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Vision 052

Nov/Dec 68 No 52 House Magazine of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant
Those looking forward to another Variety Show in our Social Centre may have some time to wait!
The Variety Group have decided to put on one show a year at Mitcheldean and take it on tour in the
western part of the country, raising money for charity. Mr. Wickstead has kindly agreed to become their
president; Don Webb (Reliability) is now their chairman and Mrs. Ruby Beddis (Works Engineering)
their secretary. The group have started by giving a show at Wall’s Sports & Social Club, Longford,
Gloucester, on October 6 at which (25 was raised in aid of the Star Centre for Youth. Wall’s plan to
come and give us a return show in the New Year.
Our picture below shows an amusing scene during the last show at Mitcheldean featuring (from the
left) Margaret Green, Lewis Colwell, Daisy Bullock, John Skelton and (seated) Primrose McCormick
and John Earl.
J. Ingram
The latest P. & S.O.D. organisation took effect
from October 1 last. I expect that by now you will
have seen the published Senior Executive
structure. I want to say here a few words about
how the new organisation affects Mitcheldean.
First, a reminder about the main structure. The
Divisional responsibilities are divided into five
functions – Engineering, Production, Supply,
Finance and Personnel. Mr. Pratt, the Chief
Engineer, continues as the Company’s Design
authority, and Mr. Peregrine as the Assistant
Director of Supply. The functional appointment of
Assistant Director of Production is still vacant.
I shall take personal control of this function until
it is filled. Mr. Lyes, based at Mitcheldean, is
responsible for the Personnel function, and
Mr. Brooke, based at Denham, for the Finance
The Division has three manufacturing plants –
Mitcheldean, Welwyn and Venray. Each plant has
a General Manager – Dr. P. M. Tipple at Welwyn
and Mr. L. A. Stierman at Venray. We are still
looking for a General Manager, Mitcheldean.
The General Managers are responsible to the
Assistant Director of Production for the
administrative and productive efficiency of their
plants, in accordance with the policies and
procedures laid down by the functional heads.
Now, what about Mitcheldean ? First, once the
new building is complete and fully manned, there
will be no further expansion at Mitcheldean in the
foreseeable future. This is because we have no
more land, and, at the end of our current
recruitment drive, there will be a temporary
shortage of suitable labour in the area.
We have known for some time that we should
eventually have to set up machine manufacturing
plants elsewhere. Venray was opened up about
two years ago with the object of improving our
supplies and engineering maintenance services
within the Common Market. Now we are setting
up machine manufacturing facilities at Welwyn.
These plants will eventually operate as selfcontained
units, relying on Mitcheldean only for
those facilities which it would be uneconomic
to duplicate. However, this is looking way ahead.
Meantime, for Welwyn and Venray, particularly
Welwyn, freedom to draw on the manufacturing
skills and experience of Mitcheldean is a first need.
It is absolutely vital that this is recognised and
accepted by us all at Mitcheldean.
The forward plan calls for Mitcheldean to increase
its output by about 40 per cent over the next two
years. This will take some doing. But I am
confident that we can do it if we have a mind to,
and this is why I have agreed this target with
Competition in the copier/duplicator field is
rapidly intensifying. We no longer have this field
to ourselves. Our Marketing people have to work
hard for every order. If we fail to produce the
goods, our prospective customers will go
elsewhere, and we may lose them for good.
Our latest Divisional Organisation is designed
specifically to meet this challenge. Obviously the
brunt will have to be borne by Mitcheldean for
many years to come. If we face it, we can look
forward to the future with confidence.
I want to conclude on a personal note. I am
sure that you were all very sorry to see
Mr. Hotchen go. So was I. His was a personal
decision, and we all wish both him and
Mrs. Hotchen the very best for the future.’
Until the vacancies of General Manager,
Mitcheldean, and Assistant Director of Production
are filled, I personally must rely upon your
continued support. You have given it to me
wholeheartedly in the past, and I know that I can
rely upon it in the future.
Director of Production and Supply Operations
-Mr. C. W. Hotchen resigned his full-time
responsibilities as Chief Production Executive at
Mitcheldean as from September 30. He is, however,
continuing to give the Company the benefit of his
experience in a consultative capacity for some
brings back the trophy
Ian Hale receives his award from Sir Nigel Poett,
Director of the British Productivity Council, at the
Guildhall, Worcester.
For the second year in succession, one of our
apprentices has walked off with first prize in
Class 1, and the James Fielding Challenge
Trophy, in the annual Craftsmanship Competition,
organised by the Industrial Training Et Education
Group of the Gloucestershire Et South
Worcestershire Productivity Association.
This time it was 18-year-old Ian Hale, a first-year
apprentice, who was successful with a miniature
indirect dividing head, made under supervision. In
addition, 17-year-old Andrew Phillips was highly
commended for his entry, a direct divided head
entered in the same class, while 18-year-old
Adrian Morgan, who won the James Fielding
Trophy last year, took joint second prize in the
test piece class. All three boys are sons of
Our Training Et Education Department are proud
of the fact that Mitcheldean apprentices have been
annual prizewinners for the last six of the ten
years the competition has been held.
The prizes for the 1968 competition were presented
by Sir Nigel Poett, Director of the British
Productivity Council, on October 8 at the
Guildhall, Worcester.
The three groups of workers from Mitcheldean who
went to Copenhagen, Oslo and Helsinki from
August 19 to 22 have made their reports and
recovered from the lavish hospitality of their
Scandinavian hosts!
They echoed very much the same feelings as the
initial group who went to Stockholm in June:
they all agreed the visit had been well worth while
from every aspect – and wanted to go again !
Shortly after their return, they were invited to a
round-the-table chat with Mr. Wickstead who
gave each of the nine people’s reports individual
attention, explained points that were puzzling
them, and promised action where possible.
He was particularly interested in learning what they
personally had gained from their visits. Perhaps
this could best be summed up as a capacity to
understand the other man’s job and point of view.
It would take much space to recount in full the
experiences and reactions of the three groups, but
here are a few quotes, serious and not-so-serious:
Being a small country with mainly small business
concerns, Denmark is essentially a 660 market and
this machine is wanted most of all.
If you feel you can’t drink another drop, the Danes
have a very effective way of dealing with the
situation. You eat a piece of highly salted fish –
after that you can’t help getting a new thirst !
Why did the others come through Customs
unscathed while I had to pay £1 18s. duty on my
bottle of schnapps ?
We felt that the people over there did not know
enough about Mitcheldean.
They smoked in between courses because you had
to wait while each course was freshly prepared.
One meal I had lasted three hours !
A regular exchange of field service engineers from
Norway with assembly operators from Mitcheldean
would, we feel, be of tremendous advantage to
both. The chaps who work on the line at our
Plant could pass on many helpful hints.
The food was marvellous. When I got back and
the wife said : ‘Do you want egg and bacon ?’ I
just couldn’t face it !
There are masses of lakes in Finland and
practically everyone seems to own a boat.
It pleased me particularly to see a reconditioned
machine, on which I had worked personally,
operating equally as well as the new ones in the
The Finns use copper extensively in their buildings
for insulation and decoration – the newly built
Helsinki University makes striking use of it.
We remember it well . . .
Working sessions were interspersed with
sightseeing and social events, and the Mitcheldean
men particularly remember visiting :
in Denmark – The fabulous Tivoli Gardens;
Vin & Olgod where they like you to dance on the
tables and benches; Lorry Posten, a dance hall
where you can eat, drink and watch a floor show –
it has a unique old-time street scene decor with
houses either side, a view across the harbour and
a domed roof made to represent a starlit sky.
in Norway – The open-air Folk Museum at
Bygdoy -a collection of old buildings re-erected
in natural surroundings: the Viking Ships, Kon-Tiki
and Fram Museums.
in Finland – The Tarmo, largest of the Finnish
ice-breakers; a sauna bath (which deserves a page
to itself in our next issue !).
Being greeted by staff of Rank Xerox Finland on
arrival in Helsinki are Des Hanman, Frank Bayliss,
and Geoff Cornwall (on the steps of the Rank
Organisation jet in which the group flew).
New Set-up for
Personnel Department
Mr. R. W. Charles
Following the appointment of Mr. L. V. Lyes as
Controller of Personnel, additional staff have now
been engaged for the Personnel Department.
As previously announced, Mr. R. W. Charles, as
Personnel Manager, is responsible to Mr. Lyes for
the overall activity, with the following specialist
Employment – Headed by Mr. D. G. Wintle who
is assisted by Mr. M. P. Cassidy, this section is
responsible for all matters associated with
recruiting of new employees, transfers and
discharges, etc., and personnel records.
Safety Et Welfare – Mr. C. R. Steward, who has
been a member of the Personnel Department for
eight years, has been appointed Welfare Officer
responsible for dealing with general welfare
matters, sick visiting, safety, housing, etc. He is
also chairman of the Canteen Committee and
secretary of the Sports Et Social Club and
Suggestions Committees.
Staff Development Et Manpower Planning
Mr. P. Grainger, who has recently joined the
Company from the head offices of the Rank
Organisation, is responsible for controlling the
staff reporting and development schemes and the
establishment and maintenance of budgets, job
descriptions, personnel statistics and general
personnel information services.
Salaries Et Wages Administration –
Mr. W. Nivison, previously Chief Work Study
Round the table at Copenhagen’s Lorry Posten are
Bob Morgan, Reg Fussell and Ray Marshall,
together with their host, the Danish General
Manager Bendt Enrum, and members of his staff.
The members of the three parties, as mentioned in
our last issue, were: Oslo – R. Brookes (3600
Assembly), D. Clarke (720 Reconditioning/
Remodelling), and B. Lewis (senior project
engineer 3600) : Copenhagen – R. Fussell
(Reconditioning Quality Control), R. Marshall
(720 Reconditioning/Remodelling) and R. Morgan
(660 Reconditioning/Remodelling); Helsinki –
W. F. Bayliss (Manufacturing Inspection),
G. Cornwall (Reconditioning/Remodelling
tear-down and ultrasonics), and D. Hanman
(Machine Shop).
Those who went to Finland were extremely sorry
to hear of the death of Mr. M. Kotilainen, former
General Manager of Rank Xerox Finland, whom they
met while in Helsinki.
Engineer, has joined the Personnel Department and
is responsible for advising and assisting in the
application of appropriate techniques to establish
sound wage and salary structures and maintaining
Medical Department – Sister G. M. Collins
remains responsible to Mr. Charles for all medical
services and issue of protective clothing, etc.
Additional staff are being engaged for the Training
Department and further details of these
appointments will be announced later.
Mr. R. E. Baker now
Works Superintendent
With his appointment on September 30 as Works
Superintendent, Mr. R. E. Baker became
responsible for communications between
supervisory staff in works-associated departments,
keeping them informed about Company personnel
policies, assisting them in acquainting personnel
under their control with such policies, and acting
in an advisory capacity in the handling of matters
affecting Management/employee relations. He is
also assisting in the selection, training and
development of works supervisory staff.
Mr. R. E. Baker
Bob was the first of the production staff to come
to Mitcheldean – in fact he supervised the moving
and installation of plant from Shepherds Bush in
1940 – and his qualities and experience gained
in 35 years with the Company well equip him for
his new post, in which he reports direct to
Mr. S. D. Keely, Production Manager.
‘Taking a Broader Outlook’
‘You will go a long way to find any company that
has got the type of results, the places for you and
the opportunities to offer such as this one has,’
Mr. F. Wickstead told apprentices at their annual
dinner and presentation held at the Social Centre
on September 6.
‘I was disappointed at first that we were not able to
continue HNC courses at the West Gloucestershire
College of Further Education,’ he said ;
‘but since we have had time to sit back and look
at the situation, I think we will all agree that.
indirectly, it may prove of distinct benefit to the
people in this community.
‘Taking their advanced courses away from this
area, gives them not only an opportunity of
meeting a very much wider range of people but.
more important, it gives them an opportunity to
broaden their attitudes of mind.”
It was with this very conviction in mind that
arrangements had been made for apprentices
Keith Bradley and Maurice Roberts to go on a
course sponsored by the YMCA in Germany
recently (see p. 12).
There was too, he pointed out, interchange
between the various facilities of our Company, and
only recently Mr. Wickstead had received a
number of enquiries from other companies as to
whether we would be interested in an exchange of
employees – again in order to help widen their
outlook on their work.
Go on learning
‘During the past three months,’ said Mr. Wickstead,
‘we have taken some major decisions which may
affect you all. We have decided that we must
considerably strengthen our total training facilities
and, as you know, Mr. Frank Edwards is now
working full-time on education and training. I
want you to know that the Company is not doing
this because of the benefits it now reaps in the
way of grants. We as a company were spending
large sums on education before the Training Act
came into force.
At present the following are taking advanced
courses away from this area – Brian Reeves and
Keith Horrobin (HND (Mech.) at Aston Technical
College. Birmingham). Bill Hall (HND (Elec.) at
South Birmingham Technical College) , Michael
Read (HND (Elec.) at Bristol Technical College) –
Rafe Cherry will be starting the latter course in
January; Richard Gaze (HND (Maths, Statistics Et
Computing) at North Glos. Technical College).
‘But I think it has encouraged us to see where we
can now lead other companies with regard to
training in its broadest possible aspect – and this
means particularly people who are over
apprenticeship age.
‘I recently had the opportunity to talk to some
people who had just finished their college course,
all of them having been successful in varying
degrees, and it was unanimously agreed that what
they had learned was – to go on learning. If you
will go on learning, this Company should, and
must, give you every encouragement to do just
During the evening £230 was handed out in
financial awards granted by the Company to
apprentices and ex-apprentices reaching a
certificated stage of any course of studies.
Mr. Wickstead congratulated them on their
success and paid tribute to the Training School
staff led by Len Hart.
He also passed on his good wishes to instructor
Bill Stearn, who is retiring in December after 31
years with the Company, and welcomed John
Watts who recently started on electrical instruction
‘On the academic side we have done very well,’
commented Mr. Wickstead. ‘Seventy-five per cent
passed the courses they sat; of the remaining
25 per cent it is possible in the majority of cases to
arrange for candidates to be placed on other
courses. Don’t feel you are failures,’ he encouraged
As chairman of the Apprentices Committee for the
past year, Royston Meek proposed a vote of thanks
to all concerned with the training of apprentices –
followed by a hearty thank you for the dinner they
were all enjoying !
Mr. Wickstead then presented indentures and
financial awards, after which everyone enjoyed a
social evening in the Ballroom with a cabaret
provided by the Variety Group.
Those who received indentures on completion of
their apprenticeship in 1967/68 are as follows:
J. Amos (Model Shop), D. Beard (Tool
Engineering), P. Blake (Design), R. Caldicutt
(Planning), P. Delaney (Design), L. Fisher (Design),
G. Gardner (Development Laboratory), R. Griffiths
(Design), K. Jones (Maintenance), R. Meek (Tool
Engineering), R. F. Pearce (Design), R. G. Pearce
(Development Laboratory), S. Phelps (Development
Laboratory), E. Sologub (Planning), R. Spencer
(Tool Engineering), A. Taylor (Quality Control),
P. Townsend (Maintenance), R. Turner (Design),
R. Waite (Design), P. Waugh (Maintenance),
L. Young (Design).
Financial awards went to the following apprentices
and ex-apprentices:
General Engineering Course – H. Hale, R. Hawkins,
A. Morgan, W. J. Weyman ; Advanced Craft
Practices – J. Amos; Ordinary Technicians –
K. Bradley, I. C. Currie, A. P. Davis, P. B. Goodwin
M. L. Howells, D. J. Moore, R. J. Trigg,
J. Whittington: Advanced Technicians –
R. Caldicutt, L. Fisher, A. J. Hart, R. Meek,
R. Spencer. L. Young ; Inter-Electrical Technicians
S. R. Meek ; Final Electrical Technicians –
C. Gardner, J. D. Shufflebotham (with endorsement
in Electronics) ; Electrical Installation Final-
K. Jones, P. J. Townsend ; Ordinary National
Certificate – P. Blake, S. C. Carpenter, R. Gaze,
W. E. Hall, S. K. Hinton, B. Reeves, P. Rutsch
Higher National Certificate – R. Davies, R. F. Pearce,
R. G. Pearce, S. Phelps, R. Turner ; B.Sc. third
year – M. L. Husband.
Still in training
A party of Dutch journalists who visited
Mitcheldean in August were shown the Training
School during their tour of the Plant. One of the
party, observing the apprentices at work, remarked
to Len Hart: ‘You have a couple of rather old
apprentices here, haven’t you ?’ Mystified, Len
asked: ‘Who do you mean ?’ Whereupon the
Dutchman pointed to Bill Stearn and Bill Luker,
two of the school’s venerable, silver-haired
Apprentice Committee
Serving on the Apprentice Committee for the
ensuing year are: Roger Trigg (chairman), Stuart
Barnes, Richard Cooke, Brian Fowler, Terry
Further financial awards to other employees have
recently been made as follows:
0 Level Technical Drawing – Miss P. J. Compton
(now Mrs. Hamblin) ; Certificate of Office
Supervision – R. Berks, J. B. Brain, L. A. G. Bullock,
H. G. Cecil, E. W. Evans, Mrs. M. H. Jarvis,
J. J. Parry, C. C. Phillips, Mrs. R. P. Phillips,
C. G. B. Prosser ; Certificate in Supervisory
Studies – Mrs. P. McCormick, J. Court, C. Powell ;
Inst. of Cost and Works Accountants, Part I –
P. G. Ludlow ; Inst. of Work Study Practitioners –
L. Bent ; Inst. of Work Study Industrial Eng. –
T. Howard ; Higher National Certificate –
(Chemistry) T. M. Jones; (Mechanical)
D. G. Norman.
A picture to keep – apprentices who received
their indentures at the dinner.
A joke to remember – and a very good one, by
the look of it ! Photos: J. Ingram
It’s Kritikos again!
Many trials and tribulations beset the latest
Variety Show before it was actually staged on
August 30, but it turned out to be one of the
slickest presentations to date.
The smoothness with which this show was
presented just shows what a good compere can
accomplish. He blended the items into a composite
performance and there were hardly any of those
embarrassing hitches that make players and
audience feel quite uncomfortable. (Well done,
Arthur Hardy !)
In his own right he was a splendid performer with
some first-rate yodelling, impressions, etc., and a
seemingly inexhaustible fund of jokes. Arthur
fulfils many engagements as an entertainer in his
native Yorkshire and it is not surprising to learn
that he reached the finals in the recent West of
England talent competition held at the Dolphin
Club. Gloucester.
Many, especially the older ones, are still
complaining that the show runs a little too long.
but is too good to miss. Can the organisers think
about cutting it a little further by not duplicating
some of the turns – good as they are – and also
see if it is possible to shorten some of the
between-items compering ? Perhaps the
reintroduction of a 30-minute interval for some
quick liquid refreshment and a chance to stretch
oneself out of the wooden chair would help.
The Xeroettes are still progressing but the road for
this type of performance is long and hard
because one must not lose sight of the fact that
these charming ladies are amateurs. They had to
concentrate hard to keep the correct timing in
their ‘Brazil’ number and this showed in their paces
as well as their faces! A specialist teacher is
what they need, and we’re delighted to know that
Miss Elizabeth Corney of Lydbrook is taking over
their training – they are worth it. So chins up,
my beauties, and keep smiling !
How nice to see some variations in the show.
Well done, Xerox Copiers Primrose McCormick
and Lewis Colwell. These two showed
considerable aptitude for miming in their two
numbers ‘Darling Go Home’ and ‘Goodness
Gracious Me!’ More please.
John Earl, unrecognisable with his Al Jolson
make-up and gestures and oozing with confidence.
put it over in quite a professional manner.
Philip Southwood brought a new element into his
act in the charming shape of Joan Grindle; she
did her mental telepathy bit very convincingly.
Sadie, with her Irish songs. was as popular as ever
and it’s nice to see her back on stage, but why
only one lady soloist this time ? And were the
Management invited ? They were missed.
Edward Chetcuti (a bass-baritone, programme
writers please note) made a masterly job of the
catalogue song in Italian from Don Giovanni.
I like this artist much more when he sings in
Italian than when he does so in English. Gordon
Davies sang with his usual sincerity – very
pleasing sound but he showed a slight trace of
nervousness on stage (don’t worry, Gordon. we
like you all the same !).
Confusion from the Drama Section. but intentional.
A well-dressed sketch and the audience and
players obviously enjoyed it. Enjoyment could have
been heightened, however, if we could only get
over these microphone problems; in this sketch a
lot of on-stage noises were heard whereas a lot
of the dialogue was lost. A thought for the
organisers to work on : artistes might try voice
projection without the mike, or several ceiling
mikes might be installed for the drama
Fiddlers Three – you now have the audience in
the palm of your hand, they love you. In other
words, you have ‘arrived’, as is proved by the fact
that the audience laugh before you even do
anything funny. Keep this delightful craziness up,
The RRmonys have now been joined by another
R. Davies, giving us RRR Holland. Davies and
Davies! Very professional performance this.
displaying a high standard of instrumental skill and
compelling rhythm. Deserves a break in the outer
world of entertainment.
Two 2’s plus 1 : I mentioned cutting the
programme a little – here’s one place I feel that
this could be done. We all know the skill of this
group but seeing that they are playing and singing
for dancing at the end of the show, the majority
of the audience can enjoy their music for the last
90 to 120 minutes.
The Xeroettes with John Earl ended the show
smartly and the whole company filed on stage for
the finale. Next time how about bringing the
artistes in turn to the front for a bow to accept the
individual applause they deserve ? And one more
point about performers: please bring them more
forward on stage – we like to see as well as hear
A word of praise and thanks now to the ‘vital
performers’, the backroom boys and girls: Bill
Pritchard (stage electrician), Tony Cale (make-up),
Janet Stock (wardrobe) and David Pritchard and
Bob Ryland (curtains).
The large audience at this latest effort underlined
the popularity of this sort of live revue so keep up
the good work, Variety Nighters – I am enjoying
myself and so are many, many more. You are
appreciated !
Arthur Hardy, an entertaining compere. That crazy trio – the Fiddlers Three. Sadie Pritchard gives us an Irish song. ‘Darling, Go Home’ by the Xerox Copiers John ‘Al Jolson’ Earl. Photos: J. Ingram
Our longest serving employee, George Fricker, who
recently completed 40 years with the Company,
retired from his position as supervisor of the Tool
Room in October -a position he had held since
1946. To mark the occasion the LSA gave him a
cheque towards the cost of a refrigerator, while
the Tool Room, represented by Ron Wrigglesworth
After winning the last two games of cricket against
the Management, the Apprentices were hopeful
of gaining a hat-trick of wins when they met to do
battle at Mitcheldean Sports Ground on
August 29.
A. Davis, captain of the Apprentices team, won the
toss and decided to bat. It seemed a good
decision as R. Spencer and P. Townsend took the
score along to 23 before the first wicket fell.
A. Edwards then joined R. Spencer and the score
moved along quickly to 44, when A. Edwards was
dismissed by R. Powell.
From this point of 44 for two the Apprentice
wickets fell quickly, the only real resistance coming
from K. Bradley who was ten not out at the end.
L. Laken of the Management team did the
damage, taking six quick wickets, and when the
last man was out the score had reached 58.
The Management innings started disastrously,
both openers being lost in the same over. Two
(on right), gave him a sea fishing rod and reel.
Succeeding him as supervisor is Roy Jones from
Planning who worked in the Tool Room under
Mr. Fricker for about six years, and before that was
employed in the former Experimental Department.
October also saw the retirement of Colin Weaver
(3600 Assembly) who joined us in August 1954.
Fred Meek (Paint Shop) who came to us in
March 1955 and Edwin Jones (Repair Et
Maintenance Dept.) who came in 1948, will both
be retiring at the end of November, while
W. F. ‘Bill’ Stearn (Training School instructor)
leaves in December, having completed 31 years
with the Company.
Two future dates for members to note:
November 30 – an outing to see Rolf Harris at
Coventry Hippodrome; and January 25 – the
annual social, to be held in the Social Centre.
We regret to have to record the sudden death on
September 8 of T. John Everall at the age of 41
years. A bachelor, John was in charge of
production of the main castings on the 3600 model.
He joined us in 1943 and received his 25-year
award at the Long Service annual dinner last May.
Sorry to report that Ted Valiance (Machine Shop)
is still out sick after a number of weeks’ absence.
He is due to receive specialist treatment shortly.
Our last issue referred to Henry Phillips, LSA
chairman, as Tool Room Supervisor; this should,
of course, have read Tool Inspection Supervisor.
more wickets fell quickly and they were then
12 for four.
At this point R. Powell joined D. Kear and stopped
the slide, and together they came to within 12 runs
of the Apprentices’ total, when D. Kear fell to a
fine catch by K. Bradley off the bowling of
A. Davis.
Management then lost another couple of quick
wickets, including R. Powell who hit a solid
innings of 23, before finally passing the
Apprentices’ total with two overs to spare.
The cup was presented to the captain of the
winning Management team by Mr. S. Keely,
Production Manager, who joined the players in
the White Horse after the match for celebrations.
Management team: R. Powell (captain), F. Abbott,
M. Baguley, C. Brown, J. George, J. Haggar,
D. Kear, L. Laken, J. Moisley, J. Smith, G. Weaver.
Apprentices team: A. Davis (captain), S. Barnes,
K. Bradley, A. Edwards, R. Griffiths, R. Meek,
M. Roberts, E. Sologub, R. Spencer, A. Taylor,
P. Townsend. Umpires: R. E. Baker and
F. J. Edwards – Alec Davis
For Sale
Straight tree-bark satin wedding dress with lace
bodice and long train trimmed with lace. 36 in.
hips – £1 2. Also veil and headdress. Offers
invited. Tel. 342 int.
Princess-style wedding dress, 34 in. bust, pale
cream with gold embroidery, long train,
headdress to match – £12 10s. Tel. 343 int.
Snooker table top, 6 ft. x 3 ft., plus full set of
snooker balls and two cues, price £10 ono.
Replies:to : G. T. Beavan, Supplies Planning Dept.
Tel. 147 int.
1966 Fairview Nile four-berth caravan,
immaculate condition. Lounge, kitchen, separate
bedroom, bathroom and toilet. Sited at Cinderford.
HP terms available. Offers invited. Contact
Mrs. Carol Simonds. Tel. 432 int.
Single phase motor (1 or 11 hp.), bench vice (6 in.
capacity). Replies to: D. J. Baron, Tool Room.
Where have all the Scouters gone? One of these
elusive persons is needed to help form a scout
troupe in Mitcheldean. Volunteers please contact
Michael Stephens, Quality Control Dept.
Tel. 460 int.
1 Take a VC 10 and leave the
handle behind (3 Et 3)
4 Sage Norman in the theatre. (6)
7 In the mind’s eye a fanciful
magazine editress, perhaps. (9)
9 Scottish association with
Garry Et Coe. (4)
10 The shape of a lot of
schoolchildren. (4)
11 Can it be one cavalry man ?
How singular ! (5)
13 Ten per cent commissions for the
clergy. (6)
14 Popular holiday resort, but ‘long
time no sea’. (6)
15 ‘Smile when you say this’ is
snapped sometimes. (6)
17 China – ancient race ? (6)
19 Put your name down to become
another 11 across. (5)
20 This is absolutely crazy – (4)
22 – but this is absolutely
certain. (4)
23 Temper the wind to the chilly
babe. (5 Et 4)
24 Always in the soup, the idiot. (6)
25 Childish noise from a reptilian
rear-end. (6)
1 I simply can’t remember what
this word is. (6)
2 Mythical Norse god – makes no
noise, apparently. (4)
3 Could they be ecclesiastical
chipmunks? (6)
4 Its famous cleaner was George
Formby. (6)
5 Seaside detergent. (4)
6 Something extremely fishy about
him ! (6)
7 Ceremonial garments – not to be
worn under the shirt. (9)
With which to knock down
teenagers? (5 Er 4)
Rotten service shows it at
breaking point. (5)
Lustrous girl – something fishy
about her too – her mother’s
name is Nacre. (5)
Would you like to dance, girls?
I’ll bet you can’t – can’t ! (6)
You are entitled to go in for the
second course. (6)
This is not so hot. (6)
Do you boil to see the answer?
Cast-off building. (4)
Filthy little black spot ! (4)
Solution p. 16
by Paul Gregory
1 2 3
f. 5 6
“f/ // 7 10
/ IA
12 7 rj,
13 ly ;14
v .
Y “7/7 / V7
15 16
17 18
V 19 v
20 21 j v I / 22
23 r / A / ,
.,. i r ljy
24 j 25
For young people of similar age but from different
countries to meet and talk about their life and work
must be of benefit not only to the individuals
concerned but also to the company they work for.
Apart from making for better international
understanding, such contacts also help to broaden
one’s outlook and stimulate interest in change and
When the opportunity arose, therefore, to send
two young representatives of our Company on an
Anglo-German course for apprentices held at
Europa-Haus, Otzenhausen (near Trier), the
Management took advantage of it. The course was
organised by the National Council of YMCAs –
the British Council and the West German Ministry
of Family and Youth making available to the
YMCA money enabling them to offer partial
bursaries to participants.
The lucky lads, whose names were democratically
drawn out of a hat, were Keith Bradley and
Maurice Roberts; escorted by YMCA officials, they
left this country on Saturday, August 31, in the
company of more than 20 apprentices from other
companies, all between 18 and 21 years of age.
After 14 hours of travelling they arrived at 1 a.m.
the following Monday and were greeted by
Herr Heinz Schlicht, the director of the course.
They soon made friends with the German party
with whom they spent the next six days, two
interpreters taking care of any language difficulties.
The course was entitled ‘Partnership -A Bridge
towards the World of Tomorrow’ ; subjects covered
under that heading ranged from European
unification and the problems of young people in
this country and Germany, to ‘Our responsibility
for the world of tomorrow.’
‘During our free time’, wrote Keith, ‘we split up
into five study groups, integrating English with
Germans, and it was within these groups that we
carried out most of our work’. The groups were
sent out to gather as much information as they
could about municipal administration, schooling,
factory life, etc., after which they gave a report on
their visits and joined in general discussion.
Maurice had one criticism – of a speaker from the
British Embassy in Bonn who dwelt too long on
the ancient history of Britain. ‘His lecture became
more enjoyable when he talked of Britain and her
entry into the Common Market,’ he remarked. In
fact, the EEC was ore of the subjects that aroused
particular interest among the apprentices and
discussion became quite heated !
The more serious side of the course was offset by
various outings, such as an excursion to Trier
which is rich in antiquities and relics of Roman
times, and a trip across the Saarland to nearby
Luxembourg, stopping to see the power station at
the Vianden reservoir which produces enough
electricity for the whole of Luxembourg, the
remainder being fed into the German electricity
grid. There was also time for swimming, football
and the odd bit of shopping.
Europa-Haus at Otzenhausen.
The German group had to leave two days earlier,
and after their departure the English group moved
to a teacher training college at Rehlingen from
which centre they visited a glass blowing factory,
Saarbrucken radio and television centre (two of
the boys spoke live on the German radio), and the
plant of G. M. Pfaff in Kaiserslautern where
sewing machines are manufactured.
Both Keith and Maurice were enthusiastic about
the course and what it had taught them. ‘We
would like the Management to know how much
we appreciated being able to go along,’ they said.
Their sincere thanks go also to the two excellent
interpreters, all the staff at Europa-Haus, the
Rev. Peter Hayman, Assistant Director of Studies,
YMCA Course for Industrial Managers at University
College, Cambridge, and Mr. Charles Nunn.
YMCA Youth in Industry tutor for the West
Cumberland area, for making it such an interesting
and worthwhile experience.
Keith (far left) and Maurice show souvenirs or
their trip to Training & Education Manager
Frank Edwards and Mrs. Grace Watkins, a member
of the departmental staff Standing is Maurice
Husband who worked as assistant to Mr Edwards
during the industrial period of his B.Sc. degree
course, and is now doing his fourth year in
electrical engineering at Bath University.
Pot luck!
If a tea-vending machine breaks down when
you’re at work on a Sunday morning and you have
no other means of getting a cuppa, that’s an
emergency, isn’t it ? So thought a certain fork-lift
truck driver at the International Warehouse as he
lifted the ‘phone connecting him with the
Gloucester Trading Estate’s alarm system. Had he
but known it, this could have resulted in both the
City and the County Fire Brigades racing to his
aid, not to mention the GTE fire tender
Fortunately sufficient staff were on duty at the
control box to enable an enquiry to be made first ;
had there not been, a button would have been
pressed that would have set the whole fire alarm
machinery in instant motion !
Thank you, donors !
The blood donor session held at our Plant on
October 1 and 2 produced an outstanding
response ; 288 pints of blood were given by
employees, and Sister Collins would like to thank
all donors, particularly those who went along to
the unit after working a night shift.
Benefit Party
Warehouseman Reuben Jones, who suffered
serious injury to his legs in a fork-lift truck accident
last summer, came out of hospital in September
after 11 weeks’ treatment and, when last we
heard, was making a good recovery. His colleagues
have been doing what they can, and a Benefit
Evening for him was held at the Railway Hotel,
Ross-on-Wye, on August 24, organised by Ray
Goode together with Don Reed and John Morgan.
People who attended from the International
Warehouse at Gloucester, Mitcheldean Plant and
Edwards Transport Ltd., enjoyed a cabaret
provided by two driving section singers, Ray
Goode and Larry Gardiner ; Arthur Hardy,
entertainer from Central*Stores; drummer Dave
Rudge, a Remploy driver; and pianist Maurice
Price, a salesman from Lydney. The evening
produced £22 17s., to which was added £9 1s..
the result of a Warehouse collection.
Good Catches for Club
Following the acquisition of their own waters at
Huntsham Bridge, where some good catches have
been obtained, membership of the Angling Club
has shot up to about 60 and additional waters are
being sought.
On September 21 club members enjoyed a trip on
the River Huntspill by kind permission of the
Bridgwater Angling Club, though the fish were
not very co-operative ! J. Teague (Assembly,
Bldg. 24) achieved top weight. The club have
also been invited to fish on the River Axe by the
Weston-super-Mare Anglers.
Putting IYOUlin the picture
New Arrivals
Tracey Louise, a daughter for Clive Wilce (Machine
Shop Inspection), on July 4.
Rebecca Jane, a daughter for Robert Taylor
(Reconditioning/Remodelling), on September 10.
Kevin John, a son for Mrs. Brenda Haysome
(formerly secretary to Mr. R. E. Baker), on
September 11.
Joanne, a daughter for Roger Griffiths (3600
Assembly) and his wife Maria (formerly
Reconditioning/Remodelling), on September 19.
Christopher, a son for Mrs. Angela Simonds
(formerly Personnel Services), on October 5.
Our best wishes for a happy retirement go to the
following :
September: Nelson Hemsley (cleaner), William
O’Keefe (Tool Engineering) ; October: Henry
Aldington (3600 Assembly), Harold Church
(Goods Inwards Et Despatch): November: Ivor
Body (external driver), Charles Butt
(Reconditioning/Remodelling), Stanley Gwatkin
(Int. Warehouse) : December: Frank de Belford
Roger Trigg (apprentice) to Miss Helen Bevan on
June 2.
Miss Annette Fawlkes (Canteen) to Richard Cook
(apprentice) on June 21.
James Bevan (3600 Assembly) to Miss Barbara
Hall on July 27.
Peter Lawrence (International Warehouse) to
Miss Carol King on August 5.
Miss Denise Taylor (Canteen) to Colin Hill on
August 18.
Miss Katrina Knight (Accounts) to Derek Parker
(Cost Office) on August 24.
John Watkins (Reconditioning/Remodelling) to
Miss Ann Blewitt on August 30.
Robert Hopkins (Cutter Grinding, Machine Shop)
to Miss Susan Delaney in September.
Miss Vera McBean (Telex Operator, Gloucester)
to Wesley Harford on September 14.
Miss Julia Fletcher (secretary to International
Distribution Manager) to Stephen Christopher on
December 14.
21st Birthdays
Glyn Ruck (Press Shop) and Miss Shirley Trigg
(3600 Assembly), both on August 6.
Miss Marie Jones (3600 Assembly) to Anthony
Burns at the Baptist Chapel, Cinderford, on
July 27.
Miss Jeannette Skelton (Despatch) to Jim Pearce
(Quality Control) at St. Stephen’s Church,
Cinderford, on August 24.
Roger Meek (Machine Shop) to Miss Valerie
Taylor at Our Lady of Victories, Cinderford ;
Tony Hill (Tool Design) to Miss Janet Knight at
St. Andrew’s Church, Sonning-on-Thames;
Dennis Hanford (Goods Inwards, International
Warehouse) to Miss Patricia Thomas at St. Mary’s
Church, Frampton-on-Severn ; Miss Pamela Merry
(Assembly, Bldg. 24) to Doug Barber at Lydbrook
Church ; and Roger Evans (programmer, Data
Processing) to Miss Delia Bloomfield at St. Peter’s
Et St. Paul’s, Tonbridge, Kent; all on September 14.
Miss Carol Simmons to Alan Barnett (both of
3600 Assembly) at Lydbrook Church; David
Matthews (Model Shop) to Miss Valerie Clowes
at St. John’s Church, Ruardean; and Vernon
Dancey (Development Laboratory) to Miss
Heather Shubert at St. Peter’s Church, Cheltenham;
all on September 21.
Bob Toomer (Model Shop) to Miss Jane Rymell
at King Sutton, near Banbury, on October 12.
Reconditioned Don !
Don Presdee, who is currently ‘down under’
assisting Rank Xerox, Australia, to set up
reconditioning facilities, must have been delighted
to receive this recent telex from Mitcheldean
signed by Arthur Thomas, senior engineer,
Reconditioning Group: ‘The following
Reconditioning Change Form issued : Change
D. Presdee from Husband to read Father with
Daughter. Quantity one off at 6 lb 12 oz born
12.55 a.m. 18/9/68. Both doing well.
Lost Locket
Mrs. Mary Goode would like to thank the person
who kindly handed in her lost silver locket to the
First Aid Department.
Male order
The Mail Room would like to know to whom they
should address the pair of men’s pants left on the
post box in Building 32!
Mr and Mrs J. Pearce
Reported in our earlier issues
Mr and Mrs A. Hamblin
Mr and Mrs R. Evans Mr and Mrs M. Jones
R. Evans
Mr and Mrs a Barber Mr and Mrs D. Stevens
Mr and Mrs A. Barnett
Mr and Mrs A. Burns
J. Ingram Mr and Mrs R. Pearce
J. Ingram Mr and Mrs P. Leaver
R. Evans
R. Evans
III#41111,./~/~4,411.#411WW, – .0 AM, .0 AMP’ 411, AIMP – AMY I /MI All AMP’ A.~0’4
Choose the three girls you think best deserve the title, fill in their numbers on the ballot
form and send it to Personnel Services as indicated. The girls awarded most votes will
compete for the title at the Annual Dance to be held in the Social Centre on Friday,
November 22. As before, a prize of £10 will go to the winner, with second and third prizes
of £5 and £2 10s. respectively. And the Management usually have some extra surprise
up their sleeve for the winner .. . !
W.1411,,IIIMI.I0.1.11111/,#1/1″0.1./111,#./ /414I/AIING,
Ballot Form
Return this form to Personnel Services not later than Wednesday, November 13.
4MIV I’ AMY AEI 0′ Mir 4111, .1=I /Mr All AIM, AIMP’ AMP’ 4, 411M, AMY
Ballot Fora
Return this form to Personnel Services not later than Wednesday, November 13.
boxes on the right (the order makes no difference). El Put the three numbers of your choice in the
Department 1
Christmas Campaign
Its not very often that we get a genuinely white
Christmas, but whether the weather obliges or not,
you can depend on seeing snowflakes on the
windows somewhere or other around the Plant in
They may be made of cotton wool and be hung on
thread but they’re a perennial favourite, along with
the paper chains, Christmas trees and cut-outs,
cards and calendars, for lending a festive
atmosphere to areas that for the rest of the year
preserve a strictly functional appearance.
Decorations are, of course, de rigueur in the Social
Centre and the Club House which naturally
become the focal point of Christmas celebrations.
The season is ushered in by the Annual Dance and
Reunion which, as announced, takes place on
November 22 this year. After that there is a
dazzling round of departmental parties (we list
them below) at which non-employee wives and
husbands will doubtless do their best to keep
their partners from talking shop!
Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without the
children, and even in an industrial plant such as
ours they are not forgotten. Their annual party will
take place on December 14 in the Social Centre
and will be for employees’ children aged from five
to ten years old. The programme will follow the
usual popular pattern -a film show to start with,
a Christmas tea to get on with, and entertainment
to follow. If you have any eligible party-goers, let
your Sports Er Social Club committee member know.
For the grown-ups, eating and drinking are a
vitally important aspect of the festive season, and
the Canteen will lay in a dozen or so 30 lb.
turkeys, some 50 to 60 lb. of pudding and around
80 dozen mince pies for the Christmas lunches.
A rich mixture of voices is soon to be blended
into a harmonious carolling choir by Alan Phelps
(Production Er Supply Planning), who is choir
master at St. Stephen’s Church, Cinderford. They
will be singing during the Christmas lunches in the
Canteen and persuading people to give
generously to the chosen charity. This year it will
be the National Children’s Home and Orphanage
who will benefit.
The carollers wait for their lunch (well, who could
sing on top of plum pudding ?), and their dry
throats are slaked with a glass of wine by
courtesy of the organisers, the Ladies’ Keep Fit
group – another act of charity much appreciated !
Departmental Dates
3600 Dept.
Planning & TED
Tool Room
Stock Control Et
Goods Inwards
Int. Warehouse
Social Centre
Castle View Hotel
Brockhampton Court
Old Court Hotel
Chase Hotel
Social Centre
Social Centre
Co.urtfield Arms
Social Centre
Chase Hotel
Brockhampton Court
ACROSS: 1 – Fly off. 4- Wisdom
7 – Visionary. 9 – Glen. 10 – Form. 11 – Troop.
13 – Tithes. 14 – Weston. 15 – Cheese.
17 – Crocks. 19 – Enrol. 20 – Nuts. 22 – Sure.
23 – Shorn lamb. 24 – Noodle. 25 – Rattle.
DOWN: 1 – Forget. 2 – Odin. 3 – Friars.
4 – Window. 5 – Surf. 6 – Merman.
7 – Vestments. 8 – Youth club. 11 – Tense.
12 – Pearl. 15 – Can can. 16 – Entrée.
17 – Cooler. 18 – Seethe. 21 – Shed. 22 – Smut.
Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.

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