Two years ago we told how our
Company had gladly co-operated in
a scheme for assisting youngsters about
to leave school and start work. The
idea was to help iron out some of the
troubles that can beset young people
during this changeover period.
The changeover at the other end of
one’s working life can be every bit as
difficult, however, and the Management
were delighted to co-operate once again
when the University of Bristol Department
of Extra-Mural Studies asked if
we would be willing to hold a Pre-
Retirement Course at Mitcheldean.
This was designed to help those about
to give up full-time employment adjust
to a different way of life, and as an
experiment, a course of seven talks was
arranged, starting in October. Employees
scheduled to retire in 1966/67 were
invited to attend and the response was
Held on Tuesday afternoons in the
Training School Lecture Theatre, the
talks began at 3.30 p.m. and lasted for
about an hour, with time for tea and a
Mr. W. R. Taylor, Senior Resident
Tutor from Bristol University, set the
ball rolling with an introductory talk
and discussion entitled ‘Retirement-
The Challenge’.
The following week Dr. Davidson
Lamb, Deputy Medical Officer of Health
for this area, spoke on the health aspect
of retirement (both physical and emotional).
Then Mr. J. R. Walters from the
National Assistance Board dealt with
money matters, while Mr. R. C. Phillips,
Ministry of Labour, spoke about the
rather remote possibilities of employment
after retirement.
Particularly popular was a talk by
Miss L. M. Hubbard, secretary of the
little-known Pre-Retirement Association.
She gave a general picture of the
s…”A”Avv wv,,,,,,,,,v,””.,A”,v-vvvw,,n,
COVER PICTURE-No prize forguessing who our cover girl is! Nineteen-yearold
Susan Allen, who is a junior secretary in the Chief Executive’s Department.
finds the splendid new `Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’ crown an excellent fit. For more
pictures of the contest, s e e pp. 8 and 9 . PHOTO: A. HANSI!,
work of this voluntary society in helping
people about to retire with their
accommodation problems and other
vital matters.
The importance of finding some
absorbing interest to keep one’s mind
active was the main subject of the talk
by Mr. J. Scarrott, Area Officer of the
Gloucestershire Community Council.
The last session was held on November
30 when Mr. A. R. Danks, Chairman
of Gloucestershire Old People’s Welfare
Committee, explained about the services
that existed for the elderly and of which
the latter were often quite unaware,
such as clubs, and so on.
Mr. R. W. Charles, Personnel Officer,
who was responsible for making all the
arrangements at Mitcheldean, told VISION
that the Company hope to run more such
“And next time,” he continued, “we
shall extend them to include people who
are expecting to retire in five years’
time-for that’s none too early to start
planning for retirement.”
THE announcement of the change of
name of our Company came too late to
be included in the last issue of VISION.
But we feel that, although somewhat
tardy, we should placed on record in
this magazine the fact that the Plant has
now been transferred from Rank Precision
Industries Ltd. to the direct control
of Rank Xerox Ltd., and that, as from
October 18, it acquired the new name
of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant.
Of Mutual Benefit
.. an ‘Open Forum’ at the Forest of
Dean Technical College in mid-November
between members of their staff and
our senior management. The opportunity
for exchanging information was
particularly useful in helping us to see
how the College are coping with the
new pattern of technical education.
Three representatives from lwatsuki Optical Inc. of Fuji, Japan, manufacturers of
xerographic equipment in that country, watch R. Marsh at work on the 813
production line. Our visitors, Messrs. T. Kaneko (813/914 Manager), N. Iki
(Factory Manager) and M. Moriyama (Chief Electrical Engineer), spent about a
fortnight at Mitcheldean in November, prior to the starting offal! production of 813
copiers in Japan. Pictured with them are (far left) 813 Assistant Production
Manager R. Powell and (far right) 813 Project Engineer J. H. Pinniger.
Continuing on the subject of retirement on this page-you might be interested to know
that retiring age in Japan has only just risen from 55 to 60 years!)
A. HAMBli,
ANIMALS make delightful subjects for
photography, and it was not surprising
that the entries for this contest were
the most numerous and perhaps the
best so far. We found it very hard to
make a choice and hope that those
which haven’t been placed will be entered
again when the subject set is applicable.
First prize goes this time to C.
Malsom’s engaging study of ‘Buster’,
second price to A. Kibble’s amusing
polar bear picture, and third to P.
Jordan’s snap of a parrot having a pedicure.
Cash voucher prizes as usual.
Subject for the January/February
contest is to be ‘Family Party’ (Xmas or
birthday). Let Pat Jordan (T.E.D.) have
your entries by Friday, January 21.
And don’t forget, this contest is open
to everyone, whether members of the
Cine & Photographic Club or not.
“Must do something about these ingrowing
Buster’-and he looks it, every inch of
Rules as before:
Black and white prints only.
Maximum size of prints-approximately
4 in. x 6 in.
Enter as many snapshots as you like
(as long as they are your own efforts).
Subject matters more than technical
“Get use a pool of iced water, somebody!”
Russian scientists? No, behind these
beards are Design boys (I. to r.) (top)
Bill Bromley, Ray Dance, Jim Saunders,
(bottom) Ray Wright and Vernon Brookes.
They were competing to see who could
produce the best heard by Christmas,
with connoisseurs Liz Young and Eva
Thomas judging the output. Alas, we had
to go to press before learning the result.
DOES your boss look odd when he reads
his letters and other business communications?
It may be because he’s forgotten
his spectacles, or it may be the
outcome of a course of ‘rapid reading’
which certain members of senior
management undertook recently.
The basic idea of this method is that
one learns to read straight down the
centre of a page instead of from left to
right, so saving time. We wonder if
there is any truth in the rumour that
one executive managed to get through
an entire issue of VISION in 30 seconds
flat by the new method!
COLIN BIRD, 914 Design Engineer, has
been showing an interest not only in
the component parts made by the firm
of Aircraft and Marine Products but
also in the blood of their salesman Brian
Watts. At a recent interview, Colin was
about to leave to attend a blood transfusion
session and he persuaded Brian
to go along and donate a pint as well.
NOW working as a sales administration
clerk and receptionist in the new Rank
Xerox premises in Cape Town, Eleanor
Reid wrote to VISION about her emigration
to South Africa.
She says: “The people here were
interested to see the photo I took with
me of the factory-they didn’t think it
was so large. . . . We work from
8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and no Saturdays,
which is quite unusual for S.A.
“John Williams, from Glasgow Service
Dept., sends his best regards to
John Barran in 813 Quality Control….
Another emigrant is salesman Tony
Humphris, who moved here from
London’s West End Branch, so that
now makes three of us from Britain”.
OUR apprentices and their friends paid
a visit to the Motor Show on October 30.
And, while listening to their transistors
on their coach journey to London, they
were delighted to hear their request
record played in the Light Programme’s
‘Saturday Club’. The record? ‘Five
Young Apprentices’ by Ralph Harris!
BEARING in mind the phenomenal success
of xerographic equipment and the consequent
call for greater efforts by employees,
a new kind of expert has been
engaged by the Company. Known as
‘Dr. Xerox’, he is particularly qualified
to deal with skittler’s elbow, barman’s
cramp, and allied complaints.
(In actual fact, ‘Dr. Xerox’ was
designed and built by W. E. Carpenter
(Project 9 Machine Shop Inspection)
out of scrap parts, as a trophy for a
skittles competition between the inspection
departments. As we went to press,
the Doctor was still resident in the
Machine Shop!)
24 25
7. Now you are one-this very minute.
8. Country walk. (6)
10. “Fine Ron” (anagram) -for arson?
11. Furry policeman at the gate. (5)
12. This is the last word. (4)
13. Fish on ice. (5)
17. Descriptive of people who like
chamber music? (5)
18. Mealtime programme for you’n’me
-or the reverse. (4)
22. “The curfew tolls the – of
parting day” (Gray). (5)
23. Donnegan’s old man. (7)
24. Our local one sounds poorly! (6)
25. Where to stand a naughty little
boy-get the angle? (6)
1. In the skilled worker’s heart is an
honest endeavour. (7)
2. Lotteries for a gentlemanly crook.
3. Black or straw, either may get in a
jam. (5)
4. They usually follow 11 Across. (7)
5. Old Ebenezer Blackwood might
help to identify this. (5)
6. A precious girl, but stony. (5)
9. A production science, not a writer’s
den. (4 & 5)
14. 1 Down’s best friend. (7)
15. Raining cats and dogs. (7)
16. “Get thee to it” said Hamlet to
Ophelia (and no monk-y business). (7)
19. When you get these under you,
you’ve had it. (5)
20. Tree-buyer. (5)
21. You’ll find it in a Scottish racecourse.
..,olutzon on rat!, /4
The judges (Messrs. R.
Bolt of Alexander Socket
Screws Ltd., J. Johnston
of Acadex Engineering Ltd.,
and J. Turner of Metal
Castings Doehler Ltd.),
don’t seem to find their
task too onerous!
Sue Allen is ubriously enjoying
the process of becoming
‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’ !
Here Mrs. F. Wickstead,
who kindly performed the
crowning ceremony, places
the sash in position.
While the audience admired the beauties, the beauties-Maureen Sinnnunds (Jar left),
Sue Allen and Valerie Weaving-admired the crown. As queens don’t usually wear
crowns while dancing, Sue exchanged hers for a glittering tiara which the Sports &
Social Club had thoughtfidly provided.
‘THERE was one moment of complete
1 silence during the Company’s Sixth
Annual Dance and Reunion, held in the
Social Centre on November 26. And
that was when Mr. Wickstead stepped
forward to announce the winner of the
‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’ contest.
As everyone knows, it was nineteenyear-
old Susan Allen, who joined us a
few months ago as a junior secretary in
the Chief Executive’s Department. Only
one point behind came Maureen Simmonds
from the Print Room, while
Valerie Weaving of Accounts, one point
behind Maureen, came third.
Apart from the usual money prizes,
the Company has made it a custom to
provide an extra surprise for the winner.
This year, said Mr. Wickstead, arrangements
had been made for her to attend,
together with a friend, the London
premiere of the latest James Bond film
`Thunderball’ on December 29.
Sue said she was particularly thrilled,
not only because Sean Connery was a
favourite star of hers, but also because
she would be seeing many film stars and
other celebrities at the premiere since it
was in aid of charity.
Mrs. Wickstead was thanked for performing
the coronation ceremony by
the presentation of a bouquet by last
year’s winner-Lesley Davis of 813
Quality Control (now Mrs. F. Beard).
The Twist Competition proved as big
an attraction as ever. Once again Mrs.
Wendy McKernon (a former ‘Miss
Rank’) won the lady’s prize; the man’s
prize went to Stewart Watkins of 914
Assembly Inspection.
at the 813 purr v on
December 4 at the
Chase Hotel,
at the 914 party
on December 10,
also at the
Chase Hotel.
This is Wendy Williams (Despatch)
dressed fur a dance-that is, when she is
attending one in her new capacity as a
‘Special’. Wendy, who is only the
second such policewoman to be sworn-in
in Gloucestershire so far, is
experienced in unarmed combat and
first aid, which have been known to come
in useful at dances!
THE Sports & Social Club have been busy organising some festivities for the
New Year.
A party for employees’ children is to be held on January 15 in the Social
Centre. The Club have arranged a film show for them, with tea and more
entertainment to follow.
After Easter there is to be a Gala Dance at Cheltenham Town Hall. The
date is April 22. The hand-Bob Miller and his Milkmen.
WINE FOR THE MAKING by Laurie Rawlings
FrHE parsnip, like the beetroot, must
I not be peeled before it is boiled, but
scrubbed clean and cut into pieces.
Unlike the beet, however, it imparts no
earthy taste to the must, and so needs
less time to mature.
The greatest difficulty lies in the boiling,
for the natural tendency is to boil the
roots too well, in order to extract the
maximum amount of goodness from
them. This is a mistake because, if they
are over-boiled, particles of pulp cloud
the liquor, and it is then exceedingly
hard to fine.
I made this mistake myself, and,
having used various means of clarification,
was obliged to give up and to
bottle a cloudy wine. Time remedied
the error, but then the wine had to be
decanted from each bottle, as a heavy
deposit was thrown as the wine cleared.
Boil the roots, therefore, until they
are soft enough to be penetrated with a
fork; everything essential to good wine
is by then dissolved in the water and
further cooking is unnecessary.
Parsnip wine is almost colourless, so
if a light golden wine is preferred, try
using Demerara sugar.
A little citrus fruit should be added to
the brew too as parsnip is lacking in the
essential acidity.
Parsnip wine has decided laxative and
diuretic powers-or, as the country folk
say, it can be very ‘searching’-but
drunk in moderation it can be beneficial
to your health.
Parsnips should be dug when the
autumn is far advanced and laid out to be
well frosted, as this will increase the sugar
content of the root.
4 or 5 I b. parsnips
3 lb. sugar
2 lemons
1 orange
1 oz. yeast
Method: Remove any green stalk, scrub
roots and cut into convenient pieces.
Weigh and use four or five pounds of
parsnips to every gallon of water. Put
into a pan and add the thinly peeled rind
of the lemon and orange.
While the roots are boiling do not
cover the pan, for the aroma of parsnips
is too strong to be pleasant and some
of it may be dissipated in the steam,
thereby imparting the taste to the must.
Boil until tender, then immediately
strain on to the sugar until the latter is
completely dissolved. When the must is
at blood heat, add the juice of the lemon
and orange, then the yeast and stir well.
Pour into the fermenting jar and add the
air lock.
Goggles, rubber gloves and Wellington
boots were recommended for operators in
the safety instructions issued to a startled
company who had recently acquired a
Xerox copier. Apparently their letter
asking for instructions had gone by
mistake to LC.I. (who market a similarly
named anti-corrosion liquid). The story
was told in I.C.I’s weekly newspaper and
subsequently featured in the ‘ Daily
Mirror’. Our cartoonist pictures the
possible results of the mix-up!
Sunday Cricket
FEw things are nicer than thinking about
summer in the depths of %% inter and
plans are already being finalised for a
new summer-time activity at the Plantcricket.
A section to organise Sunday
cricket only has been formed and ten
fixtures per season are planned, the first
being on May 22. Matches, all away,
will be played against other teams in the
locality (Newman Hender & Co. and
Fielding & Platt are among those who
have agreed to fixtures).
Any interested member of the Sports
& Social Club (which, incidentally, is
providing £70 worth of equipment) is
welcome to join. Everyone will be given
a chance to play, says secretary Roy
Powell (Asst. Production Manager, 813).
The membership fee is 5s. and insurance
cover will be given to all players both
for playing and travelling to and from
Roy Jones (Work Study) has agreed
to act as chairman of the new section
while Frank Abbott (813 Assembly), as
treasurer, is taking over the financial
Rocket Ride
AT last, the Rank Mitcheldean Motor
Club has acquired its club car badge,
and any member who has still not
received one should contact the secretary.
The Annual Rocket Ride took place
on Saturday, November 20, between
our club and Ross and District Motorsports
Club. For those who have not
been initiated, a rocket ride is a novel
form of car rally devised by our club,
the competitors being guided not only
by the more usual form of directions but
also by rockets-at least, that is the
idea! This event was over a distance of
44 miles with two rocket stations en
route. Eight competitors managed to
find the first station but, alas, no competitor
reported at the second one. The
night being very windy, the rockets did
not behave in the manner expected of
them. In fact, at the second station the
marshall responsible for the firing of the
rockets (Ken Holloway) found that one
rocket did not appreciate conditions in
space and, after ascending for a few
feet, it did a quick about-turn, forcing
Ken to beat a hasty retreat to the safety
of his car!
The event finished at the Sports &
Social Club House where a series of
small competitions in the form of
skittles, darts, novelty draw, etc., kept
competitors occupied while the organisers
sorted out the winners.
The results turned out to be a reversal
of our fortunes last year, with Ross Club
taking the first six places. However,
there was some consolation for us in the
fact that N. Hemms (Project 9 Machine
Shop), who took second place, is a
member of the Rank club as well.
All the Winners
U members of the Forest of Dean
Camera Club judged entries for the
Cine & Photographic Club Slide Competition
and the winners were announced on
December 1. They were: 1st- Martin
Lee (Machine Shop); 2nd-Brian John
(813 Assembly); 3rd – A. Kibble
Black and white prints taken on the
autumn outing to Bath were also judged,
the winner being Bob Evans (Sub-
Contracts Manager), with Penny Austin
(Mail Room) second and Mrs. V. Jordan
If you are at all interested in filming,
or even if you just like watching other
people’s films, do try to get along to the
club showing of the Amateur Cine
World’s ‘Ten Best’ films on February 9
in the Social Centre.
Wanted Men
THE newly-formed Drama Section have
quite a few lady members now but
would-be male actors seem rather slow
to put in an appearance. The section
hope to get started on some one-act
plays early in the New Year so come on,
men-don’t let the ladies get all the
limelight! Enquiries will be gladly
forwarded to the right quarters-write
to the Editor, Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
Mitcheldean, or leave a note addressed
to her at the Gate House for collection.
Country Dancing
I HE Ladies’ Keep Fit Group are to start
a six-week course in country dancing.
Classes will be held on Monday evenings,
starting in January.
Mr. Cohn Bird
Mr. Colin Bird (914 Design Engineer)
recently passed his final examination
and has now been accepted as an
Associate of the Corporation of Secretaries;
this entitles him to the use of the
letters A.C.C.S. after his name.
21st Birthdays
Miss Vivian Ycmm (914 Assembly) on
October 27.
Also on October 27, Miss Rita Halford
(813 Assembly). Rita made the great
day even more memorable by getting
engaged to Mr. Laurence Stanton.
Mr. Brian Fisher (813 Assembly) on
December 3.
Mr. Ron Wilks (813 Assembly) on
December 23.
Miss Jill Wadley (813 Assembly) on
January 13.
Mr. John Brown (Xerox Transport) and
his wife Janet after their wedding at Holy
Trinity Church, Drybrook, on September
Mr. and Mrs. D. Whale, whose wedding
was reported in our last issue.
Miss Angela Morgan (Accounts) on
January 26. She is also becoming
engaged the same day to Mr. Stewart
More Engagements
Miss Miriam Seaborn (813 Assembly) to
Mr. D. Wade on October 16.
Miss Gail Nicholls (813 Assembly) to
Mr. John Cresswell on October 30.
Miss Carole Pitt (Cost Office, Accounts)
to Mr. John Boseley on December 30.
New Arrivals
THERE are three Bonfire Night babies to
announce! Jane Amanda, a daughter
for Mr. Alan Cryer (Bought Ledger
Controller); Richard, a son for Mr.
Mike Keen (Wages); and Wendy Helen,
a daughter for Mr. Hubert Fisher
(Advance Production).
November 6 saw the arrival of Sharon
Tracy, a daughter for Mr. Ralph Brain
(Project 9 Machine Shop), and Tracy
Jane, a daughter for Mr. Graham Eddy
(also Machine Shop).
Karen, a daughter for Mrs. Patricia
Baker (formerly Comps. Section, Accounts)
on November 8.
Timothy Paul, a son for Mr. David
Mr. and Mrs. C. Reid, whose wedding
was reported in our last issue.
Norman (Drawing Office) on November
Alison Mary, a daughter for Mr. Derek
Bluett (914 Inspection) on November IS.
Nicola Kay. a daughter for Mr. David
Markey (Chemical Laboratory), on
November 26.
Linda Anne, a daughter for Mr. Basil
Brown (Planning) and his wife Molly
who used to work with us, on August 9.
Mr. J. A. Ternough
We regret to record the death of Mr.
John Arthur Ternough (Mail Room) on
the night of November 9. Mr. Ternough
had been with the Company for several
years since retiring from the Civil
When Mr. R. Cambridge,
canteen manager at
Mitcheklean for a good
many years, left us
recently to take up the
post of area supervisor
with Sutcliffe Catering
Company (West of
England branch), he was
presented with six
cut-glass wine glasses
and a silver cigarette box.
His place has been taken
by Mrs. M. Skinner.
Things to Come
THE Annual Social of the Long Ser ice
Association is to take place on January 7
at Littledean House.
TIME clerks throughout the Plant are
making up a party to see the pantomime
‘Puss in Boots’ at Bristol on January 8.
ACROSS: 7 Reader. S-Ramble.
10-Inferno. 11-Bunny. 12 -Amen.
13-Skate. I7-Potty. 18 -Menu. 22-
Knell. 23-Dustman. 24-Doctor. 25-
DOWN: 1-Artisan. 2- Raffles. 3-
Berry. 4-Rabbits. 5-Ebony. 6-Beryl.
9-Workstudy. 14-Toolbox. 15-
Teeming. 16- Nunnery. 19-Skids.
20-Beech. 21-Ascot.
HAVE you an unused sewing machine
tucked away in the loft or somewhere
that you could spare for the Old People’s
Home at Westbury? They are in desperate
need of one for use in occupational
therapy. Do please contact Mrs. Jackie
Smith in Goods Inwards if you can help
in this connection.
A MOULTON or similar bicycle required.
Replies to: Mr. D. R. Elliott, 914 Production
THE new Rank Xerox plant at Venray, Holland, was opened
on November 18. Costing over £3 million to build, the
plant is to manufacture consumable products used in
xerographic copiers installed in Europe: it will also act as a
supply centre. Pre-production testing is taking place and
production build-up will commence in the spring.
RANK Film Library has sponsored the production of its
first British film to aid salesman training-‘The Customer
and You: TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION’. The 16 mm. film,
which is in black and white and runs for 25 minutes, was
produced by The Short Films Group of Rank Advertising
Films Division. Unusual ideas, such as short boxing and judo
sequences, help to put the film’s points over.
Film to
Venray Plant
MR. DEREK V. DUTTON has been appointed senior press
officer of the Organisation. He was a frequent visitor to
Mitcheldean a few years ago when in charge of information
services for the former Cine & Photographic Division.
£3000 in
for Bowlers
CASH prizes up to £3,000 in monthly awards of nearly £500
are being offered by Top Rank to winning bowlers in a
mammoth six-month tenpin bowling league contest which
started on November 1. Organised through 24 Top Rank
centres, it is devised specifically for registered league bowlers.
Top Rank are giving an additional £250 ‘Golden Award’ to
the league having the highest attendance record from its
registered players over a schedule of not less than 27 weeks.
THE 1965 European Open Modern Professional Championship,
held in Great Britain for the first time in ten years,
was staged at the Top Rank Watford Suite on November 22.
Also held at the Watford Suite in December were the
finals of Top Rank’s ‘Golden Awards’ for 1965 for %% Inch
the country’s leading amateur and professional dancing
couples competed.
of Modern
THE Bell & Howell Language Master was introduced by
Rank Audio Visual Division in November. Intended for
use with immigrant children or retarded children, it also
has applications for apprentice and other training.
A FOLDIA giving full details and prices of the Compton
organ range has been issued by Rank Audio Visual, who
announced a few months ago their agreement for marketing
these famous organs.
MORE than 350 selected 16 mm. films, covering technical as
well as general interest subjects and all available on free
hire, are listed in the new Sponsored Films Catalogue
issued by Rank Film Library. Many are in colour and
screening times vary from 5 to 35 minutes.
WHO in 813 Assembly and Project 9 Machine Shop got engaged after 18 years
of marriage?
WHOSE puppy had to learn French in a hurry?
WHICH lady in Accounts is expecting a wet spring-her Easter bonnet is a
WHOSE son didn’t enjoy a salad of crocus bulbs? We know that bulbs to be ‘forced’
should be kept in the dark but this is going too far!
WHO in Welfare thinks the Duchess of Windsor is a cousin of William the
WHOSE boy friend clings like a leech?
WHO in 914 digs a hole in the garden for his cat in frosty weather?
WHO in Accounts knits lop-sided sweaters?
WHO went for a driving lesson before getting a provisional driving licence?
WHO in Central Records has a job to get a cup of tea?
WHO went to telephone his sister and then realised that, unless a happy event had
occurred since he left home that morning, he hadn’t got a sister?
WHO has his hair cut in shifts?
WHO went to Flax ley Abbey to see Lord and Lady Flax? She never did manage
to get there, it seems, because her starting motor packed up.
WHICH supervisor in Project 9 Machine Shop uses mist coolant as a hair restorer?
WHO in Bought Ledger found his pocket stapler would not work on paper, tried
to unhook it, and stapled his thumb in the process?
WHO in 914 says he has motored from Bristol to Gloucester in 18 minutes? He must
have put a call out for ‘Thunderbird’s’ International Rescue!
WHO is ‘Sooty’ in 914?
WHICH miller in Project 9 guarantees a two-micro finish every time?
WHO in Xerox Transport expected the vans to run on fresh air?
WHOSE husband wears his pyjamas under his best suit?
WHO in 813 plays soccer for Lydbrook and trains by chasing his child’s pet rabbit?
Let’s hope he has more luck with the ball than he does with the rabbit which, when
last we heard, was still eluding capture!
WHO in Chemical Laboratory likes sugar on their chips?
WHO is the ‘invite-’em-all’ committee in 813?
WHICH secretary complained her gloves didn’t fit, then discovered she was wearing
two left-hand gloves? Another case of a left hand not knowing what the right hand
was doing!
WHO in 813 Assembly, when entertaining visitors to supper, served up ‘Cornish
pasties’ which, after being peppered and salted, turned out to be apple turnovers?
WHICH operator in Project 9 Machine Shop picked up a wage packet from the floor,
handed it in to the Time Office, then realised it was his own?
WHO in Design is so tenderhearted about his car that he lets it wear his best coat
to keep its engine warm?
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon, Surrey