Return to 1965-1969

Vision 058

Nov/Dec 69 No 58 House Magazine of Rank Xerox Mitcheldean Plant
For the third year running a Rank Xerox apprentice
from Mitcheldean has been awarded the F James
Fielding challenge trophy in the annual
Craftsmanship Competition organised by the
Industrial Training Et Education Group of the
Gloucestershire ft Sout .h. Worcestershire
Productivity Association. This is believed to be
the first time any company has achieved this
distinction. The trophy is awarded for the best
exhibit in the competition in this instance a
miniature indirect dividing head – and it was won
by 17-year-old Brian L. Fowler who came first in
Class 1. Another Rank Xerox apprentice wh’o
achieved success was Michael P. Smith, also 17
years old, who won third prize in Class 3 for his
mechanical test piece.
The awards were presented by Sir George Dowty.
President of the Association, at the Guildhall,
Gloucester, on October 14, and our picture
shows Brian receiving his trophy
Mr. F. Wickstead
In the Rank Xerox section of his Annual Report
of the Rank Organisation for the financial year
ended June 28, 1969, Chairman John Davis says;
‘The demand on our manufacturing organisation
has remained a heavy one. A year ago, I indicated
that output had increased by 50 per cent compared
with 1966/67. The output this year, 1968/69, has
increased by over 30 per cent over 1967/68.
These demands have created the need for
additional space at Mitcheldean, Welwyn and
This means that the Production and Supply
Operations Division
years ended June 30, 1969. All of us have a right
to be proud of this achievement, but we must not
let up.
In his address at the Annual Dinner of the
Mitcheldean Long Service Association in May,
1968, Managing Director Nigel Foulkes said :
‘From 1961 to 1966, the Company had a five
years’ lead over the rest of the world. You cannot
strike oil and not expect other prospectors to sink
wells. There are now dozens of others in the
copying field.’
The implication is obvious. Competition is getting
tougher. Even so, our Marketing colleagues have
set themselves ambitious growth-rates. It is now
more important than ever that we produce the
right goods in the right quantities at the right time,
and at the highest possible reliability standards at
competitive cost levels.
In the July/August, 1968 issue of VISION. I
indicated that Mitcheldean will have reached the
limits of its physical expansion when the new
building is completed in December/January next.
I also told you of the move to Gloucester and the
expansion at Welwyn Garden City.
But Mitcheldean and Welwyn between them
cannot possibly supply the greater quantities and
varieties of products needed from now on. We
must expand Venray.
You will have read the September press release
announcing a £4 million expansion programme
for Venray. The work is planned to be completed
in about two years. You also know that we plan
very soon to start building the 3600 at Venray.
Why ?
The skills and experience of the Production and
Supply Operations Division are concentrated at
Mitcheldean. It therefore makes sense to move to
Venray existing products, for which assembly
procedures, machine tools and techniques have
been tested and proven at Mitcheldean, and to
free Mitcheldean for new products.
This policy will ensure work continuity at
Mitcheldean. If we kept existing products here,
and placed new products in other plants, what
work would there be for Mitcheldean when the
existing products were phased out ? None of us
wants Mitcheldean to go the same way as the
coal-mines in the Forest of Dean.
I have for some time now been acting as General
Manager, Mitcheldean. As you know, Mr. Derek
R. Portman joined us in early October as Deputy
Director. He will be responsible to me for
Production for the whole of the Division, and will
have overall responsibility for Mitcheldean,
Welwyn and Venray. He will take over from me
the duties of General Manager, Mitcheldean
this November.
Although I will, no doubt, from time to time make
use of VISION to speak to you all, this will
probably be the last regular message from me.
I should therefore like to thank you for the support
and loyalty that you have given me in the years
during which I have been directly responsible for
Mitcheldean. I am sure Mr. Portman can expect
the same.
Mr. Portman has my confidence. I know he will
soon earn yours.
Mr. Derek R. Portman
Thank you-and good luck ! Director of Production and Supply Operations
Mt. Portman meets Royston Morgan. secretary tut
the Mitcheldean branch of the AEI’
This November Mr. Derek R. Portman, newly
appointed Deputy Director, Production Et Supply
Operations Division, takes over the duties of
General Manager, Mitcheldean.
Born in Birmingham, Mr. Portman graduated from
‘lembers of top engineering management from
”efOX Corporation paid a visit to Mitcheldean at
‘ie end of September to see for themselves recent
‘evelopinents at our Plant. Our pictures show
left) Mr. Cohn Johnson, Design Manager,
Tony Burke, Engineering Design Manager. and
”71. A. Stanley Pratt, Chief Engineer. Rank Xerox
rd., talking to Mr Clyde Mayo and (far right)
King’s College, London, in engineering in 1948,
and did his practical training with English Electric
Co. Ltd. at Rugby where they produced steam and
water turbines, heat exchangers and oil engines.
He progressed on the manufacturing side of the
business, holding various appointments, including
that of planning engineer, and acting as shop
foreman and shop superintendent.
He transferred in 1955 to D. Napier & Son Ltd.,
manufacturers of aircraft engines at Netherton,
Lanc., where he took up the position of production
controller and subsequently deputy works
manager. With the closing of the Netherton
factory, he left in 1960 to join Serck Radiators
Ltd., manufacturers of heat exchangers and
radiators for many industries – aircraft, marine.
electrical and atomic energy.
He held the appointment of general works
manager, later becoming managing director, and
while with the company was deeply involved in
introducing modern management techniques.
These embraced job evaluation, productivity
studies, improved production engineering and the
introduction of computerisation into many aspects
of the business, including stock and production
Mr. Portman and his wife have three young sons.
Miles, Richard and Andrew.
In leisure hours, Mr. Portman played first-class
rugby football – he has, in fact, played for
Rugby Football Club – and he continues to retain
a keen interest in the game. He also plays squash
and a little golf.
Mr Ev Minett about engineering developments in
the laboratory, (right) accompanied by Mr. Ted
Elliott, Manager Change Co-ordination, Dr.
George White and Mr. Paul Catan (centre) chat
to OC inspector Terry Ward and mechanical
adjuster Ray Pickthall during their tour of 3600
Awards for
A total of some £500 is being paid out in financial
awards for professional studies in 1968/69. The
personnel concerned and the examinations they
passed are as follows:
Preparatory Certificate-S. Barnes, R. Imm.
Intermediate Craft Practice-R. Dunkley,
P. Fisher, D. Hart, M. Marfell, A. Morgan,
M. Roberts.
Final Craft Practice-R. Court, A. Taylor, P. Waugh
Final Craft Practice (Carpentry & Joinery) –
R. Meek.
Ordinary Technician Certificate-N. Bayliss,
A. Edwards, J. Taylor, A. Wilkins.
Advanced Technician Certificate-K. Bradley,
R. Cooke, I. Currie, A. Davis, M. Howell,
K. Howells, P. Jennings, D. Moore, R. J. Taylor,
R. Trigg, J. Whittington.
Endorsement to Advanced Technician Certificate
(Electrical)-K. L. Jones, N. J. Wintle.
Technologist Certificate-R. Caldicutt, R. Meek,
R. Spencer, G. C. Williams.
Ordinary National Certificate-B. Bradley,
R. Cherry, B. Lewis, D. Wood.
Higher National Certificate-K. Horrobin.
HNC Endorsement-T. M. Jones, A. N. Newman.
Corporate Membership, Institute of Production
Engineers-L. E. Bennett.
Technical Teachers Certificate-C. Brain.
Certificate of Works Management-J. B. Court.
B.Sc. (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) –
M. Husband.
RSA (Shorthand)-Miss J. Fletcher.
Certificate of Office Studies-A. G. Davies.
Intermediate Exam., Institute of Purchasing &
Supply-S. Fox, B. S. Hall, P. Knight.
Association of Certified & Corporate Accountants
(Section 1)-B. V. Morris.
Presentation in November
Apprentices will receive their financial awards at
their annual dinner and presentation to be held at
the Social Centre on November 21. First-year
basic training certificates will also be presented,
and 21 boys will receive their indentures.
John Vines talks to Dr. A. H. Hughes, managing
director, Arthur Guinness, Son & Co.(Dublin) Ltd.,
at the official opening of the exhibition.
That’s Progress!
‘Our most searching questions came, not from
scientists, but from schoolchildren ; there was even
one rather terrifying child who, at the tender age
of 12, was apparently fully acquainted with cold
cathode tubes, counters and decoders!’
This was the experience of Peter Thorp
(Development Laboratory) and John Vines
(Reliability Engineering) who were in attendance
on the Rank Xerox stand at the lnovex Exhibition,
held in conjunction with the annual meeting of
the British Association for the Advancement of
Science at Exeter in September.
Mr. J. A. Hargroves, Rank Xerox Manager,
Technical Staff, gave the meeting an address on
the history of xerography, explaining how the
original idea had been exploited. His theme was
supported by exhibits on the stand which included
a working model of the Chester Carlson
experimental equipment on which the first
xerographic copies were produced, and a 3600
fitted with Automatic Document Feeder and
If you have, then please
tell your departmental correspondent
leave it at the Gate House for collection by me
post it to me at Tree Tops, Plump Hill,
Mitcheldean or
ring me – it’s Drybrook 415
Myrtle Fowler, Editor
The International Technical Communications
Facility formerly located at Denham is being
transferred to Mitcheldean. Now that our Plant
has become the engineering centre for Rank
Xerox, it is more appropriate that the facility should
be located here.
Mr. Harry R. Hunt, who is responsible for its
operation, is transferring to Mitcheldean and has
been appointed Senior Supervisor, Communciations
and Records, responsible to the Drawing Office
Services Manager, Mr. Jack Timms.
In addition to international communications.
Mr. Hunt has been made responsible for
co-ordinating the activities of the Print Room,
Punch Room, distribution and records: he is,
however, concentrating on international
communications for some months until the
operation has been completely established at
Mr. Hunt has been with Rank Xerox for many
years, during which time he has specialised in
communications and records.
He had money to burn
Thanks to the alertness of our intelligence
network, an explosives expert has been discovered
at Mitcheldean-and within our own Security
We apprehended him in the Eastern Avenue Gate
House where he ‘confessed’ to having joined the
regular Army in 1931 and having become one of
the first members of the Special Air Service when
it was formed in 1940 to carry out sabotage work.
During his war service, Cyril Charnley, our new
Chief Security & Fire Officer, had the great
pleasure of serving with some of Britain’s most
notable men (whose names must still not be
revealed for reasons of security). Among his
many exciting experiences he recalled one
memorable occasion when he helped to start a
fire I
Mr Eric N. Moore joined us on October 1 as
Forward Planning Engineer in the Facilities
Planning Department As such he is responsible
for the forward planning of facilities for the
Mitcheldean site, programming and monitoring
progress to ensure facilities are available at the
right time to meet Company objectives.
co-ordination of departmental projects, including
site layout and material handling activities, and
recommending means of maximum deployment of
all facilities. To assist Mr. Moore in the Forward
Planning aspects of his responsibilities, Mr.
Anthony Austin-Bailey has been appointed
Assistant Forward Planning Engineer. Mr.
R. S. Harris, Site Layout Engineer, and Mr.
G H. Bedford, Materials Handling Engineer,
continue reporting to Mr. J. C. Henwood.
Manager – Facilities Planning, but Mr. Moore will
deputise in Mr Henwood’s absence.
‘I was on patrol.’ he told us, ‘with a certain member
of the family of one of Britain’s greatest war
leaders, when we were spotted by a German air
patrol. After a long and arduous trek across the
desert, we managed to find a suitable hideout in
one of the most unlikely places-the bank in
Benghazi. As we settled down for the night, this
man used for a pillow a small safe which was
resting against a wall. Trying vainly to get to sleep,
he remarked : ‘I know one thing-the people who
own this safe use some awful hard currency !’
‘Much to his surprise, when daylight came and
the safe could be examined, he discovered it
belonged to a bank in England of which he was a
senior member, and was full of five-pound notes
which turned out to be excellent forgeries. They
also proved excellent for starting a fire on which we
made a ‘rich’ brew of tea!’
On retiring from the army, Mr. Charnley worked
at GCHQ (Foreign & Commonwealth Office) at
Cheltenham as senior security officer for ten years.
It was with some surprise that, on arrival at
Mitcheldean, he met with another former Special
Air Service member-Brian Lampshire of Works
1 First in Greek-easy as ABC.
Wanna bet ? (5).
4 Tubby little tree relatives (7).
8 A mere tit of a destructive little
creature (7).
9 The original method of
communication, but still in
common use (5).
10 Elegant writing instrument (5).
11 One way to reserve a sheep (7).
13 A help to the copper-not
necessarily on wash day (4).
15 1001 kept the chief awake-and
the girl alive (6).
17 The little devil’s backside is
almost upon us (6).
20 Lies on the bed with a counter (4).
22 Uncultured but innocent (7).
24 Madness in woman ? I am not
surprised (5).
26 Edible rubbish (5).
27 Gets in the way-the back way ?
28 Meal in the Post Office building
(4 & 3).
29 Last word for a letter (5).
1r IL 2

13 1141
I 1
20 21
H17 18
25 I
DOWN 16 Fish preparation (7).
1 Art is an essential for a good
craftsman (7).
18 Just a reminder to keep it among
your souvenirs (7).
2 Ward off the inspector ! (5). 19 Does the River Styx flow into
3 Pedantic term for grub (7). it ? (4 E:t 3).
4 It is on the head of 8 across (6). 21 A maths problem can be a
5 This car wanders all over the painful inspiration (6).
place (5). 22 Bone on a cow, or aerial on a
6 Ape (7). roof (5).
7 Another form of 13 across (5). 23 This is bound to happen sooner or
12 Pity and love are so described (4). later (5).
14 Great snakes! No. little ones, as
an afterthought (4).
25 Nice little girl in the east ? No.
just the opposite (5).
At the invitation of the townspeople of Venray,
maintenance electrician Tom Morgan, together
with Ernest Hancock and Tom Howells from the
Machine Shop, spent four days in Holland in
October, visiting Amsterdam and joining in
Venray’s celebration of its liberation in 1944. The
invitation, addressed to Mitcheldean employees
who had served in the area during the war, was
sent through the General Manager of the Venray
Plant and the participants were selected from
over 20 applicants. They were accompanied by
Mr. Lionel Lyes, Controller of Personnel, who also
served in the area. All travelling and hotel
expenses on the trip were paid by our Company,
while the Venray organising committee paid
expenses incurred during their stay in the town.
by Paul Gregory
(solution page 14)
Tom Morgan. Ernest Hancock and Tom Howells
discuss their visit over a map. We hope to publish
their account of the trip in our next issue.
Making it colourful
ten its move to Building 36 is completed by the
d of November. Mitcheldean’s Machine Shop
II doubtless rate as the most colourful of its
Id for miles around. And for the visitor who
n’t tell a mill from a drill, a tour of the shop is
ing to be a lot easier, for each range of
chines. together with its ancillary equipment.
s been identified by its own strong industrial
lour : the milling section is grey. lathes and
ning green. drilling yellow, grinding blue, and
and inspection white. The fact that the
Machine Shop has gained a cheeiful image in the
process is an extra dividend i
The paint used is quick-drying and machines have
been removed, painted and installed in their new
quarters ready for use within 24 hours. Altogether
some 200 machines are being moved over a
seven-week period at an average of five machines a
This move has enabled all Machine Shop
activities to he reorganised and assembled under
As customers find more and more applications for
our machines, so the demand for small-scale
production of modifications grows. The Automatic
Overlay Device, which permits data to be added to
or eliminated from the original document being
copied, and the Automatic Document Feeder are
examples of those which are helping to win new
The production of, say. 20 such devices does not
warrant expensive specialised tooling and until
recently such small batches-sometimes only one
off-have been handled by the Model Shop, the
Machine Shop or sub-contractors. With the
increase in this type of work, the setting up of a
Small Batch Department for short or medium
production runs has become necessary to relieve
these facilities of work with which they are not
truly compatible.
Additional space now becoming available has
made the project possible, and Mr. P. Cleal,
Deputy Manager, Component Manufacturing, has
been made responsible for the setting up of the
Small Batch Department which, it is hoped, will
Left: The auto lathes get a coat
of hard-wearing green paint.
Right: The ductwork which
snakes its way round the
Planomill is nearly complete.
When in operation it will carry
swarf-laden air into the
collector on the left.
and clean
one roof. Building 36 offers not only more
headroom. better ventilation and daylight from
above but also space for further expansion
Notable among the additional items of machinery
acquired is a second Kendall Et Gent Planomill
for machining frame castings this is similar to the
one purchased two years ago but it has a more
versatile cutting adjustment and incorporates a
Spenstead swarf collector-an innovation in out
Plant. Because of the high speed at which the
be operative early in the New Year.
Outstanding among the conventional lathes,
drills, mills, etc., with which the department will
be equipped will be three machines of revolutionary
design, grouped to form an NC (numerical control)
machining centre.
In such a centre, machines are operated
automatically by numerical control : commands are
encoded on punched tape by a sequence of holes
representing letters and numbers: these are then
decoded by an electronic tape-reader which is
linked to the machine and converts the commands
into machine tool operations.
The piercing of the holes in the tape is synchronous
with the typing of the programme, and a visual
‘read -out’ for checking and editing purposes is
provided. Accurate relative positioning of the
work-piece and tool, tool penetration, and
regulation of coolants are some of the functions
controlled by this method.
A variety of different machining operations can be
performed in any pre-selected sequence so that
the handling of the work-piece through many
Plimoinill works, hot sworf is thrown off to a
distance of some ten feet, and protective
curtaining has had to be placed round the
original machine. In the new installation this,
has been superseded by hoods fitted at each
milling head through which the swarf-laden al
is drawn by suction. It travels along ductwork
to a collector where particles are separated from
the air by a special washing process and the
waste is then automatically discharged into
a trolley.
conventional machines is reduced or eliminated.
Material removal is fully automatic and repeatability
and maintenance of quality of a high standard-a
single punched tape being used to produce a
large number of identical components.
This vertical machining centre-comprising a
Cintimatic single spindle, a Cintimatic six-spindle
turret, and a Burgmaster eight-spindle turret model
-offers a number of economic benefits. Not only
is production time cut and set-up time reduced,
but there are also several other advantages such
as reductions in scrap and tooling costs, and
increases in tool life and machine utilisation.
A special branch of the Production Engineering
Department is being set up under Mr. R. W.
Mason, Chief Production Engineer, to translate
engineering drawings into NC programmes. This
involves an intricate knowledge of the capabilities
and limitations of each machine tool, together
with its individual tape-reading system.
These techniques demand not only special training
but also a revised approach to many existing
production methods.
Somebody said ‘How about taking photos or a
cine film of the district from the air ?’ and in no
time the trip was arranged. Wally Taylor of QC
Remodelling, who is a pilot, was contacted and
the date was set. On one Sunday morning in July
five of us set out to find the airfield. We knew
that it was in the direction of English Bicknor but
that was all.
John Ingram and Dennis Beddis of the Standards
Room were in one car. I and my two sons Godfrey
and Andrew (who is one of our apprentices) were
in the other. Dennis and I were the only ones who
had flown before.
We met at Nailbridge and drove up the long hill
towards Monmouth, turning right into the forest in
the direction of English Bicknor just before the
road forks to Coleford. The turning curved
downhill towards the river Wye and after about a
mile we decided to ask the way at a farmhouse.
We were told that we had to drive through the
farmyard and along a rough track which took us
over a couple of fields in which sheep were
grazing. Then in the distance, on rising ground,
we saw the orange windsock and knew we had
arrived at the airfield.
Perched on the top of this hill was a large hangar.
open at one end and revealing four ‘planes: two
had their engines stripped out, one was an Auster
and one a blue all-metal four-seater low wing
Rallye Commodore. There were also a few drums
of aviation spirit.
The rest of the field sloped quite steeply away from
the hangar in places, with a couple of clumps of
trees here and there, and of course a few hundred
By this time I think we were all getting ‘butterflies’
and wondering how any ‘plane could take off
from such an area. There was nobody in sight
and after about half an hour, during which the
‘butterflies’ got appreciably bigger, we concluded
that we must have got the date mixed up and
turned round to make tracks home, some of us
heaving sighs of relief.
At this moment Wally, together with Hubert
Knight, the owner of the ‘planes. drove up in a car
behind which, somewhat to our amazement. ran a
black and white sheepdog.
The trip was on after all. It was agreed John and
Dennis should go up first, so we all gave a hand in
wheeling the aircraft out of the hangar. Wally
Henry Phillips, Tool Inspection Supervisor,
tells of a rather unnerving experience last
vs, shot..
the Plant site with the new Building 40 in the
foreground. Below: Piloted by Wally. the ‘plane
prepares to take off with John and Dennis aboard.
the ‘runway’ having been cleared by the collie.
Godfrey Phillips took this photo while awaiting
his own turn in the aircraft.
then decided that the fuel in the craft was rather
low, so Dennis and I rolled a drum of petrol into
the hangar and with great care changed the pump
from an empty drum into the full one. This
accomplished, we proceeded to pump the fuel into
a can and fill the aircraft up.
Mr. Knight stopped this operation, saying that
there was enough to fly the ‘plane to Staverton
where they could refuel. So with John strapped
in the rear seat looking a bit green round the gills,
and Dennis in front with Wally. the engine was
started. Then Mr. Knight remembered the sheep!
This was where the sheepdog came into its own.
and with Mr. Knight in his car acting as assistant
sheepdog, the animals were cleared from the
take-off area. Fingers were crossed as Wally
taxied the ‘plane round a clump of trees; he gave
the engine full throttle and the ‘plane careered
downhill towards a hedge, then took off carrying
John and Dennis away into the distance.
After about half-an-hour, the ‘plane returned and
the disembarking passengers. now all smiles,
agreed that they had had a good trip.
Now it was our turn, with Andrew and myself in
the rear seat, both armed with cameras, and
Godfrey and Wally in front. Making sure once
again that no sheep had wandered into the field,
we took off. The outward flight took us over the
Plant at Mitcheldean, Longhope. Little London and
Huntley; we returned via Mitcheldean. Ross and
Symonds Vat, Godfrey being allowed to pilot the
‘plane part of the way.
Just as we turned for home over the Yat, Wally
decided to buzz his local pub. He put the ‘plane
into a dive, turning on the end of one wing, then
with a smile all over his face he decided that that
was enough and headed for home. I retrieved my
stomach from the floor, put it back in place and
agreed with him !
Coming in to land was like driving a car up a hillwe
actually landed on sloping ground. Some
sheep had wandered back into the field but luckily
for them none got in the way. We missed them by
about six feet.
There were handshakes all round when we got
out. Hazy conditions might have affected the
camera results but there was no doubt about the
success of the trip. We had all enjoyed it so much
that we agreed there and then to have another in
the near future.
The Sherpa Peg gets
a piggyback
Loading facilities at the International Distribution
Centre, Gloucester, have recently been improved
by the installation of a new loading dock to cope
with the increasing use of containers for overseas
shipment of our machines and spares.
The L-shaped steel dock permits either end or side
loading a leveller, counterbalanced for easy
adjustment, being used to form a bridge between
the dock platform and the floor of the vehicle
being loaded.
A ‘Sherpa Peg’ container-stowing forklift truck
used in conjunction with the dock : this is driven
on to a loading ramp with special balancing
properties and raised to the 4 ft-high dock
platform by existing forklift equipment as shown
in our picture.
Designed to ride right into the container, the
Sherpa Peg has a number of unique characteristics.
Particularly useful, in view of the Company’s
employment of double-deck containers, is its
ability to lift loads to a height of 5ft without
extension of its mast height. In addition, the truck
has a side shift of several inches which cuts
loading time and increases potential stowing
density. When not required to stow containers.
the Sherpa Peg can be utilised elsewhere in the
Doggie Debrett
Beauty, an Alsatian belonging to Mrs. Hilda
Baldwin, Medical Dept., gave birth to quads on
October 14. Sired by a first class prize-winner at
Crufts, Beauty has so far this year won six cups
and been rated best Alsatian in the shows
concerned. The pups, three dogs and a bitch,
will be ready for sale at the beginning of
Back in
the field again
During the summer months some of the more
athletic members of the Company were engaged
in trying to revive interest in the cricket field.
It was during the summer of ’67 when Rank Xerox
formed their first cricket section. Thanks to the
Sports & Social Club’s financial help a total of
£80 was spent on new kit, and fixtures on a
Sundays-only basis were arranged with other
clubs in the area, but owing to the competition
for players’ services for their own village clubs,
difficulties were experienced in raising teams of
sufficient strength.
The sun began to shine brilliantly again in ’69 ;
the cobwebs were dusted off the bats and pads.
With a new approach of arranging midweek
fixtures only, a greater response was forthcoming.
The Longhope knockout was entered and on a
sunny evening in July with the Concorde flying
overhead, Longhope, the host side, took first knock
and, despite the efforts of ‘Twerpy’ Phelps and
Gary Sleeman, rattled up the score of 96 in 20
overs. Undaunted, Rank Xerox took up the
challenge and, thanks to yours truly with 54, had
scored 80 for four wickets after 16 overs. A win
seemed assured but, alas, a culmination of good
bowling, bad batting and bad light saw Ranks
dismissed for 88 to lose by eight runs.
This defeat served as a spur to the players to
improve their game. Challenges sent to other clubs
in the area were promptly accepted and battle
commenced during succeeding weeks and
continued for the remainder of the season, with
the following results:
v. Weston- under -Pen yard -lost by four wickets.
Rank Xerox 68 (D. Williams 25 not out)
Weston-under-Penyard 69-6.
v. Cinderford YMCA-drew. YMCA 136; Rank
Xerox 130-7 (R. Caldicutt 36. J. Bowkett 24).
v. Berry Hill 2nd X / -lost by one wicket. Rank
Xerox 88; Berry Hill 88-9 (R. Powell 5-28).
v. Berry Hill 2nd X/ -lost by 79 runs. Berry Hill
124; Rank Xerox 45.
v. Rosedales-won by five wickets. Rosedales 104
(R. Barton 5-24) ; Rank Xerox 106-5
(R. Powell 35).
v. Engelhards-won by 90 runs. Rank Xerox 150
(D. Symonds 33) ; Engelhards 60.
v. Senghenydd-won by four wickets. Senghenydd
59 (K. Smith 5-12) ; Rank Xerox 60-6 (see
report opposite).
Statistics show that the section had a satisfactory
season, so here’s to 1970, hoping for more sun
and more wins !-Roy Powell
Club News
Twenty- two -year -old secretary Jean Tims has keen
eyesight and a steady hand. Doubtless these
qualities come in handy when typing (she works
for Remodelling Manager Ralph Zimmermann) –
but they are absolutely essential for good
Jean has handled a rifle since she was 14 , she
practises on the 25-yard indoor range of the
Wyvern Club, Cinderford, of which she has been
secretary for the past four years. Her father
captains the club team and Jean, both as a team
member and as an individual, has been helping to
bring distinction to the Wyvern.
Her club gained first place in division four of the
Gloucestershire league last winter and thus
became eligible to enter for the Gorton Shield
which they won this last summer. Then on
September 14 Jean, as one of a ten-woman
Gloucestershire team who were competing in an
inter-county shoot, achieved the highest score of
the team.
Jean says her club would welcome new members,
so if anyone is interested will they please get in
touch with her. She has recruited one member
from Reconditioning-engineer Brian Hale ; and
she is in a position to make sure he practises
regularly since she married him last October (see
our weddings column) I
Rank Xerox CC Annual Outing
What a trip you missed, fellas!
Clem Chadd was driver, Malcolm Bagguley the
organiser-the trip just couldn’t fail.
Although it was raining cats and dogs in
Gloucester, as our mascot Bill Kibby put it, we
set off at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday, September 14,
having been assured it was OK where we were to
play. Many players did not turn up-we had
heard their type of excuses before!
We didn’t get to Lydbrook until some hours later
and still had 50 miles to go, but ‘Chaddy’ can
certainly drive (you ask that woman driving the
Corsair-she gave up the chase I).
We arrived at the Fwrrwm lshta (Welsh for
Wooden Seat) in Machen for lunch and a beer,
then the party moved on to Caerphilly to play
Senghenydd CC on the Morgan James Park
On the field of play Dennis Williams wore a
delightful mini-dress type sweater. Ron Caldicutt
worried about getting home late, Keith Smith was
embarrassed when he bowled a maiden over, and
Ewart Lougher went to sleep at fine leg.
Senghenydd were all out for 59 and by 6 p.m. we
had won the match by two wickets, mainly due to
John Treherne’s aggressive batting.
Anticipating a good evening, we all journeyed to
the local Greenfly Club which was jam-packed at
6.20 p.m. Malcolm Bagguley had his bottle filled
by his mum and amidst oceans of Welsh tears we
decided to go back to the Fwrrwm Ishta.
Here we had a magnificent magician show by
Phil Southwood which impressed the landlord ;
we also lost a ten-a-side darts match to the locals
whose friendliness was overwhelming. At closing
time we journeyed to the ‘Lahore’ in Newport
where we had late supper. We all wondered why
Deggi Kear observed a minute’s silence when
passing Newport Hospital-it transpired that his
wife was working there!
On our journey home from Newport John Pollard
narrated his version of The Alligator and the Nile
and John Gurney sang to the delight of all
Our sincere thanks go to the Sports & Social Club
for bearing the cost of the coach.
The writer would rather not mention his namehe’s
still smarting from the 3 a.m. inquest held by
his wife on the Monday morning!
Sportsman of the Season
Graham Weaver, line foreman in 3600 Assembly,
was named ‘sportsman of the season’ at the close
of the Monmouth Cricket Knockout competition.
Graham, who plays for Ruardean, totted up the
highest score, distinguishing himself both as
fielder and batsman.
The table tennis section enjoyed a successful
maiden year in the Forest League. Despite the
fact that they were beaten to league honours in
the last few weeks of the season, the club can be
justifiably proud of their position in third place.
They did, however, manage to obtain ‘silverware’
on three occasions: the league cup winners cup
with the following players participating-(1)
R. Cherry, A. Davis, R. Caldicutt, S. Jones, B.
Smith and R. Toomer ; (2) the intermediate
knockout cup which was won by Brian Smith;
(3) the handicap knockout cup won by Stewart
In the coming season the club intends to get to
the top of the league and would be glad to hear
from any player who thinks he could assist them
in achieving this ambition. This, of course, does
not preclude any other budding player from
participating in the activities planned for the
coming season, and potential members will find an
established player ready to give further details if
they care to drop in at the club house at lunchtime
any day of the week.
This UFO features
in the film the
Cine Club are
making. A childish
fantasy, it has
as its stars
the sons of Rank
Xerox personnel –
Brian Jordan as
Tarzan, Rowan
Berks as Tarzan’s
boy, Nigel (in the
UFO) and Paul
Kibble as
spacemen, and
Philip and Leslie
Evans and
Quenton Hawker
(nephew of
chairman Cyril
Jamieson) as the
three boys who
have the
R. Evans
League Champions
The ‘B’ team of the skittles section, captained by
Dennis Minton, won all 22 games they played in
the Forest of Dean league summer season, which
makes them league champions and earns them
promotion from the fourth to the third division.
The section is now running two teams in the
first division of the Ross league-the ‘A’ team
being captained by secretary Dennis Cook and the
‘B’ team by treasurer R. Cooke. Chairman of the
section is Don Parkinson.
For Sale
Venetian Blinds, all in four colours (red, yellow,
blue, white): three, 44 in. long, 48 in. wide;
two, 44 in. long, 731 wide; one each of
following-441 in. long, 25 in. wide; 44 in. long,
481 wide; 82 in. long, wide (for a door)
£12 the lot ono. Enquiries to: Mrs. E. Stembridge.
Supply Planning Dept. Tel : 153 int.
Half golf set comprising irons 3, 5, 7, 9 : woods
1, 3; putter, balls, tees, golf shoes size K, all in
mint condition. Purchase price £37, asking price
£20. Replies to: G. A. Cooke, c/o Rank Xerox
Ltd., Glos. Trading Estate. Tel : Glos. 68601, ext 31.
Machinery’s Handbook, ninth edition, 30s. Apply
to: Mr. N. Richmond, PED. Tel : 159 int.
Hockey stick, in good condition, 15s. Apply :
Mrs. E. Hanman, Machine Shop.
Three-bar Berry electric fire, log effect, £5. Reply
to: Mrs. F. L. Kettle. 3600 Assembly.
Zephyr car seat covers, red foam-backed, perfect
condition. Offers to : Mrs. Stephens, Cleaning
Baby’s high chair. Reply to: D. Cox. Tel. 437 int.
Doll’s pram to suit older child. Replies to: F.
Wakefield, drilling section, Machine Shop.
Bunk beds. Reply to: D. Norman, Design Office.
Tel. 532 int.
ACROSS: 1 – Alpha. 4 – Firkins. 8 – Termite.
9 – Voice. 10 – Style. 11 – Earmark. 13 – Nark.
15 – Nights. 17 – Impend. 20 – Pane.
22 – Artless. 24 – Mania. 26 – Tripe.
27 – Hinders. 28 – High tea. 29 – Omega.
DOWN: 1 – Artisan. 2 – Parry. 3 – Aliment.
4 – Feeler. 5 – Rover. 6 – Imitate. 7 – Sneak.
12 – Akin. 14 – Asps. 16 – Gutting.
18 – Memento. 19 – Dead Sea. 21 – Asthma.
22 – Aitch. 23 – Event. 25 – Niece.
Myra Earl
Helen Pearce
Ann Jones
Linda Pegley
Helen Taylor
Ouruen 1.5dindid
Gloria Harper
Christine Clayson
Susan Baldv.,ro BeIMIS011
No voting by ballot this year we’re just giving
you a picture parade of the 25 candidates for the
title of Miss Rank Xerox, Mitcheldean, for
1969/70. You can see them again in person when
they parade before the judges at the Annual Dance
being held in the Social Centre on Friday,
November 28. As before, a prize of £10 will go to
the winner, with second and third prizes of £5 and
£.2 10s. respectively. And no doubt the
Management will once again have a surprise
prize for the lucky girl who wears the crown !
Gillian Plle,ln_c.
Mary Brooke Grace Reece
C.lrnstinc ingrain
Sandra Palmer
Ann Parry
Marilyn Clarke
Jean Evans
SUSall Rudye
Lynne Meek
Susan Bower
Margaret Clement
Lynda Moseley
Putting YOUlin the picture
Miss Diana Handley (Punch Room, Data
Processing) to Geoffrey Voyce at Bristol on
August 12.
Brian Fisher (shop loader) to Miss Christine Marfell
at Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook. on August 16.
Miss Linda Davis (Cashier’s Office) to Philip
Bridges at St. Mary’s Church, Ross -on -Wye, on
September 27.
Also on September 27, Miss Jenny Foley (secretary
to Mr. M. R. Norman, Information Officer) to
Nicholas Townsend at St. John’s Church, Huntley.
Miss Joan Grind le (Purchase) to Graham Beaven
(EO section) at the Church of Holy Jesus,
Lydbrook, on October 1.
Miss Katrina Knight (Accounts) to Derek Parker
(Cost Office) at St. John’s Church, Cinderford, on
October 11.
Miss Jean Tims (secretary to Mr. R. Zimmermann,
Manager. Remodelling) to Brian Hale
(Reconditioning engineer) at Bream Methodist
Chapel, Bream, on October 18.
Miss Ann Flowers (Export Et Invoice typist, IDC
Gloucester) to Michael Brown (forklift truck
driver, IDC) at Lydney Register Office on
November 15.
Nigel Bayliss (Design engineer) to Miss Robina
Cooper at St. John’s Church, Cinderford, on
November 22.
New Arrivals
Mark Ian, a son for Mrs. Ellen Baldwin (formerly
Accounts), on August 10.
Jacqueline Elizabeth, a daughter for Mrs. Penny
Davies (formerly Accounts), on September 19.
Victoria, a daughter for Mrs. Pauline Shelton
(telex operator, IDC Gloucester), on September 20.
Catherine Jane, a daughter for Maurice Husband
(Design Engineering), on September 22.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. N. Townsend
J. Ingram M. Norman
Amanda, a daughter for Colin Lewis (Machine
Shop Inspection) and his wife Pam (formerly
914 Assembly), on September 30.
Neil, a son for Gilbert Phelps (Machine Shop).
on October 22.
Terry Bevan (Press Shop) to Miss Hilary Thomas
on August 9.
Norman Richmond
We regret to have to record the sudden death of
56-year-old Norman Richmond, section leader,
3600 Planning group, at Gloucester Royal
Hospital on October 20. The sum of £43 10s.
collected within the Engineering Department,
was donated to the Heart Foundation Appeal
Fund in his memory.
Help for Hospitals
The handsome sum of L255 net was raised in aid
of the Hydrotherapy Unit at Standish Hospital
when a fashion show and dance was held by the
medical staff in the Social Centre on September 13
Its success both social and financial was made
possible by the generous help given by Plant
personnel. Sister Collins, on behalf of the
organisers, wishes to thank in particular the
Variety Club for their donation of £25, singer
Ted Chetcuti who entertained free of charge, the
canteen staff who provided refreshments and
also donated £7, those who kindly donated gifts
for the draws, and all who gave assistance.
Nurse Norah Miles of the Medical Department was
invested with the Ord Ir of Serving Sister in the
Order of St John at a London investiture on
October 14 Mrs. Miles is superintendent of the
Ross-on-Wye nursing division of the St. John
Ambulance Brigade, and has served in that division
for nearly 16 years.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker
R. Evans Nurse Norah Miles
Printed in England by Taylor, Young (Printers) Ltd.

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