Return to 1965-1969

Vision 038

Reproduced on the dinner menu, this
drawing by Mr. L. G. ‘Max’ Miller
of Design D.O. depicts the men who
have stood at the helm since 1941-
Mr. R. A. Tomes, Mr. D. F. Newstead,
Mr. Wickstead with Mr. Law.
On our front cover are the faces of
‘the men who came to dinner’-
Messrs. R. E. Baker, E. Batman,
W. E. Mulch, R. H. Camp. I.
Court, J. Currie, G. Flicker, A.
Gaylord. T. J. Knight, J. Morgan.
H. S. Phillips. S. G. Richardson, W.
Stearn, G. E. Weatherley, A. Wing.
and R. II’rigglesworth.
Ir WAS an evening for reminiscences.
Gathered in the Garden Room at the
Chase Hotel on Wednesday, May 25,
were the ‘pioneers’-the 16 men who
came down from London in 1941 and
set up the Company, then known as
British Acoustic Films Ltd., in conditions
very different from those obtaining
Joining them at dinner were Mr. T. A.
Law and Mr. F. Wickstead. Now
Managing Director of Rank Xerox Ltd.,
Mr. Law was in fact the man responsible
for the Company’s coming to Mitcheldean,
and he and Mrs. Law lived for a
Mr. Law responds
to the toast
to the Company
time in the converted brewery stables,
now the Club House!
Mr. R. E. Baker, Manufacturing
Manager, who was the first of the
production staff to come in February
1941. made all the arrangements for
w hat proved a highly successful evening.
Passing a vote of thanks to Management
for giving the dinner, Mr. Baker
said that in celebrating this Silver
Jubilee many things came to mind. The
conversion of a brewery into a production
unit had presented problems. but
these had been overcome by virtue of
good teamwork and first-class leadership
imbued with the sincerity and enthusiasm
of Mr. Law.
Always a Challenge
“Right from the word ‘go’ there has
always been a challenge-something
new-something happening, because
Management have been determined to
make a success of Mitcheldean.”
He asked everyone to drink a toast to
the Company, coupled with a toast to
Mr. Law and Mr. Wickstead and their
families. This was followed by the
presentation of a barometer to Mr. Law
by Mr. Camp. and a set of champagne
glasses to Mr. Wickstead by Mr.
Wriggle orth.
A notable guest at the dinner was,
most appropriately, that grand old
Forester Mr. Harry Beddington, expert
on Forest history. “For 25 years I have
heard a great deal about Rank’s at
Mitcheldean,” he said, “and I have
visited the factory twice and been
amazed and delighted. I would like to
say how much we Foresters as a whole
appreciate what you people have done.”
Mr. Beddington told of the days
before our Company came to Mitcheldean-
days when Cinderford was just a
bank of grass and gorse, when pike
houses charged a toll of Id. for use of
the road, when a football team from the
R.E.B. takes over from the professionals
and demonstates his skill in carving up the
Forest would walk into Gloucester
before a game and then beat the city on
their own ‘tump’!
Recalling his own arrival at Mitcheldean,
Mr. Wickstead said that at first
he couldn’t even find the Company!
Told he was going to start work in the
Makings, he looked for his desk. There
wasn’t one! The desk he eventually
acquired was knocked up from a packing
case in which a machine tool had
been imported from America!
Then on a more serious note he said:
“The Company are sincerely grateful
for the tremendous help and support
that you people. the stalwarts of
Mitcheldean, have given to us. We hope
you feel that in some small way we have
tried to recognise your co-operation and
support in 25 years at Mitcheldean.”
The pioneers each took home a
present for their wives, a small tribute
from the Company to the way in which
the ladies from London had settled
down under difficult conditions.
THE next best thing to knowing a fact is knowing where to find
out about it. And if it is technical information you are seeking.
you need look no further than Design Drawing Office. There in
the charge of Jeff McCoy is a fast growing library comprising
up-to-date vendors’ catalogues, British and international
Standards specifications, data sheets, technical reference books.
etc. If you can’t find what you want, Jeff will try to obtain it for
you through his contacts with the technical colleges, British
Standards Institution and other sources. The scope of the library
rill be progressively widened, and space is being reserved for it
in the new engineering building. Provided people make good use
1..of du, new facility, it should prove both valuable and time -saving.
Knights of the Road
FOR the first time this year six of our
Mitcheldean drivers took part in the
‘Lorry Driver of the Year’ competition
-with gratifying results.
Held in association with The Commercial
Motor and the Rank Organisation,
the contest is designed to improve
safety on the road and promote a feeling
of pride in driving skill among all
commercial vehicle drivers.
On Sunday. June 12, Larry Gardiner.
Tim and Tony Giles, Ron Marfell, John
Stanhope and Roy Williams travelled
to Oxford for one of the eliminating
contests. From Cowley their four fiveton
rigid and two articulated vehicles
followed an observed route to Smiths
Industries Ltd., Witney, where they
underwent special driving tests.
John and Larry came third and fourth
in Class F.2 (one of the articulated
vehicle classes). In Class D (a class for
rigid vehicles with 49 entries) Ron came
twelfth; he also gained the Highest
Placed Ford Driver award.
Among the awards to the winner of
the supreme title, who will be chosen at
Coventry on September 18. will be a
weekend at the Top Rank Motor Inn
of his choice for himself and family.
(Incidentally. Ron, Larry and John
have just passed the Advanced Motorists
(Commercial Section) Driving Test.
Tim and Roy passed some months ago.)
THOUGH %%e haven’t actually caught them
singing at their work, we know for sure
that there are quite a few owners of
good voices among our employees.
(Remember. for instance, the excellent
rendering of carols in the canteen during
the 1965 Christmas lunchtime by the
Ladies’ Keep Fit Club?)
Well, the recent appeal in VISION for
possible `Mitcheldean Minstrels’ has
triggered off the idea of forming a choir
of, say, 50 mixed voices at the Plant.
With the number of workers now topping
2.000, there can surely be no
shortage of talent.
After some training, the choir might
enter various contests, providing an
opportunity of bringing credit to Rank
Xerox and to the Forest.
If you are interested, please send a
short note to this effect to the Editor of
Ron Marfell waits while the marshal assesses his test performance.
THE Inter-departmental Skittles Tournament,
1966, started with 36 teams and
ended with the Planning Department’s
team versus the Machine Shop Optimists.
The final, played on Saturday, May 22,
was as fine a match as has been playei
in the Club House since it opened. Up
to the fifth leg there were but one or
two pins in it.
On their last leg, the Optimists must
have turned pessimist, because they left
the Planners a mere 48 pins to win.
Needless to say, the latter went to town
and finished as champions by ten pins.
Top scorers were: Planning – L.
Sterrett (48) and K. Townsend (45);
Optimists-D. Minton (53) and J.
Thom (46).
Mr. and Mrs. V. Parry were in
attendance and Mr. Parry, after expressing
the hope that his own department
(Quality Control and Inspection) would
be next year’s winners, presented the cups
and individual trophies to the two teams.
Mr. John Mould then presented Mrs.
Parry with a box of chocolates on behalf
of both teams.
Mrs. Skinner of the Canteen was
rated another top scorer for the excellent
supper she laid on, and everyone present
did full justice to it. A pity that there
were not more of the participating
teams present.
It has been proposed that next year’s
tournament be Front Pin Skittle games
which should prove a far more interesting
and competitive series.-Gene Lark.
For Sale-1962 Sunbeam Rapier 111A.
Blue/grey. New ‘X’ tyres, overdrive/rev.
counter. Many extras. £430. Apply:
Mr. K. Rea (Design D.0.).
2 3 4 5 6 7
10 12
14 115
18 19
20 21 22
23 24
I. Rest this way for security. (7)
5. Where to find 11 down in the Isle
of Wight? (5)
8. A shot in the dark. (5)
9. This shape goes round and round.
10. The churchman does not necessarily
live in the Forest. (5 & 4)
12. Came first. (3)
13. How many swallows make one? (6)
14. Quite a little weight. (6)
17. Short man. (3)
18. Forest worker. (4 & 5)
20. Sounds like an appointment with
your boy-friend. (7)
21. Cold enough to pinch your ears. (5)
23. Everybody has this organ-`twang’
for Americans. (5)
24. Hot stuff. (7)
I. Range around for displeasure. (5)
2. Take the beauty queen to court. (3)
3. Answer the problem a second time.
4. Does this tradesman keep hanging
about? (6)
5. In the same business as 10 across,
but possibly a big shot. (5)
6. Cigarettes and whisky and these
drive me insane. (4 & 5)
7. Little squirt. (7)
11. A lot of silly cows. (9)
13. He has a Lump somewhere round
here. (7)
15. We love a story. (7)
16. Everything comes before this. (6)
18. Swim before you can walk. (5)
19. This warrant for Rank Xerox. (5)
22. Two for a gun, one for a small
dog. (31
1900 AND
“ONLY two years ago a gypsy lad,
Henry Butler, $vas scared by a ghost at
Green Bottom, where the family were in
their usual winter quarters. One night he
saw what he thought was a black and
white pig. which turned first into the
shape of a tree, and then into the figure
of a man. The shape chased him and he ran away as fast as he could until he fell and
collapsed, sick with fright. When he eventually reached home the doctor was called,
but nothing would calm the boy, and the whole family were so alarmed that they had
packed and gone by the next morning. And this happened to the 18 or 19 year old
member of a family used to the strange ways of woods at night, with no fear of the
haunted house hr Abenhall Church”
THIS is one of the fascinating stories
I told in ‘Memories of Mitcheldean, a
study of a Gloucestershire village since
about 1900* which has been compiled
by Assistant Archivist Brian S. Smith
with the co-operation of a Bristol
University Evening Class held at Mitcheldean
in the winter of 1964.
Mr. Smith suggested that those
among our employees who are newcomers
to the district might like to know
something of Mitcheldean in the old
days and with his permission we reproduce
here some excerpts from the
For centuries Mitcheldean has been
a village of 500 to 600 people living in
a hundred or so houses dominated by
the slender spire of its large parish
church, but now its population has
grown to 1,500 increasingly dependent
on the nearby giant factory of Ranks.
“In 1779 Samuel Rudder, the Gloucestershire
historian, described it as ‘a little
market town, consisting of one very
narrow, crooked street, of ordinary low
buildings’, and the urban nature of the
unpretentious town was characterised
by its twice annual fairs, busy weekly
market, and successive local industries
of cloth-making, tanning, pin-making.
iron-working and coal-mining.
“The population now is said to be
much younger than 50 years ago, but
on the other hand the schools in the
village and at The Plump each had more
than 150 children. Everyone was closely
related-as is still the case with the
older families. . . .
“For the greater part of the population
(miners, cement workers and
quarrymen) there was often real poverty
during the recurring crises in local
industries, so that in the 1890s bread
was the staple diet of at least one family,
and a few herrings were a luxury earned
from the mother’s needlework.
In the last few years many of the
older cottages have been pulled down
so that the church is no longer hidden
behind Joseph Dawson’s shop. with its
colourful goods hanging round the door.
and neighbouring houses, some with
stable-like half doors which you could
lean on while chatting with the passersby.
“Because of the declining population,
at the beginning of the century there
was no housing shortage, and families
often moved for the sake of a changeindeed,
Granny Marshall is said to have
lived in every house in Silver Street (!).
Rents were low at 2s. 6d. a week
including the rates, with the landlords
. . . . giving whitewash and paint
for decorating every two years.”
* *
“Lighting was (and for a few cottages
is still) by oil lamp, except on wash days
when the children had to make do with
the dim light of candles on the high
mantelpiece until their mother had
finished washing and could come indoors.
Washing was done in a dolly
tub made by Cooper Smith of the
brewery cutting a barrel in half, the
dollies themselves being made at the
“Washing was a whole day’s work,
and until mangles were bought in the
1920s all the wringing had to be done
by hand. Some cottages, like three in
the Stenders, shared a communal washhouse,
which easily caused trouble
between housewives.”
*Copies of the study may be obtained
from Mrs. C. M. Course. the Chemist,
Mitcheldean, at 2s. each.
6 7
“Rr MEMBER, we want what Whittle
wanted-thrust and not horsepower!”
Mr. Wickstead made this reference to
a recent television programme on the
famous jet engine designer in the course
of proposing the toast of the Long
Service Association. The occasion was
the 13th Annual Dinner of the L.S.A.
held at the Social Centre on May 20-
an appropriate moment for noting the
various milestones in the career of the
Company and its employees.
First Mr. Wickstead remarked on the
fact that for a number of people it was
their twenty-fifth year at Mitcheldean.
Then, it being the first year of our
becoming part of Rank Xerox. Mr.
Wickstead took the opportunity to review
the activities of the Company
outside Mitcheldean.
Common Market Plans
“As far as Rank Xerox is concerned,
and the Xerox Corporation of America,
we manufacture our machines in three
places: Rochester, N.Y., Mitcheldean,
and, of course, Tokyo. We are going to
manufacture our consumables in four
places: Rochester, Elstree. Venray in
Holland and Tokyo.
“So that we can take advantage of
Common Market operations we are
planning to produce the consumables for
the Common Market countries from
Holland. The security aspect has also
figured in this decision-it is essential to
keep our machines running.
“Our Company operates in 20 main
countries and we now have nearly 200
branches. In 1961 we had 347 people
the end of last year
we had 5,300 people. Our turnover in
1961 was £1.1 million; last year it was
£27 million.
“Here at Mitcheldean the number of
employees is around the 2,000 mark.
Reconditioning-A Step Forward
“We are about to embark upon the
greatest challenge we have ever facedthe
manufacture of the 2400 machine
which I am sure is going to be another
world-beater. In the next 12 months
you will see a new engineering building
together with a new reconditioning
workshop, and these two will cover
another 56,000 sq. ft. In addition, we
have decided to extend Project 15.
“The reconditioning workshop represents
another important step forward
for Mitcheldean. In the rental business
there are two important factors: you
always have a large spares demand, and
you will always need to recondition
“Reconditioning is now a Mitcheldean
responsibility, both as regards this
, *. –
One of the best ever was how many people rated this year’s L.S.A. annual dinner. The
canteen looked very festive for the occasion and table decorations specially made by
Ann Stubbs of Design D.O. added to the gay appearance of the tables.
country and overseas, and Don Elliott
(Manager 914 Product) has been selected
to take charge of this job.
“How many of you have ever given
thought to what this place was like 12
years ago? And I refer to Mitcheldean
itself and the surrounding countryside.
Aren’t you proud of what we have
achieved? I am.
“This success story is clouded by
industrial dispute. I believe we can all
be happier if we have great respect for
each other. All I ask is that you should
make this place as happy as you want it
to be. I will certainly do my part.”
Mr. F. Edwards, thanking Mr.
Wickstead, remarked on the notable
fact that over the past 25 years, our
factory at Mitcheldean had had only
three bosses-the club’s founder vicepresident
Mr. D. F. Newstead, Mr.
R. A. Tomes and Mr. Wicksteadquite
a remarkable achievement in a
company with a growth pattern such
as ours.
More Retired Members
Today the L.S.A. was taking on a
different role, said Mr. Edwards.
“Policemen are getting younger and our
list of retired members is getting longer!”
(About a dozen retired members were
present at the dinner and they received
a special welcome.)
A warm welcome was also extended
Receiving their 25-year awards from Mr.
Wickstead-Mr. F. Edwards (above) and
Mr. L. Tuffley.
Your Company have a marvellous sales
and service organisation in France, and I
am very impressed with what you manufacture
here.” This unexpected compliment,
quoted by Mr. Wickstead at the
L.S.A. dinner, was paid to us by one of
the two charming French girls who visited
our plant in May. The girls, 25-year-old
Francoise Heuillard and 17-year-old
Martine Callewaert, were among the prize
winners in a competitive examination on
communications within industry and commerce
organised by SICOB (the French
Business Efficiency Exhibition). Their
prize was a two-day visit to London and
Mitcheldean as guests of Rank Xerox.
Our photo shows Francoise watching Janet
Baldwin assembling amp Faston tags in
914 Dept. during a tour of the Plant.
(Continued from page 9)
to representatives from Audio-Visual
(Woodger Road), Rank Film Library
(Perivale), and Rank Taylor Hobson
Division, Kershaw (Leeds and Leicester)
by Mr. B. C. Smith who proposed the
toast of ‘The Guests’.
He told us that Miss Vi Holder, a
Long Service stalwart from Woodger
Road, had said “We all love coming to
Mitcheldean.” When Mr. Smith asked
her why, she replied: “It’s because of
the people!”
Mr. F. Bandy (also from Woodger
Road) replied to the toast.
The evening represented yet another
milestone in that for the first time
25-year awards went to people who had
not moved down from London but had
joined the Company at Mitcheldean-
Mr. Edwards, our Personnel Manager,
and Mr. L. Tuffley (Tool Room).
After the excellent meal which reflected
great credit on our Canteen staff (the
Gaelic coffee was a hit!), the company
of about 180 went upstairs to dance.
chat and drink with friends, and enjoy
the cabaret. This was provided by
Frank Proud and his Showband with
electronic organ and including Roger
Morey, a singer. entertainer, comedian
and trumpet soloist, and also a clever
magician, John Hayward, who literally
made rings round our Chief Accountant!
Altogether it was a most successful
evening and one on which the organisers
can be congratulated.
Note on Numbers
THIS last year the L.S.A. acquired 22
new members as follows: Mr. A. J.
Baldwin, Mrs. D. Clayson, Messrs.
H. J. Fisher, F. J. Goodyear, P. M.
Gregory, J. Guy, H. James, H. Jones.
Mrs. E. Lark, Messrs. R. A. M. Luffman,
C. G. Meek, D. W. Miles, R. S.
Meredith, B. Mould, J. Mould. Mrs.
M. J. Penn, Messrs. R. E. G. Reed,
W. J. B. Rogers. F. D. Simmonds,
M. H. Stephens, Mrs. 0. Trafford,
Mr. K. A. W. Wintle.
The club now has 165 members, 26
of whom belong to the 25-Year Club.
WE hear from Rochester. New York.
that Xerox Corporation has . . .
introduced coin-operated 914 copiers,
designed for use in libraries, colleges.
and commercial and retail organisations:
begun marketing the Xerox Magnafax
Telecopier. This is a facsimile transceiver-
a compact unit that transmits
and receives documents through normal
telephone circuits. By placing a conventional
telephone receiver into the
unit’s acoustic coupler, an 81 x 11-inch
document can be transmitted in six
minutes to any spot in the nation where
there is an ordinary telephone and a
counterpart Telecopier. This non-xerographic
device can be moved almost
anywhere in a business location since it
does not require wiring into telephone
First prize to P. Jordan (LL.D.)
HERE are the ‘Easter Bonnet’ effortsit
seems from the sparse number of
entries that people are just not wearing
bonnets like they used to!
The subject for our July/August contest
will of course be ‘My Holiday. 1966’.
Let’s see if we can have as many. and as
good, entries this year as we did when
this subject was set in 1965.
So that people having later holidays
can take part, we are making the closing
date for this competition Friday. September
16. This may seem a long way
ahead but time, particularly summer
time, goes fast! Make a note of it in
your diary now.
Entries will be collected by Pat
Jordan (T.E.D.) as usual.
The rules are as follows:
Black and white prints only.
Maximum size of prints-approximately
4 in. x 6 in.
Enter as many snapshots as you like
(as long as they are your own efforts).
Subject matters more than tee mical
Prizes will take the form of cash
vouchers as before.
Second prize to R. Evans (Sub -Contracts
Third prize to G. Townley (carpenter)
Thursday March 12 the Apprentices
played the Ex-Apprentices at football
on the Mitcheldean playing field.
The match started evenly with play
swinging from end to end, but after 15
minutes the Ex-Apprentices opened the
scoring x% ith a fine goal. Two other
quick goals followed, against which the
Apprentices retaliated with two goals
of their own. Half time score was 3-2.
In the second half the experience of
the Ex-Apprentices began to tell: they
increased their lead by a further three
goals with no reply from the Apprentices
and the match finished in a win for
the Ex-Apprentices 6-2.
After the match the teams retired to
the White Horse for liquid refreshment.
(N.B. 1965: 10-4: 1966: 6-2: wait
for next year!)-Ron Caldicutt.
FOR the fourth year running our apprentices
have been awarded the British
Acoustic Films cup which goes to the
group of students of local firms showing
best results in each year. The prizegiving
was held on June 21 at the Forest
of Dean Technical College.
-and Athletes
THE 14-mile road race from Mitcheldean
to Ross and back-one of the sporting
events organised by the Sports & Social
Club in conjunction with Mitcheldean
Carnival-attracted entries from all over
the country last year.
This year we shall have more interest
than usual in the event, for three of our
own employees may be among the
competitors. The enterprising athletes
are Tony Hamblin (works photographer),
Michael Hawkins (813 Assembly), and
Ray Wright (Design D.0.)-last reported
to be training like mad!
If you feel that 14 miles is beyond
your scope but that you might manage
the four-mile road race or the rather
less demanding 100-yards, please give
Items for VISION can be left at the Gate
House for collection by the Editor, or
posted to her at Tree Tops, Plump
Hill, Mitcheldean.
your name to Mr. W. Brown (Tool
Room) as soon as possible.
Sister Townroe will once again be
organising the Dog Show at the Carnival.
She tells us that the judge will be Mr.
Vic Smith of Malvern, well known as a
terrier and bull mastiff specialist.
As last year, an ‘Open Competition’ for
the Mitcheldean Carnival Queen will take
place at a dance to be held at the Social
Centre, and any girl who is 16 years or
more, whether she lives in Mitcheldean
or not, can enter. Would-be queens
please note: the date of the dance is
Saturday, July 9.
Misguided Mini
CLEVER gadgets they have these days!
Take the case of Vin Baxter (Document
Control Supervisor, Warehouse) and his
new Mini Traveller.
There it was waiting for him in the
car park the other day. He got in and
tried to start it. No go. He tried
pushing it, so did others. No luck.
They thought that a tow might do the
trick, so a lorry driver pulled it right
round the Warehouse-not once but
four times! Still no luck.
After taking advice from practically
everyone and getting nowhere, Vin got
the driver to tow the car down to the
garage. Out came the mechanic prepared
to do a complete stripdown. He
felt along the dashboard . . . and with a
flick of his finger put the trouble right.
You see, Vin had had an anti-theft
device installed, and he’d forgotten to
release it before trying to start the
As we said, they’re clever gadgets, but
this one wasn’t quite clever enough to
recognise its owner!
ACROSS: 1-Assured. 5-Cowes. 8-
Guess. 9-Annular. 10-Rural dean.
12-Won. 13-Summer. 14-Gramme.
17-Len. 18-Coalminer. 20-Mandate.
21-Nippy. 23-Nasal. 24-Thermal.
DOWN: 1-Anger. 2-Sue. 3-Resolve.
4-Draper. 5-Canon. 6-Wild women.
7-Syringe. 11-Ruminants. 13 -Solomon.
15-Romance. 16-Latest. 18-
Crawl. 19-Royal. 22-Pom.
AS from July 1 next, Mr. D. R. Elliott
will relinquish his position as Manager,
914 Product, to take up a post as
manager in charge of all Xerox copier
refurbishing. A new departmental building
is being created for the purpose.
Mr. Elliott will now be directly responsible
to Mr. F. Wickstead.
Mr. G. C. Linley will succeed Mr.
Elliott as Manager, 914 Product from
the same date and Mr. M. Coombes will
act as deputy to Mr. Linley in this
Mr. J. G. K. Birch, Personal Assistant
to Mr. Wickstead, has left to take up
promotional sales work with the Bristol
branch of Rank Xerox Ltd.
21st Birthday
Miss Brigid Churchill (Metallurgical
Laboratory) on May 23.
Miss Ruby Watkins (914 Assembly) to
Mr. Michael Preece (Project 9 Machine
Shop) at Lydbrook Methodist Chapel
on May 28.
Miss Ann Parry (813 Assembly) to Mr.
Michael Morris at Lydbrook Church
Mr. and Mrs. M. Preece (VANS
Mr. Hartley was not, as you might think,
shaking his fist at the photographer! He
was shaking it at Mr. R. E. Baker! The
occasion was the presentation to him, by
Mr. C. W. Hotchen, of a Black & Decker
tool kit and a cheque on his retirement at
the end of April. And Mr. Baker took
the opportunity to relate some of Mr.
Hartley’s tea-drinking eccentricities!
on June 18.
Miss Jill Wadley (813 Time Office) to
Mr. Roger Preece (813 Assembly) at
Lydbrook Church on July 9.
New Arrivals
Tracy Ann, a daughter for Mrs. Marie
Richards (formerly 813 Assembly), on
April 14.
David Paul, a son for Mrs. Wendy Oliver
(formerly 813 Assembly), on April 21.
Sharon, a daughter for Mr. Tom Harris
(Model Shop), on April 25.
Clare, a daughter for Mr. Terry Duberley
(Model Shop) and his u ife Jill (formerly
813 Assembly), on April 26.
Derek Clive, a son for Mr. Stan Griffin
(Goods Inwards),on May 4.
Ian Colin, a son for Mr. Roger Smith
(Design D.O.. on May 8.
Mr. 0. P. Scrivens
We regret to have to record the death
on May 4 at Standish Hospital of Mr.
0. P. Scrivens at the age of 68. Percy,
as he was known to most people, was a
Long Service member and had been
with the Company for about 13 years
when he retired in 1964 from his job in
the Raw Materials Department.
Mr. L. T. Blanch
We are sorry to learn of the recent death
of Mr. Lance T. Blanch. He left us in
1964 when ill health forced him to
relinquish his job in the Press Shop.
NO ONE need ask where do all the clubs
go in the summer time! There’s plenty
of evidence of their active presence.
For example, the Motor Club report
a treasure hunt in our own locality
has been scheduled for end June/early
July and possibly a further ‘driving test’
within the factory will be arranged.
A ‘Go-Kart’ event in conjunction with
the Forest of Dean Karting Club is
being considered for after the holidays.
fitness and fashion
The Ladies’ Keep Fit Club held
another of their very successful social
evenings in the Rank Ballroom on
June 18, with summer fashions by
Messrs. Raynors of Ross-on-Wye being
modelled by members of the club.
There was also a demonstration of
modern ballroom dancing by Roy and
Sylvia Thomas of Gloucester. Mrs. G.
Negrin at the piano and Mr. Bert Brain
and His Dance Band provided the
necessary musical accompaniment for
events: Mrs. E. Olivey kindly did the
floral decorations: and Messrs. Vine
Bros. of Cinderford provided furnishings.
The proceeds are going to aid the
mentally handicapped-one more to
add to the list of charitable gestures
by this club.
The Cine & Photographic Club
organised an outing on June 26 to
Bristol Zoo and Clevedon. Prizes will
be awarded for the best still photograph
and best tine film taken on the outing.
At their recent annual general meeting
the following officers and committee
were elected: Chairman: Mr. A. R.
Mason (Warehouse): Vice-Chairman:
Mr. C. Jamieson (Tool inspection):
Treasurer: Mr. L. Sterrett (Planning):
Secretary: Mr. R. Berks (Production
Control): Committee: Misses S. Allen,
D. Barker, Y. Hart. Messrs. A.
Hamblin, P. Jordan, S. Trigg.
bat and ball
The Cricket Section played their first
match of the season in the Huntley
Knockout competition against Gloucester
Woodpeckers at Ashleworth on
Friday, May 20. and lost by seven
wickets. Ranks were all out for 37 runs
in 16 °vers. R. Caldicutt and D.
Robinson being the only batsmen to
reach double figures. The Woodpeckers
reached this total for the loss of three
wickets, wicket-takers for Ranks being
K. Townsend (two for 22) and C. Butler
(one for 15).
On Sunday. June 12, the match with
Speech House was played on a damp
wicket. Speech House won the toss and
put Ranks in to bat, which proved a
very good decision for them., as the
ball tended to keep very low. Ranks
were all out for 68 runs after being 44
runs for three wickets.
The highlight of the innings was a
good knock of 28 not out by N. Cresswell
which included a six out of the
ground that also cleared the road!
F. Edwards. the only other batsman to
reach double figures`, was beaten attempting
to pull a short ball which failed to
rise. Speech House found it fairly easy to
reach the required total without loss.
The results of these two games will in
no way dampen the enthusiasm of the
Section: it is intended to give all members
a game and it will take several games
before form can be assessed.
Orders for six million
dollars’ worth of
lenses and allied control
equipment for
the booming colour
television market in
America were recent&
announced by
the Taylor Hobson
Division. Here some
of the lenses undergo
final inspection at the
Division’s Leicester
Bewick’s Bar in the Five Bridges
Hotel is named after Thomas
Bewick, a 17th century wood
engraver who lived in Gateshead.
The ceiling is decorated with
facsimile shapes of wheels and
gears from factory machines and
railway engines. signifying the
area’s connection with the heavy
engineering industry.
Two new hotels have joined the
chain operated by the Hotel
Division. The Five Bridges Hotel,
Gateshead, Co. Durham. was
opened on May 24 by HRH The
Princess Margaret.
Its seven storeys contain 108 centrally heated bedrooms
with private bath, STD telephone, TV and radio. Apart
from the restaurant and bars there are two banqueting
suites fully equipped for conferences. etc. Also providing
conference and banqueting facilities is The Bridgford Hotel.
Trent Bridge, Nottingham. opened by Field Marshal The
Earl Alexander of Tunis on June 29 (the eve of the Third
Test Match between England and the West Indies at the
Trent Bridge Cricket Ground next door to the hotel).
This hotel has 90 bedrooms centrally heated with private
bath or shower, STD telephone, radio and TV: two restaurants:
and two bars: ‘The Sheriff’s Room’ and ‘The
Outlaws’ Bar’.
New Hotels
RANK Relay Services, a part of Top Rank Home & Leisure
Service Division, is now dealing with all of the closed circuit
television business formerly carried out through Rank Audio
THE release of a series of seven integrated 16 mm. colour
films entitled ‘Your Health’, designed for Primary School use,
and of a 16 mm. black and white print of ‘Tokyo Olympiad
1964,’ the official film of the 1964 Games, has been announced
by Rank Film Library.
at School
Health and
Games Films
FAcusrits equal to those found in the most modern
professional theatres are installed in the new Coade Hall
built at Bryanston School, Dorset. with funds donated by
parents and former students. Equipped throughout by
Rank Audio Visual, the 562-scat theatre was opened on
May 27 by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. It has a stage
with a 40 ft. by 25 ft. proscenium opening, ‘fly gallery’ and
counterweights, elaborate stage lighting, projection equipment
and a ‘call’ system connecting stage and dressing –
WHICH chargehand in 813 Assembly trod on what he thought was a hairy
caterpillar-then found it was really his wife’s false eyelashes?
WHICH indulgent lady feeds her electric fire with toffees?
WHO in 813 Assembly Inspection not only believes lions climb trees in fear of
human beings, but also is under the impression a kangaroo plays outside right
for Australia?
WHO makes sure his weeds are the finest in the locality by feeding them with
WHO was the drilling operator who put tomato fertiliser in with his asters to
revive them?
WHO in Hollerith Dept. runs like Mary Rand whenever she hears the fire alarmso
fast in fact that she nearly broke her arm on one occasion and became a casualty
for First Aid?
HAS a change of hair colour in the Press Shop anything to do with an Irish holiday?
WHICH Electrical Goods Inwards inspector tried to plant Bird’s Eye frozen sweet
peas in his garden?
WHO on the `capstans’ has taken to nature study walks?
WHO in 813 Dept. took some ham and tomato sandwiches off the window -ledge and
left cheese in their place?
WHO in the Paint Shop experienced the most embarrassing moment of his life
when changing during an amateur theatrical performance?
WHO borrowed a motor bike to go to the Tool Room and, having more discretion
than valour, decided to abandon it there and walk back rather than be ‘booked’?
WHO is the owner of the ginger tom called Marmaduke in Purchase Dept.?
WHICH apprentice was so tired he went to sleep in the toilet?
WHICH lady inspector in 813 Assembly lost her petticdat by Design, though
without intention?
WHO spent half the night filing his nails specially so they wouldn’t get caught in
the dart flights? His team lost the game nevertheless!
WHICH lady in Goods Inwards comes to work dressed back to front?
WHO in 813 Assembly went to collect his driving licence and filled in a form stating
that he was 20 years and 12 months old?
WHO in Purchase Office thought it would be nice to get engaged in June-if only
she could find a boy with a few thousand and an Austin Healey Sprite?
WHO in 813 gave a ‘sound tip’ to the chaps, then backed another horse himself, the
tip not being so sound after all?
WHO in 914 Time Office found that skirt lengths had suddenly dropped to the
WHERE is the cuckoo clock in the Canteen?
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon, Surrey

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