The installation of that most modern of
business aids-a computer-in line with
several other Rank Xerox centres, maintains
our Plant’s reputation as one of the
most up-to-date industrial establishments
in the West Midlands.
-Tin growth of our Plant and the
I advances in data processing techniques
have led to mechanisation at
Mitcheldean, and about three years ago
we installed an ICT 1004 data processing
machine in the Accounts Department.
In the course of those three years our
product range has greatly increased and
with it our information processing
requirements, and we have found the existing
equipment running out of capacity.
A change \\ as imperative, and it was
decided that the Honeywell 120-one of
the Honeywell 200 series of electronic
computers which have already been
installed at Rank Xerox centres at
Denham, Diisseldorf. Milan and Pariswould
best suit the requirements at
This type of computer is made up of
standard modules so that, should the
need arise, expansion to a larger configuration
can take place with the minimum
disruption and expense.
Space too was a consideration in
changing over to a computer system.
The space saving effected by the use of
magnetic tape for storing information
can be appreciated when one realises
that one reel of such tape contains the
equivalent of 30 trays of punched cards,
yet occupies less than 1/5tX/th of the
About a year ago a Computer Services
Department was set up under the
leadership of Mr. Pronob Sarkar and
for the past 12 months the department
has been engaged in recruitment and
training, and in converting 1004 systems
to computer equivalents.
A similar type of machine to that
ordered by us was available to our
Computer Services staff at the Honeywell
Data Centre at Brentford, and by
testing programmes in advance at this
centre, they were able to iron out
Cover Picture… shows Tim Humphries loading a program tape on to one of the tape
drives which are hooked up to the computer. The others are data tapes.
beforehand many of the troubles which
can arise in the preliminary stage of
computer usage.
The aim of the Computer Services
Department is to provide a service not
just to one or two specified sections, but
to any part of the Plant. Said Mr.
Sarkar: “We want to try to use the
equipment for any operation which a
computer can do faster and more
efficiently than can be done by manual
methods. We want to improve our
efficiency by using the most up-to-date
techniques of management sciences.
We are acting in co-ordination with
other departments to meet their need in
terms of numeric or factual information.”
Obviously many of the people who
will need to make use of these computer
services may never have had any contact
with such systems before, and to give
some of them a preliminary insight into
the mysteries of electronic data processing
(or EDP as it is known), a one-day
seminar was held in the Social Centre
last May.
About 140 people, including representatives
from Design Engineering, Production
Engineering, Production Control,
Purchase, Accounts and other departto
learn something
about how computers came to be
developed and how they operate.
Mr. C. W. Hotchen, Chief Production
Executive, warned that there would be
Recorded on this graph in coloured inks
are the temperature and humidity of the
computer room. If these go beyond a set
limit, a warning light shows and a bell
rings. Here Peter Ellis is seen refilling
the two pens.
changes in the administrative procedures
at Mitcheldean and he stressed the
importance of supervisors being able to
adapt themselves to the new methods.
The incorporation of a computer
into our work at Mitcheldean would,
he pointed out, compel more rigorous
discipline and closer adherence to
standards laid down. Since we should
The flow of operations between the various items of ‘hardware-or components of
the computer-from the input of punched cards to the output of printed results. The
central processor itself has no less than 24,576 characters of ‘memory’! R. -SM IT,H
PuncmEo cAskas
[far Mum um]
have increased capacity for handling
arithmetical and mathematical processes
which arise in controlling the Plant, the
future trend would be towards more
sophisticated methods of production
control, storage control, purchase control,
machine loading and plant capacity
EDP Day!
The Honeywell 120 duly arrived on
September 19 and was installed in its
new home on the ground floor of the
Administrative Building.
The Computer Services Department
takes up approximately a fifth of the
ground floor area. Programmers and
systems analysts (the people who prepare
the flow charts and systems) are
accommodated in a room alongside the
offices of the departmental head, Mr.
Sarkar, and Mr. Peter Ellis, Process
Opening off this room are: a punch
room where the punched cards are
prepared; a data assembly or data control
section which will keep track of
documents for processing; an airconditioned
computer room where the
Honeywell 120 is housed, with an
adjoining section for the air-conditioning
units; an air-conditioned tape store: and
an ancillary machine room for equipment
not hooked-up with the computer,
such as card sorters, collators and so on.
Strict control has to be kept over the
atmosphere in which a computer operates-
not only for the sake of the
computer but for the sake of the
operators who would find the heat
generated by the computer intolerable.
The air-conditioning plant we have
installed allows temperature control of
±2`F. and humidity control of +5 %RH
(relative humidity). Provision has been
made for possible future expansion, and
the plant has sufficient cooling capacity
for double the present computer size.
How it works
If you ask how our computer works,
the expert is apt to use terms such as
‘bits per second’, ‘software packages’
and suchlike which fall strangely on the
ears of the uninitiated. On seeing the
blank look on his questioner’s face, your
expert will almost certainly reach for a
sheet of paper and proceed to draw
diagrams. The one shown on page 3 will,
we hope, be of assistance.
A computer can be defined as a
David Howells changes paper on the
printer which prints at the rate of 450
lines per minute.
machine which will accept information
presented to it in its required form, will
carry out arithmetical, transfer and
logical operations of calculating, and
will compare and classify this information
to supply the required results.
But a computer cannot think for
itself and the supplied information (output)
can only be derived from the
accepted information (input). Without
the use of correct information a correct
answer is impossible, hence the accent
on accuracy.
A computer’s operations are determined
by a set of processing instructions
known as a program’ which specifics
every single operation the system has to
perform-add, compare, transfer, etc.
Normally the machine code instructions
are specialised for each make of
machines. To maintain interchangeability
between machines of different
manufacture, should this be necessary
in future, our programmers are writing
programs in higher level languages
known as Cobol, Fortran, etc.
These programs arc punched into
cards and, since the value of a punched
hole is dependent on its precise position,
these cards have to be checked very
The cards are fed into the computer
via one of its input devices which reads
cards through the photo-electric reading
This spelling has been accepted by the British
Standards Institution.
Programmers and systems analysts at work.
mechanism. The information is then
converted into ‘machine language’ by
the computer from the ‘machine language
program’, held in magnetised form in
special purpose tapes.
The translated program is then loaded
in the computer to perform jobs, such
as payroll, stock control, parts programming,
etc., with the information fed to
it through some input device.
Two kinds of data or information
(always marked with a reference number
for identification) may be fed into the
machine: standard or historical data,
which is recurring information used
over and over again (in the case of a
payroll, this would be the rate for the
job, the PAYE code number. etc.): and
variable data (information which may
vary, such as hours worked during a
pay period).
From these two kinds of data input
the machine will work, under the control
of the program, and perform the
necessary steps to provide the required
result (e.g. payslip).
At present the computer is taking
over work that the 1004 has done
hitherto -that is, chiefly accounting
and stock control. But as Mr. Hotchen
forecast, it will have many applications
in our field of operations, and new uses
will constantly be investigated.
In the realm of management, more
sophisticated mathematical procedures
will enable the machine to provide
information that will be used to make
our methods of management planning
and control more scientific, speedy and
accurate. PHOTOS: A. HAPHILI
Pronob Sarkar, holder of an M.A.
degree of the University of Calcutta,
came to Mitcheldean in February 1960
to gain experience in work study. The
theories of management caught his
interest and he became a graduate of
the British Institute of Management.
About this time’ the Company were
introducing a scheme of mechanisation
and, wishing to strengthen their team of
systems analysts by a knowledge of
operational research, they released Mr.
Sarkar in 1962 to take a course at the
College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, where
he obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in
Advanced Engineering in Operational
Research (and where, incidentally he
was first introduced to a Pegasus computer).
In September 1963 he was
re-employed as a specialist on clerical
machine systems in 0. & M. Department.
He was given extended leave of
absence in January 1965 to complete his
studies on the application of computers
to industrial management at Bristol
University and, on resuming full-time
duties at the Plant last year, he was
appointed Computer Services Manager
From here to Holland-direct
When senior executives from our Plant tra%el to the Rank Xerox Plant in Venray,
Holland, it usually takes them about five hours. When they went for a business
conference on October 3, however, it took them about 50 minutes! Valuable time
was saved by using the Rank Organisation’s own Hawker Siddeley 125 twinengined
jet which flew them direct from Staverton Airport to Venray. The Hawker
Siddeley jet, which has a range of 1200 miles and is decorated throughout in the
house colours and insignia of the Rank Organisation, is much in use as a means
of providing rapid transport for Rank executives, particularly for visits to centres
of operation on the Continent. Seen in the aircraft’s doorway is Mr. A. S. Pratt
standing left to right are: Messrs. B. C. Smith (Purchasing
Controller), D. R. Elliott (Manager, Reconditioning), F. Wickstead (Director of
Production) and C. W. Hotchen (Chief Production Executive).
Visitors from Japan
Mr. N. Iki obviously has great pleasure
in accepting our doll from over the
Three senior executives from the lwatsuki
Optical Co.-the manufacturing
centre for Fuji Xerox in Japan-paid a
isit to our Plant towards the end of
September to keep themselves informed
about our current and future products.
They were Mr. N. Iki, Manager and
Director of the Company, Mr. Y. Takahashi,
Chief Engineer, and Mr. M.
Moriyama, Chief Electrical Engineer.
While they were with us, the Management
entertained them to dinner at the
Courtfield Arms Hotel, Lydbrook, during
which a happy little ceremony took place.
On previous visits to our Plant,
members of the Japanese company have
from time to time presented us with one
of their traditional dolls. This time we
returned the compliment.
Since there seems to be no English
national costume, and we are but a few
miles from the border, the doll presented
by us was one dressed in traditional
Welsh costume!
-rHEGIoucestershire &South Worcester-
1 shire Productivity Association is
doing ‘absolutely front line work’ in
encouraging a higher standard of craftsmanship,
said Gloucester MP Mr. John
Diamond, Chief Secretary to the Treasury,
at the prize-giving of the association’s
ninth annual Craftsmanship
Competition held on October 12.
Good craftsmanship led to higher
productivity, he pointed out, and these
in turn could help bring about the
desired increase in exports and saving in
For the past four years Mitcheldean
apprentices have been entered for the
competition and on each occasion we
have had more than our fair share of
the top prizes. Out of nine boys entered
this time, five won prizes or had their
entries commended.
In Class 1 (entries made during
apprenticeship under supervision), first
prize and the James Fielding trophy
went to 17-year-old Adrian Morgan.
Adrian, who has been in the Training
School for just one year, submitted an
indexing table executed in mild steel: so
too did David Hart whose entry was
very highly commended.
There were 28 entries for this class
and ‘the standard of work was really
tremendous’, said Mr. P. M. F. Edwards,
chairman of the competition committee.
Sir John Diamond presents the James
Fielding Trophy to Adrian Morgan.
When it came to Class 3, Rank Xerox
practically swept the board, despite the
fact that there were 50 entries. Previously
divided into junior and senior
sections, the class was this year open to
all in their first two years of apprenticeship,
irrespective of age.
Seventeen-year-old Harold Hale,
shared the first prize with another
competitor, thus upholding what is
almost a Mitcheldean tradition, for this
is the fourth year running that we have
secured a first prize in the test piece class!
Richard Morgan obtained third prize
in this class and John Weyman’s entry
was highly commended.
The prize-giving was held in their
canteen by courtesy of Messrs. Permali
Ltd., Gloucester, and those who attended
were able to inspect the winning entries
and see for themselves the high standard
of craftsmanship.
Back in the Plant with their entries and awards-left to right: John Weyman, Harold
Hale, Adrian Morgan, David Hart and Richard Morgan. A. HAMBLIN
rrHE space vacated by Design Engineer-
1 ing on the ground floor of the
Administration Block (Building 23) has
now been re-allocated (as you can see
from the plan opposite), and Advance
Planning Department have put into
effect their aim to obliterate the old
image of this area and give it a fresh
and more progressive appearance.
The decoration of the ceiling in a dark
blue (about which there has been much
comment!) has had the effect of camouflaging
the pipes, ducting and structural
girders, while better, repositioned lights
have greatly improved the lighting
New departmental offices have been
created by the use of Tenon partitioning,
as in the Design Fngineering Department,
and colour schemes of blue,
orange. light grey and lime green,
together with natural wood doors, glass
walling and white paintwork have
effected a transformation.
The main areas are occupied by:
Computer Services (see p. 2); Production
Control, who have been able to
centralise some of their services with the
acquisition of more space than they had
on the floor above: Advance Planning,
who benefit from a more central position
than hitherto: and Purchase Department,
who have gained room for
Representatives are interviewed by
Purchase staff in this attractive room.
A corner pillar provides a useful fixture
for the telephones.
necessary expansion.
The latter Department have also
acquired a new facility in the form of a
visitors room where Purchase staff can
interview representatives from outside
companies. This attractive room features
‘Cotswold’ reeded glass walls and
a suspended ‘egg crate’ ceiling. A seaweed
green carpet forms a foil for some
eye-catching armchairs made of moulded
polystyrene with vivid blue nylon
covering, set round circular teak tables.
Personnel Department have acquired
some much-needed accommodation.
Next to the Purchase reception room is
a new staff waiting-room where the
green carpeting and suspended ceiling
have been repeated. Furnished with
black vinyl-covered chairs which stand
out against the orange walling, this
room will give newcomers a fitting
introduction to our forward-looking
Adjoining this is the new office of the
Personnel Manager, his former room
being taken over by Personnel Services.
With the completion of these alterations,
Advance Planning arc turning
their attention to the first floor of
Building 23, and the re-layout should
produce a new look here in time for the
New Year!
AT our invitation, two coachloads of
people-LSA and Sports Club members
from Rank Audio Visual and Rank
Film Library-arrived at Mitcheldean
on Saturday, September 2, for a social
isit that was enjoyed equally by hosts
and visitors.
The party, numbering between 50 and
60 people, had lunch in the Canteen,
after which the Mitcheldean Sports &
Social Club took them on a coach trip
down the Wye Valley, across the Severn
Bridge and back via Gloucester to the
Plant for tea.
Evening entertainment included bingo
and a dance, and our visitors arrived
back at Woodger Road about 4.30 a.m.!
In a letter thanking us for our
hospitality, Miss Vi Holder, group
secretary and secretary of the 25-Year
Club, particularly mentioned Taffy
Morgan and Tommy Knight who
looked after our guests to their complete
satisfaction. *
His skill and airmanship recently earned
for Flt. Lt. Brian Mason (son of LSA
member Arthur Mason, Warehouse
Administration) considerable praise and
promotion to Commander of his Flight
at RAF Changi, Singapore. As a pilot
of No. 1574 Target Facilities Flight
(their job is to tow targets for firing
practice, simulate attacks on ground
targets or shipping, and fly calibration
runs to check radar equipment), he
managed to keep under control and
successfully land a Meteor in circum-
stances that might have proved disastrous.
Brian’s mother works in 914 Assembly,
his brother-in-law in TED, and he
himself used to be employed in the
Drawing Office in the early 1950s. He
left to join the RAF, trained at Cranwell
and was posted for a time in
Gloucestershire. It may be purely a
coincidence that at about the same time
a plane was often seen over the Mitcheldean
Plant doing some quite fantastic
it’s good to see Phil Cleal back after
his recent operation and we hope he
continues to make good progress. Our
best wishes also to Miss Sylvia Powell
(813 Assembly) who is on the sick list.
WE wish all the best to Andrew Brain
(labourer) who retires on December 28
after nearly 21 years with us.
Groups of retired LSA members with
their guides during a tour of the Plant on
September 26. Mr. F. Wickstead joined
them later for tea and a chat in the
Gerald Martin explains
the operation of the
sorter to Sig. R. Bernini,
Technical Training
Manager, Rank Xerox,
ltal r.
I HL automatic sorter recently introduced
as an optional extra for the 2400 copier/
duplicator was the subject of a special
course held at our Training Centre last
Conducted by Gerald Martin and
Keith Loxley from the Education &
Training Department at headquarters,
the course was in two parts. The first,
from September I1 to 15, catered for
European and British service engineers
and technical personnel who are providing
technical support at the various
autumn exhibitions at home and abroad
at which the sorter is being shown.
The second part, from September 18
to 22, was for training officers from
operating companies in Belgium, France,
Germany, Italy and the UK, who will
be responsible for training on this
product within their own companies.
The sorter is the latest addition to the
2400 family of copiers and provides the
facility of automatically collating multipage
documents while the 2400 is
printing them.
Modular in construction, it can be
supplied in any number of ten-bin units
between two and five (each bin having a
capacity of 150 copies).
Before starting the copying or duplicating
run, the operator selects the
number of bins to be used. When
collating complete sets as they are
copied, the individual pages are inserted
automatically in sequence in the bins
according to the number of sets required.
A -mo-D.N). seminar on ‘Communications’,
mainly the written kind such as
reports, was held at Mitcheldean on
September 14 and 15 for 12 members of
the Design Department.
It was run by senior lecturers and
consultants from the Oxford College of
Advanced Technology.
Set of four drums, price £45 o.n.o.
Replies to: A. B. Barter (tel: internal
121 or 343).
Triang train set to delight boys from six
to 60. Everything imaginable including
120 ft. track, control box, six engines,
rolling stock, stations, signals, even an
ejector helicopter which takes off from
its carrier and flies across the room!
£25 for a quick sale. Also Vox electric
guitar-cost £65, available for £25; set
of bongo drums, practically new-£8;
and Bex-Bissell Shampoo Master (double
action)-£3 o.n.o. Replies to: Mrs. E.
Thomas, Print Room.
Afghan hound puppies needing good
homes. Dogs and bitches, reds, blacks
and golds. Divels Hounds of Ruardean.
Enquiries to: J. Watts, Development
Car carpets (not covers, as stated in our
last issue) for Triumph Herald, £7.
Apply to: W. Roberts, Press Shop.
Two-wheeled bike for boy aged eight to
nine years. Replies to: Miss C. Pitt,
Accounts (tel: 130 int.).
TONY Brewer (Design D.0.) was among
:he guests at the Mayor of Cheltenham’s
Ball and Civic Reception held in the
Pittville Pump Rooms on September 24.
His invitation to this event was to
acknowledge the way in which he helped
Cheltenham to succeed in the first of a
series of crazy competitions featured in
‘It’s a Knock-out’ on BBC Television
recently. A member of Cheltenham
Motor Club management committee,
and former speedway and grass track
rider, he helped make up a team from
the town to undergo an extraordinary
obstacle race.
This consisted of riding a motor cycle
with side-car which had a passenger but
no wheel(!) over a measured course
between obstacles without dropping the
side-car chassis. Underneath the said
chassis were positioned spikes with
which they had to burst balloons placed
at strategic points.
Cheltenham won, and went on to
compete in other crazy competitions
against other towns, finishing up by
representing England at the final Eurovision
contest in Germany where they
tied for third place!
‘Ever since Miss Popsie started as ke
operator it’s done nothing but call for her!”
T. R. etc,(17
David Simmonds in action.
SINCE it was opened some three years
ago, our Social Centre ballroom has
been the scene of nothing more violent
than ‘Keep fit’ exercises, square dancing
and rocking and rolling (though now
we come to think of it, we did have a
terrifying display of judo on one
occasion !).
Now, for the first time, the Sports &
Social Club are putting on a Boxing
Tournament. The date is November II
and an interesting programme is being
prepared for us by the Cinderford &
Gloucester Amateur Boxing Club-in
the person of their secretary, Mrs. Tess
Symonds (yes, we did say Mrs. !).
Wife of the chief trainer of the club,
Mrs. Symonds was one of the first
women to be appointed secretary of a
boxing club and very capable she is at
it-in fact, she is also vice-chairman of
the Gloucestershire & Wiltshire Amateur
Boxing Association.
Star of the evening will be 18-yearold
David Simmonds who, reached the
quarter-finals of the ABA championship
last season, his first season as a senior,
and is rated number seven in the welterweights
for the whole of England. Scotland
and Wales. He is a member of
Cinderford & Gloucester ABC who are
being invited to send boxers, as are clubs
in Wales, Worcester Bristol and Swindon.
It is hoped to put on ten senior bouts
and three schoolboy and junior boutsall
under ABA rules.
Honour for Chief Engineer
Mr. A. Stange) Pratt. Chief Engineer of
Rank Xerox Ltd., has had yet another
honour conferred upon him. He was
recently elected a Fellow of the Royal
Photographic Society in recognition of
a long career in the motion picture
equipment industry. He has, for some
time, been a Fellow of the British
Kinematograph, Sound & Television
Society and also of the Society of Motion
Picture and Television Engineers, and,
as reported in VISION of July/August
1963, he was presented with an Oscar
by the American Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences for his work
on the design of the Bell & Howell
Additive Colour Printer, now much
used throughout the world. Mr. Pratt
was one of the original employees of
British Acoustic Films who came from
London in 1940/41 and moved back to
the Shepherds Bush branch of BAF
after the war. Seven years ago he
returned to Mitcheldean as Chief
Engineer of the Rank Organisation
Mitcheldean Plant. Following re-organisation
of top management structure
and the incorporation of our Plant into
Rank Xerox Ltd., Mr. Pratt was
recently named Chief Engineer of the
Company. He will continue to be based
at Mitcheldean.
Recent Appointments
Mr. John Hankin has joined us as
Personal Assistant to Mr. F. Wickstead.
He succeeds Mr. Roger S. Pratt who,
having completed his training with Mr.
Wickstead, has joined the Design
Engineering Department where he is
working initially for Mr. Ray S. Pyart
on one of our new products. Mr.
Nankin was formerly Assistant to the
Commercial Director (Special Duties)
of BOAC. He left to live in the Forest
Items for VISION can he left at the Gate
House for collection by the Editor, or
posted to her at Tree Tops, Plump
Hill, Mitcheldean.
of Dean and has an 18-year-old son
attending Gloucestershire College of
Art, Cheltenham.
They’re 21
Lewis Colwell (914 Production Control)
on September 15.
Dave Howells (Computer Services) on
October 25.
They’re Engaged
Royston Watkins (Computer Services)
to Miss Margaret Harris on August 8.
Miss Barbara Essex (Print Library
Project 9) to Tony Roberts on September
They’ve Arrived
Tanya Louisa, a daughter for Mrs.
Lesley Beard (formerly 813 Assembly),
on July 26. Lesley, who was ‘Miss
Rank, Mitcheldean’ for 1965, is married
to Fred Beard, son of Cyril Beard (Production
Control) and his wife Nancy.
Russell Douglas, a son for Stuart Fox
(Purchase) and his wife Angela (formerly
Accounts), on August 27.
Peter David, a son for David Hill
(Cutter Grinding, Machine Shop) and
his wife Jane (formerly 914 Assembly),
on September 2.
Debbie, a daughter for Alfred Meek
(914 Inspection), on September 6.
Marcus Charles, a son for Don Jefferies
(Design D.O.), on September 9.
Lea, a daughter for Roger Roberts
(Design Engineering), on September 10.
Simon Clive, a son for Clive Brooks
(813 Assembly) and his wife June
(formerly 813 Assembly), on September
Nicola Jean. a daughter for Mrs. Jean
Davies (formerly Computer Services),
on September I3-which means that
yet another ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’
has recently become a mum! Jean has
been the current holder of the title
which is about to be acquired by one of
the young ladies pictured over the page.
They’re Wed
Miss Pamela Meredith (secretary to Mr.
J. W. Evans, Production Controller) to
Graham Davis at St. Stephen’s, Cinderford,
on August 12.
Mrs. Gwenneth Wilce (Reliability Engineering)
to Eddie Hillman (2400 Dept.)
at Lydney Registry Office on September
Also on September 2, Dennis Cowmeado%%
(914 Assembly Inspection) to
Miss Pauline Perkins at the Forest
Two people from the same department
were both married at Ross Church on
September 9-Miss Jean Morris (Computer
Services) to Winston Ruck, and
Ted Holmes (Computer Services) to
Miss Ann Roberts (formerly Computer
Miss Diane Turley (2400 Dept.) to John
Newman (Machine Shop Inspection) at
Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church,
Cinderford, on September 16.
Terrance Weaving (2400 Dept.) to Miss
Sara Pickthorne at St. John’s Church,
Cinderford, on September 23.
Miss Sheila Muir (914 Sub-Assemblies)
Photos top to bottom: Mr. and Mrs. B.
Dawson; Mr. and Mrs. E. Hillman; Mr.
and Mrs. G. Davis; Mr. and Mrs. T.
to Fred Davis at Lea Church on
September 23.
Miss Dora Hewlett (2400 Dept. Inspection)
to Norman Griffiths (Reliability
Engineering) at Lydney Registry Office:
Brian Dawson (914 Assembly Inspection)
to Miss Carol Gardiner at
Bishopswood Church: both on September
Derek Young (Design D.O.) to Miss
Muriel Ilott at Ross Parish Church:
Miss Angela Meager (Personnel) to
Peter Simonds at St. Stephen’s, Cinderford:
both on October 7.
Silver Weddings
Our congratulations go to the following
who recently celebrated their silver
wedding: Richard Twohig (chargehand,
914 Assembly) and his wife Hazel
(2400 Dept.) on September 5: Horace
Edwards (in charge of 914 Assembly
labourers) and his wife Kathleen (914
Sub-Assemblies) on September 26; Herbert
Compton (Heat Treatment) and his
wife on October 17: and Tony Brewer
(Design D.O.) and his wife on November
Golfer’s Goal
He’s been trying for 16 years and
now he’s achieved his ambition!
Harold Gardiner (Design Engineering)
holed in one from the
second tee-a distance of 130
yards-when playing recently at
Lydney Golf Course. It made a
fitting climax to his season as
captain of Lydney Golf Club.
Best Wishes to:-
James R. Cole (Design Office) who is
retiring on December 28 after nearly
nine years with the Company.
Bill Wood
We would like to extend our sympathy
to the family of Bill Wood, section
leader in Transport Dept. for the past
nine years, who died as a result of a
car accident at Birdwood on September
26. Bill, who was 35 years old, was the
only son of Sid Wood, also in Transport.
He leaves a wife and nine-year-old son.
Photos top to bottom: Mr. and Mrs. W.
Ruck; Mr. and Mrs. J. Nett-man; Mr.
and Mrs. C. Hobbs; Mr. and Mrs. D.
Put the three numbers of your choice
in the boxes on the right (the order
makes no difference).
Return this form o the Signature
Personnel Department n,
not later than Monday 1 Department
November 13.
WHO had to wash with shaving soap because his wife was away and he couldn’t
find the face soap?
WHICH planner. when he says something is 12 feet long, means it measures 12 times
the length of his omi toot? What you might cull ‘rule of foot’!
WHO in Cost Office came back from Liverpool and was followed post haste by
his teeth?
WHO in 2400 Dept. roars about the countryside on Saturday nights with a view to
entering next year’s T.T. races?
IN which office is Snowccm used for erasing errors?
WHO in Central Records put red ink on their Busy Lizzie to make the flower turn red?
WHO in 2400 Dept. thinks that Woolacombe is a rocket base in Australia?
WHO in 813 Assembly obtained some kidney beans from her father-in-law and tied
them to her plants to impress the neighbours, then went out and picked them?
WHICH apprentice went on holiday without his passport, obviously under the
impression that Britain and Spain had joined the Common Market?
WHO in 2400 Dept. was too superstitious to walk under a ladder so they walked
round it-and fell mer a box?
WHO in Design Drawing Office has a ‘shocking’ fan club?
WHO in TED failed his driving test because he forgot to set the window wipers
working when the rain was pouring down?
WHO in Central Records had to spend the night on a couch, having locked himself
out of his car?
WHICH lady cleaner opened a roller towel dispenser in 2400 Dept. and found herself
face to face with a mouse sitting on top of the roller?
WHO in 813 Assembly had to beg a lift home to fetch his keys before he could get
into his own car and drive home?
WHICH rugby player finds a stitch in time saves nine?
WHICH project engineer on 2400 is known as World Cup Willie?
WHO from 2400 Dept. sat in the middle of a Worcestershire zebra crossing eating
their fish and chips?
WHO in Production Control journeyed one mile to spend his holiday at
Cinderford’s Railway Hotel?
WHO in 2400 Dept. plays the banjo in the smallest room m his house?
WHICH Design engineer ordered a new car from two separate garages to make sure
he eventually got one car?
Here s our lbt ut departmental Christmas dinner,dances at the time of
going to press:
Dec. 2-2400 Department at the Social Centre.
Dec. 8-914 Department at the Chase Hotel. Ross-on-Wye.
Dec. 14-Administration at the Chase Hotel.
Dec. 15-Warehouse at the Castle View Hotel, Kerne Bridge.
Dec. 15-Production Control at the Royal Hotel, Ross-on-Wye.
Dec. 16-813 Department at the Chase Hotel.
Dec. 2I-Goods Inwards at the Courtfield Arms Hotel, Lydbrook.
L -a
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited. Coulsdon. Surrey