Return to 1965-1969

Vision 040

A tribute
From the Accounts Department
BY those of us who had the privilege
of being closely associated with
Geoff. he will long be remembered for
the various qualities he possessed.
As an accountant he ,is a master of
his profession but. like many good
accountants. he was always conscious
of the fact that there was more to be
learned. He moved with the times and
through the years gained the respect of
all his professional colleagues for his
sound judgment and clear thinking.
He had the full support of all members
of his staff to whom he was always
approachable and helpful. He could
always be relied upon for a decision.
however difficult. and he was somewhat
intolerant of those who would not make
decisions. Most certainly he was jealous
of the reputation of his Department and
was a stickler for detail.
He had the ability moreover to “take
a view”. As the size of the operation
increased over the years. this ability
proved invaluable in the saving of time
and effort. A phrase he used fairly
frequently was: “We are not running a
grocer’s shop any longer.” How right
he was.
He was without doubt a Company
man, but at the same time he had the
interests of all employees at heart.
As a man, Geoff %%as retiring by
nature and no lover of the gay and social
life. His life revolved around his family
(he leaves a wife, a I7- year -old son, Roy,
and a daughter Janice, who is eleven)
and the Company. and, in recent years.
the Scout Movement (he was at the
time of his death the Secretary of the
Ross-on-Wye Group).
To all these he gave his affections and
they are now the poorer at his passingthe
more tragic since it was at an age
when even his past achievements would
have been excelled.
From a member of the
Management Committee of
Mitcheldean Plant
GEOFFREY Hemingway was a loyal,
devoted servant to this enterprise
and made a great contribution to its
success. This will be long remembered,
as will also be his calm and cheerful
attitude at all times.
On a more personal note :
“Geoff, we’ve been long together,
Through pleasant and through
cloudy weather.
‘Tis hard to part when friends are
Surely ’twill cost a sigh, a tear:
Then steal away, give little warning,
Choose thine own time.
Say not ‘Good-night’
But in some brighter clime,
Bid us ‘Good-morning’.”
From the Leader of the Ladies’
Keep Fit Club
Ithe sad passing of Mr. Geoffrey
‘ Hemingway, The Ladies’ Keep Fit
Club have lost not only their President
but also a very kind and loyal friend.
In June 1964, when our Club was
formed, we timorously asked Mr.
Hemingway to become our President.
In his inimitable way, he replied, “I am
not entirely clear of what the onerous
duties of the President may consist, but
nevertheless I will be much honoured to
accept the request,” and what a staunch
supporter he pro% ed to be.
We are all aware how tremendous his
responsibilities as Chief Accountant
were but, despite this. he always had
time to spare on the many occasions we
had to seek his help and advice.
In his extremely courteous manner,
he would invite the deputation to “sit
down. have a cup of tea and stop worrying-
and very quickly he would solve
our problems.
Mr. Hemingway had great dignity but
never lost the human touch. His family
obviously meant a great deal to him, and
Mrs. Hemingway with Janice their
daughter would join us on social occasions.
In April 1965 at a Fashion Show
held in the Social Centre, Janice helped
by modelling children’s wear.
We had asked Mr. Hemingway to
decide to which charity the proceeds of
our effort should be sent, and his
answer was “The Multiple Sclerosis
We all admired his interest in the
younger members of the Company and
his ability to put them at ease when he
conversed with them.
I last spoke to Mr. Hemingway late
on the afternoon of Monday, October 3,
when he came to chat about our first
Club meeting of the Autumn. That is
how as a Club we will remember himalways
interested, so kind and courteous,
a true gentleman, sincerely mourned by
all our Club members who feel privileged
to have known him.
From the Long Service
THE sudden death of Mr. Geoffrey
Hemingway came as a great shock
to all members of the L.S.A. and
25 Year Club.
Mr. Hemingway joined
in 1939 and came from London to
Mitcheldean in 1958. Two years ago he
received the award given by the Company
in recognition of 25 years’ loyal
and meritorious service.
Service, to Mr. Hemingway. meant
service not only to the Company but
also help in the other spheres of activity
in which he served his fellow men.
He will be greatly missed by us all.
ABOUT 90 of his friends and
colleagues from both our Plant
and other sections of the Rank
Organisation attended a memorial
service for Mr. Hemingway at
Ross-on-Wye Parish Church on
October 7.
A voluntary collection amounting
to L177 was later handed to
The Multiple Sclerosis Society in
memory of our late Chief Accountant.
This particular charity was
one in which Mr. Hemingway had
for a long time takers an especial
“FILMING the Severn bridge-like building
it-has been a five-year marathon of
patience.” This comment on the BBC
TV’s documentary film on Britain’s
second longest suspension bridge, might
equally well apply in the case of amateur
film-maker. Fred Brown of the Tool
Using his Bell & Howell Sportster
Standard 605, equipped with telephoto
lens, Fred started filming the building
of this engineering triumph back in 1961.
The climax came on September 8
when, with the aid of a special permit
from the County Surveyor, Fred was
able to take shots of the opening
ceremonies at Aust. including close-ups
of Her Majesty the Queen, Mrs.
Barbara Castle, the Minister of Transport,
and other V.I.Ps.
Now the long job of editing some
450 feet of 8 mm. film is going ahead
and the result should be a unique and
colourful amateur film, lasting some
three quarters of an hour.
As to title, Fred hadn’t decided when
we spoke to him. He had originally
chosen ‘The Big Stride’: then, to his
astonishment, he discovered that that
was what the BBC were calling their
summer visits
DURING the past summer months the
apprentices made a number of visits to
other companies.
On July 5 the 1st and 2nd year
apprentices visited the Plessey Co. at
Swindon: this was followed on July 19
by a visit to Fielding & Platt at
The senior apprentices (3rd, 4th and
5th years) visited the Radio and Television
Trades Exhibition at Earls Court,
London, on August 24. Among the
exhibits they found particularly interesting
were colour television on the Rank-
Bush-Murphy stand, and a miniature
television set the size of a cigarette
On September 6 the senior apprentices
also visited the A. A. Jones &
Shipman plant at Leicester, where
various models of grinding machines
were being produced.
The final visit-to S. Smith & Sons
Clock and Watch Division at Cheltenham-
was a two-part one, with 1st and
2nd year apprentices going in two parties
of 15, the first on September 14 and the
second on the 19th.
These visits are a real help in familiarising
apprentices with other types of
engineering and the processes that they
involve.-R. Turner.
new cobalt unit
WH1 1 he new Cobalt Unit at Cheltenham
tieneral Hospital was opened on
Friday, September 16, two representatives
of our Ladies’ Keep Fit Club
were invited to attend. As you may
remember, the sum of £20, raised at the
club’s very first fashion show, was
donated to this particular fund.
The guests at the opening ceremony-
Ruby Beddis (secretary to Mr. W. E.
Blaich) and Marjorie Jarvis (Design
Office) among them-were welcomed by
Major H. E. Horton, executive chairman
of the Appeal Committee.
Writes Ruby: “We were particularly
interested in the remarks made by Sir
Stanford Cade (who performed the
official opening ceremony). He stated
that, but for the hydrogen bomb,
cobalt might never have been introduced
as a cure for cancer.
“We were very surprised when he
also pointed out that cancer accounts
for the second highest death toll in
children, the first being road accidents.
“The opening ceremony over, we
were invited to tour the new unit, after
which we enjoyed buffet refreshmentsincluding
an excellent glass of champagne!”
COVER PICTURE- In apprecicnion
of hospitality extended to our recent
Japanese visitors, Mr. H. Ito,
Director of Fuji Xerox and lwatsuki
Optical Co., and Executive Director
of Fuji Photo Optical, presented this
charming doll dressed in traditional
kimono, which is being displayed in
the directors’ dining-room. Receiving
it is waitress Mrs. Jean Morgan.
Some of the prize-winners vith their entries-(left to right) Alec Davis, Robert Turner,
Roger Trigg, Richard Morgan and Roger Pearce.
OUT of 12 entries submitted by our
apprentices for this year’s Craftsmanship
Competition, no less than eight
received prizes or were commended.
This result was particularly gratifying
in view of the fact that not only were
there morc entries than ever before, but
also the overall standard of these
entries was ‘extraordinarily good’, as
the organisers put it.
The prize-giving was held this year on
October 5 at the premises of Messrs.
Heenan & Froude of Worcester.
Welcoming the prizewinners and their
parents, Mr. F. James Fielding, the
company’s managing director, explained
that this past year the Gloucestershire &
South Worcestershire Productivity Association
had taken over the work of the
Three Counties Industrial Education
Association, and with it responsibility
for the Craftsmanship Competition.
The Productivity Association, which
is a member of the British Productivity
Council, aims to help industry in
Gloucestershire and South Worcestershire
with the training of apprentices,
middle and senior management.
Presenting the prizes, Mr. Peter
Walker, M.P. for Worcester. congratulated
the prizewinners and commended
the non-prizewinners for their efforts.
“The age of automation.” he continued,
“will bring many problems, but
it will still require many manual skillscomputers
are always going to need
human skills.
“I urge all of you to work hard in the
future. . . . There is a great challenge
ahead, but you have shown that you
have made a good start by the quality of
your work.”
All the Winners
Prizewinning and commended entries
from our own Company were as follows:
Class 1 (Entries made during apprenticeship
as a work project under supervision)-
Secondprize, Richard Morgan:
Commended, Roger Trigg and Alec
Davis. Class 3 (Senior apprentices test
piece)-First prize, Robert Turner.
(This is the third year running that our
Company have walked away with this
prize!): Highly commended, Roger
Pearce. Class 4 (Junior apprentices test
piece)-Second prize, Alec Davis: Third
prize, Richard Morgan: Commended,
Richard Gage.
Results of the recent
Cine and Photographic
Club competition.
First prize to Miss S. Brown (T.E.D.)
Second prize to J. Saunders (Design D.0.)
Third prize to R. Stephens (Wages)
Annual Rocket Ride
THE Annual Rocket Ride-the Rank
Motor Club’s third-takes place on
Saturday, November 19, between our
club and Ross & District Motorsports
Club. This, as you may or may not
know, is a novel form of car rally
devised by our club with some of the
directions taking the form of rockets!
In addition to prizes for the first three
cars home, there will this year be an
Inter-Club Challenge Trophy, provided
by the Ross Club, to be competed for
The Rocket Ride starts from Ross
and the finishing point will be our own
Club House, where participants will
enjoy a social evening with skittles,
competitions and refreshments.
Last year’s ride was a great success
and it is hoped that this year’s will be
too. despite the fact that. owing to the
new regulations. entries are limited to
a total of 12 cars.
Items for VISION can be left at the Gate
House for collection by the Editor, or
posted to her at Tree Tops, Plump
Hill. Mitcheldean.
Norman, as page-ba Shiner in
“The Sleeping Beauty”, holds down
Dame Hush-a-bye while her tooth is
extracted with fire-tongs by the
Comptroller of the King’s Household!
I use about this time every year,
J Accounts clerk Norman Ball begins
a ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ existence.
By day Norman, soft-spoken and
mild of manner, is to be found quietly
working away in his office on pension
matters: by evening he frequently undergoes
a metamorphosis that has rightly
earned him the description of ‘an
inspired idiot’!
On stage his versatile voice obliges
with the strident accents of a pantomime
dame. the bellow of a drunken lout, or
the spinechilling whispers of a witch.
Ever since the Wesley Pantomime
was started in 1955, Norman has taken
a leading role, and done the most
amazing things with it!
Some 13 years ago Norman’s father,
Mr. George Ball, together with a number
of others, formed the Wesley Players
with the aim of raising money for the
Wesley Methodist Church and Sunday
School in Cinderford. Mr. Ball in
particular rendered the group two
notable services-he acted as its business
manager for a number of years, and he
provided it with a born clown in his
son Norman.
The Players launched their series of
shows in 1955 with ‘Babes in the Wood’
in which Norman appeared as one of
the robbers. Since then he has played,
among others, a splendidly sinister
Spaniard in ‘Humpty-Dumpty’ (1958):
Dame Sarah Streeke in ‘The Little
GooseGirl’ (his debut as a dame in 1960):
one of the Ugly Sisters in ‘Cinderella’
(1963): and Fiddle, who, together with
Flog, made up a crazy partnership as
village postmen in ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’
last year.
An aptitude for the stage seems to run
in Norman’s family, for his two sons
and two daughters have all taken part
in performances, while his wife helps
behind the scenes.
The performance of ‘Hansel and
Gretel’ in 1964 was a particular milestone,
for in this, Norman, as Old
Mother Parkin the Gingerbread Witch,
and his son Andrew, as Sadie the Cat,
acted opposite each other.
This production was also notable for
being the Wesley Players’ tenth annual
panto and Norman was presented on
this occasion with a medallion to mark
his ten years’ continuous service.
He Never Missed One!
On January 13, 1966, the night of the
Wesley Players’ hundredth performance,
he capped this by becoming one of the
select few who had taken part in every
performance of every pantomime. This
was no mean feat: in fact, on one occasion
he had to be fetched from his sick
bed, wrapped in blankets, and conveyed
by car to the hall. For the show had to
go on, and Norman, like the other panto
principals, had no understudy!
Norman still regards his first part as
his favourite one. As a villain, he says.
he can enjoy ‘throwing myself about a
lot’, unhampered by skirts. This coming
season he will presumably have to
submit to being hampered (unless the
panto dame panders to Dame Fashion
and goes in for mini-skirts!), for he will
of ‘Mother Goose’.
“Oh, I
Old Mother Parkin the Gingerbread
Witch (alias Norman) with her cat Sadie
(alias son Andrew) and the Gingerbread
Men in ‘Hansel and Gretel’.
This will be the Players’ 13th production,
and one night’s performance will
be taking place on a Friday the 13th!
With Norman on stage anything could
Which reminds us of one unlucky
night when Norman exclaimed too
vigorously and his false teeth flew out
on to the stage! Fortunately the
Dame Sarah Streeke (Norman again) and his daughter Princess
Susie (played by Janet, wife of Ken Butt in Design D.0.) with
their almost-human horse, Falada, in ‘The Little Goose Girl.’
audience didn’t notice and the rest of
the cast tried not to, and he continued,
camouflaged by a false moustache, until
he could return the straying dentures to
their proper place!
Until fairly recently, the Accounts
Department could boast the distinction
of having another outstanding Wesley
Player in their midst-Grace Jones,
whose performances as principal boy
have been a highlight of many shows.
Grace is the daughter of Ivor Body of
Transport Dept: his other equally
gifted daughter, Cynthia, is the Players’
musical director.
Then there is Ken Butt of Design
D.O. who helps backstage and is married
to the principal girl, Janet-another
charming and talented member of the
regular cast.
Unique Artistry
In our Machine Shop you will find
John Olivey who has acted as assistant
to the stage manager right from the
early days.
His ingenious wife Elsie*, who has
occasionally ‘set the stage’ for events
here in our Social Centre, has acted as
wardrobe mistress since the pantomimes
started and it is due to her unique
artistry that every show has been so
delightfully dressed.
More recently she has turned her
talents to scriptwriting, taking over this
formidable task from Mrs. W. J. Price,
wife of the Principal of the West
Gloucester College of Further Education.
There must be many others in our
Plant who are associated in some way
with this delightful Cinderford tradition.
if only as enthusiastic members of the
Unfortunately the difference between
the size of the Wesley Hall stage and
that in our Social Centre makes a performance
of the pantomime here at
Mitcheldean impracticable, but maybe
one day we might see a few excerpts
from the current show.
If so. an appearance by a certain
clown in Accounts will be a must!
*We are indebted to Mrs. Olivey for
the loan of her scrapbooks, in which the
activities of the ‘Wesley Pantomaniacs’
have been faithfully and attractively
()L It Purchasing ( ontrollei.
Smith, recently visited the Manchester
headquarters of the Renold Chain
Company for the first time.
The founder. Hans Renold, was a
Swiss immigrant into England and he
invented his chain to assist an early
bicycle manufacturer in the 1870’s.
The Company has now grown into a
vast concern with subsidiaries in many
foreign countries making bicycle-type
chain from in. to 5 in. pitch. Their
largest chain is used in marine dieselengine
Mr. Smith was told that, to satisfy
our 1967 demand for 813 and 2400
chains, they will produce over 40 million
parts !
When it is realised that practically
every vehicle on the roads has a Renold
chain in its engine, you can imagine
how many millions of bits they make
every day.
SINCE last going to press, one further
game has been played by the Rank Xerox
Cricket XI, this being the final match of
the season. Played against Mitcheldean
on September 18, it resulted in a victory
for the latter by six runs: Mitcheldean
scored 110 runs, Rank Xerox 104.
Bowling honours for Rank Xerox
went to John Moisley, who finished with
five wickets for 25 runs, and Len Laken.
who achieved the figures of four wickets
for 16 runs. Batting honours were
shared by Neville Cresswell (38 runs.
including one gigantic 6!) and Lawson
Bonser (28 runs). Don Baldwin and
Derrick Kear with ten apiece being the
only other batsmen to reach double
At 99 for 6 it looked odds on a Rank
victory, but owing to failing light-and
in spite of the lights shining from the
surrounding houses-the remaining four
wickets fell for only six runs.
In retrospect, seven matches were
played during the season with five
matches lost and two won. It is hoped
that with a full fixture list next season.
a stronger side can be welded together,
so achieving better results.-Roy Powell.
They’re Engaged
Mr. Brian Fisher (813 Assembly) to
Miss Kathleen Dowle on August 30.
Miss Dawn Harris (secretary to Mr.
J. C. Henwood) to Mr. David Beard
(apprentice) on September 28.
Miss Gill Carpenter (Print Room) to Mr.
Ken Drew on October I.
Miss Hilary Boughton (Design Office)
to Mr. Bill Clarke on October 8.
They’re Married
Mr. Pronob Sarkar (0. & M. Manager)
to Miss Megan Harris at Wesley
Methodist Church. Frampton Cotterell,
on August 20.
Also on August 20, Mr. Alan Hughes
(Machine Shop) to Miss Kay Lewis at
the Church of St. Francis of Rome, Rosson-
Miss Carole French (Design Office) to Mr.
Paul Meager at St. Stephen’s Church,
Cinderford, on August 29.
fa N. –
Mr. and Mrs. B. Peace). R EVANS
Miss Jennifer Bebb (Bought Ledger
Dept.) to Mr. Roger Buffrey at Coleford
Congregational Church on September 3.
Also on September 3, Mr. Gerald Cooke
(Warehouse Office) to Miss Ann Hall at
Ross Parish Church.
Miss Jeanette Short (formerly Purchase
Dept.) to Mr. John Pritchard at the
Holy Jesus Church, Lydbrook, on
September 10. Jeanette was ‘Miss Rank.
Mitcheldean’ for the year 1963/64.
All on September 17 -Miss Gwendoline
Jackson (813 Assembly) to Mr. Barrie
Peacey at Our Lady of Victories Church.
Cinderford: Mr. Roger Brookes (813
Assembly) to Miss Pauline Bridges at
Lea Parish Church: Mr. John Harris
R. EVANS Air. and Mrs. K. Sainsbury
(Tool Room) to Miss Kathleen Middlecote
at Littledean Church: Mrs. Yvonne
Williams (Production Control) to Mr.
Keith Sainsbury at St. John’s Church.
Ruardean: and Miss Gladys Sharkey
(Purchase Office) to Mr. Terence Davis
(Xerox driver) at St. John’s Church.
Mr. David Young (Machine Shop) to
Miss Pat Wallwork at Longlevens
Church on September 24.
Also on September 24, Mr. Keith Rea
(Design Office) to Miss Angela Madden
at the Church of St. Francis of Rome.
Miss Miriam Seaborn (813 Assembly) to
Mr. David Wade at Ross Parish Church
on October 1.
Also on October 1, Mr. Malcolm Nelmes
(Electrical Laboratory) to Miss Pamela
Haile at St. Michael’s Church, Mitcheldean.
They’ve Arrived
Julie Marie, a daughter for Mr.
Dennis Bendall (Design Engineering),
on August 4.
Lisa, a daughter for Mr. Jeffrey Johnson
and his wife Dorothy (both formerly
813 Department), on August 10.
Janet Ellen, a daughter for Mr. Douglas
Fisk (Design Engineering), on August 12.
Lorraine Caroline, a daughter for Mr.
Brian James (Design D.0.), on September
Stephen, a son for Mr. John Wooding
(Machine Shop) and his wife Myra (who
used to work in 813 Assembly), on
September 16.
Paul, a son for Mr. Gerald Hartley
(Reliability Engineering) and his wife
Cynthia (who used to work in Purchase
Department), on September 20.
Nicola, a daughter for Mr. Brian Prosser
(Reliability Engineering), also on September
Sally, a daughter for Mr. Terry Brown
(Machine Shop) and his wife Lynne
(who used to work in Chemical Laboratory),
on September 22.
Best Wishes to-
Mr. Bernard Moger, Chief Security
Officer, now back at work after several
months’ sick leave.
Mr. H. ‘Bert’ James (Bench Section.
Project 9 Machine Shop) who retired
on August 25 when fellow members of
the Long Service Association made him
a presentation in recognition of his
121 years with the Company.
OCTOBER was an exciting month for
Steve Daly, the songwriter from Reliability
Engineering whom we featured
in our May/June issue, for it saw the
appearance of his first disc. This was a
single (Parlophone ‘A’ side), with a
group known as ‘The Handful’ performing
Steve’s number ‘More and More’.
This may well be the first of many: a
local group called ‘The Lucky Charms’.
with which Steve works, is currently
using his material in a recording audition.
Incidentally, one of the ‘Lucky
Charms’ (Roy Watkins) works in our
Accounts Department.
Mr. and Mrs. P. ea:xi
Mr. and Mrs. T. Davis R. EVANS
TROPHIES for the highest averages for
the Skittles Club 1965/66 season went
to Maurice Stephens (Tool Room) –
‘A’ team, and Bill Carpenter (Machine
Shop Inspection-‘B’ team. Bill also
won the highest average for Rank’s in
the Mitcheldean Summer Front Pin
The awards were made at the club’s
annual general meeting, at which last
year’s officers were re-elected.
We must also congratulate the Rank
Ladies’ Skittles Team on winning a
shield as runners-up in the Ross Summer
League. their first big ‘win’.
Party Programme
Dec. 2-914 Department Dinner,
Dance at the Chase Hotel.
Dec. 15-Design Engineering
Dinner I Dance at the
Chase Hotel. Ross-on-
Dec. 16-Warehouse Party in tlw
Social Centre.
Dec. 17-813 Department Pam in
the Social Centre.
Dec. 22-Accounts and Purchase
Party at the Chase Hotel.
Ross- on -Wye.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Wade R. EVANS
THE Apprentice Committee for the
ensuing year is as follows: Chairman:
Robert Turner: Secretary: Ray Spencer:
Committee: Jim Amos, Alan Edwards,
Brian Reeves and David Wood.
For Sale
Sunbeam Rapier (Series IIIA 1959/60).
superb condition, genuine 29,000 miles,
£325, or would exchange smaller car
similar value. Apply: Mr. J. Slade,
Production Control (ext. 108 internal).
Bush Radio (mains), in good condition,
ten years old. Also transparent Seat
Covers for Morris 1100. Offers to: Mrs.
D. Morgan. 914 Assembly (ext. 330 int.).
Cheap Creosote, Ss. a gallon. Bring
your own tin. Apply to: Mr. G. M.
Thomas (2400 Design).
Carrycot in good condition. Replies to:
Mrs. Barnett, First Aid.
Child’s Pedal Car in good condition.
Replies to: Mr. G. E. Harrison, Advance
Planning Department (ext. 228 int.).
Rooms to Let-Barton Street, Gloucester.
Reasonable rates. Apply: N. Yates.
Work Study.
CHOOSE the three girls you think best deserve the title of ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’,
fill in their numbers on the ballot form provided opposite, and send it to the
Personnel Department to reach them not later than Monday, November 14.
The girls awarded most votes will compete for the title at the Company’s Seventh
Annual Dance & Reunion to be held in the Social Centre on Friday, November 25,
from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
As before, a prize of £10 will go to the winner of the title, with second and third
prizes of £5 and £2 10s. respectively.
Photos: WaIhrook Photography
A, ..c…..71
, 0
, .
IF ii
0 (11)
– …. –
4 4
Return this form to the
Personnel Department
not later than Monday, Department
November 14.
Put the three numbers of your choice
in the boxes on right (the order makes
no difference).
WHOSE husband had trouble getting a passport because the authorities thought
he resembled gunman Harry Roberts?
HOW did a certain aerial photographer manage to take his picture of Mitcheldean
upside down?
WHO doesn’t mind ‘refurbishing’ himself at tea break with a coffee and lime?
WHO in Model Shop cannot wear black shoes for dancing because they don’t harmonise
with the colour of his hair?
WHICH Cine & Photographic Club member booked some travelogue films for a
show at the Congregational Chapel, mixed up the catalogue numbers and found he
had ordered a film on Family Planning?
WHICH 914 Q.C. supervisor bought a new bed but couldn’t sleep in it?
WHOSE boy friend suffered the terrifying experience of having a ferret run up his
trouser leg?
WHO in Accounts, self-styled as God’s gift to Wales, said he didn’t intend to support
the Treorchy Male Voice Choir? Shame on him!
WHO parked 100 yards from the only car in the car park and then reversed into it?
WHICH 813 operator lost his false teeth and didn’t realise it until he went to kiss
his wife goodnight?
WHO in Reliability is nervous about 2400 competition?
IN what capacity did a Press Shop man serve on the stage? (I Ic’s reckoned to be
stage-struck still!)
WHICH young lady in Accounts was so enthusiastic about getting home that she
tried to break into someone else’s green Mini?
WHICH Planning engineer requires a spanner to assemble a screw? (What’s it all
about, Attic ?)
WHO in the Paint Shop can smoke a cigarette and chew gum simultaneously?
WHO in Auto Plating went out one afternoon in his Reliant and was amazed to find,
after a very slight bump, that he was being taken for a ride in a wheelbarrow?
WHICH new draughtsman is so keen he has been doing homework in his garden
WHICH sheet metal operator grows the toughest runner beans?
WHO tried to telephone a bear in Bristol Zoo?
Return this form to Personnel
Department not later
than Monday, November 14.
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon, Surrey

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