The recent visit of four lovely ladies to our Plant aroused considerable speculation
especially as two of them have appeared in TV programmes such as ‘The Saint’ and
the Benny Hill Show! They had, of course, come to pose beside the 2400 for publicity
purposes and add their attractions to those of our own model. The picture above was
taken in a mock office constructed in the Assembly Building for the 2400.
Away to a good start-
AN important addition to the Xerox
copier ‘family’-the 2400-was officially
introduced in London on April 28.
Initial production is to commence in
September and first deliveries to customers
are scheduled for May 1967.
When Mr. John Davis, Chairman of
the Rank Organisation, visited our Plant
on March 1, we were able to show him
the progress that has been made in
preparation for its production.
Mr. Davis commented particularly
on the amazing speed with which the
erection of Projects 15 and 20 (the
Assembly Building for the 2400 and the
Warehouse) had been completed, and
he reviewed the provisional plans for
Projects 15a and 19.
Project 15a will be a 25,000 sq. ft.
extension to the Assembly Building.
Work is about to start on this and it
is expected to be completed in December
of this year.
Project 19 refers to another building
covering 56.000 sq. ft. on the new site
alongside the new boiler house. This
will accommodate the Design Engineering
activities at Mitcheldcan, together
with the National Workshop-a special
department for reconditioning machines.
During his visit the Chairman expressed
his extreme satisfaction with the
growth of the Design Engineering
Department, and the Reliability Section
in particular. (See article on page S.)
-it’s a certain winner!
THE new model (it gets its name from
the fact that it can produce a maximum
of 2.400 copies per hour) is a goodlooker,
sleek of line and finished in soft
tones to harmonise with modern office
But handsome is as handsome doesand
the 2400 certainly ‘does’ handsomely.
The 2400 is a dual-purpose machinea
copier and a duplicator that can
perform functions which, until now, have
been possible only through a combination
of several different machines. Yet
it needs no complicated preparation
like these other devices, and it is clean
and easy for anyone to operate.
It is anticipated that the 2400 will
capture a dominating share of the shortrun
duplicator market, that is, I to 100
or more copies of any one document. It
will cope with not only those functions
that are currently being performed by
other reproduction methods, but also
many functions not previously expected
from copying equipment for reasons of
time, cost or convenience.
This, the first of
many assembly
fixtures required for
the new product.
arrived in our Plant
last February. Here
it is undergoing the
first stage of proving
in Tool Inspection
Department, under
the eye of Jim Hood.
Similar in basic principle to the 914 and
813, the new copier incorporates
numerous technical innovations.
The operator is able to dial up to
499 copies a time, and these emerge at a
speed of one copy every 1 seconds after
the first copy. The paper used can vary
from 8i in. x 13 in. to 8 in. x 10 in. and
as many as 2,000 sheets of paper can be
loaded in the paper tray at a time. A new
fusing system and paper transport system
have been devised to ensure fast troublefree
As well as comparing favourably with
other available devices on the grounds
of convenience, simplicity of operation,
general copy quality and rate of reproduction
the 2400 also is competitive when
it comes to overall costs.
The copier will be marketed on the
‘pay as you copy’ metered rental system,
like the 914 and 813, but it will operate
on a discounting meter system so that,
as the number of copies required increases,
the cost per copy decreases.
Xero-duplicating is competitively
priced whether the machine is being used
as a copier or a duplicator.
COVER PICTURE The new Assembly Building for the 2400 as seen by Tony
/ L.mblin-s camera from the top of the Social Centre. Space inset in the centre of
the building will eventually be occupied by project 15a.
‘rr’s the best I have ever seen in this
competition’, said Mr. F. Wickstead.
He was referring to Arthur Mason’s
entry in the Cine & Photographic Club’s
annual competition which was rightly
placed first by the judges, Gloucester
Cine Club.
A filmic tour from Thunersee, Switzerland,
to HAselgehr in Austria, it provided
some breathtaking shots and beautifully
composed pictures. Mr. Mason (Warehouse),
who was prevented from attending
by a bout of influenza, won a Rank.
Photographic film editor, kindly provided
by Mr. Wickstead, who is the
club’s president.
Second prize (a voucher for £5) went
to Pat Jordan (T.E.D.) for his pleasant
family holiday film. Robin Becks
(Production Control) was awarded third
prize (a £3 voucher) for his short but
tremendously amusing film on amateur
gardening versus test flights(!), and Mr.
Wickstead commented that it was nice
to see just how entertaining a simple film
taken in one’s own back garden could
be. “I have never seen 8 mm. as crystal
clear as in this film,” he said.
The fourth film shown (not a prizewinner
but enjoyable none the less)
was taken by Cyril Jamieson (Tool
Inspection): it depicted autumnal scenes
at Malmesbury Abbey, Castle Combe
and other places grown beautiful with
the years.
The prizes were kindly presented by
Mrs. Wickstead, who in turn received a
bouquet of spring flowers from our
‘Miss Rank’. Bob Evans (Sub-Contracts
Manager), as vice-chairman of the club,
presided and welcomed the various
guests, including representatives of the
Gloucester Cine Club.
After buffet refreshments, arranged
by club secretary Yvonne Hart, everyone
returned to the hall to enjoy the feature
film ‘Watch Your Stern’.
Subsequent events on the club’s programme
have included a showing of the
Amateur Movie Maker ‘Top 8′ Films.
The photographers photographed! Here Jim Saunders, Pat Jordan and Bob Evans
are silhouetted against the lights provided for a recent portraiture session of the Cine
& Photographic Club. Peggy Matthews and Sue Allen kindly acted as models.
Some of the award winners pictured with Mr. Wickstead.
THE phenomenal growth pattern of
Rank Xerox, its plans for the future
and the part that apprentices could play
in furthering these plans was the subject
of Mr. Wickstead’s speech at the
apprentices’ Annual Dinner and Presentation
held in the Social Centre on
April 1.
Unfortunately Mr. L. Hart of the
Training School was unable to be present
owing to illness, but Personnel Officer
Mr. R. W. Charles deputised as master
of ceremonies.
After a superb four-course meal,
Personnel Manager Mr. F. Edwards told
the company present some details about
the apprenticeships of certain members
of Management which were not based
entirely on fact!
Mr. Wickstead presented indentures
to the following apprentices who had
completed their apprenticeship last year:
J. B. Court, D. W. Haines, R. J. Hart.
G. L. Lockwood, C. M. Pincombe,
N. Ramsey, D. Robinson and D. P.
He also presented financial awards to
those successful in examinations as
follows: –
General Engineering Certificate (£2)-
K. Bradley, W. Hall, P. Jennings, D.
Moore, B. Reeves. J. Whittington:
Craft Certificate, Part 1 (£2) J. Amos:
Ordinary Technical Certificate (t:’,)
R. Caldicutt, L. Fisher, G. Gardiner
R. Meek, R. Spencer. R. Waite, L.
Young: Ordinary National Certificate
(£5)-C. Brain, R. Davies, M. Husbands,
R. Pearce, R. F. Pearce, N. Ramsey,
R. Turner: Cost & Works Accountants,
Part 3 (f2 lOs.) -C. Pincombe.
As Chairman of the Apprentices
Committee, Christopher Parsons proposed
a vote of thanks to the Management
and to Mr. Wickstead in particular.
The remainder of the evening was
spent informally, with entertainment by
The Two Kays, a comedy and song act,
completing a pleasant evening.-T.
IN addition to those mentioned above,
financial awards for professional study
achievements under the Company’s
scheme have recently been granted to
the following: Endorsements to Higher
National Cert., plus expenses (£5)-
J. Hay: Institute of Work Study Practitioners
Final (£3)-J. C. Roberts: Institute
of Work Study Practitioners, Final, plus
expenses au 17s. 6d.)-S. J. Palmer:
Chartered Institute of Secretaries, Final
Pt. 1, plus expenses (£1 5s.)-K. Harvey:
Chartered Institute of Secretaries, Final,
plus expenses (£41 3s. 9d.)-C. W. Bird.
WINE FOR THE MAKING by Laurie Rawlings
TODAY ginger beer and ginger wine are
modest, non-alcoholic drinks, consumed
usually by total abstainers or by
It was not always so. Great grandmother’s
ginger wine was once a fine
thing to drink on a cold winter’s night.
In those days it did not matter if you
were a wee bit vague when you left the
house, since the horse knew his way
home as well as you did!
The sobering motor car has made this
custom of drinking hot toddy when
leaving one’s friends into a dangerous
habit and, if the breathaliser test is made
law, it could be a crime. So the alcohol
has been extracted from commercial
ginger beer and ginger wine and man, in
his perversity, ceases to drink either.
The recipe given below was passed on
by an old lady from a Kentish village
who brought seven sons to a lusty
maturity with copious draughts of it!
And instead of spurning their parent
for her immoral ways, they regarded her
Meet Stevethe
always with the deepest affection and
buried her at last with tears in the
ninety-fourth year of her life.
For the wine, use three pounds of
white sugar, one lemon, three ounces of
root ginger, well bruised, and half a
pound of stoned raisins to a gallon of
water; if you have any left from Xmas,
a cupful of brandy may be added when
the wine has finished.
Boil all the ingredients together for
an hour, skimming carefully any froth
which may rise. When the liquid is cool,
add one ounce of yeast, cover tightly
and leave in a warm place to ferment for
ten days, stirring daily.
Then strain into a jar, insert air lock
and let it work to a finish. Add the
brandy. It will be ready in a few weeks,
but will improve with keeping.
In Somerset and Devon, where cider
is always made at home, the ginger wine
was made with cider instead of water
and this made a very superior wine
NOT all the men in Reliability Engineering
are dedicated exclusively to science! We
recently discovered in the department a
songwriter by the name of Steve Daly.
He has been composing for several years,
but in the last 12 months has been trying
to make it professionally. Several local
groups have used his numbers, the Pathfinders
among them. And a Worcester
group, the KN AK, are proposing to use
one of his numbers in an audition for the
TV programme ‘Opportunity Knocks’.
Steve plays the guitar, banjo and mandoline.
He was very friendly at one time
with Spencer Davis (who was recently top
of the hit parade) and, in fact, played with
him in a folk group. Now Steve is learning
to play yet another instrument-the
piano-and is studying harmony and
composition as well.
As we had hoped, the subject for our
March/April competition proved a
popular one and beautiful pictures of
babies bounced in! ‘Baby’ was taken to
refer to toddlers as well, as you can see
by the winning photographs reproduced
For our May/June contest the subject
is to be ‘Easter Bonnet’. This can be
interpreted in its widest sense-photos
of anybody wearing anything that could
conceivably be regarded as an Easter
bonnet will be acceptable so you needn’t
feel it necessary to search out a fashion
Please let Pat Jordan (T.E.D.) have
your entries by Friday, May 20. And
for the benefit of newcomers, here once
again are the rules:
Black and white prints only.
Maximum size of prints-approximately
4 in. x 6 in.
Enter as many snapshots as you like
(as long as they are your own efforts).
Subject matters more than technical
Prizes will take the form of cash
vouchers as before.
First prize to Alec _sprout ( I I )
Second prize to Brian Hill (Production
Entries from Dulcie Parsons (Accounts) (left) and Jeremy Henwood (Factory Layout
& Advanced Planning) tied for third prize.
Ken Boyd, Reliability Manager, tells how
a new
engineering technique helps perfect our products
RELIABILITY is essential to keep xerography
a commercial success, and
for two very good reasons.
Most of our machines are leased and
they are serviced at our expense but the
requests for service are made by the
customer. With the ever increasing
machine population (and there are now
many thousands of our copiers in the
U.K. alone) emergency service costs can
have a great effect on rental income.
The second reason can best be expressed
by one word-dependability.
If the user feels that a machine cannot
be depended on to operate properly,
then obviously that machine is going to
acquire a bad reputation.
Reliability starts with Design Engineering,
of course. The Design Engineer
is responsible for the final reliability of
the complete product. He formulates
the machine specification and, in conjunction
with Marketing, sets an overall
reliability specification-a goal of so
many operational cycles before a service
call is required.
This specification is very important in
order to strike a proper balance between
service frequency, economics and dependability.
It is obtained by analysing
a machine in great detail to determine
what is required of each and every part
in terms of its expected useful life.
The machine is divided into subsystems
(drums, fuser, optics, etc.)
and each sub-system is allocated a
reliability level (or failure rate). This
sub-system allocation also helps to
define the areas that require the most,
or least, effort.
From a knowledge of the sub-system
reliability, the individual components
can in turn be allocated a reliability
The Reliability Laboratories at
Mitcheldean provide the testing facility
for Design Engineering to ensure that
all the components they select meet their
reliability specifications.
But before we reach the level of
‘proper’ reliability testing, we are required
to carry out ‘pre-selection’
This is the testing of various vendor
products to sort the good from the bad.
Though limited in scope and size, such
tests give us the chance to uncover weak
or questionable internal features before
large orders are given to any one vendor.
Once a vendor has been selected,
proper reliability testing can be done.
Reliability is defined as ‘the probability
of a device performing its purpose
adequately for the period of time required
under the environment specified.’
So, to obtain information about the
reliability of an equipment, we operate
it for a specified period under specified
environmental conditions, observing any
malfunctions or failures. The frequency
with which these occur is called the
failure rate.
Now failure rate is not constant for
the entire life of an equipment. If one
Nigel Bayliss making adjustments to a
timing belt test.
James attends to a pre-selection
The hanging weights seen on the
are being used to produce machine
load conditions.
plots a graph of the rate for the whole
life, it ill resemble the shape of a bathtub
and, in fact, it is known as the
‘bath-tub curve’.
You can see from the diagram on
page 10 that the first portion of the curve
is steep; this represents failures due to
manufacturing errors or poor material.
This is where Quality Control come
in, to inspect and detect faults which
will lead to early failure.
The ‘wear-out’ portion of the curve
shows a rapidly rising failure rate: this
interests us only if it begins before the
maximum life requirement of the equipment
is reached, in which case certain
design improvements have to be made
to ensure longer life.
A Rolls or Two Fords
This is akin to changing from a Ford
to a Rolls-Royce. If, however, a Rolls-
Royce is not possible due to cost or
availability, then one has to use two
Fords, replacing the first halfway
through the machine life. In xerography
this is done at a specific preventative
maintenance period.
The horizontal portion of the curve is
The’ Bath-tub Cur: (” cC
4( I
the ‘useful life’ portion and is of the
most interest to a Reliability Engineer
for making reliability predictions. Proper
reliability tests, then, must be done with
production samples. Care must be taken
to ensure that these are not damaged in
transit and the test must be so designed
that the samples arc loaded exactly as
they are in the complete machine.
The responsibility for designing the
test and making all the necessary
measurements lies with the Reliability
A comparative newcomer to the family
of engineers, the Reliability Engineer is
a cross between a Quality Control
Engineer and a Development Engineer.
He must always maintain a conservative
approach to design and pay meticulous
attention to detail. Above all, he must
express his findings in good clear English,
especially when making a failure analysis
The Reliability Engineers are supported
by Laboratory Technicians.
These very important people have to be
‘Jacks-of-all-trades’. It is they who carry
out the Reliability Engineers’ instructions,
build the test fixtures and make
all the interim measurements. Once a
test has started, it is their duty to ensure
that, as the weeks go by. the text fixture
behaves as well as it did at the start.
The ‘Confidence Limit’
The sample size and the length of test
of a component (or sub-system) are
determined by means of a statistical
technique which involves an assumed
`confidence limit’.
This limit is the risk one is willing to
take that the test results of a sample are
representative of the entire stock from
Roger Smith and
Veronica Belcher
check performance
on the new 24(X)
Budding Beetons
CHOP SUEY, Apfelstrudel, Boeuf Stroganoff-
these are some of the exotic
specialities that have recently been
cooked up by two members of Management!
Manufacturing Manager Bob Baker
and Personnel Manager Frank Edwards
have been enthusiastic pupils at some
evening cookery classes for men, held at
the Forest of Dean Technical College
under the instruction of domestic science
teacher Miss Brigstock.
Chefs are reputed to be temperamental
and jealous beings, but the preparation
of international dishes doesn’t seem to
have brought about any international
incidents! One gentleman did complain,
however, that there were no shrimps
left for his Chop Suey by the time the
other had finished garnishing his dish
with the things!
(Incidentally, some readers may recall
that in the very first issue of VISION,
when we reported the wedding of Mr.
Baker’s daughter Ann (then secretary to
Mr. A. J. Pincombe) to Roger Hickton
(then Export Sales), we mentioned that
Mr. Baker had made and iced their
Bob Baker watches happily as his omelette
is tasted by another pupil, equally happy.
We wonder why the cookery teacher looks
so apprehensive? (Photo courtesy The
Forest of Dean Newspapers Ltd.)
three-tier wedding cake. Those who
knew them will be pleased to learn of
the arrival on March 25 of a baby son
for Ann and Roger, so our aptly named
Manufacturing Manager may soon be
getting an order for a christening cake!)
Reliability article cona
which the sample is selected-i.e. if the
confidence level is 90 per cent. it means
that there is a probability of 10 per cent.
that the test results are not representative
of the whole.
Plans for the Future
As well as providing Design Engineering
w ith a reliability test facility we are
planning to provide a similar facility for
Quality Control so that we can in a
very short time check the ‘infant
mortality’ rate of incoming production
We are also experimenting with new
statistical methods and accelerated testing,
to determine failure rates in shorter
periods of time, in order that Design
can have more confidence in a product
before committing the Company to
expensive tooling costs for production
ONCE again the Sports & Social Club
are organising some sporting events to
be held in conjunction with Mitcheldean
Carnival on August 20.
It is planned to repeat the 14-mile
road race, to Ross and back, and this
event will be open to all. A splendid
new trophy, known as the Rank Xerox
Cup. will go to the winner. Apart from
this there will be individual prizes, three
sets of medals for the first three teams,
and a special prize for the first novice
and for the first veteran.
The four-mile road race and 100 yards
sprint (for employees only) will be held
once again and there may also be some
novelty events for the ladies!
MEMBERS of our modern ballroom dancing
group have been busy winning more
medals. Their latest success was on
March 28 when they took the Dance
Teachers Association test at the Flame
School of Dancing, Gloucester.
Mr. Robin Berks (Production Control)
and Mrs. Peggy Herbert (Machine Shop)
gained the bronze medal for quickstep/
waltz/foxtrot; Master Glyn Griffin won
the junior bronze medal for quickstep
and waltz; and Mrs. Dorine Berks, Mr.
Norman Griffiths (Reliability Engineering)
and Mr. Ira Griffin (Planning) all
gained the silver medal for quickstep,
waltz, foxtrot and tango. the last two
named achieving distinction.
Mr. Griffin and Mrs. Berks were
also awarded distinction when they
partnered each other for the bronze
medal for the Latin American cha-chacha.
Two of the medallists-
Mrs. Herbert and Mr. Griffin
they all like to go dancing
R. EVANS There’s something not quite right about this particular Square Dance, but there was
nothing wrong with the spirit of the end-of-season social evening held by the Ladies’
Keep Fit group on April 2 in the Social Centre! Mrs. E. Oliver had made the stage a
delight to look at, Brian Weyman (Quality Control) did a splendid job as M.C.. and
there were presentations to Mrs. Margaret Benson (who trained the group so well in
square dancing), Mrs. Ruby Phillips of Accounts (group leader) and Mrs. Cyril Beard
for their much appreciated efforts. The group hope to continue square dancing next
season; if there are any men interested and judging by the turn-out on April 2, there
are!), they will be most welcome at classes.
ON April 30 we wished a happy retirement
to one of our super% isors. Mr.
Harold Hartley, who has been in the
plating business for 35 years altogether.
has been with us for 18 years, all of
which have been spent in our Polishing&
Plating Shop. Before leaving he had
lunch with members of Management
during which a presentation was made.
His interest in general electronics (he built
his own TV set when Sutton Coldfield
started broadcasting about 13 years ago),
and his activities asconductor of the Berry
Hill Silver Band will ensure that he is well
occupied in days to come.
He is succeeded by Mr. John Court,
who has served his apprenticeship with
our Company.
Mr. Alec Baldwin (Machine Shop)
retired on March 31: he was presented
with a watch by his workmates in
Project 9 and by Long Service Association
A Big Thank Youfrom
Mrs. Sadie Pritchard (813 Assembly)
to all her colleagues for their
kind wishes and gifts during her recent
Mr. F. Court, Chief Inspector, Quality
Control and Inspection, hands a box of
chocolates and a cheque to Mrs. Kay
Morgan of Quality Control. Kay, who
had been with the Company since 1945,
unfortunately had to leave us owing to
family commitments. We wish her all the
best for the future.
They’re 21
Miss Christine Hill (Production Control,
Project 9) on December 31.
Mr. Ken Jones (Auto Shop) on February
Miss Margery Brooks (Reception) on
March 3.
They’ve Arrived
Joanne, a daughter for Mrs. Glenys
Smart (formerly Production Control,
Project 9), on January 22.
David, a son for Mr. Richard Wright
(Design), on January 30.
Andrew James, a son for Mr. Ewart
Lougher (T.E.D.) and his wife Mavis
(formerly Purchase Department), on
February 22.
On Friday, March 25, his many friends at work regretful!)’ said goodbye to Doug
Martin, Qualio Control Supervisor, 813 and 914 Sub-Assemblies, who is emigrating
to Australia with his wife and two children. As proof of their good wishes for his future,
his colleagues gave him an electric clock and a cheque. The presentation was made on
their behalf by Mr. Bev John, Quality Control Supervisor, 914 Assembly. L. LAKEN
L. WILLIAMS Mr. and Mrs. K. Kear, whose wedding
was reported in our last issue. Mrs. Kear
(née Gwatkin) works in Hollerith Dept.
Mrs. Lilian Phillpots (Warehouse) to
Mr. Cyril Clayson on March 19 at Longhope
Miss Pat Williams (Mail Room) to Mr.
John Logan on March 26 at Lydbrook
Apologies to
Mrs. Eugene Marfell (now in Warehouse
Administration) whose wedding (not
engagement. as reported in our last
issue) to Mr. Terry Hemms (Apprentice)
took place on January 8.
Mr. A. Little
The Long Service Association lost one
of its best known members with the
death of Archie Little (Model Shop) on
February 27. Archie, who joined the
Company in 1949, was only 45. Our
loss is shared by many organisations in
the village of Mitcheldean. for Archie
was one of the founders of the Youth
Club, a member of the Sports Club
Committee, one of the church bellringers,
and a special constable.
AS we went to press we heard that the
finals of the Inter-Departmental Skittles
K.O. Competition, to be played on
May 21 in the Club House, will be
between Planning Department and the
Project 9 ‘Optimists’ (one of the seven
teams from Machine Shop!
Items for VISION can be left at the Gate
House for collection by the Editor, or
posted to her at Tree Tops, Plump
1 4
We Go On TV Again
MITCHELDEAN village, and our Plant in
particular, were featured in the BBC TV
programme ‘Points West’ at 6.5 p.m.
on Thursday, April 7.
The subject was the overspill of
industry from the main centres, and
shots of the old part of the village
contrasted with interior and exterior
shots of our modern Plant.
Our Chief Executive Mr. F. Wickstcad
and Mr. R. W. Mason, Chief Production
Engineer, were interviewed, and veteran
employee Sam Newman of Progress
Dept. told of the changes he had
seen take place in Mitcheldean over the
past 40 years.
Dramatic Announcement
The newly formed Drama Group
within the factory are planning to
hold a meeting on May 11. Will
anyone interested and willing to
help in any way please contact Mrs.
P. McCormick (914 Assembly) for
further details.
Congratulations to-
Mr. Roy Williams (Driver Xerox Transport
Section) on passing the Advanced
Motorists (Commercial Section) Driving
Test on February 21.
Black Labrador dog for sale. Two years
old, good pedigree and even-tempered.
Enquiries to: Mr. G. Douglas (Paint
Summer Holiday Suggestion-bed and
breakfast accommodation at Highnam,
61 Broadpark Road, Livermead, Torquay,
provided by Mr. and Mrs. A.
Moulton or similar bicycle required.
Replies to: Mr. D. R. Elliott (914 Production
To Let-Four-berth caravan on good
site at Blue Anchor Bay, Somerset, near
station, overlooking sea. Shops, showers,
flush toilets, washrooms, etc. All
mod. con. on site. Apply: Mr. B. A.
Moger, The Bungalow, Brook Street,
DETAILS of the Rank Organisation’s film production plans
for 1966/67 were announced recently. Over half the total
budgeted cost will be provided by the Organisation; the
remainder will come from American and European sources
on a co-production basis. The nine films include ‘The
Quiller Memorandum’ with Sir Alec Guinness and George
Segal: ‘Battle of Britain’; ‘Doctor on Toast’; and a new
Norman Wisdom comedy.
A DUAL-PURPOSE musical instrument-the Cordovox-has
been added to the existing range of Farfisa and Compton
Electronic organs by Rank Audio Visual. It can be played
as a straight accordion or as a conventional electronic
organ, or both sections can be played in unison.
TWO large Slot Car race tracks have been installed by the
Rank Organisation at the Old Royalty Cinema, Isle of Man.
The sport, very popular in the U.S.A., offers beginners all
the thrills of the ‘real thing’ on cars held to the track by a
slot guide. The tracks are of eight and six lanes: a tuned
car travelling at 60 m.p.h. can lap the larger of the tracks,
ith 110 ft. circuit, in six seconds.
RANK Medical have obtained an order for radiographic
£40,000 Order equipment to the value of about £40,000 for the Children’s
Hospital in Birmingham.
CONTRACTS worth nearly £150,000 for the visual and nondestructive
testing of oil, gas and water pipelines at home and
overseas have been awarded to the Rank Organisation’s
Solus-Schall International Inspection Service. The overseas
contracts are in Turkey, Iran, Oman and Sierra Leone. In
the U.K. Solus-Schall will inspect over 250 miles of gas and
water pipelines, among them the pipeline from Hythe Gas
Works to Cowes, I.O.W.
Film Plans
for 1966 67
Slot Cars
`Safe Thrills’
Looking through a
dark glass viewer,
a Solus -Scholl
inspector witnesses
a weld as it is being
made to ensure the
correct standard is
being maintained.
Big Contracts
WHOSE husband went to the ante-natal clinic for an X-ray?
WHO in Accounts once attended a speech therapy clinic for 12 months before it was
discovered that he was the wrong patient? We understand the other chap is still
WHO in the Model Shop gives his horses water off the house roof? (Presumably
he has very tall horses-or a very short house!)
WHO in Accounts keeps searching under the desk for a triple crown?
WHO in 813 had his suitcase returned after losing it and found it had been used
for electioneering purposes, etc.?
WHO in 813 had to pay a penny to see his girl friend again? (We wonder whether
her face was as red as her hair after the experience!)
WHICH Quality Control supervisor contributed to the collection for his own
leaving present?
WHO in Central Records types better with her shoes off? (Is this because she types
with her toes, we wonder?)
WHO on the Milling Section grows kidney peas in his garden?
WHICH inspector, on being shown the new ‘standards room’, came to the conclusion
we were going to make fireworks at Mitcheldean?
WHO is the keen footballer in Accounts who is now known as Norbert (after the
famous Manchester United player) following a notable haircut?
WHO was the lucky lady in the Machine Shop who had her washing brought in under
police escort?
WHO in 813 traded a fish tank in part exchange for a car?
WHO isn’t half as good at cooking his teeth as he is at making wine?
WHO in Spares Pre-Packing couldn’t find a Mother’s Day card that vas suitable
to send to her grandmother?
WHO in the Tool Room has his breakfast at suppertime?
WHO succeeded in making a clean (toe) break for it through the bathroom door?
WHO in Jig Making has been ‘putting the evil eye’ on people?
WHICH senior St. John’s Ambulance man has extended his activities to fourlegged
sufferers? Is it true he laid a canine victim out on his ‘police’ mack?
WHICH 914 progress chaser maintains he can’t afford a biro?
WHICH supervisor went to Gloucester to collect an executive’s car and came
back with the right model-the only snag being that it belonged to somebody else?
WHICH Process Planner keeps an alarm clock inside his desk set at 5.10 p.m. in
case he dozes off at finishing time?
WHO are the silent hecklers in T.E.D.?
WHO in Production Control wore a girl’s head scarf as a cravat in the morning and a
borrowed tie in the afternoon because he’d forgotten to wear one of his own?
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited. Coutsdon, Surrey