HERE are the prize-winning entries for
the first ‘Pick of the Pis’ snapshot
contest. First is Mrs. V. Jordan’s little
girl on a trampoline: second, the study
of Tintern Abbey, taken by Tony
Hamblin: and third, the sandboys pictured
by Geoff Howell. These three
competitors will be receiving prizes in
the form of cash vouchers.
– so many people didn’t manage to
get their holiday snaps ready in time for
this contest, it has been decided to
make ‘My Holiday, 1965’ the subject for
the September/October contest also.
Entries for this must be in the hands
of Pat Jordan (T.E.D.) by September 24.
The rules are as before-
Black and white prints only.
Maximum size of prints approximately
4 in. x 6 in.
Enter as many snapshots as you like.
And remember-the subject is what
nwtters most!
Why can’t the Sports dr Social Club
lease a holiday villa on the Mediterranean
coast for renting out to members for a
fortnight or so in the summer? We have
heard of social clubs in other companies
which do this.
THE possibilities arising from the
enquiry will haw. to be looked into by
the Committee sho would have to give
their blessing before any action could
be taken. The matter will be put upon
the agenda for the next meeting and
the Committee’s findings will be made
known to VISION readers as soon as
possible thereafter.
In the meantime it would be appreciated
if any member could forward to
our Club Secretary, Mr. R. Steward
(Personnel °Bice). information as to the
identity of an% clubs, companies or
suchlike pro% idling this service for their
members empli,%ees.
* * *
What arrangements are being made for
the Annual Dance this year?
THE Annual Dance will take place on
November 26 in the Social Centre.
This year the Sports & Social Club
Committee arc hoping to arrange for
the bar to be located in a downstairs
room. thus leaving the maximum amount
of space available in the hall for dancing.
This would allow the issuing of about
150 more tickets than was possible in
1964, when a number of people had to
be disappointed.
At the time of going to press these
arrangements were awaiting the Company’s
Tickets for the dance will cost
approximately the same as last year
and Mr. Johnny Walker will once again
act as Master of Ceremonies.
The ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’ contest
is to be conducted in the same
manner as last year and photographs
of the contestants will appear in the
next issue of VISION, together with a
ballot form for voting.
* * *
How long will it be before people using
the new car park near Project 15 will be
able to get out into Bradley Court Road
instead of having to use the usual exit
into Eastern A venue?
THE exit into Bradley Court Road will
be available for use by employees’ cars
in February/March 1966. * * *
If you have a question to raise in ‘Open
Forum’, either send it to the Editor,
VISION, Fair View. Plump Hill, Mitcheldean,
or leave it at the Gate House to
be collected.
A card conveying ‘their most grateful
thanks for all you have done in connection
with the County Flag Day’ was
recently received from the President and
Council of the Order of St. John of
Jerusalem for Gloucestershire. The
amount collected at the Plant for the
flag day was £13 6s. 5d.
You and Your Hobby
STARTLED housewives in Cinderford
hurried out of the shops to watch
when, one Wednesday in July, a stream
of fire engines, police patrol cars.
ambulances, etc., went roaring by, lights
flashing and sirens blaring.
Obviously, they said to one another,
some terrible catastrophe had occurred
-perhaps a plane crash involving great
loss of life.
Well, they were partly right in their
guess. A plane had crashed, not far
away, but the pilot was apparently quite
happy, sitting up in the trees. He never
moved a muscle when the plane came
down-not surprising really, because he
hadn’t a muscle to move!
This is what happened. Ray Dance
(Design D.0.), who was on holiday at
the time, had gone out ith Ken
Townsend (Planning), to enjoy a bit of
his particular hobby-flying model
He sent his plane up from a field
near Brierley Filling Station. Now there
was a moderate wind at the time, and
gradually the plane failed to respond to
the radio control and was blown ‘off
course’, finally falling among the trees
of Woodside.
A local resident saw the plane come
down. The noise of its diesel engine.
TOP: The plane that crashed. Looked at
from this angle, it appears remarkably
lifelike; but if you look closely you will
see the elastic that maintains the plane’s
RIGHT: Ray and (far right) Frank with
their almost man-size models. They wear
dark glasses for staring skywards-not
because they wish to remain incognito!
not to mention the lifelike figure of the
pilot, convinced him it was the real
thing and he gave the alarm.
Ray, wandering along in search of his
plane, saw the rescue turn-out and it
occurred to him that his innocent hobby
might possibly be the cause of the commotion.
So he ‘phoned all the police
stations he could think of-no answer
(they were probably all out looking for
the plane). Finally he dialled 999 and
put the police out of their misery.
It wasn’t till the evening of the following
day that he found the crashed plane,
remarkably undamaged.
As most people know, model aircraft
have frames of balsa wood. These are
covered with tissue or nylon, then
painted. Ray’s now-famous plane, the
first he has ever made on this scale, was
constructed from a Keilkraft Junior 60
kit and weighs 4 lb. A MacGregor
single channel tone radio system controls
the rudder, turning the model to left or
Rather more complicated is the
model ‘Cicada’ built by Frank Oakey
(Electrical Laboratory) which has a
wing span of 62 in. He made his from a
published plan and he built the radio
system himself. It is a Remcon Superhet
with eight functional channelswhich
means that he can turn the model
left or right, and control its altitude and
The fusalage is fairly wide in order to
accommodate the extra radio equipment
necessary to operate a small camera that
will be fitted in the near future.
Frank has not quite completed his
aircraft yet: but when it is finished, he
reckons he will have spent something
like £45 on it-with ready-made radio it
would have cost at least double that
Although Ray has both feet on the
ground when flying model aircraft, he
likes at times to get his head in the
clouds. A former member of a gliding
club, he is now having lessons at
Staverton Airport with the aim of
obtaining a pilot’s licence.
Ray and Frank are always pleased to
meet other model aircraft enthusiasts so,
if any of you share this hobby, do get in
touch with them.
The ladies of Warehouse Administration
screamed and jumped on their desks (so
the men say) when this little mouse was
discovered one morning investigating
Arthur Mason’s waste-paper bin. But
the mouse was unperturbed, even when
Geoff Gray took photographs of it before
it was released outside. (Photographic
tailpiece: this shot, taken at infinity,
turned out better than the next one with
the camera correctly focused!)
Pets in the Plant
A NEWLY married pair of blackbirds
were having awful trouble getting a
building site. Then they happened upon
the ideal spot-an overhead fan heater
in Tool Inspection. Just fancy, they
thought, a nest with central heating!
Not bothering about getting planning
permission, they moved in and got to
work on making a nest one weekend.
Our bird book says blackbirds use
mainly grass, rootlets and mud for the
job. Well, they’re not entirely right.
The Tool Inspection boys know for a
fact that blackbirds use wire, string and
Quality Control labels as well!
In due course a number of happy
events were occurring and to prevent
accidents a wooden ‘balcony’ was suspended
beneath the nest. The youngsters
duly spread their wings and tried to
discover what tool inspection was all
about. Obviously they weren’t very
impressed because once they had been
put gently outside the building they
never tried to get in again!
Eventually Mum and Dad left too
and the home-making business started
all over again in a tree outside. Well,
after all, that central heating was a
complete let-down. No one ever turned
the heater on all the time they were
in residence!
To your left -Management players F. A. Abbott, R. E. Baker. L. Bonser, M. Brain,
R. Charles, F. Edwards (Capt.), B. Hall, G. S. Hemingway, R. Jones, J. Smith and
R. Steward. To your right-the Apprentices team of K. Bradley, R. Caldicutt (Capt.).
R. Cooke, J. Court. R. Griffiths, K. Horrobin, F. J. Morris, D. Robinson, E. Sologub,
R. Spencer and P. Townsend. Flunking the teams are umpires W. Steam ( far left)
and J. Merry, while in the centre is the chap who made a brilliant catch before the
game had even started-Len Hart!
Our Wicket Correspondent Reports
WHILE some of the world’s best
cricketers were engaged in Test
matches at Lord’s, some of the Plant’s
best cricketers met at Mitcheldean for
their annual ‘Test’ -a 24 overs a side
match between Management and
The first notable ‘catch’ occurred
before play had even started! And it
was achieved by Len Hart, who wasn’t
a member of either team!
It happened that F. J. Morris, Rank
Xerox Technical Training Officer, was
at Mitcheldean in July, acting as coordinator
on the 813 overseas workshop
managers course. Len roped him in on
the Apprentices side, with excellent
After winning the toss, Apprentices
R. Spencer and R. Caldicutt opened,
scoring freely until, with the score at 24,
Spencer was stumped and Caldicutt was
bowled next ball.
This brought together P. Townsend
and ‘adopted apprentice’ F. J. Morris,
who made a valuable 54. After his
dismissal, the wickets fell swiftly and
the Apprentices were all out for a total
of 128 on the last ball.
The Management opened their innings
with B. Hall and F. Edwards who
seemed rather unsettled against some
hostile bowling by D. Robinson. Hall
soon fell lbw to Caldicutt, but Edwards
survived the initial onslaught and went
on to make a steady 36, while the wickets
of Bonser and Jones fell cheaply. F.
Abbott made a grand knock of 47, but
his luck ran out %s hen he was caught by
Townsend off Robinson’s bowling.
As the number of overs diminished.
R. Baker and M. Brain failed to make
the necessary runs, leaving the Apprentices
winners by six runs.
Mr. Wickstead presented the cup to
the Apprentices (who last won it in
1962) and accompanied the players to
the White Horse where it was filled and
emptied in a ‘merry’ atmosphere.
As from August 8, a new department
entitled Factory Layout and Advanced
Planning Department has come into
being, incorporating the existing Advanced
Planning Department. Mr. J. C.
Henwood, formerly 813 Production
Manager, has been made responsible
directly to Mr. C. W. Hotchen for this
new department. Factory planning and
layout is becoming a major operation.
and Mr. Henwood has been put in
charge of the task of planning a complete
future layout to house coming new
products. Mr. R. S. Harris, who is
responsible to Mr. Henwood and is to
act as his deputy at all times, is taking
charge of all routine layouts and changes
to factory installations and fittings.
Responsibility for inter-departmental
materials handling and facilities, until
recently with Mr. Harris, has reverted
to the Production Control Department
under Mr. J. W. Evans.
WE were down in Goods Inwards
Inspection (Electrical) when we
came across a Bee-Jay.
If you’re not young enough to know
what a Bee-Jay is, we’d better explain
that it’s a Blackjack. There are three
more somewhere and you can always
recognise them by their blue elephant
mascot and their pillar-box red van (it
camouflages their female fans’ lipstick!).
Now you know what we’re talking
The name of this near-professional
beat group-the Bee-Jays-is explained
when you see them in their stage outfits
of simulated black leather.
Our own particular Bee-Jay-John
Woodward-came to work at the Plant
about two years ago, having studied at
Gloucester Technical College and served
five years’ apprenticeship with Cardiff
Electrical Repairs in Gloucester.
John is the group’s bass guitarist.
He also plays the piano, does most of
the vocals with the group, and has
written a couple of items which the
John Woodward
group has performed publicly.
He and salesman Terry Leach are the
only original members of the group, but
all four have about five years’ experience
of the beat group world to their credit.
The fact that they don’t follow the
trend but remain faithful to rhythm and
blues (though they always include some
popular ballads in their programmes)
may partly account for their unwavering
popularity. They play for the love of
it-and if the money comes along, well
and good!, says John.
noticed A &cc a 5
sAt. 560d tookirt5
c(Larioasly aGoS
7.3.and. at- once
‘ALICE in Wonderland’ was first published
100 years ago this year. Entitled
‘Alice’s Adventures Underground’ by
the author, the manuscript was beautifully
hand-written and illustrated by
Lewis Carroll himself.
Now you can own a copy of the
original, for a centenary edition of it
has been published in the UK by
University Microfilms. Copies will be
available in October at a special price of
21s. (cost to the general public: 35s.).
If you would like one, just fill in the
coupon and return it to University
Microfilms (but please don’t send the
money now).
Special offer to Rank Xerox Personnel
Please reserve for me copies of Alice’s
Adventures Underground’. (which ore for
distribution within my own family and not to
be given to outsiders), at the special price of2li-
A DDRESS within the Company)
Please return to University Microfilms Ltd..
Remax House, 31 Alfred Place. London W.C. I
.1.1600041.0.000 0000
In ration., .stagtA of exhaustion after the limrtulle
race are Fred Brown and Ray Wright (sitting)
and Jim Hay. The pair of legs belong to Jim
Saunders. On the right: the runners full of
get-up-and-go at the start of the race.
THE answer to our question ‘Is there a
queen in the Plant?’ in the last issue of
VISION was a most definite `Yes’.
There aren’t many girls who get
crowned queen twice in two years, but
that is a distinction that can be claimed
b 19-year-old Peggy Matthews of
Central Records.
She was first crowned Queen of
Mitcheldean & District Carnival in
1963. though the procession that year
was cancelled because of rain. Then on
August 21 last, she became, for the
second time. Carnival Queen when actor
Bill Kerr. ‘Ben Bishop’ of ‘Compact’
fame, placed the crown on her head.
(Incidentally, it was our Company who
arranged for Mr. Kerr to perform the
Several other people from the Plant
played an important part in the Carnival
There was Sister Townroe who organised
the Dog Show once again, with the
assistance of Eric Parsons (Tool Room).
There was Arnold Gaylard (Press &
Sheet Metal) who acted as Sports &
Social Club representative on the
Carnival Committee and fulfilled the
vital role of treasurer.
And there was Fred Brown (Tool
Room) who, on behalf of the Sports &
Social Club, organised some athletic
In years past there used to be a Works
Sports Day, the highlight of which was
a 14-mile road race open to anyone and
publicised throughout the country. This
year the race was revived and held in
conjunction with the Carnival. Fred
also organised a four-mile road race and
a 100-yards sprint in Mitcheldean Playing
Fields, open to employees only.
The response to these events (all held
under AAA laws) will help those concerned
to decide whether or not it would
be worth organising an annual Sports
Day once more.
First in the Field
Winner of the 14-mile race, for which
there were 34 individual and six team
entries, was C. K. Kemball of Wolverhampton
Harriers. His time of I hr.
15 min. 18 sec. broke the previous
record for this course by 26 seconds. He
won a transistor radio, medal and a cup.
R. Wright (Design D.O.) came first
and J. Hay (Reliability Lab.) second in
C. K. Kentball finishes first after nuking
Ross and back in record time.
Peggy Matthews nearly gets crowned by
Bill Kerr in more ways than one!
the four-mile race (both of them caving
enthusiasts, incidentally!). The organiser
himself, Fred B wn, a veteran of
former Sports Day , was first back in
the field but was fit Ily placed third.
R. J. Saunders esign D.O.) won
the 100 yards, with . Gordon (Press
Shop) second and G. Hartley (Project
Planning) third.
In the Fruit, Flower & Vegetable
Show, S. Wood (Stores) gained eight
firsts, five seconds and six thirds, for
which he was awarded a special prize.
No one from the Plant gained a first
in the Dog Show, although Shirley.
daughter of R. Taylor (Tool Room)
won the child handler’s class.
THE following members of the Modern
Ballroom Dancing Class have passed the
test set by the Imperial Society of
Teachers of Dancing for the bronze
medal in the waltz: Basil Walker (Paint
Shop) -with honours, and his wifecommended:
Malcolm Dunn (Advance
Mfre. Engrg.) and his wife-commended:
Miss Valerie Cleal (Design) –
bronze for three dances (waltz, quickstep
and foxtrot): Robin Berks (Production
Control) and his wife (who also obtained
a bronze in the cha-cha-cha): Miss
Penny Austin (Mail Room): Mrs. Mary
Bennett (914 Q.C.): Mrs. Theresa Brain
(914 Assy.): Clem Chadd (Production
Control) and his wife: Hubert Fisher
(Advance Mfre. Engrg.) and his \\ ife:
Ira Griffin (Planning): Norman Griffiths
(Goods Inwards Q.C.): Mrs. Winifred
Morgan (813 Assy.) and her husband:
Mrs. Joyce Sleeman (Canteen) and her
husband: Miss Susan Stephens.
THE Nu-Tones. a five-piece instrumental
group led by pianist George Douglas
(Paint Shop Supervisor), gained second
place from among 16 entrants in the
‘Stars of the Future’ Competition, held
in connection with the recent Gloucester
Carnival: for this they received a prize
of £30. Their drummer. Bob Woodward.
works in 813 Assembly while their
vocalist, Cyril Hayward, works for
W. F. Giles & Sons, contractors for the
Plant expansion scheme.
Mr. U ickstead presents Phil Davis
(Plating Department) with his award of
£159 3s. 9d. in .connection with his
successful suggestion for improvement
under the Company’s Suggestion Scheme.
As Mr. Wickstead remarked, the presentation
of such awards is always a happy
occasion as both employee and Company
benefit from the ensuing cost savings.
4 6 7
7/, it 11
12 13 14 15
16 j A
A /
21 22 23
5. What does he charge for copying? (5)
8. Underground explorer-could this
be Wright? (8)
9. Frequently in the softening process.
10. Furry Friar in the fish-shop? (8)
11. No credit here. (5)
14. Square in a round hole. (3)
16. Rolled out in song. (6)
17. Almost the answer. (6)
18. Who does VISION put in the
picture? (3)
20. Forest accountant. (5)
24. Where one gets all washed up. (8)
25. Classical huntress. (5)
26. Big ‘cads. (8)
27. Railway crossing either way. (5)
I. One ingredient of little girls. (5)
2. This is a proper (or improper!)
take-off. (5)
3. In wartime he’s the man at the
front. (5)
4. The right medium must be used if
this is to be successful. (6)
6. 3 down with a gun. (8)
7. Very likely you must believe it. (8)
12. It’s green in Lydbrook. (8)
13. Modest Miss-I’m sure she would
never 2 down. (8)
14. Laminate for hire. (3)
15. But this animal can get quite
old. (3)
19. Fruit-colour. (6)
21 & 22. Ridden by a fine lady. (5 & 5)
23. Girl who went wrong. (5)
(Solution on page l
Laurie Rawlings offers guidance for beginners
ACERTM\ amount of basic equipment
is required for making small
quantities of wine. Some of it may be
found in the kitchen. the remainder may
be purchased quite cheaply. But whatever
appliances are used, remember, no
metal of any kind is admissible once the
yeast has been added to the must. Fermenting
in anything with lead in it
could result in a highly poisonous brew.
so be warned!
This is what you will need for your
first venture into wine making: 2 onegallon
stone or glass jars (one for
fermentation, one for the new wine):
I polythene bucket: I enamel bowl for
boiling (unchipped); 1 polythene funnel:
I roll of mutton cloth or muslin: about
3 ft. of plastic tubing: 1 fermentation
lock: couple of new corks.
You can, if you like, purchase from
Boots in Gloucester a complete kit for
a few shillings. And there are quite a
number of reasonably priced books on
wine making if you would like to learn
more about the subject.
Another ‘don’t’ in wine making is to
leave the fermenting liquid uncovered.
A friend of mine did this, and bitterly
regrets it! Ha. ing patiently gathered.
cleaned and prepared a gallon of
dandelion heads he left them uncovered
in the bathroom. Next day the bathroom
loofah was missing. A horrifying
thought struck him and, grabbing a
wooden spoon, he rushed to the bathroom
and dipped into his wine. He
didn’t find the loofah, but he discovered
two tablets of half-dissolved soap! And
he strongly suspected the loofah had
disintegrated in the bowl. Moral: never
leave your wine where your kiddies can
get at it.
The recipe for this issue is for Elderberry
Wine. Each year, in good weather
or bad, the elder flowers and fruits in
the hedgerows, and each year much of
England’s finest native wine base rots
upon the trees unused.
At one time orchards of elders were
grown in Kent and the fruit sent to
London where it was bought for the
making of wine and syrup and by the
manufacturers of fabrics to make dye.
The elderberry was regarded as highly
beneficial and it was said to check so
many ills that its devotees were noted
for their excellent health and vitality.
In the 17th century a learned Dutch
physician, Dr. Boerhaare, was said never
to pass an elder tree without raising his
hat in its honour!
Elderberry wines should be made in
September when the clusters of berries
are just about to droop their heads but
ore they become over-ripe. So
q ickly does this wine mature that it
w I be drinkable by Christmas-time:
but, ike most home-made wines, it will
improve by the keeping.
4 lb. elderberries.
1 lemon or orange or I lb. raisins.
31- lb. white sugar.
oz. root ginger well bruised (if liked).
oz. baker’s yeast (1 used Allinson’s)
Method: Take 4 lb. elderberries, picked
on a dry sunny day when the fruit will
be at the height of its juiciness and
flavour, and separate them from the
stalks (they can be stringed like blackcurrants).
Put into a bowl large enough
Remember the ‘Mottle’ mystery? Well,
here’s Fred, alias Mottie. He belongs to
senior chargehand Mrs. Primrose
McCormick and acts as mascot to 914
Assembly. Fred was lonely and used to
gaze sadly at himself in a mirror. Now
he has a little wife called Freda. And
And she’s quite a doll troll!
DON’T be surprised if you should come
across one or two members of the
Engineering Department standing on
their heads. It’s not the work that
makes them do it, it’s merely that they
find this yoga exercise is particularly
helpful in stirring up the circulation and
stimulating the brain.
Devotees are so enthusiastic about
the practice that, who knows, we may
soon see people all over the Plant doing
shoulder-stands or sitting cross-legged
in meditation during the tea break!
Seriously though, it seems that enough
people are interested to justify forming
a Yoga Class, the only obstacle being
that the services of a properly qualified
teacher are hard to come by. A suggested
solution is that someone should
attend the classes held at Selly Oak,
Birmingham, for would-be instructors.
Any volunteers?
Wine for the Making ( continued)
to hold a gallon of water plus fruit.
Pour over the boiling water and mash
with a wooden spoon. Leave for two or
three days, stirring daily.
Strain through muslin or nylon sieve
into a pan (1 used an enamel bowl).
Add the thinly peeled rinds of a lemon
or orange-no pith or you will make it
bitter. If you use raisins, do not boil
them but add with the sugar. Bring to
the boil and simmer 10-15 minutes.
Then pour over the sugar and stir.
When cool add lemon or orange juice
and, lastly, when blood-warm, add the
the yeast. I find it best to get the yeast
started in a bottle with some of the
sweetened fruit juice before adding to
the bowl. Block the neck of the bottle
with cotton wool and put in a warm
place, shaking gently from time to time.
By the time the rest of the ingredients
are ready, you will have a good starter
with the yeast frothing half-way up the
Add the yeast to the bowl, give a good
stir and pour all into your fermenting
jar. Add the fermentation lock and put
in a warm place.
The period of fermentation will vary
from two to four weeks, sometimes
longer, depending on the type of yeast
used, nutrient salts, if any, temperature,
etc. In the early stages a lot of froth
may form, blocking the air lock. If this
happens, take it out and clean it and
wipe down the jar with a damp cloth.
Be sure, however, that the mouth of the
jar is covered while doing this and be as
quick as possible.
Some people let the must stand for a
day or two, keeping the jar topped up
before adding the air lock, but I have
found this a messy business. If you do
use an air lock immediately, do not fill
the jar right up to the brim. I leave a
couple of inches from the cork, depending
on the type of must.
When the fermentation is complete.
i.e. the air lock stops bubbling, syphon
off immediately into your clean storage
jar, using your length of tubing. Then
store in a cool place. Remember always
to use a new cork.
After a few months a sediment will
form on the bottom of the jar. When
this happens, rack (syphon) for a second
time. This is good for the wine as the
passage through the air will aerate it
and help the wine to clear.
Congratulations to …
Mr. 1=. NI i I let t, Assistant Warehouse
Controller, who was elected an associate
member of the Institute of Materials
Handling on July 13, 1965.
Gone to Japan
Mr. Eddie Shermer of the Engineering
Department left on August 13 for
Tokyo. He has been released by the
Company for an unspecified period to
assist the Japanese Cine Equipment
Manufacturing Company in their pilot
production of Bell & Howell 642 range
of 16mm. projectors.
Welcome Back
Nice to see Mr. Henry Phillips (Tool
Inspection) back at work, having made
a good recovery after his recent operation.
They’re 21 Now
The following have achieved their
majority: Mr. Graham Lockwood (apprentice)
on June 16; Mr. Henry
Morgan (Xerox Warehouse) on June 25;
Mr. David Robinson (apprentice) on
July 30; Mr. Anthony Hamblin (our
new works photographer) on August 11;
Miss Elizabeth Young (Design D.0.)
on August 16; Miss Diane Rogers
(Design D.0.1 on September 2.
ACROSS: 5-Price. 8-Potholer. 9-
Often. 10-Chipmunk. 11-Debit. 14-
Peg. 16-Barrel. 17-Nearly. 18-You.
20-Woods. 24-Bathroom. 25-Diana.
26-Egotists. 27-Level.
DOWN: 1-Spice. 2-Strip. 3-Tommy.
4-Seance. 6-Rifleman. 7-Credible.
12-Camomile. 13-Prudence. 14-Ply.
15-Gnu. 19-Orange. 21 & 22-White
horse. 23-Amiss.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosser. J. POVVELL
Miss Judith Tingle (Canteen) to Mr.
Christopher Burford on June 12. Miss
Pamela Grainger (Print Room) to Mr.
Stewart Brindley on July 15. (This
makes the third engagement we have
been able to report from the Print
Room in the last six months!) And Miss
Jennifer Bebb (Accounts) to Mr. Roger
Buffrey on August 3.
Miss Barbara Farley (Shop Loader’s
Office, Machine Shop) to Mr. David
Pye at Lydbrook Church on June 5.
Miss Wendy Worsfold (Purchase) to
Mr. Graham Trafford (Production Control)
at St. Stephen’s Church, Cinderford,
on June 19.
Miss Ellen Bevan (Comp. Section,
Accounts) to Mr. Raymond Baldwin at
Lydbrook Church on July 10.
Miss Sheila Hampston (Cost Office,
Accounts) to Mr; Michael Walsh at
Coleford Church on July 24.
Miss Glynis Price (Admin. Office,
Machine Shop) to Mr. John Rosser at
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Baldwin.
Leaving your place of work after 25 years is a big event-and to mark Mr. F. J.
Sekinger’s retirement, his Tool Room colleagues presented him with a Mamiya
still camera, while the Long Service Association gave him a Hylite slide projector.
Mr. F. Wickstead attended the presentation and expressed the Company’s appreciation
of Mr. Sekinger’s years of service.
the Baptist Chapel. Lydbrook, on
July 31.
Miss Judith Body (Production Control)
to Mr. David Haines (apprentice)
at St. Stephen’s Church, Cinderford, on
August 21.
Miss Pauline Jones (Goods Inwards
Office) to Mr. Stanley Potter at St.
Michael’s Church, Mitcheldean. on
September 5.
His colleagues in the Model Shop presented
Mr. Sidney Stevens with a
barometer when he retired on July 23.
Out and About
DURING June and July; the apprentices
have been out and about quite a good
deal, with educational visits to Rubery
Owen, Darlaston; T. H. Daniels,
Stroud: Rover Co., Solihull: Metal Box
Co., Worcester: and Henry Wiggins,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Trafford.
New Arrivals
Helen Amanda, a daughter for Mr.
Clive Brain (Planning Department), on
April 28.
Joanne, a daughter for Mrs. Rena
Wakefield (formerly of Accounts), on
May 3.
Nicholas Gordon, a son for Mr. Gordon
Bluett (813 Assembly), on May 30.
Peter, a son for Mr. R. W. Charles
(Personnel Officer), on July 7.
Nicola Margaret, a daughter for Mrs.
Gloria Gibbons (formerly Accounts).
on August 7.
Neil Martin, a son for Mr. Gordon Pask
(Engineering), on August 13.
For Sale-`ESSE’ solid fuel cooker with
two ovens. First-class working condition.
Cost over £100; will accept £50 or
nearest offer. Replies to: Mr. Dixon
(ext. 239).
Ford Squire Brake (green) for sale, 1958.
Recently reconditioned engine, clutch
and steering. Four new tyres. Best offer
over £100. Replies to: Mr. D. R. Elliott.
Manager, 914 Project (ext. 336).
Mr. and Mrs. D. Pre.
NEw eight-storey headquarters building in Milan for the
Rank Xerox Italian marketing subsidiary was opened in
June by Mr. John Davis, Chairman and Chief Executive of
the Rank Organisation. Italy has proved to be the Company’s
third largest export market and Rank Xerox S.p.A.
now has branches in Rome and nine other major cities.
TWO jobs for Rank Audio Visual-the supply of heavy duty
marine television equipment for two Pacific weather ships
being completed in Vancouver: and the distribution of
Italian FARFISA electronic musical instruments in this
SITUATED on Sardinia’s Emerald Coast, the Hotel Romazzino
was opened as a Rank Organisation Holiday Inn on August I.
The hotel has 100 double bedrooms, its own private beach,
and facilities for water ski-ing, sailing and underwater
Two Jobs
New HQ
in Italy
Copier for
Le President
Holiday Inn
AN 813 copier has been installed at the Palais de l’Elysee in
Paris, President de Gaulle’s residence. The Rank Xerox
French company, who secured the order. have recently
acquired new headquarters on the outskirts of Paris.
RANK Studio Equipment is to market Gemini television film
recording equipment -a system developed by M.G.M. for
the economic production of programme copies for television.
TV Film
WHICH lady in 813 Assembly put her half-crown in the clocking-in machine and
then wondered why she didn’t get any cigarettes out?
WHO tried to get to Spain without a passport?
WHO played a cricket match ‘in agony’ through having had a handful of small
knob pins down his shirt and trousers? (It was a sore point with him for a long time!)
WHO forgot to advise his boss when he was going on holiday?
WHO is the comedian in Design D.O. who writes ‘grape passes’?
WHICH angler is so thorough he even washes his fishing licences?
WHO knows where Mr. Hollerith works?
WHICH junior executive’s secretary has a new job, washing and cutting her boss’s
WHO tried to pass off his 1963 radio and TV licence as the current one?
WHO stopped one and bought it?
WHO cut through the icing on her birthday cake and found the inside was made
of cardboard?
WHICH draughtsman in T.E.D. has a print of a boot decorating his wall?
WHO, together with his little boy, ate 2 lb. of jelly babies as a tranquillizer during
a thunderstorm?
WHO in 813 Assembly felt her left ear getting rather warm, then discovereu it was
because her hair was going up in flames?
WHICH checker is reputed to be the second best line shooter’ in Design Office?
WHICH Goods Inwards Inspector is known as Twinkletoes?
WHO in Accounts thought the walls of the Malt House were falling in on her?
WHICH gentleman in Production Control can’t make up his mind whose desk he
WHO locked and bolted her front door, not realising that she had left the back
door wide open?
WHO kept hanging around a certain pub with the excuse that he hoped to catch an
escaped convict there and so win £20,000 reward?
WHO put out a call for the plumber because she thought the drain was blocked,
then found the water wouldn’t run away because she hadn’t pulled the plug out?
WHO in 813 found that all the items she had hung out on her (mil ‘assembly line’
at home had been taken away? Presumabb they were OK for quality because she
didn’t get them back again!
AND WHO DID THIS? SOME weeks ago the dreaded sound of a tire alarm sounded
throughout the Plant. People with tire protection responsibilities rushed to their posts:
everyone else waited, to be rescued if need be. A certain Production Manager, who
had been leaning with his hand against the wall while he chatted with some chargehands,
wondered what all the fuss was about. Then he suddenly realised what had
happened. His hand had pressed against the glass protecting a fire signal-just
sufficiently to move it slightly and set of the mechanism. Was his face fiery red!
Printed by the Victor lames Press Limited. Coutsdon. Surrey