Mar/Apr 69 No 54 House Magazine of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant
An eminent visitor to our Plant last January was Admiral Sir William Davis, GCB, KCB, CB, DSO and bar.
A former C. in C. Home Fleet, and NATO C. in C., Eastern Atlantic Area, Sir William plays an active part
in public affairs in his retirement; he is, among other things, a member of Gloucestershire County
Education Committee and chairman of Gloucestershire Community Council. Sir William, who came at the
personal invitation of Mr. Wickstead, showed particular interest in quality control methods, and here he
is seen talking to Allen Blorn ley, QC inspector. Centre is Brian Davis, supervisor, 3600 assembly line, who
is incidentally a close neighbour of Sit William in Longhope.
People create wealth. Therefore the Company’s
strength is in its human resources.
I have long felt that the potential ability of
employees at Mitcheldean is greater than is
generally realised. (The productivity campaign in
which so many people are participating, confirms
this belief). We must identify it and develop it.
We must direct it into its most effective channels.
To make the most of our human resources – that
is the prime responsibility of Senior Management.
That really is what the productivity campaign
is all about.
We must plan our management succession. Why
go outside when we already have the will and
potential ability ?
Job vacancy notices have been displayed on
notice boards throughout the factory, but that is by
no means enough to ensure that the most
suitable people come forward. Some people are
naturally forthcoming, and others reticent. In my
experience, it is not always the most audible
who are the most capable.
What are we doing about it ?
One of the first moves in the recent re-organisation
was to set up a comprehensive training
establishment under Mr. Frank Edwards. Much of
the old brewery building is being converted into a
Training School. with several fine lecture rooms.
and other essential facilities. Mr. Edwards,
supported by Mr. David Lowde (Training Officer,
Administration) and Mr. Vivian M. Hammond
(Training Officer, Supervisory), is now engaged in
designing courses to meet the immediate and short
term needs at Mitcheldean. Later, he will
concentrate on long term supervisory and
managerial requirements.
One of his most urgent tasks is to design and
implement a Computer Familiarisation Course,
with particular reference to employees whose work
has a direct bearing on the accuracy of computer
Second : I have instructed Mitcheldean
Management to give Mr. Royston Charles a list of
their subordinate colleagues whom they consider
have supervisory and managerial potential. (This
is to ensure that the more reticent among you are
not overlooked. Nevertheless, if you think you
have got what it takes, tell your manager). I have
particularly stressed that Mitcheldean Management
must not consider their junior colleagues solely in
relation to promotion within their own
Third : I have instructed departmental heads to
send Mr. Charles their estimated managerial and
supervisory requirements. including outline job
descriptions, over the next 12 months.
Fourth : I have asked Mr. Charles to set up a panel
consisting of himself and selected departmental
heads with the object of determining to what
extent supervisory and managerial vacancies at
Mitcheldean can be filled with existing Mitcheldean
Mr. Edwards will circulate a list of regular courses
available at Mitcheldean. If you feel that it is in
the Company’s interests that you attend one or
more of these courses. write to your manager
sending a copy to Mr. Edwards.
As I said at the beginning, the Company’s strength
lies in its human resources. Let’s make the most
of them.
Director of Production and Supply Operations
‘The largest single development going on in
South-West England this year is how
Mr. Wickstead recently described the new £1
million building now being erected.
When completed. Project 18 – or Building 40 as
it will eventually be known – will increase the
Plant area from 660,000 to 890,000 sq. ft.
The ground floor, which is expected to be ready
for occupation by 3600 Assembly in June this
year, will give a greater clearance height than any
of our previous buildings, being some 20 ft. high
in places.
It will also allow better access for unloading of
goods vehicles than we have had in previous
buildings. An unloading area, separate from the
main shop, will have eight bays complete with
dock levellers – variable ramps which can be
adjusted for differing vehicle heights.
The top storey will have a ceiling height only a
few feet less than the ground floor and some
90.000 sq. ft. will be available for assembly work.
The construction of the floor will permit the
heaviest loading that we have yet had at
Mitcheldean on a suspended floor.
Internal transport will be able to gain direct access
to this floor from the roadway between the new
building and Building 36, while four goods lifts
will serve between the two floors.
(continued over)
This photograph of the new building, taken at the end of January, shows the structure
of the unloading area with its projecting canopy, and two office floors above.
Whilst the main body of the building consists of
two storeys, the exceptional height of these has
permitted both a top and a mezzanine floor to be
added above the unloading bay. These floors will
be used for offices, etc., and will accommodate
the whole of Production Engineering and
Facilities Planning (formerly Advanced Planning)
Departments later this year.
A further three-storey block on another side of the
building will accommodate a new ground-floor
First Aid Centre (replacing the existing one in
Building 23) with toilet facilities on the two floors
More Changes
The Model Shop has now been relocated on the
ground floor of Design Building 38 and the area it
has vacated in Building 23 will be redesigned as
offices suitable for a centralised Supply Planning
A further important change, taking place this
spring, will be the move of the entire Personnel
Department to the old canteen area in Building 6,
adjacent to the Training Centre. Work on this
project is going ahead and more details will be
given in a later issue of VISION.
Removal day for the Model Shop which has
now joined Design Engineering in Building 38.
The Chairman and members of the East Dean Rural District Council toured our Plant in January. They
were invited by Mr. Wickstead in appreciation of what the council have done and are doing to help the
development of Rank Xerox. Council members in their turn saw what we are doing at Mitcheldean. and
were able to inspect progress on the new building. Here they are pictured lunching with the Management
and senior executives in the Social Centre.
Mr. Vivian M. Hammond joined the Education Et
Training Department on January 13 as Training
Officer (Supervisory) and will be responsible to
Mr. F. J. Edwards for the formulation and
implementation of supervisory development
schemes to cater for future Company needs as
well as instituting schemes to satisfy any training
or development needs of existing members of
supervision. Mr. Hammond has had considerable
experience in all aspects of development and
training both in industry and the Forces. He is a
qualified engineer and is looking forward to
assisting in the Company’s continued growth
through supervisory development.
Mr. Vivian M.
As part of the continuing development of the
Design Engineering section, Mr. John S. Hercock
has been appointed Consumables Engineer at
Mitcheldean : he is responsible directly to the
Chief Engineer, Mr. A. S. Pratt.
Mr. Helmut Kirsch has been appointed Chief Tool
Designer in the Tool Engineering Department.
Mr. Roy W. Powell has been designated Acting
Manager, System 600 and Sorter Production and
is directly responsible to Mr. S. D. Keely,
Production Manager.
Mr. Richard G. Skyrme has been promoted to the
position of Senior Product Supervisor within
Supply Planning Department, to be responsible for
all Product Sections. In this capacity he is
responsible to Mr. J. W. Evans, Supply Planning
Mr. Eric Parsons, formerly Tool Room, has joined
the Training School staff as Mechanical Training
Instructor. He replaces Mr. W. ‘Bill’ Stearn who
retired last year.
Mr. J. C. Cooper, Machine Tool Maintenance
Supervisor, has taken on the additional duties of
Supervisor, Maintenance Services Section.
Mr. James Starke has been appointed Foreman –
Auto Plating and is directly responsible to
Mr. R. Nicholls in that department pending
further notice.
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Communications is an all-important topic these
days – and Keith Laken can communicate in no
less than six languages, including English ! He
joined us at the end of October as International
Communications Assistant in the Reconditioning
Operations Liaison Group, which assists other
Rank Xerox reconditioning facilities set up
Keith previously spent nine years in the regular
Air Force in which he served as a linguist. He is
fluent in Russian (he took a course in the language
on joining up), French and German, and during
his nine years in the Force he lived and travelled
in Europe, acquiring a working knowledge of
Dutch and Polish as well. At Mitcheldean
he provides a translation service for all
departments, technical and otherwise, and
occasionally he acts as guide and interpreter for
foreign visitors. Another aspect of his work is
concerned with EEC source supplies – that is,
supplies to Venray from Continental firms who
require specifications, etc., from us.
Keith told us he hopes to take a course soon to
brush up his Russian, French and German and
learn yet another language – Spanish !
Keith in the Reconditioning Operations Liaison
Group office on the lower floor of Building 24.
At an adjacent desk works Len Laken,
Keith’s father, who is Global Quality Approval &
Liaison Engineer.
The Tool Room and
Model Shop feast in
Elizabethan style at the
Old Court Hotel,
Symonds Vat.
J. Ingram
Production Engineering at Brockhampton Court
Hotel, Brockhampton.
L. Laken
Reconditioning Department, also at Brockhampton
Court Hotel.
Distribution Centre
and Sorter
Production at our
Social Centre.
R. Evans
Goods Inwards Inspection at we Feathers’ Hotel, Lydney. J. Ingram
Administration at the Chase Hotel, Ross-on-Wye.
FL1 P ?”
Inspection aided by
new handling facility
The ever-growing rate of production at our Plant
and the increasing complexity of our machines
have their effect on all departments – and Goods
Inwards Inspection in particular.
When you consider that today they have to deal
with something like £14 million worth of finished
parts per annum, you can appreciate how
important it is to move goods through this
department expeditiously.
‘In the former quarters in Building 24; said
supervisor Frank Coy, ‘we were becoming bogged
down for lack of space, and too much time was
wasted in handling parts:
On arrival, goods were unpacked, counted and
stored in racks: the Inspection personnel had to
go out to the racks, find parts requested by
Production Control, and collect quality control
records, gauges, etc., before inspection could
commence – in short, waste time that could be
used more profitably.
With the department’s recent move to a new area
in Building 32 (the former Warehouse). Mr. V. G.
Parry, Inspection Et Quality Control Manager,
considered that the change would present an
ideal opportunity to revise the system of handling
the immense volume of supplies passing through
the department. He felt that the sheer physical
effort involved in the old system could be
significantly reduced and movement of work made
systematic and flowing.
Mr. Parry proposed the adoption of the roller
track system, and consultations were held with
Facilities Planning, Supervision, and Inspection
personnel in the Goods Inwards Inspection
Department. Maximum co-operation was received
from all concerned and it was finally decided to
install a gravity-feed roller track system.
Today, goods brought into the receiving area are
passed straight into the adjacent Inspection
Department. Here a marshalling inspector decides
on which of four roller tracks the parts should go
for inspection, before clearance into Centralised
Tommy Knight junr. uses the Ferranti co-ordinator on a machined casting.
Stores. The latter are situated on the far side of
the building, directly behind the receiving and
inspection areas, so no time or effort is wasted in
protracted handling of the goods.
Once the necessary paperwork for each batch
has been raised, the marshalling inspector
passes this into the Records Er Tool Office where
a clerk locates the relevant quality control folder
for the job. This is then handed to a tool
marshaller who checks the ICC (inspection
instruction card) for any special tools needed for
checking. He then gets any checking fixtures or
tools from the store in that area, and links them up
with the folder and the job. which is then passed
on to the relevant track for inspection.
If the quantity of work in any particular batch is
too large to be coped with en bloc by the roller
track system, random samples are extracted and
the bulk of the batch is placed in an abeyance
area lying between the department and Centralised
Stores to await clearance of the samples.
As soon as this has been done, the samples are
Mrs. Ruth Higgins using a Vernier to check ‘W’
items passed along the roller track to her left.
Right: LASCR assemblies used on the sorter
modules are specially test cycled for 18,000
operations, under Reg Tompkins’ control.
Supervisor Frank Coy (far right) and his deputy
Trevor Baxter study a casting problem with
Bill Watkins.
returned to the waiting batch and passed through
to stores.
The first of the roller tracks is for ‘W’ items (nuts,
bolts, screws, washers, etc.) and these all pass
down the track irrespective of their quantity. After
inspection, the parts are fed through a hatch and
can go straight into the adjacent ‘W’ stores.
The second track is reserved for catalogued
Inspection aided by new handling facility
items – that is, proprietary parts and quick
clearing items.
The third is for items where more detailed inspection
is required involving the use of
specialised equipment. This includes a wide
variety of high-precision instruments – among
them a Manometer for checking valve pressures, a
machine which uses air gauges for checking the
3600 platen glass, and a Tensometer.
Quite the most impressive – and certainly the
biggest – item of equipment is a Ferranti
co-ordinate measuring machine with an adjustable
probe whose prime function is the measuring of
distances between points; this the apparatus can
do, over two co-ordinates simultaneously, within
an accuracy of one thousandth of an inch.
A further facility is a dark room which houses
equipment for testing the reflectivity of mirrors,
and a Hauser projector for checking contours
difficult to measure by other means.
The fourth and last track is for checking electrical
items and for this the inspectors have recourse to
a variety of special testing sets. There are
oscilloscopes for showing variation of frequencies
for testing valves, relays, etc., and breakdown
testers for doing insulation checks which can be
varied from zero volts to 20,000v.
Mr. Parry says he has been most impressed by the
co-operation of all the personnel in Goods
Inwards Inspection Department in making a
success of the new scheme. The few weeks
during which the scheme has been operational
have shown the idea to be well worth while and,
whilst some minor possible improvements can now
be seen in the light of experience, all concerned
can be congratulated on their support.
Using the Gou /der equipment, Les Franks tests a gear by putting it into mesh with a master gear;
a trace is then obtained from the graph recorder on the right and from this Les can interpret valious
features such as concentricity, tooth-to-tooth errors and size of gear and so ascertain whether
the gear conforms to specification.
A small shaft is
checked on the
comparator by
Jim Pitt.
Les Franks
checks the
matched pairs
of springs on
the Chatillon
spring tester.
Records in Braille
The procedure used at Mitcheldean when a
quality control folder is required from the Records
Et Tool Office is one that is probably unique, for it
utilises the services of a man handicapped by one
of life’s greatest afflictions – blindness.
Jim Blake, who has been with us about five
years, has been busy these past months marking
each folder with its requisite part number in
Braille – and there are some 8,000 of them! By
means of a specially designed punch called a
Dymo-mite Tapewriter, Jim has punched the
Braille equivalent of each part number on adhesive
tape which he has then fixed to the relevant
folder on the opposite side to the written part
number. The other clerks have helped him in this
task by calling out the numbers on sets of folders,
or using a tape recorder which Jim has later
played back.
Each filing cabinet also bears guide numbers in
Braille, enabling Jim to locate a folder as rapidly
and efficiently as any sighted person. He is also
occupied with keeping the Brailling up to date and
replacing old folders.
Roger Mason checks the operation of 3600
counter assemblies against a master digital test
fixture prior to production use.
Blind Jim Blake
on to tape.
punches a part number in Brailie
LSA Chairman Henry Phillips makes the
presentation to Dick Payne.
The Knight family
Welcome back!
Now back with us after four years at the
International HQ, Denham, B. J. ‘Steve’ Ferriman
was recently appointed Manager, Warehouse
Operations and Deputy to Mr. H. Berry at
Gloucester. Steve came to Mitcheldean from GB
Ka lee in 1959 he worked in the Shipping
Department at Mitcheldean until 1962, then in the
Xerox Warehouse for two years, before going to
Denham. That makes some 11 years’ service in
the Company – and Steve told us he intends to
apply for LSA membership just as soon as he
completes those 12 qualifying years.
The LSA annual social, held on January 25 in the
Social Centre, proved an ideal occasion for the
presentation of a cheque to Richard (Dick) Payne
who retired at the end of the month. Dick, who
had been on the sick list for the last few years, was
one of the pioneers who arrived at Mitcheldean
in November 1940 from Woodger Road. His wife
Violet, his son Ron, and his son’s wife have all
worked at Mitcheldean at some time, and the
family’s total service adds up to something like
75 years.
The Knights are another family with an outstanding
record of service – and the only instance of
father, mother and son all being members of the
LSA at the same time. Like Dick Payne, Tommy
Knight senior (Machine Shop foreman) came to
Mitcheldean from Woodger Road, and has nearly
30 years’ service to his credit. He has often served
on the LSA committee and is currently a committee
member. His wife Winnie works in 720 Assembly
and has been with the Company for 13 years,
while his son Tommy of Goods Inwards Inspection
has been with us 16 years. Until her marriage
daughter Brenda was also an employee, both here
and in London, for about six years. So the Knight
family’s total record of service adds up to some
65 years – with many more to come, we trust.
All good wishes for a happy retirement to Bill
Smith (labourer, Tool Room) who leaves us at the
end of March after 13 years’ service.
We shall be wishing a happy retirement at the end
of April to two other veterans – Albert Wing
(Press Shop) and Jimmy Slade (Supply Planning)
We were glad to see Ted Valiance and Sid Wood
back at work again after their absence on sick
The LSA has this year acquired 26 new members,
making a total membership of 218.
Dates to note: Annual general meeting – May 6
annual dinner – May 9.
ACROSS: 1 – Catfish. 5 – Scent. 8 – Moral.
9 – Sporran. 10 – Startle. 11- Three.
12 – Castor. 14 – Adrian. 17 – Ambit.
19 – Dogfish. 22 – Low-down. 23 – Opium.
24 – Siren. 25 – Settler.
DOWN : 1 – Combs. 2 – Tartans. 3 – Inlet.
4 – Hasten. 5 – Spotted. 6 – Error. 7 – Tintern.
12 – Charles. 13 – Outworn. 15 – Initial.
16 – Adonis. 18 – Bower. 20 – Groat.
21 – Homer.
For Sale
Westline 75 pram with detachable body and folding
chassis. Dark blue, good condition. £14 or near
offer. Replies to: H. Cecil, PED. Tel : 277 int.
Calor gas washing boiler with gas cylinder. As
new, £3. Enquiries to: Mrs. Baldwin. First Aid,
Building 23.
Allwin high pram, nearly new, perfect condition,
£14. Reply to: R. Jenkins. Goods Inwards.
International Distribution Centre, Gloucester, or at
48 Albert Road, Cinderford.
J. Ingram
The first time the Rank Xerox ladies’ skittle club
entered for the Forest of Dean Ladies Skittles
Knock-out Competition they won it!
In the finals, played recently against the team from
the Nag’s Head, Ruardean, they scored 213 pins,
11 more than their opponents. Pictured here after
their triumph are: (front row) Sadie Pritchard,
Lucy Wood (captain) holding the trophy, Rachel
Smith, Margaret Cale; (back row) Joyce Bennett,
Brenda Kibble, Florence Baker, Ethel Bennett,
Janet Prosser and Heather Grant.
Calling all railway fans!
Ever since he can remember, John Ewers, who
works in the Shipping Department of the
International Distribution Centre at Gloucester, has
been interested in railways and anything
connected with them, whether model or full-size,
electric, diesel or steam.
As a boy he belonged to the local train-spotters
club and went on organised outings to railway
sheds at Swindon, Crewe and London to see
engines being serviced between trips. Later he
became a member of the Dowty Railway
Carmen roller set, as new. Cost £8 19s., bargain
at £5 10s. Replies to: Box No. 22.
Five 4LJ wheels for Cortina, etc., steering column
and box for Cortina Mk 2, Weber carburettor,
manifold, air cleaner for cross-flow head.
Contact : D. J. Rodwell, Development Laboratory.
Tel : 379 int.
Slide projector and screen. Replies to: Mrs. James,
Central Records.
For Hire
Caravan at Saundersfoot, near Tenby. 18 ft.,
4/5 berth. All dates available. Contact : D. B.
Bluett, Goods Inwards Inspection. Tel : 413 int.
This was the winning
photograph in the
Cine & Photographic
Club’s portrait
competition held
earlier in the season.
The photographer was
Ray Mabbett of 3600
Quality Control and
his model Mrs.
Jeanette Pearce of
Preservation Society, who have bought several
steam locomotives and keep them on view to the
public at Ashchurch.
While not thinking along quite such ambitious
lines, John would like to contact any other railway
enthusiasts among our readers with a view to
forming a club.
An electronics course on programmers for the
3600, organised for workshop training officers from
overseas, was held at our Training Centre from
January 13 to 24. The nine WTO’s attending
came from our operating companies in France.
Belgium, West Germany, Spain and Italy.
Mr. F. J. Edwards, Manager, Education Et Training
Department, welcomed the delegates to
Mitcheldean, after which lecturers Mr. A. Wagenaar
of the Technical Training Department at Rank
Xerox House and Mr. Dennis Healy from the UK
National Workshop at Uxbridge took over.
Putting IYOUlin the picture
21 sts
Miss Verity Burris (Factory Progress) on
November 29.
Mrs. Pamela Barber (Sub-assembly, Bldg. 24) on
January 20.
Apprentice Richard Cooke on March 2.
New Arrivals
Samantha Louise, a daughter for Robert Davis
(Design Engineering) and his wife Pat (formerly
Goods Inwards Inspection), on December 10.
Adrian John, a son for John Woodward (Goods
Inwards Inspection), on January 8.
Robin Michael, a son for Henry Edwards (Sorter
Assembly, Gloucester) on January 21.
Apprentice Jimmy Andrews to Miss Pam Hodges
on December 7.
Miss Kay Robbins (Electrical sub-assembly,
Bldg. 29) to John Short (Reliability Laboratory)
on December 25.
Miss Linda Biggadike (Mail Room) to Howard
Coleman on January 4.
Miss Ann Flowers to Michael Brown (both
International Distribution Centre, Gloucester) on
January 11.
Miss Denise Compton (Data Processing) to
Frank Clayson on January 19.
Miss Wendy Dickinson (3600 Sub-assembly) to
Alec Milne at Lydney Register Office on
December 28.
Emlyn Waltham (3600 Sub-assembly) to
Miss Margery Watson at Coalway Methodist Chapel
on January 4.
Apprentice Brian Bradley to Miss Sandra Rivers
at the Forest Church, Drybrook, on January 11.
Miss Shirley Trigg (3600 Sub-assembly) to
Colin Ford (3600 Inspection) at Lydney Register
Office on February 1.
All on March 22 – Miss Susan Pickthall (Work
Study) to Tony Harris at St. Michael’s Church,
Mitcheldean ; Martin Lippiett (Data Processing) to
Miss Brenda Steele at St. Philip’s and St. James’
Church, Hucclecote; Royston Meek (TED) to
Miss Sandra Morris at St. Mary’s Church,
Silver Wedding
Congratulations to Jack Hale (660 Sub-assembly)
and his wife who celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary on January 17.
Best wishes for a happy retirement to the following
who leave us in : March – Miss Helen Smith
(Stores) ; April – Mrs. Olive James (Polishing
Shop), Charlie Price (Cleaning Services).
(See also LSA Letter).
In remembrance
Mrs. M. Lewis, widow of Ken Lewis (Maintenance)
who died last November, has asked us to pass on
her ‘sincere thanks to all the many people who
have contributed, not only with donations, but also
with so much help and assistance in various ways.
It has been decided to donate the sum of £30
to St. John Ambulance – Mitcheldean division,
this being the branch with which my late husband
was connected.’
The remainder has been put towards a headstone
to commemorate the kindness of his many friends
and workmates.
We regret to have to record the death of
Edward J. Parker (warehouseman) on February 11
at the age of 54, and of Arthur Bowkett (also
warehouseman), aged 62, on February 17.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Waltham. R. Evans
If you have, then please
tell your departmental correspondent
leave it at the Gate House for collection by me
post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
Mitcheldean or
ring me – it’s Drybrook 415
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
Come and
Join the Band!
Once a week some 20 or so employees may be
seen making their way after work to the Social
Centre carrying a variety of musical instrumentssaxophones,
trumpets, guitars, drums. They are
members of the rehearsal or show band which has
lust been formed, with the blessing of the
Sports Et Social Club.
A limited number of orchestrations have been
1 Does it drink milk under water?
5 What a lovely smell – it sends
me. (5)
8 Uplifting end of a story – if you
put ‘im in front, it’s downgrading.
9 Jock’s furry frontpiece. (7)
10 Telstar makes you jump. (7)
11 A number of detailed mice. (5)
12 Twin brother of Pollux on
wheels. (6)
14 Did the famous conductor run
away ? (6)
17 To some extent, an
ungrammatical cry after the dog’s
attack. (5)
19 Possibly chases 1 across. (7)
22 Inside information from USA;
sometimes from the high-ups,
oddly enough. (3 Et 4)
23 A drug on the market. (5)
24 Noisy naughty girl. (5)
25 He pays his bills promptly when
he stops wandering. (7)
forthcoming and these have enabled a start to be
made. The idea is that the band should meet just
for the pleasure of playing and later, perhaps,
offer their services to the Variety Club.
At the time of writing, string players were
particularly in demand, but a welcome awaits
anyone who would like to join, so if you play a
musical instrument, do get in touch with either
Graham Beavan of E.O. section, Building 32
(Tel. 406 int.), or Dick Kinsey of Reliability
Engineering (244 int.)
Pianist Gordon Pritchard has taken on the job of
conductor/arranger and rehearsals are currently
taking place at 5 p.m. every Monday in the
I 1
r-iiir, 14 j55 6 7
/. I A
– v
../j v
v /
s 1r-1 –
11 1 rT
, 1I1i1nn
yi r
rl ir 7 A’
A A / 4 N A
v, ,
12 13 V
14 15
P vZ / v
r 116 7
1 ‘
/ ir
17 r 18 V/ 19 20 21
4 / v
1. ._1
22 v
24 yi
by Paul Gregory
Solution page 1?
1 Unromantic underwear – in short 13 Obsolete street-clothes? (7)
they’re long ! (5) 15 The first letter is not necessarily
2 9 across would look silly ‘A’. (7)
without one of these. (7) 16 Pretty boy ! (6)
3 Up the creek in vain lethargy. (5) 18 Summerhouse sometimes
4 Has 10 – hurry now! (6) associated with a scraper. (5)
5 Saw the leopard. (7) 20 Out-of-date fourpenny bit. (5)
6 The only mistake in the
puzzle. (5)
21 Ancient Greek pigeon. (5)
7 An old abbey, not a metallic
sea-bird. (7)
12 Jobbing staff-man. (7)
Jeanette Madden tells how, as ‘Miss Rank Xerox,
Mitcheldean’, she enjoyed her
The day began at 6 a.m. when I and my friend
Barbara Gilmour, who works for Edwards
Transport, got up to find a snowy world outside.
We were intending to catch a 7 a.m. bus at
Hangerberry, but because of the conditions, no
buses were able to get through. So we started
walking and were given a couple of lifts to
Mitcheldean. From then onwards we walked
again – not for long fortunately because soon the
Gloucester bus appeared, but we missed the train
we were supposed to catch and had to get the
10.32 which didn’t get us into London until 1 p.m.
However, we were able to inform Communications
Services at Rank Xerox House so that they knew
when to meet us.
The train was very punctual and as we walked
up the platform, we were very bewildered by the
noise and people rushing around. Then Eric Beer,
his secretary Lesley, and David Wingfield came up
and introduced themselves.
We were taken to the Royal Lancaster Hotel
where we signed in. We had an excellent lunch
there after which we set off for the hairdresser’s
(at John Lewis), accompanied by Lesley. Our
hair-do’s turned out very well and we were out
before the shops closed.
The next task was to buy an evening dress for
myself because on reaching the hotel I found I
had forgotten to pack this most important item l
But I did manage to buy a very nice dress at
D. H. Evans.
The Company had been very generous for, apart
from my £10 prize, I was given £40 to meet
expenses other than the hotel accommodation,
and to buy myself some clothes.
We rushed back to the hotel to get ready for the
royal premiere of the film ‘Chitty Chitty Bang
Bang’ and in no time at all our escorts arrived to
take us by taxi to the Odeon cinema, Leicester
Square. We didn’t actually see any of the Royal
Family who attended, but we were able to watch
them from inside the cinema by means of closed
circuit television.
We all enjoyed the film – it was very funny and
featured stars Lionel Jeffries, Benny Hill, Dick
Van Dyke and Sally Ann Howes, but the chief
part was played by an almost human car which
ran without a driver, flew and floated. The title of
the film gives some idea of the noise it made!
After the show we went to a club called the
Allegro where we had dinner, watched a cabaret
and danced – something I particularly enjoy.
I think we made our escorts pretty tired by the time
dancing finished ; we too were beginning to feel
somewhat weary and we went back to the hotel
having had a very exciting day.
Next day we were shown round the Rank Xerox
offices and introduced to several people. We were
very impressed with the furnishing and layout
of the place.
We then said our goodbyes to those who had
looked after us and took a taxi back to the
Lancaster Hotel where we lunched with my uncle.
Between then and catching the 4.55 p.m. train
home, we had a look around some of the Chelsea
boutiques – The Bus Stop, Biba’s and Where
It’s At, and we bought some clothes.
We finally got home about 9 p.m. with so much
to tell about what were the best two days I think
I’ve ever had.
Fulfilling one of het first public engag&oira. as
‘Miss Rank Xerox, Mitcheldean’, Jeanette
presented the raffle prizes at the Wall’s Variety
Show when it came to our Plant on January 17
The lucky winner here IS Mrs. Daphne Meek
(secretary to Sub-Contracts Manager R. L. Evans).
looking on is John Watkins (Works Laboratory) who
supervised proceedings. The raffle accounted for
£10 15s. out of the total proceeds of £20 18s. 6d
which has been added to the Rank Xerox Variety
Club charity fund. The following week our Variety
Club gave a show at Newent Memorial Hall,
arranged in conjunction with Newent Round Table
through Keith Taylor (Reliability Laboratory). Half
the proceeds went to the old folks at Newent
and half to the charity fund.
Printed in England by Taylor. Young (Printers) Ltd.