Xerox Mk. 10? Just a cartoonist’s impression of a copier sugggiliMir
for use in non-electrified areas of the world!This drawing, one of
several produced by Mr. L. G. Miller (Design D.0.), helped emphasise
points made by Mr. Wickstead at the recent Rank Xerox conference.
See pages 8 and 9.
HLiu are the winners of the second
‘My Holiday 1965′ snapshot contest-
the pictures which best capture
the spirit of the subject. Not surprisingly
they all feature those notable scenestealers,
The serious concentration on the faces
of the children in D. Barnard’s picture
(who were. incidentally, watching a
Punch & Judy Show) wins him first
prize. Miss D. Barker’s picture of a
little girl obviously enjoying a sunny
holiday comes second.
Tying for third place because they are
equally attractive, though in the judges’
opinion they do not suggest the title of
the subject quite so accurately, are the
sleeping beauty who couldn’t care less
about appearances, taken by J. McCoy,
and the babe in the bath, snapped by
G. Lark. These competitors will be
receiving prizes in the form of cash
Subject for the November/December
contest is to be ‘Animals’ (any variety,
whether wild or domestic) and entries
for this must be in the
Jordan (T.E.D.) by Friday, November
19. Remember the rules:
Black and white prints only.
Maximum size of prints-approximately
4 in. 6 in.
Enter as many snapshots as you like
(as long as they are your own efforts!).
The way in which the spirit of the
subject has been captured is allimportant-
it matters more than
technical quality.
First prize goes to D. Barnard for the
snapshot above, second prize to Miss D.
Barker for the one below.
Tying for the third prize-these baby
studies taken by (left) J. McCoy and
(below) G. Lurk.
After the prize-giving, which was held in our Social Centre, Mr. Wickstead and Sir
John Evens, together with our apprentice award-winners, inspect the prize-winning
entries on display.
WE are in danger of producing a
VV medal-bespattered young generation,
with medals won under the shelter
of the class-room and not in the field
of battle!’ ”
This challenging remark was made by
Mr. Wickstead %%hen on September 24
he presented prizes in connection with
the Craftsmanship Competition of the
Three Counties Industrial Education
Mr. Wickstead said he felt that,
especially in engineering, the spirit of
competitiveness and leadership was
lacking among young people today.
Personal development was of vital
importance if the opportunities for
technical education were to be used to
good account in modern industry. And
parents, technical colleges and employers
should all shoulder responsibility
for providing the incentive towards
better competition and leadership.
Congratulating the apprentices on
their achievements, Lt.-Gen. Sir John
Evetts, president and chairman of the
Association, said that the competition
had been disappointing in three respects
this year-the scarcity of entries in the
class for work done by apprentices in
their own time without supervision; the
small number of entries from schools:
and the complete lack of entries from
Rank apprentices receiving prizes
were as follows: Senior Test Piece -1st
prize, Graham Lockwood; 3rd prize,
David Moore. Junior Test Piece-3rd
prize, William Hall: Highly Commended,
Brian Reeves; Commended, Richard
Cooke, Kevin Howell and John Whittington.
The guests, who included civic and
local dignitaries from the three counties
as well as parents of the award-winners,
were invited to look round the Plant
after the prizegiving, with Rank apprentices
as their guides.
FOR the third consecutive year running
our apprentices have won the cup
awarded by the Forest of Dean Technical
College for the best collective
examination results achieved by any one
company during the session. So the
cup, on show in the Training School. is
beginning to seem something in the
nature of a fixture!
Jotter Managing Director of the Rank Taylor Hobson
Division, Mr. J. A. Stafford has been appointed Presidentelect
of the Scientific Instrument Manufacturers’ Association
of Great Britain for 1965/66.
in Hospital
THE ultra-modern £3 million Wexham Park Hospital near
Slough is being used by Pinewood Studios for locations in
the making of the sixth in the ‘Doctor’ film series-‘Doctor
in Clover’. It is hoped that one effect of the film, whose
stars include Arthur Haynes, Fenella Fielding, James
Robertson Justice, Leslie Phillips and Shirley Ann Field,
will be to help recruit staff for the hospital which opens at
the end of this year.
Two chairs in hotel and catering management are to be
endowed by the Organisation, one at the University of
Strathclyde, and one at the proposed University of Surrey.
At the former it will be known as the Rank Organisation
Chair in Hotel Management: at the latter the Rank Organisation
Chair in Hotel and Catering Administration.
New General
FORMERLY Marketing Manager of the Organisation’s bowling
division, Mr. David L. Young has been appointed to the
new post of General Manager, Rank Audio Visual.
LATEST in Rank Photographic’s range of accessories, the
Rank Elektra pocket flashgun features a bulb circuit-test
button and indicator lamp which eliminate the risk of bulb
failures on important shots, while a calculator dial provides
a useful guide to correct exposure with a wide range of bulbs.
The flashgun swivels through any angle up to 90c giving a
readily controlled range of direct or bounce flash settings.
Easily carried in the pocket, it costs 50s. (with case).
`Romeo and
MARGOT Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev star in the film of the
Royal Ballet’s `Romeo and Juliet’ which was shot in colour
at Pinewood Studios within a record time of five days last
September. A special dance floor was constructed at
Pinewood-everything else was transferred from Covent
Garden Opera House. The third film to be made under the
joint financing scheme of the National Film Finance Corporation
and the Rank Organisation, ‘Romeo and Juliet’
will be distributed in the Eastern Hemisphere by Rank Film
THE first Rank language laboratory to be sold to Thailand
has been delivered from Rank Audio Visual and is now
installed in Chiengmai University. It consists of 30 student
booths, and a control console which gives tutors full intercommunication
with the class or individual students. Rank
Audio Visual also supplied £l.500 of sound recording equipment
so that lecturers can make up their own language
Language Lab
for Thailand
I was after listening to a conversation
/ between Sid Gordon and Bill Pearce
(Production Control, Project 9), who
both had interests in two separate rafts
already entered, that we in 914 Assembly
decided to take part in the Raft Race.
The race was organised by the
Abergavenny and Monmouth Young
Conservatives to raise funds for Guide
Dogs for the Blind, so, glad that we
were able to help a worthy cause and
have fun in the process, we paid our
5s. entry fee.
We. that is, Malcolm Powell. Ron
Pearce and I decided to build a raft on
the principle of two floats bridged by a
platform of plywood-the floats being
made up of 16 five-gallon oil drums
lashed together.
A week later, a fortnight before the
race, the raft was ready for a trial run
and we launched it on the River Wye
at Kerne Bridge. The raft proved floatable
and capable of carrying our weight.
and the only modification needed was
in the method of propulsion. A week
before the race, with the necessary
modification carried out, we decided it
was time for another trial. On this
occasion we timed ourselves over the
three-mile stretch of river from Kerne
Assistant Production Manager, 914
Bridge to Lydbrook: this took just over
the hour, which we considered pretty
On the day of the race, Sunday,
September 5, the competitors assembled
at the Paddocks Hotel, Symonds Yat.
There were 36 entries, including several
ladies’ teams. The race started at
2.30 p.m., three teams being launched
at a time, at three-minute intervals.
Each team was timed over the six-mile
course to Monmouth. the team clocking
the least time being the winners.
Our raft was drawn to start in the
eighth batch, which gave us an opportunity
to see some of the other rafts
Malcolm Powell, Graham Lin ley and
Ron Pearce pose in front of their Wyeworthy
enter the water-quite an entertainment!
Right from the start of the race we
found it jolly hard work, but good fun,
especially negotiating the three rapids.
Here we were fortunate in that our raft
had sufficient buoyancy to ride through
the low water at these points: otherwise.
we would have had to wade through
and carry the raft.
Spurred on by the fact that Bill’s
and Gordon’s teams had already fallen
behind us in the first mile (although they
had started three minutes before us). we
completed the course in exactly two
hours (33 minutes before the aforementioned
rafts) and earned ourselves
fourth place.
The last mile was completed in
torrential rain and when we landed we
were all soaked from head to toe. But
in spite of this we thoroughly enjoyed
it and intend to enter again next year.
LAST September we said goodbye to
Eleanor Reid, then a junior secretary
in the Chief Executive’s Department.
Eleanor was off to South Africa where
she has a job as sales administration clerk
at the Cape Town branch of Rank Xerox.
Now the Wanderlust has claimed another
secretary and this November we wish
good luck to Tina Eley who works for
Mr. R. Steward in Personnel Office. Tina
is of to South Africa also, but she is
bound for Johannesburg where she has
Salesmen from
the Rank Xerox
branch in Rotterdam
watch John
Stevens of 813
Inspection at
work. Winners of
the Dutch sales
competition, they
were rewarded
with a four-day
visit to the UK,
during which they
visited our Plant
and were shown
round by Mr. D.
R. Elliott and Mr.
J. C. Henwood.
Would it be possible for our Miss Rank,
Mitcheklean, to play a greater part in
the Plant’s activities? At present it
seems that after her election she is
forgotten. Couldn’t she, for example, be
asked sometimes to present prizes, to
meet visitors to the Plant, etc.?
CERTAINLY our Miss Rank could play a
greater part in the Plant’s activities,
particularly with regard to prize-giving.
Perhaps the various sections of the
Sports & Social Club, etc., would like
to bear this in mind when organising
It is not considered advisable for Miss
Rank to meet all visitors to this factory.
although we would like to point out that
the now-retiring holder of this title did.
some while ago, meet a party of salesmen
from the Belgian Rank Xerox subsidiary
company. * *
Why can’t we have more dances in the
Social Centre-say, once every fortnight?
FROM the experience that the Sports &
Social Club has had in running dances
in the factory it is considered that a
fortnightly dance would be at a too
frequent interval, and would thus die a
natural death after a very short time.
WINE FOR THE MAKING by Laurie Rawlings
THE Druids of England worshipped
the apple tree, for it and the oak
were the only two of the native trees
upon which the sacred mistletoe grew.
Like the grape, the apple has often
been associated with the gods.
It can be no mere coincidence that,
when Christianity, in its Celtic form,
first came to Britain, it established its
headquarters at the Island of Avalon,
in Somersetshire, then connected by
water to the Bristol Channel. Avalon
means ‘The Isle of Apples’.
Today the apple has lost its former
sacred reputation. Apples still grow
upon Avalon. but they are of the common
sort and not much regarded.
Those indefatigable introducers of
plants, the Romans, brought many
sorts of apples to England. and the
sweeter, juicier apple is one of Mediterranean
Apple wine is light, agreeable, thirst
quenching and quite alcoholic enough
for any reasonable person. It is not a
cider and should not be confused with it.
Both cider and apple wine are valued
greatly by some country folk as a
specific against all kinds of ills, but
especially against rheumatism, though
in this case only the driest of cider must
be used. A teaspoonful of cider vinegar
taken every morning before breakfast
will work wonders in a few weeks.
This remedy has been known and practised
by country people for many
Recipe for Apple Vine
6 lb. ripe apples
3 lb. white sugar
I lemon rind
lb. raisins
oz. root ginger (if liked)
Method: Slice the apples thinly, put
into a bowl and pour over half a gallon
of boiling water. Leave for two or
three days, stirring daily, then strain
through two or three thicknesses of
muslin. Save the pulp and boil another
half gallon of water, making good any
evaporation that may take place when
it reaches boiling point. Add your
sugar, lemon rind and ginger and boil
for another 20 minutes. Pour this over
the pulp and leave for a further two
days, stirring at intervals. Squeeze out
through the muslin, discard the pulp,
add the cut-up raisins and yeast, pour
all into your fermentation jar and put
on the fermentation lock. Place in a
warm room. Ferment to a finish. Rack
off and place in a cool room.
This magnificent
cabbage was grown
by Graham Linley
(Asst. Production
Manager, 914) and
was eaten by an
equally magnificent
caterpillar believed
to be the pet of
Fred and Freda,
those 914 Assembly
beauties peeping
through the leaves!
AN executive from Rank Xerox,
France, while at Mitcheldean recently,
expressed great surprise at the size
and up-to-date layout of the Factory.
Aware that other Rank Xerox subsidiaries
overseas might not appreciate
the rapid development that has taken
place at Mitcheldean in recent years,
Mr. Wickstead took the opportunity to
tell the facts at the very first full Rank
Xerox Company Conference held at
Maidstone on September 20, 21 and 22.
Present were General Managers from
Rank Xerox Subsidiary Companies in
Italy, Belgium, France, Portugal, Denmark,
Australia, New Zealand, Finland,
Austria. Spain, Sweden, Hong Kong,
South Africa, Switzerland, Holland and
Germany. together with members of
Top Management from Rank Xerox
Headquarters. Mr. C. W. Hotchen and
Mr. A. S. Pratt were also there to
represent Mitcheldean.
Mr. Wickstead outlined the growth
of our Plant from the days of the Old
Brewery Building, through the War to
1946 when an agreement was signed
with Bell & Howell, Chicago, to manufacture
their photographic products
under licence, to the decision in 1959 to
manufacture the 914 at Mitcheldean and
the resultant gradual reduction of
Bell & Howell production and final
The theme of the Conference was
‘ Improving Productivity’ and Mr.
Wickstead outlined the efforts that have
been made at Mitcheldean towards
achieving this goal. A film, taken by
Mr. D. R. Elliott, showed the Conference
the old ways of carrying out various
operations, and the new methods which.
Rank representatives from all over the
world hear about the development of
our Plant and its ever growing output
1® Ef o o.O. o C 0 .3 0
vE ; PL….,” ,
while involving considerable capital
expenditure, had in many cases resulted
in a substantial saving in time and effort.
The rest of Mr. Wickstcad’s speech
was devoted to outlining the work
undertaken by the Design Department,
Reliability Department, Production
Engineering, Quality Control, Production
Control, and Purchase Department,
and the efforts that are being made to
increase productivity in these Departments
by the better utilisation of available
(In case anyone wonders why their
Department was not mentioned, we
would point out that Mr. Wickstead’s
speech was for 30 minutes only, which
made it impossible for him to cover all
aspects of Mitcheldean.)
Because of the interest shown in his
speech by everyone at the Conference,
Mr. Wickstcad was asked to repeat it in a
modified form at another Rank Xerox
Conference in Amsterdam in Octoberthis
time to a gathering of international
Sales and Servicing personnel. Further
repeats are planned in London for Top
Management (a number of Mitcheldean
staff being invited to attend) and U.K.
Sales and Service managers.
As you may know, our Plant Supervisors
also had the opportunity of
hearing the talk in our Social Centre on
October 6. And seeing it too! For Mr.
Wickstcad made use of a number of
visual aids to put over his lecture-not
only the film already mentioned, but
also colour and black-and-white slides.
The latter, prepared by Messrs. J.
Kew. J. Brookes and A. Hamblin,
included a number of very excellent
cartoons, the work of Mr. L. G. Miller.
Top left: Mr. J. Pickering. Deputy
Director of Marketing, discusses the 914
copier with delegates.
Top right: Mr. John Davis, Chairman of
the Rank Organisation, talks with (left)
Mr. J. W. Hackett, Manager of Information
Services, and Mr. T. A. Law, Managing
Director of Rank Xerox, at a
London meeting prior to the Conference.
Below left: Useful things, computers! But
this one, created by cartoonist Miller, is
unlikely to be introduced at Mitcheldean.
Below: This chart demonstrated the
growth in our Plant’s output over the past
few years.
APART from our own Annual Dance on
November 26 at the Social Centre, we
have learned of two other events
arranged for the festive season.
914 Assembly are holding a dinner/
dance at the Chase Hotel. Ross-on-
Wye. on December 10. Then on
December 16 Design Office are having
a dinneedance at Littledean House.
This latter will be the first such
departmental function that Design Office
have organised and they are hoping to
make it a notable affair. They have
invited the well-known humorist Harry
Beddington, who is Local Education
Officer, to be their guest of honour.
The ‘Nu-Tones’, led by George
Douglas (Paint Shop), will be providing
music and there will also be a cabaret.
* * *
THERE seems to have been a revival of
the time-honoured activity of ‘nurdling’
in our midst. A notice about an Annual
Autumn Contest last September brought
the subject to our notice and we are
pleased to reproduce here a drawing of
a nurdler in full costume.
This comprises a nurdling hat with
red or green tassel: a pair of black
leather nurdling ‘nickers’ (with or
without brass studs): 15 brass bells (to
attach to the knees of the nickers and
to the nurdling iron): nurdling boots
(pit boots may be used complete with
Nurdler in full costume
studs); and a fibre-glass nurdling iron
(the use of original nurdling irons is
not recommended as these antiques are
regarded as priceless).
Since nurdling is practised after dark,
certain lights on the irons are stipulated
by the Ministry of Transport (Nurdling
Should you be interested, do get in
touch with champion nurdler Bill
Boughton (Mail Room). If you are
lucky you may get him to sing you the
nurdling song (which we are glad to say
we are unable to publish here!).
* * *
CLASSES in Ballroom Dancing started
again on September 23 in the Social
Centre, this time under the instruction
of Baron Von Kuhne and Miss Bassett
from Gloucester.
While on the subject of dancing, we
would like to point out that Mr. Basil
Walker (Paint Shop) and his wife, who
were mentioned in our last issue as
having won the bronze medal for the
waltz, also gained it for the quickstep
and the foxtrot. Apart from exam
successes, they won the Veleta dance
competition at Butlin’s Camp. Minehead,
this year for the fourth time
running and in addition Mrs. Walker
came first in the All-Ladies Lilac Waltz.
Congratulations to them both!
PRESENTATIONS of awards for the highest
averages were made at the annual general
meeting of the Skittles Club on September
17. The winners were: Winter
season-D. Cook (‘A’ team) and D.
Haines (‘B’ team); Summer Front Pin
League-M. Stephens (‘A’ team) and
W. Carpenter (‘B’ team).
Officers elected were as last year, with
D. Parkinson as chairman, D. Cook as
secretary and D. Haines as treasurer.
Gas Stove-for free! ‘New World’
stove in very good condition with four
burners, grill and side oven. Used for
about one year only in small hotel.
Width 431 in. Colour: white. Can be
seen any evening at Kinnaird, Five
Acres, near Coleford. Apply to: Mrs.
A. Blundell (Reception).
The whole route from Norwich to Mitcheldean had to he surveyed to ensure the roads
were wide enough before this vehicle carrying 85 ft. steel roof sections for the new
warehouse was sent on its way. The overall length of the vehicle plus load amounted
to no less than 95 ft.! Here it is seen approaching the Plant entrance in Bradley
Court Road.
THE accent has been on competition in
the first part of the new Cine Club
On September 26 there was an outing
to Bath, Castle Coombe and Doddington
House, with prizes to those submitting
the best 100 ft. film, black and white
print, and colour slide taken on the day.
Then early in October the Club
selected the three best films taken by its
members to do battle against three
Gloucester Cine Club films. The two
clubs met in our Social Centre on
October 20 for a showing of the six
films and the adjudication by NIr. W.
Fletcher-Cooper. Our Club won a total
of 157 marks to Gloucester’s 155, but
their film ‘Roumania’ was placed first.
Arthur Mason’s ‘Haselgehr’ and ‘Water
Babies’ came second and third. a
Gloucester film fourth, then ‘River Wye
Raft Race’ by Robin Berks and Bill
Jenkins tied with a Gloucester film for
fifth place.
Further pre-Christmas events include
a talk on November 3 by R. L. Evans
on the ‘Elementary Principles of Developing,
Printing and Taking of Still
Photographs’: a showing of B.F.I. films
on ‘Elementary Film Making’ on
November 17; yet another competition
for the best slide (any subject) on
December 1 (the very first such competition
for transparencies alone): and a
Christmas Film Show on December 15.
Mr. Arthur Howells
Although he had suffered ill-health for
some time, the death of Arthur Howells
on August 28 at the age of 53 came as
a shock. A member of the Long Service
Association. Arthur worked in Goods
Inwards (his wife Dorothy is a member
of the Design Office staff). On Sunday,
September 5, a last tribute was paid to
him when a band of six ringers, five of
whom were from the Plant, rang a
quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles at
Ruardean Parish Church in his memory.
The five were: Graham Beavan (Production
Control). Harold Meek (813
Assembly). Howard Meek (Paint Shop),
Allan Pawn (P.E.D.) and Ken Tyler
(Project 9 Machine Shop).
Mr. A. E. Shields
Mr. A. E. Shields, who used to be
secretary and chief accountant of British
Acoustic Films, died on September 29.
A Long Service member, he %.% ill be
remembered by those who came to
Mitcheldean from London. Until his
retirement a few years ago, he worked
with Mr. Thomas of Rank Xerox.
Mrs. Marjorie Teague
Mrs. Marjorie Teague died suddenly
on September 18 at the age of 46.
Marjorie, who had been with the
Company for 11 years. worked in
Spares Packing. She is remembered
with affection by her many friends at
the Plant.
They’re 21
Miss Marlene Williams (Purchase) on
October 26.
Mr. Gerald Cooke (Xerox Warehouse)
on November 7.
They’re Engaged
Mr. Barry Osborne (Raw Materials) to
Miss Jennifer Harris on September 3.
They’re Wed
Miss Esther Davies (813 Assembly) to
Mr. Roger Bartlett on July 31 at Ross
Parish Church.
Miss Margaret Paton (Work Study) to
Mr. Malcolm Pitt on August 6 at St.
Michael’s, Mitcheldean.
Miss Margaret Wilce (813 Assembly) to
Mr. Ivor Barnett on September 4 at
Lydbrook Church.
Mr. John Goode (813 Inspection) to
Mr. and Mrs. J. Virgin
Air. and Airs. F. Beard
Miss Jackie Smith at St. Michael’s.
Mitcheldean, and Mr. Peter Ireland
(Reliability Engineering) to Miss Christine
Wintour at Bream Church-both
on September 11.
On September 18-Miss Marie Moore
(813 Assembly) to Mr. Ian Richards at
Huntley Church, and Mr. Dave Britton
(813 Assembly) to Miss Barbara Jones
at English Bicknor.
‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’ for 1964/65 –
otherwise known as Miss Lesley Davis
(813 Quality Control)!-to Mr. Fred
Beard on October 2 at Ross Parish
Church. Also on October 2-Miss
Diana Rogers (Design) to Mr. John
Mr. and Mrs. I. Barnett
George (T.E.D.) at Lydbrook Methodist
Chapel. and Miss Josie Manning (813
Stores) to Mr. Clive Reid (813 Assembly)
at St. Michael’s, Mitcheldean.
Miss Jill Phelps (Hollerith) to Mr.
Jeffery Virgin on October 9 at St.
Stephen’s, Cinderford.
Miss Mavis Jones (Purchase) to Mr.
Ewan Lougher (T.E.D.) on October 16
at St. John’s. Cinderford.
Also on October 16. Miss Margaret
Williams (Print Room) to Mr. Derek
Wintle at Ross Parish Church.
Apprentice Elections
AT the Apprentice Committee meeting
held on September 10, Chris Parsons
was elected chairman and Robert
Turner secretary. Other members of
the committee are: R. Caldicutt, R. GGaze,
R. Herring and T. Kavanagh.
They’ve Arrived
Adrian Robert. a son for Mrs. Margaret
Vaughan (formerly Purchase), on June
Alison, a daughter for Mr. John Weaver
(Maintenance), on August 27.
Deborah, a daughter for Mr. Maurice
Pask (Purchase), on September 7.
Nigel Martin, a son for Mr. Fred
Clissold (Tool Inspection), on September
Alexander Pierre, a son for Mr. Harold
Gardiner (Reliability Engineering), on
September II.
Sarah Lee, a daughter for Mr. J. C.
Henwood. who is in charge of the
Factory Layout and Advanced Planning
Department, on September 25.
Mr. and Mrs. J. George
Mr. Ernie Dowell (Cleaning Services)
retired on September 28. Ernie, who
has been with the Company for 18
years, was one of those employees of the
old brewery who were taken on by our
predecessors, British Acoustic Films.
when they came to Mitcheldean.
For Sale: Jack Russell dog pups. Apply :
Miss Allen (Canteen).
Left: Mr. and Mrs. J. Goode
Below: Mr. and Mrs. M. Pitt
Choose the three girls you
numbers on the ballot form
girls awarded most votes will
on November 26.
think best deserve the title, till in their
and send it to the Personnel Dept. The
compete for the title at the Annual Dance
Photos: A. Hamblin
..-i’ —4k .4 ,.
, .0
(… _.\ .
<1r ‘ ;ass
, N..
Aar– 17
I If,
i It dpsli
i …,Ljt
li, r –
I i
N Tr
f .0r,
7 _
IN* ,1
Return this form to t
Personnel Departme
not later than Frida
November 5.
Put the three numbers of your choice
in the boxes on right (the order makes
no difference).
at the
8 p.m.-1a.m.
Featuring the “MISS RANK, MITCHELDEAN” Contest
1st PRIZE £10 N,
ce 2nd PRIZE £5
3rd PRIZE £2 10s.
Return this form to Personnel
Department not later
than Friday, November 5.
WHICH young lady, when asked by the vicar what hymns she wanted at her
wedding ceremony, chose ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ and ‘Fight the Good Fight’?
WHO opened his lunchbag and found it full of Hour? Apparently he always had
his lunch packed in a used Hour hag and this particular day he had picked up a full
one by mistake.
WHO in Design drives a little red car and doesn’t like his ‘name’?
WHO came in to work on Rank Holiday Monday?
WHICH publican in Heat Treatment connected the beer pipe to the empty cask?
WHO volunteered to caddie, provided he could bring his 12-bore?
WHICH Reliability engineer caught a cold at Butlin’s?
WHO in Project 9 really put his back into it when collecting manure for his garden?
WHO is the pillar peeper of 914 Assembly?
WHOSE wife was solemnly presented, at a recent social gathering, with a nos
plastic lavatory seat?
WHO demonstrated to his small son a method of fishing by means of which he
fell off a rock into the sea while fully clothed, handed back his rod to his son and
swam ashore, presumably trying to catch a fish en route by hand?
WHICH Angling Club official, having also been unable to land a fish, put into effect
the piece of advice-if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em?
WHO in Design wants to sell a ‘better than new’ three-piece suite?
WHO in the Tool Room was getting to be a first-class ‘putter’ until someone drew
a ‘bunker’?
WHICH young lady in Design has bought an iron bedstead for her bottom
WHO in T.E.D. answered an outside call on a dead line?
WHICH Quality Control inspectors worked against one another?
WHO cut his new lawn with a pair of scissors?
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon, Surrey