1967 has been a very important year
indeed for Rank Xerox. In the last 12
months we have matured as an Organisation,
we have entered an enormous new
market, and we have continued to grow
at a phenomenal rate.
1 know that progress on this scale is
only achieved by effort. Brains, imagination,
drive and tenacity went into this
achievement and I thank everyone who
has contributed.
1968 will call for all these qualities
from each one of us. Rank Xerox is a
big Company now, it is internationally
famous, and much is expected of it in
the world of business.
Our objectivities in the next 12 months
must be to encourage high standards of
work, to cut out waste -particularly
waste of human Li lent-and to develop a
feeling of respect and trust between the
individuals and groups which make up
our remarkable industrial family.
On behalf of the Chairman and my
fellow Directors, I wish you all peace of
mind this Season and sense of purpose
and achievement in the New Year ahead.
– Nigel G. Foulkes
Pictured at the Eighth Annual Dance & Reunion, held in our Social Centre on
November 24, are (centre) the newly elected ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’ for 1968, and
the runners-up (left) Diane (Dandy) Jones (Personnel Dept.) and Helen Pearce
(Production Control).
There’s a rumour going around that
this time, instead of the usual method
of judging, details about the contestants
for the ‘Miss Rank, Mitcheldean’ title
were fed into our Honeywell computer
and the answer obtained was: Winner-
17-year-old Sallyann Teague!
The rumour is quite unfounded, as
you can see from the photograph below
of the judges; the fact that Sallyann
works in Computer Services Department
is merely a coincidence!
Apart from the usual prize of £10,
Sallyann won a two-day visit to London
for herself and a friend, the highlight of
which will be attending the Royal Film
Performance of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ on
March 4.
Arrangements for her visit will also
include some extra spending money with
which to buy herself a new outfit.
The judges intent on their task-(standing, left to right) Messrs. G. Bryant (Wilmot
Bredeen), J. Darall (Davall Gears), P. Lovesey (BICC). (seated) A. Mugford (Magnetic
Devices), E . Braunton ( F i r t h -V i c k e r s ) and P. Limbrick ( Itessex Wholesale Electric Co.).
The shop has been crowded out in the lunch hour.
The opening of a Top Rank Television
showroom in Building 1 (the old Work
Study premises) is proving a popular
move, if one can judge by the attention
it has been receiving in its first few
weeks of operation.
According to the manager, Mr. H. G.
Spencer-Mustoe, the initial flow of customers
‘hit the door at 1 pm and the
shop was full from then on.’
Much of the response can of course
be ascribed to the season, and the greatest
demand has been for small electrical
goods such as electric blankets, hair
dryers, toasters and suchlike which make
useful gifts.
Many employees have appreciated
the chance to shop within the factory
grounds during the lunch hour (from
1-1.45 pm Mondays to Fridays) or
after work on Thursdays and Fridays,
when the shop is open from 4.45-6 pm,
thus saving precious weekend shopping
Another kind of saving is offered in
the form of a 121 per cent discount off
the list price for all cash retail purchases.
Washing machines, refrigerators, television
receivers, tape recorders, records
and record players, spin dryers-the
range of goods is a comprehensive one,
and there are special offers, such as a
fully automatic washing machine at
only 491 gns.
Even colour television sets have been
displayed for sale – and will be again as
soon as supplies are readily obtainable.
Minor items such as batteries, recording
tapes, light bulbs are available too,
though not at discount rates.
Detailed information on subjects such
as purchases on special terms, reduced
television rentals, demonstrations and so
on can be obtained from the showroom
staff-David Broughton and Mrs. Greta
Negrin (who is already known to many
of us).
Similar shops have been set up at
other Rank Organisation centres, such
as those in Leicester and Birmingham,
and it is planned to open more wherever
suitable facilities are available.
A visitor calling recently at our Plant
to see the Chief Inspector was given
careful directions by Reception on how
to get to the correct department, Goods
Inwards Inspection.
Nevertheless he failed to turn up at
the right place and a secretary sent out
to rescue him found him wandering
dazed around the forest of tote tins
in Spares Pre-Packing.
This sort of thing does not happen all
that often, but it serves to pinpoint a
problem that has grown along with
our Plant. We now have so many
buildings covering such a vast area, that
getting the right people to the right
places is taking up a surprising amount
of unproductive time.
Visitors-and we get something like
200 a week these days-are not the
only problem. Most days there are over
50 drivers of vans and lorries delivering
goods who want to know which door
of which building is the one at which
they are required to unload.
New employees too may waste time
finding their way about until they
become familiar with the different
buildings and the departments housed
within them. continued overleaf
Builder Kenneth
Beard positions one
of the new signs at
a Building 23 entrance
under the eve
of Ray Reed, Building
The need to rationalise the situation
has been further emphasised by the
requirements of insurance companies
that each separate building on the site
must be clearly identifiable.
Some of our buildings have been
identified up to now (though not by
any actual signs) by the project numbers
given to them on the architects’ plans.
But the fact that some of the roadworks
also carried project numbers has complicated
matters, and, in any case, some of
our older buildings were in existence
before the architects came on the scene
and so have no project numbers at all.
Clearly something needed to be done
about the situation and Advance Planning
Department are at present initiating
a scheme that should solve the identification
Building numbers
Every building on the site is being
given a number, and every doorway
into every building will bear that
building number.
In addition, every door has been classified
according to whether it is for general
purposes, for goods, or is a restricted
entrance (i.e. to the boiler house). Goods
entrances are being allocated a letter,
general purpose ones a number, and
restricted entrances a number or letter,
whichever is applicable.
For example, someone wishing to
reach the Chief Engineer will be directed
to Building 38, Entrance 3: a vanload of
supplies intended for Goods Inwards
will be delivered to Building 24,
Entrance D.
Colour guide
The classifications have been superimposed
on signbases coloured for
further ease in identification-green for
general purpose, yellow for goods, blue
Items for VISION can be left at the Gate
House for collection by the Editor, or
posted to her at Tree Tops, Plump
Hill, Mitcheldean.
for staff orvisitors, and red for restricted
A very few entrances arc being marked
with a yellow sign striped with red.
These are entrances restricted to certain
Signposts giving directions to the
various buildings are being erected at
strategic points on the site, and copies
of a plan showing the new numbering
are being displayed on every notice
The numbers chosen for the separate
buildings have been kept the same, or
similar to, their project number wherever
practicable. For instance, Project 10
(Canteen) has become Building 10;
Project 3 (Administration Building) is
now Building 23: Project 9 is Building
Project? Forget it!
With the completion of the scheme,
the word ‘project’ as applied to buildings
will be one to be forgotten as soon
as possible. This will obviously require
some perseverance on the part of
employees who have grown used to the
term over the years, and also on the
part of regular visitors to the Plant who
will have to adapt themselves to the
new nomenclature.
But a temporary period of readjustment
will surely be worth while, and
the new scheme should prevent a great
deal of exasperation and loss of productive
time on the part of everyone.
The response to the recent
readership survey on the subject
of house publications is proving
most enlightening.
The answers to the questionnaire
and the comments offered
are still being studied and will be
acted upon wherever feasible.
A summary of the findings
will be published in the next
issue of VISION.
P4….asamatgas I
Mr. Pronob Sarkar talking about tapes
to delegates during their visit to our
Computer Services Department.
With the object of developing a common
accounting system, an International
Workshop for computer managers and
their senior assistants within Rank
Xerox was held last autumn, partly at
Ross-on-Wye and partly in the Denham
Organised by Rank Xerox International
Data Processing Development
at our London headquarters, the Workshop
was on seminar lines with talks
and discussions.
While at Ross-on-Wye, the party took
the opportunity of visiting Mitcheldean
Plant to see how Xerox machines are
made, and also to have a discussion
with our Computer Services Manager,
Mr. Pronob Sarkar.
Computers now installed at Rank
Xerox establishments in Milan, Paris,
Diisseldorf, Madrid, Stockholm, Denham
and, of course, Mitcheldean, are
all from the Honeywell 200 Series, and
relationships with the Honeywell Company
and computer supplies were among
the subjects included in the discussions.
Among changes in the organisation
structure of our Company recently
announced by Rank Xerox headquarters
was the appointment of Mr. G. H.
Peregrine as Controller of Production
and Supply Planning-a new department
within the Production and Supply
Operations Division which is headed
by Mr. F. Wickstead.
Following upon this, a Supply Planning
Department was created at Mitcheldean
with effect from November 1.
Mr. J. W. Evans has been appointed
Supply Planning Manager (Designate)
and it is anticipated that he will take up
this position on March 1. In his new
role he will be responsible to Mr.
The Supply Planning Department now
consists of the following sections formerly
in Production Control Department:
Procurement Planning and Stock
Control (Mr. T. Quartermaine); Spares
Control (Mr. W. A. Pearce)-except that
Spares Packaging will be transferred to
the control of Mr. H. Berry.
The other sections of Production
Control will remain in that department
under the general authority of Mr. C. W.
Until such time as Mr. Evans takes
up his new appointment, he is remaining
responsible to Mr. Hotchen for the
Factory Production Control Department.
During the interim period, however,
he is also assisting the Controller
of Production and Supply Planning in
the running of the Mitcheldean Supply
Planning Department.
Mr. Peregrine has kindly prepared us
an article for publication in a forthcoming
issue of VISION, explaining the
implications of these recent changes and
how they will affect people working at
our Plant.
Compere R. E. Baker passes
the time between Xeroettes
Ruby Beddis& Margaret Green.
That’s the end of the
show – what about the
next? Well, the Nariety
Nighters say they are
lining up another one,
with a different approach
from precious
shows, to be held sometime
in the spring.
(above) makes
rings round a
member of the
Clever, these
Work Study
chaps! (left)
‘Miss Peru’
(alias Ray
was quite a
rl I
THE Third Variety Show, held in the Ballroom on December 1, was performed before
yet another packed ‘house’-and it was encouraging to see M:.nagement not only
among the audience but also taking part!
A lot of thought had obviously gone into this show, both from the timing and standard
of entertainment aspects, but a lot is still to be desired in the realm of sound and lighting.
The Xeroettes show improvement with every appearance and their number with John
Earl was a bright and snappy one. The R R Monys (Robert Davies and Richard Holland)
and magician Philip Southwood were excellent; the Douglas Trio and The 2 2’s plus I
maintained their usual high standard; while the singers-Margaret Woodhead, Shirley
Willstead, Edward Chetcuti, Gordon Davies and John Earl-once again delighted the
Nice lighthearted comedy from the Drama Group and Ray Pickthall (he did undress
a shade too quickly, though!), and Don Webb & Co. have improved tremendously.
The between-curtain acts were not, I feel, in keeping with the programme and left a
lot to be desired.
Nevertheless, the Rank Variety Nighter can be proud of their recent efforts at
Cinderford when a similar show was put 0 , at the instigation of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Tooze, in aid of the local Societies for Ph, ically and Mentally Handicapped Children,
and £100 was raised.
During the interval of this latest show, ry handed over cheques of £50 each to Mrs.
Wickstead and Mrs. Spratt, representing the two charities on this occasion.
Talking of the interval reminds me: the fact that the bar did not open then upset some
people: but when it was opened at previous shows it upset the performance! Maybe it
would be a good idea to run straight through the show, without giving the audience
interval time in which to think about their thirst, then open up the bar for general dancing
at the end.
Anyway, the dance that followed the last show was quite successful and when the
Tooze and Douglas groups amalgamated, their performance was quite comparable to
recent bands that have played in our Ballroom-in fact, better than some. We would
like to see these musicians at one of our ‘Over 30’ dances.
Let’s have another show soon please!
– Kritikos
The R R Monys, Robert Davies
and Richard Holland, sing about
a ‘Champion Dungspreader’.
Harry Tooze presented cheques to Mrs.
Spratt (centre) and Mrs. Wickstead to aid
a local charity.
George Douglas does valuable work at
the piano.
Pictured in Mitcheldean church belfry are eight of the nine ringers Bob Wilson, Allan
Paton, Howard Meek, Ken Tyler, Valerie Bullock, Harold Meek, Neville Little and
George Starkey. Only Graham Bevan is missing from the ‘band’ he was on the sick
list at the time this photo was taken.
A few weeks ago Ken Tyler of Project 15
(Fuser Roller Area), an enthusiastic
bell-ringer, realised that there were now
enough bell-ringers at our Plant to
ring the eight bells of Mitcheldean
Parish Church. So he immediately set
about the task of assembling a ‘band’
in the same place at the same time.
This was difficult, as no two ringers
worked in the same department, and
there was the added complication of
shift work, with two members of the
band on opposite shifts.
However Ken, by some obscure
machinations, achieved the apparently
impossible and at 7.30 pm on Friday,
November 10, the following band of
ringers rang a quarter peal of 1,260
changes of Grandsire doubles in 47
minutes, conducted by Ken (they are
listed in order of bell number, name,
department and home town where they
normally do bell-ringing): I. Graham
Bevan (Production Control) from Ross:
2. Allan Paton (Production Engineering),
Mitcheldean: 3. Bob Wilson
(Design Engineering), Redmarley: 4.
Howard Meek (Paint Shop). Ruardean:
5. Ken Tyler (Proj. 15), Newent:
6. George Starkey (Proj. 9, Grinders),
Ruardean: 7. Harold Meek (Proj. 9,
Plating). Ruardean: 8. Neville Little
(Carpenter’s Shop), Mitcheldean.
As a reserve ringer there was also
Valerie Bullock of Mitcheldean, who
works in 2400 Sorter Assembly.
Prize Surprise
Tony Jones (senior 914 production
engineer) has never shown any great
promise as a skittler. And so, when the
‘Gloucesters’ and ‘Foresters’ teams met
at Oakle Street Hotel recently for their
usual three-monthly skittles evening,
one of the organisers, John Dennis
(Design), felt safe in asking Tony to persent
the prizes. After all, hadn’t Tony
distinguished himself by gaining the
lowest score at their previous meeting?
No one was more surprised than Tony
when he found himself with the highest
score of the evening and in the odd
position of having to present the \% inner’s
cup to himself!
Chess Men
Feeling it was time the dust was removed
from the Wickstead Shield, a chess
challenge to other departments was
issued by Tool Stores, Machine Shop.
It was taken up by Development Laboratory
and, at the time of going to press,
the score was one game each, with the
deciding game still to be played.
Shirley Willstead-star soprano of our
Variety Concerts-has an attractive
voice that carries well and a flair for
interpretation. Such attributes come in
useful too when she is acting in quite a
different capacity-that of shop stewardess
in the Amalgamated Engineering
At 21, Shirley is the youngest of the
Plant shop stewards, representing jointly
with Mrs. Peggy Grindle over 70 women
in 2400 Department. She combines this
responsibility with that of secretary to
the AEU convenor, Bryant Lampshire
of 914 Assembly.
Singing accounts for quite a large
amount of Shirley’s leisure time. She
took it up as a semi-professional about
three years ago, two years before she
joined our Company, but she is adamant
about not turning professional. She
reckons it’s too much of a gamble.
Besides, she likes her job on the 2400
sub-assembly line.
Much in demand
Songs from the shows, ballads, popsall
are in Shirley’s repertoire and she is
much in demand for club nights,
cabarets and suchlike, her engagements
taking her to places not just in the
vicinity but also in Wales, that land of
singing connoisseurs.
‘No, I’m not Welsh,’ she told us,
‘though everybody seems to think I
must be!’
Shirley practises regularly and being
able to accompany herself on the piano
is a great help. Her singing teacher at
Whitchurch would like her to sing operatic
arias-she has the voice for it-but
she prefers ballads.
Dresses for her numerous appearances
present a problem, and we promised
her we would pass on the following
SOS: Is there a good dressmaker in
the Plant?
We asked her how she felt about
singing in front of her colleagues at the
Variety Concerts. No one would guess
she suffers from nerves, yet she admitted
she would ‘far rather sing in front of
hundreds of people I don’t know than a
few of those I work with!’
Some time ago Shirley was successful
in obtaining an audition with TWW.
She has been summoned for a further
audition in March, and we wish her all
the best.
In any case, 1968 looks like being
memorable for Shirley-she is engaged
and hopes to be married before the year
is out.
Shirley brings glamour to the job in hand
– whether it’s singing on stage or doing
sub-assembly work. PHOTOS: A. HAMBLIN
Apprentices routed through the Production
Engineering Department during
their general training are currently being
given a series of talks on the various
functions of the department.
Said Mr. J. Tester, Chief Tool Engineer
and Deputy Chief Production
Engineer: ‘We have done something like
this before but only in a small way.
Now we have regularised matters so
that each new batch of apprentices is
made aware of the responsibilities of
the department during their time here.’
The eight talks, which cover all
aspects of the department’s work, are
given by senior production personnel
on Friday mornings in the PED conference
room. Each session lasts about an
hour and includes time for detailed
The series commences with an introduction
to the general workings and
structure of the department by Mr.
Tester. Subjects covered in succeeding
talks include the responsibilities of process
planning, gaugeing and finishing
engineers, estimating/work study, and
jig and tool design: a final talk is devoted
to an explanation of the working systems
and general link-up between individual
sections of Production Engineering
Mr. Tester emphasised that this was
only a beginning and his intention was
to pursue and extend the idea further.
The apprentices as a whole are very
appreciative and have expressed the
hope that other departments through
which they are routed will find it
practicable to provide similar facilities.
Lads from Leeds
On January 4 a party of apprentices
from the Kershaw Division of the Rank
Organisation at Leeds will be paying us
a visit, following a visit there made by
our apprentices last August.
The Leeds apprentices, accompanied
by their training officer, will arrive on
`Smurthwaite seems to hare the knack!’
January 3 and stay overnight at the
New inn, Gloucester. The following
day they will be conducted on a tour of
our Plant by our own apprentices, and
will hear a talk by a member of top
management before returning to Leeds.
Toil and Trouble
To employees at Mitcheldean, Jack
Timms is Design Office Manager. To
members of Cheltenham’s Little Theatre
group, he is that all-important man
behind the scenes, the stage manager.
As such he has to cope with all kinds of
contingencies and their production of
`The Tragedy of Macbeth’ from February
10 to 17 at the Playhouse is involving
Jack in ‘double, double toil and trouble’ !
Mrs. Timms too is giving a hand.
Often a performer on stage, she is
acting as prompt for this production.
Jack and his wife are used to working
in harness-they celebrated 25 years of
marriage on, appropriately enough,
November 25 last.
By the way, if you want tickets for the
show, please don’t queue up at the
Design Office. Bookings must be made
at the Town Hall, Cheltenham.
After a term of office lasting 18 years,
Sister Townroe is handing over command
of the First Aid Department to
her deputy, Sister Collins, and embarking
on a well-earned retirement on
January 12.
When she first came to our Plant, her
domain consisted of an inadequate
room in a converted brewery stable-a
far cry from today’s well-equipped First
Aid Department in Building 23 with its
two outstations in 914 Department and
2400 Department and its staff of five.
Sister Townroe is disappointed that
she will not be able to attend the LSA
social on January 27 and say goodbye
in person to her fellow members, so we
promised to say it for her.
She moves on January 23 to Fourmarks,
near Alton, Hants. (we understand
the place was so called long before
she decided to take her dogs there!).
She is going into partnership with
another dog-breeder from the Forest
area and they will concentrate on
breeding and showing -Sister specialising
in fox terriers and her partner in
French bulldogs (for which, says Frenchspeaking
Sister Townroe, she will act
as interpreter!).
As we went to press, some lucky LSA
member was about to get a free Christmas
dinner. A turkey headed the list
of items of festive fare being offered in
a Christmas draw-the first to be
organised by the association. There was
no charge to members, the prizes being
provided out of LSA funds.
1967 was quite a year for one member-
Jim Slade of Production Control.
The chain of events started in March
with Jim and his wife celebrating their
ruby wedding (40 years!). This was
followed in April by the marriage of
their daughter Sheila (she used to work
in the Sales Department at Mitcheldean
in the Bell & Howell days).
In June he spent a time in Hereford
Hospital undergoing an operation which
was quite an eventuality, particularly as
it was his first (and, he hopes, his last!)
experience of being a hospital patient.
Presentations on their retirement last
autumn to Alfred Brain (Model Shop) by
Ray Camp, and (below) to George
Matthews (Machine Shop) hr Tony Cale.
Making it a real family affair, his son
Allen decided to get married in September.
Then, to cap it all, daughter Sheila
had to be admitted to Neasden Hospital
ith food poisoning, contracted while
holidaying in Majorca.
Enough ups and downs to suffice for
a year and a half, yet they all took place
within half a year. Jim certainly won’t
forget 1967 in a hurry. And 1968 will
be a memorable year too-Jim tells us
that next June he will become a member
of that exclusive body known as the
25-Year Club.
Our best wishes go to those members
still on the sick list at the time of going
to press – Ted Bayman. Neville Barnett,
Arthur Bevan and Andrew Brain.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Brooks A. HAMB%tN
.” Mr. and Mrs. P. Simonds whose wedding
was reported in our last issue.
They’re 21
Terry O’Gorman (Spares Pre-Packing)
on September 24.
Four major birthdays in Design Engineering-
Len Young on September 28,
Robert Waite on October 20, Mrs.
Jennifer Caldicutt on November 7, and
Mrs. Angela Brain on November 1 I.
Robert Ryland (914 Stores) on November
Mrs. Ellen Baldwin (Comps. Section,
Accounts) on November 29.
Miss Jean Tims (junior secretary,
DPSO’s office) on December 20.
Sanford Gaylard (Capstans, Machine
Shop) on January 16.
They’re Engaged
Miss Susan Pickthall (Work Study) to
Tony Harris on September 23.
Michael English (Chemical Laboratory)
to \ I i.s Jean Maskill on Christmas Eve.
They’re Wed
Gordon Brooks (813 Assembly) to Miss
Ann Lee at Lydbrook Church on
October 21.
Miss Jean Ireland (2400 Dept.) to
Howard Sinclair (Machine Shop) at
Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook, on
October 28.
Miss Anne Cooper (secretary to Mr. E.
Watkins, 2400 Dept.) to Roger Hughes
at Flaxley Church on November 1 1.
New Arrival
Christopher David, a son for David
Haines (Reliability Engineering) and
his wife Judith (née Body) formerly in
Production Control, on October 12.
They’re Retiring
Best wishes to the following who all
retire on January 26-Miss Edith
Daunter (813 Assembly), Thomas
Cooper (Print Room) and Albert Sterry
Skittles Men
The Skittles Section have entered two
teams in the Ross League this session,
one in the first division and one in the
Apart from one change made at the
recent annual general meeting, the
officers of the section remain as before:
Don Parkinson (Tool Room) is chairman,
Dennis Cook (TED) is secretary,
and Rex Stephens (Accounts) has succeeded
Des Haines (Cutter Grinding) as
Mrs. J. ‘Kitchensink’ writes:
At the Rank Mitcheldean Plant it
seems to be the rule rather than the
exception that women are not invited
to Annual Dinners.
As the Company has ties with
America, I wish Rank’s would show
a little hospitality towards and
appreciation of wives, as the Americans
When I was in the USA, if a
dinner invitation was sent only to
the husband, he would refuse very
I should like to know what
English wives really think of this
funny state of affairs?
Ira Griffin writes
The Amateur Boxing Tournament presented
in the Social Centre by our
Sports & Social Club, together with
Cinderford & Gloucester ABC. on
November 11 was very well patronised
and most welcome as a change of social
Our only criticism is that too many
bouts were catered for, making the
evening a little ‘drawn out’: quite a
number of the patrons began to drift
away just after 10 pm (more than likely
to quench their thirst before closing
Mr. F. Edwards did a very good job
as MC and Mr. F. Wickstead kindly
presented each contestant with his prize.
There were some very good contests
and small marginal verdicts. Of course
the main bout, awaited eagerly by all,
was the Welterweight Contest between
Dave Simmonds of Cinderford &
Caving in the vicinity was the subject
of a well-attended talk given recently to
the Cine & Photographic Club by Ted
Lewis (Reliability Engineering). Ted,
who is chairman of the Royal Forest of
Dean Caving Club, illustrated his talk
with some of his excellent slides.
Talking of slides, a competition held
in November brought in a good number
of entries, though foggy conditions kept
many people away. Mr. A. Knight of
Ross-on-Wye judged the entries and his
comments were most helpful. Those
who did well in the competition were:
W. Gosnell, B. Bill, Mrs. V. Jordan,
R. G. Skyrme and M. Stevenson.
An important coming event will be
the showing at the Social Centre on
February 7 of the ‘Ten Best’. Those
who go along-and everyone is welcome
-are sure to be glad they didn’t miss
the opportunity of seeing the winning
entries in the Amateur Cine World’s
annual competition.
Gloucester and Mike McCluskie of
Croeserw ABC.
It was a good opening round right
from the first bell, with good clean
straight, accurate and snappy lefts from
Simmonds and some very nice right
crosses; McCluskie used some pretty
footwork to keep out of serious trouble
and caught Simmonds with very clever
counter-punching. Halfway through
this first round, however, it was apparent
that Simmonds was a determined fighter
and was gradually piling up the points.
In the second and third rounds
Simmonds mixed the fight more and
good infighting was witnessed by all:
but when the boxers broke from the
clinches and resumed ‘open’ boxing, the
audience realised that it was Simmonds
who was doing the better work. The
decision was unanimous in favour of
This offer comes a bit late for the great
carve-up–at the Christmas dinnertable.
However, those who find themselves
completely ham-fisted when faced
with the roast may be interested in an
offer of a number of brand-new electric
carvers which, it is claimed, make easy
meat of the job. They are going at
£6 6s. each-something like half the
shop price. Applications should be sent
to Mr. R. Steward in Personnel Department
as soon as possible.
Also for sale
Baby’s cot, dropside type, with plasticcovered
mattress. Enquiries to Mr. B.
Butler (time clerk).
Car radio, £7 10s. Apply Mrs. Barnett,
First Aid.
Tricky fridge £20; single divan and mattress
£3; four wooden chairs, 10s. the lot:
two kitchen stools, 5s. the pair; two
wooden cupboards, one glass-fronted,
15s. each. Apply Sister Townroe.
WHICH lady in Welfare Dept. reported an unidentified flying object ‘hoovering’
over the top of May Hill? Could it mean that the UFO’s out there in the vacuum
are about to beat us as they sweep us as they clean us up?
WHO in Design went to the local and ordered a pint of draught E.0.?
WHO offered a lady in Central Records a lift in a car that had run out of petrol?
WHO is the Phantom’ switch operator in Production Control?
WHO in 2400 Stores has owned the same car for three and a half years yet had to
ring his daughter in Accounts to ask her the car number?
WHO is the ‘Sherbet Kid’ who broke all running records?
WHICH young lady in 2400 Dept. utilised cable instead of elastic and took the
wire clippers home in case of difficulty?
WHO sprayed her hair with furniture polish in mistake for hair lacquer?
WHO in the Tool Room used sun tan lotion as after-shave lotion?
WHICH chargehand’s doubtful reading habits sparked off a chain reaction from hi.
seat of know ledge?
WHO wants a full-size map of England?
WHO in Central Records hunted round the Midlands for a certain comedian to
compere a show and found him working in 2400 Stores?
WHO in the Ladies’ Keep Fit Group had a ‘Living Bra’ that died?
WHICH section leader in Design brings a different car to work every week but can’t
afford the petrol for any of them?
WHICH section leader in TED had to come home rubber-booted and sockless
from a football match?
WHO in the Drama Club is suffering from exposure?
WHO in Central Records recently moved into a new flat where a gremlin sac
already in occupation?
WHO in the Tool Room is known as the ‘slap happy Lapp’
WHICH Work Study engineer tried to fix an appointment at an antenatal clinic?
WHO in the Paint Shop has the baker call every Friday afternoon?
WHO took his wife out for a treat and splashed eggburgcr all over her?
WHO in TED kept the bus waiting for him at the White Hart for a few minutes?
His story was that he thought his briefcase had fallen out of the bus!
WHICH shop loader forgot to put his clocks back and arrived at work at 7 pm.
believing everybody else was late?
WHO in TED cut r off the lop of his door to stop it catching on a newly laid carpet?
WHICH shop stewardess tried to get her dog to join the Union and it bit her?
Printed by the Victor James Press Limited, Coulsdon Surrey