Return to 1965-1969

Vision 036

WELL, it looked almost too good-and too big-to cat. It covered a whole tabletop
(said one little boy: “I didn’t know a cake could be so big!”), and had real lighting
inside the chocolate log cabin and lots of Christmassy scenes. But Canteen baker
R. Meek had calculated correctly and the 50 lb of sponge mixture and 28 lb. fudge
icing proved the right amount to satisfy the 430 youngsters at the Sports and Social
Club children’s party last January. After watching a film show, they poured down
the stairs to a gaily decorated canteen for tea. They admired, then sampled. the
cake. Then they joyfully surged upstairs again for more entertainment provided
by Johnnie Walker with his novel glove puppets and ventriloquist doll ‘Ossie’ (see
front cover), ‘Uncle Reg’ the conjuror, and ‘The Two Kayes’ on their guitars.
the past few weeks we have been
giving lessons on modern industrial
operation-to a teacher! This might be
regarded as a natural follow-up to the
experiment held about two years ago
when some teenage pupils left school for
a few days to see what it was like working
at our Plant.
Parents of children attending Abenhall
Secondary Modern School who
have found themselves working next to
their children’s General Science master
are entitled to some explanation, so
here it is!
A Guinea-pig
Mr. E. Cartmell has been acting as a
kind of guinea-pig in a scheme-the
Secondment of Teachers to Industrywhich
originated with the Three Counties
Industrial Education Association. The
idea behind the scheme is that certain
teachers, by spending a period in an
industrial concern. can bring themselves
right up-to-date with present-day methods
of production and can learn much
that may not only help them with their
teaching but also equip them better for
the task of advising school-leavers on
the choice of a career.
Our firm were one of ten in the
Gloucestershire area willing to cooperate
in the scheme. Mr. Cartmell
came to us on January 6 and between
then and February 16 he got down to
‘lessons’ under the eye of a variety of
He spent much of his time in the
Development Laboratory where he
observed work concerned with the design
and modification of the electrical side of
our copiers, subsequently moving to the
motor test section before transferring to
the Reliability Laboratory.
He also spent some time in the
Machine Shop, and got to know a copier
inside out on the assembly lines.
Mr. Cartmell has not always been a
David Haines (Reliability), once a pupil
at Abenhall School, helps the ‘new boy’
with his work!
teacher. During the war years he was
employed in a factory making aircraft
radiators. The difference between the
conditions which prevailed then, and
those in our Plant today, has quite
staggered him!
“We used to start at 7.30 a.m.,” he
told VISION, “and went on till 6.30 p.m.
with half an hour for lunch and a
quarter-hour break morning and afternoon.
And if we went to the toilet we
had to clock out and in again! The
canteen was shared by four different
factories and we had to take along our
own cutlery.
“I particularly like the pleasant spirit
that exists among the workers in your
Plant,” he said. “They seem to be such
a happy team here, and I’ve found
everyone very helpful.”
Apparently Mr. Cartmell got full
marks himself. He proved an apt pupil
and, as far as we know, never had to be
kept in once!
WHAT must surely be the most
ambitious ‘outing ever organised
for Plant employees is to take place
during the annual close-down this year.
It is a coach trip to Dornbirn in Vorarlberg,
the westernmost province of
(It is said the Vorarlbergcrs claim that
Noah’s Ark came to rest on one of their
craggy peaks. If you ask them why, they
reply that remains of the Ark have been
found there!)
A Cottrell’s coach will pick up the
41 passengers on Sunday, July 24,
virtually from their doorsteps. It will
travel to Dover, cross by ferry to
Ostend and reach Brussels for the first
night stopover.
Next day the party will travel 300
miles through Belgium and Germany
before stopping a second night, then
continue a further 300 miles to Austria.
During the following four days spent
at Dornbirn there will be tours into
Switzerland. Germany and Liechtenstein,
all included in the tour price of £25.
On July 31 the return journey will
begin and everyone will be back home
by Tuesday, August 2, doubtless having
fallen under the spell of Austrian hospitality,
mountain scenery and Apfelstrudel!
Fred Goodyear of Spares Packing,
who is organising the tour, with the
co-operation of the Sports & Social
Club, told vim\ that he had received
far more applications for scats than he
could accept.
But if this first venture proves as
successful as he hopes it will be, then
maybe next year there will be two
coachloads of happy holidaymakers!
Production Control held
their dinner /dance at the
Social Centre on December
17. Seen left are Mr. J.
Cruickshank (Production
Control), Mrs. Cruickshank
(Spares Pre-packing), Mr.
R. Pearceffroduction
Control) and Mrs. Pearce.
More happy diners below!
Their first Christmas
party for a number of
ears was held by the
Inspection Department
at the Royal Hotel.
Ross-on-Wye, on
January 15. Seen above
are(l. to r.): Mr. A.
Leech with Airs. Leech.
their son and daughterin-
law: right: Mr. R.
Gurney, Mr. and Mrs.
I. Green and
Mrs. Gurne.t.
13’ Team Bring Home
Another Trophy
ANOTHER trophy has been deposited in
the Club House by members of the ‘B’
Skittles Team as a result of winning
the Cinderford Labour Party’s open
skittle competition. Thirty-eight teams
entered the competition, which was open
to any West Gloucestershire skittle club,
and both Rank ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams
reached the semi-finals.
Strangely enough our two teams were
drawn to play each other in the semifinal.
The ‘B’ team won this and went
on to the final at the Globe, Cinderford,
where they defeated the Bilson, Cinderford
Shown here with their
trophies are the winners:
(back row) J. Mould,
J. Haggar, D. Williams:
(front row) T. Brown,
W. Carpenter (Capt.),
H. Cooper
WINE FOR THE MAKING by Laurie Rawlings
`DoozE’-the word, that is-was intro-
1..) duced into England by the Saxons
who used it to describe a carousal
inspired by religious fervour. They
themselves inherited it from the ancient
Egyptians and it is today the common
word for beer among the inhabitants of
the Nile Valley.
The brewing of beer, however, is
older even than the Egyptian Book of
the Dead. The professional brew came
into being when man began to travel.
and cities, connected by roads, became
a feature of the rising civilization. Large
quantities of ale were cumbersome to
carry when walking was the principal
mode of transport, yet it was unthinkable
that travellers should not be able
to refresh themselves frequently.
Long before the Norman Conquest,
ale houses sprang up beside the primitive
tracks and in the towns, and regulations
to control the trade came almost simultaneously.
All through the Middle Ages only the
price and the quality were the subjects
of legislation, and the ale-conner was
the only official. He wore leather
breeches and when he visited the ale
houses he would order some beer to be
poured on to a bench. He then sat in
the puddle for half an hour or so and if,
upon rising, the scat of his pants stuck
to the bench, then the ale was adulterated
and was accordingly condemned!
The recipe I used for my first venture
into beer-making was given to me by
Bob Smith of the Tool Room, a home
brewer of great repute who never makes
less than five gallons at a time. The end
result was, according to my willing
tasters in Goods Inwards Inspection,
quite palatable.
Bob informed me it was too strong
for normal consumption and needed
watering down. This was quite true
since I had forgotten to make up the
loss by evaporation and ended up with
five pints instead of eight, hence the
increased strength.
(to make one gallon of best bitter beer)
lb. sugar
lb. Golden Syrup
I oz. dried hops
lb. extract of malt
oz. yeast
Lump sugar
Equipment: Large saucepan (one gallon),
pan (earthenware or non-metal). screwtop
bottles, length of rubber tubing.
(I) Place lb. sugar, syrup and hops
in saucepan and boil for 20 minutes
in one gallon water.
(2) Strain (through colander and cloth
to remove hops) into earthenware
(3) Stir in malt and allow to cool
(blood heat) about 90°F.
(4) Mix yeast into a creamy mixture
with a little of the cooled wort and
pour in (cover well).
(5) Allow to ferment for eight days.
(6) Using great care, siphon into bottles
after placing one lump of sugar
into each bottle, screw down and
keep for at least three days.
Four gallons will boil in 40 minutes
(using Burco boiler).
Geoff Gray, Warehouse Controller, tells how the Department
with the general programme of expansion.
w ho joins the Company at
Mitcheldean is not here very long
before gaining an awareness of growth
and expansion.
You hear your colleagues talking of
the days when sheep grazed in what is
now car parking space and of the time
w hen they knew everybody working at
NI itcheldean by their christian names.
Before any of you who are newcomers
gain the idea that these people must have
been with the Company since the year
dot, let me remind you that the first
modern administration building was
erected as recently as 1959. These were
the days when our lifeline was the
amateur cinematograph market.
During 1960 the Company became
interested in the manufacture of xerographic
equipment. In 1961 another
building appeared and this was soon
followed by several more buildings.
The part of the site which now contains
Projects 15, 17 and 20 was, 18 months
ago, farmland complete with a farmhouse,
outbuildings, an orchard and a
country lane.
The Warehouse Department has fully
shared in this expansion. We commenced
operation in 1962 in an area of
10,000 square feet, but it was not very
long before this space was found to be
inadequate for our needs.
Twelve months ago, therefore, we
spread our wings and took 12,000 square
feet at the Gloucester Trading Estate to
accommodate machine storage, packing
and despatch operations. This was to
be a temporary measure only, and plans
went ahead for the erection of an
is keeping pace
The new Warehouse with the
administration block in the foreground.
The building went up in record time –
the picture below, taken from the same
viewpoint, shows what the site looked
like only last September.
installing some of the latest storage
equipment which will enable us to take
full advantage of our new surroundings.
During this planning activity our
various operations have broadened considerably.
The number of subsidiary
companies abroad has increased and
our despatch schedules now include
such countries as South Africa, Venezuela,
Spain and Hong Kong. all these
being in addition to the established
entirely new warehouse, designed to
cater for the Company’s future requirements.
Erection of this warehouse commenced
in late July 1965, and in 21
weeks-what must be almost a record
time-it was ready for occupation.
Our recent move into this building is
now complete and once again all our
operations are contained under one
roof. The new building-Project 20-
covets nearly 60,000 square feet and
has a working height of 17 feet.
In the fairly near future we shall be
companies throughout Europe, Scandinavia
and parts of the Commonwealth.
In order to take care of this, as well
as of the increased demand from all
corners of the world, our fleet of vehicles
has been enlarged to include four articulated
vehicles which are kept constantly
on the move delivering our products to
London and Southend Airports, as well
as to train/ferry terminals.
New routes are constantly being
sought in an effort to get the goods to
the customer with the least possible
delay. In fact, the articulated operation
is now running both night and day to
maintain the necessary flow.
The original fleet of seven five-ton
vans is now entirely devoted to the
delivery of machines to customers
throughout the U.K. and as the application
of xerography seems to have no
bounds, the places to which we are
delivering become more and more
Copiers are installed in anything from
a solicitor’s office to the Nuclear Submarine
Mother Ship berthed at Holy
Loch on the Clyde. Distance is no
object and so far three machines have
been delivered to the U.K. Atomic
Energy Authority at Thurso, which is
at the most northern point of Scotland.
Moving some
813 copiers
from the old
to the new
Two of these were delivered by road
and one delivered urgently by air.
accompanied. of course, by one of our
installation crewmen.
These vehicles, like any other vehicle,
require attention and, in order to keep
the turn-round of servicing to a minimum,
yet another building, designed as
a service and semi-automated washdown
area, is shorty to be erected on the site.
With new product virtually on the
stocks and the current machines being
produced at an ever increasing rate, our
Department, in common with others,
faces a constant challenge. The new
premises and equipment will materially
assist us in meeting that challenge with
Part of the administration block dealing with documentation control.
” I HAD never been to London before
so it was all new and marvellous.”
said Sue Allen. talking to VISION about
her trip to London as part of her prize
as ‘Miss Rank. Nlitcheldean’.
Together with a friend, Bob Dowell of
Mitcheldean. Sue travelled to London
on December 29.
“We went straight to the Hartford
Hotel, a very new hotel in the Bayswater
Road. Brenda Clcmentson, who is
secretary to Mr. Philip Currah, Rank
Xerox Press Officer, came to meet us
there and she took us to lunch with Mr.
Currah at the Hilton Hotel, the new
American skyscraper hotel in Park Lane.
“The fact that we enjoyed our whole
visit so much was due in no small part
to Brenda-she looked alter us and
arranged anything we wanted, even a
visit to a West End hairdresser for me
that first afternoon.
“Everything was done at the Company’s
expense. Quite apart from the
£10 prize I received at the Annual
Dance, I was given LI4 by the Company
here at Mitcheldean and then a further
allowance of £25 by Rank Xerox in
London to cover meals. travelling. etc.
And we got through the lot! I’d no
idea London was such an expensive
“Of course, the highlight of the visit
was the Gala Charity Premiere of the
new James Bond film ‘Thunderball’ at
the London Pavilion which we attended
that evening. We went by taxi and when
we arrived, I saw such a crowd of people
waiting at the entrance to the theatre I
almost wished the earth would swallow
me up-new long dress, special hair-do
and all!
“We thoroughly enjoyed the film,
though 1 had to be content with seeing
Scan Connery on the screen only as he
didn’t attend the premiere after all. I
saw lots of ‘possible’ film stars but none
I could positively recognise.
“After the show we went on to the
Pigalle Restaurant in Piccadilly where
we had a meal, watched the cabaret
and danced, and we didn’t get back to
our hotel until 3.30 a.m.!
“I must admit I found it difficult
getting up the next morning and we set
off somewhat later than intended on a
tour of the sights. travelling by tube
and taxi and guided expertly by Brenda.
“We saw Buckingham Palace and
watched the Changing of the Guard, we
walked along the Mall and we visited
St. Paul’s (not forgetting the new Rank
Xerox showroom right opposite the
Cathedral!). Then it was time for lunch
with Mr. J. W. Hackett, Manager of
Information Services, who took us to
his club with the rather strange name of
‘The Pig and Wen’.
“In the afternoon Brenda took us to
see the Tower of London. where we
admired the Crown Jewels. the Tower
Bridge, Westminster Hall. and both
Houses of Parliament, and this left a
little time for a visit to the shops.
“After that we made our way to our
hotel and began our journey home. We
arrived back in Mitcheldean about
10.15 p.m.-quite exhausted but having
had a perfectly wonderful time.”
WE have no results to announce of the
last ‘Pick of the Pix’ Competition, owing
to lack of entries. However, we are
hoping for a big response for the
March/April competition in view of the
subject: ‘Beautiful Baby’. Entries (which
should be restricted to the infant variety
of baby!) must be in the hands of Pat
Jordan (T.E.D.) by Friday, March 18.
Remember that the contest is open to
all and the rules are as usual-black and
white prints only: maximum size of
prints: approximately 4 in. x 6 in.:
enter as many snapshots as you like:
subject matters more than technical
quality but the photographs must, of
course, be good enough for reproduction
in these pages.
THE Motor Club have been as active as
ever in recent months.
On the social side, they held a successful
dance in the Social Centre on
February 5 which was attended by over
400 people. There were £10 worth of
spot prizes and music was provided
alternately by Ron Hunt and his Band
and the Zeroes group.
During the evening the Club made a
presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Beard
in thanks for their co-operation during
the last 12 months.
Safe driving was the theme of some
recent meetings held in conjunction
with Gloucestershire Constabulary.
Three pretty maids from Purchase pose
at the Administration party, held at the
Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye, on December
14. In the group below are Mrs. D.
Howells (secretary to the Chief Accountant),
Mrs. R. Phillips (Comps. section)
and her husband, Mrs. M. Cornwall
(Cashier) and her husband, and Mr. J.
Powell (Cost Office.)
These wok the form of films and
lectures given by road patrol men.
Possible future events may include a
motor rally with Dunlop Semtex Motor
Club and a visit to Brands Hatch for
the British Grand Prix on July 16.
HAVE you any talent that could be put
to good use in a variety show? If you
have, don’t hide it under a bushel, tell
George Douglas (Paint Shop Supervisor)
about it! He is hoping to get
together entertainment items that will
include musical items, with perhaps a
skit or sketch. impressions. comedy
turns. etc., with a view to presenting a
sort of `Mitcheldean Minstrels’ show!
Pat Flynn and Maurice Pask from
Purchase share a twist (Or was it a
Congratulations to:
Mr. Tim Giles (driver, Transport Section)
on passing the Advanced Motorists
(Commercial Section) Driving Test on
November 19 last.
David Cox (Model Shop) who has been
chosen to play for Gloucester City. He
was spotted by a scout while playing for
May Hill Football Club.
Messrs. Norman Griffiths (Reliability
Engineering) and Ira Griffiths (P.E.D.)
who have both passed the full bronze
medal examination of the Dancing
Teachers Association (this covers the
and foxtrot).
21st Birthdays
John Newman (Machine Shop) became
21 on January 9.
Mrs. P. Potter (Goods Inwards Office)
will be 21 on April 4.
Miss Sandra Gwilliam (813 Assembly)
to Mr. Clifford Skinmore on December
Mr. Gary Downing (Warehouse Transport
Section) to Miss J. Manning on
December II. (Gary became 21 on
January 30).
Last Christmas proved as popular as
ever a time for popping the question,
and we can announce the following
results: Miss Margery Brooks (Reception)
to Mr. Richard Delahay; Miss
Shirley Parsons (Design) to Mr. Philip
Marfell (Model Shop); Miss Janice
Watkins (Design) to Mr. Robin
Symonds; Miss Ann Hale (Design
again!) to Mr. Paul Leaver: Miss Gillian
Bretherick (813 Assembly) to Mr. David
Burlow; Miss Ann Meek (813 Assembly
Mr. Jack Williams (Machine Shop) and
his wife May (813 Assembly) who celebrated
their silver wedding anniversary
on February I.
also) to Mr. Francis Ballinger: and Miss
Angela Meager (Personnel Office) to
Mr. Peter Simonds.
Miss Eugene Marfell (Central Records)
to Mr. Terry Hemms (Apprentice) on
January 8.
Miss Diane Cooper (secretary to Mr.
F. W. Court) to Mr. Ken Townsend
(P.E.D.) on January 9.
Two autumn engagements reported too
late for inclusion in the last issue-Miss
Christine Bent (813 Assembly) to Mr.
Terry Rawlings on October 23, and Mr.
Ken Harvey (Warehouse Office
Controller) to Miss Diane Mountjoy.
Miss Dorothy Hemms (813 Time Office)
to Mr. Gordon Burlow on February 5
at Weston-under-Penyard Church.
Miss Pat Gwatkin (Hollerith Accounts)
to Mr. Ken Kear (813 Assembly) on
March 19 at Lydbrook Church.
Miss Carol Kear (secretary to Mr. S. J.
Scott) to Mr. Brian Simonds on April 2
at Lydbrook Church. Incidentally,
Carol’s bridegroom and Angela Meager’s
new fiancé are brothers, the sons of Mrs.
Helen Simonds (Canteen).
New Arrivals
Leslie, a son for Mr. ‘Dixie’ Dean (813
Assembly) – another ‘Bonfire Night
baby’ whose arrival was reported too
late for inclusion in our last issue.
David Michael. a son for Mr. Michael
Salmon (Planning) and his wife Patricia
(who used to be secretary to Mr. T.
Walding. 813 Production Manager), on
December 22.
Ian John, a son for Mr. Tom Howells
(Metallurgical Laboratory) at Christmas.
Stewart Michael, a son for Mr. Michael
Brain (Development Laboratory) on
February 4.
For Sale -1961 Vespa 150 cc. scooter.
Good condition, has done only 8,000
miles. Price, including rubber mat and
wind-shield, about £40. Replies to:
Mr. A. Hatch (Paint Shop).
Lady’s Crash Helmet, white, peaked,
for sale at around £2. Replies to: Mr.
B. W. Powell, Plant Maintenance.
Moulton or similar bicycle required.
Replies to: Mr. D. R. Elliott (914
Production Manager).
For Sale-G. T. 200 Lambretta (6000
miles). All extras, as new. Replies to:
Mr. B. John (813 Spot-welding).
Items for VISION can be left at the Gate
House for collection by the Editor, or
posted to her at Tree Tops, Plump
Russian scientists? Again, no!
They are the real Design boys who
didn’t bother to enter the great
heard competition mentioned in our
last issue. The owners of these
prodigious efforts are reported to
be (left to right. standing) Bill
Kear, Ray Parry, Jimmy Barton,
(sitting) Ray Butt and Vernon
Bonser. They are competing to see
who can produce the best beard
by Easter, with connoisseurs Liz
Taylor and Era Bartok judging
the output! We mar be coerced
into publishing more on the subject
next time.
Best Wishes to:
Mrs. Elizabeth Skilton (Welfare) who
has retired after ten and a half years’
service. Actually Mrs. Skilton’s total
years of service amount to more than
that, for during the war she worked in
the canteen when it was housed in
Mitcheldean Youth Hostel.
Horace Baker (labourer, drilling section,
Machine Shop), who retired on January
13, his 65th birthday. According to an
appreciation written by his friends,
Horace was once heard to say he could
sweep the Sahara Desert before breakfast
if he felt in the mood-a sweeping
statement if ever we heard one! As a
joke, which he received in excellent
humour, Horace was presented with a
box which appeared to contain an
electric blanket but which, when opened,
revealed a toy household set of brushes!
Needless to say, he received his real
leaving present (an electric blanket, of
course!) shortly afterwards.
Mr. Thomas Waite
We regret to have to report the death of
Mr. Thomas Waite (Maintenance Supervisor)
on January 19 at Standish
Hospital. He had been with the Company
for 25 years and would have been
receiving his 25-year badge from the
Long Service Association this spring.
RANK XEROX will be showing two 914s, two 813s and one 1385 at the 57th national Business Efficiency Exhibition to Co piers
be held at Queen’s Hall, Leeds, from March 21-25. on Show
THE Merrion Hotel, first new one to be built in Leeds since
the war, was opened by the Rank Organisation in January.
There are 120 bedrooms with double-glazed windows,
private bathroom with shower, TV and radio. For business
visitors there are secretarial assistance, typewriters and
duplicating facilities. A link bridge gives access to a multistorey
car park next to the hotel.
RANK BUSH MURPHY Ltd. are among the leading firms
which have taken space at the British Industrial Exhibition
in Moscow in July.
New Hotel
for Leeds
IN recent months Rank Film Library have announced the
release of ‘What about the Workers’, a 16mm. film telling
the history of the British trade union movement since 1880:
the final ten films in a series of 34 16mm. biology teaching
films in colour: the first 12 filmstrips in a ‘Reign by Reign’
series in colour covering British history from 1066 to 1952:
and the Library’s first release of Movie-pak packaged home
movie films in the new Super-8 format.
UNDER a new agreement with Mellotronics Ltd., London,
Rank Studio Equipment is to distribute everywhere overseas
the Mcllotron sound effects console, which supplies more
than 1,260 different sounds for film, TV or broadcasting
It seems that food ran short at the Warehouse party and this was one way of bridging
the gap! Scene of this friendly co-operation was the Sandiway Hotel, Weston-under-
Penyard, on Nets’ Year’s Ere.
WHICH fireman fell off the tire engine?
WHO in Design sat on an oil heater and was amazed when her slacks caught fire?
WHO in Accounts hangs his head in shame at Scotland’s sporting achievements
in 1965/66?
WHO wears skin-coloured gloves to play football?
WHICH footballer in 813 Assembly keeps his boots on when he goes under the
shower? (We’re not sure whether this is because he is shy or because he finds it
an easy way to clean the boots!)
WHO thinks his wife (in Purchase) has two left feet?
WHO in Design didn’t realise his car had a self-starter?
WHO is the curly-haired inspector with a voice like Marianne Faithful!?
WHO in Model Shop was complaining bitterly about his sandwiches, then discovered
he was eating his colleague’s dinner by mistake?
WHO nearly had to come to work with a child’s rattle fixed by suction to his forehead?
WHO in 813 admitted she was afraid the baker could see through her?
WHO went off to work, leaving his car in the garage with the engine running?
WHO played dodg’em cars on Gloucester causeway?
WHICH owner of a Vauxhall Victor found that every time he turned the steering
wheel the hooter sounded?
WHO in 813 Assembly doesn’t know the difference between a negligee and a
WHICH mechanical inspector had to seek the help of an electrical inspector to get
his lighter mended?
WHO went home and asked his mother if he worked Fridays?
IVHICH recently-engaged young man in the Warehouse let a strange 1 br,.i
I hrough his defences by crawling, through his boot?
WI 10 in 813 Subs. gets his sweets out under cover-presumably so he won’t be
obliged to share them round?
WHICH two gentlemen of the Warehouse, presumably unfamiliar with their new
surroundings, wandered into the ladies’ sanctum in search of a missing male colleague?
WHO went into a supermarket to buy a car?
Printed by the Victor James Press Lirmtec, Cookdon, Surrey

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