THE Sports & Social activities of any works are of great interest to
both management and employees: the latter reap direct benefit in the
entertainment that can be derived from its many sections; the management
derive the benefit of good employer-employee relationship which is vital
,- to any efficient factory.
The Sports & Social Club here at Mitcheldean has been in existence
since the beginning of the ‘Brewery’s’ change from a wet to a dry end
product in 1940. The war precluded much activity at that time, although
some cricket was enjoyed, and organised trips to London were undertaken.
Our membership at that time was, I believe, approximately 100. Later
the old town hall provided us with a club room, and whist drives and, later,
TV viewing were enjoyed there.
In 1954 the residents of the present-day club house left, and Mr.
Wickstead did a noble job in getting the Directors to agree to allow its
use as a club house.
This was a turning-point in the club history. A tremendous amount of
work was needed to be done and precious little money was available to do
it; but done it was, and our first club licence was granted in 1955. Our
membership stood then at over 400 and on our opening night we nearly
burst the walls asunder!
This year of 1964 has become another milestone in our club’s history
with the provision by the Company of the magnificent Social Centre for
social and cultural activities, with accommodation for 600 people. A
full-size stage is planned to be erected shortly and this will open up many
possibilities-a panto for the children at Xmas, smoking concerts, workers’
playtime, concert parties and the like.
I can assure all our members that our President, Mr. Wickstead, the
Committee and myself are forever thinking ahead, and planning new and
exciting things for the club, but it is you, the member, who can do most
O to make it the live, virile thing it deserves to be. We want your suggestions,
0O your support-with that we cannot fail. The following are live and active sections of the club seeking new
members; if you haven’t joined one already, get in touch now with their
respective secretaries: Angling (Mr. J. R. W. Price); Caving (Mr. A.
Paton); Chess (Mr. 1 I . Helm); Cine & Photographic (Mr. P. Jordan);
Ladies’ Keep Fit (Mrs. R. Beddis); Motor (Mr. J. W. Ingram); Skittles
(Mr. D. Cook).
I cannot close without paying tribute to all the committees that have
served under my chairmanship during the past ten years, and especially
to the very early ones, when hard, creative work was the order of the day.
To those I say: Well done! You laid a fine foundation stone. To all I say:
It has been a privilege to have been your chairman and I salute your spirit
of service!
Chairman, Sports & Social Club
4 t!, ria
TV cameras link us with
London for Press presentation
FOR many months now we have been
engaged in testing it, and trying it
out in field locations, and producing
great numbers of it for despatch all over
the world.
So it was only right and proper that
we, although 100 miles or more away,
should take an active part in the official
debut of the Rank Xerox 813 Office
Copier-the `satellite’ to that enormously
successful `planet’ in the Rank
Xerox firmament, the 914.
The launch of the 813 actually began
on September 12, when about 350 sales
and marketing people were given an
all-day presentation at the Dorchester
Hotel in London.
Then, ten days later, came D-Dayor
perhaps we should say, 813-Daywhen
the scene was set at the Dorchester
Hotel for the presentation to the Press,
and we, through the medium of closedcircuit
television, were privileged to
participate in the proceedings.
On the morning of September 22,
parts of the Mitcheldean factory floor
began to look like a television studiobut
we’ll come to that later.
Introducing the 813 at the Press
reception, Mr. John Davis, Chairman
A Rank Xerox desk-top copier does a
good job of work for Mr. John Davis,
Chairman of The Rank Organisation.
Following its introduction to 400
guests-both Press and actual or
potential customers-in London, the
813 was shown at ‘Open Houses’ held
by the main Rank Xerox branches in
the U.K., and also at the Business
Efficiency Exhibition at Olympia
during October.
telling them in London . . .
is Mr. R. Walker, Marketing Director of Rank Xerox, standing beside the illuminated
map. At the table are (left to right) Mr. John Davis, Chairman of The Rank
Organisation; Mr. T. A. Law, Managing Director, Rank Xerox; Mr. G. R. Dowson,
Director of Marketing, The Rank Organisation; and Mr. J. H. Pickering, Manager,
Market Planning, Rank Xerox.
of The Rank Organisation, hinted that
the new machine might well mark the
end of the era of the carbon copy.
A more compact relation of the 914,
the 813 would, he said, be of great
benefit to the smaller office on two
counts: it takes up little more space
than an electric typewriter and can be
conveniently incorporated into the layout
of a secretarial side-desk; and it is
ideally suited to a more limited volume
of copying than is economic for the 914.
Partners not Competitors
From market research it had become
apparent that many smaller companies
who were strongly attracted by Xerox
had not installed a machine because
they felt that their volume of copying
did not justify it. The 813 had been
devised to meet the situation-as simple
to operate as the 914 and producing
copies of exactly the same standard at
the rate of six a minute.
Mr. Davis pointed out that the two
machines do not ‘compete’ with each
other. The 914 makes more than half
the copies in the high-volume part of
the office copying market: now the 813
will make xerocopying available to
the middle-volume section-offices making
30-100 copies a day.
Like the 914, the 813 is being marketed
on the `pay as you copy’ metered rental
system. Mr. Davis explained that the
all-in cost for an office using the new
model would be about 5d. per copy-a
figure including ‘consumables’ (the
powders and any other materials used
in Xerox machines), paper, rental,
meter charge and full preventative
In his speech to us last June, Mr.
Davis gave some exciting figures about
the placing of 914 machines in 1963.
At the reception he was able to announce
that the cumulative number of installations
increased in 1964 to 15,470; and
he said he had great hopes “with the
addition of the 813 machine to our
`stable’,” of the installation of at least
an additional 15,000 machines during
the current fiscal year.
The Press were invited to inspect the
display stands showing ‘case histories’
of various business enterprises whose
special copying problems have been
solved by the use of Xerox machines.
A special map, too, had been prepared
showing present and future activities of
Rank Xerox. One light on this indicated
the site of our factory here at
Mitcheldean and, said Mr. Davis,
“This is one of the most up-to-date
factories in the country, and in the past
two years it has grown from 250,000
sq. ft. to 400,000 sq. ft. Further big
developments are at work.” (You can
read about these on pages 8 and 9 of
this issue.)
Further lights marked the Rank Xerox
consumable manufacturing plants (the
one in operation at Elstree, the other
under construction at Venray in Holland),
as well as the Company’s showrooms
and branch offices throughout
“By the end of the new financial
year,” he said, “this picture will have
changed again, because the number of
towns overseas in which we will have
offices will have grown from 88 to 136.
“That, then, in a nutshell is the picture.
The lights, you might say, are
going on all over Europe-and, for
that matter, all over the world.”
On Tuesday, September 22, we at
Mitcheldean were particularly interested
in our personal set of lights-camera
For some time we had watched the
rehearsals of the shots to be included
in the live transmission and admired
the competence of BBC commentator
. . . answering
are Mr. J. C. Henwood, Production Manager,
chief Executive, and Mr. A. S. Pratt, Chief
has charge of the mike.
Raymond Baxter as he coped with
technical information and put the
‘actors’ at their ease.
Tension mounted as 12 noon drew
near. Then, soon after midday, the
The parabolic reflector transmitting the
TV and sound signals from Mitcheldean
to the Dorchester. In the background
can be seen the bulldozers preparing the
new site.
them from Mitcheldean
Xerox 813 Product, Mr. F. Wickstead, our
Engineer; commentator Raymond Baxter
A helicopter rises from Mitcheldean playing field carrying Bob Wallis of Rank Audio
Visual, equipped to take his aerial film for the televised programme.
monitor set became alive, and %%e
watched the 20-minute programme that
was being shown concurrently to the
reception in London.
Produced by Bob Wallis of Rank
Audio Visual and Southern Television’s
Bill Perry (both concerns within The
Rank Organisation), the programme
commenced with an aerial film, previously
taken by helicopter, of the plant
and its surroundings.
Then the picture switched to Raymond
Baxter in the 813 assembly
department, welcoming everyone to
‘this extremely modern factory’.
With Mr. Wickstead he discussed the
reasons for the setting up of our plant
in Mitcheldean and the effect that the
closing of the Forest coalmines could
have on the available labour force.
Mr. Baxter gave a simple explanation
of the principle of xerography before
taking us into the machine shop and
the plating shop. The assembling of an
813 model was then followed, from the
basic pallet to the setting up of the
optical head, and he showed some of
the measuring devices, such as the
‘octopus’ and the ‘slim Jirns’ used to
ensure the high degree of accuracy
The working of a newly assembled
813 was tested and, appropriately
enough, the first copy to come off read:
“Greetings to all our guests at the Press
Conference, Dorchester Hotel, London”.
A team of bulldozers working on the
new site made an impressive shot and
gave point to Mr. Davis’s mention of
‘further big developments at work’.
Then the picture switched to the warehouse
and loading bay, with a fleet of
Rank Xerox road vehicles setting off on
their journeys to sea- and air-ports.
loaded with Rank Xerox Office Copiers.
The relay concluded with an enterprising
‘Brains Trust’-a panel consisting
of Mr. F. Wickstead, our Chief
Executive: Mr. A. S. Pratt, Chief
Engineer: and Mr. J. C. Henwood,
Production Manager, Xerox 813 Product.
(We sympathise with Mr. R. T.
Walding, Manager, Xerox 813 Product,
who was still on sick leave on this
occasion following his recent road accident,
and who was therefore unable to
take part as one of the ‘brains’.)
The Press in London were invited to
put questions to the panel and these
ranged in subject from the heating
elements in the 813 to the size of paper
the machine could accommodate.
Replying to one questioner, Mr.
Wickstead said that he envisaged that
the current labour force, of between
1.500 and 1,600, would rise to about
1,800 in the next 12 months and he saw
no difficulty in its increasing to over
2,000 in the future.
Question-time over, Raymond Baxter
brought the transmission to a close and
while people in London got on with the
job of marketing the 813, we at Mitcheldean
got on with the job of making it.
Losing to Management
A NEW feature of the Management v.
Apprentices epics took place at the
Top Rank ten-pin bowling lanes at
Birmingham recently when 16 Rank
apprentices challenged 16 Management
representatives to the extremely popular
game of ten -pin bowling.
Proceedings opened with drinks all
round in the bar: thus fortified, the
skittlers made their way to the bowling
lanes to hire 32 pairs of crepe shoes,
select bowling balls and prepare to play.
A crisis arose immediately: hardly anyone
could score! However, this difficulty
was overcome and the game
The skittles tumbled by twos and
threes as the Rank players found their
feet-and a ball that didn’t inflict
lacerations to fingers and thumbs.
Len Hart at one time had difficulty in
removing his thumb from the ball on
release, but he mastered this towards
the end when he even managed to bowl
a ball backwards, causing injury to
Bill Stearn’s shins!
After about two hours’ play the
by Keith Morgan
Management emerged winners by II
games to nine, and after suitable
refreshment the victors and vanquished
returned to Mitcheldean, having thoroughly
enjoyed their evening out.
Learning from Miners
AT THE end of the summer, groups of
Rank apprentices were sent down the
Northern United coalmine near Cinderford.
Not, we must point out, as any
sort of punishment, nor to help keep
the home fires burning, but purely as
part of their general industrial education.
The visits, which lasted about three
hours, began with each apprentice being
fitted with a steel helmet and a lamp,
and signing a certificate of insurance for
the time underground.
The party then went down the shaft
to the pit bottom and travelled by truck
and on foot to the coal face where
several coal cutters were in action.
A close inspection on hands and knees
of a coal seam followed, plus an inspection
of the pumping apparatus. The
party then made their way back to the
surface where a much-needed bath was
enjoyed by all.
A contract for a Motorway Service Area on the M.4 at the eastern end of the new
Severn Bridge at Aust, Gloucestershire, has been granted to The Rank Organisation.
The service area, which will become operational in 1966 when the bridge is opened
to traffic, will not straddle the road like others on Britain’s motorways. Built
on top of a 300 ft. cliff overlooking the Severn, the main cafeteria will offer customers
a view over the estuary, the bridge and the Welsh hills.
A 32-position language laboratory. the largest yet in the U.K., has been installed by
Rank Audio Visual for Oldham Education Committee.
BELIEVED to be the first of its kind to be introduced to the British photographic
market, a Dealer Advisory Council has been appointed by Rank Photographic.
The Council, which includes eight well-known dealers, each selected from one of
the trading territories in the U.K., will discuss promotional plans for new products,
suggestions from the trade, etc.
A 175,000-dollar contract for optical systems for colour television cameras has been
awarded to the Rank Taylor Hobson Division by the Radio Corporation of America.
LATEST to%%n to have a new Rank Xerox showroom is Karlstad in Sweden. It
was officially opened on September 8.
61 t
41116.114 t6 Wir
This ‘node! gives you a threedimensional
picture of how our Plant
will look when the plan shown below
has been carried out.
AFEW months ago, when Mr. John Davis. Chairman of The Rank Organisation,
visited us at Mitcheldean, he made reference to the plans for expansion of
our Plant.
Now, as we look out over what used to be farmland to the north -west of our
present modern buildings. we can see these plans beginning to take shape.
Our illustrations will help you to visualise more clearly the present development
and future potential of the Plant.
The site being prepared for the erection of new buildings covers a little over
211 acres: its particular nature necessitates the removal of 110,000 tons of earth,
and this operation (Project 16) is scheduled to be completed by the beginning of
next year.
Work on the production building known as Project 15 should start early in
1965 and is expected to take about a year to complete.
Project 17, which will be a service building, will start going up in the spring of
1965 and be completed by the end of that year.
The other buildings shown in the plans are for future development. Parking
areas will provide accommodation for about 400 cars.
The architects are Messrs. Gordon Payne & Preece, the firm who were responsible
for our other recent projects.
They’re Engaged
Miss Jeanette Short of Purchase Department-
our current Miss Rank, Mitcheldean-
to Mr. John Pritchard on
August 1.
Miss Joan Bennett (914 Time Office) to
Mr. Richard Williams (B. & H.
Assembly) on September 4.
Miss Diane Rogers (Print Room) to
Mr. John George (Mechanical Laboratory)
on September 5.
Miss Patricia Williams (Production
Control) to Mr. Anthony Haile on
October 31.
Mr. L. J. Matthews (B. & H. Machine
Shop) with his bride from Germanytheir
wedding was reported in our last
Mr. B. Wright and his bride Sylvia from
B. & H. Assembly, whose wedding we
reported earlier.
They’re Wed
Miss Patricia Marshall (secretary to
Mr. R. T. Walding) to Mr. Michael
Salmon (Advanced Planning) on September
5 at Christchurch.
Miss Anne Kempster (914 Assembly) to
Mr. Geoffrey Jones at the Forest Church
on September 26.
Miss Ruby Boseley (Xerox Warehouse)
to Mr. John Bowkett (Xerox Transport)
at the Methodist Chapel, Drybrook, on
October 3.
Miss Marilyn Browning (B. & H.
Assembly) to Mr. Graham Lewis on
October 17 at St. John’s. Cinderford.
They’ve Arrived
Jane Heather, a baby girl for Mrs.
Kathleen Meek (formerly Comps. Section,
Accounts), on August 3.
Andrew James, a son for Mr. Ray
Reed (Carpenter’s Shop), on August 1 I.
Christopher Douglas, a boy for Mr.
Maurice Brain (Xerox Machine Shop),
on August 22.
Paul, a son for Mr. Sid Jones (914
Casting Line), on August 27.
Catherine Margaret and Anthony Mark.
twins for Mr. Tony Allen (Cost Office.
Accounts), on August 28.
Nigel, a son for Mr. Tony Kibble
(T.E.D.), on September 4.
Paul, a son for Mr. Michael Dowding
(Press Shop) and a brother for Susan,
on September 10.
Adrian Richard, a son for Mrs. Beryl
Clark (formerly Switchboard), on September
I I.
Julie. a daughter for Mr. Eric Knight
(B. & H. Assembly), on September 18.
Sally Jane, a daughter for Mr. Geoffrey
Gray (Manager Xerox Warehouse), on
October 7.
Congratulations to …
Miss Ann Stubbs (B. & H. Assembly)
who was recently awarded a Diploma
for Commercial Art by the London
College of Art. Ann, who took the
College’s correspondence course, studied
all aspects of commercial art, including
cartooning. fashion designing, etc. One
useful aspect of her training is that she
can design and make her own clothes.
Mr. and .11rs. G. Jones
21st Birthdays
Mrs. Janet Stock (Xerox Warehouse) on
September 15.
Miss Eileen Smith (Xerox Spares Pre-
Packing) on September 17.
Mrs. Thelma Evans (First Aid) on
September 22.
Miss Valerie Cleal (Design D.O.) on
October 9.
C. @ROOKS Mr. and Mrs. M. Salmon
Double Celebrations
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whiles celebrated
their silver wedding anniversary,
and their son Peter’s 21st birthday,
jointly at a party in London on September
26. Jeff McCoy of Design D.O.
and his group, the Rhythm 4, went
along too to provide some music.
(Arthur works in Xerox Packing, his
wife in B. & H. Assembly, and Peter in
Xerox Warehouse.)
Two husbands in Design D.O. -Brian
James and John Evans-found themselves
both celebrating their second
wedding anniversaries on the same day.
September 15. We understand that one
was not as well prepared as the other
and, after joint consultation, the defaulter
rushed to the outside ‘phone to
make reparations in the nick of time!
Best Wishes to …
Mrs. Ethel Rodway (Xerox Spares Pre-
Packing), a member of the Long Service
Association, who retired on July 23.
Mrs. Rodway, who had been with the
Company for 16 years, was presented
with a watch and cheque on leaving.
New Voice
That new voice on the telephone belongs
to Mrs. Ann Blundell, who has joined
Mrs. Weyman on the switchboard.
Spare Cash
FOURTEEN lucky people in Xerox Spares
Pre-Packing shared a pools \N in of
£6,310 17s. recently.
THE methods used in arithmetical
calculation-addition, subtraction,
etc.-apply very similarly in the binary
system, which I discussed in my last
If we have to add a column of figures,
whether it be the units, tens, hundreds
or any other column, we add them
together as units and if the total exceeds
nine, we write the odd units in the
answer and carry the number of ‘tens’
forward into the next column.
As follows: adding, say, nine, six and
eight, we say nine and six are 15, and
eight makes 23. We then write the
three in the answer and carry forward
two-which is, of course, two ‘tens’.
Similarly, in subtracting, when we
borrow one from the column on the
left, it is one ‘ten’ that we borrow,
although we merely say ‘borrow one
from the previous column’.
In the binary the ‘tens’ become
‘twos’, so that when we borrow one, it
is one ‘two’ we borrow, not one ‘ten’,
and in adding, we carry forward a
number of `twos’, not ‘tens’.
For example, if a column added up to
a total of seven, this would be three
‘twos’ and one over. The one would go
in the answer and we would have three
to carry forward. Had the total been
eight, we would have put nought in the
answer and carried forward four. Here
is an example:
Add 1101
13 (Check)
100011 35
Starting with the right-hand column
of the binary figures, we get a total of
three, which gives one ‘two’ to carry
forward and one to put in the answer.
The next column again gives three.
including the one carried forward, so
again one goes in the answer and one
`two’ is carried forward.
The third column now adds to four.
which is two ‘twos’. Nought goes in
the answer and two is carried forward.
The fourth column also makes four,
so again write nought in the answer and
carry two.
The fifth column consists only of the
two which we carried forward and this
must be carried forward again as one
‘two’, so nought goes in the answer
once more.
The final column has only the one
carried forward and this one therefore
goes in the answer. The equivalent
decimal is placed alongside and the
totals can be checked and found correct.
Now for subtraction:
Subtract 1011
II (Check)
101 5
This is straightforward until we come
to column three. Here we have to take
one from nought and must borrow from
the next column. Remember that it is
one ‘two’ we borrow, and we can then
say one from ‘two’ leaves one, which
goes in the answer.
Passing to the next column, we pay
back the one we borrowed, and one
from one leaves nothing. Checking
again shows the decimal figures agree.
Before concluding this instalment,
here is another way to convert a decimal
number to binary. Write down the
decimal number and divide by two:
place the answer on the left. If there is
a remainder of one, write it under the
original number, otherwise write nought.
Now proceed to repeat this process with
the answer, again writing one or nought
according to the remainder.
1 2 5 11 23 ’47’
1 0 1 1 1 1
You will see that the original 47 gave
23 as answer and one to put below.
Dealing with the 23 gave 11 as the
answer and again one to put below.
This repeated division with the remainders
put below continues until only
one remains-which is the final figure,
and from the above you can see that
47 (decimal) equals 101111 (binary).
Multiplication and division will be
dealt with in my concluding article. –
H. Hartley.
Fork lift truck drivers
Messrs. D. Williams and
E. Brain (far right) receiving
their Conveyancer Driver
Club Badges and certificates
from Mr. J. W.
Evans, Production Control
Manager, after they had
both successfully attended
a drivers’ course at Conveyancer
Raymond Ltd., War- . rington, Lanes. On the left
is Mr. K. Scrivens, Chief
From P. Sarkar
1 have read the Mad Maths of the
September/October issue of VISION.
There is an error in Fig. 2 and the 28
in column 8 from the right should read
as 128.
I would also like to draw the attention
of the readers to the trivial nature of the
argument put forward by the writer on
the subject of conversion of binary into
The method suggested is very misleading,
especially for people who are
beginning to show interest in computing
methods. In fact, there are standard
numeric methods to deal with binary
numbers. You can imagine how long a
paper you would need to carry with you
if you had to convert a number to the
magnitude of 231 which is not unusual
in the computer field.-P. Sarkar.
(We apologise to readers and to Mr.
Hartley in particular for the error in
Fig. 2 mentioned above, which occurred
along the line between the manuscript
and the printed page.-Ed.)
H. Hartley replies: Mr. Sarkar is correct
when he asserts that other methods of
conversion from decimal to binary are
available. I think he has missed the
point that the article was addressed to
the ‘man in the street’ and most certainly
was not intended as a mathematical
treatise for technical instruction.
It will be noticed that this issue carries
a further and more simple method of
The general aim has been to avoid
mathematical jargon, and to keep
explanations as simple as possible.
ON SATURDAY Oct. 31 the ‘Keep Fit’
group which started at our Plant
last summer are to hold their first big
event in the Social Centre-and a most
interesting programme with particular
appeal to the girls has been organised.
Proceedings will open with a speech
by the group’s president, Mr. G. S.
Hemingway, followed by a fashion show
with outfits provided by Messrs. H. W.
Raynor of Ross-on-Wye. About 30
different ensembles will be shown,
including day and evening wear, lingerie,
hats and jewellery. ‘Keep Fit’ girls will
act as models and their leader, Mrs.
Ruby Phillips, will be conunere.
Next will come a demonstration of
hair styling by Josephine of Littledeanagain
using group members as models,
in addition to her own assistants.
After this, there will be a ‘Keep Fit’
display; this won’t be a succession of dul
exercises, but a series of graceful movements
to music.
Refreshments will be provided and
dancing for everyone will conclude what
promises to be a most enjoyable evening.
The strong connection between
‘figures’ and Accounts will be maintained
by Mr. J. C. C. Woods acting as
Master of Ceremonies!
You’ve just time to get tickets, if
you haven’t already done so: they cost
2s. and can be obtained from the group
secretary, Mrs. Ruby Beddis, Plant
Engineer’s office.
Choose the three girls you think best deserve the title, fill in their
numbers on the ballot form and send it to the Personnel Dept. The
girls awarded most votes will compete for the title at the Annual Dance
on November 27. Photos: Clive Brooks
, .
– ..– –
_ — …….. – –
, .
…. _
fir 1,
/Tit , 29
Return this form to the
Personnel Department
not later than Friday.
November 6.
Put the three numbers of your choice
in the boxes on right (the order makes
no difference).
/11J r \\
at the
8 p.m.-1 a.m.
Featuring the “MISS RANK. MITCHELDEAN” Contest
1st PRIZE £10
2nd PRIZE £5
3rd PRIZE £2 10s.
_c,)7 “ \ \
Return this form to the Personnel
Department not later
than Friday, November 6.
WHICH apprentice, when asked why he was not working, replied that he %%as
waiting for his nose to cool down?
WHICH storeman likes to get up early on Sunday mornings, make a pot of tea and
then pour it all down the sink?
WHO in B. & H. Assembly grows the biggest beetroot?
WHO got into bed with a honeymoon couple?
WHO does her courting by the lily pond during lunch break?
WHICH inspector was approached for a date, prompt!) said yes, then asked if
he could bring the kids along?
WHICH Project Engineer nearly lost his rubber duck?
WHO ordered a three-piece suite for the Christmas party?
WHICH carpenter spends his evenings hunting for cricket balls in the pavilion?
WHICH supenisor likes to play his snooker balls in series, but not parallel?
WHO believes that Q.C. personnel should be supplied with a crystal ball?
IS being Welsh a necessary qualification for Time Study engineers?
WHO got locked in the lift he was sent to repair?
WHO plays with Dinky toys in his off-moments?
WHICH glamorous grandma in Xerox won a bathing beauty contest in Blackpool
WHICH Work Study engineer received a money order for maternity benefit and
swears he’s innocent?
WHO had the top of his hand cut open by a protruding bed spring?
WHOSE cat went to the vet a female and came back a tom?
WHICH member of Quality Control turned up for night shift wearing one brown
and one black shoe?
WHO wants the Plant to set up a matrimonial agency?
WHO went into a Chinese restaurant wearing an old mack and came out wearing
a new one?
WHO got into great difficulties after using Croid?
WHO compiled and who typed a low-down process?
WHICH local cricket club secretary sent his cricket team to play at Gloucester.
only to find their opponents had travelled to 1litcheldean?
WHO nearly came first in a raft race, then was ship%%recked at the winning post?
WHICH gentleman’s name was sent in 113 a candidate for the ‘Miss Rank. Nlitchelik.iii
WHO has his lighter filled from petrol pumps?
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited. Couisdon Surrey