After kindly performing the crowning WIFE
ceremony, Mrs. F. Wickstead was presented
with a bouquet by Mrs. Jackie
Smith (Goods Inwards Office).
rrH her farming background (her
husband, father and brothers are
all farmers) and her glowing looks,
24-year-old Jean Davies puts us more in
mind of the traditional dairymaid than
a worker in Mechanised Accounts!
Her election as ‘Miss Rank. Mitcheldean’
for 1966/67 at the Seventh Annual
Dance & Reunion coincided with her
husband’s birthday, so the two-day
trip to London which they shared (see
p. 10) served not only as part of her
prize but also as a birthday present for
Pictured below with Jean are the two
runners-up – Mary Williams (Print
Room) and (centre) Valerie Weaving
(Hollerith, Accounts).
ST A. NAPIOUN Above left: Ira Griffin (Planning) wins a
kiss and, apparently, a pair of braces in a
novelty dance! Above right: Tim Giles can
jive as well as drive, and he and his
partner won the Ballroom Dancing
Competition (brother Tony, also in
Transport, won a prize too). Below: All
eyes on the floor in the Modern Jive
Competition. If winning jiver Ken Preston
gazed at it harder than most, it was with
professional interest. He’s laid many a
floor in our Plant.
IT is estimated that the cost to the country of industrial accidents
is more than £400 million a year, and that over 20 million man days
are lost every year through injuries in factories alone. These figures are
on the increase and it is in everyone’s
interest to do everything
possible to reverse the trend. To
this end the Royal Society for the
Prevention of Accidents is marking
its 50th anniversary by a big
accident prevention campaign
with the Jubilee Year slogan-
Ft iE manual handling of goods and
1 materials is one of the ‘Big Five’
factors that accounted for 60.7 per cent.
of all industrial accidents in 1965-and
it is this particular factor which seems
to be the main cause of any accidents at
our Plant.
Wherever or whenever an accident
occurs, there must be a reason, however
remote, that man, conditions or environment
have contributed in some way to
the event. Training and education are
the chief, and frequently, the only
Lifting and carrying are among the
activities that subject the body to the
greatest strain. It is not only when
weighty or bulky loads are moved that
carrying becomes heavy work. Even
with comparatively light loads a very
large body mass has to be moved,
particularly when a load has to be
lifted and carried on to platforms or up
stairs or ladders.
Individual working capacity varies
widely-a job that can be performed
easily by a strong, young man may
impose severe strain on a man of weak
fig. 1-Right and wrong ways of
lifting heavy loads. The worker
takes up a balanced squatting
position with the legs slightly
apart and the load held close to
his body; before lifting his back
should be ‘flattened’ so that the
spine is braced from all sides by
the tensed muscles of the back
and abdomen (A). When raising
the load, the legs are first
straightened (B) and the upper
part of the body is raised (C).
constitution or an elderly man, and
particularly on a woman or young person.
And it is a fact that the frequency
of accidents in handling increases
markedly towards the end of the day
under the influence of fatigue.
Carrying involves not only continuous
heavy muscular strain, but also very
heavy intermittent peak strain on the
back and heart. Until 20 years ago,
lower back pains, lumbago and sciatica
were thought to be due to inflammatory
rheumatism, but specialists have come
more and more to recognise that these
complaints are often caused by compression
of the discs of the spinal
There is a wide difference between
correct and incorrect lifting methods in
relation to disc strain. If the correct
method is followed (flat back and upper
part of the body erect or slightly
inclined) as shown in fig. 1. the maximum
acceptable load is very large.
Forward, and more particularly backward,
bending of the spine (hollow-back
posture) put the greatest tension on the
ligaments and muscles on the one side
II gong
fig. 2-The dangerous hollow-back posture and dangerous vim! torsion.
and the greatest compression on vertebrae
and discs on the other, and the
spinal column can no longer operate as
it should.
Sudden additional impact stresses
resulting from jerky movements, loss of
balance, careless lifting, slipping or
stumbling with loads, fright, laughter,
sneezing or coughing can no longer be
absorbed elastically by the spine and
the risk of injury is therefore great.
So, when lifting or carrying loads
and pushing or pulling vehicles, workers
should always move cautiously and
smoothly, and should never adopt the
dangerous hollow-back posture (fig. 2).
Load-lifting requires a high degree of
expenditure is least when a carryingyoke
is used. If the load is carried in
any other way the energy output is
greater: e.g. with arms hanging at the
sides, about 110%; on the back 120%;
on the hips 1407,0; and against the
abdomen, 1707,’, (fig. 3).
Here are some useful instructions for
carrying loads:
Keep upright when carrying a load.
Distribute the weight of the load
Let the bone structure of the body
support the load.
Hold the load close to the body.
Use aids such as harness, straps and
fig. 3-Right and wrong ItI11.1 of carrying loads.
muscular co-ordination. Inattention,
fatigue, stiffening of the muscles and
tendons under the influence of cold,
damp and draughts when working
clothes afford insufficient protection may
lead to accidents: on the other hand.
exercise and work movement performed
correctly, and in moderation, will improve
physical agility and strengthen
the muscles.
For any given load, the nearer the
body is to the upright position, the less
the work required of the muscles supporting
the body and the stress imposed
on the discs. When erect, a man can
carry suitably positioned loads over
long distances without injury. Energy
If a number of people lift, carry and
deposit a load together, they should
perform all movements simultaneously
to avoid excessive effort.
Rolling or sliding a load demands
much less physical effort than carrying
it, and auxiliaries such as trolleys or
rollers should therefore be used whenever
possible. For instance, cases,
machines and furniture can easily be
shifted on a mat or carpet.
Many injuries occurring in manual
handling (irk are due not to faulty
methods but to disorder and inadequate
hygiene at the workplace: e.g. absence
of waste containers and waste-disposal
Continued on page 6.
STOr &ON. TRW 104 Otit nom, Dc f;lt
FILUSTO011 4 oi t.
Aossrutomi NoTTERZNN DusSEttou haw,
Increasing use is being made by our Transport Department of T.I.R. (international
door-to-door road transport) vehicles for despatching copiers to the Continent. Our
picture above shows one of these specially built vehicles meeting a vessel at Hull.
The trailers, which can take 72 813 machines, are detached from the driving cabins
and taken on board; on arrival they are reconnected and driven direct to warehouses
in Paris. Dusseldorf, etc.. the whole journey being completed without the goods being
handled at all in transit.
Pictured top left with his vehicle and trailer, is a driver from Mikkola Transport.
Finland, who, though unable to speak a word of English, recently came over to this
country and returned (without major incident!). Mrs. Helen West from Accounts
was able to act as interpreter when he visited our Plant and on his return to his own
country he wrote her a letter confirming his safe arrival home, together with his load
of 20 813’s. With them in this photograph is Vin Baxter, Shipping Supervisor, who
arranges the T.1. R. loads from Mitcheldean. Incidentally, the driving cabin of the
Finnish vehicle excited some comment here, for it was luxuriously fitted out with
sleeping hunk, plushy curtains at the windows, electric light, shaving mirror, not to
mention a generous supply of orange squash!
Continued from page 5. HOME MARKET
facilities, blocked traffic lanes, unsuitable
protective clothing. etc.
Handling personnel should not use
old, worn-out footwear, but good shoes
or boots, preferably with metal toecaps
affording effective protection against
falling objects. For handling objects
with sharp edges, and hot or corrosive
substances, hand leathers, gloves, pads,
aprons or goggles should be worn. For
safe lifting and carrying of sheet metal,
suction grips, magnetic grabs and tongs
have proved efficient in practice.
It is in our own interest to see that
the necessary means of protection are
not only available-but are used.
For Sale Vampire spaceheater de luxe.
little used, burning Domestical. Capacity
about 9,000 cu. ft. Enquiries to:
Mr. E. Cocks, Production Control
Admin. (ext. 108 internal).
Clock Repairs-I f you have a clock
waiting in the cupboard for repair,
contact Messrs. E. Knight or V.
Mockford (813). Quick and reasonable.
Lost-at the Treorchy Choir Concert on
October 22 in our Social Centre-a
French navy blue lady’s mack. Reply
to: Mrs. Jones (Canteen).
1 2 3 4 r
5 6 7
V 7 ‘V V
8 7 / 9
10 7
r r /4r/ r.
12 13 ?
14 1S
V / V
r V
6 7
A / ‘ /? 17 18 .
18 20 21
24 25
1. No credit to this, these days. (7)
5. Tired of holes. (5)
8. Builds you up physically-drags
you down socially. (5)
9. Bunny waits on him. the rich
waster. (7)
10. First explorer. (7)
11. Peter in Spain. (5)
12. You can’t keep sex out of this! (6)
14. Yellow for a coward-blue for a
rocket. (6)
17. Poor film actor. (5)
19. Live in a nunnery? (7)
22. The last railway stations. (7)
23. The body in the doctor’s outfit. (5)
24. There’s a blue one round my
heart. (5)
25. What a place to hang around! (7)
1. Pressman’s aim or grocer’s implement.
2. The animal is fabulous-see the
point? (7)
3. Government gambler-his word is
your bond. (5)
4. Send abroad-out of Southampton
for instance. (6)
5. Zoo receptacle for buns, not a
teddy mine. (7)
6. Crazy like a mad dog. (5)
7. You won’t find this in Drybrook
(3 & 4)
12. Much bigger than little London. (7)
13. Look closely. (7)
15. A hindrance to 4 down. (7)
16. Office girl’s work on paper and
nails-a fitting task in the factory. (6)
18. Tried to get weary. (5)
20. A home from home. (5)
21. Blows a little horn. (5)
(Solution on page 1:
Settings being made on one of the jir,t models.
THE first production models of our new 2400 high-speed copier/
duplicator were nearing the end of the assembly line in Project 15
when the picture above was taken. At the moment the quantities being
produced are small but these will of course rapidly increase as the new
department, which is in the charge of Mr. S. J. Scott, gets into its
stride. On the right are pictured three jumbo-size machines made
specially to handle the main frame and side castings of this new model.
Another Brasshouse drilling machine, which can drill 135 holes in
main base frames in one operation, is expected to be installed by the
time this issue is published.
(Pictures top to bottom)
it drills-This Brasshouse edge-hole
drilling machine drills or taps 11 holes itn
castings in one operation.
it mills-Made by Kendall & Gent, this
machines the flat faces and edges of the
frame castings in one composite
operation. It has four cutters, the top
one running at 1.000 rpm and the two
side and end cutters running at 3,000 rpm.
it washes-Oil, dirt, sarf are washed oft
by means of a hot solution sprayed on
to castings as they are conveyed through
this E.F.C.O. washing plant. They are
then dried by hot air.
THE word went round that titled
people would be present at the world
premiere of the film ‘Palaces of a
Queen’ at the Odeon, Leicester Square,
on December 7.
It was right. There among the select
company was our own ‘queen’, Mrs.
Jean Davies, escorted by her husband.
In the theatre foyer Jean, glamorous
in a cream and gold full-length evening
dress given her by the Company, posed
beside scarlet-coated Chelsea Pensioners
while Tom Richards of Rank Film Distributors
arranged for photographs to be
The film showed the sumptuously
furnished interiors of Buckingham
Palace, Windsor Castle, St. James’s
Palace, Hampton Court, Kensington
Palace, and the Palace of Holyroodhouse
in Edinburgh.
Special permission was given by the
Queen to the Rank Organisation to take
film cameras into State and private
apartments so that people could see the
priceless treasures collected by the
Sovereigns of Britain down the centuries.
Jean and Bryan were ‘looked after
marvellously’ throughout their visit by
David Wingfield, Information Officer
from Head Office.
They shopped, visited the Smithfield
Show, and toured Rank Xerox House
in Euston Road.
Here they had a preview of the
exhibition held on December 8 to mark
the official opening of the Company’s
new headquarters and the tenth anniversary
of Rank Xerox Ltd.
Mr. F. Wickstead travelled to London
for the ceremony; also there to represent
Mitcheldean were Messrs. C. W.
Hotchen, A. S. Pratt, B. C. Smith,
F. J. Edwards, D. R. Elliott, G. Gray
and R. S. Pratt.
capital time
ON Saturday, October 29, the Apprentice
Committee organised a trip to London,
which coincided with the last day of the
Motor Show.
The majority of the party visited the
Show, where they saw a large selection
of the world’s most modern motor cars.
It was not possible to see as much as
was hoped owing to the size of the
crowd, and after a couple of hours at
Earls Court the remainder of the day
was spent in touring the major -sights”
of the city. This was the first visit to
the capital for a number of the party,
who were anxious to see the Houses of
Parliament, Big Ben, and many other
famous landmarks of which they had
heard so much.
A number of people managed to get
tickets for various theatres and shows,
but as none of these ended before
11 p.m. the coach for the return journey
was still waiting patiently in Westminster
at eleven o’clock without any
passengers. Eventually, however, the
party re-assembled and began the journey
All those who participated in the trip
wish to thank the organisers for the hard
work they put into making such a
success of the occasion, and are eagerly
looking forward to the next trip.-James
rewarding event
NO one who attended the concert given
by the Treorchy Male Voice Choir last
October in our Social Centre needs
reminding what a rewarding experience
it was.
The event proved unforgettable in
more than one sense, in that it took
place only a few days after the terrible
Aberfan disaster. Treorchy is not far
from Aberfan and some 30 members
were unable to come along to the concert
because their services were more
urgently required for rescue work.
As Mr. Ray Camp, chairman of the
Sports & Social Club, told them, we
here at Mitcheldean shared their sorrow,
and a collection made at the concert
amounting to £66, provided tangible
proof of our sympathy.
Apart from this collection, the concert
raised £50 for the Mitcheldean
Church Restoration Fund and £50 for
the Thalidomide Children Fund.
ANOTHER contribution to the Aberfan
Disaster Fund was recently made by
813 Department who collected £26 Is. 8d.
IF you happened to bump into a certain
Englishman recently on the stairs in
“Gomen Nasai-, you can be pretty
certain it was Eddie Shermer.
Eddie recently spent 13 months in
Japan and for some time after his return
he found himself not only wanting to
talk to people here in Japanese instead
of his own language, but also feeling
impelled to bow to them!
The story behind his extended stay in
Japan is this. When we stopped building
projectors here at Mitcheldean, we sent
the relevant machine tools and other
equipment to the Japan Cine Company
who were taking over the manufacture
of these products. We also sent them
Eddie Shermer to act as liaison engineer
and provide any technical assistance they
might require.
While in the country he was asked to
contact the firm of Fuji Xerox; for
although the latter were manufacturing
914 and 813 copiers, no direct liaison
existed at that time between us at
*Eddie Shermer to us! This is how his
name looks in Katakana, one of the three
alphabets used in Japan and the easiest
for Western words or names.
Top: :1 shrine
in Kyoto, one
of the old
capitals of
Right: Eddie
goes oriental
in a ‘vukata’.
Mitcheldean and their assembly plant.
Following his return to England, a
group of Fuji Xerox directors paid a
visit here (see our last issue). Then, just
before Christmas, four technicians from
the Japanese company (Messrs. Takahashi,
Fuse, Harashima and Shiomi)
also came for some weeks to study the
feasibility of producing 2400 copiers in
During these weeks Eddie’s services
were much in demand as guide, mentor
and friend, and general assistant in any
language difficulties. There were quite a
few of the latter, despite the fact that
the technicians spoke English (our
language being a compulsory subject in
Japanese schools).
When Eddie first flew to Tokyo in
August 1965 he took the northern route
over the North Pole-a comparatively
1 6, s
ANA! 4E56
Top: Anchorage, Alaska, a stop on the
northern flight route. Above: rickshaws
in Hong Kong.
`quick’ journey of 19 hours’ non-stop
sunshine. He came home for three
weeks’ leave the following Christmas
and, to his regret, missed the Japanese
New Year festivities (they don’t celebrate
When returning to Japan in January
1966 he flew by the southern route.
On this occasion he found himself
travelling for some 30 hours -a
thoroughly exhausting experience despite
a two-day stop-off in Hong Kong.
Eddie was accommodated at a very
modern, western-style hotel in Tokyo.
called by the bilingual name of Kitano
Arms and boasting a Chinese restaurant.
Such restaurants are extremely common
in Tokyo: the Japanese are very partial
to them-so is Eddie.
When living in Japan it is a help if
you like rice. It takes the place of our
potatoes and bread and you will get it
for breakfast, lunch and dinner! It is
served just plain boiled. But, says
Eddie, the Chinese fried rice you get
over there is ‘out of this world’!
One of the first things our Japanese
visitors noticed when they arrived in
this country was that they did not need
to change their shirts twice a day!
Summers in Japan are hot and very
humid, and the winters can be very
cold, but at least you can rely on the
climate, which is more than you can
here. There is always dust in the airit
gets in your eyes, your nose, everywhere-
and dust storms are common in
April and May, w hen the winds are high.
Large modern plants install air conditioning,
partly to combat the dusty
atmosphere and partly to offset the
The Fuji Xerox Company employ
some 350 people in their assembly plant
in Iwatsuki, the necessary parts being
supplied by subsidiary companies. On
his visits there Eddie was struck by the
fact that, on arrival, employees immediately
remove their outdoor shoes, shut
them away in lockers and put on sandals!
Japanese people are indeed very
fastidious. Says Eddie: “The whole time
I was there I never saw a dirty child.
The children are always beautifully
dressed.” Washing hangs everywhere,
and their whites are just as white as ours!
Eddie found the people generally kind
and warm-hearted. Courtesy comes
naturally to them, though it’s practically
unheard of for a man to give up his
seat to a woman on a bus or train.
But if you should ever go to Japan,
try to avoid peak-hour travel on public
transport. Eddie just doesn’t recommend
it, even to the toughest!
Incidentally, he is one of the few
Englishmen to own a Japanese driving
licence. But he doesn’t recommend
driving a car in Japanese cities either.
Apparently it is a matter of principle
never to go round a corner without
making the tyres squeal!
Mending live train wires in Tokyo, these
men rose to the occasion whenever a tram
went by!
ME Ladies’ Keep Fit Club have been
extending the scope of their interests
recently. Interspersed with their regular
keep fit classes they have been enjoying
folk dancing instruction from Mrs. N. C.
Benson of Double View School, followed
by more general sessions.
Members, and non-members, have
learned how to ‘look decorative’ from
Beauty Counsellor Mrs. Pam Whatmore,
who demonstrated her skill with Mrs.
Edna Hanman as model; how to
decorate Christmas cakes from Miss
Brigstock, domestic science teacher at
the College of Further Education in
Cinderford; and how to create an
attractive decor for the Christmas table,
from Mrs. Elsie Olivey.
With Christmas over, the club are
concentrating on preparations for a
spring fashion show and social evening.
Mr. Wickstead has very kindly
agreed to be their president, in succession
to the late Mr. Hemingway.
THE Apprentice Competition held every
three years by the Engineering Employers’
West of England Association is a
big affair-in fact, 212 apprentices from
48 firms entered the 1966 competition.
Which explains our pride in announcing
that our second-year apprentice,
17-year-old Richard Morgan, has won
second prize in the Junior Grade,
Machining/Fitting Section.
Mr. L. Hart, in charge of our Training
School, told VISION that award-winning
test pieces executed by our apprentices
this year will be on display soon in the
Now assisting Mr. Hart as Apprentice
Mrs. Olivey (top) surrounded by admiring
members of her class and (above) showing
Pat Flynn from Purchase how to tussle
with tinsel.
Training Instructor is Mr. William
Luker. A time-served engineer from
Williams & James of Gloucester, Mr.
Luker worked with Dowty Rotol for
27 years and latterly with Delapena of
IT was an experiment to see who could
convey a ball across Reeds Ground,
Lydbrook, to its destination with the
least delay. We are glad to report that
the delivery organisation of Rank Xerox
Transport proved superior on October
16 to that of Edwards Transport, our
team scoring eight goals to their two!
Our team, under the driving captaincy
of Tim Giles, who scored two himself,
consisted of J. Bowkett (1), J. Brown (2),
R. Childs, G. Downing M. Gibbons (2),
R. Goode (1), J. Morgan, J. Notley, 1.
Potter and D. Williams (res.: B. Smith
and W. Wood).
Miss Janet Baldwin (914 Assembly) to
Mr. Paul Ricks at St. Ethelbert’s Church.
Littledean. on October 29.
Miss Susan Brown (T.E.D.) to Mr.
Derek Cox at St. Stephen’s Church,
Cinderford, on November 12.
Mr. L. F. ‘Joe’ Smith (Raw Material
Buyer, Purchase Department) to Miss
Phyllis Berriman at Gloucester Registry
Office on November 14.
Mr. Barry Osborne (Goods Inwards
Inspection) to Miss Jennifer Harris at
the Catholic Church, Coleford, on
December 3.
Miss Ann Stubbs (Design D.0.) to Mr.
Leslie Os ley (formerly Machine Shop) at
St. Michael’s Church, Mitcheldean, on
December 10.
Miss Margery Brooks (formerly Reception)
to Mr. Richard Delahay at
Goodrich Church on January 21.
They’re Engaged
Miss Jean Morris (Hollerith, Accounts)
to Mr. Winston Ruck on October 1.
Miss Valerie Weaving (Hollerith. Accounts)
to Mr. Jeffrey Hale (2400) and
Miss Jennie Jenkins (2400) to Mr.
Trevor Price, both on October 22.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cooke whose
wedding was reported earlier.
,th. (111,1 IIrs. P. Ricks
They’ve Arrived
Gary Thomas, a son for Mr. Graham
Lin ley, 914 Production Manager, on
November 16.
Daniel John Robert, a son for Mr. John
Smith (PED) and Marlene (formerly
813 Assembly), on December 4.
They’re 21
Mr. Alan Hughes (Machine Shop) on
November 21.
Miss Ann Meek (813 Assembly) on
December 9.
Best Wishes to-
Mr. Arthur Ellis (Paint Shop) who
retired on November 24. A Long
Service Association member, Arthur
joined the Company in 1951.
We regret to have to record the death.
on October 26, of Mr. Fred Goodyear
of Quality Control Spares Packing.
Fred, who was only 45 years old.
had been with us for 13 years : he
became a member of the Long Service
Association in 1965.
The death of Mr. Horace Buffin on
November 7 is also recorded with
regret. Aged 61 years, he worked in
Xerox Warehouse and had been with
the Company since August 1955.
OF the total amount collected in aid of
the Earl Haig Fund in this area -a
record of £104 17s. 6d.-no less than
£43 7s. 6d. came from our Plant alone.
As Chairman of the Women’s Section
of the British Legion and Poppy
Organiser for Mitcheldean and Abenhall,
Mrs. Sadie Pritchard (813 Assembly)
wishes to thank all helpers.
As announced recently, Mr. J. C. C.
Woods has been appointed Plant
Accountant for the Mitcheldean establishment,
in succession to the late Mr.
G. S. Hemingway.
Following Mr. P. Sarkar’s resumption
last autumn to full time duties he has
assumed the role of Computer Services
Manager, and is directly responsible to
Mr. C. W. Hotchen. Under this
arrangement, the 0 & M Department
will still report to Mr. Sarkar, and be
under the sub-control of Mr. R. C.
Our existing data processing equipment
is rapidly becoming inadequate to
meet the needs of our expanding programme
and requirements. It is proposed,
therefore, that it will be replaced
by more modern computer equipment.
It is anticipated that the transition from
the old to the new equipment will take
some 12 to 18 months to accomplish,
and this work will be under the direction
and control of Mr. Sarkar.
In order that the existing services can
be kept going, the I.C.T. 1004 equipment
at present in use will have to operate
efficiently until the new equipment is
fully operational. To facilitate this,
Mr. P. W. Ellis has been made responsible
for the programming and practical
operation of the existing I.C.T. 1004
equipment, responsible directly to Mr.
Hotchen. All Machine Room and
Punch Room personnel arc responsible
to Mr. Ellis, who is now known as the
I.C.T. 1004 Process Controller.
In due course, when the I.C.T. equipment
is fully replaced, the personnel
under Mr. Ellis %% ill be absorbed into
the new computer service organisation.
On November 14. Mr. A. E. Burke
joined us as Engineering Design Manager-
an appointment made as part of
the programme of continuing expansion
of the Mitcheldean Design Engineering
Mr. A. E. Burke A. HAMBLIN
Department. Mr. Burke is assuming
responsibility for the management of
the Product Design Teams, as directed
by the Chief Engineer. Educated at
Merchant Taylors’ School and St.
John’s College, Cambridge, Mr. Burke
served his apprenticeship with Metropolitan-
Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd..
Manchester (now A.E.I.). then worked
on the design and development of
mechanical components for electronic
control equipment including nuclear
power reactor control. He joined
Glacier Metal Co. Ltd. as Development
Engineer and subsequently managed, in
turn, Engineer Research, Machine Tool
Design and Research Services Departments.
For the past four and a half
years he has managed a Group of I.C.T.
Peripherals Division concerned particularly
with the computer output printer
for the 1900 Series.
Says Mr. Burke, “For many months
my hobbies will have to be ring main
installation, hedge cutting and the like!
But I hope to find time to enjoy the
gramophone again. ‘ My wife will be
busy in house and garden too and
looking after our children. but she hopes
to join an orchestra or quartet group as
a violinist.”
ACROSS: 1-S4w:etc. 5-Bored. 8-
Onion. 9-Playboy. 10-Pioneer.
11-Pedro. 12-Gender. 14-Streak.
17-Extra. 19-Inhabit. 22-Termini.
23-Torso. 24-Ridge. 25-Gallows.
DOWN: I-Scoop. 2-Unicorn. 3-
Ernie. 4-Export. 5-Bearpit. 6-Rabid.
7-Dry dock. 12-Greater. 13 -Examine.
15-Embargo. 16-Filing. 18-
Tired. 20-Hotel. 21- Toots.
WHICH inspector on Autos planted his specs in the garden to get spectacular
WHICH young bride in Accounts is anxious to obtain a recipe for tongue pie?
WHO in Design brings a non-executive type newspaper to work in an executivetype
WHOSE husband takes an alarm clock to bed and tickles it with a hair-pin?
WHO drilled a hole in the wall and struck water?
WHICH operator in 813 Assembly absent-mindedly removed her false teeth at the
end of her working day and put them away in her spectacle case?
WHO has so little faith in the clocks at Litticdean that he motored three miles
from there to Mitcheldean to check the time by the latter’s church tower clock?
WHICH Planning engineer bought a corner cabinet for his kitchen but found. when
he got it home, that it wouldn’t go in through the door?
WHO works better with a crate of Nocki tomato sauce by his side?
WHICH visitor had such a high opinion of our copiers that he thought a 914 machine
with German dials would translate English words on the original document into
WHO was away from work with a bad cold immediately after installing central
heating at his home?
WHO parked his car to Purchase’ a hot dog that cost him £5?
WHICH shop loader had to have a long weekend to get his hair cut?
WHO sat up all night drinking brandy because the wind kept him from sleeping?
WHICH apprentice’s brother, arriving home after a gay evening out, put his coffee
in the dog’s basket and took the dog biscuits up to his bedroom?
WHO in the Tool Room decided to take up boxing and football simultaneously
somewhat late in life?
WHO won half the jackpot on bingo in Ross recently?
WHO writes stores requisitions in Swahili?
WHICH two prominent motoring members of Design ‘are understood to be
forming a Bumping Car Club?
WHO are the mysterious couple who communicate by ‘semaphore’?
WHICH Work Study Engineer wheels his new baby in an omnibus?
NV HOSE boy friend said he had no lose left to give her, but he could offer her some tea’.’
Spring Gala Dance
you dui, get along to the Seventh Annual Dance and Reunion, then come
to the second Gala Dance which the Sports & Social Club is holding at
Cheltenham Town Hall on Friday, March 31, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sidney
Lipton and his 12-piece orchestra, including vocalist, are providing the music.
If .von did get along to the aforesaid Annual Dance . . . well, come anyway!
Printed by tne Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon, Surrey