Return to 1965-1969

Vision 031

BY the time you receive this magazine we shall (if all goes according to
plan) have said goodbye to the manufacture of Bell & Howell products.
To many employees this will he like parting with an old friend, as no
mean number of you have been associated with Bell & Howell since its
inception at Mitcheldean.
For some of these employees, as well as others who have joined us in
the ensuing years, this rundown will mean a change of job. Indeed, some
of us may need to acquire new skills, and I understand the opportunity to
do this will be forthcoming.
During the next few months things will not be easy and much heartburning
is bound to result. But in this world of change we must all be
prepared to meet the challenge which must come, and to do our bit to help
with the difficulties which we must encounter between the twilight of one
product and the dawn of another.
The Rank Mitcheldean Plant is expanding, not diminishing, and
co-operation will be necessary from both Management and employees.
I am sure we can count on each other to do our utmost in this direction
and to strive to achieve what we all have at heart-namely, full employment
and working conditions at Mitcheldean of which we can be justly proud.
When we see the new buildings completed, and our products accepted
in every part of the world, as I am sure they can an:l w ill he. let us be able
to say, truthfully, that this was due to the co- operative efforts of us all.
Deputy Works Convenor
111R11111111111111111111111111111111W7 ES as WAIIIIIIIMIN
Clive Brooks’
camera looks down
on the reception desk
recently installed in
the entrance hall of
the Administrative
Building. Here
visitors receive a
friendly welcome and
prompt attention to
their enquiries.
Comfortable seating
is provided for those
who may have to
wait. Our picture
shows Mrs. Ann
Blundell and Miss
Margery Brooks
dealing with
On stage. though not at the moment on the air, are team members Mrs. Patricia
McLaughlin and Sidney Harrison, with Bill Coysh, a BBC senior producer, behind
them. Travelling Question-Master Freddy Grisewood sits next to the producer of the
programme, Michael Bowen.
THE success of a programme such as
‘Any Questions’ depends largely on
the degree of co-operation given by the
audience, and the quality of the
There could be no complaint on
either ground when Freddy Grisewood,
the Travelling Question-Master, and his
panel of speakers visited our Plant on
April 9.
Some 300 people turned up for the
event and 60 or so questions were
handed in at the door for possible use
in the broadcast.
The topical question submitted by
Mr. Norman Ball (Accounts Department)-”
What measures would the team
like to see brought in to improve the
safety of trains travelling on ‘Hooligan
Mile’?”-was used for the brief rehearsal
and balance test.
The first question to be broadcast.
which came from Mr. R. W. Cooper
(General Manager of the British Piston
Ring Co.) was obviously prompted by
the recent Budget. He asked whether
the team thought expenses in connection
with business entertainment should be
A good deal of ribaldry among the
panel followed the second question
(from Mr. Frank Edwards, our Personnel
Manager): “In the light of the no%
racial discrimination act, is there any
danger of fervent Welsh Rugby supporters
being apprehended at Twickenham,
Murrayfield or Belfast?”
In contrast a fierce political argument,
concerning the scrapping of the TSR2,
followed the question submitted by Mr.
Arthur Mason (Xerox Warehouse Assistant
Controller). He asked “Why should
this Government throw away our
obvious lead in aircraft and electronics
just to save a paltry few hundred
millions, and then spend almost an
equivalent amount on inferior American
The atmosphere was considerably
lightened when we all heard the next
question from Miss Eleanor Reid
Freddy. Grisewood answers some
informal questions after the broadcast;
with him, left to right, are Miss
Eleanor Reid, Mr. Norman Ball and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason.
Freddy, who is no stranger to the
Forest area, told us how, some years
ago, he came to crown the ‘Forest
of Dean Queen’-in the pouring
rain. And when he kissed her, the
‘Queen burst into tears!
Concert pianist and wellknown
musician. Was a
frequent performer on
television until recent
(secretary to Mr. John Birch). She
wanted to know if the panel thought
married men should be made to wear
some identification mark such as a ring
on their ear!
Neither the bachelor of the panel.
Sidney Harrison, nor the other three
married members seemed to think much
of the idea!
The team were almost equally in
agreement when asked for their views
on the “present trend in architecture
towards the ‘glass box’ type of building”:
the questioner this time was Miss Joan
Price, daughter of the Principal of the
Forest of Dean Technical College.
Past Chairman of the
Liberal Central
Association, and Vice-
President of the Liberal
Party since /954. Was
President of the Oxford
Union Liberal Club when
at Oxford.
The final question which came from
Mrs. Arthur Mason-“Do the team
think so much publicity should be given
to the fact that Charlie Chaplin’s son
has been living on public assistance ? ” –
again roused considerable feeling, not
only among the panel!
The 50 minutes were over all too
quickly. and one was left wishing the
speakers had had the chance to discuss
some of the surplus questions chosen.
What would they have had to say
about this, for instance: “Do the team
think that a tax on children rather than
the granting of a family allowance
would solve the Chancellor’s problems
and the over-population problem at the
same time?” from Mr. Robert Kcar (of
Engelhard Industries): or this: “At what
age do a man’s reminiscences begin to
outweigh his expectations?” from Mrs.
Daisy Bullock (secretary to Mr. D. R.
Elliott); or even a canine query from
Miss Susan Ingram (Spares Packing)
“Do you think a dog can be bored’?”
But if the audience missed some
potential fun at the end through short-
Until last year Liberal
Unionist MP for Belfast
West. Has been Hon.
Secretary. Parliamentary
Home Safety Group.
as well as General
Secretary for the London
Foundation for Marriage
Educat ion .
age of time, they also derived some
perhaps unexpected enjoyment in the
preliminary pre-broadcast period.
In an informal one-man ‘Any Questions’
about the BBC, Bill Coysh,
Senior Producer of the Talks Unit,
Western Region, proved himself well
equipped to answer all kinds of questions
concerning both radio and television.
Before Freddy Grisewood walked on
to the stage to chat to us, producer
Michael Bowen gave questioners and
audience last-minute instructions in
such a witty and amusing way that we
began to wish he could be on the panel
too. And everyone was more than
ready to provide the ‘great surge of
ecstatic applause’ he had asked for
when we finally went on the air!
General President.
Electrical Trades Union.
Has held this position
since 1963.
in the 1964 annual film
competition held by the Cine &
Photographic Club were able to gain
some useful hints about film- making at
the Prize Night held on February 17 in
the Social Centre. For the competition
judge, Mr. Fletcher-Cooper, was there
to give advice, and to comment on the
reasons for his choice.
A family Christmas at home was the
theme of the film by Mr. Robin Berks
(Production Control), which came third.
Mr. Berks, who is Cine Programme
Secretary, had filmed it entirely by
artificial light-no easy matter.
The Woodcotc Transport Rally, attended
by everything from steam rollers
to a pennyfarthing, was the unusual
subject chosen by Mr. Fred Brown
(Tool Room) whose film came second.
Music recorded from an 80-key Gavioli
fairground organ (built in 1897 and
later restored), added greatly to the
film’s appeal.
A travel film of Scotland, taken b
Club Chairman Mr. Arthur Mason
(Xerox Warehouse) won first prize and
drew praise for the quality of its photography
and its novel titling.
Mrs. Fletcher-Cooper kindly presented
the prizes which this year took
the form of gift vouchers. After a
buffet, there was a showing of the film
`Carry On. Constable’.
On March 3 the Club enjoyed a lecture
and demonstration on model makeup
and portraiture, given by Mr.
Robert Evans (Sub-Contracts Manager),
with Club Secretary Miss Yvonne Hart
acting as demonstration model.
There was a good attendance, with
local clubs much in evidence, at the
showing of the Movie Maker ‘Top 8’
amateur films of 1963 on March 18.
Now the next important date on the
Club calendar is a Competition Outing
to Stratford-on-Avon on June 6 which
is open to all Sports & Social Club
members. There will be prizes for the
best 8 mm. films, set of prints or set of
transparencies taken on the outing.
If you would like to join in, please
contact any member of the Committeeand
do it soon!
Top to bottom:
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher-Cooper with
Club Secretary Miss Yvonne Hart.
Mr. Fred Brown receives second prize.
Chairman (and first prize-winner) Mr.
Arthur Mason with guests Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Adams. Mrs. Fletcher-Cooper
hands third prize to Mr. Robin Berks.
Is There a Queen in
the Plant?
THE Treorchy Male Voice Choir are
very much in demand, and if you
have ever heard them perform you won’t
be surprised to learn that they are fully
booked for 1965.
In fact, the earliest date that your
Sports & Social Club can get them to
promise to give a concert at our Plant
is in the autumn of 1966! But it ill be
well worth waiting for.
In the much nearer future-on July 3,
to be exact-the Club will hold the first
of what they hope will prove a successful
series of ‘Smoking Concerts’-informal
social gatherings where you can meet,
chat and have a drink, with entertainment
by professional artistes laid on.
Tickets will be around the 5s. mark (and
you don’t have to smoke if you don’t
want to!).
Dances for the over-thirties on May 8
and for the under-thirties on June 19
have also been arranged. At the latter
dance an ‘Open Competition’ for the
Mitcheldean Carnival Queen will take
place, and any girl who is 16 years of
age or over, whether she lives in M itcheldean
or not, can enter. Judges will be
people from outside the district. Further
details will be publicised later.
THESE are the people who, as the new
committee for the Sports & Social Club,
will be looking after members’ interests
during 1965/66: Group I (Project 9.
Ground Floor, M/c Shop)-Mr. E.
Lark; Group 2 (Project9, 914 Assembly
Area)-Mr. G. Harris, Mr. A. East;
Group 3 (Xerox Warehouse Area) –
Mr. M. B. Jarvis; Group 4 (Xerox 813
Assembly Area)-Mr. B. Weyman;
Group 5 (Design, Electrical Laboratory.
Purchase. Personnel & First Aid Area) –
Mr. H. Fisher; Group 6 (Accounts,
Wages. Production Control, Production
Engineering & Executive Floor)-Mrs.
J. M. Smith; Group 7 (Tool Room,
Press & Sheet Metal, old Goods Inwards.
Model Shop (formerly Experimental).
B/H Assy., R.M. Stores, Canteen &
Gate House)-Mr. D. Fisher, Mr. D.
Cook; Group 8 (Training School. Polishing
& Plating, Plant Maintenance.
Reliability & B/H M/c Shop)-Mr.
H. .1. Watkins.
Watch Those Points !
AN acceptable design for the Motor Club
badge has finally been evolved (see
picture) and arrangements for its manufacture
are going ahead.
Under a scheme commenced earlier, all
points awarded at events such as the Four
Counties Rally held on April 4 are being
recorded, and the driver and navigator
gaining most points (they need not be a
team) will be presented .%ith a ‘Driver
(and Navigator) of the Year’ award at a
function in the late autumn.
Just for the Record
THE usual feeling of interdepartmental
rivalry was absent when the finals of
the Inter-departmental Skittles K.O.
Competition were played on February
27. For what is probably the first time
ever, a department competed against
itself when the 914 Assembly ‘A’ and
‘C’ teams met to do battle. The ‘C’
team won, with 350 pins to the ‘A’
score of 318 pins.
LONG Service Association members have
two important dates in May to note in
their diaries: May 3 when the Annual
General Meeting will be held in the
Club House: and May 14 when the
Annual Dinner will take place in the
Social Centre, and six people will be
receiving awards.
Mosr people had some story to tell
of their experiences during the
brief spell of Arctic weather last March,
but we like this one best of all.
John Wooding (Xerox Machine Shop),
together with his then fiancee. Myra
Williams (B. & H. Assembly). went on
a shopping expedition in the Hereford
district, accompanied by Myra’s mother.
On their return journey their mini-van
suffered a puncture. The wheel changed,
they continued on their way. Then
there came a second puncture. After
trying vainly in the dark to find a
telephone booth, they gave it up and
resigned themselves to spending the
night in the van.
You can imagine their feelings when
the cold morning light revealed that
they had stopped right by a notice
advertising ‘Bed and Breakfast’!
It was fortunate that mother-in-law –
to-be was there to corroborate what
might otherwise have seemed an unlikely
BY the time this issue appears we shall
know who provided the best team-the
present Apprentices or the ex-Apprentices-
for a football match held at
Mitcheldean Playing Field on April 21.
Last year the former took on a team
from the whole Plant, but this year
they decided to keep it ‘in the family’,
so to speak.
Fearsbmely lifelike, this
charging bull took Stan
Cherry of T.E.D. about
100 hours to complete.
It measures 12 in. by
15 in. and is carved out
of cherry wood. In
order to get the details
right (and not feeling up
to working in front of a
charging bull!) Stan
made do with two bull’s
legs which he kept in
his coal house-until
they proved too objectionable!
6 7
Edna Hanm 2n Patricia Baker Janice Hemingwal Maureen Webb Marlene Williams
Little Barbara Beard, one of the child models, presents a bouquet
to Mrs. F. Wickstead at the Second Social Evening held by the
Ladies’ Keep Fit Group on March 27.
EIGHTY -Two pounds for the Multiple
Sclerosis Society! This
was the splendid result of the ‘Keep
Fit’ Group’s recent social evening.
The programme included a fashion
parade, a ‘Keep Fit’ display, and a
demonstration of their ‘markable
art by the Glevum Judo lub.
Particular thanks are due to:
Raynors of Ross-on-Wy (for the
ladies’ fashions): Margar s of Cinderford
(for the tiny to ‘ outfits);
Mrs. Roberts of Mitcheldean (for
footwear); Vine Bros., Cinderford
(for carpeting); Mrs. E. Olivey (for
the delightful decor); and the
Group’s invaluable pianist, Mrs. G.
One imagines that the great
thing in judo is to keep
your head-that is, if you
know where it is!
Pauline Compton
It looks like a case of the
irresistible force meeting
the immovable object. The
object ‘on the mat’-in this
case our Assistant Chief
Accountant-was not so
much immovable, however,
as immobilised by a bit of
judo groundwork technique.
We understand his arm
suffered quite a hangover!
2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10
1. Nice to look at, but expensive when
a penny. (6)
4. Music lover and pop hater. (6)
9. Observes-sometimes kind at the
end of a letter. (7)
10. Throw out. (5)
11. You need a commissioner for
this-inside have a go at him. (4)
12. Just the thing to keep your back
up. (8)
14. Possible strength. (5)
16. 13 for the baker. (5)
20. The sailor’s territory is not in the
concrete-take it away! (8)
21. However extensive, this space is
superficial. (4)
24. Astonish-at Hampton Court? (5)
25. Generous politician. (7)
26. Did he make his mark with
Cleopatra? (6)
27. Metal hole, not a little optic. (6)
1. You can legally beg for this. (61
2. Always comes after 7. (5)
3. Sweet and jammy. often. (4)
5. Usually answered. (8)
6. Am I able to be so benign? (7)
7. Perks for the batting side. (6)
8. Almost evaluate the donkeys. (5)
13. Figure the clue number-after
down it copies. (8)
15. This very moment I’ll have something
out of a tin. (7)
17. Decapitate this fruit and get a
pineapple. (6)
18. Laces are twisted-should work to
rule. (5).
19. He didn’t know whether to be or
not-i.e. the 5 down, he said. (6)
22. Countrified. (5)
23. Do as you’re told. (4)
(Solution on page 14)
ABOVE: Stopping for a snack underground
at Wigpool.
RIGHT: Jim Hay. Ray Wright and Nigel
Bayliss went into this water up to their
chests! Now the cavers are making
rubber dinghies to go along the waterway
which appears to run for miles.
Ray Wright continues his account of the activities of
‘ The Cavemen of Mitcheldean’
mhere have been many rumours con-
‘ cerning the existence of a large lake
under Wigpool, so we explored every
cave and iron mine that was open but
without success.
Then, with the aid of some maps,
supplied by Rex Keen, we started to
trace the entrances to the old iron workings
that had been filled in, and we
eventually met with some success at a
hole which we believe was once known
as Fox Hole.
We decided to launch a full-scale
attack on Fox Hole on Sunday, November
15. We were all down by just after
9 a.m. and we returned at 4 p.m.,
completely exhausted. The party consisted
of Roger, David and Laurence
Bailey, Rex Keen, Jim Hay, Ken Butt,
Ray Dance, Roger Solari, David
Donovan, Malcolm Sterry and myself.
(Roger and Malcolm go to East Dean
Grammar School and have taken many
samples to school to be analysed.)
We discovered remarkable calcite formations,
some lovely rock pools with
coral-like growths in them, many nests
of cave pearls and many samples of
crystals and haematite ores.
Several clay pipes were found, as well
as candles used by the miners, the
R. BAILEY A calcite flow at Wigpool. In many
thousands of years’ time this will probably
join up with a similar flow ten feet below
to form a column.
remains of an old winching gear and
various wedges and odd tools.
We still have not found the lake but a
good had by all!
When we emerged, we saw two lads
wandering over Wigpool, peering into
the openings of some of the caves with
only a candle and a box of matches.
Caving like this is a dangerous practice
because one cannot hope to walk
along and keep a candle alight; if it goes
out many times one can soon run out of
matches and in the intense darkness of
a cave one can lose all sense of direction
and become lost.
It is this sort of thing that gets caving
a bad name. If anyone wants to go
caving, it is best to get some proper
equipment and go with an experienced
party; this will ensure far better results
and be a great deal safer.
Old iron mine shafts can be extremely
dangerous and should not be tackled
lightly even by experienced cavers.
If you would like to read about caving,
I can suggest two good books: British
Caving, by the cave research group, and
Caving and Potholing by Donald Robinson
and Anthony Greenbank.
And if you are anxious to do something
more practical-well, we are clearing
out another entrance at Edge Hill
that might prove interesting in the near
future, and we could do”with some keen
The Forest offers tremendous opportunities
for exploration and discovery,
lying as it does in a vast, synclinical
limestone basin, the edges of which
come to the surface on the hills facing
the rivers Severn and Wye. It will
surely keep caving enthusiasts busy for
years to come.
Ross-on-Wye & District
Cycling Club provide
a novel arch of honour
for one of their
members, Mr. Sant
Phillips, and his bride.
They’re Engaged
Miss Pat Smith (Goods Inwards Inspection)
to Mr. Richard Holland on
January 16.
Miss Elizabeth Young (Design D.0.) to
Mr. Carlton Hobbs on St. Valentine’s
Miss Charlotte Lewis (Accounts Dept.)
to Mr. Richard Hathaway on March 17.
Mr. Bernard Gibbs (Sheet Metal Shop)
to Miss Gillian Ennis on March 20.
Mr. Kenneth Jones (Autos) to Miss
Cynthia Meek on April 3.
RIGHT: Mr. and Mrs. Graham Hook.
BELOW : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howells.
They’re Wed
Miss Marilyn Smith (813 Assembly) to
Mr. Graham Hook at the Forest
Church, Drybrook: Mr. Ronald Atkinson(
Xerox Machine Shop)to Miss Amelia
Hall (formerly Central Records) at Zion
Baptist Chapel-both on March 6.
Mr. Sam Phillips (813 project engineer)
to Miss Thelma Wilding on March 13
at St. Mary Magdalene, Stretton Sugwas,
near Hereford.
Also on March 13, Miss Eileen Smith
(Xerox Spares Packing) to Mr. Robert
Howells (914 Assembly) at Ryeford
Chapel, near Ross.
Miss Myra Williams (B. & H. Assembly)
to Mr. John Wooding (Xerox Machine
Shop) on April 2 at Ross Registry Office.
All on April 3-Mr. Tom Howells
(Metallurgical Laboratory) to Miss
Jackie Hawker at St. Stephen’s Church,
Cinderford (Jackie used to work in the
Sales Department when it was located
This photograph of the Auxiliary Fire Service squad at Mitchekkan in the early 1940’s
was lent to L.S.A. Secretary Mr. Henry Phillips by Mr. A. H. Richardson of Woodger
Road. Mr. Richardson used to be in charge of the group, and that’s him in the centre
of the front row. We leave you to identify the rest!
at Mitcheldean): Miss Michele Guy
(B. & H. Assembly) to Mr. Clifton
Higgins at St. Mary’s Church, Ross-on-
Wye: Miss Patricia Williams (Production
Control) to Mr. Antony Haile at
Apologies to …
Mrs. Marjorie Jenkins (née Knight) formerly
of 813 Time Office: VISION inadvertently
reported her wedding as being
on January 23 when in fact it did not
take place until April 3.
Congratulations to …
Mr. Bert Williams (Security) and his
wife who will celebrate their 25th
wedding anniversary on May 12.
Best Wishes to …
Miss Doris Barker (the writer of our
current editorial). Here’s hoping she is
feeling right on top of the world after
her recent absence on sick leave.
They’ve Arrived
Roderick Clifford, a son for Mr.
Terence Gordon (Press Shop) on
February 18.
Neil Andrew, a son for Mr. Roy Evans
(Tool Design) on March 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howells
R. Eva.,
They’re 21
Mrs. Josie Thomas (B. & H. Assembly)
on April 3.
Miss Wendy Dickinson (B. & H.
Assembly) on April 17.
Miss Cynthia Probert (Purchase) on
June 19.
`Swallow’ Pram in two-tone grey. Good
condition. Complete with bag and sun
canopy. £8 o.n.o. Apply: Mr. T.
Buffry (Chemical Laboratory).
THE day is long, the work is dull.
Though now and then there is a lull.
We clock the cards, and work them
It makes you want to scream and
The faces at the window there-
They grin, or simply stand and stare,
Or shout, with overalls all dirty,
“Wake up now, mate,! want Op 30!”
There’s fat ones, thin ones by the
And every week were getting more.
It makes you wonder where’s the end;
Perhaps we’ll end up round the bend.
But keep your head and stay alive, and
“Cheer up, mates-it’s nearly five!-
ACROSS: 1-Pretty. 4-Square. 9-
Regards. 10-Evict. 11-Oath. 12-
Vertebra. 14-Might. 16-Dozen.
20-Abstract. 21-Area. 24-Amaze.
25-Liberal. 26-Antony. 27-Eyelet.
DOWN: 1-Pardon. 2-Eight. 3-Tart.
5-Question. 6-Amiable. 7-Extras.
8-Asses. 13-Thirteen. 15-Instant.
17- Banana. 18-Scale. 19-Hamlet.
22-Rural. 23-Obey.
SUD AVIATION, the I c nit aircraft company engaged on the
Concord supersoni, airliner project, has ordered three
Copyflo 5BC machines and an 1824. The British Aircraft
Corporation, the other partner working on the Concord,
already use Copyflo. Hence technical information can be
exchanged between the two companies on microfilm and
printed out on Copyflo.
A 32-PosmoN language laboratory is to be supplied to
Abersychan Grammar School by Rank Audio Visual. From
the master control console the tutor can address the whole
class at once, through their headsets, or listen in and speak
with any pupil.
CINEMA HISTORY was made at this year’s Royal Film Performance
at Leicester Square Odeon. By means of the
Eidophor large-screen TV system, which the theatre was
the first in Britain to install, those inside the auditorium
were able to watch the Royal arrivals, the stars and
celebrities, and the presentations. The Eidophor equipment
projects a brilliant 25 ft. x 18 ft. ‘live’ picture: unlike earlier
systems it does not require lowering of house lights.
A NEW showroom was opened in Berne, Switzerland, on
February 16: the 813 was launched in the city at the same
Language Lab
for School
Co pyflo
and the
Swiss Debut
TV System
Cinema History
TENPIN bowling centres have been opened recently in
Blackpool (the resort’s second), and in Gateshead. This
brings the total of bowling centres to be operated by Top
Rank in Britain to 24.
Star from
the Desert
Now there
are 24
AUDIENCES will be able to see a real sheik playing the part
of (you’ll never guess!) a sheik in the Universal comedy
‘Strange Bedfellows’ to be distributed in the UK by The
Rank Organisation. Head of a sheikdom of over 100,000
tribesmen in the desert near Baghdad, Iraq, he accepted the
role so that he could study film making. and he is ncm
taking a Master’s degree in motion pictures.
THE Rambler ‘Walkie-Talkie’ radiotelephone, manufactured
by Rank Telecommunications, was recently tested in the
Highlands by the Scottish Police for use in mountain
Latin American
Holiday Prize
‘ Walk ie-Talkie’
RANK PHOTOGRAPHIC are holding a second Photographic
Fortnight from April 19-May 28. Top prize in the consume
competition is a two-week Latin American holiday for mo
with jet travel and £100 spending money. There are also
160 prizes of photographic equipment. A further chance
to win a two-week holiday in Latin America will be
provided at the International Photo-Cine Fair, Olympia
(May 13-19).
WHO, whe
n suffering from a headache, tried to swallow a slip gauge? He never
out whether it was effective because it didn’t go down – doubtless because it
as a no-go!
WHICH cricketer’s wife put his trousers in the oven to prevent him from plaing?
WHO used sage when making her new husband some ‘mint’ sauce?
WHICH departmental head now knows what our lily pond looks like from the inside?
WHICH carpenter was too shy to go to First Aid to have a splinter removed?
WHO does her courting at the convenience of an experimental department ?
WHICH member of Production Control came to work wearing his daughter’s
WHO wanted to buy his girl friend a maternity ring for her 21st birthday?
WHICH project engineer tried to straighten a rubber belt under a fly press?
WHICH Planning engineer’s wife found maggots in her washing machine?
WHO used a tie given to him by a former girl-friend to tie up his mate’s dog?
The tic of love was still pretty strong, it seems!
WHICH Design engineer may have to he whipped off to First Aid when his wife finds
out he is contemplating a move to ‘down under’?
WHO filled a flask to bring to work, then brought an empty one by mistake?
WHICH inspector has bought a boat and keeps it in his garden?
WHO in Planning spent so long chatting in a pal’s van after work that his w ife
brought his bedclothes out to him?
WHICH Project 9 chargehand likes red buckets?
WHICH foreman promised to give farmyard impressions at a party?
WHO poured soup on a portion of steamed apple pudding?
WHICH project engineer’s trousers couldn’t take the strain when lifting a snowball
and split at the seams?
WHOSE gander laid an egg?
WHEN are private motorists at the Plant going to be issued with compasses to
enable them to steer the right course?
WHAT is the story behind the following verse?
They seek her here, they seek her there-
They seek that stripper everywhere.
Is she in Ross? Is she in l3rum?
When, oh when, will that female come?
Can she be ill? Can she be lost?
We must get her on stage whatever the cost (34s.) !
Primed by the Victor James Press Limited. Coulsdon, Surrey

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