
THE Lobster Pot (Blackpool) Group of Companies Ltd..
which owns five restaurants and a wholesale company as
well as a new bowling centre, has been acquired by the