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Vision 053

Jan/Feb 69 No 53 kgiS10 House Magazine of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant
Performing a pleasant service for
his constituents – Mr. Charles
Loughlin, MP for West
Gloucestershire, crowns 16-yearold
Jeanette Madden ‘Miss Rank
Xerox, Mitcheldean’ for 1968169
He was fulfilling one of his first
engagements following his
appointment as Parliamentary
Secretary to the Ministry of
Public Buildings and Works.
Jeanette, who is a clerk ‘typist in
the Supply Planning Department,
won £10 plus a two-day trip to
London for herself and a friend,
staying overnight at the Royal
Lancaster Hotel, Highlights of the
trip included attending the
world premiere of the film ‘Chitty
Chitty Bang Bang’ at the Odeon
cinema, Leicester Square (see
page 10).
Improving our
We all want job satisfaction. Most of us would
like bigger pay packets. We want to work for a
company that has a future.
The price is improved productivity. We must
produce more at lower cost, eliminate waste of
every kind, and continually look for ways and
means of improving our efficiency on the shop
floor and in the office.
This can only be achieved if we work together.
That is why we have mounted a productivity
campaign at Mitcheldean under the leadership of
Mr. F. E. Oldfield, the industrial consultant. His
programme of activity started on Monday,
November 4.
I want you to know that, before the programme
was launched, it was agreed in principle by
Trades Union officials, Works representatives,
Supervision, and Management. Both Mr. Oldfield
and I insisted on this before he would undertake
it and I would approve it.
You might ask : ‘Why employ a consultant ?’ A
good question. Consultants are not cheap. The
answer is two-fold. First, Rank Xerox is going
through a phenomenal growth period, and we have
our work cut out to meet our customers’ demands.
Second, this is a very specialised exercise and we
need a specialist to plan it and guide us through
it. Mr. Oldfield has been an industrial consultant
for over 30 years. He is thoroughly experienced
and a man capable of understanding and talking to
people at all levels. You and I are paying for his
services. It will be our fault if we do not get our
money’s worth.
You might say to yourselves: ‘We are always being
asked to produce more, and the only result seems
to be that our money buys less, our taxes go up
and we seem to be running harder to stay in the
same place. Is it worth it ?’
Mr. F. E. Oldfield, the industrial
consultant, who is located in
Mr. Hotchen’s former office in
Building 23.
We know that the national economy is shaky and
the adverse trading balance acute. To improve
productivity is the only thing we can do to arrest
the decline.
Increased productivity does not necessarily mean
more physical effort. Work smarter – not harder.
If you want to know more about it, ask your
Supervisor or, better still, Fred Oldfield.
We at Rank Xerox, Mitcheldean, have every right
to be proud of our contribution to the national
overseas balance of payments. If anyone should
ask, tell them: ‘Last year, Rank Xerox revenue was
over £84 million and 73 per cent of that, i.e. £73
out of every £100, was earned in overseas
territories.’ Tell them also that nearly all the
products from which that revenue was derived
were produced at Mitcheldean.
Who will immediately benefit from improved
productivity ? Certainly the shareholders. They
risked their savings in the Xerographic experiment.
Without their investment there would be no
Rank Xerox. It is up to us to see that they get a
reasonable return on their risk and investment.
As for us, we have invested our skills and labour in
Rank Xerox and we also are entitled to a
reasonable return. It is up to us. By improving our
productivity, we can be sure of getting it.
Let’s get cracking.
Director of Production and Supply Operations.
From all reports, the opening of the Design
Department by Mr. A. S. Pratt, Chief Engineer of
Rank Xerox Ltd., so that employees could bring
their families along, was a huge success. The
350 adults and 100 children who turned up on
the afternoon of Saturday, October 19, were
provided with a programme which showed what
was on view and where.
This included the Design Laboratory (development
of various models); Draughting Et Records
(demonstration of 3600 Et sorter) ; Print Room
(1824, 1860 and dye-line printers in operation) ;
Data Processing Department (demonstration of
Type 1000 Printer and associated equipment) ;
Development Laboratory (methods of colour
measurement ; the use of micro-electronics, motor
testing and Xerographics) ; Reliability Laboratory
(component and machine testing ; display of faulty
components) ; Model Shop (display of machine
After inspecting what may justifiably be described
as one of the most advanced engineering
facilities in the country, the visitors enjoyed light
Rank Xerox
Managers visit
Some 50 Rank Xerox UK branch managers and
branch services managers visited Mitcheldean on
November 21. After seeing a PERT demonstration
given by Mr. K. Boyd in the Social Centre, they
toured the Plant in eight parties, escorted by
Messrs. D. R. Elliott, V. G. Parry, R. W. Mason,
K. Boyd, S. J. Scott, E. G. Elliott, E. Watkins and
L. Laken. Pictured right: Mr. Watkins’ party have
the functions of a Rotab rotary inclinable table
explained to them by Standards Room inspector
George Brooks.
Stuart Harrold explains the working of a 3600 in
the Design Laboratory, while procurement
engineer John Turner’s son takes a look for himself!
In the Draughting & Records section, Marilyn
Phelps shows what the 3600 and sorter can do.
Following the Company’s decision to set up a
Reconditioning Centre at the Sydney National
Workshops to cover the Far Eastern hemisphere,
reconditioning engineer Don Presdee went to
Australia last August for some ten weeks to give
help and advice in the setting up and operation of
such a centre.
Now back from spring ‘down under’ to winter at
Mitcheldean, Don had the following to say about
his assignment :
My journey out to Australia was not by the usual
scheduled air flight instead, I was the only
passenger on a Rank Xerox charter cargo flight,
carrying the tools and spare parts for the job in
hand. This being so, I virtually had access to the
whole aircraft and was treated as a member of the
Some three and a half days after take-off we
arrived in Sydney feeling a little tired (I had made
fruitless attempts at trying to sleep on top of a
720 copier !), but pleased to be met by
representatives from the Australian company.
The operation being carried out by the latter is of
an identical nature to, but on a smaller scale than,
that at the Mitcheldean and Venray centres, and
the end product is to the same standard of a new
The service is designed to cater for other Rank
Xerox operating companies in this part of the
world – namely, those in Malaysia, Singapore,
Hong Kong and New Zealand – and in order to
meet their commitments, two production lines.
similar to those at Mitcheldean, have been set up
to deal with 660 and 720 copiers.
Because of the small scale of this programme,
compromises have had to be made with the type of
plant and services required, but, thanks to typical
Australian ingenuity, the two production lines are
now working and by October last, 720 and 660
copiers had already been assembled and installed Reconditioning Down Under
General view of the 914 reconditioning and
720 remodelling lines.
Setting station on the 660 remodelling line.
Meeting in Spain
Mr. V. G. Parry, Inspection and Quality Control
Manager, paid a visit to Spain from September 16
to 20 to attend the 12th European Organisation
for Quality Control Conference, held at Madrid
University, and at the same time liaise with
Rank Xerox Spain.
The conference attracted around 650 delegates
representing some 26 different countries, and
understandably the strongest contingent was the
Spanish one. There were delegates from a number
of Iron Curtain countries, including 22 from
Czechoslovakia; this might be thought a high
figure in view of their recent troubles, but it was
possibly due to the fact that the 1969 conference
is scheduled to be held in Prague.
Mr. Parry, who was accompanied by Mr. W.
Thoday from Denham and Mr. Jan Bosje from
Venray, heard 19 papers presented on various
aspects of quality control (there was simultaneous
translation into English, French, German and
Apart from the subjects discussed at the conference,
the occasion provided a valuable opportunity to
meet senior personnel from a wide range of
companies from other parts of the world and, said
Mr. Parry, one couldn’t help being impressed by
the widespread acquaintance with Rank Xerox
products throughout the countries represented.
Left to right: Mr. W. Thoday (Denham), Mr. V.
G. Parry and Mr. Jan Bosje of Venray with the
conference copier.
in the field, giving very satisfactory performances.
T:ie National Workshops engineers are by no means
unfamiliar with work of this nature : only recently
they reconditioned a quantity of 914 copiers for
export to New Zealand and they felt very pleased
with the result of their efforts after receiving a
complimentary report from the New Zealand
Technical Service Manager, Mr. David MacDonald.
The latter paid a visit to the Sydney Workshops
during my visit there, and he asked me to pass on
his best regards to the Mitcheldean people he
worked with during the BAF and early 914 days.
I met two other ex-Mitcheldean workers while at
the National Workshops – Terry Hemms and his
wife, who emigrated to Australia last July. They
too wish to be remembered to all their friends at
the Mitcheldean Plant.
There is a large percentage of English migrants
working at the National Workshops. Some of them
have been out in Australia for a considerable
Two English migrants from Sheffield and
Merthyr Tydfil working on the 720 remodelling line.
number of years, have lost their local English
dialects and call other Englishmen ‘Pommies’ !
But they still have a yearning to spend a holiday in
England and they ask if the English weather has
improved !
Weather is something of which a newcomer to
Australia is very conscious: springtime in Sydney
is the time of year when male workers, young and
old alike, are just starting to wear summer shorts
to work.
The delightful weather turns one’s thoughts
seawards, and there are no less than 67 beautiful
beaches to choose from within easy reach of
Sydney. When I left Australia, my job completed,
the temperature was already in the nineties.
The Australian company will, I feel sure, make a
success of the current operation. They extend
their sincere thanks and good wishes to their
English counterparts for the assistance they have
so far received.
This Australian on the .660 remodelling line is
dressed in typical summer working clothes.
Turn right at the copier!
A notable ‘delegate’ to the conference was a 3600
machine which the Madrid offices of Rank Xerox
Spain had installed at the University to offer free
copy service to those present. Both the service and
the machine aroused tremendous interest
throughout the whole of the conference and the
latter was continually surrounded by delegates.
It also served another somewhat unintentional
service: towards the end of the conference, the
chairmen at the meetings were giving direction
instructions to delegates by reference to the
position of the copier I
What do we get out of the LSA?
This is a question which often arises when
committee members come face to face with other
members, especially when a collection is necessary
for someone who is due to retire after many years
of faithful service to the Company and the
association. ‘We pay our shilling every week’ is a
remark frequently made, and of course this is true.
Those of you who never come to the annual
general meeting cannot hope to know the answer,
although it is very simple. From your annual
subscription of £2 12s Od, £1 is put to your credit
and is known as entitlement payable when you
leave the employment of the Company for any
Furthermore, if you enjoy social events (and two
are arranged each year – the annual dinner and
the Christmas social), these are both free and
available to every member.
If you do not care for this sort of thing, the answer
becomes much more simple because, apart from
the entitlement, the answer is nothing, unless –
and that is the crucial word – unless the need
Ask any member who has been unfortunate
enough to suffer a long spell away from work
owing to illness, or any other misfortune outside
Gratefully received
The LSA sent £5 at Christmas to each of the five
retired members who are not in receipt of any
remuneration from the Company.
The Sports Et Social Club once again donated £15
towards the Mitcheldean Old People’s Christmas
The collection at our Plant raised the sum of
£38 5s. 8d. reports Poppy Day organiser, Mrs. Sadie
Pritchard, who is chairman of the women’s section
of the British Legion, Mitcheldean and Abenhall.
She asks us to pass on her thanks to all who
kindly donated.
The Muscular Dystrophy Group of Gt. Britain was
the charity which benefited from the concert given
jointly by Drybrook & District Prize Silver Band
and Drybrook & District Male Voice Choir at our
Plant last October; the sum of £15 was forwarded
to the Group by the Sports & Social Club who
organised the event.
their control, and they will tell you that the LSA
can be and are very helpful and generous when the
need arises.
So if you happen to be one of the lucky ones and
you go through to retirement without ever having
occasion to know what you get out of the LSA,
you can be thankful, for you will then be able to
enjoy the social events and annual outing
organised by the Association for such as you.
E. George Jones (Repair and Maintenance), who
retired in November after 20 years’ service, was
presented with a transistor radio by LSA
vice-chairman Bob Baker on behalf of the
association. Watching are committee member Kate
Matthews, secretary Doris Barker and chairman
Henry Phillips. Two other LSA members,
Colin Weaver (3600 Assembly) and F. Howard
Meek (Paint Shop), whose retirement before
Christmas was reported last issue, chose fireside
chairs for their leaving gift from the LSA.
Keeping Cheerful
‘A few members have been bitten by the ‘flu
bug,’ reported Doris Barker as we went to press.
‘but although the sick list has been short we still
have a few members who have had very long
spells of illness. Neville Barnett, Ted Bayman,
Arthur Bevan and Ted Valiance all keep very
cheerful despite slight setbacks, and are ever
hopeful of a speedy return to work.’
Richard (Dick) Payne, who has been on the sick
list for the last five years, retires at the end of
January and we wish him all the best.
Three Cheers for Bill
The affection with which Bill Stearn. Training
School instructor, was regarded was plain to
see – and hear – in the Social Centre on
November 29. The occasion was a dinner and
social evening, arranged by Rank Xerox
apprentices in appreciation of his tuition and
guidance, and marking his retirement after
31 years’ service with the Company.
Speaking of his past work, Mr. Wickstead said :
‘He is the finest instrument engineer it has ever
been my pleasure to meet.’
A measure of his skill, and his ability to pass on
such skill to a younger generation. was displayed
in a miniature dividing head, made specially by
Training School boys and presented to Bill by
Mr. Wickstead. For Mrs. Stearn, there was a
beautiful bouquet which was presented to her
by Mrs. Wickstead.
Obviously moved, Bill said that his years in the
School had been the best period of his working
life, and he modestly expressed the hope that he
had been ‘of help to some of you lads’. Led by
Roger Trigg, chairman of the Apprentice
Committee, the ‘lads’ gave three hearty cheers for
Bill and his wife.
The event was arranged by apprentices Stuart
Barnes, Richard Cooke, Kevin Howells, Peter
Jennings, Richard Morgan and David Woods. As
a memento of the occasion, Bill took away with
him one of the menu cards which featured his
portrait on the cover and bore the signatures of
around 100 apprentices, ex-apprentices and
In all his years with the Company, Bill Stearn
was never once known to arrive late for work !
Mr. Wickstead presents Bill with the miniature
dividing head made for him by the apprentices.
West of England
Mitcheldean apprentices made a pretty impressive
showing in the 1968 Apprentice Competition of
the Engineering Employers’ West of England
Competing against lads from companies in an area
stretching from Worcestershire to Devon,
second-year apprentices Ian Hale and Andrew
Phillips have walked off with joint first prize in the
junior grade of the Machining/Fitting Class, Craft
Section, while fourth-year apprentice Richard
Morgan, who two years ago obtained second prize
in the junior grade, has this time won second prize
in the senior grade. David Hart came fourth and
Roger Trigg fifth in this latter grade.
Only last issue Ian and Andrew hit the headlines
with their awards in the Craftsmanship
Competition held by the Gloucestershire & South
Worcestershire Productivity Association.
In the junior grade, competitors had to do two test
pieces, involving turning and milling, fitting and
general machining, within a total time of 40 hours:
senior grade competitors had the same length of
time in which to complete a test piece involving
fitting, turning, milling and grinding.
Bill with some of the boys, among them winners
in the Engineering Employers’ West of England
Association competition – (left to right) David
Hart, Richard Cooke, Andrew Phillips, Ian Hale,
Roger Trigg and Richard Morgan. Far left can be
seen part of an exhibition of work done by, and
,,wards won ‘.ring School ap .iticEveryone
gets invited to a sauna in Finland.
whether friend or adversary. Warmth of friendship
is enhanced by it, and hostility melts in the steam
(well. could you maintain pompous dignity in
your birthday suit ?) Politicians puzzle out
problems, business deals are concluded – in fact,
had its congenial atmosphere proved suitable, the
sauna would possibly have been the scene of
many a copier demonstration !
Now the taking of sauna baths is looked upon by
some Englishmen as a cross between black magic
and a bit of a giggle. As far as the magic bit is
concerned, it is true that in olden times people
believed in sauna spirits and the first bath shift was
for the men, the second for the womenfolk, and
the third reserved for the fairy folk !
Reserved for the fairy folk
Today some aura of magic still persists and even
stiff upper-lipped Englishmen, having once ‘taken
the plunge’, have been bewitched into becoming
life-long devotees.
As for the giggle, this is probably because the
sauna involves bathing in the nude; but after all.
the chief aim in the sauna is to bring on a good
sweat, and to do this while even partly clothed
would be uncomfortable to say the least.
Since it is all part of the Finnish tradition of
hospitality, the three men from Mitcheldean who
went to Helsinki last August were naturally invited
to join in a sauna one evening when they visited
the summer residence of Mr. P. Peuranheimo,
Field Sales Manager, Rank Xerox Finland.
This proved to be a beautiful bungalow set in a
pine forest on the outskirts of Helsinki. Frank
Bayliss (Manufacturing Inspection) decided to sit
the sauna out, but Geoff Cornwall (Reconditioning)
and Des Hanman (Machine Shop), having boosted
their courage with a few beers, were ready to
give it a try. After all, they reasoned, people of all
ages in Finland, from babies to grandpas, seem to
thrive on the custom, and it certainly does
wonders for the complexion. ‘We never once saw
a pimply Finn,’ said Des.
You can promote the sweating process by beating
yourself with a leafy whisk (vihtai
The bath house consisted of a single unpainted
room with wooden duckboard-type seating and
flooring. Humidity was increased by ladling water
on to the hot stones, or kivas, and in this way the
temperature was built up to about 80 F. Some
20 minutes of this and they could stand it no
longer ! They escaped into an adjoining
dressing-room, had a sponge-down with warm
water and dressed.
Of course, to do the thing properly they should
have rolled in the snow or jumped into an icy lake
after the sauna, but according to Des and Geoff,
neither was handy at the time !
It is the post-bath feeling of contentment that
most sauna bathers find so enjoyable. ‘It was a
wonderful experience, I wouldn’t have missed it
for worlds !’ Des said afterwards. ‘It makes you
feel extraordinarily weightless’.
Traditionally a supper follows the sauna and,
since the body loses a good deal of salts through
sweating, such suppers usually include something
salty. On this occasion the supper consisted of
crayfish, and sausages cooked on sticks in front
of the fire.
‘It makes you feel extraordinarily weightless’
Just in case their Mitcheldean colleagues should
prove sceptical, Des and Geoff each brought back
with them a certificate worded as follows:
The Order of the Bath/Sauna-Seura
Know ye all engineers of hot water
and devilish devices:
This is to Certify
to all of volcanic origin
that in the flames, steam and glowing atmosphere
of Arctic Finland, our Clean-Living Friend,
naked and unashamed, has been approved as a
Knight of the Sauna
at Sommaro by the frozen shores of Helsinki
having observed the Ritual of Ordeal
by Steam and Duly been Boiled Alive
in all modesty and honour.
The certificates were signed by several dignitaries
one of which caught our attention – that of the
Lady of the Bath by whom it was stated they had
been ‘washed in all thoroughness’.
This statement, we discovered, was to be taken
with a pinch of salt. Lady attendants are only to
be found in hotels, clubs and public saunas.
In general they prove to be robust, elderly females
who are ruthless about scrubbing behind your
ears and between your toes!
Still think it’s a bit of a giggle ?
Cartoons by Max
The uninitiated who would like to try a sauna (and
the initiated who would like to repeat the
experience) will be interested to learn that
Gloucester Baths are planning to install sauna
bath facilities later this year. There will be an
exercise area with equipment for a pre-sauna
work-out, a sauna steam room and a rest room
offering light refreshments. Wood finishes and
woven wall hangings will be featured in the decor
to give an authentic Scandinavian atmosphere.
The charge will be 10s. 6d. a time.
‘We could not have a greater friend than
Mr. Charles Loughlin’, said Mr. John Nankin when,
on behalf of Mr. Wickstead, who was unable to
be present, he welcomed the guest of honour at
our ninth annual dance and reunion. ‘He is one of
the declining number of MPs who reckon their
job is to represent the people. No MP could have
been more conscious of the needs of his
constituency and done more to further their
The dance was held in the Social Centre on
November 22 – the day more ‘squeeze’ measures
were announced, and Mr. Hankin took the
opportunity to point out that ‘we of Rank Xerox at
any rate are doing our stuff to correct the balance
of payments’.
Mr. Loughlin replied that he was glad of the
partnership he had with Rank Xerox. The Company
had played a major part in producing jobs for this
area which now had an unemployment rate lower
than many other parts of the country.
In the course of his speech Mr. Loughlin
announced that he would not be sending out
Christmas cards this year; instead he handed a
cheque for £10 to Mr. Henry Phillips, chairman of
the Sports Et Social Club, to be put to some
charitable use before Christmas. Mr. Phillips said
that the club would double this amount and a sum
of £10 was later sent to each of the Societies for
Loughlin hands his £10 cheque for charity to Mr. Phillips
MC Roger Morey entertained the company before the judging took place. Seated in front are (left to
right) Mr. J. Nankin, Sallyann Teague (the retiring ‘Miss Rank Xerox”), Mr. and Mrs. C. Loughlin,
Mr. H. Phillips, Mrs. Nankin, and Mr. R. Steward.
Mentally and Physically Handicapped Children.
After the three contestants for the current title had
been judged by Mr. and Mrs. Loughlin, the
retiring ‘Miss Rank Xerox’ – Sallyann Teague of
Data Processing Department – presented
Mrs. Loughlin with a bouquet.
Emergency Call!
Members of the fire brigade attending the dance
had to be called out during the evening, not to
put out a fire but to bring in water ! A burst pipe
between Longhope and Mitcheldean threatened
supplies to the canteen building, but Works
Engineering staff, together with the brigade
members, fixed up a temporary supply using
firemen’s hoses and a catastrophe was averted.
Jeanette, the new ‘Miss Rank Xerox’ with
(left) runnet- up Janet Jones of Purchase
Department, and Linda Dowding of the Mail
Room who came third.
TALENT required
: A re you a ventriloquist?
L ight comedian?
Expert impersonator?
Nifty juggler?
Tell us without delay
and you could be in the
R4 1/64RIE
SNOW 1969
We also require good musical
acts and dancers, so come
along to the Social Centre
on Wednesday, January 29
at 7 pm and show us
what you can do
If you have, then please
tell your departmental correspondent
leave it at the Gate House for collection by me
post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
Mitcheldean or
ring me- it’s Drybrook 415
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
ACROSS: 1 – Apparent. 7 -Tenet. 8- Peregrine.
9 – USA. 10 – Eddy. 11 – Vesper.
13 Er 14 – Hidden assets. 17 – Porter. 18 – Lies.
20 – Doe. 22 – Art master. 23 – Emery.
24 – Blithely.
DOWN: 1 – Apple. 2 – Paraded. 3 – Rags.
4 – Noises. 5 – Incur. 6 – Straits. 7 – Tempest.
12 – Hearsay. 13 – Hundred. 15 – Epistle.
16 – Mental. 17 – Peter. 19 – Spray. 21 – Hart.
W. J. Sultry and Mr. u.
Mr. D. Lowde
Mr. A. Corbett
Works Humour
Notice on staircase: ‘Wet paint on rails’.
Comment by humorist: ‘It’ll never make the
charts, man !’
We deplore the disfigurement of notices, but
had to smile at this one.
Mr. Geoffrey Howard has been appointed Chief
Chemist and deputy to the Manager of the Works
Laboratory, Mr. F. T. L. Davies. A Licentiate of the
Royal Institute of Chemistry and a member of
the Institute of Metal Finishing, Mr. Howard has
hitherto been employed as metal finishing chemist
in charge of the Plating Laboratory section of the
Works Laboratory.
Mr. Terry W. J. Buffry, who is a Long Service
member, has been appointed to the new post of
Research Chemist.
For having made ‘a marked contribution to the
metal finishing profession’, Mr. Davies was
recently made an Associate of the Institute of
Metal Finishing, which carries the professional
qualification of AIMF.
The Education Et Training Department, headed by
Mr. Frank Edwards, is going ahead with
development plans, the general purpose of which
is to utilise fully the resources of employees at
all levels, taking advantage of external and internal
courses, seminars, visits, etc., and at the same
time reconciling training activities with the
recommendations of the Engineering Industries
Training Board.
In order to implement this progressive programme,
the present Education Et Training staff is being
strengthened by the appointment of Training
Officers and the first such appointment was that
of electrical engineer Mr. David Lowde on
October 14. As Training Officer (Administration)
he is responsible for administration of EITB
requirements, general administration with regard
to internal and external courses, and liaison with
the establishments of further education.
Further appointments will be announced in due
Recently appointed Security Sergeant at our
Plant, Mr. Alfred Corbett Miller was formerly a
member of Gloucestershire Constabulary and has
spent 30 years in the police force; before that he
served with the Grenadier Guards. He is presently
occupying the site bungalow.
Jalopy Jill
You can’t keep women out of anything these
days – even the hazardous hobby of jalopy
racing. Driving the jalopy built from scratch by
electrician Ken Jenkins. Jill Bretherick
(chargehand, electrical wiring section) won
second place in 1968 in the ladies’ section of the
Forest of Dean Jalopy Club.
Ken, who won first place in the men’s 1200cc
class two years ago, came third this last season
he also won a tankard at an earlier race meeting
this year. He is on the committee of the club, and
so is his wife Margaret (3600 electrical subs) who
acts as its treasurer. Ken maintains the sport is
not dangerous if you stick to the rules (for
example, all vehicles must be sufficiently
strengthened to resist a roll -over; doors, if fitted,
must be securely fastened – see what we mean ?).
Now he has acquired his own welder, he intends
to scrap his present jalopy and build another for
the new season’s racing. The main problem is
getting a suitable practice ground : something in
the region of six acres is necessary, allowing
adequate margin for error !
Down under the Forest
Draughtsmen and engineers from Welwyn,
visiting our Plant on training courses, are seeing
quite a lot of what goes on under the Forest ! A
goodly percentage of members of the Forest of
Dean Caving Club work at Mitcheldean, and, as
the majority of them are in Engineering, it is
becoming almost a social custom for our visitors to
be invited to join in caving expeditions.
Just in case you think that always means wading
about in ice-cold water up to the chest, we’d like to
report that the club recently held a Hallowe’en
Barbecue in Old Ham Mine, Clearwell, which was
attended by some 300 people. They enjoyed hot
snacks of sausages and onions, and watched a
cabaret featuring a guitar group and our resident
magician Philip Southwood. Profits went to the
Gloucestershire Cave Rescue Organisation, none
of whose facilities were called upon on this
occasion, we’re glad to say.
Anglers’ Success
Two Rank Xerox Angling Club members who also
belong to the Ross-on-Wye Club have made a
good start in the latter direction. Roger Roberts
(Design Engineering) was placed second in a
recent competition with a catch of 132 lb while
Pete Welch (TED) came first in a subsequent one
with a catch of 149 lb.
Pete has been successful in the home club too,
coming first in the contest held on November 17
with a catch of 6-9-12, while Andrew Phillips.
who is the youngest member of the club. came
Jalopy drivel., Breti,urick and Ken Jenkins
pose with racing trophies; leaning on the jalopy
bonnet is Ken’s wife Margaret. Our picture was
taken by 14-year-old trainee photographer Glyn
(Ira Griffin’s son) while sheltering camera,
flash-gun and self beneath a much-needed
second (6-8-4). First again in the December 1
contest, Pete had a catch of 4-5-8; Jack Williams
came second with 4-1-0.
Fixtures already made for the 1969 season include
two on the Severn and one on the Warwickshire
Avon, by kind permission of the River Authorities
and Cheltenham Anglers respectively.
Outings without men
And the men must have been envious when the
Ladies’ Outing Club, formed recently in Design
Department, visited Haiveys wine cellars at Bristol
and tasted the wines! They have seen the Black 8-
White Minstrel Show and are going to the panto at
Bristol. Organiser Miss Doris Barker told us that
future outings may include a trip to see ‘Gone with
the Wind’ and another wine tasting.
Double Double
Silver and bronze medals have been awarded to
Ballroom Dancing Club members who took the
examinations of the Imperial Society of Teachers
of Dancing recently. Graham Beavan (E.O.
Dept.) gained his silver medal; Miss Joan
Grindle (Purchase) got her bronze and was
commended; and Mrs. Greta Martell (720
electrical subs) and her husband brought off a
double double! Greta gained her double bronze
with honours and her husband Bert gained his
with commendation. The double bronze covers the
quickstep, foxtrot, waltz, tango and slow rhythm.
Putting IYOUlin the picture
Silver Wedding
Congratulations to Sidney Mobey (Paint Shop)
and his wife who celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary on December 10. Sidney becomes a
Long Service member this year.
Miss Pam Smith (3600 Assembly) to Steve Creed
on October 5.
Miss Susan Ingram (Accounts Dept.) to
Alan Hyett on October 11.
Miss Pat Tudor (3600 Assembly) to Robert Prosser
(spot welding, Building 24) on October 12.
21st Birthdays
Miss Carol Barnett (3600 Assembly) on
September 22.
Timothy Lewis (3600 Assembly) on November 11.
Miss Carol Hodges (Purchase Department) to
David Robinson (PED) at Lydbrook Parish Church
on October 5.
Miss Julie Gardner (Comps. Section, Accounts) to
Ray Watkins (programmer, Data Processing) at
Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook, on October 19.
Miss Jane Whitworth (secretary to Mr. R. W.
Mason, Chief Production Engineer) to
Ronald Knight at All Saints Church, Staunton, on
November 2.
Apprentice Morry Roberts to Miss Janice Jones
at Lydney Register Office on November 16.
Clifford Sterry (sorter assembly, Gloucester
Trading Estate) to Miss Pauline Jeffreys at Lydney
Register Office on November 30.
Miss Susan Stephens (Design Department) to
Timothy Lewis (3600 Assembly) at St. Michael Et
All Angels Church, Mitcheldean, on December 4.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Robinson
New Arrivals
Leane, a daughter for Terry Duberley (chargehand,
Model Shop), on September 18.
Donna Jayne, a daughter for John Spencer
(inspector, sorter assembly, Gloucester Trading
Estate), on September 29.
Nicholas Brendan, a son for Bruce Powell (Works
Engineering) and his wife Brenda (formerly
Polishing Et Plating Shop), on October 7.
Rachel, a daughter for Ken Smart (Press Shop)
and his wife Glynis (formerly Production Control),
also on October 7.
Donna-Clare, a daughter for Don James
(Reliability Engineering) and his wife Brenda
(formerly Reliability Laboratory), on October 10.
Marcia, a daughter for Terry Ward (3600 Quality
Control), on October 20.
Veronica Margaret, a daughter for Ken Johnson
(Development Laboratory), on October 23.
Julie, a daughter for Peter Osborn (Design
Records), also on October 23.
David John, a son for Fred Jones (sorter assembly
Gloucester Trading Estate) and his wife Edna
(formerly First Aid, Mitcheldean), on October 28.
Adrian, a son for Peter Trigg (Accounts) and his
wife Joan (formerly Supply Planning), on
November 4.
Paula-Jane, a daughter for Colin Smith
(Development Laboratory), on November 9.
Kathryn, a daughter for Dave Cox (Factory
Progress) and his wife Wendy (formerly Goods
Inwards), on November 22.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. R. Knight
R. L. Evans
L. Fisher
Our best wishes for a happy retirement go to the
following who leave in
January – Leonard Little (General Services),
Horace Redding (storekeeper) ;
February -Miss Doris Symonds (assembly
viewer), Mrs. Margaret Vincent (cleaner). (See
also LSA Letter).
We regret to have to record the deaths of the
following : George J. Bowdler (International
Warehouse, Gloucester) aged 61, on October 19:
John Knight (Design Department) aged 54, on
November 7; John Tingle (International
Warehouse, Gloucester) aged 46, on November 21
Ken Lewis (Maintenance) aged 57, on November
1 A quiet mother or father, it’s
obvious. (8)
7 Good principle, whichever way
you look at it. (5)
8 Does Reg repine for his foreign
bird ? (9)
9 A great nation in exodus any
day now. (3)
10 Chap in a whirl, also a stone
light. (4)
11 Offer a prayer in the evening for
a scooter ? (6)
13 Et 14 Don’t show these to the
taxman : keep your little donkeys
out of sight. (6 Et 6)
17 Stout carrier. (6)
18 Sounds like the staff man is not
telling the truth. (4)
20 What the young buck needs
when he’s hard up? (3)
22 No gunman, but possibly quick
on the draw. (3 Et 6)
23 Radio comic aid to grinding. (5)
24 ‘Hail to thee,’ sang the poet in
this manner, ‘bird thou never
wert,.’ (8)
Boxing Bouts
A second Boxing Tournament (the first was held
just over a year ago) is to take place in the Social
Centre on January 11. Cinderford Amateur
Boxing Club, in the person of their secretary,
Mrs. Tess Symonds, is arranging an interesting
programme for us.
For Sale
1966 Vespa Sportigue, first reg. September 1967,
taxed and insured until September 1969. Many
extras. £120 ono. Replies to : R. Jones, time clerk.
Olivetti portable typewriter, model Lettera 22,
complete with case. Condition as new, price £15.
Contact: G. T. Beavan, E.O. Dept., Bldg. 32.
Tel : 406 int.
3 4 5 6
DOWN 7 Shakespearian storm. (7)
1 Daily doctor deterrent. (5) 12 Such idle gossip – don’t pass it
2 How the guardsman did show on. (7)
off. (7) 13 Thirty-six for a fast worker – and
3 Appropriate clothing for our bread and butter ! (7)
disorderly students. (4) 15 A formal letter, perhaps
4 Sounds strange – on the stage containing gospel truth. (7)
they’re off ! (6) 16 It’s all in the mind, you know. (6)
5 Incurable, but not able to 17 Saintly writer of 15. (5)
contract it yourself. (5) 19 Water the flowers. (5)
6 Magellan found himself in dire
ones. (7)
21 Our Len is nearly always white
at the pub I (4)
by Paul Gregory
Solution p. 11
Santas Ray and Roy shake hands before the
Twin Santas!
Into the Social Centre poured the five hundred,
ready to do justice to a fare of films, food and fun.
The occasion was the children’s party held by
the Sports Er Social Club on December 14.
After the film show came tea, the highlight of
which was the cake – this year a 70 lb. one with
fruit inside and a Fort Cheyenne scene on top.
In the ballroom afterwards the kids worked off
their tea while entertainers Jack Benbow, Harry
Tooze and Gordon Davies, with Billy Sinclair and
Ginger Lusty, strove to make themselves heard !
Climax was the arrival of the twin Santas. Roy
Steward (Welfare Officer) and Ray Davies
(Design Engineering), who handed a present to
each girl and boy before they went home.
Baker Ronald Meek presents his 70 lb. cake.
Tea for the five hundred. Above right: Presents for the girls from Santa Roy..
Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.

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