, July/August 69 No 56 -410 House Magazine of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant
Our Director of Production dial upp/y Operations has often been pictured in these pages making
presentations to other people. On this occasion, however, he was the recipient – of a Fujica camera It
was handed to him by Masamoto Sakamoto, Fuji Xerox resident representative at Rank Xerox headquarters
in London, to mark his election to the Board of Fuji Xerox – the Japanese company jointly owned
by us with the Fuji Photo Film Company of Tokyo. Also elected were Mr. Peter M. Thrower, Director
of Marketing Operations (South and East) and Mr. Hamish Orr-Ewing, Director of Product Planning.
Before the next issue of VISION is out, we shall
have closed down for the summer recess.
Our Mitcheldean Plant is situated in a most
beautiful part of the country. Thousands of people
from all over the world tour this area in the height
of the holiday season. In some respects we are
lucky to be living within easy distance of the Wye
In order to prosper most areas need the kind of
industrial development which we have seen at
Mitcheldean. Apart from ensuring that our plant
is highly efficient, however, we must also keep it
clean, tidy and in place with the countryside.
I am sure you have all noticed the fine job our
Head Gardener, Jim Brown, and his team –
Henry Preedy, George Arnold and Chris Phelps –
are doing to this end. They have for years worked
out in the open in all kinds of weather. Their effort
is now beginning to pay off.
Many visitors to the factory have remarked on the
attractiveness of the cultivated banks, and noted
the hundreds of young evergreen trees. A recent
visitor from overseas suggested to John Hankin
that the Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant will be
noted for its beauty as well as its efficiency in the
not too distant future.
This remark is indicative of the influence which
Jim Brown and his team have upon the impression
which our customers and prospective customers
take away with them after a visit to Mitcheldean.
The attractiveness of our plant also has a real, if
subtle, effect on the way we go about our work.
We would none of us work so well if the factory
buildings and roads were dirty and untidy. Have
you noticed what a good job Brian Lampshire and
his colleagues are doing ?
To achieve maximum productivity, we must be
justifiably proud of our plant, and really feel that it
is a good environment to work in. It can therefore
that the outside staff are making a
positive contribution to our combined effort to
increase the productivity and efficiency of our
Mitcheldean Plant. I am very happy to recognise
this publically.
I will conclude by asking for your continued
co-operation in keeping our factory clean, tidy,
and fit to work in.
Enjoy your holiday.
Director of Production and Supply Operations
‘Acting casualty’ Keith James, a St. John
Ambulance Brigade cadet, gets First Aid treatment
from Nurse Howells and Mrs. Daisy Bullock.
There to give a helping hand is Patrolman
It was 7.15 pm on May 19 when the alarm went
out over the PA -a fire had been discovered in
Design Office !
, The works voluntary fire brigade, commanded by
fire officer Tony Cale, manned their newly
acquired Commer fire tender. They were at the
scene of the fire a minute later, and had three jets
in operation a minute after that.
The works ambulance with First Aid staff in
attendance also raced to Building 38, from which
the gate police were evacuating the cleaning staff.
The County Fire Service had also been alerted and
fire fighting equipment began to arrive from
Cinderford, Coleford and Newent about a quarter
of an hour later. Cinderford pump was set into the
nearest hydrant, the other two into the water tank
beneath the car park. Altogether nine jets were
A couple of minutes after the alarm, the works
brigade had three jets in operation – two playing
on Design Block and a third cooling down
woodwork to prevent the spread of fire.
eventually in operation, bringing the fire
completely under control and finally extinguishing
it about 8 pm.
There were two casualties: one man had severe
burns of the right arm and slight burns on the face
and was suffering from shock : the other had
fallen down the stairs and sustained a compound
fracture of the right leg. After receiving attention
from the nursing staff, the casualties were taken to
the First Aid room and thence to hospital.
Why didn’t you hear about this fire ? Because it
wasn’t the real thing, fortunately, but a serious
exercise nonetheless, carried out in conjunction
with the Gloucestershire Fire Service as one of
their regular checks in what they term ‘special risk
In their subsequent report, the County Fire Officers
who, together with Mr. H. Robinson, our Chief
Fire Officer, were in attendance at the exercise.
complimented the works fire brigade on their
handling of the situation.
It is reassuring on our part to know we have a
team of trained men on the site who can cope
immediately – and time is all-important – with
any genuine outbreak of fire.
Firemen taking prift in the eAcicise v.411 Tony cab?
were: V Baker, D Beard, A. Brain, J. Hart,
J Hyett, S. Jones. C. Lewis, M. Phillips, W. Smith
and D Young The First Aid team, headed by
Sister Collins, were: Nurses Howells. Meek and
Miles, and Mrs Bullock.
Club Commentary
One of the many subjects which came under
discussion at the annual general meeting of the
Sports Er Social Club on June 2 was the choosing
of Miss Rank Xerox, Mitcheldean. It was decided
that, in future, photographs of contestants would
continue to be published in VISION but all the
girls would be required to parade before the judges
at the dance and the finalists would be chosen
then, not by ballot as in the past.
Plans to increase club funds were considered and
it was generally agreed that the club should look
for ground outside the perimeter of the Plant
where a club house could be built and facilities for
members such as a swimming pool, tennis courts,
etc., could be provided.
The club committee for the 1969/1971 session is
as follows: Machine Shop floor, Bldg. 29 –
L. Taylor; No. 1 Assembly floor, Bldg. 29 –
E. Lark; 660 Assembly, Stores, Spares Prepackaging
and Reconditioning -B. J. Marshall ;
Goods Inwards & Despatch – Mrs. J. Smith ;
Design & Technical Dept., Electrical Lab. and
Model Shop area – R. Davies, Design ; 3600
Assembly – G. Meek ; Admin. Block (TED,
Accounts, etc.) -W. Burgwyn, Accounts:
Apprentice School – R. Cooke ; Maintenance.
Polishing Shop & old Plating Shop, Maltings &
old B & H Machine Shop – Mrs. R. Beddis,
Maintenance; Press & Sheet Metal Shop, Tool
Room, Tool Inspection, Canteen & Gate Police –
N. Hanman, Tool Inspection ; GTE Warehouse &
Sorter Assembly – J. Brown ; Admin. Block
(Purchase Dept., Supply Planning, Data
Processing, Personnel & Welfare) – Mrs. S.
Buckman. Data Processing. The officers remain
Film Et Photo
When the Cine Et Photographic Club held its
15th annual general meeting in April, officers and
committee for the ensuing year were elected as
Chairman-C. Jamieson ; vice-chairman-Miss D.
Barker; secretary-R. Berks: treasurer-L. Sterrett :
committee-Miss Y. Hart, L. Fisher, W. Gosnell,
W. Hobbs, E. Lewis, D. Robbins and J. Seal.
The club secretary wishes to apologise for the
mix-up over photographers’ names on page 4 of
the last issue. The photo of the girl model taken
at the Photo Fair was by Ray Mabbett of 3600
OC and not Bill Hobbs of PED. It was Bill,
incidentally, who took the action snap of the
soccer match which appeared on p. 13 of that
the sho
This could be the start of something big!
With this number – and a more auspicious one
would be hard to find – the showband recently
formed within our Plant opened the Variety Show
put on at the Witcombe Motel on June 6. This
was their first public performance and their playing
of both beat and standard dance music drew
enthusiastic applause from the audience.
They are now getting down to rehearsing for
further shows and possible dance engagements.
Many people have said from time to time that we
ought to be able to form a choir within the Plant.
An attempt made some years back failed to enlist
sufficient support, but now, thanks to the efforts of
young Jeanette Meek in Despatch, a small choir
has been formed. She has persuaded Jack Benbow
of the International Distribution Centre, Gloucester
(who has some ten years’ experience as a choirmaster
behind him) to take on the job of conductor.
The accompanist is Jeanette herself who, we have
heard, is not only a good pianist but is also
learning to play the organ.
The singers are meeting on Monday evenings at
7 p.m. in the ballroom of the Social Centre so, if
you have a voice that might be useful, bring it
Incidentally. rehearsals take place immediately after
those of the showband and, since Jack Benbow
as resident pianist has close connections with the
latter, who knows, we may one day see a
combined performance by showband and singers.
As our title says, ‘This could be the start of
something big !’
Thanks, Friends!
The Variety Club would like to say a big ‘thank
you’ to Brian Beard’s ‘Friends Et Relations’ -a
group who have helped out by playing at recent
performances and have offered their services free
in the cause of charity any time they are needed
by the club.
A Lift for the
A new machine, the Escalift 144D, has been
introduced into the International Distribution
Centre, Gloucester, experimentally to ease the
problem of order picking by manual method.
Up to now access to high storage bins or pallet
racking has been gained only by the use of 14 ft
high mobile steps, and an order picker has had
occasion to climb these steps on average perhaps
30 times each day, carrying with him his picking
basket. A large order could well mean that a
warehouseman had to climb to the full height
three or four times to bring down a 40 lb weight
basket from the same location.
The Escalift, electrically operated, enables the
operator to drive the machine while he is still high
in the air in level with the highest storage location.
Since the machine is capable of lifting 600 lb this
also means that, without returning to the ground,
except to transfer from one gangway to the next,
the operator can pick a considerable number of
orders, storing them separately onto a special
pallet attachment, and eventually lift a completely
loaded :i-ton pallet at the end of his picking
sequence with no effort beyond that necessary to
press a button or a pedal and reach out into the
If this machine proves to be sufficiently successful
in all aspects of warehouse handling – and this is
likely particularly since it is designed also to
enable incoming goods to be stowed away in
bulk – additional models of the same type, or a
more sophisticated version, will doubtless be added
to the I DC equipment to ease the not inconsiderable
burden of the ‘mountaineering warehouseman’.
Guy H. Bedford
Materials Handling Engineer
The operator can drive the machine along while
he is still high in the air. A warning light flashes
when the Escalift is in operation.
A high-density system of Dexion drive-in racking
has proved so useful in solving storage problems
in 3600 Machining that the existing installation
has been extended and a further, much larger
installation has been planned for July.
The existing installation, which originally
accommodated 120 pallets supporting base and
side castings ready for the assembly line, has been
extended to take 288 pallets.
The new work-in-progress installation (for part-
11 11
machined castings) will be 92 ft long, 13 ft 6 in
wide and 16 ft high and will take 320 pallets.
The system has several advantages over the
stillage system of storage: it is static, so that
items stored are kept tidily in place, reducing risk
of damage, whereas stacks of stillages do not
make for good housekeeping ; it is economical of
space, no gaps existing between bays: and it is
cheaper – even allowing for installation charges
it costs only two-thirds of the outlay needed for a
similar size stillage system.
Advantage was taken of the shut-down during Whit week to arrange two instructional, social visits for
members of manufacturing supervision – one to the Plessey Group of Companies at Swindon on
May 28 and the other to Welwyn on May 29. On their return home both parties enjoyed a meal at the
Cotswold Gateway Hotel near Burford. Below, some of the Welwyn party take a look at a CFP processor
in the electronics laboratory. The group pictured bottom left are wearing special protective clothing prior
to entering the clean area of the selenium products department at Welwyn.
im1111111 1
A Matter of
The inaccurate filling in of the simplest form can / 14 render ineffectual the most sophisticated of office
systems or the most complex of computers.
To help ensure that those whose daily work
involves some form filling appreciate the
importance of doing so correctly, the Education Et
Training Department recently held a series of
document control sessions which were attended
by over 300 employees, ranging from supervisors
to storekeepers.
In his talk ‘What the hell is a computer ?’, Data
Processing Manager Mr. Jack Bonney gave a brief
description of how a computer works; Mr. Les
McNealey, Senior 0 M Officer, talked about the
working of the Plant provisioning system, while
Mr. Fred Court, Chief Inspector, dealt with the
problem of errors and gave some concrete examples
of the mis-use of documentation.
The talks were backed up by various visual aids,
including the projection on to a screen of typical
documents in use at the Plant.
Mr. Donald Shryane joined the Company in May
as Supply Planning Controller and deputy to
Mr. Gwilym H. Peregrine, Assistant Director,
Supply. Mr. Shryane is based at Mitcheldean and
is located in the Group offices in Building 36.
The following managerial changes became
effective as from May 5:
Mr. Ken Bunn was designated Manager,
Component Manufacturing Department,
responsible directly to Mr. S. D. Keely, Production
Mr. Philip R. Cleal became a deputy to Mr. Bunn
with special responsibility for Press, Sheet Metal
and all Finishing Departments and the eventual
setting-up of a Small Batch Department.
Mr. Victor S. Buhlmann joined us from Rank Data
System Division as a deputy to Mr. Bunn with
special responsibility for Machine Shop.
Mr. Ralph Zimmermann moved to the Remodelling
Department and has been designated Acting
Manager directly responsible to Mr. Keely.
During the month of May we entertained three
groups of visitors from Hungary, Czechoslovakia
and Roumania – which gives some indication of
the interest being shown by Eastern European
countries in our products.
The following have recently taken up appointments
in No. 1 Assembly and Component Manufacturing
Departments: Mr. James F. Martin as acting
supervisor, Press and Sheet Metal Shop; Mr. Harry
Richards as Machine Shop foreman responsible
to Mr. V. S. Buhlmann ; Mr. Hubert Grice as
acting assembly supervisor, directly responsible to
Mr. G. Linley.
Mr. Douglas R. Broughton has been appointed
section leader in Tool Engineering Department,
responsible for the tool design of all Machine and
Press Shop areas, excluding the auto and turning
sections. He reports direct to Mr. H. Kirsch.
Mr. Don R. Elliott, Manager, Reconditioning
Operations, was elected chairman of the North
Gloucestershire branch of the Institution of Works
Managers in April. A founder member of the
branch when it was formed some eight years ago,
Mr. Elliott has for the past few years been its
education officer, working with Gloucester,
Cinderford and Hereford technical colleges. He
was recently made a Fellow of the Institution.
Mrs. Kelenscenyr, Director of Office Equipment,
Hungary, and agent for Rank Xerox, seen above
with members of a Hungarian trade delegation,
has visited us twice this year. Here she is shown
the work done in the Print Room by Mrs. Mary
Roberts, while Mr. Arthur J. Willitt, Manager,
Engineering Services, looks on. Far left is
Mr. John Grant, Eastern European Sales, Rank
Xerox. Pictured left: Three Roumanian engineers,
accompanied by an interpreter, stop on their tour
round the Plant to watch Mr. Francis Steffy
drilling a main base at the start of the 3600 main
assembly line.
‘There were 16 of us sitting round the table and
out of curiosity we totted up our total years’
service. It came to 501 years!’
This bit of arithmetic, Mr. Henry Phillips, chairman
of Mitcheldean’s LSA, told us, was worked out
when nine visiting representatives from long
service associations in other parts of the Company
were enjoying a cuppa in Design Department with
the chairman, secretary Doris Barker, Kate
Matthews, Ray Davis, Frank Edwards. Len Hart
and ‘Max’ Miller.
They had come to Mitcheldean for the sixteenth
annual dinner of the LSA on May 17 and had been
taken on a tour of the Plant by their hosts.
About 170 people sat down to dinner that night in
the Social Centre, including about 22 members
from the ranks of the retired. Among them were
two former First Aid personalities who hadn’t let
distance deter them – Sister Townroe who had
travelled from Bognor Regis where she runs a
home for the elderly, and Mrs. Martin who lives
in Southampton.
The fact that a lift has now been installed in the
Social Centre made it possible this year for a
number of retired members who cannot manage
the stairs to attend the function.
A Marvellous Year
Mr. Phillips told the company that Mr. Nigel
Foulkes, Managing Director, Rank Xerox Ltd., was
unable to come along as had been hoped, and he
had sent his apologies.
The 25-year awards to five members were
presented by the association’s president, Mr. Fred
Wickstead, who said : ‘We are having a marvellous
year and doing very well indeed. Unfortunately we
failed to supply what the Company could sell.
This is disappointing, but it is very nice to have
fairly large order books. It is good to know our
existing products are going better than ever.
‘Although we have an extension of some
million square feet, I did not really believe this was
going to cater for future developments so I am
making plans for development elsewhere.
Mrs. May Stiddet
(Quality Control
Inspection) receives
her 25-year award
from Mr. Wickstead.
president of the
Mitcheldean Long
Service Association
‘Things are going well. We are taking more orders
for our older machines than we ever envisaged
and therefore our expansion is continuing.’
Mr. Wickstead said ‘a sincere thank you to my
colleagues in the LSA’ for their various
contributions to what has been termed the
‘Oldfield exercise’ – the productivity campaign.
‘I hope it will materially benefit us all in the long
run,’ he said.
Vice-president Mr. R. E. Baker proposed the toast
to the Long Service Association. He was followed
by Plant accountant Mr. J. C. C. Woods who, in
his toast to the visitors, paid special tribute to
Miss Vi ‘Topsy’ Holder, LSA Group secretary, who,
he said, had probably been to more functions of
Mitcheldean LSA than some of our residents!
Apart from Topsy, the guests from other
associations were as follows : Messrs. H. Alston
and W. B. Turner (Rank Audio Visual, London);
P. Crespin and J. Newman (Rank Bush Murphy,
Chiswick) ; Mrs. B. Ostler and Mrs. E. Stansbury
(Rank Bush Murphy, Plymouth) ; D. C. Gamble
and H. Lee (Rank Taylor Hobson, Leicester); and
J. Lewis and S. Rawlinson (Kershaw, Leeds).
Mr. Woods promised them a good time and, after
an excellent meal, rounded off with Gaelic coffee,
they all made their way up the stairs to the
ballroom : here they joined their partners who had
been entertained during the dinner with a comedy
film ‘Quick before it Melts!’ and a buffet.
While enjoying themselves, members did not forget
to contribute to the pleasure of others; a raffle
held during the evening produced, together with
the proceeds of another raffle held earlier at the
annual social, over £50 towards the cost of the
retired members’ outing on midsummer day.
Pictured after the presentation with Mr. Wickstead
and Mr. R. E. Baker (vice-president) are (left to
right) Mr. Roy Nicholls (supervisor, Heat
Treatment), Mrs. Stidder, Mr. Les Wright (Press &
Sheet Metal Shop), Mr. D. John Brain (Reliability
Laboratory), and Mr. Roy D. Smith (Assembly
No. 1 Shop).
Rise in Numbers
In view of the fact that the membership has now
risen to 230, it was decided at the annual general
meeting held on May 5 to increase the number of
committee members to eight. Officers and
committee are now as follows: Chairman:
Henry Phillips; secretary: Miss Doris Barker
treasurer: Don Peates: committee: Miss Kate
Matthews, Mrs. Jackie Smith, Dennis Cook, Jock
Currie, Ray Davis, Wally Grainger, Tommy Knight
senr., and Chris Malsom.
Ted Bayman
We record with regret the death on May 14 of
Ted Bayman at the age of 61 years. Ted joined
the Company on December 16, 1929; he came to
Mitcheldean from London and was at one time
foreman of the Press Shop. For the last two years
he had been in ill health. The funeral, which was
held at Gloucester Crematorium on May 17, was
attended by representatives of the LSA, among
them retired member Ted Wells who was a
colleague of Ted Bayman’s in days gone by.
Jimmy Slade, who received his 25-year award last
year, gets a farewell handshake from Terry
Quartermaine, Mechanised Planning supervisor, on
his retirement recently. His colleagues in Supply
Planning gave him an electric over-blanket; from
the LSA he received a cheque which is to be
spent on a car port.
Holding the electric blanket which they gave him
on his retirement recently, Albert Wing poses with
his workmates at a farewell get-together in Press
& Sheet Metal Shop, where he has worked for the
29 years he has been with the Company. He was
also presented with a standard lamp by the LSA
March in May
Neville Barnett, who has been in ill-health for
some time, had a pleasant surprise recently when
listening, as he does regularly, to the Saturday
morning radio programme ‘Marching and
Remembering that it was his birthday in May, and
knowing of his keen interest in bands (he was a
bandsman for over 40 years), telephonist Sheila
Weyman and her husband Fred, who is a time
clerk, arranged for a march entitled ‘BB and CF’ to
be played for Neville -a kind gesture that was
greatly appreciated.
When the request item was played, it was
mentioned over the air that Neville was for 20
years musical director of the Lydbrook Onward
Band, during which time it won over £1,000 in
cash prizes as well as numerous trophies.
Six of the boys Neville trained during his years
with the band have now become professional
players with famous bands and, strangely enough,
one of these six was interviewed that very evening
on a TV programme. Neville saw this programme
too, so all in all it was quite a memorable day for
him. (Incidentally, Sheila will be joining the
association when she qualifies in November next.)
Charles Baker (polisher), who left after 20 years at
the end of May, was given a cheque by the LSA,
while his workmates gave him a pint pewter
tankard inscribed with his name. Leonard Beizsley,
who has done 14 years’ service, received a cheque
and a 400-day pendulum clock from the association
and a sum of money from his friends in the
Machine Shop.
The Millers’ Daughter
These pages often feature people who have
completed a lifetime of work. Here, for a change,
is something about a youngster who has not long
started out on her career but whose rise to
international status as a top model has been little
short of meteoric.
Not surprisingly. Barbara, 18-year-old middle
daughter of our cartoonist Laurence ‘Max’ Miller.
showed considerable artistic talent, and her parents
sent her to Gloucester College of Art. She
occasionally modelled for her fellow students and
a lecturer suggested that she should take up
photographic modelling.
She was accepted by the Lucie Clayton model
school in London and, while waiting to join.
worked for six months in our Reconditioning
Department. In March 1968 she started her course
and proved so promising a pupil that she was given
an extra two weeks’ tuition.
Once launched as a model, she never lacked
engagements. In the 12 months since she
completed her training she has worked for top
international photographers; a cover girl several
times over, she has featured in many leading
publications including Queen, Woman and
Woman’s Own, Observer Magazine, Vanity Fair,
The Times, Vogue and France’s fashion magazine
Elle, for whom she modelled the pick of the Paris
Her work has given her a chance to travel abroad :
apart from several trips to Paris she has been to
the South of France, Milan, Venice and Rome.
Trophies ‘Landed’
Although the latter part of the 1968/69 season
was not too good owing to weather conditions.
the Angling Club can look back on a successful
year ; not only have they enjoyed various trips and
contests but they have also stepped up their
membership from 30 to 70.
At the annual general meeting held on June 6. at
the start of their new season, trophies ‘landed’ by
members were presented.
A new trophy this year was a shield given by
secretary Jack Williams and his wife for award to
the angler catching the best specimen fish of the
year this went to the club’s youngest member.
apprentice Andrew Phillips.
Other trophies presented were the Stan Cherry
plaque which went to Roger Roberts (Design).
the Wye Cup won by Pete Welch (TED). the
Kerne Et Handicap Cup won by Mike Nash
(Procurement Design), and the Huntsham Cup,
which went to Jack Williams (Machine Shop).
The photogenic
face of
model Barbara
Photo Barry Lategan
Getting Better
At the time of going to press, Mrs. June Lewis
(Machine Shop Inspection) and Miss Margaret
Hale (secretary to Mr. Wickstead) were both
convalescing after hospital treatment; we hope
they will be back with us by the time this issue
Apprentices Appendices
Our apprentices are great believers in togetherness,
it appears. Within three months, three of them
developed appendicitis. Now we hear the craze
is for broken legs – two cases were known at the
time of writing. Team spirit is all very well, but
surely this is going a bit too far !
L. Fisher
Jack Williams presents the shield he has given
the club to its first winner, Andrew Phillips
1 ‘Tis folly to be wise in this state
of ignorance. (5)
4 Bald-headed old bird. (7)
8 Top of the Empire State, but not
in New York. (7)
9 Sanctify a sneeze sometimes. (5)
10 Again and again and again. (5)
11 Looks dark – try wash for a
change. (7)
13 The most insignificant Greek
letter. (4)
15 Descriptive of the young man on
the flying trapeze – want to
chicken out ? (6)
17 Home of the Dutch drummers –
developing fast. (6)
20 Dirty look. (4)
22 Like their cats, they have no
caudal appendages. (7)
24 Makes ridiculous copies. (5)
26 Sing Hallelujah ! for John Brown’s
soul. (5)
27 Smallest mother showing nearly
everything. (7)
28 Bang in the middle, and grand in
New York for travellers. (7)
29 Knobbly menace from outer
space – who says so. (5)
1 Scientifically mixed, eg tea and
tobacco. (7)
2 All output depends on this. (5)
3 Titled middleman – frequently
done to a turn and eaten ! (7)
4 Topless anagram, however you
see it. (6)
5 Animal wearing pyjamas ? (5)
6 Conspirator, not necessarily on
the race track. (7)
7 Springfield miller. (5)
Visiting our Plant for the first time, Mr. K H
Hirvonen, recently appointed General Manager.
Rank Xerox Finland, talks to Mr. Fred Hillman.
operator of an Artos wire cutting and tagging
machine in No. 1 Assembly. Centre is Mr. Ted
Elliott, Manager, Change Co-ordination, from
Design Engineering.
n 2 ri,3 it 5 6 I 7
i f ij9
. 1
io y
11 12 1
I I V /Y
A / 13 14 Y //
V /
116 IF
r 17 18 I , 19
A A z
22 24
4 1 Al 4 i7 , / .
26 /27
I , / 29
12 How the American service
woman might indicate departure.
14 Look lasciviously in so gleeful a
manner. (4)
16 Telephoned a radio nut in
Burma. (7)
18 Expensively robed like a judge.
19 With which the ladies of the
harem lose face. (7)
21 Paint for the teeth ? (6)
22 Supernatural black chocolates. (5)
23 Urban headman is a horse’s mate,
I hear. (5)
25 American cigarette factory. (5)
by Paul Gregory
(solution on page 15)
For Hire
Sunmedi frame tent, approx. 16 ft. x 8 ft. with
inner bedroom and sun porch. Accommodates
four to five persons. £8 per fortnight.
Apply : Sister Collins, First Aid.
Bee swarms. Replies to : H. E. Burton, Goods
Inwards Inspection.
Spare copy of VISION, issue no. 25, May/June
1964. Reply to : G. W. Turner. Tel. 146 int.
For Sale
Burco gallon boiler. Flatley clothes airer. Very
reasonable. Replies to : B. Butler. Factory Progress.
Tel. 334 int.
Halina 35 mm slide viewer. Offers to: R. Berks,
E.O. Dept. Tel. 404 int.
It’s a Knock-out!
The All Stars team pose with their shield- left to
right. Peter Blake. John Stammers. Ray Dance.
Norman Masters. Keith Bradley, John Dennis
(captain). Brian Wildman and Richard Holland
The annual Inter-Design Skittles Tournament, in
which some 13 teams competed, has been played
and won, this year, by Design Engineers All Stars
team who beat Sorter Design, the other finalists,
by 19 pins.
The winning skittlers were captained by John
Dennis to whom Mr. A. E. Burke, Engineering
Design Manager. presented the shield.
The all-ladies team came close to success; they
beat the Management soundly by 40 pins and
reached the semi-finals but lost to Sorter Design
by 18 pins.
White MG Midget 1966, above average condition.
New tyres. battery, exhaust system and tonneau.
Fitted safety belts, reversing lights. Hood as new.
£480 ono. Contact K. Gristy. Tel. 356 int.
Frame tent with porch, ground area 12 ft. x 7 ft.,
sleeps four. Good condition, £12. Also ridge tent
6 ft. x 6 ft. x 6 ft. with fly sheet. Reasonable
condition, £4. Replies to : C. Powell,
Reconditioning. Tel. 347 int.
Lambretta 150 SX, 4,500 miles, red and grey.
View by arrangement. £140, offers to : R. Beard,
Purchase. Tel. 150 int.
Everoak BS approved jet-type motorcycle helmet
and Stadium Mk. 9 goggles, as new, £4 inclusive.
Contact : Mrs. J. M. Wilts, Design Dept.
Tel. 524 int.
Blue Shetland sweater, left at Venray last April by
a member of Mitcheldean personnel. Enquiries to :
Mrs. Cole, secretary to Mr. D. R. Elliott.
Two teams who have never before reached the
finals of the Interdepartmental Skittles KO
Tournament – The Renegades (apprentices) and
PED – fought it out on June 18 in the Club
House. PED, captained by Larry Sterrett. won
with a score of 324, compared with the 301
made by The Renegades, captained by Richard
The trophy for the highest individual score
throughout the competition went to Brian Wildman
of Design. Prizes were presented by Education Er
Training Manager Frank Edwards.
Keeping the ball rolling
Although the cricket section has not started up
again officially, a team has been formed to
represent the Plant in the occasional match.
Captained by Ron Caldicott, they took part in
the Longhope knock-out competition held early
in June. They lost, sad to relate, but by nine
runs only ; of their score of 88, 54 were
accounted for by Roy Powell.
Revving up
After being stationary for quite a time, the Motor
Club has been gently revved up once more. On
Sunday, June 15, seven cars took part in a
Forest rally with a picnic tea at the finish. Joint
winners with 164 points, the maximum number
possible, were J. Henwood (Facilities Planning)
and W. Adams (Machine Shop) while apprentice
L. Young came next with 157 points. Another
rally is booked provisionally for August 17.
Putting YOU in the picture
21st Birthdays
Mrs. Josie Meek (secretary to Mr. F. Coy, Goods
Inwards Inspection) on April 30.
Colin Ford (3600 Assembly) on June 7.
Mrs. Mary Roberts (Print Room) on August 7.
Sarah Jane, a daughter for Alfred Parker (Tool
Design), on March 17.
Deborah Louise, a daughter for John Howells
(Tool Room), on April 6.
Rachel Ann, a daughter for Robert Robinson,
Sorter Assembly, Gloucester, on April 26.
Trudy Jane, a daughter for Mrs. Mary Hawkes
(formerly 3600 Assembly), on May 11.
Sarah Elizabeth, a daughter for Mrs. Dene Eward
(formerly Reception), on May 15.
Simon Leslie, a son for Les Harper (Tool Room),
on May 17.
Mr. and Mrs. A.
Hyett, whose
wedding was
reported earlier.
J. Ingram
Mr. and Mrs.
M. Davies
J. Ingram
Mr. and Mrs.
D. Howells
R. Evans
Miss Gloria Harper (720 Assembly) to Ronnie
Moore (Work Study) on March 1.
Miss Linda Moseley (Punch Room, Data
Processing) to John Fern on April 5.
Terry Williams (Machine Shop Inspection) to
Miss Jenny Cook on May 10.
Miss Ann Brown (Purchase Department) to
Philip Price at Whitsun.
Tony Haynes (Work Study) to Miss Cynthia
Walters at St. Martin’s Church, Tipton, Staffs., on
Easter Saturday.
Peter Thompson (Tool Design) to Miss Kathleen
Synnock at Weobley Parish Church on May 10.
Mr. and Mrs. M.
whose wedding
was reported
R. Evans
Mr and Mrs
P Thompson
Mr. and MIS
G. Phelps
Peter Ball, Sorter Assembly, Gloucester, to
Miss Ann Trigg at Wesley Church, Cinderford, on
May 16.
Mike Davies (Design D.O.) to Miss Margaret
Fowler at Coleford Baptist Church on Whit
Miss Lynne Powell (Spares Assembly) to Garry
Phelps at Ruardean Parish Church on May 31.
Miss Colleen Preece (660 Assembly) to Philip
Barnard at Llangarron Parish Church on June 7.
Miss Deirdre Hunt (secretary to Mr. J. Cannon,
Stores Et Stock Control Manager) to David
Howells (Data Processing) at St. Michael Et All
Angels, Mitcheldean, on June 14.
Miss Heather Williams (Spares Assembly) to John
Manns at Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook. on
June 28.
Ivor Evans of Tool Inspection retired at the end of
April after some ten years’ service. Here he is
being given a good send-off by his friends and
co /leagues in Tool Inspection and the Tool Room.
who presented him with a car radio and some
Best wishes to Malcolm V. Malsom (Maintenance)
who leaves in July and James Moore (jigmaker)
who leaves in August.
We regret to record the death, on May 21, of
Michael A. Lee of Design clerical services.
Michael, who was only 24 years old, had been
suffering from a serious illness. He leaves a widow.
ACROSS: 1 – Bliss. 4 – Buzzard. 8 – Emperor.
9 – Bless. 10 – Ditto. 11 – Swarthy. 13 – Iota.
15 – Daring. 17 – Venray. 20 – Leer.
22 – Manxmen. 24 – Mocks. 26 – Glory.
27 – Minimum. 28 – Central. 29 – Dalek.
DOWN: 1 – Blended. 2 – Input. 3 – Sirloin.
4 — Barest. 5 – Zebra. 6 – Abettor. 7 – Dusty.
12 – Wave. 14 – Ogle. 16 – Rangoon.
18 – Ermined. 19 – Yashmak. 21 – Enamel.
22 – Magic. 23 – Mayor. 25 – Camel.
If you have, then please
tell your departmental correspondent
leave it at the Gate House for collection by me
post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
Mitcheldean or
ring me – it’s Drybrook 415
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
The fuser roller, which fuses the image on the
paper in the 3600 and related machines, lasts for
about 300,000 copies, after which it must be
As this is a very expensive part, made of copper
and stainless steel, and only the outer skin is
reject, the Company decided to reclaim the roller by
machining about .020in off the outside, and
replacing the metal removed with aluminium.
While there are innumerable methods of metal
removal, there are very few for putting it on, and
the most economical method was found to be
The principle of flame-spraying is simple. Wire of
the required metal is passed through an
oxyacetylene flame, which causes it to melt, and
an air jet in the nozzle of the spray gun atomises
the molten metal, and throws it forward on to the
work, in a very similar manner to the atomisation
and coating process in paint spraying.
As in most apparently simple processes, it took
some months to obtain the correct combination of
temperature, wire speed, work speed, etc., to give
a good, adherent, non-porous coating of aluminium.
To add to the difficulty, this aluminium coating
must also be suitable for the very critical PTFE
(Teflon) coating which gives the working surface
of the roller.
After the problems had been ironed out,
Metallisation Ltd. designed and manufactured a
special-purpose machine, in which a revolving
roller passes slowly in front of a flame-spraying
gun. The work traverse is automatic, the operator
only having to load and unload the carriage which
comes out on rails on the left hand side of the
Mr. Russell J. Morrison, Vice-president Investment
Management of the Canadian Channing
Corporation Ltd. (who have substantial holdings
in the Rank Organisation) visited our Plant in May
Here he is (second from right) in the fuser roller
area with Mr. John Nankin, PA to Mr. Wickstead,
and Mr. Philip Currah, Senior Information Officer
from headquarters (far right) while Mr. Dennis
Burford explains how the thickness of the Tel /on
coating on the rollers is measured by Betascope
The noise level produced by this gun is very high,
being about 95 decibels six feet from the gun.
This is considerably higher than the shop noise
level, and so the machine had to have a soundproofed
A similar process is being installed at our plant at
Venray, and technicians from Mitcheldean and
Venray are co-operating closely to make the
process completely successful.
4. 4.
Senior personnel from Wiggins Teape, major
suppliers of paper for our machines, visited our
Plant on June 5- one of a series of reciprocal
exchanges between our two companies.
Mr. J. J. Morris, a director of Wiggins Teape
(right), together with other representatives of the
company, is seen here in the Training School,
Len Hart (left) is showing them the tools made
by apprentices in their first year of basic training,
after which the lads retain them for use in the
Printed an England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd