Sept/Oct 68 No 51 House Magazine of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant
Earthmoving has become a familiar occurrence at Mitcheldean over the past years. Our picture, taken at
the beginning of August, shows the levelling of the site adjacent to 3600 Assembly where the new
two-storey building will rise. As you can read in our article on page 3, erection is planned to start in
October and much of the main roof should be on the building before Christmas.
A. Hamblin
In the May issue of VISION, I said that some of us
might benefit from visits to operating companies,
and that I was doing something about it.
In June, three people from Mitcheldean – David
Norman, of Design Engineering, Roger Preece of
660 Reconditioning/Remodelling, and Sam Jones
of 3600 Electrical Assembly went to Sweden.
Their impressions are reported on the back page
of this issue. I want simply to touch on the
business aspect of their visit.
They had long discussion with John Lavers, the
Regional Director of Scandinavia, and the Senior
Management of the Swedish Company. They
went out with customer relations officers, sales
and service engineers and saw at first hand what is
going on in the field. Here are some of the
questions they were asked :
‘Why is there a hold-up in the supply of
machines? We are waiting for 300 660’s !’
‘Why do suggestions from Sweden take so long to
be dealt with ?’
‘Can you assure us there will be no labour dispute
to slow up production ?’
‘Why have not all modifications a reference number
on the modification label ?’
‘Why does not the m dification reference number
agree with the modif ation number ?’
‘Why do machin e-modelled from 813 to 660
and 914 to 720 have the old serial number ?’
I would have liked to have heard the replies !
What interests me is that they are the kind of
question frequently put to me by Senior
Management and Executive Directors of the
Company. They show that the daily concerns of
Senior Management concern also our colleagues in
the field.
These questions have not all been left on the table.
I am told by the local Press that the sending of
‘shop floor’ people on educational visits abroad
is somewhat unique in modern industry. I did not
know this. What I do know is that nothing but
good can come of them.
As I write, three more parties are about to go off to
Scandinavia. I shall be interested to hear what
they have to say. I hope you will too.
The question has been put to John Hankin :
‘The Company does not do this for nothing. What
does it expect to get out of it ?’
My answer is: ‘The object of these visits is to
create mutual understanding and unity of purpose
between us at Mitcheldean who help to design
and make our products, our colleagues who sell
and service them in the field, and our customers
who, after all, are quite important people.’
Why visits to operating companies overseas?
Because that is where 70 per cent of our business
is done.
We are dependent on one another. We get
nowhere by thinking that we can go it alone.
Interdependence! That is the key word for
Director of Production and Supply Operations
Getting a move on
The acquisition of more space at Mitcheldean
in order to permit an increased production
programme was the subject of Mr. Wickstead’s
introductory article in our last issue, and he
touched on the very big re-organisation of our
facilities which would be involved.
This re-organisation has been going ahead and
the two-week shut-down in July/August afforded
a convenient opportunity for some of the necessary
moves to be made without unduly disrupting
The first phase was to create space at Mitcheldean
for internal changes and this was chiefly effected
by moving the International Warehouse to a
site on the Gloucester Trading Estate, giving the
department a 60 per cent increase in storage
All production from Mitcheldean, whether spares
or machines, is now stored at Gloucester from
whence it is despatched to all parts of the UK,
Europe and the Iron Curtain countries, Australia,
South Africa and the Far East.
The Warehouse administrative offices – transport
and shipping documentation, international telex
and telephones, order control and records, etc. –
have been duly settled in the new premises,
leaving only a small section at Mitcheldean to
liaise with Gloucester or with Factory Progress,
providing local transport when required, and
looking after pool cars arrangements.
Also now installed under the same roof at the
Gloucester Trading Estate are the sorter production
units from Building 24; this move was completed
The sorter production units in their new home at the GTE. On the right is the tray and
transport assembly leading up to the bin modules on the left. Just beyond where
supervisor Jack Venn is standing, in the far right hand corner, is the basic sorter unit. A. Hamblin
in approximately three days prior to the shutdown
and production at Gloucester commenced
on August 5.
There are two major sorter assembly lines –
one for the basic sorter and the other for the
ten-bin modules, as well as an area devoted to
sorter stores and packing.
These moves have given us room to carry out
numerous internal changes at Mitcheldean that
sound rather complex but make sound sense.
The second phase has been to locate in the
vacated International Warehouse building a
centralised stores for 3600, 720, and 660
machines; Goods Inwards; Goods Inwards
Inspection : and Despatch for the entire factory.
The stores were previously located adjacent to the
assembly operations.
With the cessation of the manufacture of 720 and
660 machines, the old 914 floor area in Building 29
is now housing a centralised electrical section for
3600, 720 and 660 machines. and the top floor of
Building 24, which used to house sorter and 660
assembly, is now accommodating Reconditioning/
Remodelling assembly of 660/720 machines and
spares mechanical sub-assembly sections.
In Building 36. where the 3600 is produced. the
removal of the stores and electrical sub-assembly
section has provided the necessary space for a
second 3600 main line required to raise production
Further Plans
The Machine Shop will be expanding in the next
few months and the planned expansion area is on
the ground floor of Building 24.
Because of the increased staff requirements, the
ground floor of the Administration Building 23 at
present occupied by the Model Shop will be
converted to offices.
Another reason for office changes is that
additional computer equipment is to be installed in
October. Extra tape decks of greater retrieval speed
will increase storage capacity, faster print-out is
to be achieved, and a Computer Forms Printer is
to be installed.
The Model Shop will be re-located in part of the
area vacated by Reconditioning/Remodelling in
the Design Building 38, although the latter are
retaining part of their area here for tear-down
operations in addition to acquiring space in
Building 24.
Barney the Bloodhound
He looks harmless enough here, photographed
with one of the security staff at the Gloucester
Trading Estate. But when he appeared
unexpectedly in the International Warehouse one
dusky dawn, growling menacingly, forklift truck
drivers Tony Hopkins and Will Martell felt
distinctly uneasy. A white-faced Will, wishing
vainly for a forklift truck, sprang on to a 3-inch
pallet (so we are told!); Tony remained rooted to
the spot. However, remembering how the English
like dogs, and hoping that this 100-113. specimen
reciprocated the sentiment, they chatted him up,
convinced him that they were harmless and
showed him to an open door. As he had
exhausted all the possibilities of the building,
having been inadvertently locked inside by the
night patrol several hours earlier, he was prepared
to leave without argument 1
The New Building
Excavations and drainage of the site for the new
building started in July. and during September
steel will be delivered to the site for the framework
of the building with erection planned to commence
in October.
It is hoped that before Christmas a good part
of the main roof will be on the building so
that construction work can take place under
cover throughout the winter.
About the GTE
Gloucester Trading Estate at Hucclecote is an
area of some 1,400.000 square feet accommodating
at present about 50 tenant companies
whose interests cover a wide range of industries
and activities. Essential services on the site,
such as heating. gas. water and electricity. are
provided through a Service Company. costs being
distributed equitably among the tenants. Facilities
available to these tenants include a catering
department providing meals for executives. staff
and works; a maintenance department of
electricians. plumbers, carpenter, painters. etc.:
a medical department staffed by State Registered
Nurses, with First-Aid stations throughout the
site; security and fire prevention; and a sports
and social club centre. Vending machines dispensing
drinks, snacks and cigarettes have been
installed in the Warehouse building, while a
mini-market and a bank are available to personnel
on the site.
Tote tins, stillages and
palletised Dexion racking
– three types of storage
in use at the International
Warehouse for spares
ranging from a spring
1/8 inch long to a complete
Photos: A. Hamblin
Meeting with
The men who make the machines and the men
who sell them do not often get together in the
course of their work to exchange views, so the
opportunity provided on June 28, when a
Marketing team, headed by Mr. H. Orr-Ewing,
Director of Product Planning, gave a presentation
in our Social Centre on
of the Company’s marketing organisation was
felt to be a particularly valuable one by people
on the production side.
The object of the presentation was to give
employees at Mitcheldean a much wider view
of the Company and a better understanding of
the marketing problems facing Rank Xerox, and
for this reason the invited audience of about
50 was chosen to represent a cross-section of
the many different aspects of work at our Plant,
from accounting to distribution, from engineering
to education.
The Marketing contingent were anxious that
their audience should be constructively critical
and questions. however awkward or embarrassing,
were welcomed. If those invited
did not come with questions already on their
lips. the subjects covered by the speakers sparked
off plenty of ideas. Every minute of the open
forum at the conclusion of the presentation was
taken up with questions and, as was to be
expected, many of them related to the co-ordination
of production and marketing plans.
The speakers were introduced by Mr. Orr-Ewing
who gave a résumé of the programme. described
Headquarters organisation and reviewed the
Company’s future plans.
The first two speakers, John Christian and
The Mitcheldean audience
prepare to be constructively critical.
A. Hamblin
Mike Hughes. spoke about the research carried
out to discover what new products might prove
successful, how many could be sold and with
what degree of profitability, taking into account
the costs of design and production. John
Wellemin stressed the importance of the reliability
of the
high cost of repairing models in relation to
their manufacturing cost.
Some idea of the vast opportunity that exists
for the development of systems applications was
given by Eddie Moss, while Derek Hanley spoke
about research on our existing models to establish
what additional features might be required.
whether changes were justified, retrofitting in
the field, and so on. Of particular interest was
the contribution by UK salesman John Cooper
who, with his direct experience in the field,
was able to pass on the comments of customers.
He laid great emphasis on the need for quick
delivery of machines.
Mr. Orr-Ewing concluded with a ‘bird’s eye view’
of the state of all our products and the role
envisaged for them in the future, before throwing
the meeting open for questions.
A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. G. H.
Peregrine. Assistant Director – Supply. and the
general feeling was that the two-hour presentation
had proved immensely useful, though more time
for questions would have been appreciated.
The evening before the presentation, the
Marketing team had a preliminary skirmish in
the Club House with a Mitcheldean team,
resulting in a win for the latter by some 30 pins !
VISION asked Mr. Lionel V. Lyes, recently
appointed Controller of Personnel, Production Et
Supply Operations Division. why he chose a
career in personnel management. what were his
feelings today when there appeared to be so much
industrial unrest in the country, and what he most
wanted for Mitcheldean. Here is his reply :
A. Hamblin
I came into personnel management as an idealist.
It appeared to me that there was much to be done
in the field of human relationships within industry.
That was 20 years ago. Although today I have my
feet much more firmly planted on the ground, I
still have a lot of faith in people and much
sympathy towards the problems we have in
communicating with each other. And there is still
much to be done.
Problems in management/employee relationships
beset us on all sides and the recent Donovan
Report on relations in industry highlights what
some forward-looking people have realised for
some time – namely, that we are living in a
fast-changing society. Times and conditions have
altered, but the outlook of many of us has not. We
need to take a new look at ourselves and the
situation around us. We need to change the
traditional attitudes if we are to work together in
harmony and obtain satisfaction during the many
hours spent at work.
At Mitcheldean we have a really fine factory
providing the best possible working conditions; it
is in an ideal setting and its record of achievement
in so short a span of time is a credit to everyone
who has contributed to its success.
It is important for all of us whose livelihoods are
dependent on its continued success to ensure that
we have firm foundations on which to build our
future: the best possible management ; the most
up-to-date systems and techniques; opportunities
for employees at all levels to receive the necessary
advice and training to progress, to make their
maximum contribution, to be suitably rewarded
and, most important of all, to obtain real
satisfaction from their work.
The importance of people in this Company has
always been recognised and, now, in appointing
a Controller of Personnel, it is Management’s
intention that every opportunity should be
afforded for the development of personnel policies
appropriate to our changing times. I am privileged
to be charged with this responsibility, but my
efforts will count for very little without the support
and co-operation of every employee.
What do I want for Mitcheldean ? There are
tremendous opportunities here to establish a future
for ourselves and our families and create a
community spirit which could be the envy of all
not fortunate enough to work at Mitcheldean.
With enthusiasm, goodwill and mutual trust much
can be accomplished.
Our Personnel Controller
Mr. Lionel V. Lyes is no stranger to our district.
He was born and educated in Gloucester and he
spent 27 years with the Whitworth/Gloster
Aircraft Co. Ltd. where he was personnel manager.
He left when the factory closed in 1962 to take
up an appointment as deputy chief of personnel
services with the British Aircraft Corporation at
their London head office. Until 1965 he played a
major part in establishing a comprehensive central
personnel service to advise on and co-ordinate all
personnel matters covering their 38,000 employees.
In 1965 he was appointed chief personnel
manager for the Guided Weapons Division of
BAC, which position he relinquished to join our
Married, with three daughters and a son,
Mr. Lyes is very interested in the amateur stage;
he was at one time chairman of the Gloucester
Operatic and Dramatic Society and has played
leading parts in a number of their shows.
Responsibility Changes
The following changes of responsibility have
subsequently been effected in the Personnel
Department. Mr. F. J. Edwards has assumed
responsibility for all training and education matters
at Mitcheldean and as such has been designated
Training and Education Manager. He is located in
our new Training Centre in the Old Brewery
Building. Mr. R. W. Charles has assumed
responsibility for all other Personnel activities at
Mitcheldean and has been designated Personnel
Manager, with no change of location.
Both Mr. Edwards and Mr. Charles are responsible
to Mr. Lyes who is located in the office vacated
by Mr. Edwards.
A way with PERT
Interdependence – that was the theme that
Mr. F. Wickstead chose for the Production Et
Supply Operations Division’s contribution to the
Company Conference held at Eastbourne last July.
Mr Nigel Foulkes, Managing Director of Rank
Xerox, said later he considered the division’s
contribution ‘quite outstanding’ – the other
divisions had admitted that PSOD had stolen the
show and ‘out-marketed the marketeers’ !
To demonstrate his theme. Mr. Wickstead turned
to PERT or, to give it its full name. Programme
Evaluation Review Technique. Now PERT, as
you may know, is a system for planning and
reviewing complex projects, enabling every department
to see what their responsibilities are and,
more particularly, showing just who is dependent
on whom.
Recalling that Reliability Engineering Manager
Ken Boyd had been closely concerned with the
introduction of the use of PERT at Mitcheldean.
where it has been employed for planning and
controlling complex manufacturing programmes,
Mr. Wickstead asked Ken to devise a way.
utilising PERT, that would illustrate the interdependence
of different divisions of Rank Xerox.
A feature of PERT is that it shows clearly a
flow plan, or network, of all the activities and
events that must be completed in the planned
sequence to achieve the objective. With this
in mind, Ken came up with the novel idea of an
automated PERT blackboard to simulate a
programme in progress.
It was to be only 2 ft square originally, but when
it eventually materialised it had grown to
16 ft x 4 ft ! This made sure that the hundred or
J. Hayward
Ken Boyd ,,urnts to a Ili of red lights the computed critical path – .. onnecting all thin.;: activities which take the longest time. Every time there was an
unexpected development, a new critical path had to be evolved and this was shown on the board, additions being made to the target
time and cost recorded on the clock and thermometer in the top right hand corner.
so people gathered in the auditorium of the
Grand Hotel at Eastbourne could view it clearly
at a distance of 50 ft.
The simplified network was concerned with a
complex manufacturing project from its birth to
the time when machines were ready for
Pre-set clocks indicated the estimated length of
time taken by each activity, and as Ken described
the progress of the project. coloured lights lit
up to indicate when an activity had been
completed by a major participant. A thermometer
and a large clock at one corner of the network
showed the target cost and time of the operation
as a whole, and revealed any additions that had
to be made to these as the programme
In conjunction with the network Ken used slides.
providing a window through which the audience
could look at the people, places and hardware
involved in the various activities, as well as
some amusing cartoons by Lawrence ‘Max’
Miller on the subject of problems in design,
supply and production.
At one point the audience were taken aback
when a loud buzzer went off – had Ken’s brainwave
proved too ambitious after all ? But this
turned out to be just another impact-making way
of emphasising how a carefully planned programme
could be knocked sideways by sudden and
unexpected developments, such as the design
of a machine being changed at some juncture.
This happened several times – as it might well
do in an actual manufacturing programme. Then,
having revealed the cause of the hold-up, Ken
‘called in the computer’ to re-assess the situation.
As you might imagine. the evolvement of
networks for an actual machine systems programme
necessitates the use of a computer and,
in fact, prior to the setting up of our own Data
Processing Department at Mitcheldean, we used
a computer at Niagara Falls – in conjunction
with the Xerox Corporation of America – our
data being sent across the Atlantic by telex.
But back to Ken Boyd’s ‘blackboard brainwave’.
This proved an example in itself of co-operation.
Foreman carpenter Ray Read cut the required
two boards of plywood, drilled the holes and
sprayed the whole thing black; John Gurney,
reliability engineer, devised the electrical circuits;
and Norman Griffiths, laboratory technician, put
all the bits together.
Then there had to be a careful rehearsal to
make sure that Ken’s commentary and the
automated network were in complete harmony;
here the professional experience of Mr. J. A.
Hargroves, Manager. Technical Staff, from
Headquarters, was of valuable assistance.
(continued over) 9
Three of our drivers – Jack Evans, Tim Giles
and Ian Potter – drove through the night to
get the demonstration equipment to Eastbourne
at 6 am the day before the conference started.
This equipment was not confined to the PERT
items. The engineering effort of the Production
& Supply Operations Division was outlined by
Mr. A. S. Pratt, Chief Engineer of Rank Xerox.
at the conference and on view at the rear of the
hall were models illustrating some of the
achievements of Mitcheldean’s Engineering
These included the development of a programmer,
interchangeable with the original Xerox design,
and two actual reliability tests on bought-in
electrical components.
PERTinence by Paul Gregory
When programme planning’s in the dirt.
And Freddie’s criticisms hurt.
And Stan reacts with comments curt,
try PERT
The veriest gormless long-haired squirt
Or teenage piece of office skirt
Can make your pre-production spurt
Your simple planning you’ll desert,
But you can bet your Sunday shirt
That complications are a ‘cert’
with PERT!
Through a ‘window’ of slides the audience could see the activities involved, such as testing in the
Design Laboratory (left) and drilling in the Machine Shop. Below: Problems in supply !
:/DO NWTS. or^
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&Oa N’ At,
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A modified version of the Production & Supply
Operations Division contribution was presented at
Mitcheldean on August 7 at what was the
division’s first get-together.
This gave senior members of staff from
Mitcheldean, Welwyn, Denham and Venray who
had been unable to attend the Eastbourne
conference an opportunity to see how their own
division had been presented to the Company.
Speaking of future plans, Mr. Wickstead said that
in the next three years there would be six new
products and three ancillary ones: a dramatic
reduction between Xerox and Rank Xerox
introduction dates; a major remodelling
programme; new manufacturing techniques for
machines and consumables: and a field spares
procurement programme for products no longer in
Describing the Engineering Department’s effort,
Mr. A. S. Pratt particularly emphasised the
enormous savings effected by testing of the
reliability of components of our machines. Where
there was a large population of machines,
engineering effort could greatly reduce costs of
servicing. Development too played an important
part in cutting costs.
Mr. Gwilym H. Peregrine, Assistant Director –
Supply, explaining the Supply and Planning
function, said that the introduction of new
products, bringing about a ‘parts explosion’, and
the new build and remodelling programme for
1968/69 would present supplies planning with a
tremendous task, and data processing would
consequently increase in importance.
Representing the production side of the division,
Mr. Len Stierman, General Manager, Venray,
talked about the development of the plant – its
production of consumables and the building of the
reconditioning/remodelling centre – and explained
how Venray was equipped to assist with
international distribution.
Mr. Wickstead, summing up, reminded his audience
that, though he was personally interested in
systems and procedures, it was results that
counted. ‘In spite of our growth and problems, it is
important to remember to help each other and
respect each other’s opinion. Remember we all
have troubles, but job headaches are growth
opportunities in disguise.’
16 mm cine camera and accessories. Replies to:
Jim Watts, Training School.
Three-legged revolving piano stool, good
condition. Answers to : Mrs. E. Thomas. Design
Office Print Room.
For Sale
Wharfedale Super 10. Goodman Axiom, 15 watts.
as new. Replies to: G. R. Portus, Reliability
Dunlop Gold Seal C 41 tubeless tyre, 13 x 6.5.
used as spare only, £2. Reply to : K. L. Fox,
Design Engineering (int. 519).
Set of Bongo drums, practically new. E8 ;
Hofner guitar, cost £65. available for £25.
Replies to: Mrs. E. Thomas, Design Office
Print Room.
Large five-bedroom country house, suitable two
families, two miles Mitcheldean. Partly central
heated, moderate gardens, yard and stabling.
Near bus route to Gloucester. Mitcheldean and
Cinderford. £6,300. Enquiries to: L. G. Miller
(Longhope 285).
Our annual 14-mile road race produced a new
record on July 6 when it was held in conjunction
with Longhope Carnival. D. Francis of Westbury
Harriers completed the course in 1 hr 8 mins
26 secs – that is. 52 seconds faster than last
year’s record. Running a close second came
R. Gibbs of Birchfield Harriers in 1 hr. 9 mins
29 secs (improving on his time last year when
he came third), while P. Killeen, also of Birchfield
Harriers, came in third (1 hr 11 mins 15 secs).
First veteran was J. J. Flook (Newport Harriers)
and First Novice R. Calvert (Small Heath Harriers,
Birmingham). The Rank Xerox Challenge Cup
for the best !earn effort went to Birchfield
Harriers, last year’s winners, with Small Heath
second and Westbury third. Mr. R. Camp, fulfilling
one of his last duties as chairman of the Sports
& Social Club, presented the prizes. The holding
of the race was made possible by the efforts
of the following : road race organiser: W. Brown:
chief steward: J. Morgan; time-keepers:
T. Meredith and R. Wrigglesworth; starter:
H. S. Phillips; stewards: H. Cornwall, T. Knight.
E. Lark, R. Morgan, E. Parsons, R. Taylor.
Student Visitor
from France
Following the visit to our Plant last autumn of the
Chief Engineer of SNCF (French National
Railways, who are good customers of Rank Xerox
Ltd.), his son, Alain Dreyfus. spent a week in this
country as a guest of our Company.
1 Frightens. (6)
4 Caesar’s friend ? (6)
7 England. Ireland, Scotland
and Wales. (9)
9 To scheme. (4)
10 Unfortunate pet for a
cricketer ? (4)
11 Cooked. (5)
13 Upper part of the trunk. (6)
14 If he’s on the rocks the junkie
may have to roll his own. (6)
15 Men dither partially to carry
out repairs. (4 Et 2)
17 A resourceful archer should
have more than one. (6)
19 Fish-and-six for that gentleman.
Oh, he’s already had his,
poor fellow. (5)
20 Is this the original sadist,
de-capitated ? (4)
22 Lead to a bargain. (4)
23 Embellish with rhetorical or
fictitious additions. (9)
24 Wimbledon and the Star
Chamber have these in
common. (6)
25 This clinker-built. eight-oared
boat. used in Oxford University
boat race, sounds sluggish and
inactive. (6)
1 Is this where they dig up some
limbs for spare part surgery ? (6)
2 Rummage about to get to the
source of the growth. (4)
3 Levied on the ungodly content
of a sentence ? It might sound
like it. (6)
4 System of payment by exchange
of goods. (6)
5 Not new. (4)
6 Is a little off-shoot like this
born every minute? (6)
Twenty-one-year-old Alain, who is currently
studying marketing and commerce, arrived in
London on August 19 and, after paying a visit to
Rank Xerox House, travelled to Mitcheldean. He
spent the next four days at our Plant, with
apprentice Richard Gaze acting as his guide and
In order that he should participate as much as
possible in the daily activities of our Plant,
arrangements were made for Alain to spend a
period in the Manufacturing, 3600 Assembly.
Remodelling/Reconditioning and Supplies
Planning Departments during his stay with us.
1 2 3 j 4 5 6
/. , A
/ 4 I /
V ri–3—- / /
9 /
11 12 / IV
13 r 14
/ %.
7 7
7 / 7
:7 / /
7 /
15 i 16 ‘ .
17 18
4 j 19 II
20 y
r 22
23 i W
24 Iv 25
I 1
7 Row of columns at regular
intervals supporting an
entablature. (9)
8 Is a detergent this man’s
transport to enjoyment ? (4 Er 5)
11 Food and shelter are this to
every man’s needs. (5)
12 Many people owe these to
society. (5)
15 My stick is weird – it has no
end. (6)
16 Goods lower than second degree
in quality. (6)
17 Gives support in the right
place. (6)
18 The gingerbread should be
this but not the lily. (6)
21 Saracen or Arab prince. (4)
22 Salutation in correspondence. (4)
by ‘Don’
Solution p. 14
Data Processing Manager
On July 22 Mr. Jack Bonney took up an
appointment as Data Processing Manager at
Mitcheldean. This followed Dr. Pronob Sarkar’s
appointment on July 1 to our Headquarters
Internal Consultancy Department where his
specialised knowledge in many aspects of
computer application can be used to the full ; he
will, in fact, be working for some considerable
time on Production Er Supply Operations Division
The Data Processing Department has become the
responsibility of the Supplies Department and
Mr. Bonney reports to Mr. G. H. Peregrine,
Assistant Director -Supply; this change has been
made in view of the increasing use of data
processing in the purchasing and supply planning
operations. Mr. Bonney, who has had extensive
experience in data processing in a production
environment at Hawker Siddeley, is now
responsible for computer operations, programming,
organisation and methods, and office systems.
A Lancastrian, he comes from Bolton, where he
was a keen member of the local film society. He
is married with two sons aged 15 and 13 years.
It’s that
again !
For the second year running a Mitcheldean Plant
driver has carried off the Mobilgas Trophy in
the ‘Lorry Driver of the Year’ competition. One
of the three drivers from our Plant who attended
the eliminating contest at Oxford on July 7,
Larry Gardiner was awarded the cup and a cash
prize for gaining first place in Class ‘G’ for
artiailated vehicles. He also came second in the
Class Winners Run-off for Outright Winner title at
the Oxford contest.
Mr. John Davis, Chairman and Chief Executive of
The Rank Organisation, sent him a congratulatory
letter, as did a number of members of senior
Larry now goes forward to the National Finals
at Gamecock Barracks. Bramcote, near Nuneaton.
on September 8 and we wish him all the very best
Like the others entering the contest (John
Brown, who came tenth, and Jack Gardner,
twelfth. in this class of 17), Larry had to have
at least one year’s accident-free record. He drives
an artic every week to Haydock and East Kilbride.
As in previous years. a Rank Xerox copier –
this time a 660 – was loaned free of charge
to the organisers to enable copies of the results
to be produced quickly on the spot.
Triumphant Larry Gardiner poses with his trophy
and his fellow competitors – Jack Gardner (far
left) and John Brown.
A. Hamblin
Henry Phillips, Tool Room supervisor, has agreed
to become chairman of the Mitcheldean Sports &
Social Club. Earlier this year Mr. Phillips became
chairman of the Long Service Association, thus
following in the steps of Ray Camp who held both
positions until his recent retirement.
ACROSS: 1 – Alarms. 4 – Brutus.
7 – Countries. 9 – Plot. 10 – Duck.
11 – Baked. 13 – Thorax. 14 – Reefer.
15 – Mend it. 17 – String. 19 – Chips.
20 – Sade. 22 – Deal. 23 – Embroider.
When Ray Camp and his wife Edna went home
from our Social Centre on June 29 they took with
them three handsome retirement gifts. Ray, former
chairman of both the Long Service Association
and the Sports & Social Club at Mitcheldean,
received from them a portable TV and a tape
recorder respectively, while the London LSA and
Sports & Social Club presented him with an
electric fire. Mr. F. Wickstead, as president of the
Mitcheldean organisations, made the presentations
on their behalf, while Miss Vi Holder (pictured
left at the microphone) handed over the gift from
J. Ingram
The retirement of two of the staff of Goods
Inwards Inspection coinciding on July 19, the
department took the opportunity to hold a joint
farewell dinner at the White Hart, Ruspidge.
Mrs. Rose Smith, a Long Service member who has
been 20 years with the Company, and Jack Kirby,
with five and a half years’ service, were each
presented with transistor radios by their colleagues.
Our picture shows Frank Coy, Goods Inwards
Inspection supervisor, making the presentation to
Mrs. Smith, who also received a clock and a
cheque from the LSA.
24 – Courts. 25 – Torpid.
DOWN: 1 – Armpit. 2 – Root. 3 – Syntax.
4 – Barter. 5 – Used. 6 – Sucker.
7 – Colonnade. 8 – Surf rider. 11 – Basic.
12 – Debts. 15 – Mystic. 16 – Thirds.
17 – Splint. 18 – Gilded. 21 – Emir. 22 – Dear.
Putting IYOUlin the picture
Andrew John, a son for John George (Project
Engineering) and his wife Diane (formerly Design
Office) on March 21.
Mark, a son for Mrs. Evelyn Beard (formerly
3600 Assembly), on April 16.
Amanda Jane. a daughter for Mrs. Marilyn Lewis
(formerly 813 Assembly), on May 5.
Marie Theresa, a daughter for Mrs. Iris Green
(formerly 3600 Assembly), on May 12.
Deborah Helen. a daughter for Mrs. Jean Sinclair
(formerly 3600 Assembly), on June 18.
Sharon, a daughter for John Brown (lorry driver),
on June 27.
David Andrew, a son for Trevor Baxter (chargehand.
Goods Inwards Inspection) and his wife
Marlene (formerly Design Office), on July 12.
Paul Julian, a son for Ralph Jenkins (International
Warehouse), on July 19.
Gina Elizabeth, a daughter for Paul Adcock
(Transport Controller, International Warehouse)
and his wife Gwen (formerly secretary to
Mr. W. Beech, Chief Buyer), on August 4.
Mrs. Kathleen Childs (3600 Assembly) in
August, and William Evans (Machine Shop) and
Fred Colwell (warehouseman), both in
Miss Wendy Bennett (3600 Assembly) to Robert
Taylor on July 6.
Miss Christine Burford (Design Office) to David
Meek on July 27.
R. Evans Walbrook Photography
21 sts
Miss Sheila Roberts (Document Control,
International Warehouse) on July 15.
Mrs. Margaret Fisher (Design Engineering
Reception) on July 29.
Miss Pauline Compton (Design Office) on
August 19.
Robert Hook (Purchase) and Robert Jordan
(Auto-Plating), both on August 20.
Miss Charlotte Lewis (Data Processing) to
Richard Hathaway at Ruardean Church on
June 22.
Miss Pat Phelps (Sub-assembly) to John
Phelps (Inspection) at the Zion Chapel,
Longhope, on July 20.
Both on July 27 – Miss Marilyn Simpson
(Sub-assembly) to Maurice Jones at Blakeney
Church, and Miss Ann Witts (Data Processing)
to Trevor Griffiths (Canteen) at Ross Register
Miss Diane Worgan (Sub-assembly) to Roger
Vaughan at Blakeney Church on August 31.
Miss Ann Hadley (time clerk) to David Stevens
at Our Lady of Victories Church, Cinderford,
on September 7.
Miss Shirley Parsons (Design Office secretary)
to Philip Marfell at St. Stephen’s Church,
Cinderford, on September 14.
Miss Pauline Compton (Design Office) to Tony
Hamblin (works photographer) at All Saints
Church, Longhope, on September 21.
Roger Pearce (Design Engineer) to Miss Janet
Roberts at St. Stephen’s Church, Cinderford,
on September 28.
R. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. J. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. R. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. R. Fisher, whose
wedding was reported earlier.
Seeing for ourselves in Scandinavia
Service engineers, salesmen and senior officials
from our operating companies have frequently paid
visits to Mitcheldean to see our products in the
making and obtain advice to facilitate their work in
the field. Now it is Mitcheldean’s turn, and, as
Mr. Wickstead promised in an earlier issue, Plant
employees have been able to pay some return
While over here last spring, Mr. John Lavers,
Regional Director of Scandinavia, requested
Mr. Wickstead to invite on his behalf
representative employees from Mitcheldean to
visit Scandinavian operating companies so that
they might see at first hand what goes on in the
Arrangements duly went ahead and four parties,
totalling a dozen employees, have now flown to
Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki and Copenhagen.
In the first party, who went to Stockholm in June,
were David Norman (Design Engineering),
A. W. ‘Sam’ Jones (3600 Electrical Assembly) and
Roger Preece (660 Reconditioning/ Remodelling).
Roger and David looked at operations in
Stockholm, while Sam went on to the branch
office at Malmo, Sweden’s third largest town.
David, who incidentally is secretary of the DATA
(Draughtsmens Er Allied Technicians Association)
committee at our Plant, told VISION : ‘The visit
was intended to be educational – and I soon
found that the education was not going to be just
one-sided ! I was quizzed on many topics and I
did my best to sort out minor technical problems
and give some insight into the workings of the
Design Office at Mitcheldean.
‘I learned to my surprise that Sweden had orders
for 930 machines (300 of them 660’s) and it
certainly seemed that the 3600 was being
enthusiastically received.
‘It was most interesting to meet actual customers
and stimulating to be with such keen and
enthusiastic service engineers and salesmen.’
Roger was able to pass on some useful tips to
service engineers in connection with the 660,
having acquired considerable expertise in his work
on this model.
Sam echoed David’s remarks about the 3600 and
said that key operators he spoke to were eager
for sorters to be added to their 3600’s.
The welcome and hospitality extended to our
employees were voted ‘overwhelming’, and from
the moment they were met at Arlanda Airport until
their return three days later, their time was packed
to the full with interesting visits, meetings and
As a result, they have been able to pass on to their
fellow workers, in an informal way, some very
useful items of information and impressions of
work in an overseas operating company.
For themselves, they regard the visit as having
been one of great benefit, giving them a wider
outlook and a deeper interest in their own work.
The other three parties, who went from August 19
to 22, were made up as follows: Oslo – R. Brookes
(3600 Assembly), D. Clarke (720 Reconditioning/
Remodelling), and B. Lewis (senior project
engineer on 3600) ; Copenhagen – R. Fussell
(Reconditioning Quality Control), R. Marshall
(720 Reconditioning/Remodelling) and R. Morgan
(660 Reconditioning/Remodelling); Helsinki –
W. F. Bayliss (Manufacturing Inspection),
J. Cornwall (Reconditioning/Remodelling
tear-down and ultrasonics), and D. Hanman
(Machine Shop).
We hope to let you have their impressions in our
next issue.
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